
Chapter 8

Intuition and the
Seventh Chakra

This chapter provides an explanation of the intuitive information flowing through the seventh chakra, also known as the crown chakra and Sahasrara. This energy center is located on the top of your head. It connects you with higher frequencies and dimensions of reality. Your consciousness enters your body through the seventh chakra. It has information on how to channel yourself or others, and links to source energy and your higher wisdom. Seniority with this chakra lets you channel yourself and access information that relates to your current reality. When it is unbalanced, you may operate from information that isn’t appropriate for you or that doesn’t make sense in present time, or you might impose your perspective inappropriately on others. Used correctly it channels your ability to know everything you need to know to fulfill your purpose, and to bring your energy into the body so that you can make the most of your Earth journey.

The spiritual abilities covered in this chapter are trance mediumship and knowingness (claircognizance).

Trance Mediumship

Trance mediumship is the ability to bring spiritual energy into the physical body. Everyone alive on Earth is a trance medium. You are spirit, you have a body, and you have the ability to bring your spiritual consciousness into your body. We are all spiritual beings and have created our bodies to experience physical reality. Spirit exists outside of time and space. You, the eternal being, can be anytime, anyplace, anywhere. Your body can only be in the moment. Trance mediumship helps you, the high-vibration entity, connect with your body right here, right now. If you wish to consciously guide your life, it helps to gain control of this ability. If you are not present in your body, you can’t possibly be in charge and your ego, pain, emotions, and intellect will dominate.

Trance mediumship can be used to channel you, divine source, or another entity. A challenge in gaining seniority with this ability is losing control of your own body. You could channel a trusted guide or be hijacked by a spirit against your will. In both cases, another being controls your body. While channeling and possession are extreme examples, we have all channeled someone else. If you have ever behaved out of character, perhaps like your Mum, Dad, or partner, you could have been channeling some of their energy through your body.

Conversely, if it is easy for you to get others to do and say what you want, you could be using trance mediumship to invade their space. This treasured gift is meant to give you access to your personal space so you can create through it. You are the god of your own universe and are capable of taking charge of it. If you want to consciously create a purpose-filled life, your trance mediumship can help you because it gives you access to physical reality through your body.

My First Experiences Channeling a Guide

Over twenty years ago, I took my first formal training as a healer with one of the United Kingdom’s leading energy healers. The course focused on sensing and working with the energy field and chakras, as well as with healing guides. It was amazing to experience energy in this way and be validated for my experiences. My spirit guide at the time was a deceased doctor. When we conducted a healing together, he stepped into my body and operated my arms and legs. He moved me into various stances and channeled healing energy through my arms and out my hands to assist the people we were working on. I loved every minute as it was my first significant experience of working with a healing guide.

A few years later, I joined a program for healers and psychics taught by Mary Ellen Flora. I couldn’t contain my excitement as I drove to my first session. I traveled with one of my guides sitting in my body chatting about the scenery all the way there. I thought the way I worked with guides was natural. Imagine my shock when we finally started learning about them. We were taught to be senior to guides, to talk to them using our intuition without allowing them to take over the body.

My teacher explained that the high energy of the guide could be harmful if the body wasn’t properly prepared. Since then I don’t work with guides who want to use my body. Instead, I channel my own higher consciousness and communicate with guides using my intuition. I know, hear, and communicate telepathically with my guides. Allowing them to use my body is not necessary. Instead, we have a conversation; although I do allow my current healing guides to connect with my energy in a respectful way on my invitation.

Nowadays, I use my trance mediumship when I am doing a reading. I arrange my chakras in a specific energy configuration to enter a trance state. This altered state of consciousness helps me tune out the physical world and tune in to the nonphysical world. My trance mediumship allows me to consciously make shifts in energy frequencies at my crown chakra so that I become aware of and deliver accurate and relevant information to the person I am talking to. It also helps me write, paint, and be creative.

Discovering Your Trance Mediumship

Every human is a trance medium. You are spirit and you have a body. Your trance mediumship helps you be present within the body and own your space. By taking charge of your trance mediumship, you channel yourself. Not being in charge of your trance mediumship can leave you vulnerable to other energies taking over, also known as possession. Occasionally, a person has a spiritual contract with a high-vibration being to deliver teachings by channeling it, an example being Lee Carroll and Kryon. It is also possible to channel higher aspects of your own being, as is the case with Esther Hicks and Abraham.

Being able to channel a light being and bring through teachings for humanity sounds amazing. It took Esther Hicks a year of focused meditation to begin to channel Abraham. I spent many years in a modern-day mystery school, where I cleared my energy so that I could consciously channel my higher self and modulate my energies and chakras at will. We all start somewhere. Below are some common experiences to help you identify when and how your trance mediumship has already been at play in your life.

If you feel disconnected from your body, or uncomfortable in your own skin, you likely don’t have seniority with your trance mediumship. If you don’t know why you say or do things, behave out of character, or seem to have multiple personalities, you may be channeling entities. If you have ever found yourself saying or doing something like someone else you know, you may be channeling them. If you are a different person when you consume drugs or alcohol, you may be leaving your body as a result of the altered state of consciousness and channeling another being. It is tempting to escape your pain, whether by sleeping, watching TV, or getting drunk. If your life feels out of control, the way to counteract this is to get into your body. If you are absent, you leave the body vulnerable to other energies and will find it difficult to get back on track and create the life you want.

Most people do not fully channel their consciousness through their body as they are meant to. Our culture isn’t set up to support this. Take, for example, a bored kid at school or an office worker at a tedious meeting. It can be tempting to drift off, but when this happens you disassociate from the body and physical reality. An awakened human is grounded and uses their trance mediumship to be present, awake, and aware.

A different challenge of trance mediumship relates to using it to control others. If it is easy for you to get others to do and say what you want, or if your presence in a room makes others feel unsafe, and go quiet, your trance mediumship may be out of control. You may be unconsciously influencing the reality of others and invading their space. Even if you haven’t done this, I am sure you have experienced situations like it and heard about it on the news. David Koresh17 and the siege in Waco, Texas, and Jim Jones,18 who incited a mass suicide in Jonestown, are both examples of out-of-control trance mediums.

I’ll never forget a lunch I attended where the speaker was a powerful world leader. It was at a biotechnology conference, but he talked about terrorism. Every time he said we are going to kill the terrorists, we all stood up and applauded. There were thousands of people present, less than half from his country. We entered a mass trance. Afterwards, people shook their heads and talked about how they didn’t even agree with the speaker. This is an extreme example that illustrates the power of trance mediumship. We are each responsible to take charge of our own energy. Below is a story about someone who did just that.

When Eddie Learned to Own His Space

Eddie was struggling to create the life he wanted. He didn’t have a job and felt powerless. Initially, he came to me for readings and clarity on why he had created these difficulties. Eddie wanted to take charge of his life so I taught him techniques to help him come more into his body and take control. As he focused on using his trance mediumship to own his body and his intuitive abilities, he became calmer and started to believe in himself again.

Eddie had to focus on releasing energy he had stored in his body from past experiences and other people. The more he cleared out this foreign energy, the more of his own energy he could hold and the more he became himself. His family, who came from a culture that believed in curses, had no ethics about using their trance mediumship to control him.

With the use of the techniques in this book, Eddie started to take charge and his life turned around. He found a job he liked, started a new relationship, and gained seniority with his life. As he came more and more into his body, we started to discover what a powerful healer and intuitive he was. One day in a second-hand bookstore, he found an old book that contained spiritual teachings he had known in a past life. His trance mediumship helped him bring the prior knowledge into his body. His knowingness helped him access deeper meaning in these teachings so he could adapt them for present-day use.


Knowingness, or claircognizance (meaning clear knowing), is the ability to simply be still and know yourself, your spiritual information, and information relevant to your everyday life. If you have ever experienced inexplicable certainty, then you have experienced this ability. I am sure you have heard stories of people who knew not to take a flight, and later discovered it had crashed or been diverted, or who knew to take a different route to work, only to discover there was an accident on their usual route. In these cases, the receiver of the information can’t explain logically how they knew; they just did.

Another common experience is to get a feeling about a new person who comes into your life. By all appearances, he looks like a nice guy, but you know not to get involved romantically; or a woman seems legitimate, but you know not to do business with her. Then later you discover he was married or she was a crook and so it was good you didn’t date him or do business with her. If you ever misplaced something then knew where it was, it could be your claircognizance that found it. In fact, it’s one of the most commonly recognized intuitive abilities. If you instantly receive clear and accurate information that you act on without analyzing it, or if you say things such as, “I’ll know it when I see it,” you are using this type of intuition.

Claircognizance refers to your ability to tune in to your divine wisdom. It allows you to enter a state of stillness where you can instantly know your spiritual information. When you use your knowingness, you clearly know without needing any supporting, external information, logic, or reason. You just know it without a shadow of a doubt. Your brain is more limited than your knowingness. It stores information just from your current lifetime like a computer. However, a broader repository of eternal wisdom can be accessed using your knowingness. It may help if you can perceive yourself as a stream of eternal consciousness. You might have had thousands of bodies and millennia of learning on Earth and in other realities. Everything you learned from them is available to you now through your knowingness. If you know things, when there’s no rhyme or reason for it, no logic, no information you can point to, you too are using your knowingness.

How I Learned to Trust My Knowing

I use my knowingness a lot when I am teaching. It helps me access my higher information instantly, answer questions without thinking, and know what is going on with students. It also kicks in when I am being lied to.

This caused me grief before I validated my intuition, especially at work. The biotechnology industry is volatile. Most companies operate on investors’ capital to develop their ideas. Most drugs don’t make it to market and the companies are constantly restructuring and reinventing themselves. This doesn’t allow for a secure work environment. Departments close, resources are reassigned, and people are let go. I went through three downsizings and seven mergers during my past career. If my position or department was under discussion, I could sense it. On the surface all was well, but simmering beneath was an evil plan. It makes for a very paranoid existence when outer reality doesn’t match what you know inside.

I believe most humans live in a double reality like this, where the projected truth and the underlying truth are different—whether it’s your friend telling you she likes your dress when she really thinks it is hideous, your boss wishing you a happy holiday while he squirms inside because he knows you will be laid off when you return, or a world leader making a declaration of war based on false evidence. Looking back on my career, had I been less fearful, I could have validated my knowing, let go of judgment, and accepted people and situations as they were. Then I might have been able to let go of resistance and plan ahead. I did meditate and it helped me cope, but the duplicity outraged me and at the time I felt powerless against it.

Discovering Your Sense of Knowing

You definitely have a sense of knowing. You are an infinite spirit and are very experienced and wise. The trick is how to access this wisdom, and one of the ways is through claircognizance. Let’s explore how this form of intuition may have already impacted your life.

If you were constantly asking questions in childhood and were your family’s little know-it-all, this is an early sign you were using your claircognizance. This may have been amusing and annoying to the adults around you, especially if you knew things they’d rather you didn’t. They might have redirected your focus, told you to be quiet, and shut you down. As a consequence, the adult version of you could have issues with authority and feel controlled by others. You might also feel invalidated and unworthy because when you let your light shine as a child, it wasn’t appreciated.

If you were lucky not to have been invalidated as a child, then your claircognizance could make you open-minded to new ideas. You could have faith in your higher self or a divine consciousness that directs your life. You might rely on your inner knowing more than your intellect, and relish a challenge because you always know your way out of it. Other signs that claircognizance is active in your life include knowing about something without knowing how, being able to easily discern when people are lying, and when you meet someone new, automatically knowing what kind of person they are.

Sometimes, when the crown chakra is going through a spiritual opening, it’s possible to go out of bounds with your knowing. You can know things that aren’t relevant to this time-space reality. David Icke is an example of a public figure who went through this type of experience. He was a sports presenter who had a spiritual opening and was indiscriminate about the information he shared. He became a conspiracy theorist, and said the British Royal Family were shape shifting lizards, and the moon was a mind control device. He was called crazy and ridiculed for many years as a result.

This is usually what happens when people get a Messiah complex. They start to access the vast field of knowledge and believe they must be special, their truth applies to everyone, and it is imperative they spread the word. We are all special and everyone can access all knowledge they need to guide their life journey through their own knowingness. Each of us has a unique perspective. No single one of us has all the answers, although our perspectives might overlap. This is why David Icke’s information makes sense to some people, but not to others.

When you become aware of how much you know, it can be difficult to stand back and let others figure things out on their own. If decision making is easy for you, meaning you always know what to do, you might find it frustrating when others dither. Or you may feel they should take you at your word and follow your direction. A superiority complex is just the ego hijacking the show. Each human is unique and has a unique perspective. No two individuals travel the same path. This means that your perspective and stage of growth is just as valid as another’s. When we accept ourselves and others as we are, we allow everyone the space to keep growing.

Nellie Mastered Knowing By Not Competing

Nellie is very focused on her spiritual growth and used to be part of a psychic development circle. Yet when she came to me she was feeling blocked and felt that the others in her group were progressing faster than she was. Most were able to see spiritual phenomena using their clairvoyance, and some of them could feel things through their clairsentience. Nellie’s most prevalent ability was knowingness, but she was having trouble acting on or speaking what she knew. She invalidated her information because she compared herself to her teacher and others in the group who were seeing and feeling their information. Nellie gave her power away in favor of the information that others received as well as believing that the way they got their intuitive information was better. She believed her insights were wrong because her experience was different from theirs.

I helped Nellie by teaching her to meditate. As she turned within, released foreign energy, and focused on her information, she could easily recognize and validate her higher wisdom. We also did work to help clear past experiences where others had not listened to her or had invalidated her information. The more she cleared the past, the more she owned her information in the present and was less concerned with being different.


17. Wikipedia contributors. David Koresh. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed April 30, 2019.

18. Wikipedia contributors. Jim Jones. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed April 30, 2019.