Page numbers in italics indicate photos or illustrations; page numbers in bold indicate charts.
A&W Root Beer, 99
açai juice
Açai Grapefruit Juice, 131
Açai Punch, 131
Açai Super Soda, 131
acesulfame potassium, 17
Addled Brain, The, 130
Ancho Chile Explosion, 138–39
Blazing Inferno Chile Water, 38
Citrus Sports Juice, 144
Goji Water, 42
Homemade Tonic, 166–67
Hot Pepper Syrup, 38
Sports Recovery Soda, 144
Watermelon Mint Cordial, 256
almond extract
Almond Cola Syrup, 72
Almond Honey Cream Soda, 218
Cherry Purée, 162
Maraschino Ginger Ale, 69
Sour Cherriade, 162
Very Cherry Cola, 72
Ancho Chile Explosion, 138–39
Ancho Syrup, 138
Anise Licorice Root Beer, 116–17
Anise Licorice Syrup, 116
Açai Super Soda, 131
Antioxidant Daiquiri, 161
Antioxidant Explosion, 132–33
Antioxidant Syrup, 132
Green Apple Syrup, 252
Green Apple Winegar, 252
Sweet-and-Sour Apple Cider, 247
apple cider
Apple Vinegar Syrup, 247
Hardly Hard Cider, 118
Sweet-and-Sour Apple Cider, 247
apple juice
Apple Root Beer Syrup, 70
Fermented Apple Juice, 156
Fruity Root Beer, 70
Sparkling Apple Brandy, 155
Sparkling Apple Juice, 155
apricots/apricot nectar
Apricot Carrot Juice, 134
Apricot Purée, 174
Apricot Raspberry Purée, 241
Apricot Raspberry Shrub, 241
Cardamom Apricot Soda, 78
Sparkling Homemade Apricot Nectar, 174
aspartame, 17
Baked Beans, Root Beer, 273
Baked Ribs, Ginger Citrus, 276
Baked Root Beer Ham, 264
Baked Sweet Potatoes with
Root Beer Rum Butter, 265
balsamic vinegar
Balsamic Date Soda, 80
Balsamic Sour, 250
Black Vinegar Water, 250
Date Purée, 80
Spiced Balsamic Fig Sparkler, 246
Banana Cream Soda, 219
Banana Purée, 219
Start-the-Day-Right Breakfast Cocktail, 236
Barbecue Sauce, Root Beer, 278
Barely Sweet White Grape Water, 48
Basic Chai Spice Blend, 185
Cherry Basil Juice, 173
Going Green Sparkling Herb Water, 147
Bedtime Chamomile Soda, 141
Cola Chili, 263
Cola Meatloaf, 275
Dr Pepper Corned Beef, 281
Fruity Meatballs, 270
Sarsaparilla Sauerbraten, 274
Sweet-and-Sour Soda Pop Brisket, 279
Beermeister, 97
benzaldehyde, 72
bergamot (bitter orange), 18, 18
berries. See also specific berry
Berry Vinegar Cordial, 254
Lemon-Lime Berries in Rosemary Syrup, 310
beverage terms, introductory dates for, 67
Birch Beer, 96–97
Birch Syrup, 96
bitter orange (bergamot), 18, 18
Bitter Relief, 83
Bittersweet Grapefruit Soda, 82–83
Blackbeard, 89
Black Black Russian, 199
Black Cow Salted Caramels, 316–17
Black Lemonade, 56–57
Black Lemon Beer, 140
Black Licorice, 117
Black Rum, 110
Black Russian, Black, 199
Black Tea Cola, 194
Black Vinegar Water, 250
Blazing Inferno Chile Water, 38
Bloody Mary, Bubbling, 39
Bloody Mary, Sparkling Spicy, 39
blueberries/blueberry juice
Antioxidant Syrup, 132
Berry Vinegar Cordial, 254
Blueberry Cinnamon Soda, 64
Blueberry Concord Refresher, 172
Blueberry Grape Juice, 171
Blueberry Pomegranate Juice, 74
Blueberry Prune Juice, 65
Blueberry Syrup, 64
Immunity Solution, 148
Pomegranate Elixir, 74
“Sloe” Fizz, 65
bottled iced tea, 189
bottling soda, 24–25
bottles needed per gallon, 24, 24, 25
sanitizing bottles, 25
Brain Juice, 130
Breakfast Cocktail, Start-the-Day-Right, 236
Brisket, Sweet-and-Sour Soda Pop, 279
brown sugar
7-Root Beer, 94–95
Anise Licorice Root Beer, 116–17
Birch Beer, 96–97
Brown Sugar Mocha Soda, 206
Brown Sugar Pecan Cake with Root Beer Frosting, 300–301
Coffee Chocolate Stout, 112–13
Not-Too-Sweet Sarsaparilla, 92–93
Rooty Tooty Root Beer, 88–89
Spruce Beer, 98–99
Bubbling Bloody Mary, 39
Bubbling Dulce de Leche, 227
7-Root Syrup, 94
Café Brûlot, Iced, 198
caffeine content of common beverages, 203
cake. See also cheesecake Brown Sugar Pecan Cake with Root Beer Frosting, 300–301
Chocolate Cola Cake, 294–95
Chocolate Cola Pudding Cake, 302
Ginger Ale Gingerbread, 296–97
Grapefruit Quinine Cake with Zesty Glaze, 298–99
Root Beer Float Double Cupcakes, 301
Calming Waters, 143
Cantaloupe Clementine Soda, 171
Cantaloupe Orange Juice, 171
Black Cow Salted Caramels, 316–17
Slightly Salty Caramel Seltzer, 37
Caramelized Onions in Sweet Jus, 277
caramelizing sugar, 223
carbonation of liquid, 4–7
carbon dioxide infusion, 6–7
effervescence, methods of, 4
fermentation, 7–8
first carbonation machine, 214
geological carbonation, 5
troubleshooting, 26
Basic Chai Spice Blend, 185
Cardamom Apricot Soda, 78
Cardamom Apricot Syrup, 78
Honey Cardamom Fizzy Water, 43
carrots/carrot juice
Carrot Cinnamon Slush, 178
Carrot Ginger Soda, 177
Fresh Carrot Juice, 134
Ginger Glazed Carrots and Red Peppers, 284
Immunity Solution, 148
Mango Carrot Bubbly, 176
Mango Carrot Juice, 176
Spiced Carrot Juice, 178
Vitamin A Tonic, 127, 134
celery seed
Celery Seed Syrup, 41
Celrtzer, 41
Cucumber Celery Tonic, 79
Cucumber Purée, 79
Basic Chai Spice Blend, 185
Chai Fizz, 184–85
Chai Syrup, 184
Bedtime Chamomile Soda, 141
Calming Waters, 143
Chamomile Kava Syrup, 143
Chamomile Lavender Kombucha, 150–51
Chamomile Milk, 141
Chocolate Root Beer Cheesecake, 292–93
Lemon-Lime Cheesecake, 290–91, 291
Cherry Basil Juice, 173
Cherry Cola, 105
Cherry Cola Syrup, 106
Sour Cherriade, 162
Cola Can Grilled Chicken, 268–69, 269
Ginger Beer Chicken Curry, 272
Sweet Heat Mahogany Chicken Wings, 262
chile peppers/capsaicin, 139
Ancho Chile Explosion, 138–39
Chile Margarita Fizz, 139
Cocoa Chile Taste-Bud Tingler, 208
Peach Habañero Tongue Twister, 175
Chili, Cola, 263
Chlorophyll Syrup, 147
Brown Sugar Mocha Soda, 206
Chocolate Cola Cake, 294–95
Chocolate Cola Icing, 305, 305
Chocolate Cola Pudding Cake, 302
Chocolate Egg Cream Syrup, 228
Chocolate Ginger Ale, 209
Chocolate Ginger Syrup, 209
Chocolate Prune Juice, 170
Chocolate Prune Pop, 170
Chocolate Raspberry Cream Pop, 234
Chocolate Raspberry Cream Syrup, 234
Chocolate Root Beer Cheesecake, 292–93
Chocolate Syrup, 210
Cocoa Chile Taste-Bud Tingler, 208
Coffee Syrup, 112
Cold Fudge Soda, 207
Dark Chocolate Egg Cream, 228, 229
facts about, 211
Fudge Syrup, 207
A Hint of Chocolate Mint Water, 49
Mocha Cappuccino Soufflé, 314–15
Pumped-Up Chocolate Milk, 210
Root Beer Frosting, 301
sodas and, 182
Cider, Hardly Hard, 118
cinchona bark
Homemade Tonic, 166–67
cinnamon/cinnamon sticks, 18, 18
Blueberry Cinnamon Soda, 64
Blueberry Syrup, 64
Carrot Cinnamon Slush, 178
Cherry Cola Syrup, 106
Cinnamon Coffee Gulp, 200
Cinnamon Coffee Syrup, 200
Cinnamon Latte Syrup, 233
Coffee Syrup, 112
Cola Syrup, 104
Hardly Hard Cider, 118
Latte Syrup, 195
Molasses Beer, 110
Sparkling Latte, 195
Spiced Carrot Juice, 178
citrus fruits.
See also specific fruit
Citrus Rice Vinegar Cordial, 255
Citrus Sports Juice, 144
Citrus Syrup, 40
Citrus Vinegar Syrup, 155
Clementine Soda, Cantaloupe, 171
Anise Licorice Root Beer, 116–17
Anise Licorice Syrup, 116
Antioxidant Explosion, 132–33
Antioxidant Syrup, 132
Basic Chai Spice Blend, 185
Black Lemonade, 56–57
Homemade Tonic, 166–67
Spiced Lemonade Syrup, 56
Coca-Cola/Coca-Cola Company.
See also Coke Fresca, introduction of, 83
Fruity Coca-Cola, 73
origins of Coca-Cola, 107
Cocoa Chile Syrup, 208
Cocoa Chile Taste-Bud Tingler, 208
coconut/coconut milk/coconut cream
Coconut Milk Fizz, 224
Coconut Syrup, 136
Coconut Tea Syrup, 183
Ginger Pineapple Coconut-Cream Float, 235
Sparkling Green Tea with a Hint of Coconut, 183
Coconut Palm Soda, Naturally Sweet, 136
coffee. See also sparkling coffee
caffeine content of, 203
Cinnamon Coffee Syrup, 200
Coffee Chocolate Stout, 112–13
Coffee Coconut Daiquiri, 199
coffee sodas, 182
Energy Water, 34
Espresso Jolt, 196
Espresso Syrup, 196
facts about, 197
Hazelnut Coffee Syrup, 202
Kona Syrup, 204
Latte Syrup, 195
Orange Coffee Cola Pork Tenderloin, 282–83
Sparkling Cinnamon Latte, 233
Turkish Coffee Syrup, 201
Coke. See also Coca-Cola/Coca-Cola Company
origins of, 107
slogans, 102–3
basics, 86–87
caffeine content of, 203
Cherry Cola Syrup, 106
Chocolate Cola cake, 294–95
Coke vs. Pepsi slogans, 102–3
Cola Can Grilled Chicken, 268–69, 269
Cola Chili, 263
Cola Fruit Cupcakes with Chocolate Icing, 286, 304–5, 305
Cola Meatloaf, 275
Cola Tea Syrup, 194
Cold Fudge Soda, 207
Cream Cheese Cola Icing, 295
Curiosity Cola, 100–101
Fruity Meatballs, 270
Natural Cola, 104–5
Orange Coffee Cola Pork Tenderloin, 282–83
Pork Chops with Chipotle Cherry Cola Gravy, 271
Sour Cherry Cola, 106–7
Sweet-and-Sour Soda Pop Brisket, 279
Cold Toddy, 137
Colonial Switchel, 248
Berry Vinegar Cordial, 254
Citrus Rice Vinegar Cordial, 255
Cordial Syrup, 254
Watermelon Mint Cordial, 256
Corned Beef, Dr Pepper, 281
corn syrup, 8
Cranberry Crush, Pomegranate, 164–65, 165
cream. See also half-and-half
Black Cow Salted Caramels, 316–17
Coffee Syrup, 34
Energy Water, 34
Ginger Whipped Cream, 307
Cream Cheese Cola Icing, 295
Cream Pop, Chocolate Raspberry, 234
Creamsicle, Sparkling Orange, 215, 221
cream soda
Almond Honey Cream Soda, 218
Banana Cream Soda, 219
basics, 214
cream in the, 215
Lemon Cream Soda, 220
Peanut Cream Soda, 225
Plain Delicious Cream Soda, 216
Root Beer Cream Soda, 226
Sparkling Orange Creamsicle, 215, 221
Strawberry Cream Soda, 217
Cucumber Celery Tonic, 79
Cucumber Mint Cooler, 179
Curiosity Cola, 100–101
cyclamates, 17
Daiquiri, Antioxidant, 161
Daiquiri, Coffee Coconut, 199
Dark Chocolate Egg Cream, 228, 229
Date Soda, Balsamic, 80
Deconstructed Bubbly, 48
Dr. Brown’s Cel-Ray, 41
Dr Pepper Corned Beef, 281
Dr Pepper, formula for, 71
Drunken Shirley Temple, 69
drupe fruits, 72
Dulce de Leche, Bubbling, 227
Effervescent Jasmine Honey Tea, 191
Effervescent Raspberry White Tea, 186–87, 187
egg creams
basics, 215
Dark Chocolate Egg Cream, 228, 229
French Vanilla Egg Cream, 230
New York Egg Creams, 229
Salted Caramel Egg Cream, 231
Egg Nog, Sparkling, 232
Brown Sugar Pecan Cake with Root Beer Frosting, 300–301
Chocolate Cola Cake, 294–95
Chocolate Root Beer Cheesecake, 292–93
Ginger Ale Gingerbread, 296–97
Ginger Ale Pound Cake, 289
Ginger Cream Shortcakes, 306–7
Grapefruit Quinine Cake with Zesty Glaze, 298–99
Lemon-Lime Cheesecake, 290–91, 291
Lemon-Lime Chiffon Pie, 308–9
Mocha Cappuccino Soufflé, 314–15
Sparkling Egg Nog, 232
energy drinks, 129
Energy Water, 34
Espresso Jolt, 196
essential oils, edible
Cola Syrup, 100
Curiosity Cola, 100–101
Fahnestock, Samuel, 214
fermentation, 7–8
alcoholic beverages and, 86–87
mouthfeel and, sodas, 20–21
nonalcoholic beverages and, 87
oxygen and, 240
wild yeasts and, 3
Fermented Apple Juice, 156
Fermented Honey Soda, 111
Fig Sparkler, Spiced Balsamic, 246
fizzy juices, 152–79
basics, 154
Blueberry Concord Refresher, 172
Cantaloupe Clementine Soda, 171
Carrot Cinnamon Slush, 178
Carrot Ginger Soda, 177
Cherry Basil Juice, 173
Chocolate Prune Pop, 170
Cucumber Mint Cooler, 179
Four-Citrus Bubbly, 169
Grapefruit Tonic, 167
Homemade Tonic, 166–67
Mango Carrot Bubbly, 176
mixology for, 161
Papaya Punch, 160
Peach Habañero Tongue Twister, 175
Pineapple Ginger Ale, 163
Pomegranate Cranberry Crush, 164–65, 165
Sour Cherriade, 152, 162
Sparkling Apple Juice, 155
Sparkling Homemade Apricot Nectar, 174
Sparkling Lemon Drop, 168
Sparkling Pear Berry Juice, 159
Vanilla Pear Sparkler, 158
flavor bases, 14
basics, 215
Ginger Pineapple Coconut-Cream Float, 235
Forget Paris, 137
Four-Citrus Bubbly, 169
Fragrant Vanilla Water, 44
French Vanilla Egg Cream, 230
Fresca, introduction of, 83
frosting. See icing
Fruit Cola, 68
Fruit Purée, 236
Balsamic Date Soda, 80
basics, 52
Bittersweet Grapefruit Soda, 82–83
Black Lemonade, 56–57
Blueberry Cinnamon Soda, 64
Cardamom Apricot Soda, 78
Cucumber Celery Tonic, 79
Fruit Cola, 68
Fruity Root Beer, 70
Grapagne, 62
Kiwi Lime Soda, 63
Maraschino Ginger Ale, 69
mixology for, 81
Orange Honey Ginger Ale, 54–55
Original Orange Crush, 66
Pomegranate Elixir, 74
Raspberry Lime Rickey, 59 “Sloe” Fizz, 65
Sparkling Honey Lemonade, 58
Sparkling Watermelon, 53
Strawberry Pineapple Soda, 76–77, 77
Strawberry Pomegranate Soda, 60–61
Tropical Passion, 75
Very Cherry Cola, 72
Fruity Meatballs, 270
Fruity Root Beer, 70
Fudge Syrup, 207
functional beverages, 126–27
Gazpacho, Spiked, 81
Gelatin, Sparkling Honey Ginger, 317
Gin, Ginseng, 128
ginger, pickled
Lychee Ginger Muddle, 45
Lychee Water, 45
ginger ale
Chocolate Ginger Ale, 209
Chocolate Ginger Syrup, 209
Ginger Ale Gingerbread, 296–97
Ginger Ale Pound Cake, 289
Ginger Ginger Ale, 108
Ginger Glazed Carrots and Red Peppers, 284
Orange Honey Ginger Ale, 54–55
Orange Honey Ginger Syrup, 54
Pork Shoulder Braised with Ginger Ale, 266–67, 267
Roast Teriyaki Ginger Ale Turkey Breast, 280
Ginger Beer Chicken Curry, 272
Gingerbread, Ginger Ale, 296–97
Ginger Citrus Baked Ribs, 276
Ginger Honey Rummy, 55
Ginger Pineapple Coconut-Cream Float, 235
gingerroot/dried or ground ginger
7-Root Syrup, 94
Carrot Ginger Soda, 177
Ginger Ale Gingerbread, 296–97
Ginger Carrot Juice, 177
Ginger Cream Shortcakes, 306–7
Ginger Ginger Ale, 108
Ginger Pineapple Juice, 163
Ginger Screwdriver, 108
Ginseng Ginger Syrup, 114
Immunity Solution, 148
Orange Honey Ginger Ale, 54–55
Pineapple Ginger Ale, 163
Spruce Beer, 98–99
Spruce Syrup, 98
Szechuan Ginger Beer, 109
Ginger Whipped Cream, 307
Gingko Orange Juice, 130
ginseng root/ginseng-root tea bags
Ginseng Gin, 128
Ginseng Ginger Syrup, 114
Ginseng Soda, 128
Ginseng Spritzer, 128
Ginseng Syrup, 128
glass bottles, production of, 30
Going Green Sparkling Herb Water, 147
Goji Water, 42
Granita, Soda-Pop, 295
Grapagne, 62
grapefruit juice/grapefruit zest, 82, 166–67, 167
Açai Grapefruit Juice, 131
Bittersweet Grapefruit Soda, 82–83
Four-Citrus Bubbly, 169
Grapefruit Margarita, 167
Grapefruit Quinine Cake with Zesty Glaze, 298–99
Grapefruit Tonic Syrup, 82
Sparkling Grapefruit Cosmo, 83
grape juice, purple
Blueberry Concord Refresher, 172
Grapagne, 62
Immunity Solution, 148
Sangria Shrub, 243
grape juice, white
Barely Sweet White Grape Water, 48
Grapagne, 62
Grape Syrup, 48
Lavender Grape Migraine Mitigator, 149
Grape Winegar, 253
Green Apple Winegar, 252
green tea, 185
Green Tea Kombucha, 122–23
Sparkling Green Tea with a Hint of Coconut, 183
gum arabic, 21
Chocolate Raspberry Cream Pop, 234
Peanut Butter Syrup, 225
Ham, Baked Root Beer, 264
Hardly Hard Cider, 118
Hazelnut Coffee Creamery, 202
Hazelnut Coffee Syrup, 202
Hazelnut Cream, Irish, 199
health drinks, 126
health risks, soda and, 57
Herbal Screwdriver, 137
herbal sodas/waters
basics, 126–27
Bedtime Chamomile Soda, 141
Brain Juice, 130
Calming Waters, 143
Chamomile Lavender Kombucha, 150–51
Ginseng Soda, 128
Going Green Sparkling Herb Water, 147
Lavender Grape Migraine Mitigator, 149
mixology for, 137
Orange Rosemary Crush, 142
Peppermint Tummy Tamer, 146
Sparkling Lemongrass Lemonade, 140
high-fructose corn syrup, 8
Hint of Chocolate Mint Water, A, 49
Hires, Charles, 90
Hire’s Root Beer, 90
Homemade Tonic, 166–67
Almond Honey Cream Soda, 218
Coffee Syrup, 34
Effervescent Jasmine Honey Tea, 191
Energy Water, 34
Fermented Honey Soda, 111
Honey Bee, 111
Honey Cardamom Fizzy Water, 43
Honey Milk, 218
Honey Shrub, 242
Honey Syrup, 43
Honey Vinegar Syrup, 242
Jasmine Tea Syrup, 191
Lemon Honey Switchel, 249
Orange Honey Ginger Ale, 54–55
Orange Honey Ginger Syrup, 54
Orange Rosemary Crush, 142
Sparkling Green Tea with a Hint of Coconut, 183
Sparkling Honey Ginger Gelatin, 317
Sparkling Honey Lemonade, 58
Honeydew Juice, 46
Honeydew Mint Julep, 46
Hot Pepper Syrup, 38
Iced Café Brûlot, 198
Iced Tea Lemonade, Sparkling, 193
Chocolate Cola Icing, 305, 305 Cream Cheese Cola Icing, 295
Root Beer Frosting, 301
Immunity Solution, 148
Immunity Syrup, 148
Irish Hazelnut Cream, 199
Jasmine Honey Tea, Effervescent, 191
Jean Lafitte on the Rocks, 81
Joint Juice, 145
Jolt Cola, 197
juice/juicing. See fizzy juices
Kava Syrup, Chamomile, 143
Kentucky Cola, 105
Kiss-Me-Quick Sangria, 243
Kiwi Lime Soda, 63
Kiwi Lime Syrup, 63
kombucha, 240
Chamomile Lavender Kombucha, 150–51
Green Tea Kombucha, 122–23
Orange Kombucha, 120–21
tips for, 119
Kona Syrup, 204
Lassi, Sparkling Fruit, 237
Latte Syrup, 195
Latte, Sparkling Cinnamon, 233
lavender blossoms
Chamomile Lavender Kombucha, 150–51
Lavender Grape Migraine Mitigator, 149
Lavender Grape Syrup, 149
Lemon Cream Soda, 220
Lemongrass Syrup, 140
Sparkling Lemongrass Lemonade, 140
lemon juice/zest
Black Lemonade, 56–57
Black Lemon Beer, 140
Cola Syrup, 104
Ginger Citrus Baked Ribs, 276
Lemonade Shrimp Cocktail, 261
Lemon Cream Soda, 220
Lemon Honey Switchel, 249
Lemon-Lime Berries in Rosemary Syrup, 310
Lemon-Lime Cheesecake, 290–91, 291
Lemon-Lime Chiffon Pie, 308–9
Lemon Tea Syrup, 193
Sparkling Honey Lemonade, 58
Sparkling Iced Tea Lemonade, 193
Sparkling Lemon Campari, 140
Sparkling Lemon Drop, 168
Sparkling Lemongrass Lemonade, 140
Spiced Lemonade Syrup, 56
7-Root Syrup, 94
Anise Licorice Root Beer, 116–17
Anise Licorice Syrup, 116
Black Licorice, 117
Licorice Soda, 135
Licorice Syrup, 135
lifestyle drinks, 126
lime juice/zest
Ancho Chile Explosion, 138–39
Citrus Rice Vinegar Cordial, 255
Citrus Syrup, 40
Cola Syrup, 104
Four-Citrus Bubbly, 169
Ginger Citrus Baked Ribs, 276
Ginseng Ginger Syrup, 114
Kiwi Lime Soda, 63
Kiwi Lime Syrup, 63
Lemon-Lime Berries in Rosemary Syrup, 310
Lemon-Lime Cheesecake, 290–91, 291
Lemon-Lime Chiffon Pie, 308–9
Lime Ginseng Ginger Root Beer, 114–15
Lime Sparkling Water, 35
Lime Syrup, 35
Naturally Sweet Coconut Palm Soda, 136
Raspberry Lime Rickey, 59
Raspberry Lime Syrup, 59
Sangria Shrub, 243
Limoncello Drop, 168
liquid caramel, 223
Lychee Ginger Muddle, 45
Lychee Water, 45
Malibeer, 89
Malted Molasses Switchel, 248
maltodextrin, 20
mangos/mango juice
Mango Carrot Bubbly, 176
Mango Carrot Juice, 176
Mango Purée, 237
Sparkling Fruit Lassi, 237
Maraschino Ginger Ale, 69
Margarita, Grapefruit, 167
Margarita Fizz, Chile, 139
Matzah Balls, Soda-Raised, 285
Mead, Sparkling, 111
Mead-iation, 242
Meatballs, Fruity, 270
Meatloaf, Cola, 275
Coca-Cola as early, 107
mineral water as, 30
Mediterranean Port of Call, 81
Almond Honey Cream Soda, 218
Bedtime Chamomile Soda, 141
Caramel Syrup, 231
Cold Fudge Soda, 207
Crème Brûlée Soda, 222
Dark Chocolate Egg Cream, 228, 229
French Vanilla Egg Cream, 230
Hazelnut Coffee Creamery, 202
Hazelnut Coffee Syrup, 202
Honey Milk, 218
Pumped-Up Chocolate Milk, 210
Root Beer Cream Soda, 226
Root Beer Cream Syrup, 226
Salted Caramel Egg Cream, 231
Salted Caramel Syrup, 37
Slightly Salty Caramel Seltzer, 37
Strawberry Cream Soda, 217
Mind Bender, 105
Mineral Water, 32
Calming Waters, 143
Cucumber Mint Cooler, 179
Going Green Sparkling Herb Water, 147
A Hint of Chocolate Mint Water, 49
Honeydew Mint Seltzer, 46
Mint Chocolate Syrup, 49
Mint Green Tea Syrup, 192
Sweet Sparkling Moroccan Tea, 192
Watermelon Mint Cordial, 256
Mint Julep, Sparkling, 137
Mixed Citrus Juice, 169
Mocha Cappuccino Soufflé, 313–15
Mocha Syrup, 206
Black Cow Salted Caramels, 316–17
Coffee Syrup, 112
Ginger Ale Gingerbread, 296–97
Malted Molasses Switchel, 248
Molasses Beer, 110
Spruce Beer, 98–99
Spruce Syrup, 98
Moroccan Tea, Sweet Sparkling, 192
Moxie soda, 45
Mulled Cider, Mulling, 118
Multimineral Syrup, 32
Multivitamin Syrup, 33
Natural Cola, 104–5
Naturally Sweet Coconut Palm Soda, 136
New York egg creams, 229
Not-Too-Sweet Sarsaparilla, 92–93
Brown Sugar Pecan Cake with Root Beer Frosting, 300–301
Root Beer Praline Sundaes, 312–13, 313
Onions, Caramelized, in Sweet Jus, 277
orange juice/zest/dried peel
Brain Juice, 130
Cherry Cola Syrup, 106
Citrus Rice Vinegar Cordial, 255
Citrus Sports Juice, 144
Citrus Syrup, 40
Cola Syrup, 104
Four-Citrus Bubbly, 169
Ginger Citrus Baked Ribs, 276
Homemade Tonic, 166–67
Orange Coffee Cola Pork Tenderloin, 282–83
Orange Honey Ginger Ale, 54–55
Orange Honey Ginger Syrup, 54
Orange Kombucha, 120–21
Orange Rosemary Crush, 142
Orange Soda Sorbet, 299
Orange Zest Syrup, 66
Original Orange Crush, 66
Papaya Punch, 160
Sangria Shrub, 243
Sparkling Fruit Lassi, 237
Sparkling Orange Creamsicle, 221
Vitamin Water, 33
Orchard Orchid, 244
Original Orange Crush, 66
Pancakes, Soda-raised, with Root Beer Sauce, 311
Papaya Punch, 160
Papaya Purée, 160
Papaya Rum Punch, 161
passion fruit juice
Passion Fruit-Pineapple Juice, 75
Tropical Passion, 75
Peach Habanero Tongue Twister, 175
Peach Purée, 175
Peanut Butter Syrup, 225
Peanut Cream Soda, 225
Pear Berry Purée, 159
pears/pear nectar
Orchard Orchid, 244
Pear Flower, 244
Sparkling Pear Berry Juice, 159
Vanilla Pear Shrub, 244
Vanilla Pear Sparkler, 158
Peppermint Tummy Tamer, 146
pepper sauce
Blazing Inferno Chile Water, 38
Hot Pepper Syrup, 38
Pepsi, slogans for, 102–3
Perrier sparkling water, 30
pharmacy soda fountains, 3, 52, 214
Pie, Lemon-Lime Chiffon, 308–9
Piña Colada, Sparkling, 137
pineapple juice
Ginger Pineapple Coconut-Cream Float, 235
Passion Fruit Pineapple Juice, 75
Pineapple Coconut Syrup, 235
Pineapple Ginger Ale, 163
Pineapple Slush, 161
Strawberry Pineapple Purée, 76
Strawberry Pineapple Soda, 76–77
Tropical Passion, 75
Turmeric Pineapple Juice, 145
Plain Delicious Cream Soda, 216
polysaccharides, 20
pomegranates/pomegranate juice
Antioxidant Syrup, 132
Blueberry Pomegranate Juice, 74
Fresh Pomegranate Juice, 61
Pomegranate Cranberry Crush, 164–65, 165
Pomegranate Cranberry Purée, 164
Pomegranate Elixir, 74
Pomegranate Rose-Hip Cooler, 190
Pomegranate Syrup, 190
Pomegranate Vinegar Ade, 251
Pomegranate Vinegar Syrup, 251
Strawberry Pomegranate Soda, 60–61
Strawberry Pomegranate Syrup, 60
Ginger Citrus Baked Ribs, 276
Orange Coffee Cola Pork Tenderloin, 282–83
Pork Chops with Chipotle Cherry Cola Gravy, 271
Pork Shoulder Braised with Ginger Ale, 266–67, 267
posca, 240
Pound Cake, Ginger Ale, 289
prune juice
Blueberry Prune Juice, 65
Chocolate Prune Juice, 170
Chocolate Prune Pop, 170
Fruit Cola, 68
Prune Cola Syrup, 68
“Sloe” Fizz, 65
Pudding Cake, Chocolate Cola, 302
Pumped-Up Chocolate Milk, 210
Punch, Açai, 131
quinine tonic
Grapefruit Quinine Cake with Zesty Glaze, 298–99
R&R Beer, 89
Barely Sweet White Grape Water, 48
Grape Syrup, 48
Root Beer Syrup, 88
Rooty Tooty Root Beer, 88–89
Vanilla Cream Soda Bread, 303
raspberries/raspberry jelly
Apricot Raspberry Purée, 241
Apricot Raspberry Shrub, 241
Berry Vinegar Cordial, 254
Chocolate Raspberry Cream Pop, 234
Effervescent Raspberry White Tea, 186–87, 187
Raspberry Lime Rickey, 50, 59
Raspberry Lime Syrup, 59
Raspberry Tea Syrup, 186
Red Bull, 129
Red Grape Winegar, 253
Red Peppers, Ginger Glazed Carrots and, 284
Ribs, Ginger Citrus Baked, 276
Rickey Julep, 59
Roast Teriyaki Ginger Ale Turkey Breast, 280
Root and Rye, 95
root beer
7-Root Beer, 94–95
Baked Sweet Potatoes with Root Beer Rum Butter, 265
basics, 86–87
Chocolate Root Beer Cheesecake, 292–93
Hire’s Root Beer, 90
mixology for, 89
Not-Too-Sweet Sarsaparilla, 92–93
restaurants, 99
Root Beer Baked Beans, 273
Root Beer Barbecue Sauce, 278
Root Beer Beer, 89
Root Beer Cream Soda, 226
Root Beer Cream Syrup, 226
Root Beer Float Double Cupcakes, 301
Root Beer Frosting, 301
Root Beer Praline Sundaes, 312–13, 313
Root Beer Sauce, 311
Root Beer Syrup, 88
Root Beer Vinegar Syrup, 245
Root Beery Sherry Vinegar Shrub, 245
Rooty Tooty Root Beer, 88–89
Soda-raised Pancakes with Root Beer Sauce, 311
Sweet-and-Sour Soda Pop Brisket, 279
“root teas”/“root beers,” 90
Rose-Hip Cooler, Pomegranate, 190
rosemary leaves Going Green Sparkling Herb Water, 147
Lemon-Lime Berries in Rosemary Syrup, 310
Orange Rosemary Crush, 142
Rosemary Syrup, 142
rose water
Rose Water Syrup, 47
Sparkling Rose Water, 47
Rosey Rickey, 59
Rum, Black, 110
saccharin, 17
Salted Caramel Egg Cream, 231
Salted Caramel Syrup, 37
Salty Dog, 167
Sangria, Kiss-Me-Quick, 243
Sangria Shrub, 243
sarsaparilla root, 3
7-Root Syrup, 94
Not-Too-Sweet Sarsaparilla, 92–93
Sarsaparilla Sauerbraten, 274
Sarsaparilla Syrup, 92
sassafras root
7-Root Syrup, 94
Birch Beer, 96–97
Birch Syrup, 96
Not-Too-Sweet Sarsaparilla, 92–93
Root Beer Syrup, 88
Rooty Tooty Root Beer, 88–89
Sarsaparilla Syrup, 92
Spruce Beer, 98–99
Spruce Syrup, 98
Sauerbraten, Sarsaparilla, 274
savory cooking, sweetness and, 260
Screwdriver, Ginger, 108
Screwdriver, Herbal, 137
Screwdriver, Sparkling, 39
Honeydew Mint Seltzer, 46
Slightly Salty Caramel Seltzer, 37
time line for, 31
7-Root Beer, 94–95
7-Root Syrup, 94
7UP Company/7UP cakes, 288
Shirley Temple, Drunken, 69
Shortcakes, Ginger Cream, 306–7
Shrimp Cocktail, Lemonade, 261
Apricot Raspberry Shrub, 241
basics, 240
Honey Shrub, 242
Root Beery Sherry Vinegar Shrub, 245
Sangria Shrub, 243
Vanilla Pear Shrub, 244
simple syrup, making, 15
Slightly Salty Caramel Seltzer, 37
“Sloe” Fizz, 65
slogans, Coke vs. Pepsi, 102–3
Slush, Carrot Cinnamon, 178
health risks and, 57
Soda Bread, Vanilla Cream, 303
soda making
bottling soda, 24–25
fermentation and mouthfeel, 20–21
flavor bases, 14
flavorings, 18–19
problem solving, 26
soda siphon, 21, 21, 22–23, 23
storage and, 25–26
sweeteners, 15–17
Soda Pop Brisket, Sweet-and-Sour, 279
soda pop cuisine, 260
Soda-Pop Granita, 295
Soda-raised Matzah Balls, 285
Soda-raised Pancakes with Root Beer Sauce, 311
allure of siphons, 22
soda storage, 25–26
“soda water,” 3
soft drink cakes, 288
soft drink time line, 4–11
Sorbet, Orange Soda, 299
Mocha Cappuccino, 314–15
tips for, 314
Sour Cherriade, 152, 162
Sour Cherry Cola, 106–7
Southern Comfortable, 199
Soy Soda, Sweet, 36
Sparkling Apple Brandy, 155
Sparkling Apple Juice, 155
Sparkling Black Velvet, 113
sparkling chocolate drinks
Chocolate Ginger Ale, 209
Cocoa Chile Taste-Bud Tingler, 208
Cold Fudge Soda, 207
Pumped-Up Chocolate Milk, 210
Sparkling Cinnamon Latte, 233
sparkling coffee
basics, 182
Brown Sugar Mocha Soda, 206
Cinnamon Coffee Gulp, 200
Espresso Jolt, 196
Hazelnut Coffee Creamery, 202
Iced Café Brûlot, 198
mixology for, 199
Sparkling Latte, 195
Turkish Java Mud, 201
Sparkling Egg Nog, 232
Sparkling Fruit Lassi, 237
Sparkling Grapefruit Cosmo, 83
Sparkling Green Tea with a Hint of Coconut, 183
Sparkling Homemade Apricot Nectar, 174
Sparkling Honey Ginger Gelatin, 317
Sparkling Honey Lemonade, 58
Sparkling Iced Tea Lemonade, 193
Sparkling Latte, 195
Sparkling Lemon Campari, 140
Sparkling Lemon Drop, 168
Sparkling Lemongrass Lemonade, 140
Sparkling Mead, 111
sparkling mineral water, 3
Sparkling Mint Julep, 137
Sparkling Orange Creamsicle, 215, 221
Sparkling Pear Berry Juice, 159
Sparkling Piña Colada, 137
Sparkling Rose Water, 47
Sparkling Screwdriver, 39
Sparkling Spicy Bloody Mary, 39
Sparkling Spicy Vodka Spritzer, 39
Sparkling Tamarind Tea, 188–89
sparkling tea
Basic Chai Spice Blend, 185
basics, 182
Black Tea Cola, 194
Chai Fizz, 184
Effervescent Jasmine Honey Tea, 191
Effervescent Raspberry White Tea, 186–87
Pomegranate Rose-Hip Cooler, 190
Sparkling Green Tea with a Hint of Coconut, 183
Sparkling Iced Tea Lemonade, 193
Sparkling Tamarind Tea, 188–89
Sweet Sparkling Moroccan Tea, 192
sparkling water, 28–49
Barely Sweet White Grape Water, 48
basics, 30
Blazing Inferno Chile Water, 38
Celrtzer, 41
Energy Water, 34
Fragrant Vanilla Water, 44
Going Green Sparkling Herb Water, 147
Goji Water, 42
A Hint of Chocolate Mint Water, 49
Honey Cardamom Fizzy Water, 43
Honeydew Mint seltzer, 46
Lime Sparkling Water, 35
Lychee Water, 45
Mineral Water, 32
mixology for, 39
seltzer time line, 31
Slightly Salty Caramel Seltzer, 37
Sparkling Rose Water, 47
Sweet Soy Soda, 36
Vitamin Water, 33
Zesty Sparkling Water, 40
Sparkling Watermelon, 53
Spiced Balsamic Fig Sparkler, 246
Spiced Carrot Juice, 178
Spiced Lemonade Syrup, 56
Spiked Gazpacho, 81
Spiked Strawberry Lemonade, 168
Sports Recovery Soda, 144
Spritzer, Ginseng, 128
Spruce Beer, 98–99
Spruce Syrup, 98
star anise, 18, 19
Anise Licorice Syrup, 116
Homemade Tonic, 166–67
Licorice Soda, 135
Root Beer Syrup, 88
Rooty Tooty Root Beer, 88–89
Start-the-Day-Right Breakfast Cocktail, 236
Berry Vinegar Cordial, 254
Sparkling pear Berry Juice, 159
Spiked Strawberry Lemonade, 168
Start-the-Day-Right Breakfast Cocktail, 236
Strawberry Cream Soda, 217
Strawberry Pineapple Purée, 76
Strawberry Pineapple Soda, 76–77, 77
Strawberry Pomegranate Soda, 60–61
Strawberry Pomegranate Syrup, 60
Strawberry Purée, 217
sucralose, 17
Sweet-and-Sour Apple Cider, 247
Sweet-and-Sour Soda Pop Brisket, 279
sweetened condensed milk Bubbling Dulce de Leche, 227
Dulce de Leche Syrup, 227
artificial, 16–17
high-fructose corn syrup, 8
liquid, 16
simple syrup, making, 15
Sweet Heat Mahogany Chicken Wings, 262
Sweet Potatoes, Baked, with Root Beer Butter, 265
Sweet Soy Soda, 36
Sweet Sparkling Moroccan Tea, 192
basics, 240
Colonial Switchel, 248
Lemon Honey Switchel, 249
Malted Molasses Switchel, 248
Szechuan Ginger Beer, 109
tamarind paste
Sparkling Tamarind Tea, 188–89
Tamarind Tea Syrup, 188
See also sparkling tea
tea bags, 187
Bedtime Chamomile Soda, 141
Black Tea Cola, 194
Calming Waters, 143
Chai Fizz, 184–85
Chamomile Lavender Kombucha, 150–51
Effervescent Jasmine Honey Tea, 191
Effervescent Raspberry White Tea, 186–87, 187
Fig Purée, 246
Green Tea Kombucha, 122–23
Orange Kombucha, 120–21
Peppermint Tummy Tamer, 146
Sparkling Green Tea with a Hint of Coconut, 183
Sparkling Iced Tea Lemonade, 193
Sparkling Tamarind Tea, 188–89
Spiced Balsamic Fig Sparkler, 246
Sweet Sparkling Moroccan Tea, 192
tea-flavored sodas. See sparkling tea
temperance beverages, 240
time line
for seltzer, 31
for soft drinks, 4–11
Tonic, 166
“tonic drinks,” 129
Tropical Passion, 75
Tru-Fruit Sodas, 211
Turkey Breast, Roast Teriyaki Ginger Ale, 280
Turkish Coffee Syrup, 201
Turkish Java Mud, 201
Turmeric Pineapple Juice, 145
vanilla bean/vanilla extract Anise Licorice Root Beer, 116–17
Coffee Chocolate Stout, 112–13
Fragrant Vanilla Water, 44
French Vanilla Egg Cream, 230
Ginger Whipped Cream, 307
Ginseng Ginger Syrup, 114
Lime Ginseng Ginger Root Beer, 114–15
Plain Delicious Cream Soda, 216
Vanilla Cream Soda Bread, 303
Vanilla Milk Syrup, 230
Vanilla Orange Purée, 221
Vanilla Pear Shrub, 244
Vanilla Pear Sparkler, 158
Very Cherry Cola, 72
vinegar drinks.
See also shrubs; switchels
Berry Vinegar Cordial, 254
Black Vinegar Water, 250
Citrus Rice Vinegar Cordial, 255
Green Apple Winegar, 252
Pomegranate Vinegar Ade, 251
Red Grape Winegar, 253
Spiced Balsamic Fig Sparkler, 246
Sweet-and-Sour Soda Apple Cider, 247
Watermelon Mint Cordial, 256
Vitamin A Tonic, 127, 134
Vitamin Water, 33
Vodka Spritzer, Sparkling Spicy, 39
Sparkling Watermelon, 53
Watermelon Juice, 53
Watermelon Mint Cordial, 256
Watermelon Purée, 256
Whipped Cream, Ginger, 307
Winegar, Grape, 253
Winegar, Green Apple, 252
yeasts, 20
fermentation and, 87
wild, 86
Sparkling Fruit Lassi, 237
Sparkling Orange Creamsicle, 221
Start-the-Day-Right Breakfast Cocktail, 236
Yoo-hoo chocolate soda, 211
Zesty Sparkling Water, 40