Raspberry, apple and almond crumble



245g (8½oz) self-raising flour

185g (6½oz) demerara sugar

60g (2oz) unsalted butter, cut into pieces

60g (2oz) margarine

60g (2oz) flaked or nibbed almonds

1 tsp almond essence

250g (9oz) raspberries

450g (1lb) peeled, cored and chopped cooking apple

Caster sugar, to taste

Custard or whipped vanilla cream (see box), to serve

PREHEAT THE OVEN TO 200°C (400°F), Gas Mark 6. Sift the flour into a large bowl and mix in the demerara sugar. Add the butter and margarine and mix with your fingertips to a fine crumb consistency. Add the almonds and almond essence and mix through.

MIX TOGETHER THE RASPBERRIES, apple and caster sugar and place in the base of a deep, 30cm (12in), ovenproof baking dish. Add the crumble topping and firm down a little. Bake in the oven for approximately 45 minutes until golden brown. Serve with custard or whipped vanilla cream.


This pudding is lovely served with vanilla-flavoured whipped cream. Simply add a little vanilla extract, or the seeds from a vanilla pod, to double or whipping cream and whip as normal.