Baby weirdness

Every time your baby goes through a change, you’ll start Googling, looking up your baby books and asking all your mum friends, because you simply MUST find a reason for why your baby is being such a toad.

You can tear your hair out trying to find a reason for a sudden change in behaviour. Surely it can’t be normal for your baby to be awake every minute of the day/terrified of food/blatantly plotting to murder you?

But sometimes babies are just being weird.

The official diagnosis is Baby Weirdness.

Fever? No.

Teething? No.

Sick? No.

Wet nappy? No.

Hungry? No.

Hot or cold? No.

Well, clearly their huffy mood this week is just Baby Weirdness.

You don’t need to know all the answers. Sometimes there’s no real or tangible explanation for the whingeyness or the clinginess or the sudden predilection for violence.

Actually, there probably is but you’re never going to know because they can’t say things like, ‘You know what, Mum? I am positively enraged at everyone today because it’s way too sunny outside and the music you play is pathetic so stop looking at me or I’ll stick my foot down your throat until you CHOKE TO DEATH,’ or something like that.

Babies get pissed off. They get moody or grumpy or just a bit emo. Just like adults. Funny, that.