Part one: Pregnancy
1 |
Pregnancy is a whole-body condition
2 |
You create life
3 |
Baby brain is real
4 |
The rules of announcement
5 |
Opinions and advice: part 1
6 |
The great gender debate
7 |
The magic bump
8 |
You can’t eat things
9 |
Attacked from within
10 |
The full-time job of pregnancy
11 |
Naming your child
12 |
Don’t mess with the pregnant lady
13 |
You don’t have to love the baby yet
14 |
But you will (probably) like your baby, eventually
15 |
The horrible beautiful
16 |
It’s okay to be scared
17 |
Antenatal anxiety
18 |
Tired begins now
19 |
Oh, the plans
20 |
You’re not fat, you’re pregnant
21 |
22 |
The nursery
23 |
The party to end all parties
24 |
The only way is out
25 |
It’s worth it
26 |
Your pregnancy bucket list
Part two: Newborn days
27 |
Just like the movies
28 |
‘The easy way out’
29 |
Now what?
30 |
Where is the love?
31 |
Your vagina is having a day
32 |
Boob on
33 |
Boob off
34 |
The birth of a mother
35 |
What even is motherhood?
36 |
Move aside please
37 |
Hospital life for the win
38 |
Going home (or WTF?)
39 |
The bubble
40 |
The darkest days
41 |
Wake up sleepyhead
42 |
So this is what tired feels like
43 |
What doesn’t kill you …
44 |
… Makes you stronger
45 |
Baby, you are why I’m here
46 |
The stink of motherhood
47 |
Guilt and worry
48 |
You’ll probably injure your child
49 |
Are you a special kind of moron?
50 |
Opinions and advice: part 2
51 |
Your rig has been rejigged
52 |
The textbook baby
53 |
Goodbye to the old you
54 |
24 hours with a newborn
Part three: Babyhood
55 |
Mum friends
56 |
Parenting is like running
57 |
The milestones
58 |
Things take forever now
59 |
But slowing down is good
60 |
Being a successful woman might not make you a successful mum
61 |
The manual exists
62 |
Being a mum is easy
63 |
Men can parent too?
64 |
The mental load
65 |
Husband rage
66 |
Baby weirdness
67 |
Babies sleep, right?
68 |
Nap-time enemies
69 |
Night-time momster
70 |
The night shift
71 |
Kids’ activities are boring
72 |
The harshest critics
73 |
Maternity leave goals
74 |
Let’s get physical
75 |
Warning: bad for your health
76 |
The laws of motherhood
77 |
The world versus mothers
78 |
Opinions and advice: part 3
79 |
When your baby is sick
80 |
This sucks
Part four: The toddler years
81 |
Toddlers are the worst
82 |
Yes, even your kid
83 |
And toddlers are the best
84 |
Moving children suck
85 |
Pick up/put down
86 |
You carry it
87 |
Reality is boring
88 |
Silence is deadly
89 |
Nudie rudies
90 |
All things on the floor
91 |
Kids say the darnedest things
92 |
Words that hurt
93 |
You’re my bess fwend
94 |
Controlling toddlers
95 |
Sugar and spice
96 |
Slugs and snails
97 |
Seeing the world for the first time
98 |
They just wanna be excited
99 |
And so you should travel with them
100 |
These are things you say now
101 |
Kids’ books and TV
102 |
From baby to actual person
103 |
Actual insanity
104 |
The rage of motherhood
105 |
I yelled today
106 |
Cherish every moment
107 |
That don’t impress me much
108 |
The displeased toddler
109 |
Lord of the flies
110 |
Toilet-training delights
111 |
The favourite parent
112 |
The too-fun mum
113 |
The witching hour(s)
114 |
I see you
115 |
Food haters
116 |
Bath time is wet
117 |
Is anyone sleeping yet?
118 |
And they’re asleep
119 |
The grief of motherhood
120 |
Now you are a mum
Part five: Beyond