Meditations to
Create Reality
Most people create by default. With intuition, you can create on purpose because it confers self-awareness. You can become aware of what you created and why. You can see how you created the reality you are in now. Then you can construct and deconstruct your life by sculpting what you want from the clay of what you don’t. This chapter provides a perspective on how you may be creating your life unconsciously and how to do it consciously. We create our reality through our energy. If your energy field contains unhealed emotional constructs and thought forms, you will create your reality through them, until you remove them.
We have emotional patterns we get stuck in. Here are some examples:
• When my husband shouts, I freeze like I did when my dad scolded me as a child.
• If I don’t get my way I sulk or have a tantrum like a toddler to get people to do what I want.
• Even though I am attracted to you, I snub you as I am afraid of my sexuality.
• When I want something from you I am delightful until I get it. Then I drop you like a hot potato.
• When you’re getting attention I feel jealous and try to turn the attention on me.
Your emotions are energy impulses that radiate from you like a beacon in a lighthouse. They are vibrations that give the universe information about you. The universe responds by sending experiences that resonate with your signals. If you have ever asked why you keep creating the same experiences over and over again, or why you always attract the same kind of relationships, it is because of these signals. You are not a deliberate creator. You are an unconscious creator. You invite these experiences by being a vibrational match to them, and you will perpetuate them until you discharge your emotional patterns and change your vibration.
Not only do emotions broadcast your requests for the reality you create, but your thoughts do too. If you believe your daydreams are figments of imagination that never amount to much, think again. They are not puffs of smoke that dissolve when you focus on something else. If you reckon your private thoughts are innocent meanderings that can do no harm, like clouds floating on the ether, forgotten forever so long as you don’t enact them, think again. Thoughts have energy and power. They are like rockets with a trajectory and momentum. Your thoughts send ripples through the fabric of the universe like a signal from a radio tower.
Whether you spend your days thinking about seeking vengeance, sex, peace, or love, you signal your interest in these things to the rest of the universe. The universe wants to match you up with what you are most interested in, so you will create more of what you think about. This can lead to creations you do not want, not only in life but also in other existences. Your intuition helps you observe your thoughts and change them. Then you can be a conscious thinker of deliberate thoughts to guide your life in a direction you prefer.
By focusing on body-spirit communication, you can attain emotional balance and a calm mind. Then you are no longer confined to behavior patterns created in your childhood. You can let go of the old life and masterfully bring in the new, improved version.
Creating and Destroying Technique
Energy is never destroyed but it is constantly moving and changing form. Because energy follows your thoughts, desires, and intentions, you can learn to consciously transform the energy within you and release it from your space. Being a master creator is the same as being a master destroyer. A lot of people get excited about manifestation and creating new things but have a problem letting go. If you don’t let go of your old creations from your energy field, there may not be space for the new ones. While you are infinite, your body and your life are not; they are finite containers of experience.
Shopping for clothes is a great analogy to help explain this. If you buy new clothes every season and put them in your closet, you will eventually run out of space. You won’t be able to see what you have, let alone create a matching outfit. But if you regularly sort through your closet and discard what you no longer wear, you have plenty of room for new items and can play with matching your outfits.
Creating and destroying is a spiritual principle that involves cleaning out your metaphorical closet. It is about giving yourself a spring clean by clearing old beliefs, thought patterns, and stuck emotions to make way for new ones. This frees up energy for new creations, like recycling your old clothes by donating them to charity. Your external environment is a reflection of your inner environment. If your closet is so stuffed full you can’t see what you have, your life will reflect that state of being.
To flow easily through your life and create everything you want, it is helpful to have space for new creations. You can do this by letting go of old creations. Otherwise, you will feel stuck and your creative flow will be clogged. Later in this chapter, you will learn a technique for releasing what you no longer want in your life to make way for what you do. First, let’s take stock of what you have created so far and how satisfied you are with it.
Rank the following eight areas of your life from 1 to 10, where 1 is a low satisfaction level and 10 is a high satisfaction level. Do it quickly and intuitively, don’t think about it; your thoughts are not your intuition. Be honest; no one else will see this.
• Career, Work, Business
• Abundance, Finance, Money
• Health and Wellness
• Family and Friends
• Love and Romance
• Personal Growth
• Physical Environment
• Fun and Recreation
Once you have done this, pause, take some deep breaths, and get grounded and centered. Reflect on which areas are most and least fulfilled, and validate your ability to manifest in each one. You have created content and experiences in all of them.
Next, focus on each area and feel into its vibration. Ask if your intuition is guiding you to create change or let go. Use the neutrality of the center of your head technique (see the Centering Meditation in Chapter 17) to give you clarity. Use the healing power of the grounding technique (see Chapter 16) to release resistance to receiving your answers.
Once complete, congratulate yourself on being able to learn from life. Celebrate your ability to use intuition to be self-aware. You experienced your intuition if you came up with numbers instantly without making excuses or justifications; if you felt the vibration of each area and knew, saw, or heard your information about it; or if you received guidance about the changes you wish to create.
Validate how wise you are. You are a spark of divinity. Your information is in reach, can reveal your purpose, and lead you on your true path. Acting on your intuition is the best way to ensure you easily fulfill your destiny. In your notebook, make a list of your creations in each area. Place a note beside each item as to whether you still want this creation. Then make another list for what new creations you want to make.
Creating and Destroying Meditation
This meditation will teach you how to consciously create and let go using thought forms.
• Sit comfortably with your feet on the ground, a straight back, and your hands in your lap.
• Take a deep breath in and out, and continue a slow steady breath throughout your meditation.
• Take time to get grounded and centered.
• Relax and experience being grounded and in the center of your head.
• Create the mental image picture of a rose six to eight inches in front of your forehead.
• You may see the rose or just simply know it is there.
• Take time to admire your creation.
• What color is it?
• Is it a bud or full bloom?
• What are the other distinguishing features?
• Notice as many details about the rose as you can.
Congratulations, you consciously manipulated energy to create a rose. If you saw the rose, you were using your clairvoyance. If you knew it was there, you used your claircognizance. Now, you could leave it there, but if you did that it might interfere with you noticing other things, just like in the closet analogy. Therefore, you are now going to learn how to consciously destroy a thought form by practicing using roses.
• Now destroy the rose, let it go, let it disappear.
• You can do this by:
• Allowing it to dissolve.
• Exploding it like a firecracker.
• Blowing it up.
• Letting it fade away.
• Allowing the wind to blow it away.
• Chopping it into pieces and scattering it.
• Decide which way worked best for you.
• Then let all your roses go using this visualization.
• Practice this technique until you are comfortable with it.
• When you feel complete, take a deep breath and open your eyes.
Practice creating and destroying roses until you feel comfortable with this technique. Some people find this easy but others get caught in doubt and expectations. If this is you, simply release your doubt, expectations, frustration, or tendency to intellectualize down your grounding cord. You’re getting used to working as spirit instead of body consciousness. It takes time to retrain the mind to let spirit take charge.
Sensing the Energy of Your Creations
When you are grounded, centered, and working with roses, you operate consciously as spirit. A great way to validate what you are doing is to feel the energy of the roses.
Sensing Energy in Roses Meditation
This exercise will allow you to validate that you really are consciously working with energy. You will get to experience the energy of your creation directly.
• Sit comfortably with your feet on the ground, a straight back, and your hands in your lap.
• Take a deep breath in and out, and continue a slow steady breath throughout your meditation.
• Take time to get grounded and centered.
• Create and destroy a few roses and admire your creations.
• Next create a rose in front of you and leave it there.
• Now lift your hand up to the rose and feel the energy.
• Destroy the rose and see if you can feel a difference.
• Keep your hand there to feel the energy while you create and destroy a few roses.
• Validate your ability to experience and manipulate energy.
Releasing Energy in Roses Meditation
These roses are very powerful. You can even fill them with the energy of what you don’t want and use the roses to release it. This works when you know what you want to let go of and when you don’t. For example, “I am letting go of my fear of cats that stems from when I was scratched as a child” or “I am letting go of what prevents me from taking my next step.”
• Sit comfortably with your feet on the ground, a straight back, and your hands in your lap.
• Take a deep breath in and out, and continue a slow steady breath throughout your meditation.
• Take time to get grounded and centered.
• Create a rose in front of you and admire your creation.
• Be aware of something you would like to let go of.
• Allow that energy to flow into the rose.
• Once the energy is in the rose, explode the rose.
• Repeat this to continue releasing unwanted energies.
• Do this for as long as you wish.
You can use the spiritual technique of creating and destroying to let go of anything. You can heal yourself by releasing stuck emotions and old emotional patterns. You can change your emotional set point by creating roses to move up the emotional scale from bad- to better-feeling emotions. You can release nonsupportive thought patterns and limiting beliefs. You can catch yourself with an unhelpful thought and put it in a rose before it gains momentum.
You can release concepts that no longer work for you as well as other people’s energy that has influenced you, so it is easier to get in touch with your information. You can let go of other people’s opinions, and strengthen and follow your inner voice. When using this technique, you might get a sense that even though you exploded a single rose, you need to do more. If that is the case, use multiple roses for the same block until you notice a shift in your energy. You may sense a void or empty feeling once the block has been released. Or if you can see the energy in the rose, you will see when it is empty or there is no more to pour into it. The more you practice, the more this technique will be second nature.
Roses and Intuition Meditation
Now you will practice your clairvoyance and translate what you see into information that your brain can understand. You can do this simple rose reading every day to see yourself as spirit and keep track of your spiritual growth. Once again, validate your ability to operate consciously as spirit and use your intuition.
• Sit comfortably with your feet on the ground, a straight back, and your hands in your lap.
• Take a deep breath in and out, and continue a slow steady breath throughout your meditation.
• Take time to get grounded and centered.
• Create the mental image of a rose six to eight inches in front of you.
• Let this rose represent you as you are right here, right now.
• From the center of your head, be aware of its features
• What color is it?
• How open is it?
• Translate the color into words.
• What does this tell you about your spiritual growth?
• What does this tell you about your current state of being?
• Take as long as you need until you have validated your current state of being.
Changing Your Reality
Creating and destroying is normal on this planet. Things are created and destroyed to give way for new things. The planet forms lakes and rivers that over time change landscapes. It makes volcanoes, earthquakes, and forest fires, which allow renewal. It creates seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Every living thing on Earth is born, grows, and dies. You experience babyhood, childhood, being a teenager, adult, and senior. Finally, your body will experience death. The fact that nothing is permanent and everything is impermanent is useful information. If you get in a situation you don’t like, you can relax as things will be sure to change. Learning how to consciously create and destroy makes you the master of your destiny.
Clearing Old Energies Exercise
If you have resisted clearing your energy closet, you can use roses to do so now. A great place to start is by examining your old dreams to see if they are still what you want. Review your list of life passions and childhood dreams from Chapter 2. Notice if other people or your life experience made you believe they were not possible. Write about what you dreamed of being or doing before these influences. Note how much of what you truly wanted has manifested, as well as whether you still want these things.
You create your reality. This happens whether you are conscious of it or not. If you noticed that you have created a life that feels inauthentic, you can use creating and exploding roses to bring you back to your core. You may have fallen asleep because you focused on others or were programmed by culture. That’s okay—you are waking up now! Take what you learned from doing this exercise and start to be a conscious creator.
As you use this technique to clear away your blocks, you can get clear on your life’s big questions, such as what you came here for, the deepest yearning of your soul, and your deepest wishes and desires. You may think you know, but take a moment to take stock. Look at what you’ve created so far and ask how much is desirable versus undesirable, and which are your creations versus someone else’s.
Having What You Want
Your intuition is a tool for guiding your life. Acting on it means allowing yourself to have what you truly want instead of choosing what you falsely believe you should want or what others want for you.
This exercise helps you understand where you are on the scale of having what you want.
• Sit comfortably with your feet on the ground, a straight back, and your hands in your lap.
• Take a deep breath in and out, and continue a slow steady breath throughout your meditation.
• Take time to get grounded and centered.
• Imagine a scale from 0 to 100 percent.
• Use the scale to take the following readings:
• The percentage you are in resistance versus allowing life to flow.
• The percentage you allow yourself to receive compared to how much you deny yourself.
• The percentage you let yourself have what you want.
• Think of a time when you knew what you wanted and you let yourself have it.
• How did it feel?
• Now think of a time when you knew what you wanted and didn’t let yourself have it.
• How did that feel?
• Did your body feel different this time?
• What was the vibration of each experience?
Hopefully, you now see the difference that following your guidance can make in your life. When you experience desire, this is your affinity in guiding you in alignment with your highest good. If you ignore it in favor of what someone or something outside yourself wants, you will end up with something else. Use creating and exploding roses to release limits to having what you want.
Discover What Blocks Your
Creativity Meditation
• Sit comfortably with your feet on the ground, a straight back, and your hands in your lap.
• Take a deep breath in and out, and continue a slow steady breath throughout your meditation.
• Take time to get grounded and centered.
• Tune in to something you want right now that you are not allowing yourself to have.
• Why are you not giving this to yourself?
• Who is influencing you and why?
• What are you afraid of?
• Who do you need to please?
• What belief is in your way?
• Does this give you some insight into what prevents you from following your intuition?
• Use creating and exploding roses to release these blocks.
Roses and Intuition
The roses are training wheels for spiritual mastery. We live in a holographic multidimensional universe. Playing with the thought form of a rose can give you access to the energy and information of everything. You can use them to give healings by allowing the roses to represent one of your chakras, a person, or situation. You can read yourself, another person, or a situation by interpreting the energy in a rose used to represent them. Roses can help you make choices between one thing and another, as they can show you what’s best. You can also use roses to tell the truth from a lie, protect you from unpleasant energies, and validate that you can see, know, and sense energy.
This simple technique holds within it the key to being the God of your own universe. You can use your roses to see your personal truth, create new things, and destroy old things. That means you can take charge of your reality and build a world around you that matches your personal preference and perspective. It means you can change anything you wish and cope with anything that arises. You can use roses to defend you from a psychic attack and as a spiritual greeting to those operating as spirit.