
Abbās b. Abd al-Muttalīb, 64

Abbās b. Firnās, 209

Abbasid caliphate

      and Andalus, 207, 208

      and Arabian Nights, 76–77

      background to, 64–65

      and Buyids, 129–133, 137, 139, 162

      and Byzantines, 88–89

      caliphal titles, 71

      campaigns, 78

      claim to caliphate, 65–66, 68–70

      and Córdoba caliphate, 210–211

      court of, 78–79, 118, 126–127

      culture (see culture) description from outside, 154–157

      elite and army, 82–83

      end, 95–97, 160, 247

      games in, 102

      and Ghaznevids, 137–149

      and hajj, 193

      history writing, 99–105, 118–120

      inclusiveness in, 120–122

      influence today, 126–127

      Iraq base and Baghdad, 72–73

      and Khurasan region, 65–66, 72

      knowledge economy, 105–109

      legacy as greatest caliphate, 63

      and Mamluks, 248–250

      Mongol conquest, 63, 157–160, 247

      palaces, 57, 64

      poetry and poets, 109–112

      political structure, 73–74

      power, 73–74, 134, 157, 161

      powerless caliphs, 85–86, 130

      reinvention, 132–137

      religious sciences, 117–118

      reputation of caliphs, 153

      revival of, 86–87

      rise, 66–68

      rivalry Amīn and Ma’mūn, 81–83

      science, 112–117

      and Seljuqs, 138, 149–150, 158, 166, 168

      sermons and manifesto, 68–70

      style of caliphate, 70–71

      succession, 74, 75, 224

      titles and names, 71, 213–214

      and Umayyads, 207

      and umma, 88–92, 120–122, 210

Abbasid family, 64, 70

Abd al-Azīz b. Marwān, 54

Abd al-Hamid I, Sultan, 254

Abd al-Hamīd II, sultan-caliph, 254–258, 260–261, 264

Abd al-Majīd II, sultan-caliph, 265, 268

Abd al-Malīk, Caliph

      Arabic language, 106

      architecture, 49–50

      Dome of the Rock, 50–51

      governance, 46

      laws and courts, 52–53

      monetary reforms, 48–49

      place of living, 56

      power of, 46–47, 53

      succession, 42, 45, 46, 53

Abd al-Mu’min, Caliph, 233–238

Abd al-Qādir al-Jazā’iri, 263

Abd al-Rahmān al-Ghāfiqi, 205

Abd al-Rahman al-Nāsir, 222

Abd al-Rahmān b. Muāwiya, 207, 209

Abd al-Rahmān II, 209

Abd al-Rahmān III, caliph, 194, 209–211, 212, 213–216

Abd al-Rahmān (Sanchuelo), 227

Abd Allah b. al-Abbās, 64

Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr, 42–43, 44–45

Abd Allah b. Yāsin, 229

Abū Abd Allah al-Shii, 186, 187

Abū Bakr, Caliph

      campaigns for unity, 9–10

      death, 10

      as early caliph, 7–8, 9, 10

      and Islamic State, 274

      opinions on, xxi

      rejection of Islam, 9–10

      succession of Prophet Muhammad, 4, 5, 9, 16

Abū Bakr al-Baghdādi, 271–273

Abū Bakr b. Tufayl, 243

Abū Hamza, 60–61

Abū Hāshim, 65

Abū Jafar al-Tabarī, 34, 118–119, 121, 253

Abū Kalījar, 162

Abū Muslim, 66–67, 73–74

Abū Nuwās, 110

Abū Salama, 67, 178

Abū Tammām, 111

Abū Yaqūb Yūsuf I, Caliph, 238–240, 242–243

Abū’l-Abbās (Saffāh, Caliph), 67–68, 70, 99

Abū’l-Atāhiya, 110–111

Abū’l-Faraj al-Isfahānī, Book of Songs (Kitāb al-aghānī), 111–112

Adam, 1

Adud al-Dawla, 130–131, 132

Afonso Henriques, King of Portugal, 234

Aga Khan, the, 177

Ahmad b. Hanbal, 84–85, 117–118

Ahmet Rafik Bey, 260–261

Ahwas, 52

Aisha (Muhammad’s wife), 21, 22, 136

Akhtal, 53

Al-Qaeda, 216, 271

alcoholic drinks, prohibition, 202

Alfonso VI, King of León-Castile, 150, 229, 230

Alfonso VII, King of León-Castile, 241

Alī al-Ridā, 179

Alī b. Abī Talīb, Caliph

      centre of government, 23

      as early caliph, 7–8

      and Imami Shiism, 177

      and Kharijites, 30

      and Kufa, 22, 23–24, 25, 26, 27

      legacy in Iraq, 26–27

      military challenges against, 21–22

      and Muāwiya b. Abī Sufyān, 23, 26–27

      murder of and following events, 30, 33

      opinions on, xxi

      rivalry Iraq-Syria, 25–26

      succession of Prophet Muhammad, 4, 5, 176, 177

      and Uthmān, 17, 20–22, 25

      vision and policies, 26

Alī b. Mikāl, 144, 145

Alī b. Nāfi (Ziryāb), 209

Alī b. Yūsuf, 230, 231

Alids, 74, 75, 182, 223

Almohad caliphate

      vs. Almoravids, 231–232

      and Andalus, 234–237, 241–242

      and Berbers, 233

      books, 238–239

      campaigns and expansion, 233–235, 239–242

      culture of, 242–245

      emergence, 230–231

      end, 233, 242, 247

      fortifications, 235–236

      ideology, 232–233

      leadership and organization, 232, 236–237

      succession in, 233–234, 238, 241, 242

Almoravids, 229–232, 234

Amīn, Caliph, 71, 81–82

Amīr al-Mu’minīn (Commander of the Faithful), 7, 230, 233

Amr b. Layth the Saffarid, 147


      Abbasids, 207, 208

      Almohads, 234–237, 241–242

      Almoravids, 229–230

      conversions, 214

      convivencia, 216–217

      jihād, 212

      state power, 208–209

      Taifa kings, 229

      Umayyads, 34, 205–210

ansār, 3–4, 5, 20

anthropomorphism, 175, 231

Antioch, 192

Anūshtakīn Dizbari, 199–200

Arab caliphate, 262–264

Arabian Nights, The, 76–77

Arabic language and texts, 47–48, 49, 106

Arīb b. Sad al-Qurtubi (the Córdoban), 210–211

Aristotle, 112, 115

Arnold, Sir Thomas, xv

Ashath b. Qays al-Kindī, 23, 25

Averroism, 244

Ayn Jalut, Battle of, 248

Azāriqa, the, 30

Azhar mosque, 190

Azhar sheiks, 267–268

Badger, George, 262


      Abbasid caliphate, 72–73

      and Buyids, 129–132

      createdness of Qur’ān, 84–85

      culture and authors, 108

      description from outside, 154, 156–157

      founding by Mansūr, 72

      Mongol invasion, 158–160

      religious sciences, 117–118

      rivalry Sunnis-Shiites, 131–132, 134–135

      and Seljuqs, 149–150

      siege by Ma’mūn’s forces, 82

      tolerance in, 120–121

Bahā al-Dawla, 132, 133, 137

Balādhuri, 34

Balkh, 142

al-Banna, Hasan, 268–269

Banū Hāshim, 3

Banū Mūsā, the, 116

Banū Saida, the Saqīfa of the, 4–5

Barbarossa, Frederick, 151

Barmakid family, 77–78

Barmakid viziers, 76

Basil II, Byzantine Emperor, 198–199

Basra, 21–22

Battle of the Camel, 22

baya oath of loyalty

      Abbasid caliphate, 67–68

      and Abū Bakr, 4

      inauguration of caliphs, 35–36

      and Mamluks, 248, 249

      of Masūd, 140

      of Yazid I, 39

Baybars, Sultan, 248

Bayhaqi, 140, 142, 148

Berke, Khan of the Golden Horde, 249

Birdwood, George, 262

Black Stone, 3, 186, 193

Bloom, Jonathan, 107

Blunt, Wilfred Scawen, 263–264

Book of Mustazhir (Kitab al-Mustazhiri) (Ghazālī), 169–171

books, 108–109, 222, 226, 231, 238–239

Bughā, 126

Bulgars, diplomatic mission to, 91–95

burda (mantle of the Prophet), 258–259, 260–261

bureaucracy and bureaucrats, 105–106

Buyids, the, 129–133, 137, 139, 162


      and Abbasids, 88–89

      campaigns by Hārūn al-Rashid, 78

      and Córdoba caliphate, 220–222

      and culture, 112

      and Fatimids, 192

      jihād against, 34, 38, 198–199

Cairo, and Fatimids, 189, 194–196, 201

Cairo geniza, 201

caliph, the

      abolition in Turkey, 265, 267

      appointments, 1–2

      authority, 152–153

      changing nature of, 250

      choice of, xviii–xix, 28–29, 163–164, 166–167, 170

      concept and meaning, 1, 6–7, 31, 253

      conquests of Middle East, 8–9

      createdness of Qur’ān, 84–85, 95, 135–136

      in European sources, 151

      historical narrative as guidance, xxi–xxii

      image of, 91

      inauguration and baya, 35–36

      laws and law-making, 51–52

      as leader, xi

      longevity, 81, 139

      murders of, 82, 85–86

      naming on coins, 133–134

      need for, 253

      office of, 2

      place of living, 56–57, 73

      power, xix–xx, 53, 55, 59, 85, 134, 161–162, 165–168, 170–172

      powerlessness and alienation, 85–86, 96, 162

      qualifications for and other titles, 253

      qualities, 162–163, 167, 170–171

      Quraysh as, 163, 167, 252–253

      regalia, 82

      removal, 164

      and sharīa, 134, 161, 168, 169

      succession, xviii–xix, 16–17, 22, 74, 75, 164, 166, 224

      succession of Prophet Muhammad, 5–6, 9, 164

      and sultans, 253

      title use by Ottomans, 250–253, 254, 255

      titles used for, 7, 230

      tradition, xvi–xvii


      black as colour, 63, 70–71, 273–274

      capitals, 22–23, 73

      cities and administrative systems, 105–106

      classic period, 63

      concept and meaning, xiii, xvii–xviii, 275

      dress and wear, 70–71

      economy, 73, 96

      in eighteenth century, 254

      end, 247–248

      governance, 46, 161

      hereditary succession, xviii–xix, 39–40, 42, 224

      history as inspiration, xiv–xv, xvii

      inclusiveness in, 120–122

      location choice, 45

      political independence, 160

      power, 161

      qualifications for, 253–254

      revival, xiv, 267–271

      secular views, 268

      seven-year civil war, 42–45

      social divisions, 45–46

      titles, 71

Campbell, Sir George, 261–262

Cave, festival of the, 131

China, paper, 106–107


      and Almohad caliphate, 234, 236, 237, 239–240, 241–242

      and Córdoba caliphate, 212, 215, 216–217, 218, 226

      Crusades, 151–152

      and Fatimid caliphate, 200–201, 202

      heresy in, 173–174

      leadership of, 152

      restoration of churches, 54–55

      science and translations, 114

      and Syria, 10

      tolerance of, 120

Cicilia, 55

coinage, 48–49, 133–134, 194, 214

Consorts of the Caliphs (Ibn al-Sāī), 122

Constantinople, 220–221

convivencia (‘living together’), 216–217

Córdoba, caliphate of

      and Abbasids, 210–211

      army, 225

      and Byzantines, 220–222

      claim of caliphate, 210–212, 214

      coinage, 214

      conversions in, 214

      convivencia, 216–217

      court, 209, 215–216, 218, 222

      culture, 221–222

      end, 228, 229

      expeditions and campaigns, 212–213, 215, 226

      foreign policy, 217–218, 222–223

      and last Umayyad, 70

      origin, 207

      outsider account, 218–220

      power, 213, 215, 224–225

      succession problems, 223–228

      titles, 207–208, 210, 213–214

      women, 224

Córdoba (city), 209, 217, 220–221, 228, 237, 242

Crimea, 254

Crone, Patricia, 6, 28–29, 58

Crusaders, 151–152

Ctesiphon arch, 121


      Almohad caliphate, 242–245

      books, 108–109

      and bureaucracy, 105–108

      inclusiveness, 120–122

      memory of, 122–127

      paper and writing, 106–108

      philosophy, 114–115

      reading and literacy, 106

      religious sciences, 117–118

      science, 112–117

      translations, 112–114

      and women, 111, 122–123

      See also poetry and poets

      currency, 49

      See also coinage

Cyprus, 79

Dabiq (IS periodical), xiv, 271–272, 274

Damascus, 38, 54, 56, 120

Darb Zubayda, the, 80

dates, xxii

David, King, 1

dawla, the, 130

Dāwūd, 68–70

Daā’im al-Islam (The Pillars of Islam) (Numān), 190–191

Dome of the Rock, 50

Druze, the, 203

dualists, 101

earth, size of, 115–117

economy, 12, 105

Egypt, 8, 83

      and Fatimids, 188–190, 192–198, 200–201, 204, 222–223

European imperialism, 267, 268–269

Family of the Prophet

      and Abbasids, 64, 65, 68, 69, 74, 135

      background, 3

      and descendants, 176

      legacy of Alī b. Abī Talīb, 26

      and Shiites, 175–176, 180, 191

      succession, 4, 5, 43

Farazdaq, 52, 53

Fārūq (Redeemer), 15–16

Fātima (Muhammad’s daughter), 2, 177, 187

Fatimid caliphate

      armies, 199

      and Buyids, 130–131

      and Byzantines, 192, 198–199

      coinage, 194, 214

      decline and abolition, 152, 203–204

      in Egypt, 188–190, 192–198, 200–201, 204, 222–223

      establishment, 186–187

      and hajj, 193, 198

      ideology, 190–191

      lineage and claims, 187–188

      political problems, 191–192

      power, 188–189, 190

      public ritual, 194–197, 203

      religious policy, 200, 201–202

      ruling elite, 200–201

      and Sunnis, 189–190

      Syria and Palestine, 191–192

      traditions, 191

fatwas, 85

fay system, 11–12

First World War, 264–265

fitna, 19

Fortūn b. Muhammad, 215

France, 205

Fustat, 189

Genghis Khan, 157

Ghadīr Khumm, 131

Ghazālī, 168–171, 230–231

Ghaznevids, the

      alliance with Abbasids, 138–141

      caliphal investiture, 141–149

      conditions of agreement, 145–146

      origins, 137–138

      and Turks, 148–149

Ghazni, 138

ghulat, the, 44, 179

Gibbon, Edward, 14

God, xi, 1, 6, 175, 231

Great Britain, 262, 263

Great Palace of the Caliphate (Dār al-khilāfa), 129

Greek language and knowledge, 47, 112–113, 114, 116, 222

Hafsids, the, 247

hajj, the

      and Abbasids, 193

      and Fatimids, 193, 198

      and Hārūn al-Rashid, 78–79

      Hijaz railway, 256–257

      and Kaba, 3

      and Ottomans, 252–253

      protection of pilgrims, 146

      route to, 80, 146

      and Umayyads, 34, 38

Hajjāj b. Yūsuf, 45, 47, 53, 54

Hakam, 58, 59

Hakam, Caliph, 221, 222–223

Hākim, Caliph, 200, 201–203, 248–249

Hallaq, Wael, 167

Harthama b. Ayan, 81–82

Hārūn al-Rashid, Caliph, 76, 77–79, 81, 101–102

Hasan (Alī’s son), 33, 41

Hāshimiya, the, 65

Hayy b. Yaqzān, 243

Heracleia, 79

heresy, 173–175

Herodotus, 113

Hidden Imam, the, 134, 180

Hijaz, 15, 22

Hijaz railway, 256–257

Hijra, the, 3

Hillenbrand, Carole, 171

Hillenbrand, Robert, 57

Hinds, Martin, 6, 58

Hiraqla, 79

Hishām, Caliph, 55–56, 66

Hishām, Caliph of Córdoba, 207, 223–225, 227

historical narrative, xx–xxii

History of the Caliphs (Ibn al-Sāī), 158

History of the Prophets and Kings (Tabarī), 118, 182

history-writing, 99–105, 118–120

Hizb al-Tahrīr, 269–270

holy relics, 258–261

homosexuality, 110

House of Wisdom (Bayt al-hikma), 113

Houthis, 184

Huete, siege of, 239–240

Hulegu Khan, 157–158, 159

Humayma, 64

Hunayn b. Ishaq, 114

Husayn b. Alī, 33, 40–41, 178

Ibādiya, the, 30

Iberian Peninsula. See Andalus

ibn, xxiii

Ibn Abī Āmir, 224, 225–226

Ibn al-Alqamī, 158

Ibn al-Furāt, 87, 89, 224

Ibn al-Mutazz, 224

Ibn al-Nadīm, 109

Ibn al-Sāī, 122, 158

Ibn Azzūn, 240

Ibn Fadlān, 91, 93–95

Ibn Hafsūn, 217

Ibn Jubayr, Travels, 154–157

Ibn Kathīr, 63

Ibn Khaldūn, 250

Ibn Khallikan, 116

Ibn Mardanīsh, 236

Ibn Mubārak, 79

Ibn Rushd (Averroes), 116, 243–244

Ibn Sāhib al-Salāt, 238

Ibn Tūlūn, 86

Ibn Wāsil, 152

Idrīs b. Abd Allah, 183, 223

Idrisids, the, 183, 223

Iltutmish, 150–151

image manipulation, 91

imam, definition, 253

Imami Shiism, 178–180

imams and the imamate

      authority, 180, 184, 187

      Isma’ili, 184–186

      occultation of, 180

      and sharīa, 176

      in Shiite tradition, 173

      Twelver Shiism, 178–180

      use of term, 7, 173

      Zaydi, 180–184

India, 261–262

Iran, 8, 40–41, 157–158


      and Abbasid caliphate, 72

      conquest, 8, 10–11

      economy, 96

      fay system, 11

      recapture by Muwaffaq, 86–87

      rivalry with Syria, 25, 26–27

      Shiites, 185

Īsā al-Rāzī, 222

Īsā (son of Zayd), 182


      authority in, 175, 176

      concern for poor and marginalized, 26

      conversion to, 8–9, 97

      disagreement between Muslims, 29–30

      early conquests and campaigns, 9–12

      expansion, 91–92

      heresy in, 173–175

      historical narrative as guidance, xx–xxii

      non-Arabic, 233

      and philosophy, 115

      precedence in, 23–24

      rejection of, 9–10

      spirit of, 230

      tolerance in, 136

Islamic State (IS/ISIS), xiii–xv, 63, 271–275

Islamic values, xvi

Isma’ilis, 169, 171, 177, 184–186

See also Fatimid caliphate

Jābiliyya, the, 30

Jafar al-Sādiq, 178, 179, 185

Jafar b. Abd Allah, 95

Jafar b. Muqtadī, 166

Jafar the Barmakid, 76–77, 78

Jalāl al-Dawla, 162

Jarīr, 52

Jawhar (Fatimid general), 188–189

Jayhānī, 93

Jerusalem, 15, 50, 151

Jews, 15, 200–201, 203, 217


      Almohads, 234, 236

      in Andalus, 212, 215, 226

      against Byzantines, 34, 38, 198–199

      foundations, 79

      Ghaznevids, 140

      by Muwaffaq, 87

John of Gorze, 218–220

Joinville, Jean de, 159

Juwaynī, Abd al-Malik al-, Ghiyāth al-umam (Succour of the Nations), 165–168

Kab b. Zuhayr, 258–259

Kaba, the, 3, 43, 193

Kemal, Mustafa, 265

Khālid al-Qasri, 53

Khālid b. al-Walīd, 9

Khālid b. Barmak, 121

Khalīfa, meaning, 1, 6

Khalīl al-Zāhiri, 249

Kharijites, the, 27–30, 44

Khayzurān, 77

Khurasan, 64, 65–66, 72, 142

khutba (the Friday sermon), 133

Khwarazm, 93

kiswa, 73

knowledge economy, 105–109

Kucuk Kaynarca, Treaty of, 254


      and Abbasid caliphate, 67

      as capital, 23

      description and people, 23–25

      Islamic precedence in, 23–24

      murder of Husayn, 41–42

      rule of Alī b. Abī Talīb, 22, 26, 27

      and Shiites, 181–182

      succession to Yazid, 43, 44

kuffār, 29

Kutāma, the, 184, 187, 199

laqab caliphal titles, 71

Las Navas de Tolosa, Battle of, 241–242

laws and law-making, 51–53, 84, 191, 202, 231

literacy, 106

Lutfi Pasha, 253

Madinat al-Salam, the City of Peace. See Baghdad

Madinat al-Zahra, 222

Maghreb, the, 206, 211, 223

Mahbūba, 122–126

Mahdī, 44, 187

Mahdī, Caliph, 73, 74–76, 80, 100–101, 105

Mahdiya, 188

Mahmūd, Sultan, 138, 141

Majlis al-hikma (Assemblies of Wisdom), 190

Mālik al-Ashtar, 24, 25

Malik Shah, Sultan, 149, 166

Mamluks, 138, 247–250

Ma’mūn, Caliph, 81–84, 103–104, 105, 113, 115–117

Mansūr, Caliph, 71, 72–74, 99–100, 104–105, 113, 121

Mansūr (of Almohads), 241

Mansūr of Córdoba, Caliph, 225–226

mantle of the Prophet (burda), 258–259, 260–261

Maronite Chronicle, the, 36–38

Marrakesh, 234, 242

Marsham, Andrew, 28

Martel, Charles, 205

Marwān b. al-Hakam, 42

Marwān II, Caliph, 67

Masrūr, 78

Masūd, Sultan, 140, 141, 142–146, 148

Masūdi, 99, 105

mathematics, 106

mawāli (sing. mawlā), 24–25, 44, 54

Māwardī, Ali b. Muhammad, The Ordinances of Government, 162–165

Meadows of Gold (Murūj al-dhahab), 99

Mecca, 2–3, 87–88

Medina, 3–4, 8, 9, 15, 22–23, 51

Mehmed III, Sultan, 259

Mehmet II, Sultan, 251

Mehmet V, sultan-caliph, 264

Mehmet VI, sultan-caliph, 264–265

Menocal, Rosa Maria, 216

Merv, 66, 67

Midhat Pasha, 255

mihna, 84

milestones, 49

military slavery, 199

Mongol conquest of 1258, 63, 157–160, 247

Morocco, 183, 223, 230, 231, 233–234, 235–236

Mosque of the Prophet, 51

Mosque of Umar, 15

Muāwiya b. Abī Sufyān, Caliph

      accession, 33, 36–38

      and Alī b. Abī Talīb, 21, 23, 25, 26–27, 33

      description, 21, 38

      succession, 39

      and Sunnis/Shiites, 136

Mughīra, 224

muhājirūn, the, 3–4

Muhammad, the Prophet

      achievements after his death, 30–31

      allegiance to and alms tax, 9

      appointment of caliphs, 2

      death, 4–5

      family background, 2–3

      Hijra, 3

      in Jerusalem, 15

      mantle and relics, 258–261

      and Medina, 3–4

      and Shiites, 191

      succession, 2, 5–6, 9

      See also Family of the Prophet

Muhammad Abduh, 263–264

Muhammad al-Bāqir, 178, 181

Muhammad b. Abd Allah, the Pure Soul, 23, 74, 118–119, 182

Muhammad b. Abi Āmir, 224, 225–226

Muhammad b. al-Hanafiya, 43–44, 65

Muhammad b. Alī, 64, 65

Muhammad b. Alī al-Abdi, 99–101

Muhammad b. Hishām, 227

Muhammad b. Isma’il, 186, 187

Muhammad b. Sulaymān, 80

Muhammad b. Tumārt, the Mahdi, 230–234, 238

Muhammad (half-brother of Masūd), 141

Muhammad Sulaymānī, 142, 143, 145, 146–147

Mukhtār b. Abī Ubayd, 43–44, 45–46

Muktafī, 87

Muqtadī, Caliph, 87–88, 166

Muqtadir, Caliph, 87, 88–90, 95, 155–156, 210, 224

Muqtafi, Caliph, 150

Murad I, Sultan, 251

Murji’in, the, 274–275

Mūsā al-Kāzim, 179

Muslim Brotherhhod, 268–269

Mustaīn, Caliph, 249

Mustakfī, Caliph, 129

Mustansir, Caliph, 222

Mustarshid, Caliph, 150

Mustasim, Caliph, 158–159

Mustazhir, Caliph, 150, 153, 169

Musab, 43, 44, 45

Mutadid, Caliph, 119, 229

Mutamid, Caliph, 147, 229

Mutasim, Caliph, 84, 104, 106, 119

Mutawakkil, Caliph, 85–86, 104, 105, 115, 122–125, 194

Muttaqī, Caliph, 129

Mutawakkil III, Caliph, 251–252

Muwaffaq, 86–87

muwalladūn, 214

Muzaffar, 227

Muizz, Caliph, 198, 200

Nabhani, Taqi al-Dīn, 269

Nahrawan, 96

najda, 170–171

Najdiya, the, 30

Nāsir, Caliph, 151, 157, 216–217

Nāsir al-Dīn al-Tūsi, 159

Nāsir li’dīn Allah, 214

Nāsir (of Almohads), 241

Nāsiri Khusraw, 194–196

Nasr b. Ahmad, Emir, 93

Nasr b. Sayyār, 67–68

nass, xix, 65

Nicholas, 222

Nile river, 192

9/11 attacks, 216

Nishapur, 93

Nizām al-Mulk, 149, 165–166, 168–169


      Abbasid caliphate, 88–92

      convivencia, 216–217

      Córdoba caliphate, 213

      Fatimid caliphate, 200–201, 202

      as invaders, 151–152

      status as subjects, 12–13, 54–55

Otto I, German emperor, 217

Ottoman caliphate

      and Abd al-Hamīd II, 254–261, 264

      and Arab caliphate, 262–264

      end, 264–265, 267

      and hajj, 252–253

      holy relics, 258

      origins, 251

      representation of all Muslims, 255–256, 257–258, 261–262, 264

      title of caliph in, 250–253, 254, 255

Palestine, 191–192

Pankhurst, Reza, 269–270

paper, 106–108

philosophy, 114–115

poetry and poets

      Abbasid caliphate, 109–112, 153–154

      of Greeks, 112–113

      and laws, 52

      and love interests, 154

      singing girls, 111, 154

      succession of Prophet Muhammad, 6

      by women, 122–125

poll tax (jizya), 13

Polo, Marco, 159

Pope, the, 152, 174

Portugal, 205, 234

      See also Andalus

primogeniture, 40

the Prophet. See Muhammad, the Prophet

provincial governors, 165

public offices, distribution of, 100

Qabīha the poetess, 123

Qādī Numān, 190

Qādir, Caliph

      and Buyids, 132–133, 139

      and doctrine, 135–137

      and Ghaznevids, 138, 141

      oaths of allegiance, 132–133

      recognition and power, 133–135

      spiritual leadership, 149

      succession of, 139, 143–144

Qādiri Epistle, the (Risālat al-Qādiriya), 135–137

qādīs, 52, 134

Qādisiyya, Battle of, 10

Qāhir, Caliph, 99

Qā’im, Caliph, 137, 139–140, 143, 149, 168

qalansuwa, 70–71, 79

Qara Khanids, 141–142

Qarāmita, the, 87, 146, 186

Qayrawan, 186, 188, 206

qibla, 15

Qur’ān, the

      in arbitration, 27

      Berber version, 233

      caliph as judge, 52

      Commentary on, 118

      createdness of, 83–85, 95, 135–136

      first caliph, 1

      and heresy, 174–175

      revelation and passing of, 19

      Sunni and Shia, 175, 191

Qur’ān of Uthmān, 19–20, 237, 259

Quraysh, the

      as caliphs, 163, 167, 252–253

      and Córdoba caliphate, 212

      and Islamic State, 273

      and Prophet Muhammad, 3–4

      role, 3, 4

      and succession, 5, 9, 16, 20, 28

      wealth in, 18

Qusayr (little castle) Amra, 57–58

Rabbat, 236, 237, 242

rag-paper, 107

Ramiro II, 215

Rāshidūn, 7–8

Rayy, 92

al-Raziq, Alī Abd, Islam and the Fundamentals of Ruling, 268

reading, 106

Recemundo (Rabī b. Zayd), 216–217, 218, 221

Redhouse, James, 262

religious sciences, 117–118

religious tolerance, 120–122

Repenters, 41–42

ridda, the, 9–11, 23

Rob, 47–48

Rus, the, 91

Rusafa, 55, 156

Sabā’iyyah, the, 68

sābiqa, 23–24

Sad b. Abī Waqqās, 10

Saffāh, Caliph (Abū’l-Abbās), 67–68, 70, 99

Saffarids, the, 85

Saladin, 151, 152, 204, 236

salaf, the, 43, 200

salaries, for bureaucrats, 105–106

Samanids, 93, 137–138, 141

Samarra, 84, 85–86

Santarem, 240

Sayyida, 87

science, 112–117

seal of the Prophet, 259

Sebuktagin, Sultan, 138

Selīm the Grim, Sultan, 251, 252

Seljuqs, the, 138, 149–150, 158, 166, 168

9/11 attacks, 216

Seville, 237, 238–239, 242

Sèvres, Treaty of, 265

Shah Rukh, 250, 252

Shahrazad, 77

sharīa, 134, 161, 168, 169, 176, 270

shawkat, 167, 170


      and Abbasids, 92–93

      and Buyids, 130

      caliphate of, 173–177

      definition, 175

      division with Sunnis, 8, 131–132, 134–136

      early caliphs, 8

      and Family of the Prophet, 175–176, 180, 191

      fundamental questions, 175–177

      as heretics, 173–174

      Isma’ilis (see Isma’ilis)

      in Kufa, 181–182

      legacy of Alī b. Abī Talīb, 26

      and Mongol invasion, 159

      prayer, 200

      and Qur’ān, 175

      revolt, 182–183

      strands, 177

      succession, xvii, 74

      Twelver Shiism, 177, 178–180, 187

      Zaydis, 177, 180–184

      See also Fatimid caliphate

shīa and shīī, meaning, 175

shūra, 16–17, 20, 22, 224

Siddīq, Abū Bakr as, 10

Siffin, battle at, 26–27

sikka, 133

Sind, 55

singing girls (jāriya), 111, 154

slaves and slavery, 24, 86, 111, 125, 199, 248

Sophronius, 15

Spain, 205

      See also Andalus

Subh, 224

Sulaymān, Caliph, 53–54

Sulayman the Magnificent, Sultan, 251, 252

sultanate, abolition, 265, 267–268

sultans, definition and other titles, 253

sunna, the, 54


      caliphates, 173

      division with Shiites, 8, 131–132, 134–136

      early caliphs, 8

      and Fatimids, 189–190

      and Mongol invasion, 158–159

      and Qādir, 135–137

      and Qur’ān, 175

      succession, xvii–xviii

      and Turks, 138–139

      and Uthmān, 18


      and Abd al-Malīk, 46–47

      and Andalus, 206–207

      army, 46–47

      caliphate, 262–263

      conquest, 8, 10

      and Fatimids, 191–192

      palaces, 56, 57

      rivalry with Iraq, 25, 26–27

      and Umayyads, 45

Syriac language, 113

Tabarī (Abū Jafar al-Tabarī), 34, 118–119, 121, 253

Tāhir b. Husayn, 81, 82

Tā’ī, Caliph, 130, 132

takf īr, ideology of, 29–30

Talas, Battle of, 106

Talha b. Ubayd Allah, 21, 22

Taliban, 232, 271

tālibs, 232

taqiyya, 178–179

taxes and taxation, 12, 13, 46–47, 52, 54, 57, 96

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 77

Thaqīf, tribe of, 21–22

Tigris river, 72–73

Timothy, 120

Tinmal, 232, 233, 242

Toorawa, Shawkat, 106

Topkapi Saray collection, 258–260

Traditions of the Prophet, 64, 85, 117–118, 162, 167

translations, 112–114

transliteration, xx–xxi

Transoxania, 137, 141

travel narrative, 91–92

Tughril Beg, 162

Tunisia, 188

Turkey, abolition of sultanate, 265

Turks, 82–83, 86, 138–139, 148–149, 199

      See also Seljuqs, the

tyrannicide, 19

Ubayd Allah b. Ziyād, 41, 185–187

ulama, the, 34–35, 51

Umar b. al-Khattāb, Caliph

      campaigns and conquests, 8, 11

      death, 13

      in Jerusalem, 15

      opinions on, xix

      ‘pact of Umar’, 12–13, 54–55

      as Redeemer, 15–16

      and rejection of Islam, 9

      reputation, 13–15

      revenue system, 11–12

      succession, 5, 16

Umar b. Shabba, 182

Umar II, Caliph, 52, 53, 54–55

Umar (son of Abd al-Mu’min), 238

Umayyad caliphate and Abbasids, 207

achievements, 34

      in Andalus, 34, 205–210

      criticisms of, 34–35, 60–61, 68–69

      death of Uthmān, 21

      decline and end, 66, 67, 68

      establishment, 33–38

      fay system, 12

      and hajj, 80

      inauguration of caliphs, 35–36

      laws and law-making, 51, 52

      murder of Husayn, 41–42

      palaces, 56–58

      public rituals, 194

      seven-year crisis, 55–56

      size and conquests, 33–34

      social views, 45–46

      and Syria, 45

      See also Córdoba, caliphate of

umma, the, xii, 88–92, 97, 120–122, 210

Usāma b. Lādin, 216, 271

Uthmān b. Affān, Caliph

      as early caliph, 7–8

      murder, 17–19, 21

      opinions on, xix

      Qur’ān of, 19–20, 237, 259

      rule of, 17

      selection by shūra, 16

      succession, 20–22

      and wealth, 18

Uthmān (son of Walīd II), 58, 59

viziers, 164–165

Wadad al-Qadi, 190

Wāhid, 242

Walīd I, Caliph, 49, 51, 53

Walīd II, Caliph, 34, 56, 57–59, 60, 120

Walker, Paul, 202

wall-paintings, Qusayr Amra, 58

Wasīf, 125–126

Wasit, 47

Wāthiq, Caliph, 104

women, 111, 122–123, 154, 224

World War I, 264–265

writing and writing materials, 106–108

Yahya the Barmakid, 78

Yaqūb b. Ishāq al-Kindī, 114–115

Yarmuk, Battle of, 10

Yathrib. See Medina

Yazīd I, Caliph, 39–40, 41, 42–44

Yazīd II, Caliph, 55

Yemen, 183–184, 206

Yūsuf b. Tashfīn, 150, 230

Zallaqa, Battle of, 230

Zanj, the, 86

Zayd b. Alī, 181–182

Zaydism, 177, 180–184

Zayn al-Abidīn, 177

Zindīqs, the, 75

Zirids, the, 223

Zoroastrians, 121

Zubayda, 80, 101, 102–103, 104, 111

Zubayr b. al-Awwām, 20–22

Zubayrids, 45–46