IF THERE’S ONE change that you could make today that would have the biggest impact on your life in terms of productivity, effectiveness, and being able to do the things you want to do, it would be to reduce the commitments in your life.
With that one change, you could free up the time you need to focus on the important work and to achieve the things you want to achieve. With that simple change, you could free up time to pursue things you’re passionate about, to exercise, to read, to find quiet time, or to spend time with loved ones.
I’m not going to lie to you: Reducing your commitments isn’t easy. It takes determination, it takes a willingness to say “no,” and it can take time. But it will pay off in so many ways, for the rest of your life.
Most of us have lives that are overloaded with commitments. We have multiple commitments at work—besides the core duties of our job, which is already a multitude of commitments, we might also serve on different committees, have to go to different meetings, have commitments to various projects, have to go to conferences and clinics, have regular meetings with clients, or serve on boards in our industry.
Then there are civic commitments, family commitments, hobbies, stuff we have to do at home, online commitments, religious commitments, extra jobs, sports, exercise, other social groups, and more.
It’s possible to have multiple commitments in all of these areas, until we have no spare time in our lives and we are worn down by the time and energy demands of each of these commitments.
Each time someone makes a request of you and you agree to that request, you’re making a commitment that will take up a part of your life.
The curious thing is that we don’t ever decide to do them all at once. They are added to our lives, one at a time—and viewed individually, none of them ever seems like too much work. But cumulatively, these commitments add up, so that eventually they can consume your entire life, and your life no longer belongs to you.
Cut back on those commitments, one at a time, leaving yourself with the time you need for the things that are important to you.
In order to get a handle on your commitments, you first have to take inventory, so you know what you have on your plate. Take an inventory of the commitments in your life right now. Here are some common ones (though you may have more):
You might have other categories. List everything. The more honest and complete your list, the better.
Now take a close look at each thing on the list and ask yourself: How does this give my life value? How important is it to me? Is it in line with my life priorities and values? How would it affect my life if I dropped out? Does this further my life goals?
Then make a “Short List” of your four to five most important commitments. What are the things you love to do most, the things that are most important to you? Your list can include whatever you like, but here’s mine:
That’s my entire list. It might take some soul-searching to cut your list down to four to five things. Once you’ve created your Short List, I suggest you go over your list of commitments and decide which of those commitments fit on your Short List and which don’t. The commitments that align with your Short List are the essential commitments. For example, writing posts for my blog, Zen Habits, is one of my commitments. It falls under one of my Short List priorities—writing—so it is an essential commitment in my mind.
What are your essential commitments?
Everything on your commitment list that isn’t essential is, by definition, nonessential. They’re all on the chopping block.
Eliminating the nonessential commitments is crucial, as it will free up a lot of your time, leave you with less stress, and allow you to focus on the essential. Never have enough time for the truly important projects, or your family, or your passion in life? Now you will, if you eliminate the nonessentials and use the freed-up time for the essentials on your Short List. Here’s how to eliminate the nonessential commitments on your list:
1. Start with something small. Don’t try to eliminate everything at once. Maybe find something on the list that will be easy to eliminate. That’s your first target. Look for the thing that gives you the least return for your invested time and effort. The thing that’s least in line with your life values and priorities and goals. Cut it out, at least for a couple of weeks, and see if you can get along without it.
2. Call or e-mail to send your regrets. Explain that you have too much on your plate right now and you simply don’t have the time to fulfill the commitment. Apologize, but be firm, and don’t leave any room for negotiation.
3. Eliminate the commitment from your appointment, and instead fill that time with something from your Short List. Don’t just use that time to watch TV—use it wisely.
4. Repeat this process with the other nonessential commitments, one at a time, until you’re done. Strive to eliminate all nonessential commitments from your list. This might take a while, especially with some commitments where you’ll need to find a replacement or some other solution. But don’t stop until you’ve eliminated all of them.
Each time you cut a commitment, it may give you a feeling of guilt, because others want you to keep that commitment. But it’s also a huge relief, not having to keep that commitment each day or week or month. It frees up a lot of your time, and while others may be disappointed, you have to keep what’s important to you in mind, not what’s important to everyone else. If we committed to what everyone else wanted all the time, we would never have any time left for ourselves.
Your list of commitments didn’t become overloaded by itself. Those commitments were added to your life, one by one, because you accepted them. Someone made a request and you said “yes,” one commitment at a time.
Now that you’re in the process of eliminating your nonessential commitments and freeing up time for your Short List, keep your list short by not adding new commitments, if at all possible. Sometimes, adding a commitment is a good thing, if it’s something you love, and if you make time for it by dropping something you don’t love as much. But most of the time, new commitments just add to your load and take time and energy away from more important or enjoyable pursuits.
So avoid new commitments by learning to say “no” to new requests. These requests come in all the time, at home and work, via phone or e-mail, when you run into someone at the supermarket. Learn to recognize them as requests for new commitments, and learn to turn them down.
This is very difficult for many people, who feel a sense of obligation to say “yes,” who are uncomfortable turning people down, who think that they have no good reason to say no to a simple request by a friend or coworker or loved one in need.
But you do have a good reason to say “no”—a great reason, in fact: Your time is limited and precious.
You might think you have all the time in the world, and that a one-hour commitment won’t matter much. But most people only have a couple hours of free time each day, when you factor in sleep and getting ready and eating time and commuting time and work and chores. Protect your time—it’s your most valuable commodity. Guard it with your life.
If you have difficulty saying “no” to requests, here are some tips:
The same concepts that you use to reduce commitments in your work life can be used to make time for what you love in your personal life.
How can we create a life where we have time to do all the things we wish we could do? Where we live a more enjoyable, relaxed life away from work? It’s fairly simple, though it takes an effort to implement such a plan:
It really is that simple. When I decided I wanted to spend more time with my family, it was simply a matter of making that time a priority. I would turn down invitations to social engagements, say no to friends who wanted to go out, and cancel previous commitments—just because they weren’t as high a priority as spending time with my family. When I decided to run a marathon, that meant I had to get up early to run before I had to get the kids ready for school and myself ready for work. Waking earlier meant going to sleep earlier, which meant cutting back on television. No problem—running was more important to me than television. I canceled my cable TV.
When I decided to write this book, I had to cut back on other work projects, because they weren’t as important. I made the time, and dedicated that time to writing. If you make the commitment to make time for the things you love by cutting out the things that are of lower priority, you can create the life you want to live. It just takes a commitment to your Short List.
While creating the simple life is as simple as the three steps I outlined above, you’ll get use out of the tips below. I suggest you take a weekend out of your life to examine these issues, to plan how you’re going to simplify your life, and to start making changes to your schedule.