Intuition and the
Third Chakra
This chapter covers the intuition of the third chakra, also known as the solar plexus, or Manipura. This center connects you with your physical and astral bodies. It helps you distribute your energy where it’s needed to support your desired life direction, whether you are pursuing a physical or nonphysical adventure or creation. As it is part of the Earth game to exercise free will, you must choose what to focus your energy on. Everyone has their own life force energy, to use as they wish in creating their life in this reality. Your third chakra distributes this energy in your physical and astral bodies. While you are infinite, you can only bring a finite amount of your energy into your physical body as the body is limited by time and space.
Intuitive abilities covered in this chapter are Energy Distribution, Out-of-Body Experience, and Out-of-Body Memory.
Energy Distribution
Your third chakra modulates the distribution of your life force energy so you can accomplish your purpose. What you use your energy for is always changing. During the day, you may need it to exercise in the morning, work in the afternoon, and socialize in the evening. Over a lifetime, you may need it to grow your infant body into an adult, have a child of your own, study at university, build a house, or negotiate a business deal. If you look back over your day, last year, or your entire life, you will see how your energy was focused in different ways at different times.
True power is really about you owning, balancing, and channeling your energy to consciously create your life. Unfortunately, many individuals misuse their energy to exert authority over others, believing they must compete to be successful or that there is always a hierarchy, whether at home, work, or play, so there is only room for one top dog.
You own your power when you live your life authentically. This requires enough self-knowledge to choose what you believe over what others say and to support yourself, regardless of others projections that would have you behave differently. You know what you want and ask for it. You know you deserve to be treated respectfully and have boundaries. When others behave badly, you are unaffected and can detach or walk away. By consciously remaining in your body and controlling your energy, you become more effective. You can turn your energy up or down; even direct it to your intuitive senses so you can determine where it needs to flow next.
My Energy Distribution Path
When I look back over my life, I am amazed at what I have accomplished. I have used my energy to gain a PhD, work as a scientist, and be a business developer. I used it to explore the world and adapt to living in different cultures. Then I switched focus to develop my intuition and heal myself. Now I use it to write spiritual books, teach intuition, and run a radio show.
In any given day, I am switching energy from one hour to the next. For example, today I am giving readings, healings, and mentoring students. I am teaching classes, writing and editing this book, preparing for an art show for my spiritual art, and preparing for my radio show tomorrow. I have discovered the key to being efficient and effective with my energy is to remain in the present moment, and to ensure I keep my energy field clear. That way, I can focus my energy through my body, like light flowing through a lens.
Your Energy Distribution
Let’s take a look at how you use your energy and where you have it tied up. If you feel in alignment and use your energy to stay on track and fulfill your purpose, then you are using your energy wisely. You are focusing your life force energy units as was intended, to create your own reality, from free will in your unique way. There is no one else like you, and when you bring your unique vibration into the world, the heart of humanity rejoices because we get to experience the gift of you.
However, if you are a victim, intimidated by emotional assaults and dwelling on past hurts; afraid to stand up for your beliefs; don’t trust yourself to make good decisions; uncertain about your wants; or feel manipulated, used, and ignored, then you do not own your power nor are you using your energy for your unique purpose. Instead, you are letting yourself be waylaid by invalidation, expectations, and limiting beliefs.
If you feel like a child being talked down to and told what to do; if you complain, but don’t change anything; if you’re a bully, imposing your will on others; or if you try to force change by competing with family, friends, or colleagues, then you are still tying up your energy inappropriately. It doesn’t pay to keep everyone else happy at your own expense. If you are ignoring issues you care about because you don’t think you can change them, or doing what others want to avoid rocking the boat, think again. This is not a recipe for empowerment or a purpose-filled life.
Nicky Reclaims Her Power
Nicky grew up in an abusive household. Her father was domineering, and the family was caught in the belief they must control or be controlled. She grew up with relatives who put spells on her and even attempted to possess her with their own energies so they could control what she did.
Given her background, it wasn’t surprising that she doubted herself and gave her power to others. Nicky left home as soon as possible, but gravitated to abusive men like her father and created a series of failed relationships. She even joined a cult and could not tell her truth from theirs. Nicky was unable to make her own decisions. Only the priest could talk to God, and he held this power over her to make her obey.
I worked with Nicky extensively to help her clear the past experiences that kept her trapped in pain and powerlessness. She began to shift her victim mentality and take back her power. Her healing journey was not always easy, but over time, she got to know herself better. She can now discern her intuition from the desires of others, has reclaimed her power, and followed her knowing to create a new job and home.
Nicky is one of my most dedicated students. I have no doubt that she will continue to turn her life around and create the loving family and successful business her heart is set on.
Out-of-Body Experience (OOBE)
The third chakra governs out-of-body experience and out-of-body memory. You exist on multiple planes of reality and create bodies of different vibrations to experience them. While you may be most familiar with your physical body, it isn’t your only one. You also have an astral body and light body, and exist as pure consciousness not in a body at all. You can have experiences in all your other bodies and in no body at all. The “you” associated with your physical body can become aware of other aspects of you in other realities.
The OOBE most people are familiar with is dreams, and this is what we will mostly focus on for the purposes of this book. There are two types of dreams. Those that are jumbled up thoughts or play back the day’s activities are your body’s way of processing its experiences. Dreams that have a timeline or definite storyline; dreams where time is fluid and you visit the past or future; or dreams where space is fluid and you go to other cities or countries are examples of astral travel and being on the astral plane.
The astral plane is an aspect of reality closely associated with Earth. It offers additional opportunities for you to expand your consciousness. When you sleep, your consciousness leaves your body and travels to other planes of existence. The astral plane is not bound by the same rules as physical reality. You can travel to the past, present, and future. You can be anywhere in an instant. A thought can immediately transport the astral body to any time, place, or psychological space you conceive. When you are in your astral body, you can fly, walk on water and move through physical matter.
The astral body is a vehicle you use in astral plane reality. It is less dense and of a higher vibration than the physical body. It offers more flexibility and greater creativity. It also provides more liberties when interacting with others and fewer limits. Astral travel is a form of out-of-body experience. Just as your physical body helps you focus on physical reality. Your astral body helps you focus on the astral plane.
Signs you are astral traveling include waking up in your dreams and consciously controlling your dreamscape; having lucid dreams; and having dreams of flying, being under the sea, or walking through walls. As you develop spiritually, you can learn to consciously astral travel, operate both your physical and astral body at the same time, and keep track of your astral body experiences through your sixth chakra.
My Dream Journal
My initial foray into the intuitive realm was through my dreams and I kept a dream diary for many years. In fact, I trained myself to record my dreams on a Dictaphone that I kept under my pillow. I slept with my finger on the record switch and as soon as I entered a REM cycle I automatically pressed record. The results were amazing. Some nights I recorded as many as five dreams. I only had a conscious memory of the last one, but there was my voice dictating my dream experience.
My nightly adventures intrigued me, as my dream reality behaved in opposition to the laws of physical reality I had been taught. I had premonitions of my personal life and world events, I met people I didn’t yet know, and I experienced past-life scenarios where I recognized my friends even though they had different bodies. I allowed myself to be guided by my dreams and this is actually how I ended up living in Canada.
My fascination with dreams caused me to seek out those with a common interest. I trained in dream analysis, dream re-entry, and astral travel. My new friends introduced me to a school in the United Kingdom where I trained in healing and clairvoyance. In one lucid dream, I climbed a mountain and was instructed by a guide to jump without a parachute into the ocean. When I came for a job interview in British Columbia, I recognized Grouse Mountain and English Bay in Vancouver as the dream’s location. I felt certain I was meant to go there.
I recall another experience, when I was on a business trip and very jet lagged. I had been reading Seth Dreams and Projections of Consciousness, channeled by Jane Roberts.27 Seth had provided instruction, not only on how to become lucid in a dream, but also how to clear projections. The simple technique was to know you were in a dream and say, “Wake up now.” As soon as I did this, the dream scenery completely disappeared and I was floating close to the ceiling in a completely disembodied state. I could move around using my will alone. When I wished to return to my body I did, buzzing and vibrating as I entered it.
By the time I moved to Canada, I was already committed to my spiritual growth. Alone in my new country, I searched for like-minded people. I found an organization that offered advanced training in healing and intuition. As a result, my personal growth and spiritual evolvement accelerated. I now know how to use my astral body without entering the dream state.
Your Out-of-Body Experiences
If you are like most people, you dream and can remember your dreams. Even if you are one of the rare ones who claim they do not dream, here are some further clues that might help you identify your own out-of-body experiences. Flying dreams are a sign that you are astral traveling. Feeling like you are sinking, falling, or floating as you fall asleep are signs you are about to leave the body. Humming, buzzing, or clicking sounds as you wake up are signs of coming back into the physical body.
Some other common experiences include waking up and feeling conscious but being unable to move, or suddenly waking up with a jolt after an unusual dream. Other astral travel indicators include false awakenings, where you get up and go about your business, only to discover you were still asleep, and lucid dreams, where you wake up within a dream and are able to consciously observe what takes place, or even control what happens next. Sometimes, people are able to see a shining iridescent cord that attaches the physical body to the astral body when they are in this state.
If you ever dreamed you were wandering around your house just as it is in reality, except you were asleep, you have had a personal example of an out-of-body experience in the dream state. It is also possible to have out-of-body experiences while you are awake. Examples of this include feeling like your consciousness is not inside your body; waking visions that replace one reality with another; someone reporting seeing you somewhere, when you were actually somewhere else; feeling you’re beside yourself or separated in two; or floating above your body when asleep or during an operation.
Shahiroz and the Crystal Skull
In 2012, my friend Shahiroz Walji ran a metaphysical store. At one time, Joshua Shapiro, author of Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers,28 presented a workshop on crystal skulls. These artifacts were discovered in Mayan ruins and are said to be ancient energy transponders and storage devices. Joshua lent an original crystal skull to Shahiroz, who slept with it on her bedside table that night. She went to sleep and had one of the strangest experiences in her life.
She woke up, got up, and did her usual morning routine. Everything seemed real. Then she became aware it wasn’t real and she was still asleep. This was evident when she suddenly noticed everything was glowing green. It looked like green laser lights flashing in all directions. She followed where they were coming from and it was from the crystal skull. At this moment, she realized she must still be asleep.
The next thing she knew, she rolled over in bed, yawned and got up. She had another shower, brushed her teeth, got dressed, and ate breakfast. Then realized she was still dreaming. She knew because the green glow was there again and she followed it back to the crystal skull once again. She lazed in bed a bit longer and then finally got up. Except she didn’t! She was caught in her own crazy version of Groundhog Day. The cycle repeated many times, until eventually things were back to normal and the day continued as usual. Or as she says, did it? Perhaps she is still in the dream. Even normal crystals are powerful energy amplifiers. Because of her experience, for Shahiroz, the crystal skulls are off the charts!
Malcolm’s Dream Comes True
Malcolm frequently has dreams with messages for his life. He also meets spirit guides and deceased loved ones in his nighttime adventures. He consulted me as he wanted assistance in understanding his experiences. I felt very qualified to help. As explained previously I trained in dream analysis and originally accessed my intuition through dreams before I learned how to do it consciously. Malcolm had such a high affinity for his dreams; his greatest wish was to be a dream interpreter. As he had great dream recall, we decided to work on developing his clairvoyance and knowingness so that he could more easily interpret both his dream symbols and those of others. His Intuition Blueprint had revealed a strong focus on intuitive seeing and knowing this lifetime, as well as trance mediumship (ability to come in and out of the body). He learned how to consciously see and know intuitively so he could know himself better, interpret his dreams to guide his life, and assist others to access their dream guidance.
Out-of-Body Memory
We do not recall all of our dreams or other out-of-body experiences. This is because they are taking place outside of time and space and in other realities. It would be impossible to fit these infinite experiences into a finite physical body. We use our out-of-body memory, located in the third chakra, to bring in relevant and useful information and to filter out experiences that are irrelevant to our waking consciousness.
Apart from dreams, the other form of out-of-body memory most people know about is a near death experience. There are lots of stories from people who experienced being outside of their physical body at a time of stress or trauma. Often they return with purpose and information to apply to their lives. Many of these accounts involve traveling down a tunnel to reach a bright light at the end. Scientists believe this is induced by changes in brain chemistry. I believe consciousness is moving through the dimensions of reality.
Memories from the Beyond
Stories of OOBE are quite commonplace, but in case you aren’t familiar with any, here are some examples. A client of mine passed out at work. Her consciousness instantly shot into outer space. She experienced the wonder of the entire universe and knew she was an integral part of it. Another client left his body when he was in a car accident. He traveled into the light and was given the choice to return and complete a new cycle of growth in the same body.
My father hovered above the operating table as the disembodied neutral observer of his surgery. He could see and hear the medical staff as they went about their business. While recovering, he overheard the medical staff at the foot of his hospital bed say, “We nearly lost that one, didn’t we?” They were shocked when he recounted what he had heard. A shaman friend uses out-of-body experiences for all his psychic readings and healings. He leaves the body, retrieves the information, and then brings back information to convey to his clients. Shamans have used this method since ancient times, in cultures all over the world.
Many people create a physical body and then ignore it or spend their life trying to find ways to get out of it. Sometimes a desire for astral travel can be a yearning to escape the pain of physical life. If you want to explore OOBEs, ask yourself why. I believe we are very lucky to live at a time of mass awakening, where we are being invited to access our gifts through the body in the waking state. There is no need to run away; you create your reality both inside and outside the body. If you have created something you do not like, you can heal it. In Part Three, you will learn meditation techniques that will help you do just that.
Your Out-of-Body Memory
If you don’t remember your dreams, you may have an imbalance in the third chakra. Or your life is so busy and full that you do not currently have the bandwidth to bring your astral experiences into the body. If you would like to remember your dreams, then it can be a good idea to clean out the third chakra using the techniques presented in Part Three. Also, change your bedtime routine. If you can meditate and have quiet time before you go to bed, you will give your body time to calm down. Then before you fall asleep, set the intention that you will remember your dreams.
If you wake up feeling terrified or disturbed, it can be because you have brought a dream experience into the body that is irrelevant or inappropriate to this reality. The astral plane doesn’t have ethics, like physical reality does. Nightmares can make sense from an inner psychological perspective, but they scare the body. If you are having experiences like this, learn to clean out the third chakra when you wake up, so that you do not carry the disturbance into your waking reality. Also, set the intention before you sleep that you will only bring back to the body that which needs to be integrated, and you will only recall what you need to know about to enhance your physical reality experience.
Tiana’s Amazing Dream
While taking my Unlock Your Intuition psychic development course, a student had a wonderfully validating experience, which confirmed that her psychic abilities were unfolding. Tiana, who is a nurse, had a dream about a patient passing away. At the time of the person’s passing, Tiana was at home asleep. In her dream, she was asleep, when another bed appeared at the bottom of hers. Suddenly, the person in the second bed sat bolt upright and tried to climb out of it. While unable to see the face, she immediately knew who the person was. She tried to assist them back to bed and notified the doctor. The setting then changed to a hospital room where a large cardiac monitor showed a heart rate and rhythm. Just as suddenly as the monitor appeared, the heart rate dropped and started to skip beats, then very quickly stopped altogether and went blank. Tiana called the doctor again who assessed the patient and pronounced her deceased. Coming out of the hospital room and back to the nurses’ station, the clock behind the station indicated 1:05 p.m.
When Tiana arrived at work that night for her next shift, she found out the patient had passed away, and the doctor’s notes stated she had been called to the patient for a dropping heart rate. It was a very quick turn of events and the situation was all over by 1:05 p.m., just as the dream portrayed. When Tiana recounted the story to me, she said she had felt that the person sitting up and climbing out of bed in the dream was the patient’s spirit leaving the body. I believe a portion of Tiana’s consciousness was in the room as the event transpired. Her story is a great example of out-of-body experience while in the dream state.