Chapter 5. Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities

5.1. Objectives*

After completing this chapter, you should

Solving Equations (Section 5.2)

  • be able to identify various types of equations

  • understand the meaning of solutions and equivalent equations

  • be able to solve equations of the form x + a = b and xa = b .

  • be familiar with and able to solve literal equation

Solving Equations of the Form ax = b and (Section 5.3)

  • understand the equality property of addition and multiplication

  • be able to solve equations of the form ax = b and

Further Techniques in Equation Solving (Section 5.4)

  • be comfortable with combining techniques in equation solving

  • be able to recognize identities and contradictions

Applications I - Translating from Verbal to Mathematical Expressions (Section 5.5)

  • be able to translate from verbal to mathematical expressions

Applications II - Solving Problems (Section 5.6)

  • be able to solve various applied problems

Linear Inequalities in One Variable (Section 5.7)

  • understand the meaning of inequalities

  • be able to recognize linear inequalities

  • know, and be able to work with, the algebra of linear inequalities and with compound inequalities

Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (Section 5.8)

  • be able to identify the solution of a linear equation in two variables

  • know that solutions to linear equations in two variables can be written as ordered pairs

5.2. Solving Equations *


  • Types of Equations

  • Solutions and Equivalent Equations

  • Literal Equations

  • Solving Equations of the Form x + a = b and xa = b

Types of Equations


Some equations are always true. These equations are called identities. Identities are equations that are true for all acceptable values of the variable, that is, for all values in the domain of the equation. 5x = 5x is true for all acceptable values of x . y + 1 = y + 1 is true for all acceptable values of y .2 + 5 = 7 is true, and no substitutions are necessary.


Some equations are never true. These equations are called contradictions. Contradictions are equations that are never true regardless of the value substituted for the variable. x = x + 1 is never true for any acceptable value of x . 0  ·  k = 14 is never true for any acceptable value of k . 2 = 1 is never true.

Conditional Equation

The truth of some equations is conditional upon the value chosen for the variable. Such equations are called conditional equations. Conditional equations are equations that are true for at least one replacement of the variable and false for at least one replacement of the variable. x + 6 = 11 is true only on the condition that x = 5. y − 7 = − 1 is true only on the condition that y = 6 .

Solutions and Equivalent Equations

Solutions and Solving an Equation

The collection of values that make an equation true are called solutions of the equation. An equation is solved when all its solutions have been found.

Equivalent Equations

Some equations have precisely the same collection of solutions. Such equations are called equivalent equations. The equations are equivalent equations because the only value that makes each one true is 3.

Sample Set A

Tell why each equation is an identity, a contradiction, or conditional.

Example 5.1. 

The equation x − 4 = 6 is a conditional equation since it will be true only on the condition that x = 10.

Example 5.2. 

The equation x − 2 = x − 2 is an identity since it is true for all values of x . For example,

Example 5.3. 

The equation a + 5 = a + 1 is a contradiction since every value of a produces a false statement. For example,

Practice Set A

For each of the following equations, write "identity," "contradiction," or "conditional." If you can, find the solution by making an educated guess based on your knowledge of arithmetic.

Exercise 5.2.1. (Go to Solution)

x + 1 = 10

Exercise 5.2.2. (Go to Solution)

y − 4 = 7

Exercise 5.2.3. (Go to Solution)

5a = 25

Exercise 5.2.4. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.2.5. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.2.6. (Go to Solution)

y − 2 = y − 2

Exercise 5.2.7. (Go to Solution)

x + 4 = x − 3

Exercise 5.2.8. (Go to Solution)

x + x + x = 3x

Exercise 5.2.9. (Go to Solution)

8x = 0

Exercise 5.2.10. (Go to Solution)

m − 7 = − 5

Literal Equations

Literal Equations

Some equations involve more than one variable. Such equations are called literal equations.

An equation is solved for a particular variable if that variable alone equals an expression that does not contain that particular variable.

The following equations are examples of literal equations.

  1. y = 2x + 7 . It is solved for y .

  2. d = r t . It is solved for d .

  3. I = p r t . It is solved for I .

  4. . It is solved for z .

  5. y + 1 = x + 4 . This equation is not solved for any particular variable since no variable is isolated.

Solving Equation of the form x + a = b and xa = b

Recall that the equal sign of an equation indicates that the number represented by the expression on the left side is the same as the number represented by the expression on the right side.

This suggests the following procedures:

  1. We can obtain an equivalent equation (an equation having the same solutions as the original equation) by adding the same number to both sides of the equation.

  2. We can obtain an equivalent equation by subtracting the same number from both sides of the equation.

We can use these results to isolate x , thus solving for x .

Example 5.4. Solving x + a = b for x

Example 5.5. Solving xa = b for x

Example 5.6. Method for Solving x + a = b and xa = b for x

To solve the equation x + a = b for x , subtract a from both sides of the equation. To solve the equation xa = b for x , add a to both sides of the equation.

Sample Set B

Example 5.7. 

Solve x + 7 = 10 for x .

Check: Substitute 3 for x in the original equation.

Example 5.8. 

Solve m − 2 = − 9 for m .

Check: Substitute − 7 for m in the original equation.

Example 5.9. 

Use a calculator to solve this equation. Solve y − 2.181 = − 16.915 for y .

On the Calculator

Example 5.10. 

Solve y + m = s for y .

Check: Substitute sm for y in the original equation.

Example 5.11. 

Solve k − 3h = − 8h + 5 for k .

Practice Set B

Exercise 5.2.11. (Go to Solution)

Solve y − 3 = 8 for y.

Exercise 5.2.12. (Go to Solution)

Solve x + 9 = − 4 for x.

Exercise 5.2.13. (Go to Solution)

Solve m + 6 = 0 for m.

Exercise 5.2.14. (Go to Solution)

Solve g − 7.2 = 1.3 for g.

Exercise 5.2.15. (Go to Solution)

solve f + 2d = 5d for f.

Exercise 5.2.16. (Go to Solution)

Solve x + 8y = 2y − 1 for x.

Exercise 5.2.17. (Go to Solution)

Solve y + 4x − 1 = 5x + 8 for y.


For the following problems, classify each of the equations as an identity, contradiction, or conditional equation.

Exercise 5.2.18. (Go to Solution)

m + 6 = 15

Exercise 5.2.19.

y − 8 = − 12

Exercise 5.2.20. (Go to Solution)

x + 1 = x + 1

Exercise 5.2.21.

k − 2 = k − 3

Exercise 5.2.22. (Go to Solution)

g + g + g + g = 4g

Exercise 5.2.23.

x + 1 = 0

For the following problems, determine which of the literal equations have been solved for a variable. Write "solved" or "not solved."

Exercise 5.2.24. (Go to Solution)

y = 3x + 7

Exercise 5.2.25.

m = 2k + n − 1

Exercise 5.2.26. (Go to Solution)

4a = y − 6

Exercise 5.2.27.

h k = 2k + h

Exercise 5.2.28. (Go to Solution)

2a = a + 1

Exercise 5.2.29.

5m = 2m − 7

Exercise 5.2.30. (Go to Solution)

m = m

For the following problems, solve each of the conditional equations.

Exercise 5.2.31.

h − 8 = 14

Exercise 5.2.32. (Go to Solution)

k + 10 = 1

Exercise 5.2.33.

m − 2 = 5

Exercise 5.2.34. (Go to Solution)

y + 6 = − 11

Exercise 5.2.35.

y − 8 = − 1

Exercise 5.2.36. (Go to Solution)

x + 14 = 0

Exercise 5.2.37.

m − 12 = 0

Exercise 5.2.38. (Go to Solution)

g + 164 = − 123

Exercise 5.2.39.

h − 265 = − 547

Exercise 5.2.40. (Go to Solution)

x + 17 = − 426

Exercise 5.2.41.

h − 4.82 = − 3.56

Exercise 5.2.42. (Go to Solution)

y + 17.003 = − 1.056

Exercise 5.2.43.

k + 1.0135 = – 6.0032

Exercise 5.2.44. (Go to Solution)

Solve n + m = 4 for n.

Exercise 5.2.45.

Solve P + 3Q − 8 = 0 for P.

Exercise 5.2.46. (Go to Solution)

Solve a + b − 3c = d − 2f for b.

Exercise 5.2.47.

Solve x − 3y + 5z + 1 = 2y − 7z + 8 for x.

Exercise 5.2.48. (Go to Solution)

Solve 4a − 2b + c + 11 = 6a − 5b for c.

Exercises for Review

Exercise 5.2.49.

(Section 2.7) Simplify (4x 5 y 2 ) 3 .

Exercise 5.2.50. (Go to Solution)

(Section 3.7) Write so that only positive exponents appear.

Exercise 5.2.51.

(Section 4.2) Write the number of terms that appear in the expression 5x 2 + 2x − 6 + (a + b) , and then list them.

Exercise 5.2.52. (Go to Solution)

(Section 4.7) Find the product. (3x − 1) 2 .

Exercise 5.2.53.

(Section 4.8) Specify the domain of the equation .

Solutions to Exercises

Solution to Exercise 5.2.1. (Return to Exercise)

conditional, x = 9

Solution to Exercise 5.2.2. (Return to Exercise)

conditional, y = 11

Solution to Exercise 5.2.3. (Return to Exercise)

conditional, a = 5

Solution to Exercise 5.2.4. (Return to Exercise)

conditional, x = 36

Solution to Exercise 5.2.5. (Return to Exercise)

conditional, b = 3

Solution to Exercise 5.2.6. (Return to Exercise)


Solution to Exercise 5.2.7. (Return to Exercise)


Solution to Exercise 5.2.8. (Return to Exercise)


Solution to Exercise 5.2.9. (Return to Exercise)

conditional, x = 0

Solution to Exercise 5.2.10. (Return to Exercise)

conditional, m = 2

Solution to Exercise 5.2.11. (Return to Exercise)

y = 11

Solution to Exercise 5.2.12. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 13

Solution to Exercise 5.2.13. (Return to Exercise)

m = − 6

Solution to Exercise 5.2.14. (Return to Exercise)

g = 8.5

Solution to Exercise 5.2.15. (Return to Exercise)

f = 3d

Solution to Exercise 5.2.16. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 6y − 1

Solution to Exercise 5.2.17. (Return to Exercise)

y = x + 9

Solution to Exercise 5.2.18. (Return to Exercise)


Solution to Exercise 5.2.20. (Return to Exercise)


Solution to Exercise 5.2.22. (Return to Exercise)


Solution to Exercise 5.2.24. (Return to Exercise)


Solution to Exercise 5.2.26. (Return to Exercise)

not solved

Solution to Exercise 5.2.28. (Return to Exercise)

not solved

Solution to Exercise 5.2.30. (Return to Exercise)

not solved

Solution to Exercise 5.2.32. (Return to Exercise)

k = − 9

Solution to Exercise 5.2.34. (Return to Exercise)

y = − 17

Solution to Exercise 5.2.36. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 14

Solution to Exercise 5.2.38. (Return to Exercise)

g = − 287

Solution to Exercise 5.2.40. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 443

Solution to Exercise 5.2.42. (Return to Exercise)

y = − 18.059

Solution to Exercise 5.2.44. (Return to Exercise)

n = 4 − m

Solution to Exercise 5.2.46. (Return to Exercise)

b = − a + 3c + d − 2f

Solution to Exercise 5.2.48. (Return to Exercise)

c = 2a − 3b − 11

Solution to Exercise 5.2.50. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.2.52. (Return to Exercise)

9x 2 − 6x + 1

5.3. Solving Equations of the Form ax=b and x/a=b *


  • Equality Property of Division and Multiplication

  • Solving a x = b and for x

Equality Property of Division and Multiplication

Recalling that the equal sign of an equation indicates that the number represented by the expression on the left side is the same as the number represented by the expression on the right side suggests the equality property of division and multiplication, which states:

  1. We can obtain an equivalent equation by dividing both sides of the equation by the same nonzero number, that is, if c  ≠  0,  then a  =  b is equivalent to .

  2. We can obtain an equivalent equation by multiplying both sides of the equation by the same nonzero number, that is, if c  ≠  0, then a  =  b is equivalent to a c = b c .

We can use these results to isolate x, thus solving the equation for x .

Example 5.12. 

Solving a x = b for x

Example 5.13. 

Solving for x

Solving a x = b and for x

Example 5.14. 

Method for Solving

To solve a x = b for x , divide both sides of the equation by a . To solve for x , multiply both sides of the equation by a .

Sample Set A

Example 5.15. 

Solve 5x  =  35 for x .

Example 5.16. 

Solve for x .

Example 5.17. 

Solve for y .

Method (1) (Use of cancelling):

Method (2) (Use of reciprocals):

Example 5.18. 

Solve the literal equation for x .

Practice Set A

Exercise 5.3.1. (Go to Solution)

Solve 6a = 42 for a .

Exercise 5.3.2. (Go to Solution)

Solve − 12m = 16 for m .

Exercise 5.3.3. (Go to Solution)

Solve for y .

Exercise 5.3.4. (Go to Solution)

Solve 6.42x = 1.09 for x .

Use a calculator to solve this equation. Round the result to two decimal places.

Exercise 5.3.5. (Go to Solution)

Solve for k .

Exercise 5.3.6. (Go to Solution)

Solve for b .

Exercise 5.3.7. (Go to Solution)

Solve for y .

Exercise 5.3.8. (Go to Solution)

Solve for m .


In the following problems, solve each of the conditional equations.

Exercise 5.3.9. (Go to Solution)

3x  =  42

Exercise 5.3.10.

5y  =  75

Exercise 5.3.11. (Go to Solution)

6x  =  48

Exercise 5.3.12.

8x  =  56

Exercise 5.3.13. (Go to Solution)

4x  =  56

Exercise 5.3.14.

3x  =  93

Exercise 5.3.15. (Go to Solution)

5a  =   − 80

Exercise 5.3.16.

9m  =   − 108

Exercise 5.3.17. (Go to Solution)

6p  =   − 108

Exercise 5.3.18.

12q  =   − 180

Exercise 5.3.19. (Go to Solution)

− 4a  =  16

Exercise 5.3.20.

− 20x  =  100

Exercise 5.3.21. (Go to Solution)

− 6x  =   − 42

Exercise 5.3.22.

− 8m  =   − 40

Exercise 5.3.23. (Go to Solution)

− 3k  =  126

Exercise 5.3.24.

− 9y  =  126

Exercise 5.3.25. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.3.26.

Exercise 5.3.27. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.3.28.

Exercise 5.3.29. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.3.30.

Exercise 5.3.31. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.3.32.

Exercise 5.3.33. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.3.34.

3.06m =  12.546

Exercise 5.3.35. (Go to Solution)

5.012k  =  0.30072

Exercise 5.3.36.

Exercise 5.3.37. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.3.38.

Exercise 5.3.39. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.3.40.

Exercise 5.3.41. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.3.42.

Exercise 5.3.43. (Go to Solution)

Solve p q =  7r for p .

Exercise 5.3.44.

Solve m 2 n  =  2s for n .

Exercise 5.3.45. (Go to Solution)

Solve 2.8a b  =  5.6d for b .

Exercise 5.3.46.

Solve for p .

Exercise 5.3.47. (Go to Solution)

Solve for b .

Exercise 5.3.48.

Solve for pc .

Exercise 5.3.49. (Go to Solution)

Solve for t .

Exercise 5.3.50.

Solve The product of a rectangle and a star over a triangle is equal to a rhombus. for .

Exercise 5.3.51. (Go to Solution)

Solve for .

Exercises for Review

Exercise 5.3.52.

(Section 2.7) Simplify .

Exercise 5.3.53. (Go to Solution)

(Section 4.4) Classify 10x 3   −  7x as a monomial, binomial, or trinomial. State its degree and write the numerical coefficient of each item.

Exercise 5.3.54.

(Section 4.5) Simplify 3a 2   −  2a  +  4a(a + 2) .

Exercise 5.3.55. (Go to Solution)

(Section 4.8) Specify the domain of the equation .

Exercise 5.3.56.

(Section 5.2) Solve the conditional equation x + 6 = − 2 .

Solutions to Exercises

Solution to Exercise 5.3.1. (Return to Exercise)

a  =  7

Solution to Exercise 5.3.2. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.3. (Return to Exercise)

y  =   − 16

Solution to Exercise 5.3.4. (Return to Exercise)

x  =  0.17 (rounded to two decimal places)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.5. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.6. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.7. (Return to Exercise)

y  =  12h

Solution to Exercise 5.3.8. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.9. (Return to Exercise)

x = 14

Solution to Exercise 5.3.11. (Return to Exercise)

x = 8

Solution to Exercise 5.3.13. (Return to Exercise)

x = 14

Solution to Exercise 5.3.15. (Return to Exercise)

a = − 16

Solution to Exercise 5.3.17. (Return to Exercise)

p = − 18

Solution to Exercise 5.3.19. (Return to Exercise)

a = − 4

Solution to Exercise 5.3.21. (Return to Exercise)

x = 7

Solution to Exercise 5.3.23. (Return to Exercise)

k = − 42

Solution to Exercise 5.3.25. (Return to Exercise)

x = 6

Solution to Exercise 5.3.27. (Return to Exercise)

k = 42

Solution to Exercise 5.3.29. (Return to Exercise)

x = 768

Solution to Exercise 5.3.31. (Return to Exercise)

m = − 56

Solution to Exercise 5.3.33. (Return to Exercise)

f = − 6386

Solution to Exercise 5.3.35. (Return to Exercise)

k = 0.06

Solution to Exercise 5.3.37. (Return to Exercise)

y = 9.453

Solution to Exercise 5.3.39. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.41. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.43. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.45. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.47. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.49. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.51. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.3.53. (Return to Exercise)

binomial; 3rd degree; 10, − 7

Solution to Exercise 5.3.55. (Return to Exercise)

all real numbers except − 7

5.4. Further Techniques in Equation Solving *


  • Combining Techniques in Equation Solving

  • Recognizing Identities and Contrdictions

Combining Techniques in Equation Solving

In Sections Section 5.2 and Section 5.3 we worked with techniques that involved the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve equations. We can combine these techniques to solve more complicated equations. To do so, it is helpful to recall that an equation is solved for a particular variable when all other numbers and/or letters have been disassociated from it and it is alone on one side of the equal sign. We will also note that

To associate numbers and letters we use the order of operations.

  1. Multiply/divide

  2. Add/subtract

To undo an association between numbers and letters we use the order of operations in reverse.

  1. Add/subtract

  2. Multiply/divide

Sample Set A

Example 5.19. 

Solve 4x − 7 = 9 for x.

Example 5.20. 


Example 5.21. 

Solve for a.

Practice Set A

Exercise 5.4.1. (Go to Solution)

Solve 3y − 1 = 11 for y.

Exercise 5.4.2. (Go to Solution)

Solve for m.

Exercise 5.4.3. (Go to Solution)

Solve 2n + 3m = 4 for n.

Exercise 5.4.4. (Go to Solution)

Solve for k.

Sometimes when solving an equation it is necessary to simplify the expressions composing it.

Sample Set B

Example 5.22. 

Solve 4x + 1 − 3x = ( − 2)(4) for x.

Example 5.23. 

Solve 3(m − 6) − 2m = − 4 + 1 for m.

Practice Set B

Solve and check each equation.

Exercise 5.4.5. (Go to Solution)

16x − 3 − 15x = 8 for x.

Exercise 5.4.6. (Go to Solution)

4(y − 5) − 3y = − 1 for y.

Exercise 5.4.7. (Go to Solution)

− 2(a 2 + 3a − 1) + 2a 2 + 7a = 0 for a.

Exercise 5.4.8. (Go to Solution)

5m(m − 2a − 1) − 5m 2 + 2a(5m + 3) = 10 for a.

Often the variable we wish to solve for will appear on both sides of the equal sign. We can isolate the variable on either the left or right side of the equation by using the techniques of Sections Section 5.2 and Section 5.3.

Sample Set C

Example 5.24. 

Solve 6x − 4 = 2x + 8 for x.

Example 5.25. 

Solve 6(1 − 3x) + 1 = 2x − [3(x − 7) − 20] for x.

On left side of an equation, arrows show that six is multiplied with each term inside the parentheses, and on right side, arrows show that three is multiplied with each term inside the parentheses.

Practice Set C

Exercise 5.4.9. (Go to Solution)

Solve 8a + 5 = 3a − 5 for a.

Exercise 5.4.10. (Go to Solution)

Solve 9y + 3(y + 6) = 15y + 21 for y.

Exercise 5.4.11. (Go to Solution)

Solve 3k + 2[4(k − 1) + 3] = 63 − 2k for k.

Recognizing Identities and Contradictions

As we noted in Section Section 5.2, some equations are identities and some are contradictions. As the problems of Sample Set D will suggest,

Recognizing an Identity

  1. If, when solving an equation, all the variables are eliminated and a true statement results, the equation is an identity.

Recognizing a Contradiction

  1. If, when solving an equation, all the variables are eliminated and a false statement results, the equation is a contradiction.

Sample Set D

Example 5.26. 

Solve 9x + 3(4 − 3x) = 12 for x.

On left side of an equation, arrows show that three is multiplied with each term inside the parentheses.

The variable has been eliminated and the result is a true statement. The original equation is an identity.

Example 5.27. 

Solve − 2(10 − 2y) − 4y + 1 = − 18 for y.

On left side of an equation, arrows show that negative two is multiplied with each term inside the parentheses.

The variable has been eliminated and the result is a false statement. The original equation is a contradiction.

Practice Set D

Classify each equation as an identity or a contradiction.

Exercise 5.4.12. (Go to Solution)

6x + 3(1 − 2x) = 3

Exercise 5.4.13. (Go to Solution)

− 8m + 4(2m − 7) = 28

Exercise 5.4.14. (Go to Solution)

3(2x − 4) − 2(3x + 1) + 14 = 0

Exercise 5.4.15. (Go to Solution)

− 5(x + 6) + 8 = 3[4 − (x + 2)] − 2x


For the following problems, solve each conditional equation. If the equation is not conditional, identify it as an identity or a contradiction.

Exercise 5.4.16. (Go to Solution)

3x + 1 = 16

Exercise 5.4.17.

6y − 4 = 20

Exercise 5.4.18. (Go to Solution)

4a − 1 = 27

Exercise 5.4.19.

3x + 4 = 40

Exercise 5.4.20. (Go to Solution)

2y + 7 = − 3

Exercise 5.4.21.

8k − 7 = − 23

Exercise 5.4.22. (Go to Solution)

5x + 6 = − 9

Exercise 5.4.23.

7a + 2 = − 26

Exercise 5.4.24. (Go to Solution)

10y − 3 = − 23

Exercise 5.4.25.

14x + 1 = − 55

Exercise 5.4.26. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.4.27.

Exercise 5.4.28. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.4.29.

Exercise 5.4.30. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.4.31.

Exercise 5.4.32. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.4.33.

Exercise 5.4.34. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.4.35.

Exercise 5.4.36. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.4.37.

3(x − 6) + 5 = − 25

Exercise 5.4.38. (Go to Solution)

16(y − 1) + 11 = − 85

Exercise 5.4.39.

6x + 14 = 5x − 12

Exercise 5.4.40. (Go to Solution)

23y − 19 = 22y + 1

Exercise 5.4.41.

− 3m + 1 = 3m − 5

Exercise 5.4.42. (Go to Solution)

8k + 7 = 2k + 1

Exercise 5.4.43.

12n + 5 = 5n − 16

Exercise 5.4.44. (Go to Solution)

2(x − 7) = 2x + 5

Exercise 5.4.45.

− 4(5y + 3) + 5(1 + 4y) = 0

Exercise 5.4.46. (Go to Solution)

3x + 7 = − 3 − (x + 2)

Exercise 5.4.47.

4(4y + 2) = 3y + 2[1 − 3(1 − 2y)]

Exercise 5.4.48. (Go to Solution)

5(3x − 8) + 11 = 2 − 2x + 3(x − 4)

Exercise 5.4.49.

12 − (m − 2) = 2m + 3m − 2m + 3(5 − 3m)

Exercise 5.4.50. (Go to Solution)

− 4⋅k − ( − 4 − 3k) = − 3k − 2k − (3 − 6k) + 1

Exercise 5.4.51.

3[4 − 2(y + 2)] = 2y − 4[1 + 2(1 + y)]

Exercise 5.4.52. (Go to Solution)

− 5[2m − (3m − 1)] = 4m − 3m + 2(5 − 2m) + 1

For the following problems, solve the literal equations for the indicated variable. When directed, find the value of that variable for the given values of the other variables.

Exercise 5.4.53.

Solve for R. Find the value of R when I = 0.005 and E = 0.0035.

Exercise 5.4.54. (Go to Solution)

Solve P = RC for R. Find the value of R when P = 27 and C = 85.

Exercise 5.4.55.

Solve for x. Find the value of x when z = 1.96, s = 2.5, and

Exercise 5.4.56. (Go to Solution)

Solve for S x 2S x 2 represents a single quantity. Find the value of S x 2 when F = 2.21 and S y 2 = 3.24.

Exercise 5.4.57.

Solve for R.

Exercise 5.4.58. (Go to Solution)

Solve x = 4y + 7 for y.

Exercise 5.4.59.

Solve y = 10x + 16 for x.

Exercise 5.4.60. (Go to Solution)

Solve 2x + 5y = 12 for y.

Exercise 5.4.61.

Solve − 9x + 3y + 15 = 0 for y.

Exercise 5.4.62. (Go to Solution)

Solve for n.

Exercise 5.4.63.

Solve for P.

Exercise 5.4.64. (Go to Solution)

Solve A star for j .

Exercise 5.4.65.

Solve A rhombus is equal to the sum of triangle and the product of star and square over twice delta. for A star.

Exercises for Review

Exercise 5.4.66. (Go to Solution)

(Section 2.6) Simplify (x + 3) 2 (x − 2) 3 (x − 2) 4 (x + 3).

Exercise 5.4.67.

(Section 4.7) Find the product. (x − 7)(x + 7).

Exercise 5.4.68. (Go to Solution)

(Section 4.7) Find the product. (2x − 1) 2 .

Exercise 5.4.69.

(Section 5.2) Solve the equation y − 2 = − 2.

Exercise 5.4.70. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.3) Solve the equation

Solutions to Exercises

Solution to Exercise 5.4.1. (Return to Exercise)

y = 4

Solution to Exercise 5.4.2. (Return to Exercise)

m = − 2

Solution to Exercise 5.4.3. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.4.4. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.4.5. (Return to Exercise)

x = 11

Solution to Exercise 5.4.6. (Return to Exercise)

y = 19

Solution to Exercise 5.4.7. (Return to Exercise)

a = − 2

Solution to Exercise 5.4.8. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.4.9. (Return to Exercise)

a = − 2

Solution to Exercise 5.4.10. (Return to Exercise)

y = − 1

Solution to Exercise 5.4.11. (Return to Exercise)

k = 5

Solution to Exercise 5.4.12. (Return to Exercise)

identity, 3 = 3

Solution to Exercise 5.4.13. (Return to Exercise)

contradiction, − 28 = 28

Solution to Exercise 5.4.14. (Return to Exercise)

identity, 0 = 0

Solution to Exercise 5.4.15. (Return to Exercise)

contradiction, − 22 = 6

Solution to Exercise 5.4.16. (Return to Exercise)

x = 5

Solution to Exercise 5.4.18. (Return to Exercise)

a = 7

Solution to Exercise 5.4.20. (Return to Exercise)

y = − 5

Solution to Exercise 5.4.22. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 3

Solution to Exercise 5.4.24. (Return to Exercise)

y = − 2

Solution to Exercise 5.4.26. (Return to Exercise)

x = 36

Solution to Exercise 5.4.28. (Return to Exercise)

y = 24

Solution to Exercise 5.4.30. (Return to Exercise)

m = − 44

Solution to Exercise 5.4.32. (Return to Exercise)

k = − 5

Solution to Exercise 5.4.34. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 8

Solution to Exercise 5.4.36. (Return to Exercise)

k = − 14

Solution to Exercise 5.4.38. (Return to Exercise)

y = − 5

Solution to Exercise 5.4.40. (Return to Exercise)

y = 20

Solution to Exercise 5.4.42. (Return to Exercise)

k = − 1

Solution to Exercise 5.4.44. (Return to Exercise)


Solution to Exercise 5.4.46. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 3

Solution to Exercise 5.4.48. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.4.50. (Return to Exercise)

k = 3

Solution to Exercise 5.4.52. (Return to Exercise)

m = 2

Solution to Exercise 5.4.54. (Return to Exercise)

R = 112

Solution to Exercise 5.4.56. (Return to Exercise)

S x 2 = F · S y 2 ; S x 2 = 7.1604

Solution to Exercise 5.4.58. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.4.60. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.4.62. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.4.64. (Return to Exercise)

j is equal to the product of star and triangle minus square over nine.

Solution to Exercise 5.4.66. (Return to Exercise)

( x + 3 ) 3 ( x − 2 ) 7

Solution to Exercise 5.4.68. (Return to Exercise)

4x 2 − 4x + 1

Solution to Exercise 5.4.70. (Return to Exercise)

5.5. Application I - Translating from Verbal to Mathetical Expressions *


  • Translating from Verbal to Mathematical Expressions

Translating from Verbal to Mathematical Expressions

To solve a problem using algebra, we must first express the problem algebraically. To express a problem algebraically, we must scrutinize the wording of the problem to determine the variables and constants that are present and the relationships among them. Then we must translate the verbal phrases and statements to algebraic expressions and equations.

To help us translate verbal expressions to mathematics, we can use the following table as a mathematics dictionary.

Table 5.1. Mathematics Dictionary
Word or Phrase Mathematical Operation
Sum, sum of, added to, increased by, more than, plus, and +
Difference, minus, subtracted from, decreased by, less, less than
Product, the product of, of, muitiplied by, times
Quotient, divided by, ratio ÷
Equals, is equal to, is, the result is, becomes =
A number, an unknown quantity, an unknown, a quantity x (or any symbol)

Sample Set A

Translate the following phrases or sentences into mathematical expressions or equations.

Example 5.28. 

Example 5.29. 

Example 5.30. 

Example 5.31. 

Example 5.32. 

Example 5.33. 

Practice Set A

Translate the following phrases or sentences into mathematical expressions or equations.

Exercise 5.5.1. (Go to Solution)

Eleven more than a number.

Exercise 5.5.2. (Go to Solution)

Nine minus a number.

Exercise 5.5.3. (Go to Solution)

A quantity less twenty.

Exercise 5.5.4. (Go to Solution)

Four times a number is thirty two.

Exercise 5.5.5. (Go to Solution)

One third of a number is six.

Exercise 5.5.6. (Go to Solution)

Ten times a number is eight more than five times the same number.

Sometimes the structure of the sentence indicates the use of grouping symbols.

Sample Set B

Translate the following phrases or sentences into mathematical expressions or equations.

Example 5.34. 

Commas set off terms.

Example 5.35. 

Example 5.36. 

Example 5.37. 

A number plus one is divided by three times the number minus twelve and the result is four. Notice that since the phrase "three times the number minus twelve" does not contain a comma, we get the expression 3x − 12 . If the phrase had appeared as "three times the number, minus twelve," the result would have been

Example 5.38. 

Some phrases and sentences do not translate directly. We must be careful to read them properly. The word from often appears in such phrases and sentences. The word from means "a point of departure for motion." The following translation will illustrate this use.

The translation of a verbal expressions 'Fifteen is subtracted from some quantity' into mathematical expressions is x minus fifteen.

The word from indicates the motion (subtraction) is to begin at the point of "some quantity."

Example 5.39. 

Eight less than some quantity. Notice that less than could be replaced with from. x − 8

Practice Set B

Translate the following phrases and sentences into mathematical expressions or equations.

Exercise 5.5.7. (Go to Solution)

A number divided by sixteen, plus one, is five.

Exercise 5.5.8. (Go to Solution)

Seven times two more than a number is twenty-one.

Exercise 5.5.9. (Go to Solution)

A number divided by two more than itself is zero.

Exercise 5.5.10. (Go to Solution)

A number minus five is divided by twice the number plus three and the result is seventeen.

Exercise 5.5.11. (Go to Solution)

Fifty-two is subtracted from some quantity.

Exercise 5.5.12. (Go to Solution)

An unknown quantity is subtracted from eleven and the result is five less than the unknown quantity.


For the following problems, translate the following phrases or sentences into mathematical expressions or equations.

Exercise 5.5.13. (Go to Solution)

A quantity less four.

Exercise 5.5.14.

Eight more than a number.

Exercise 5.5.15. (Go to Solution)

A number plus seven.

Exercise 5.5.16.

A number minus three.

Exercise 5.5.17. (Go to Solution)

Negative five plus an unknown quantity.

Exercise 5.5.18.

Negative sixteen minus some quantity.

Exercise 5.5.19. (Go to Solution)

Fourteen added to twice a number.

Exercise 5.5.20.

Ten added to three times some number.

Exercise 5.5.21. (Go to Solution)

One third minus an unknown quantity.

Exercise 5.5.22.

Twice a number is eleven.

Exercise 5.5.23. (Go to Solution)

Four ninths of a number is twenty-one.

Exercise 5.5.24.

One third of a number is two fifths.

Exercise 5.5.25. (Go to Solution)

Three times a number is nine more than twice the number.

Exercise 5.5.26.

Five times a number is that number minus two.

Exercise 5.5.27. (Go to Solution)

Twice a number added to six results in thirty.

Exercise 5.5.28.

Ten times a number less four results in sixty-six.

Exercise 5.5.29. (Go to Solution)

A number less twenty-five is equal to 3.019 .

Exercise 5.5.30.

Seven more than some number is five more than twice the number.

Exercise 5.5.31. (Go to Solution)

When a number is divided by four, the result is sixty-eight.

Exercise 5.5.32.

Eleven fifteenths of two more than a number is eight.

Exercise 5.5.33. (Go to Solution)

One tenth of a number is that number less one.

Exercise 5.5.34.

Two more than twice a number is one half the number less three.

Exercise 5.5.35. (Go to Solution)

A number is equal to itself plus four times itself.

Exercise 5.5.36.

Three fifths of a quantity added to the quantity itself is thirty-nine.

Exercise 5.5.37. (Go to Solution)

A number plus seven is divided by two and the result is twenty-two.

Exercise 5.5.38.

Ten times a number minus one is divided by fourteen and the result is one.

Exercise 5.5.39. (Go to Solution)

A number is added to itself then divided by three. This result is then divided by three. The entire result is fifteen.

Exercise 5.5.40.

Ten divided by two more than a number is twenty-one.

Exercise 5.5.41. (Go to Solution)

Five divided by a number plus six is fourteen.

Exercise 5.5.42.

Twelve divided by twice a number is fifty-five.

Exercise 5.5.43. (Go to Solution)

Twenty divided by eight times a number added to one is nine.

Exercise 5.5.44.

A number divided by itself, plus one, results in seven.

Exercise 5.5.45. (Go to Solution)

A number divided by ten, plus four, results in twenty-four.

Exercise 5.5.46.

A number plus six, divided by two, is seventy-one.

Exercise 5.5.47. (Go to Solution)

A number plus six, divided by two, plus five, is forty-three.

Exercise 5.5.48.

A number multiplied by itself added to five is thirty-one.

Exercise 5.5.49. (Go to Solution)

A quantity multiplied by seven plus twice itself is ninety.

Exercise 5.5.50.

A number is increased by one and then multiplied by five times itself. The result is eighty-four.

Exercise 5.5.51. (Go to Solution)

A number is added to six and that result is multiplied by thirteen. This result is then divided by six times the number. The entire result is equal to fifty-nine.

Exercise 5.5.52.

A number is subtracted from ten and that result is multiplied by four. This result is then divided by three more than the number. The entire result is equal to six.

Exercise 5.5.53. (Go to Solution)

An unknown quantity is decreased by eleven. This result is then divided by fifteen. Now, one is subtracted from this result and five is obtained.

Exercise 5.5.54.

Ten less than some number.

Exercise 5.5.55. (Go to Solution)

Five less than some unknown number.

Exercise 5.5.56.

Twelve less than a number.

Exercise 5.5.57. (Go to Solution)

One less than an unknown quantity.

Exercise 5.5.58.

Sixteen less than some number is forty-two.

Exercise 5.5.59. (Go to Solution)

Eight less than some unknown number is three.

Exercise 5.5.60.

Seven is added to ten less than some number. The result is one.

Exercise 5.5.61. (Go to Solution)

Twenty-three is divided by two less than twice some number and the result is thirty-four.

Exercise 5.5.62.

One less than some number is multiplied by three less than five times the number and the entire result is divided by six less than the number. The result is twenty-seven less than eleven times the number.

Exercises for Review

Exercise 5.5.63. (Go to Solution)

(Section 2.3) Supply the missing word. The point on a line that is associated with a particular number is called the __________ of that number.

Exercise 5.5.64.

(Section 2.5) Supply the missing word. An exponent records the number of identical __________ in a multiplication.

Exercise 5.5.65. (Go to Solution)

(Section 3.3) Write the algebraic definition of the absolute value of the number a .

Exercise 5.5.66.

(Section 5.4) Solve the equation 4y + 5 = − 3 .

Exercise 5.5.67. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.4) Solve the equation 2(3x + 1) − 5x = 4(x − 6) + 17 .

Solutions to Exercises

Solution to Exercise 5.5.1. (Return to Exercise)

11 + x

Solution to Exercise 5.5.2. (Return to Exercise)

9 − x

Solution to Exercise 5.5.3. (Return to Exercise)

x − 20

Solution to Exercise 5.5.4. (Return to Exercise)

4x = 32

Solution to Exercise 5.5.5. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.6. (Return to Exercise)

10x = 8 + 5x

Solution to Exercise 5.5.7. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.8. (Return to Exercise)

7(2 + x) = 21

Solution to Exercise 5.5.9. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.10. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.11. (Return to Exercise)

x − 52

Solution to Exercise 5.5.12. (Return to Exercise)

11 − x = x − 5

Solution to Exercise 5.5.13. (Return to Exercise)

a − 4

Solution to Exercise 5.5.15. (Return to Exercise)

b + 7

Solution to Exercise 5.5.17. (Return to Exercise)

− 5 + c

Solution to Exercise 5.5.19. (Return to Exercise)

2d + 14

Solution to Exercise 5.5.21. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.23. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.25. (Return to Exercise)

3g = 2g + 9

Solution to Exercise 5.5.27. (Return to Exercise)

2h + 6 = 30

Solution to Exercise 5.5.29. (Return to Exercise)

k − 25 = 3.019

Solution to Exercise 5.5.31. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.33. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.35. (Return to Exercise)

x = x + 4x

Solution to Exercise 5.5.37. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.39. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.41. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.43. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.45. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.47. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.49. (Return to Exercise)

7y + 2y = 90

Solution to Exercise 5.5.51. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.53. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.55. (Return to Exercise)

n − 5

Solution to Exercise 5.5.57. (Return to Exercise)

m − 1

Solution to Exercise 5.5.59. (Return to Exercise)

p − 8 = 3

Solution to Exercise 5.5.61. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.63. (Return to Exercise)


Solution to Exercise 5.5.65. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.5.67. (Return to Exercise)

x = 3

5.6. Application II - Solving Problems *


  • Solving Applied Problems

Solving Applied Problems

Let’s study some interesting problems that involve linear equations in one variable. In order to solve such problems, we apply the following five-step method:

Five-Step Method for Solving Word Problems

  1. Let x (or some other letter) represent the unknown quantity.

  2. Translate the words to mathematical symbols and form an equation.

  3. Solve this equation.

  4. Ask yourself "Does this result seem reasonable?" Check the solution by substituting the result into the original statement of the problem.

    If the answer doesn’t check, you have either solved the equation incorrectly, or you have developed the wrong equation. Check your method of solution first. If the result does not check, reconsider your equation.

  5. Write the conclusion.

If it has been your experience that word problems are difficult, then follow the five-step method carefully. Most people have difficulty because they neglect step 1.


Keep in mind what the variable is representing throughout the problem.

Sample Set A

Example 5.40. 

This year an item costs $44 , an increase of $3 over last year’s price. What was last year’s price?

Practice Set A

Exercise 5.6.1. (Go to Solution)

This year an item costs $23 , an increase of $4 over last year’s price. What was last year’s price?

  1. Let x =

  2. Last year's price was __________.

Sample Set B

Example 5.41. 

The perimeter (length around) of a square is 60 cm (centimeters). Find the length of a side.

A square with side of length x and an equation x plus x plus x plus x equals sixty next to the square.

Practice Set B

Exercise 5.6.2. (Go to Solution)

The perimeter of a triangle is 54 inches. If each side has the same length, find the length of a side.

  1. Let x =

  2. The length of a side is __________ inches.

Sample Set C

Example 5.42. 

Six percent of a number is 54. What is the number?

Practice Set C

Exercise 5.6.3. (Go to Solution)

Eight percent of a number is 36. What is the number?

  1. Let x =

  2. The number is __________.

Sample Set D

Example 5.43. 

An astronomer notices that one star gives off about 3.6 times as much energy as another star. Together the stars give off 55.844 units of energy. How many units of energy does each star emit?

  1. In this problem we have two unknowns and, therefore, we might think, two variables. However, notice that the energy given off by one star is given in terms of the other star. So, rather than introducing two variables, we introduce only one. The other unknown(s) is expressed in terms of this one. (We might call this quantity the base quantity.)

    Let x = number of units of energy given off by the less energetic star. Then, 3.6x = number of units of energy given off by the more energetic star.

Practice Set D

Exercise 5.6.4. (Go to Solution)

Garden A produces 5.8 times as many vegetables as garden B. Together the gardens produce 102 pounds of vegetables. How many pounds of vegetables does garden A produce?

  1. Let x =

Sample Set E

Example 5.44. 

Two consecutive even numbers sum to 432. What are the two numbers?

Practice Set E

Exercise 5.6.5. (Go to Solution)

The sum of two consecutive even numbers is 498. What are the two numbers?


Solve the following problems. Note that some of the problems may seem to have no practical applications and may not seem very interesting. They, along with the other problems, will, however, help to develop your logic and problem-solving ability.

Exercise 5.6.6. (Go to Solution)

If eighteen is subtracted from some number the result is fifty-two. What is the number?

  1. Let x =

  2. The equation is

  3. (Solve the equation.)

  4. (Check)

  5. The number is __________.

Exercise 5.6.7.

If nine more than twice a number is forty-six, what is the number?

  1. Let x =

  2. The equation is

  3. (Solve the equation.)

  4. (Check)

  5. The number is __________.

Exercise 5.6.8. (Go to Solution)

If nine less than three eighths of a number is two and one fourth, what is the number?

  1. Let x =

  2. The number is __________.

Exercise 5.6.9.

Twenty percent of a number is 68. What is the number?

  1. Let x =

  2. The number is __________.

Exercise 5.6.10. (Go to Solution)

Eight more than a quantity is 37. What is the original quantity?

  1. Let x =

  2. The original quantity is __________.

Exercise 5.6.11.

If a quantity plus 85% more of the quantity is 62.9 , what is the original quantity?

  1. Let x = original quantity.

  2. The original quantity is __________.

Exercise 5.6.12. (Go to Solution)

A company must increase production by 12% over last year’s production. The new output will be 56 items. What was last year’s output?

  1. Let P =

  2. Last year’s output was __________ items.

Exercise 5.6.13.

A company has determined that it must increase production of a certain line of goods by times last year’s production. The new output will be 2885 items. What was last year’s output?

  1. Last year’s output was __________ items.

Exercise 5.6.14. (Go to Solution)

A proton is about 1837 times as heavy as an electron. If an electron weighs 2.68 units, how many units does a proton weigh?

  1. A proton weighs __________ units.

Exercise 5.6.15.

Neptune is about 30 times as far from the sun as is the Earth. If it takes light 8 minutes to travel from the sun to the Earth, how many minutes does it take to travel to Neptune?

  1. Light takes __________ minutes to reach Neptune.

Exercise 5.6.16. (Go to Solution)

The radius of the sun is about 695,202 km (kilometers). That is about 109 times as big as the radius of the Earth. What is the radius of the earth?

  1. The radius of the earth is __________ km.

Exercise 5.6.17.

The perimeter of a triangle is 105 cm. If each of the two legs is exactly twice the length of the base, how long is each leg?

  1. Let x =              Draw a picture.

  2. Each leg is __________ cm long. The base is __________.

Exercise 5.6.18. (Go to Solution)

A lumber company has contracted to cut boards into two pieces so that one piece is three times the length of the other piece. If a board is 12 feet long, what is the length of each piece after cutting?

  1. The length of the shorter piece is __________ feet, and the length of the longer piece is __________ feet.

Exercise 5.6.19.

A student doing a chemistry experiment has a beaker that contains 84 ml (milliliters) of an alcohol and water solution. Her lab directions tell her that there is 4.6 times as much water as alcohol in the solution. How many milliliters of alcohol are in the solution? How many milliliters of water?

  1. There are __________ ml of alcohol in the solution. There are __________ ml of water in the solution.

Exercise 5.6.20. (Go to Solution)

A statistician is collecting data to help him estimate the average income of accountants in California. He needs to collect 390 pieces of data and he is done. How many pieces of data has the statistician collected?

  1. The statistician has collected __________ pieces of data.Suppose the statistician is 4 pieces of data short of being done. How many pieces of data has he collected?

Exercise 5.6.21.

A television commercial advertises that a certain type of battery will last, on the average, 20 hours longer than twice the life of another type of battery. If consumer tests show that the advertised battery lasts 725 hours, how many hours must the other type of battery last for the advertiser’s claim to be valid?

  1. The other type of battery must last __________ hours for the advertiser’s claim to be valid.

Exercise 5.6.22. (Go to Solution)

A 1000-ml flask containing a chloride solution will fill 3 beakers of the same size with 210 ml of the solution left over. How many milliliters of the chloride solution will each beaker hold?

  1. Each beaker will hold __________ ml of the chloride solution.

Exercise 5.6.23.

A star burns of its original mass then blows off of the remaining mass as a planetary nebula. If the final mass is 3 units of mass, what was the original mass?

  1. The original mass was __________ units of mass.

Exercise 5.6.24. (Go to Solution)

The sum of a number and sixteen is forty-two. What is the number?

Exercise 5.6.25.

When eleven is subtracted from a number, the result is 85. What is the number?

Exercise 5.6.26. (Go to Solution)

Three times a number is divided by 6 and the result is 10.5 . What is the number?

Exercise 5.6.27.

When a number is multiplied by itself, the result is 144. What is the number?

Exercise 5.6.28. (Go to Solution)

A number is tripled, then increased by seven. The result is 48. What is the number?

Exercise 5.6.29.

Eight times a number is decreased by three times the number, giving a difference of 22. What is the number?

Exercise 5.6.30. (Go to Solution)

One number is fifteen more than another number. The sum of the two numbers is 27. What are they?

Exercise 5.6.31.

The length of a rectangle is 6 meters more than three times the width. The perimeter of the rectangle is 44 meters What are the dimensions of the rectangle?

Exercise 5.6.32. (Go to Solution)

Seven is added to the product of 41 and some number. The result, when divided by four, is 63. What is the number?

Exercise 5.6.33.

The second side of a triangle is five times the length of the smallest side. The third is twice the length of the second side. The perimeter of the triangle is 48 inches. Find the length of each side.

Exercise 5.6.34. (Go to Solution)

Person A is four times as old as person B, who is six times as old as person C, who is twice as old as person D. How old is each person if their combined ages are 189 months?

Exercise 5.6.35.

Two consecutive odd integers sum to 151. What are they?

Exercise 5.6.36. (Go to Solution)

Three consecutive integers sum to 36. What are they?

Exercise 5.6.37.

Three consecutive even integers add up to 131. What are they?

Exercise 5.6.38. (Go to Solution)

As a consequence of Einstein’s theory of relativity, the rate of time passage is different for a person in a stationary position and a person in motion. (Hard to believe, but true!) To the moving observer, the rate of time passage is slower than that of the stationary observer, that is, the moving person ages slower than the stationary observer. (This fact has been proven many times by experiments with radioactive materials.) The effect is called “time dilation” and is really only noticeable when an object is traveling at near the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). Considering these ideas, try to solve the following problems:

Two people have identical clocks. One is standing on the earth and the other is moving in a spacecraft at 95% the speed of light, 176,700 miles per second. The moving person’s rate of time passage at this speed is about 0.31 times as fast as the person standing on earth.

  1. If two days of earth time pass, how many days actually pass on the spacecraft?

  2. If 30 years of earth time pass, how many years have actually passed on the spacecraft?

    1. __________ years have passed on the spacecraft.

  3. If 30 years have passed on the spacecraft, how many years have passed on the earth?

  4. A space traveler makes a round-trip voyage to the star Capella. The trip takes her 120 years (traveling at 176,000 miles per second). If it is the year 2000 on earth when she leaves, what earth year will it be when she returns?

Exercises for Review

Exercise 5.6.39.

(Section 4.8) Specify the domain of the equation .

Exercise 5.6.40. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.2) Classify the equation x + 4 = 1 as an identity, a contradiction, or a conditional equation.

Exercise 5.6.41.

(Section 5.2) Classify the equation 2x + 3 = 2x + 3 as an identity, a contradiction or a conditional equation.

Exercise 5.6.42. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.4) Solve the equation 4(x − 1) + 12 = − 3(2x + 4) .

Exercise 5.6.43.

(Section 5.5) Translate the following sentence to a mathematical equation. Three less than an unknown number is multiplied by negative four. The result is two more than the original unknown number.

Solutions to Exercises

Solution to Exercise 5.6.1. (Return to Exercise)

Last year's price was $19

Solution to Exercise 5.6.2. (Return to Exercise)

The length of a side is 18 inches.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.3. (Return to Exercise)

The number is 450.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.4. (Return to Exercise)

Garden A produces 87 pounds of vegetables.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.5. (Return to Exercise)

The two numbers are 248 and 250.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.6. (Return to Exercise)

Step 1: Let x = the unknown quantity.Step 2: The equation is x − 18 = 52. Step 3: (Solve the equation.) Add 18 to each side.     x − 18 + 18 = 52 + 18      x = 70 Step 4: (Check) 70 − 18 = 52; True.Step 5: The number is 70.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.8. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: The number is 30.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.10. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: The original quantity is 29.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.12. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: Last year's output was 50 items.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.14. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: A proton weighs 4923.16 units.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.16. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: The radius of the earth is 6378 km.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.18. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: The length of the shorter piece is 3 feet, and the length of the longer piece is 9 feet.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.20. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: The statistician has collected 260 pieces of data.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.22. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: Each beaker will hold ml of chloride solution.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.24. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: The unknown number is 26.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.26. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: The unknown number is 21.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.28. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: The unknown number is

Solution to Exercise 5.6.30. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: One unknown number is 6; the other is 21.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.32. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: The unknown number is

Solution to Exercise 5.6.34. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: The age of D is 3 months; C is 6 months; B is 36 months; A is 144 months.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.36. (Return to Exercise)

Step 5: The first integer is 11; second is 12; third is 13.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.38. (Return to Exercise)

(a) Step 5: The time passed in space is 0.62 days.(b) Step 5: 9.3 years have passed on the spacecraft. (c) Step 5: 96.77 years have passed on the earth.(d) Step 5: Earth year when she returns will be 2387.

Solution to Exercise 5.6.40. (Return to Exercise)


Solution to Exercise 5.6.42. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 2

5.7. Linear inequalities in One Variable *


  • Inequalities

  • Linear Inequalities

  • The Algebra of Linear Inequalities

  • Compound Inequalities


Relationships of Inequality

We have discovered that an equation is a mathematical way of expressing the relationship of equality between quantities. Not all relationships need be relationships of equality, however. Certainly the number of human beings on earth is greater than 20. Also, the average American consumes less than 10 grams of vitamin C every day. These types of relationships are not relationships of equality, but rather, relationships of inequality.

Linear Inequalities

Linear Inequality

A linear inequality is a mathematical statement that one linear expression is greater than or less than another linear expression.

Inequality Notation

The following notation is used to express relationships of inequality:

Note that the expression x > 12 has infinitely many solutions. Any number strictly greater than 12 will satisfy the statement. Some solutions are 13, 15, 90, 12.1, 16.3 and 102.51 .

Sample Set A

The following are linear inequalities in one variable.

Example 5.45. 

  1. x ≤ 12

  2. x + 7 > 4

  3. y + 3 ≥ 2y − 7

  4. P + 26 < 10(4P − 6)

The following are not linear inequalities in one variable.

Example 5.46. 

  1. x 2 < 4 .The term x 2 is quadratic, not linear.

  2. x ≤ 5y + 3 .There are two variables. This is a linear inequality in two variables.

  3. y + 1 ≠ 5 .Although the symbol certainly expresses an inequality, it is customary to use only the symbols < ,  > ,  ≤ ,  ≥ .

Practice Set A

A linear equation, we know, may have exactly one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solution. Speculate on the number of solutions of a linear inequality. (Hint: Consider the inequalities x < x − 6 and x ≥ 9 .)

A linear inequality may have infinitely many solutions, or no solutions.

The Algebra of Linear Inequalities

Inequalities can be solved by basically the same methods as linear equations. There is one important exception that we will discuss in item 3 of the algebra of linear inequalities.

The Algebra of Linear Inequalities

Let a, b, and c represent real numbers and assume thatThen,  if a < b,

  1. .If any real number is added to or subtracted from both sides of an inequality, the sense of the inequality remains unchanged.

  2. If c is a positive real number, then if a < b, If both sides of an inequality are multiplied or divided by the same positive number the sense of the inequality remains unchanged.

  3. If c is a negative real number, then if a < b, If both sides of an inequality are multiplied or divided by the same negative number, the inequality sign must be reversed (change direction) in order for the resulting inequality to be equivalent to the original inequality. (See problem 4 in the next set of examples.)

For example, consider the inequality 3 < 7 .

Example 5.47. 

For 3 < 7 , if 8 is added to both sides, we get

Example 5.48. 

For 3 < 7 , if 8 is subtracted from both sides, we get

Example 5.49. 

For 3 < 7 , if both sides are multiplied by 8 (a positive number), we get

Example 5.50. 

For 3 < 7 , if both sides are multiplied by − 8 (a negative number), we get

( − 8)3 > ( − 8)7

Notice the change in direction of the inequality sign.

If we had forgotten to reverse the direction of the inequality sign we would have obtained the incorrect statement − 24 < − 56 .

Example 5.51. 

For 3 < 7 , if both sides are divided by 8 (a positive number), we get

Example 5.52. 

For 3 < 7 , if both sides are divided by − 8 (a negative number), we get

Sample Set B

Solve the following linear inequalities. Draw a number line and place a point at each solution.

Example 5.53. 

Thus, all numbers strictly greater than 5 are solutions to the inequality 3x > 15 . A number line showing all numbers strictly greater than five.

Example 5.54. 

A number line showing all numbers less than or equal to seventeen over two.

Example 5.55. 

A number line showing all numbers strictly greater than negative nine over eight.

Example 5.56. 

A number line showing all numbers strictly greater than one.

Example 5.57. 

A number line showing all numbers less than or equal to seventeen over two.

Practice Set B

Solve the following linear inequalities.

Exercise 5.7.1. (Go to Solution)

y − 6 ≤ 5

Exercise 5.7.2. (Go to Solution)

x + 4 > 9

Exercise 5.7.3. (Go to Solution)

4x − 1 ≥ 15

Exercise 5.7.4. (Go to Solution)

− 5y + 16 ≤ 7

Exercise 5.7.5. (Go to Solution)

7(4s − 3) < 2s + 8

Exercise 5.7.6. (Go to Solution)

5(1 − 4h) + 4 < (1 − h)2 + 6

Exercise 5.7.7. (Go to Solution)

18 ≥ 4(2x − 3) − 9x

Exercise 5.7.8. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.7.9. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.7.10. (Go to Solution)

Compound Inequalities

Compound Inequality

Another type of inequality is the compound inequality. A compound inequality is of the form:

a < x < b

There are actually two statements here. The first statement is a < x . The next statement is x < b . When we read this statement we say " a is less than x ," then continue saying "and x is less than b ."

Just by looking at the inequality we can see that the number x is between the numbers a and b . The compound inequality a < x < b indicates "betweenness." Without changing the meaning, the statement a < x can be read x > a . (Surely, if the number a is less than the number x , the number x must be greater than the number a .) Thus, we can read a < x < b as " x is greater than a and at the same time is less than b ." For example:

  1. 4 < x < 9 .The letter x is some number strictly between 4 and 9. Hence, x is greater than 4 and, at the same time, less than 9. The numbers 4 and 9 are not included so we use open circles at these points.

    A number line showing all numbers strictly greater than four, and strictly less than nine.

  2. − 2 < z < 0 .The z stands for some number between − 2 and 0. Hence, z is greater than − 2 but also less than 0.

    A number line showing all numbers strictly greater than negative two, and strictly less than zero.

  3. 1 < x + 6 < 8 .The expression x + 6 represents some number strictly between 1 and 8. Hence, x + 6 represents some number strictly greater than 1, but less than 8.

  4. .The term represents some number between and including and . Hence, represents some number greater than or equal to to but less than or equal to .

    A number line showing all numbers greater than or equal to one over four, and less than or equal to seven over nine.

Consider problem 3 above, 1 < x + 6 < 8 . The statement says that the quantity x + 6 is between 1 and 8. This statement will be true for only certain values of x . For example, if x = 1 , the statement is true since 1 < 1 + 6 < 8 . However, if x = 4.9 , the statement is false since 1 < 4.9 + 6 < 8 is clearly not true. The first of the inequalities is satisfied since 1 is less than 10.9 , but the second inequality is not satisfied since 10.9 is not less than 8.

We would like to know for exactly which values of x the statement 1 < x + 6 < 8 is true. We proceed by using the properties discussed earlier in this section, but now we must apply the rules to all three parts rather than just the two parts in a regular inequality.

Sample Set C

Example 5.58. 

Solve 1 < x + 6 < 8 .

Thus, if x is any number strictly between − 5 and 2, the statement 1 < x + 6 < 8 will be true.

Example 5.59. 

Solve .

Thus, if x is any number between and 4, the original inequality will be satisfied.

Practice Set C

Find the values of x that satisfy the given continued inequality.

Exercise 5.7.11. (Go to Solution)

4 < x − 5 < 12

Exercise 5.7.12. (Go to Solution)

− 3 < 7y + 1 < 18

Exercise 5.7.13. (Go to Solution)

0 ≤ 1 − 6x ≤ 7

Exercise 5.7.14. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.7.15. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.7.16. (Go to Solution)

Does 4 < x < − 1  have a solution?


For the following problems, solve the inequalities.

Exercise 5.7.17. (Go to Solution)

x + 7 < 12

Exercise 5.7.18.

y − 5 ≤ 8

Exercise 5.7.19. (Go to Solution)

y + 19 ≥ 2

Exercise 5.7.20.

x − 5 > 16

Exercise 5.7.21. (Go to Solution)

3x − 7 ≤ 8

Exercise 5.7.22.

9y − 12 ≤ 6

Exercise 5.7.23. (Go to Solution)

2z + 8 < 7

Exercise 5.7.24.

4x − 14 > 21

Exercise 5.7.25. (Go to Solution)

− 5x ≤ 20

Exercise 5.7.26.

− 8x < 40

Exercise 5.7.27. (Go to Solution)

− 7z < 77

Exercise 5.7.28.

− 3y > 39

Exercise 5.7.29. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.7.30.

Exercise 5.7.31. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.7.32.

Exercise 5.7.33. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.7.34.

Exercise 5.7.35. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.7.36.

Exercise 5.7.37. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.7.38.

Exercise 5.7.39. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.7.40.

− 3x + 7 ≤ − 5

Exercise 5.7.41. (Go to Solution)

− 7y + 10 ≤ − 4

Exercise 5.7.42.

6x − 11 < 31

Exercise 5.7.43. (Go to Solution)

3x − 15 ≤ 30

Exercise 5.7.44.

Exercise 5.7.45. (Go to Solution)

5(2x − 5) ≥ 15

Exercise 5.7.46.

4(x + 1) > − 12

Exercise 5.7.47. (Go to Solution)

6(3x − 7) ≥ 48

Exercise 5.7.48.

3( − x + 3) > − 27

Exercise 5.7.49. (Go to Solution)

− 4(y + 3) > 0

Exercise 5.7.50.

− 7(x − 77) ≤ 0

Exercise 5.7.51. (Go to Solution)

2x − 1 < x + 5

Exercise 5.7.52.

6y + 12 ≤ 5y − 1

Exercise 5.7.53. (Go to Solution)

3x + 2 ≤ 2x − 5

Exercise 5.7.54.

4x + 5 > 5x − 11

Exercise 5.7.55. (Go to Solution)

3x − 12 ≥ 7x + 4

Exercise 5.7.56.

− 2x − 7 > 5x

Exercise 5.7.57. (Go to Solution)

x − 4 > − 3x + 12

Exercise 5.7.58.

3 − x ≥ 4

Exercise 5.7.59. (Go to Solution)

5 − y ≤ 14

Exercise 5.7.60.

2 − 4x ≤ − 3 + x

Exercise 5.7.61. (Go to Solution)

3[4 + 5(x + 1)] < − 3

Exercise 5.7.62.

2[6 + 2(3x − 7)] ≥ 4

Exercise 5.7.63. (Go to Solution)

7[ − 3 − 4(x − 1)] ≤ 91

Exercise 5.7.64.

− 2(4x − 1) < 3(5x + 8)

Exercise 5.7.65. (Go to Solution)

− 5(3x − 2) > − 3( − x − 15) + 1

Exercise 5.7.66.

Use a calculator to solve this equation. − .0091x ≥ 2.885x − 12.014

Exercise 5.7.67. (Go to Solution)

What numbers satisfy the condition: twice a number plus one is greater than negative three?

Exercise 5.7.68.

What numbers satisfy the condition: eight more than three times a number is less than or equal to fourteen?

Exercise 5.7.69. (Go to Solution)

One number is five times larger than another number. The difference between these two numbers is less than twenty-four. What are the largest possible values for the two numbers? Is there a smallest possible value for either number?

Exercise 5.7.70.

The area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the length of the rectangle by the width of the rectangle. If the length of a rectangle is 8 feet, what is the largest possible measure for the width if it must be an integer (positive whole number) and the area must be less than 48 square feet?

Exercises for Review

Exercise 5.7.71. (Go to Solution)

(Section 2.7) Simplify (x 2 y 3 z 2 ) 5 .

Exercise 5.7.72.

(Section 3.3) Simplify − [ − ( − | − 8 |)] .

Exercise 5.7.73. (Go to Solution)

(Section 4.6) Find the product. (2x − 7) (x + 4) .

Exercise 5.7.74.

(Section 5.6) Twenty-five percent of a number is 12.32 . What is the number?

Exercise 5.7.75. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.6) The perimeter of a triangle is 40 inches. If the length of each of the two legs is exactly twice the length of the base, how long is each leg?

Solutions to Exercises

Solution to Exercise 5.7.1. (Return to Exercise)

y ≤ 11

Solution to Exercise 5.7.2. (Return to Exercise)

x > 5

Solution to Exercise 5.7.3. (Return to Exercise)

x ≥ 4

Solution to Exercise 5.7.4. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.5. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.6. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.7. (Return to Exercise)

x ≥ − 30

Solution to Exercise 5.7.8. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.9. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.10. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.11. (Return to Exercise)

9 < x < 17 

Solution to Exercise 5.7.12. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.13. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.14. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.15. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.16. (Return to Exercise)


Solution to Exercise 5.7.17. (Return to Exercise)

x < 5

Solution to Exercise 5.7.19. (Return to Exercise)

y ≥ − 17

Solution to Exercise 5.7.21. (Return to Exercise)

x ≤ 3

Solution to Exercise 5.7.23. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.25. (Return to Exercise)

x ≥ − 4

Solution to Exercise 5.7.27. (Return to Exercise)

z > − 11

Solution to Exercise 5.7.29. (Return to Exercise)

x ≥ 48

Solution to Exercise 5.7.31. (Return to Exercise)

x ≥ 18

Solution to Exercise 5.7.33. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.35. (Return to Exercise)

b > − 10

Solution to Exercise 5.7.37. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.39. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.7.41. (Return to Exercise)

y ≥ 2

Solution to Exercise 5.7.43. (Return to Exercise)

x ≤ 15

Solution to Exercise 5.7.45. (Return to Exercise)

x ≥ 4

Solution to Exercise 5.7.47. (Return to Exercise)

x ≥ 5

Solution to Exercise 5.7.49. (Return to Exercise)

y < − 3

Solution to Exercise 5.7.51. (Return to Exercise)

x < 6

Solution to Exercise 5.7.53. (Return to Exercise)

x ≤ − 7

Solution to Exercise 5.7.55. (Return to Exercise)

x ≤ − 4

Solution to Exercise 5.7.57. (Return to Exercise)

x > 8

Solution to Exercise 5.7.59. (Return to Exercise)

y ≥ − 9

Solution to Exercise 5.7.61. (Return to Exercise)

x < − 2

Solution to Exercise 5.7.63. (Return to Exercise)

x ≥ − 3

Solution to Exercise 5.7.65. (Return to Exercise)

x < − 2

Solution to Exercise 5.7.67. (Return to Exercise)

x > − 2

Solution to Exercise 5.7.69. (Return to Exercise)

First number: any number strictly smaller that 6.Second number: any number strictly smaller than 30. No smallest possible value for either number.No largest possible value for either number.

Solution to Exercise 5.7.71. (Return to Exercise)

x 10 y 15 z 10

Solution to Exercise 5.7.73. (Return to Exercise)

2x 2 + x − 28

Solution to Exercise 5.7.75. (Return to Exercise)

16 inches

5.8. Linear Equations in Two Variables *


  • Solutions to Linear Equations in Two Variables

  • Ordered Pairs as Solutions

Solutions to Linear Equations in Two Variables

Solution to an Equation in Two Variables

We have discovered that an equation is a mathematical way of expressing the relationship of equality between quantities. If the relationship is between two quantities, the equation will contain two variables. We say that an equation in two variables has a solution if an ordered pair of values can be found such that when these two values are substituted into the equation a true statement results. This is illustrated when we observe some solutions to the equation y = 2x + 5 .

  1. x = 4, y = 13;          since 13 = 2(4) + 5 is true .

  2. x = 1, y = 7;          since 7 = 2(1) + 5 is true .

  3. x = 0, y = 5;          since 5 = 2(0) + 5 is true .

  4. x = − 6, y = − 7;          since -7 = 2( − 6) + 5 is true .

Ordered Pairs as Solutions

It is important to keep in mind that a solution to a linear equation in two variables is an ordered pair of values, one value for each variable. A solution is not completely known until the values of both variables are specified.

Independent and Dependent Variables

Recall that, in an equation, any variable whose value can be freely assigned is said to be an independent variable. Any variable whose value is determined once the other value or values have been assigned is said to be a dependent variable. If, in a linear equation, the independent variable is x and the dependent variable is y , and a solution to the equation is x = a and y = b , the solution is written as the

ORDERED PAIR      (a, b)

Ordered Pair

In an ordered pair, (a, b) , the first component, a , gives the value of the independent variable, and the second component, b , gives the value of the dependent variable.

In an ordered pair (a,b), the first component a is the value of the independent variable, and the second component b is the value of the dependent variable.

We can use ordered pairs to show some solutions to the equation y = 6x − 7 .

Example 5.60. 

(0, − 7) .If x = 0 and y = − 7 , we get a true statement upon substitution and computataion.

Example 5.61. 

(8, 41) .If x = 8 and y = 41 , we get a true statement upon substitution and computataion.

Example 5.62. 

( − 4,  − 31) .If x = − 4 and y = − 31 , we get a true statement upon substitution and computataion.

These are only three of the infintely many solutions to this equation.

Sample Set A

Find a solution to each of the following linear equations in two variables and write the solution as an ordered pair.

Example 5.63. 

y = 3x − 6, if x = 1

Substitute 1 for x , compute, and solve for y .

Hence, one solution is (1,  − 3) .

Example 5.64. 

y = 15 − 4x, if x = − 10

Substitute − 10 for x , compute, and solve for y .

Hence, one solution is ( − 10, 55) .

Example 5.65. 

b = − 9a + 21, if a = 2

Substitute 2 for a , compute, and solve for b .

Hence, one solution is (2, 3) .

Example 5.66. 

5x − 2y = 1, if x = 0

Substitute 0 for x , compute, and solve for y .

Hence, one solution is .

Practice Set A

Find a solution to each of the following linear equations in two variables and write the solution as an ordered pair.

Exercise 5.8.1. (Go to Solution)

y = 7x − 20, if x = 3

Exercise 5.8.2. (Go to Solution)

m = − 6n + 1, if n = 2

Exercise 5.8.3. (Go to Solution)

b = 3a − 7, if a = 0

Exercise 5.8.4. (Go to Solution)

10x − 5y − 20 = 0, if x = − 8

Exercise 5.8.5. (Go to Solution)

3a + 2b + 6 = 0, if a = − 1


For the following problems, solve the linear equations in two variables.

Exercise 5.8.6. (Go to Solution)

y = 8x + 14, if x = 1

Exercise 5.8.7.

y = − 2x + 1, if x = 0

Exercise 5.8.8. (Go to Solution)

y = 5x + 6, if x = 4

Exercise 5.8.9.

x + y = 7, if x = 8

Exercise 5.8.10. (Go to Solution)

3x + 4y = 0, if x = − 3

Exercise 5.8.11.

Exercise 5.8.12. (Go to Solution)

5x − 3y + 1 = 0, if x = − 6

Exercise 5.8.13.

− 4x − 4y = 4, if y = 7

Exercise 5.8.14. (Go to Solution)

2x + 6y = 1, if y = 0

Exercise 5.8.15.

Exercise 5.8.16. (Go to Solution)

y = x, if x = 1

Exercise 5.8.17.

x + y = 0, if x = 0

Exercise 5.8.18. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.8.19.

y + 17 = x, if x = − 12

Exercise 5.8.20. (Go to Solution)

− 20y + 14x = 1, if x = 8

Exercise 5.8.21.

Exercise 5.8.22. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.8.23.

y + 7 − x = 0, if x = A star

Exercise 5.8.24. (Go to Solution)

2x + 31y − 3 = 0, if x = a

Exercise 5.8.25.

436x + 189y = 881, if x = − 4231

Exercise 5.8.26. (Go to Solution)

y = 6(x − 7), if x = 2

Exercise 5.8.27.

y = 2(4x + 5), if x = − 1

Exercise 5.8.28. (Go to Solution)

5y = 9(x − 3), if x = 2

Exercise 5.8.29.

3y = 4(4x + 1), if x = − 3

Exercise 5.8.30. (Go to Solution)

− 2y = 3(2x − 5), if x = 6

Exercise 5.8.31.

− 8y = 7(8x + 2), if x = 0

Exercise 5.8.32. (Go to Solution)

b = 4a − 12, if a = − 7

Exercise 5.8.33.

b = − 5a + 21, if a = − 9

Exercise 5.8.34. (Go to Solution)

4b − 6 = 2a + 1, if a = 0

Exercise 5.8.35.

− 5m + 11 = n + 1, if n = 4

Exercise 5.8.36. (Go to Solution)

3(t + 2) = 4(s − 9), if s = 1

Exercise 5.8.37.

7(t − 6) = 10(2 − s), if s = 5

Exercise 5.8.38. (Go to Solution)

y = 0x + 5, if x = 1

Exercise 5.8.39.

2y = 0x − 11, if x = − 7

Exercise 5.8.40. (Go to Solution)

y = 0x + 10, if x = 3

Exercise 5.8.41.

− 5y = 0x − 1, if x = 0

Exercise 5.8.42. (Go to Solution)

y = 0(x − 1) + 6, if x = 1

Exercise 5.8.43.

y = 0(3x + 9) − 1, if x = 12

Calculator Problems

Exercise 5.8.44. (Go to Solution)

An examination of the winning speeds in the Indianapolis 500 automobile race from 1961 to 1970 produces the equation y = 1.93x + 137.60 , where x is the number of years from 1960 and y is the winning speed. Statistical methods were used to obtain the equation, and, for a given year, the equation gives only the approximate winning speed. Use the equation y = 1.93x + 137.60 to find the approximate winning speed in

  1. 1965

  2. 1970

  3. 1986

  4. 1990

Exercise 5.8.45.

In electricity theory, Ohm’s law relates electrical current to voltage by the equation y = 0.00082x , where x is the voltage in volts and y is the current in amperes. This equation was found by statistical methods and for a given voltage yields only an approximate value for the current. Use the equation y = 0.00082x to find the approximate current for a voltage of

  1. 6 volts

  2. 10 volts

Exercise 5.8.46. (Go to Solution)

Statistical methods have been used to obtain a relationship between the actual and reported number of German submarines sunk each month by the U.S. Navy in World War II. The equation expressing the approximate number of actual sinkings, y , for a given number of reported sinkings, x , is y = 1.04x + 0.76 . Find the approximate number of actual sinkings of German submarines if the reported number of sinkings is

  1. 4

  2. 9

  3. 10

Exercise 5.8.47.

Statistical methods have been used to obtain a relationship between the heart weight (in milligrams) and the body weight (in milligrams) of 10-month-old diabetic offspring of crossbred male mice. The equation expressing the approximate body weight for a given heart weight is y = 0.213x – 4.44 . Find the approximate body weight for a heart weight of

  1. 210 mg

  2. 245 mg

Exercise 5.8.48. (Go to Solution)

Statistical methods have been used to produce the equation y = 0.176x − 0.64 . This equation gives the approximate red blood cell count (in millions) of a dog’s blood, y , for a given packed cell volume (in millimeters), x . Find the approximate red blood cell count for a packed cell volume of

  1. 40 mm

  2. 42 mm

Exercise 5.8.49.

An industrial machine can run at different speeds. The machine also produces defective items, and the number of defective items it produces appears to be related to the speed at which the machine is running. Statistical methods found that the equation y = 0.73x − 0.86 is able to give the approximate number of defective items, y , for a given machine speed, x . Use this equation to find the approximate number of defective items for a machine speed of

  1. 9

  2. 12

Exercise 5.8.50. (Go to Solution)

A computer company has found, using statistical techniques, that there is a relationship between the aptitude test scores of assembly line workers and their productivity. Using data accumulated over a period of time, the equation y = 0.89x − 41.78 was derived. The x represents an aptitude test score and y the approximate corresponding number of items assembled per hour. Estimate the number of items produced by a worker with an aptitude score of

  1. 80

  2. 95

Exercise 5.8.51.

Chemists, making use of statistical techniques, have been able to express the approximate weight of potassium bromide, W , that will dissolve in 100 grams of water at T degrees centigrade. The equation expressing this relationship is W = 0.52T + 54.2 . Use this equation to predict the potassium bromide weight that will dissolve in 100 grams of water that is heated to a temperature of

  1. 70 degrees centigrade

  2. 95 degrees centigrade

Exercise 5.8.52. (Go to Solution)

The marketing department at a large company has been able to express the relationship between the demand for a product and its price by using statistical techniques. The department found, by analyzing studies done in six different market areas, that the equation giving the approximate demand for a product (in thousands of units) for a particular price (in cents) is y = − 14.15x + 257.11 . Find the approximate number of units demanded when the price is

  1. $0.12

  2. $0.15

Exercise 5.8.53.

The management of a speed-reading program claims that the approximate speed gain (in words per minute), G , is related to the number of weeks spent in its program, W , is given by the equation G = 26.68W − 7.44 . Predict the approximate speed gain for a student who has spent

  1. 3 weeks in the program

  2. 10 weeks in the program

Exercises for Review

Exercise 5.8.54. (Go to Solution)

(Section 4.6) Find the product. (4x − 1)(3x + 5) .

Exercise 5.8.55.

(Section 4.7) Find the product. (5x + 2)(5x − 2) .

Exercise 5.8.56. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.5) Solve the equation 6[2(x − 4) + 1] = 3[2(x − 7)] .

Exercise 5.8.57.

(Section 5.7) Solve the inequality − 3a − (a − 5) ≥ a + 10 .

Exercise 5.8.58. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.7) Solve the compound inequality − 1 < 4y + 11 < 27 .

Solutions to Exercises

Solution to Exercise 5.8.1. (Return to Exercise)

(3, 1)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.2. (Return to Exercise)

(2,  − 11)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.3. (Return to Exercise)

(0,  − 7)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.4. (Return to Exercise)

( − 8,  − 20)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.5. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.6. (Return to Exercise)

( 1,22 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.8. (Return to Exercise)

( 4,26 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.10. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.12. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.14. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.16. (Return to Exercise)

( 1,1 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.18. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.20. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.22. (Return to Exercise)

( − 40, − 1 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.24. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.26. (Return to Exercise)

( 2, − 30 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.28. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.30. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.32. (Return to Exercise)

( − 7, − 40 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.34. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.36. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.8.38. (Return to Exercise)

( 1,5 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.40. (Return to Exercise)

( 3, − 10 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.42. (Return to Exercise)

( 1,6 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.44. (Return to Exercise)

(a) Approximately 147 mph using ( 5,147.25 ) (b) Approximately 157 mph using ( 10,156.9 ) (c) Approximately 188 mph using ( 26,187.78 ) (d) Approximately 196 mph using ( 30,195.5 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.46. (Return to Exercise)

(a) Approximately 5 sinkings using ( 4,4.92 ) (b) Approximately 10 sinkings using ( 9,10.12 ) (c) Approximately 11 sinkings using ( 10,11.16 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.48. (Return to Exercise)

(a) Approximately 6.4 using ( 40,6.4 ) (b) Approximately 4.752 using ( 42,7.752 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.50. (Return to Exercise)

(a) Approximately 29 items using ( 80,29.42 ) (b) Approximately 43 items using ( 95,42.77 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.52. (Return to Exercise)

(a) Approximately 87 units using ( 12,87.31 ) (b) Approximately 45 units using ( 15,44.86 )

Solution to Exercise 5.8.54. (Return to Exercise)

12x 2 + 17x − 5

Solution to Exercise 5.8.56. (Return to Exercise)

x = 0

Solution to Exercise 5.8.58. (Return to Exercise)

− 3 < y < 4

5.9. Summary of Key Concepts*

Summary of Key Concepts

Identity (Section 5.2)

An equation that is true for all acceptable values of the variable is called identity. x + 3 = x + 3 is an identity.

Contradiction (Section 5.2)

Contradictions are equations that are never true regardless of the value substituted for the variable. x + 1 = x is a contradiction.

Conditional Equation (Section 5.2)

An equation whose truth is conditional upon the value selected for the variable is called a conditional equation.

Solutions and Solving an Equation (Section 5.2)

The collection of values that make an equation true are called the solutions of the equation. An equation is said to be solved when all its solutions have been found.

Equivalent Equations (Section 5.2, Section 5.3)

Equations that have precisely the same collection of solutions are called equivalent equations.An equivalent equation can be obtained from a particular equation by applying the same binary operation to both sides of the equation, that is,

  1. adding or subtracting the same number to or from both sides of that particular equation.

  2. multiplying or dividing both sides of that particular equation by the same non-zero number.

Literal Equation (Section 5.2)

A literal equation is an equation that is composed of more than one variable.

Recognizing an Identity (Section 5.4)

If, when solving an equation, all the variables are eliminated and a true statement results, the equation is an identity.

Recognizing a Contradiction (Section 5.4)

If, when solving an equation, all the variables are eliminated and a false statement results, the equation is a contradiction.

Translating from Verbal to Mathematical Expressions (Section 5.5)

When solving word problems it is absolutely necessary to know how certain words translate into mathematical symbols.

Five-Step Method for Solving Word Problems (Section 5.6)

  1. Let x (or some other letter) represent the unknown quantity.

  2. Translate the words to mathematics and form an equation. A diagram may be helpful.

  3. Solve the equation.

  4. Check the solution by substituting the result into the original statement of the problem.

  5. Write a conclusion.

Linear Inequality (Section 5.7)

A linear inequality is a mathematical statement that one linear expression is greater than or less than another linear expression.

Inequality Notation (Section 5.7)

Compound Inequality (Section 5.7)

An inequality of the form a < x < b is called a compound inequality.

Solution to an Equation in Two Variables and Ordered Pairs (Section 5.8)

A pair of values that when substituted into an equation in two variables produces a true statement is called a solution to the equation in two variables. These values are commonly written as an ordered pair. The expression (a, b) is an ordered pair. In an ordered pair, the independent variable is written first and the dependent variable is written second.

5.10. Exercise Supplement *

Exercise Supplement

Solving Equations (Section 5.2) - Further Techniques in Equation Solving (Section 5.4)

Solve the equations for the following problems.

Exercise 5.10.1. (Go to Solution)

y + 3 = 11

Exercise 5.10.2.

a − 7 = 4

Exercise 5.10.3. (Go to Solution)

r − 1 = 16

Exercise 5.10.4.

a + 2 = 0

Exercise 5.10.5. (Go to Solution)

x + 6 = − 4

Exercise 5.10.6.

x − 5 = − 6

Exercise 5.10.7. (Go to Solution)

x + 8 = 8

Exercise 5.10.8.

y − 4 = 4

Exercise 5.10.9. (Go to Solution)

2x = 32

Exercise 5.10.10.

4x = 24

Exercise 5.10.11. (Go to Solution)

3r = − 12

Exercise 5.10.12.

6m = − 30

Exercise 5.10.13. (Go to Solution)

− 5x = − 30

Exercise 5.10.14.

− 8y = − 72

Exercise 5.10.15. (Go to Solution)

x = 6

Exercise 5.10.16.

y = − 10

Exercise 5.10.17. (Go to Solution)

3x + 7 = 19

Exercise 5.10.18.

6x − 1 = 29

Exercise 5.10.19. (Go to Solution)

4x + 2 = − 2

Exercise 5.10.20.

6x − 5 = − 29

Exercise 5.10.21. (Go to Solution)

8x + 6 = − 10

Exercise 5.10.22.

9a + 5 = − 22

Exercise 5.10.23. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.10.24.

Exercise 5.10.25. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.10.26.

Exercise 5.10.27. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.10.28.

Exercise 5.10.29. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.10.30.

Exercise 5.10.31. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.10.32.

Exercise 5.10.33. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.10.34.

Exercise 5.10.35. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.10.36.

Exercise 5.10.37. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.10.38.

Exercise 5.10.39. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.10.40.

Exercise 5.10.41. (Go to Solution)

4(x + 2) = 20

Exercise 5.10.42.

− 2(a − 3) = 16

Exercise 5.10.43. (Go to Solution)

− 7(2a − 1) = 63

Exercise 5.10.44.

3x + 7 = 5x − 21

Exercise 5.10.45. (Go to Solution)

− (8r + 1) = 33

Exercise 5.10.46.

Solve I = p r t for t. Find the value of t when I = 3500, P = 3000, and r = 0.05.

Exercise 5.10.47. (Go to Solution)

Solve A = L W for W. Find the value of W when A = 26 and L = 2.

Exercise 5.10.48.

Solve p = m v for m. Find the value of m when p = 4240 and v = 260.

Exercise 5.10.49. (Go to Solution)

Solve P = RC for R. Find the value of R when P = 480 and C = 210.

Exercise 5.10.50.

Exercise 5.10.51. (Go to Solution)

Solve y = 5x + 8 for x.

Exercise 5.10.52.

Solve 3y − 6x = 12 for y.

Exercise 5.10.53. (Go to Solution)

Solve 4y + 2x + 8 = 0 for y.

Exercise 5.10.54.

Exercise 5.10.55. (Go to Solution)

Application I - Translating from Verbal to Mathetical Expressions (Section 5.5)

For the following problems, translate the phrases or sentences to mathematical expressions or equations.

Exercise 5.10.56.

A quantity less eight.

Exercise 5.10.57. (Go to Solution)

A number, times four plus seven.

Exercise 5.10.58.

Negative ten minus some number.

Exercise 5.10.59. (Go to Solution)

Two fifths of a number minus five.

Exercise 5.10.60.

One seventh of a number plus two ninths of the number.

Exercise 5.10.61. (Go to Solution)

Three times a number is forty.

Exercise 5.10.62.

Twice a quantity plus nine is equal to the quantity plus sixty.

Exercise 5.10.63. (Go to Solution)

Four times a number minus five is divided by seven. The result is ten more than the number.

Exercise 5.10.64.

A number is added to itself five times, and that result is multiplied by eight. The entire result is twelve.

Exercise 5.10.65. (Go to Solution)

A number multiplied by eleven more than itself is six.

Exercise 5.10.66.

A quantity less three is divided by two more than the quantity itself. The result is one less than the original quantity.

Exercise 5.10.67. (Go to Solution)

A number is divided by twice the number, and eight times the number is added to that result. The result is negative one.

Exercise 5.10.68.

An unknown quantity is decreased by six. This result is then divided by twenty. Ten is subtracted from this result and negative two is obtained.

Exercise 5.10.69. (Go to Solution)

One less than some number is divided by five times the number. The result is the cube of the number.

Exercise 5.10.70.

Nine less than some number is multiplied by the number less nine. The result is the square of six times the number.

Application II - Solving Problems (Section 5.6)

For the following problems, find the solution.

Exercise 5.10.71. (Go to Solution)

This year an item costs $106, an increase of $10 over last year’s price. What was last year’s price?

Exercise 5.10.72.

The perimeter of a square is 44 inches. Find the length of a side.

Exercise 5.10.73. (Go to Solution)

Nine percent of a number is 77.4. What is the number?

Exercise 5.10.74.

Two consecutive integers sum to 63. What are they?

Exercise 5.10.75. (Go to Solution)

Four consecutive odd integers add to 56. What are they?

Exercise 5.10.76.

If twenty-one is subtracted from some number and that result is multiplied by two, the result is thirty-eight. What is the number?

Exercise 5.10.77. (Go to Solution)

If 37% more of a quantity is 159.1, what is the quantit?

Exercise 5.10.78.

A statistician is collecting data to help her estimate the number of pickpockets in a certain city. She needs 108 pieces of data and is done. How many pieces of data has she collected?

Exercise 5.10.79. (Go to Solution)

The statistician in problem 78 is eight pieces of data short of being done. How many pieces of data has she collected?

Exercise 5.10.80.

A television commercial advertises that a certain type of light bulb will last, on the average, 200 hours longer than three times the life of another type of bulb. If consumer tests show that the advertised bulb lasts 4700 hours, how many hours must the other type of bulb last for the advertiser’s claim to be valid?

Linear inequalities in One Variable (Section 5.7)

Solve the inequalities for the following problems.

Exercise 5.10.81. (Go to Solution)

y + 3 < 15

Exercise 5.10.82.

x − 6 ≥ 12

Exercise 5.10.83. (Go to Solution)

4x + 3 > 23

Exercise 5.10.84.

5x − 14 < 1

Exercise 5.10.85. (Go to Solution)

6a − 6 ≤ − 27

Exercise 5.10.86.

− 2y ≥ 14

Exercise 5.10.87. (Go to Solution)

− 8a ≤ − 88

Exercise 5.10.88.

Exercise 5.10.89. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.10.90.

Exercise 5.10.91. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.10.92.

− 4c + 3 ≤ 5

Exercise 5.10.93. (Go to Solution)

− 11y + 4 > 15

Exercise 5.10.94.

3(4x − 5) > − 6

Exercise 5.10.95. (Go to Solution)

− 7(8x + 10) + 2 < − 32

Exercise 5.10.96.

5x + 4 ≥ 7x + 16

Exercise 5.10.97. (Go to Solution)

x − 5 < 3x − 11

Exercise 5.10.98.

4(6x + 1) + 2 ≥ − 3(x − 1) + 4

Exercise 5.10.99. (Go to Solution)

− (5x + 6) + 2x − 1 < 3(1 − 4x) + 11

Exercise 5.10.100.

What numbers satisfy the condition: nine less than negative four times a number is strictly greater than negative one?

Linear Equations in Two Variables (Section 5.8)

Solve the equations for the following problems.

Exercise 5.10.101. (Go to Solution)

y = − 5x + 4, if x = − 3

Exercise 5.10.102.

y = − 10x + 11, if x = − 1

Exercise 5.10.103. (Go to Solution)

3a + 2b = 14, if b = 4

Exercise 5.10.104.

4m + 2k = 30, if m = 8

Exercise 5.10.105. (Go to Solution)

− 4r + 5s = − 16, if s = 0

Exercise 5.10.106.

y = − 2(7x − 4), if x = − 1

Exercise 5.10.107. (Go to Solution)

− 4a + 19 = 2(b + 6) − 5, if b = − 1

Exercise 5.10.108.

6(t + 8) = − (a − 5), if a = 10

Exercise 5.10.109. (Go to Solution)

− (a + b) = 5, if a = − 5

Exercise 5.10.110.

a(a + 1) = 2b + 1, if a = − 2

Solutions to Exercises

Solution to Exercise 5.10.1. (Return to Exercise)

y = 8

Solution to Exercise 5.10.3. (Return to Exercise)

r = 17

Solution to Exercise 5.10.5. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 10

Solution to Exercise 5.10.7. (Return to Exercise)

x = 0

Solution to Exercise 5.10.9. (Return to Exercise)

x = 16

Solution to Exercise 5.10.11. (Return to Exercise)

r = − 4

Solution to Exercise 5.10.13. (Return to Exercise)

x = 6

Solution to Exercise 5.10.15. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 6

Solution to Exercise 5.10.17. (Return to Exercise)

x = 4

Solution to Exercise 5.10.19. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 1

Solution to Exercise 5.10.21. (Return to Exercise)

x = − 2

Solution to Exercise 5.10.23. (Return to Exercise)

m = 24

Solution to Exercise 5.10.25. (Return to Exercise)

y = 486

Solution to Exercise 5.10.27. (Return to Exercise)

c = 90

Solution to Exercise 5.10.29. (Return to Exercise)

y = − 15

Solution to Exercise 5.10.31. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.33. (Return to Exercise)

c = 16

Solution to Exercise 5.10.35. (Return to Exercise)

x = 28

Solution to Exercise 5.10.37. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.39. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.41. (Return to Exercise)

x = 3

Solution to Exercise 5.10.43. (Return to Exercise)

a = − 4

Solution to Exercise 5.10.45. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.47. (Return to Exercise)

W = 13

Solution to Exercise 5.10.49. (Return to Exercise)

R = 690

Solution to Exercise 5.10.51. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.53. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.55. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.57. (Return to Exercise)

x( 4 + 7 )

Solution to Exercise 5.10.59. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.61. (Return to Exercise)

3x = 40

Solution to Exercise 5.10.63. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.65. (Return to Exercise)

x( x + 11 ) = 6

Solution to Exercise 5.10.67. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.69. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.71. (Return to Exercise)

last year's price = $96

Solution to Exercise 5.10.73. (Return to Exercise)

x = 860

Solution to Exercise 5.10.75. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.77. (Return to Exercise)

x = 116.13139

Solution to Exercise 5.10.79. (Return to Exercise)

82 pieces of data

Solution to Exercise 5.10.81. (Return to Exercise)

y < 12

Solution to Exercise 5.10.83. (Return to Exercise)

x > 5

Solution to Exercise 5.10.85. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.87. (Return to Exercise)

a ≥ 11

Solution to Exercise 5.10.89. (Return to Exercise)

b ≥ − 12

Solution to Exercise 5.10.91. (Return to Exercise)

c ≥ − 9

Solution to Exercise 5.10.93. (Return to Exercise)

y < − 1

Solution to Exercise 5.10.95. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.97. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.99. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.101. (Return to Exercise)

( − 3,19 )

Solution to Exercise 5.10.103. (Return to Exercise)

( 2,4 )

Solution to Exercise 5.10.105. (Return to Exercise)

( 4,0 )

Solution to Exercise 5.10.107. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.10.109. (Return to Exercise)

( − 5,0 )

5.11. Proficiency Exam *

Proficiency Exam

Solve the equations and inequalities for the following problems.

Exercise 5.11.1. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.2) x + 8 = 14

Exercise 5.11.2. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.2) 6a + 3 = − 10

Exercise 5.11.3. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.11.4. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.11.5. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.11.6. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.4) 5b − 8 = 7b + 12

Exercise 5.11.7. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.4) 3(2a + 4) = 2(a + 3)

Exercise 5.11.8. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.4) 5(y + 3) − (2y − 1) = − 5

Exercise 5.11.9. (Go to Solution)

Exercise 5.11.10. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.4) Solve 2p − 6q + 1 = − 2 for p .

Exercise 5.11.11. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.3) Solve .

Exercise 5.11.12. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.4) Solve The sum of triangle and square over star is equal to delta. for .

Exercise 5.11.13. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.7) a − 8 ≥ 4

Exercise 5.11.14. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.7) − 3a + 1 < − 5

Exercise 5.11.15. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.7) − 2(a + 6) ≤ − a + 11

Exercise 5.11.16. (Go to Solution)

Translate the phrases or sentences into mathematical expressions or equations for the following problems.

Exercise 5.11.17. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.5) Three added to twice a number.

Exercise 5.11.18. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.5) Eight less than two thirds of a number.

Exercise 5.11.19. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.5)Two more than four times a number.

Exercise 5.11.20. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.5) A number is added to itself and this result is multiplied by the original number cubed. The result is twelve.

Exercise 5.11.21. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.5) A number is decreased by five and that result is divided by ten more than the original number. The result is six times the original number.

Solve the following problems.

Exercise 5.11.22. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.6) Eight percent of a number is 1.2 . What is the number?

Exercise 5.11.23. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.6) Three consecutive odd integers sum to 38. What are they?

Exercise 5.11.24. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.6) Five more than three times a number is strictly less than seventeen. What is the number?

Exercise 5.11.25. (Go to Solution)

(Section 5.8) Solve y = 8x − 11 for y if x = 3 , and write the solution as an ordered pair.

Solutions to Exercises

Solution to Exercise 5.11.1. (Return to Exercise)

x = 6

Solution to Exercise 5.11.2. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.11.3. (Return to Exercise)

a = − 16

Solution to Exercise 5.11.4. (Return to Exercise)

x = 10

Solution to Exercise 5.11.5. (Return to Exercise)

y = − 3

Solution to Exercise 5.11.6. (Return to Exercise)

b = − 10

Solution to Exercise 5.11.7. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.11.8. (Return to Exercise)

y = − 7

Solution to Exercise 5.11.9. (Return to Exercise)

x = 9

Solution to Exercise 5.11.10. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.11.11. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.11.12. (Return to Exercise)

The triangle is equal to the product of star and delta, minus square.

Solution to Exercise 5.11.13. (Return to Exercise)

a ≥ 12

Solution to Exercise 5.11.14. (Return to Exercise)

a > 2

Solution to Exercise 5.11.15. (Return to Exercise)

a ≥ − 23

Solution to Exercise 5.11.16. (Return to Exercise)

x < 6

Solution to Exercise 5.11.17. (Return to Exercise)

3 + 2a

Solution to Exercise 5.11.18. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.11.19. (Return to Exercise)

2 + 4x

Solution to Exercise 5.11.20. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.11.21. (Return to Exercise)

Solution to Exercise 5.11.22. (Return to Exercise)

x = 15

Solution to Exercise 5.11.23. (Return to Exercise)

There are no three consecutive odd integers that add to 38.

Solution to Exercise 5.11.24. (Return to Exercise)

x < 4

Solution to Exercise 5.11.25. (Return to Exercise)

( 3,13 )