PHIL LATTER PROVIDED THOUGHTFUL reading of the chapters at draft stage and reporting for a section of Chapter 6.

Phil Wharton, Steve Magness, Brian Fullem, Joe Rubio, Peter Larson, Jay Johnson, and Pete Magill freely shared their knowledge and time.

Jeff Dengate provided a thorough and insightful read at the layout stage.

Dave Kayser trusted me with his babies, otherwise known as the old shoes seen in Chapter 3.

Amby Burfoot and Frank Brooks gave helpful advice during difficult writing patches.

Robert Gomez (a 2:23 marathoner) and Julia Kirtland (the 1997 national marathon champion) were patient and willing models.

Eric Alexander and Steve Davis make music that revives flagging spirits.

Stacey Cramp worked her usual photographic magic and, when not holding a camera, gave above-and-beyond spousal support.