Abuse, xxi; purified linguistically, 132–38, and recovery, 175–77; of a trust or privilege, 199–200
Abusive fidelity, xiv–xvi, 145, 151–60; “Tottering House” as an allegory of, 138–42, 147–71; and the victim, 136–37
Academic discourse, 101–5
Accelerated learning, 183
Accelerated Learning (Rose), 201
Acting writer (Díaz-Diocaretz), 67, 71–72, 75
Aeschines, 184
“Affective Fallacy, The” (Wimsatt/ Beardsley), 56
After Babel (Steiner) xi, 126, 185
A la recherche du temps perdu (Proust), 36
Alcuin, 18
Alfred, King. See King Alfred
Alien word (Voloshinov), 94
Allman, William F., xxiii, 188–89, 191
Alterity (Berman), 83, 86–91, 118
American Apocalypses (Robinson), 198
American Literary Translators Association, 101, 197
American Translators Association, 81
“anyone lived in a pretty how town” (cummings), 115
Apprentices of Wonder, The (Allman), xxiii, 188
Aristophanes, 39
Aristotle, 9, 11, 181, 182, 193–94
Arte of English Poesie, The (Puttenham), 19
Artificial intelligence (AI), 180, 187–88
Asp, Maria (“Hilja”), 147
“At Parting” (Leino/Robinson), 51
“Aufgabe des Übersetzens, Die” (Benjamin), 82, 113
Augustine, 13, 88, 89, 99, 181, 182, 185
Aulis (Huojuva talo/“Tottering House”), 140–41, 143
Author-function (Foucault), 68–69, 71, 165, 194
Averroës, 11
Bacon, Roger, 9
Baker, Mona, xxv
Bakhtin, Mikhail, 67, 71, 85, 195, 196
Bassnett, Susan, 40
Basso, Keith, 22
Baudelaire, Charles, 81
Beardsley, Monroe C., 56
Beckett, Samuel, 120–21
Behn, Aphra, 7
Benjamin, Walter, xxiii, 57, 81–82, 85–86, 90, 91, 113, 116–18; and the aura, 196; and postcolonial theory, 98; and Wayne’s World, 129
Bensoussan, Albert, 59
Bergholm, Eija-Elina, 144
Bergman, Ingmar, 147
Berman, Antoine, x, xii–xiv, xxiii, 81–95, 98, 196–97
Berthelot, Marcellin, 11
Blackburn, Paul, 99
Blake, William, 36
Bleich, David, 107
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, 14, 82, 194
Boncompagni, Baldassare, 11
Brentano, Franz, 90
Brodsky, Joseph, 57
Bruni, Leonardo, 89
Burgundio of Pisa, 82
Burke, Virginia (“Toini”), 146
“Burke’s Ciceronianism” (Leff), 202
Cabrera Infante, G., 57–59, 160
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, xxiv, 83
Capella, Martianus, 193–94
Cary, Edmond, 7
Catford, J. C., xxiv
Catullus, Gaius Valerius, 135–36
Chamberlain, Lori, xix, xxiv, 98, 164, 176
Chaplin, Charlie, 189
Charlemagne, 18
Cheyfitz, Eric, xiii, xix–xxi, xxiv, 3–4, 6–7, 9, 18–22, 28, 38, 62, 89, 98, 176, 190, 194
Chomsky, Noam, 194
Chuang-Tzu (So-Shu), 116
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 4–5, 11–14, 16, 19, 81, 89, 182–87
Clothing as eloquence, 18–19
Codependency, 201; as the translator’s fidelity, 160–65, 168–71, 173
Community Language Learning, 183
Confessions (Augustine), 185
Consolatio philosophiae (Boethius), 14
Constructivism, 27–29, 36, 37–41, 75
Contemporary Translation Theories (Gentzler), xx
Contracting Colonialism (Rafael), 98
Cooke sisters, 7
Co-optation: of abuse, 134–35; of subversion, 58–59
Copeland, Rita, x, xxi, xxii, xxiv, 3–4, 11–17, 18, 194
Cotton Patch Version (Jordan), 127
cummings, e. e., 115
Cunningham, Bob, xxiv
Dacier, Anne, 7
D’Alton, J. F., 202
D’Alverny, Marie-Thérèse, 8, 11, 13
Daniel (in Luther), 95–96
Daniel, Arnaut, 116
Dante Al¡ghieri, 128
De Campos brothers, xxiv
De inventione (Cicero), 4
De Man, Paul, 57
Demosthenes, 184
De optimo genere oratorum (Cicero), 183
De oratore (Cicero), 183
Derrida, Jacques, 28, 48, 57, 81, 100, 106, 113, 122, 145, 156, 171, 198, 200; and abusive translation, 132–35, 138; and metaphor/metonymy, 15; and semiotics, 46
Der Satz vom Grund (Heidegger), 181
“Des tours de Babel” (Derrida), 145, 198
De Vegerre, Suzanne, 7
“Dialogue Between a Lord and a Clerk Upon Translation” (Trevisa), 193
Díaz-Diocaretz, Myriam, x–xii, xix, xxi–xxii, xxiv, 8, 26, 61–77, 176, 195
Difference in Translation (Graham), 132
Discourse and the Translator (Hatim/Mason), 194
Dolet, Etienne, 89
Douglass, Frederick, 19
Doyle, Mike, xxv
Eagleton, Terry, 196
Elitism: and foreignism, xx, 99–101, 105–6, 109, 111–12
Empire: and translation, 19–21
En attendant Godot (Beckett), 121. See also Waiting for Godot
Epistemological Problems in Translation and its Teaching (Pym) x, xxii, 26, 43–55, 61
Equivalence, 49–51
“Erotessa” (Leino), 51
Esra, Ibn, 11
Ester (Huojuva talo/“Tottering House”), 144
Ethical growth (Berman), 83–86, 113
Ethnocentrism, 28, 45, 83–84, 87–91, 93, 104
Eugene Onegin (Pushkin/Nabokov), 82
Evert (Lea’s father, Huojuva talo/“Tottering House”), 143, 148
Exchanges (Weissbort), 47
Experience of the Foreign, The (Berman/ Heyvaert), x, xii, 81–96
Explicare (Cicero), 184–86
Exprimere imitando (Cicero), 184–86
External knowledge (Pym), 52
Fanon, Frantz, 19
Faust (Goethe), 36
Feminism, xix, 56, 59, 61–66, 68–69; and poststructuralism, 15; and systems theory, 42
Fidelity as codependency, 160–65, 168–71, 173
Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 36, 96
Fitzgerald, Robert, 127
Fluency, 141; in academic discourse, 101–5; and reader-response theory, 106–11
Foreignism, x, xiv, xx–xxi, 39, 82, 84; and the alien word, 94–96; as channel of dissidence, 97–99, 104; as dissidence, 113; and elitism, 105–6, 109, 111–12; as ethical growth, 113; and the excluded middle, 114–16, 118, 197; and Heyvaert’s rendition of Berman, 91–95; and naive realism, 95–96; as (post)modern experimentation, 114; and translation of “Tottering House,” 138–42; and Wayne’s World, 117–18
Foucault, Michel, 34, 67, 68–70, 74–75, 103, 165, 194
Frank, Anne, 39
Frank Theatre, 138
Freud, Sigmund, 31, 34, 42, 57, 157
Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 13, 28, 86
Gauguin, Paul, 22
Gerard of Cremona, 11
Gillespie, Stuart, xxiv
Gleick, James, 49
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 86, 90, 128, 135, 197
Goffman, Erving, 52
Gormley, Nancy (“Lea’s mother”), 143
Gradin, Sherrie, xxv
Grammar, x, xxi–xxii, 38; building-block theory of, 4–6; and the clash between medieval cultures, 12–14
Green, Susan, xxiv
Gregory the Great, 8
Grosseteste Robert, 8
Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Translationstheorie (Reiß and Vermeer), xxiv
Guidry, Matt (“Eero Markku”), 145
Harpham, Geoffrey Galt, xxv
Haskins, Charles Homer, 8, 11–12, 13
Hatim, Basil, 194
Heath Cobblers (Kivi/Robinson), 48
Hechter, Cynthia (“Ester”), 144, 200
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 86
Heidegger, Martin, 82, 86, 90, 181, 196, 197
Helms, Jesse, 69
Hesse, Hermann, 128
Heyvaert, Stefan (translator of Berman), 83, 91–95, 196–97
Hilja (Huojuva talo/“Tottering House”), 147
Hirsch, E. D., 112
History of Science (Taton), 11
Holland, Norman, 107
Holz-Mänttäri, Justa, xxiv, 8, 25
Hopkins, G. W., 91
Hopper, Paul, xxv
Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), 5, 13, 14, 16, 193
House, Juliane, 8
Huet, Pierre-Daniel, 193
Humphrey, Lawrence, 193
Huojuva talo (Jotuni/Koskiluoma), xvi, 50, 125, 138–64, 159
“Hyvä lukija!” (Robinson), 121
Iliad (Homer), 165; translated by Dacier, 7
“Intentional Fallacy, The” (Wimsatt/Beardsley), 56
Intercultural communities (Pym), 54–55
Internal knowledge (Pym), 52
Interpretatio (Rener) x, 3–9, 11, 99
Iser, Wolfgang, 67
Jakobson, Roman, 13, 15, 61, 67
Jauss, Hans Robert, 67
Jerome (Eusebius Hieronymus), 4, 13, 14, 82, 88, 89, 173, 181, 182–83, 193
John of Trevisa, 193
John Scotus Eriugena, 8
John the Baptist, 182
Jordan, Clarence, 127
Jotuni, Maria, xvi, 50, 138, 144, 161, 201
Jourdain, Amable, 11
Judaeus-Savasorda, Abraham, 11
Kafka, Franz, 31
Kant, Immanuel, 26–27, 37, 179
Kaul, Bill, xxv
Kelly, Louis, 193
King Alfred, 8
King James Bible, 126–27
Kivi, Aleksis, 48
Koskiluoma, Maaria, xvi, 138, 201
Krawutschke, Peter, xxv
“La Belle Altérité” (Lang), 83
Lacan, Jacques, 15, 28, 57, 70, 195, 196
La divine commedia (Dante), 36
“La mythologie blanche” (Derrida), 133, 156
Lane, Helen, xxv
L’Anti-Oedipe (Deleuze/Guattari), 196
“La traduction et la lettre” (Berman), 83
Lattimore, Richard, 127
Lecercle, Jean-Jacques, 116, 137, 160
Lefevere, Andre, vii, x–xii, xxii, 50, 61, 62, 91; discussed, 25–42; and equivalence, 50; and Pym, 43–45
Leff, Michael, 202
Leino, Eino, 51
L’Épreuve de l’étranger (Berman), x, xii, 83
“Le retrait de la métaphore” (Derrida), 132
“Les belles infidéles” (Ménage), 83
Lesbian poetry, 65, 68–70, 72, 76
Lethem, Jonathan, xxv
Letter to Pammachius (Jerome), 13, 82, 183, 193
Levine, Suzanne Jill, vii, x, xiv–xvi, xix, xxii, xxiv, 26, 30, 54, 61, 62, 98, 160, 176, 190–91, 198; discussed, 56–60
Lewis, Philip E., x, xii, xiv–xvi, xxiii, 58, 82, 113, 141, 145, 148, 158–59, 164, 167, 171, 176, 177; discussed, 132–38
Libri, Gillaume, 11
Linguistics, vii, xi, xxiii–xxiv, 19, 25–26
Linna, Väinö, 165
Literalism, 81, 84, 98, 117, 181, 196; as social movement, 82
Literary theory, 56–57
Livius Andronicus, 81
Lotbinière-Harwood, Susanne, xix, xxiv
Luke, 95–96
Machine translation, x, xxiii, 126, 187, 190; failure of, 180–82; and ideology, 187–91; as perfect monk, 181–82
Maier, Carol, xix, xxiv, xxv, 66–67
Majoritarian writing (Deleuze/ Guattari), 104
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 92
Mamet, David, 142
Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, The (Sacks), xxiii, 118
Markku, Eero (Huojuva talo/“Tottering House”), 139–41, 143, 145–71, 200; and abusive (in)fidelity, 151–60
Markku, Lea (Huojuva talo/“Tottering House”), 139–41, 143, 145–71, 200; and codependency/fidelity, 160–65, 168–71, 173
Markku, Poju (Huojuva talo/“Tottering House”), 143, 147, 158, 200; as abuse victim/target text, 165–71
Marx, Karl, 42
Marxism, 56, 196; poststructuralist, 15, 28
Mary, mother of Jesus, 95–96
Mason, Ian, 194
Mass Psychology of Fascism, The (Reich), 200–201
Mazon, Paul, 7
“Meaning of Fidus Interpres in Medieval Translation, The” (Schwartz), 9, 11
“Measure of Translation Effects, The” (Lewis), x, xiv, 132–38
“Medieval Science in the Christian West” (Beaujolan), 11
Ménage, Gilles, 83
Metaphor, 15–16
Metonymy, 15–16
Milles plateaux (Deleuze/Guattari), 196
Minoritarian writing (Deleuze/ Guattari), 104
Minsky, Marvin, 187
Montaigne, Michel de, 19
Monty Python, 116
More, Thomas, 89
More Roper, Margaret, 7
Mother (Huojuva talo/“Tottering House”): Lea’s, 143, 148–51, 201; Eero’s, 151–52, 157–58, 201
Multilingual Computing, 180
Nabokov, Vladimir, 82
Nakedness and savagery, 18–19
Neruda, Pablo, 63
Neural networks, xxiii, 186–91
New Criticism, 56–57
New International Bible, The, 127
Newmark, Peter, 39
Nida, Eugene A., xxiv, 39, 127
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 31, 90, 156
Night on Earth (Jarmusch), 125
Niranjana, Tejaswini, xix, xxi, xxiv, xxv, 19, 28, 89, 98, 176
Nomadism, 19–20
Norton, Glyn, 193
NOT! (Wayne’s World), 117–18
Notker of St. Gall, 14
Nummisuutarit (Kivi), 48
O’Connor, Flannery, 159
Odyssey (Homer), 165
“O Kannada” (Robinson), 193
Omnicient reader (Zavala), 67, 195–96; and the translator-function, 71–72, 75
“On Cannibals” (Montaigne), 19
On the Best Kind of Orator (Cicero / Hubbell), 183, 184
On the Orator (Cicero/Sutton/ Rackham), 183
Ovide moralisé (anonymous), 14
Papert, Seymour, 187
Paradise Lost (Milton), 36
Paradise of Women (Travitsky), 8
Park, Bill, xxv
Patronage, 40–41
Pedagogy of translation, 51–54
Peirce, Charles Sanders, 46
Perceptrons, 186–87
Perceptrons (Minsky/Papert), 187
Phantom limb, xxi, xxiii, 129; author’s, 120–22; and proprioception, 118, 120, 127–28; and prosthetic, 119–20; target-language reader’s, 126–29; translator’s, 123–26
Phillips, Katherine, 7
Piper, Annie (“Lea Markku”), 145–46, 200
“pity this busy monster, manunkind” (cummings), 115
Poe, Edgar Allan, 92
Poetics of Imperialism, The (Cheyfitz), xiii, xx, 18–22, 89, 98
Political Unconscious, The (Jameson), 174, 194
Pollard, Alfred, 193
Polysystems theory, viii, x, 26–42, 61, 67
Pomerans, A.J. (translator of Beaujolan), 11
Postcolonial theory, x, xi, xiii, xix, xxi, 3, 39, 40; and Native Americans, 19–21
Poststructuralist theory, xi, xii, 3, 67, 71, 113, 194; feminist, 15; Marxist, 15, 28; and subaltern studies, 19
Proprioception, 118–20; and the phantom limb, 127–28
Prosthetics: and the phantom limb, 119–20
Puig, Manuel, 58–59
Pure language (Benjamin), 86
Purity (Berman), 83, 86–91; and abuse, 132–38
Puttenham, George, 19
Pym, Anthony, x, xii, xix, xxi, xxii, xxiv, xxv, 26, 27, 30, 37, 56, 61, 62, 101, 179, 191
Quine, Willard van Orman, 19, 46
Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius, 4, 5, 18
Reader-response theory, 28, 56, 62, 71, 85, 114; and fluency, 106–11
Reddere (Cicero), 184
Renan, Ernest, 11
Rener, Frederick M., x, xxi, xxii, xxiv, 3–9, 11–12, 16, 18, 20, 21, 99, 193–94
Rethinking Translation (Venuti), 81, 101, 115, 132, 145, 196, 197
Return of the Jedi, The (Lucas), 120
Revised Standard Version, 127
Rhetoric, x, xxi, xxii, 38; building-block theory of, 4–6; and the clash between medieval cultures, 12–14; as ornamentation, 18–19
Rhetoric (Alcuin), 18–19
Rhetoric, Hermeneutics and Translation in the Middle Ages (Copeland), 11–17
Rich, Adrienne, 26, 62–66, 68–69, 71, 76–77, 194–95
Ring Lardner and the Other (Robinson), 195
Roman de la Rose (Lorris/Jean de Meun), 16
Roscommon, Earl of (Thomas Wentworth), 89
Rose, Colin, 201
Rose, Marilyn Gaddis, xxiv, 81–82, 84
Sacks, Oliver, xxiii, 118–20, 127, 198
Sakuntala (Kalidasa), 36
Salutati, Coluccio, 89
Saturday Night Live, 117–18
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 46
Savagery: and nakedness, 18–19; and nomadism, 20
Schlegel, Friedrich von, 97, 197
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, xxiii, 90, 98, 129, 197
Sebillet, Thomas, 193–94
“Sendbriefvom Dolmetschen” (Luther), 95–96
Shakespeare, William, 19, 95, 128, 165
Shklovsky, Viktor, 67
Sidney, Mary (Countess of Pembroke), 7
Silent Way, The, 183
Sillat (Haavikko), 123
Siting Translation (Niranjana), 19, 89, 98
So-Shu (Chuang-Tzu), 116
Social approaches to translation, 25–26, 43
Spurs (Derrida), 122
Steinbeck, John, 128
Steiner, George, xi, 21, 86, 126, 185
Steinschneider, Moritz, 11
Strindberg, August, 147
Structuralist theory, xii, 3, 15–16
Studies in the History of Medieval Science (Haskins), 11
Subversive Scribe, The (Levine), x, xxii, 26, 56–60, 160, 176, 198
Sullivan, Eileen, xxv
Systems theory, xii, xxi, 61; and equivalence, 50; and evaluation, 29–30; and feminist critiques, 42; and spatial boundaries, 35–36; of systems theory, 37–41; and temporal boundaries, 33–36
Tarkiainen, Viljo, 144
Tarzan (Burroughs), 4, 19, 20, 194
“Task of the Translator, The” (Benjamin/Zohn), 81, 85
Technical translation, 100–101, 126, 179
Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 19
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Cameron), 120, 190
Thomas Aquinas, 181
Thorndike, Lynn, 11
Today’s English Version, 127
Toini (Huojuva talo/“Tottering House”), 146
Total Physical Response, 183
“Tottering House” (Jotuni/Koskiluoma/ Robinson), xvi, 50, 125, 166, 172; as an allegory of abusive translation, 147–71
Translation and Literature, xxiv
Translation and Taboo (Robinson), xxii, 6, 172, 193, 195; and machine translation, 180
“Translation and the Postcolonial Experience” (Mehrez), 89
Translation/History/Culture (Lefevere), 37
Translating Poetic Discourse (Díaz-Diocaretz), x, xxii, 26, 61–77
Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literature (Lefevere), x, xxii, 25–42 Translation Spectrum II (Rose), xxiv Translation studies: abusist, xiv, xvi, xxi, 147–71; anecdotal, xxi, 48–54; and the aura, 90; and comparative literature, 19; constructivist, 27–29, 36, 37–41, 75; deconstructive, 48–49; descriptive, xiv; disabusive, 176–77; domesticating, 108, 134; elitism in, xx, 99–101, 104, 105–6, 109, 111–12; empire, 194; and equivalence, 49–51; ethical, 83–86; ethnocentric, 28, 45, 83–84, 87–91, 93; ethnographic/anthropological. 19; feminist, xix, 59, 61–66; foreignist, x, xiv, xx, xxi, 29, 31, 39, 82, 84, 91–96, 97–112, 114–18; foreignist/abusive, 138–42; Handlung, xxiv; linguistic, xi, xxiii–xxiv, 19, 25–26; literalist, 81, 84, 98, 181, 196; literary theory’s impact on, 56–57; manipulation school, xi; messianic, 85, 113; minoritarian/majoritarian, 104; neoliteralist, 81–82, 85, 95; nomadic, 19–20; personal/anecdotal, xii, xxii, 43–55, 61–66; polysystems, viii, x, 26–42, 61, 67, 75; postcolonial, x, xi, xiii, xix, xxi, 3, 19–21, 29, 31, 39, 40; poststructuralist, xi, xii, 3, 19, 113; scientific, xxii; and segmentation, 4; semiotic, 45–49, 52; skopos, viii, xxiv; social, 25–26, 43; structuralist, xii, 3, 15–16; systemic, xii, xxi, 26–42, 43–45. 50, 61, 62; and teaching, 51–54; and technical translation, 100–101
Translator-function (Díaz-Diocaretz), 62, 67–77; and acting writer, 71–72; and omniscient reader, 71–72
Translatorisches Handeln (Holz-Mänttäri), 25
“Translator’s Invisibility, The” (Venuti), xix, 81, 97
Translator’s Invisibility, The (Venuti), x, 97–112, 114, 115, 132, 135–36, 197
Translator’s Turn, The (Robinson), xix, xx, 6, 31, 83, 101, 105, 108, 111, 126, 197, 198–99; and abusive translation, 145, 159; on aversion, 201; and equivalence, 50, 51; on Goethe, 197; and the history of translation theory, 99; and introversion/extroversion, 185; and intuition, 129–31; and machine translation, 180; and medieval doctrine, 172; as personal/anecdotal, 61; and the phantom limb, 122; on subversion, 127; and the three seals, 174–75; and tropes, 194
Travitsky, Betty, 8
“Trivial and Esoteric Pursuits” (Robinson), 201
“Trivialization of American Literature, The” (Robinson), 201
“Tropics of Translation, The/Kääntämisen kääntõpiirit” (Robinson), 122
TTR—Traduction, Terminologie, Redaction, 83
Tudor, Elizabeth, 7
Tuntematon sotilas (Linna), 165
“Turnings” (Robinson), 125
Twenty-One Love Poems (Rich), 63, 194–95
Tyndale, William, 89
Tytler, Alexander Frazer, 4, 11–12
Universe of Discourse, 37–41, 43, 46
Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada (Neruda), 63
Venuti, Lawrence, vii, x–xii, xiv–xvi, xix, xx, xxiii, xxiv, 39, 82, 113–15, 117, 128, 132, 134–37, 141, 156. 177. 179, 196, 197; discussed, 97–112; on Schleiermacher, 90–91
Vermeer, Hans, xxiv
“Vers la traduction abusive” (Lewis), xiv, 132
Violence of Language, The (Lecercle), 116, 137
Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro), 128
Waiting for Godot (Beckett), 121, 125, 159
Wayne’s World (Saturday Night Live), 117–18, 129
“What Is An Author?” (Foucault/ Bouchard/Simon), 68–70
Will, Fred, xxv
Wilss, Wolfram, 193
Wimsatt, W. K., 56
Winter’s Tale, A (Shakespeare), 95 Wise Blood (O’Connor), 159
Witte, Heidrun, 53
Women’s Ways of Knowing (Belenky), 54
Word and Object (Quine), 19
Yeats, William Butler, 36
Zohn, Harry (translator of Benjamin), 113, 116–18
Zorrilla, Jane, xxv
Zukovsky, Celia and Louis, 99