
Chapter 17

Meditations to
Take Charge

You cannot master your life purpose, chakras, and intuition unless you are sitting in the driver’s seat of your life. Your driver’s seat provides the best perspective on what is going on around you. It places you at the controls of your vehicle (body) and gives you access to the console containing your guidance system (intuitive faculties). This chapter provides guidance on how to consciously center your higher consciousness within your physical body so you can steer the ship of your life.

You may think you are steering your life, but it is quite possible that you are not. Many humans are actually governed by the body’s animal nature, or by other people’s influences. The emotions, intellect, sex drive, and ego are powerful aspects of the physical body that can dominate your perception of reality. If you have strong emotional reactions to people and situations, where you are pulled in and swept away by them, or if the people around you are emotional and you trigger each other until the situation spirals out of control, then you are governed by your emotions.

When the going gets tough, you find yourself reaching for the candy, lighting a cigarette, grabbing a bottle from the liquor cabinet; opening your little black book and speed dialing your lover; pulling that copy of Fifty Shades of Grey from the shelf and escaping for a while; or all of the above. Then you may not be as in charge of your reality as you think you are.

If your mind can’t stop thinking and you constantly worry about the future or obsess about the past; if you analyze everything, go round in circles weighing up pros and cons, until you are overwhelmed and still unable to decide, then you have a tendency to get caught in your intellect. The thinking brain is powerful but can run away with itself if spirit doesn’t take charge. We are trained to be analytical. While the intellect is the highest capability of the body, it can block your intuitive abilities.

These examples show how we can allow the appetites of the body to take charge. The intellect, emotions, and sexuality are body energies. They can be so strong that we become completely absorbed by them. They can also be ways of abandoning the body and leaving it to fend for itself. It is like turning on the auto-pilot while you sleep at the wheel. You are spirit. Your body is your vehicle. While it is very capable, it isn’t meant to run the show alone. The body’s needs are important, but if no one is directing the show, it can be a farce when you wanted an opera.

Centering Technique

You, the spiritual being, have a very high vibration. Your body, which is made of dense matter, has a much lower vibration. Grounding makes it easier for you to occupy the body. Centering shows you where to seat your consciousness within your body. Playing with your big toe can be fun, but it might not be the most effective seat for playing master of your universe. A useful analogy to explain centering is to compare your life to an airport. Experiences come and go like airplanes and travelers. Some are in the distance, others are taxiing to the terminal, some are circling overhead. If you could be the air traffic controller, you could calmly direct them all from a neutral perspective to ensure safe landings and takeoffs. There is a seat for the soul within your body that allows you to do exactly that, and it is called the center of your head.

You are spirit. You are not your physical body. Your body is a vehicle for you, the spiritual consciousness. Yet as we have seen, the body has a mind of its own and unless you are in charge it will run the show. The secret to taking charge of it is by applying an ancient practice used by spiritual masters through the ages. It is the answer to maintaining a spiritual perspective while living in a physical body.

There is a small gland shaped like a pine cone in the center of your head. It is about the size of a pea and sits in between the two hemispheres of the brain at the top of the brain stem. It is located in a groove where the two halves of the thalamus join. This is the location of one of the seats of the soul within the human being. It was known about in ancient mystery schools.

In fact, the pine cone is a common motif in temple architecture from ancient Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, and India. The ancient Egyptian symbol, the eye of Horus, is said to be a diagram of the pineal gland and thalamus. In ancient Taoist philosophy and Celtic myth, this same structure is called the Crystal Palace. In modern times, we call it the third eye. While some ancient cultures used to drill a hole in the skull as an activation ritual for the third eye, a preferable practice is to do it through focus, intention, and meditation.

Centering Meditation

Centering34 allows your consciousness to take charge. It puts you in a place where you are above the emotions, and set apart from your intellect and worries. It also focuses you in present time as it seats you within your body. Being centered launches you on your journey to consciously activate your intuitive abilities as it ensures you can deal with the incoming information about yourself and others from a neutral, nonjudgmental perspective. The center of your head is where you can reside in the physical body. It is one of the seats of the soul taught in ancient mystery teachings. The center of your head technique helps you be neutral and in charge of your life.

• Sit comfortably with your feet on the ground, a straight back, and your hands in your lap.

• Take a deep breath in and out, and continue a slow steady breath throughout your meditation.

• Ensure you take the time you need to get grounded (see previous chapter).

• Focus your awareness above the top of your head.

• Enter your body through the top of your head.

• Settle in the center of your head.

• Place your awareness here and relax.

• Experience this place.

• Take your time to get familiar with it.

• Move above your head and experience this.

• Move back to the center of your head, and notice the difference.

• Experience what being in the center of your head is like.

• Is it busy or calm; is it empty, clear, or fuzzy?

• Think of a word or phrase to describe it.

• Allow yourself to become aware of your consciousness.

• You might even see it as a bright spark of light.

• Take a deep breath, open your eyes.

If you had difficulty finding the center of your head, take your two index fingers. Place one in the center of your forehead, and the other above and behind one of your ears. Imagine a line of light emanating from each fingertip. The center of your head is where they intersect.

Practice centering every day, especially while doing the exercises in this book. Centering stimulates your sixth chakra and its intuitive abilities. By activating your sixth chakra, you develop your neutrality. When you start to see yourself clearly, you can accept whatever you have created without judging it. If you use your abilities to read others, you will be able to do the same for them. Centering can assist you to be neutral about your spiritual growth, intuition development, and other life challenges, such as physical pain, emotional turmoil, mental anguish, self-limiting beliefs, other people’s information, foreign energy, judgments, expectations, and unhelpful life circumstances.

Meditation to Increase Clarity

In this meditation, you are going to increase your clarity by healing your pineal gland. This should make it easier for you to access your clairvoyance.

• Sit comfortably with your feet on the ground, a straight back, and your hands in your lap.

• Take a deep breath in and out, and continue a slow steady breath throughout your meditation.

• Take time to get grounded and centered (see the previous chapter).

• Relax and experience being in the center of your head.

• Notice what the center of your head feels like right now.

• Does it feel clear or cloudy; heavy or light, for example.

• You will now give the center of your head a healing.

• Release any unwanted energy from the center of your head down your grounding cord.

• Let your mind fog drop away.

• Release other people’s energy.

• Let go of pain, stress, or tension.

• Remove any other distractions or disturbances.

• Remove calcification from your pineal gland by sending it down your grounding cord.

• Sit in the center of your head and enjoy being the God of your own universe.

• Notice if you now have a greater sense of clarity.

Reading Energy Meditation

In this exercise, you will use your clairvoyance to sense your grounding cord and give yourself an intuitive reading about your energy, so that you can begin to validate your ability to operate consciously as spirit.

• Sit comfortably with your feet on the ground, a straight back, and your hands in your lap.

• Take a deep breath in and out, and continue a slow steady breath throughout your meditation.

• Take time to get grounded and centered (see previous chapter).

• Relax and experience being grounded and in the center of your head.

• From the center of your head, observe your grounding cord.

• Notice what it looks like.

• What color is it?

• Is the energy clear or dark?

• Is it a weak or strong flow?

• Are you aware of what you are releasing?

• Increase the flow of energy down your grounding cord.

• Do this with your intention.

• Continue until you are as grounded as you can be right here, right now.

• Release unwanted energy down your grounding cord.

• Observe your grounding cord to see if it changes as you release energy.

• Observe how it is changing.

• What color is it now?

• Is the energy clearer?

• Is it a stronger flow?

• What are you releasing now?

Centering and Science

Scientists have found structures like those present in the eyes inside the pineal gland. It has a lens, cornea, retina, and light-sensitive internal structures similar to the rods and cones in the eyes. It also produces melatonin and Di-methyl-tryptamine (DMT). Rick Strassman, author of the Spirit Molecule, believes this chemical plays a role in inducing mystical states of consciousness and is postulated to be produced at birth, death, during meditation, transcendent. and psychic experiences.35

The pineal gland also produces melatonin in the absence of light and during sleep. This hormone regulates skin color and body temperature, governs circadian rhythms, eliminates free radicals, and is involved in cell repair. When you meditate, your brainwaves shift. According to Strassman, the pineal vibrates at these altered brain frequencies triggering DMT release. The pineal glands of many people are calcified and do not function correctly. Avoiding fluoride, mercury, and processed foods and drinking filtered water can help prevent this.

Centering and Intuition

Centering puts you in charge of your reality. When you center, you sit in the driver’s seat of your life. You are above the emotional rollercoaster, disentangled from your monkey mind, and apart from the limits of your intellect. You can sit in the eye of the storm rather than be tossed on the tumultuous seas of life.

Centering focuses you in present time because it seats you in the body. It bestows acceptance and neutrality, which are invaluable qualities in your self-exploration. If you want to assist others through readings and healings, centering helps you view their reality without judging or having preconceived ideas about who they are or what they ought to do.

Centering stimulates your pineal gland, one of the seats of the soul in the physical body. The pineal gland is the narrow gate used to enter the kingdom of heaven that Jesus spoke of. It is the crystal palace of druid and Celtic folklore and the third eye of the ancient mysteries. By centering your consciousness in this pea-sized gland, you get access to the glorious gifts of spirit.

Centering places your consciousness at a window where you can view your reality from the perspective of spirit. It places you at a crucial interface with your brain and physical body. You can direct your life from here. You can bring spiritual information to guide your temporal self and creations. Once activated, the pineal gland allows you to view the spirit realm. You activate it by centering and bringing your light to it. Once it is activated you can see auras, chakras, thought forms, energy beings, memories, symbols, and much more.


34. Technique first learned from Flora, Mary Ellen. Meditation.

35. Strassman, Rick. DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences. Paris: Park Street Press, 2000.