I constantly get e-mails from parents saying that their little ones won’t eat vegetables. Kids can present parents with all kinds of eating challenges, but in my experience if you give them something to dip their vegetables in, chances are pretty good that they’ll want to give it a try. It transforms eating into an active and fun event. I’m not saying this strategy will work with every child, but it’s worked for me and many readers to whom I’ve suggested it.
One of my readers once suggested giving little names to the veggies, like “trees” for broccoli, “logs” for carrots, and “sticks” for green beans, allowing little ones to use their imaginations at the table. Simply eating veggies with your child is a good modeling tool. Even better when you do it with this savory Japanese inspired dip alongside.
1 large carrot, peeled and finely grated (about ½ cup)
1 tablespoon minced or grated ginger
1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
1 tablespoon yellow or white miso
3 tablespoons canola or vegetable oil
sugar snap peas, celery sticks, endive spears, or cucumber sticks
1. Place the carrot, ginger, vinegar, and miso in a food processor or blender and puree.
2. Drizzle in the oil while the machine is running, mixing until the puree is thick and creamy.
TIP: This dip also makes a delicious salad dressing!
CRYSTAL: It reminds me of the ginger dressing you get at Asian restaurants—only better. And it makes a terrific dip for raw veggies, too!