Simple Guidelines to Avoid Gallstones
Once you have eliminated all your gallstones through a series of liver flushes, there are a number of healthful practices you can easily apply that will help your liver to remain permanently clear of stones.
1. Flush Your Liver Twice a Year
I highly recommend that you cleanse your liver twice a year. The best date for a liver flush is about 10 days before or 10 days after a seasonal change. For example, begin the liver flush regimen around March 11 or 31, or June 11 or 30. Repeat the flush 6 months later. When the seasons change, the body also undergoes major physiological changes and is more inclined to release accumulated toxins and waste matter (as seen in an increased incidence of head colds or the flu). Since the immune system is naturally weaker during those 20 days of seasonal adjustment, cleansing the liver supports it greatly in its effort to keep the rest of the body healthy.
A weak, irritated, and congested large intestine becomes a breeding place for bacteria that are simply doing their job—decomposing potentially hazardous waste material. As a side effect of their life-saving activities, the microbes produce poisonous substances. Some of these toxins produced by the bacteria enter the blood, which sends them straight to the liver. Constant exposure of the liver cells to these toxins impairs their performance and reduces bile secretion. This leads to a further disruption of digestive functions.
When you eat highly processed foods that have been stripped of most nutrients and natural fiber, the colon has difficulty moving the food mass, or “chyme,” along. Processed foods tend to make for a dry, hard, or sticky chyme that passes only with difficulty through the intestinal tract. Normally, the muscles wrapped around the colon can easily squeeze and push fibrous, bulky chyme along, but they struggle greatly dealing with gooey, sticky chyme that is devoid of fiber. When chyme sits too long in the colon, it becomes harder and drier. If that were the only thing that happened—chyme turning into hard, dry feces—we would only need to worry about constipation (from which millions of Americans suffer) and taking laxatives. But there is more to it. After the chyme is plastered onto the walls of the colon, it will undergo biochemical changes and do the following things. It will:
~ Ferment or putrefy, thereby becoming a breeding ground for parasites and pathogens as well as a storehouse for toxic chemicals. These can pollute the blood and lymph and, thereby, gradually poison the body.
~ Form a barrier that prevents the colon from interacting with the chyme and absorbing nutrients from it..
~ Restrict peristaltic movement by the colon walls, making it difficult for the colon to rhythmically contract in order to force the chyme along its way.
How well could you do your job if you were covered with thick sludge? The following are some of the symptoms that may occur as a result of colon dysfunction:
• Lower back pain
• Neck and shoulder pain
• Pain in the lower and upper arms
• Skin problems
• Brain fog (difficulty concentrating)
• Fatigue or sluggishness
• Colds and flu
• Constipation or diarrhea
• Flatulence/gas or bloating
• Crohn’s disease
• Ulcerative colitis
• Colitis/irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
• Diverticulitis/diverticulosis
• Leaky gut syndrome
• Pain in the lower part of the stomach (especially on the left side)
The large intestine absorbs minerals and water. When the membrane of the large intestine is impacted with plaque, it cannot assimilate and absorb minerals (as well as some vitamins). A congested colon causes nutrient-deficiency diseases, regardless of how many supplements a person takes. Most health problems are, in fact, deficiency disorders. They arise when certain parts of the body suffer malnourishment; particularly of minerals (see also 5. Take Ionic Essential Minerals” in this chapter).
The following are a number of colon-cleansing methods that I recommend in combination with liver flushes:
1. Keeping the colon clean through colonic irrigation, for example, is an effective preventive method to safeguard the liver against toxins generated in the large intestine. Colonic irrigation, also known as colon hydrotherapy, is perhaps one of the more effective colon therapies. A 30- to 50-minute session can eliminate large amounts of trapped waste that may have taken you many years to accumulate. During a colonic session, the therapist uses a total of 3 to 6 quarts of distilled or purified water to gently cleanse your colon. Through gentle abdominal massage, old deposits of mucoid fecal matter are loosened, detached from the colon wall, and subsequently removed with the water.
Colonics tend to have a “relieving” effect. You will usually experience a feeling of lightness, cleanness, and increased clarity of mind following a colonic. However, during the procedure itself, you may feel slight discomfort from time to time, whenever larger quantities of toxic waste detach themselves from the intestinal walls and move toward the rectum.
During the procedure, rubber tubing carries water into the colon and waste out of the colon. The released waste material can be seen floating through a tube, showing the type and quantity of waste eliminated.
Once the colon has been thoroughly cleansed through 2, 3, or more colonics, thereafter diet, exercise, or other health programs are likely to be much more effective. It is estimated that 80 percent of all immune tissue resides in the intestines. Therefore, cleansing the colon from immune-suppressive toxic waste and removing gallstones from the liver can make all the difference in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, AIDS, or other serious illnesses.
Colonic irrigation is a safe and hygienic system for cleansing the colon. Those who have never experienced a colonic, or who have a vested interest in dissuading others from having one, are the most likely people to raise safety concerns about colonics.
2. If you do not have access to a colon therapist, you may greatly benefit from using a colema board (see Product Information at the end of the book) as a second-best choice. The colema board allows you to clean your colon in the comfort of your own home. The colema is a do-it-yourself enema treatment that is easy to learn and perform.
3. Colosan is a blend of various oxides of magnesium designed to gently release oxygen into the digestive tract for cleansing it. Colosan is a powder that you either mix with water and chase down with citrus juice or take in capsule form, which is more convenient. Colosan releases large amounts of oxygen in the intestinal tract, thereby eliminating old fecal material as well as parasites and hardened mucus (see Product Information). Oxypowder is a similar product that works just as well.
4. Another method of cleansing, which uses Epsom salts, cleanses not only the colon but also the small intestine. This may become necessary if you have major difficulties absorbing food, have repeated kidney/bladder congestion, experience severe constipation, or are simply unable to do a colonic. For 3 weeks, add 1 teaspoon of oral Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to 1 glass of warm water and drink this first thing in the morning. This oral enema flushes your entire digestive tract and colon, from top to bottom, usually within an hour, prompting you to eliminate several times. It clears out even some of the plaque and debris from the intestinal walls, along with the parasites that have been living there. Expect the stools to be watery for as long as there is intestinal waste to be disposed of. Stools adopt a more normal shape and consistency once the entire intestinal tract is clean. This treatment can be done 2 to 3 times per year. Expect some cramps or gas formation, at times, while on this cleanse (a result of releasing toxins). Your tongue may become white-coated and be thicker than normal. This indicates increased intestinal cleansing. Epsom salts are not tolerated by everyone.
5. Castor oil is a traditionally used, excellent remedy to clear waste material from the intestines. It is less irritating than Epsom salts and has no side effects other than normal cleansing reactions. Take 1 to 3 teaspoons of castor oil in 1/3 glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning or before going to sleep at night (depending on which works better for you). It is a very beneficial treatment for stubborn cases of constipation. It can also be given to children (in smaller dosages). Although it is not recommended to replace Epsom salts with any other intestinal cleanser during the liver flush, in case of an allergy to Epsom salts magnesium citrate or castor oil may be used instead.
6. Aloe vera juice is another effective way to cleanse the GI tract. However, it is not a replacement for the colonics or colemas before and after a liver flush. Aloe vera has both nourishing and cleansing effects. One tablespoon of aloe vera juice, diluted with a little water, before meals or at least once in the morning before breakfast, helps to break down old deposits of waste and bring basic nutrients to cells and tissues. Those who feel their liver is still releasing many toxins several days after a liver flush may greatly benefit from drinking aloe vera juice.
Aloe vera has been found to be effective in almost every illness, including cancer, heart disease, and AIDS. It is helpful for all kinds of allergies, skin diseases, blood disorders, arthritis, infections, Candida, cysts, diabetes, eye problems, digestive problems, ulcers, liver diseases, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, kidney stones, and strokes, to name a few. Aloe vera contains over 200 nutrients, including the vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, and folic acid; iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, barium, sulphate; 18 amino acids; important enzymes; glycosides; and polysaccharides, among others. Make certain you purchase only pure, undiluted aloe vera, available in health food stores. One of the best brands is produced by the company Lily of the Desert (in Denton, Texas). It is made of 99.7 percent organic aloe vera juice, with no water added.
Caution: With regular drinking of aloe vera juice, diabetics may improve the ability of their pancreas to produce more of its own insulin. Therefore, diabetics should consult their physician to monitor their need for extra insulin, since too much insulin is dangerous. Many diabetics report a reduction in the amount of insulin required. Make certain you purchase only undiluted aloe vera juice.
If you experience diarrhea after taking aloe vera juice, try reducing the dosage. Not everyone benefits from aloe vera.
7. Small enema treatments (in comparison to colonics or colemas) involve the introduction of liquids into the rectum (usually, that is as far as they reach) for the purpose of cleansing and nourishment. An enema has an immediate effect on nearly all parts of the body. It alleviates constipation, distension, chronic fever, the common cold, headaches, sexual disorders, kidney stones, pain in the heart area, vomiting, low backache, stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders, nervous disorders, hyperacidity, and tiredness. Moreover, disorders such as arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, and gout may greatly benefit from an enema. Recommended liquids include filtered water, certain herbal teas, coffee, or oil. (For a detailed description of each enema type, see my book, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.)
If the presence of gallstones in the liver, or any other situation, has led to the development of sand, grease, or stones in the kidneys or urinary bladder, you may also need to cleanse your kidneys. The kidneys are extremely delicate, blood-filtering organs that congest easily because of dehydration, poor diet, weak digestion, stress, and an irregular lifestyle. The main causes of congestion in the kidneys are kidney stones. Most kidney grease/crystals/stones, however, are too small to be detected through modern diagnostic technology, including ultrasounds or x-rays. They are often called “silent” stones and do not seem to bother people much. When they grow larger, though, they can cause considerable distress and damage to the kidneys and the rest of the body. To prevent kidney problems and kidney-related diseases, it is best to eliminate kidney stones before they can cause a crisis. You can easily detect the presence of sand or stones in the kidneys by pulling the skin under your eyes sideways toward the cheekbones. Any irregular bumps, protrusions, red or white pimples, or discoloration of the skin indicates the presence of kidney sand or kidney stones.
The following herbs, when taken daily for a period of twenty to thirty days, can help to dissolve and eliminate all types of kidney stones, including uric acid, oxalic acid, phosphate, and amino acid stones. If you have a history of kidney stones, you may need to repeat this cleanse a few times, at intervals of six weeks.
Marjoram (1 oz.)
Cat’s claw (1 oz.)
Comfrey root (1 oz.)
Fennel seed (2 oz.)
Chicory herb (2 oz.)
Uva ursi (2 oz.)
Hydrangea root (2 oz.)
Gravel root (2 oz.)
Marshmallow root (2 oz.)
Golden rod herb (2 oz.)
Take 1 ounce each of the first three herbs and 2 ounces each of the rest of the herbs, and thoroughly mix them together. Keep them in an airtight container. You may put them in the refrigerator. Before bedtime, soak 3 tablespoons of the mixture in 2 cups of water, cover it, and leave it covered overnight. The following morning, bring the concoction to a boil; then strain it. If you forget to soak the herbs in the evening, boil the mixture in the morning, and let it simmer for 5 to 10 minutes before straining.
Drink a few sips at a time in 6 to 8 portions throughout the day. This tea does not need to be taken warm or hot, but do not refrigerate it. Also, do not add sugar or sweeteners! Leave at least one hour after eating before taking your next sips.
Repeat this procedure for twenty days. If you experience discomfort or stiffness in the area of the lower back, this is because mineral crystals from kidney stones are passing through the ureter ducts of the urinary system. Any strong smell and darkening of the urine at the beginning of or during the kidney cleanse indicates a major release of toxins from the kidneys. Normally, though, the release is gradual and does not significantly change the color or texture of the urine. Important: Support the kidneys during the cleanse by drinking extra amounts of water, a minimum of six and a maximum of eight glasses per day, unless the color of the urine is dark-yellow (in which case you will need to drink more than that amount).
During the cleanse, try to avoid consuming animal products, including meat, dairy foods (except butter), fish, eggs, tea, coffee, alcohol, carbonated beverages, chocolate, and any other foods or drinks that contain preservatives, artificial sweeteners, coloring agents, and the like. In addition to drinking this kidney tea each day, if convenient, you may also chew on a small piece of rind from an organic lemon on the left side of your mouth and a small piece of carrot on the right side of your mouth 30 to 40 times each. This stimulates kidney functions. Be sure to allow at least half an hour between chewing cycles.
If you are doing liver flushes, make certain that you do a kidney cleanse after every three or four liver flushes.
In addition, those suffering from large kidney stones may benefit from drinking the juice of one to two lemons (diluted with water) per day for about ten to fourteen days. After that, drink the juice of half a lemon per day indefinitely.
4. Drink Ionized Water Frequently
The sipping of hot ionized water has a profound cleansing effect on all the tissues of the body. It helps reduce overall toxicity, improves circulatory functions, and balances bile. When you boil water for 15 to 20 minutes, it becomes thinner (its molecule clusters are reduced from the normal number of about 10,000 to one or two clusters), and it is charged and saturated with negative oxygen ions (hydroxide, OH−). When you take frequent sips of this water throughout the day, it begins to systematically cleanse the tissues of the body and help rid them of certain positively charged ions (those associated with harmful acids and toxins).
Most toxins and waste materials carry a positive charge and, thus, naturally tend to attach themselves to the body, which is negatively charged overall. As the negative oxygen ions enter the body with the ingested water, they are attracted to the positively charged toxic material. This neutralizes waste and toxins, turning them into fluid matter that the body can remove easily. For the first couple of days or even weeks of cleansing your body tissues in this way, your tongue may take on a white or yellow coating, an indication that the body is clearing out a lot of toxic waste. If you have excessive body weight, this cleansing method can help you shed many pounds of body waste in a short period of time, without the side effects that normally accompany sudden weight loss.
Directions: Boil water for 15 to 20 minutes and pour it into a thermos. Stainless steel thermoses are fine. The thermos keeps the water hot and ionized throughout the day. Take one or two sips every half hour all day long, and drink it as hot as you would sip tea. You may use this method anytime you do not feel well, have the need for decongesting, wish to keep the blood thin, or simply want to feel more energetic and clear. Some people drink ionized water for a certain duration, such as three to four weeks; others do it ongoing.
The oxygen ions are generated through the bubbling effect of boiling water, similar to water falling on the ground in a waterfall or breaking against the seashore. In the thermos, the water will stay ionized for up to 12 hours or for as long as it remains hot. The total amount of water you need to boil to give you enough hot, ionized water for one day would be about 20 to 24 ounces. This specially prepared water should not substitute for normal drinking water. It doesn’t hydrate the cells like normal water does; the body uses it to only cleanse the tissues.
5. Take Ionic Essential Minerals
Your body is like “living soil.” If it has sufficient minerals and trace elements to work with, it is able to nurture you and produce everything you need to live and grow. These essential materials, however, can easily become depleted when you do not get enough of them from the food you eat. Centuries of constant use of the same agricultural fields have led to foods that are highly nutrient-deficient. The situation worsened with the onset of chemical fertilizers, which force crops to grow more rapidly without regard for nutrient availability. When minerals and trace elements run low in the body, important functions can no longer be sustained, or they become subdued. Disease is generally accompanied by a lack of one or more of these important substances.
Because of the unnatural situation of mineral depletion in our soil today and, therefore, in our bodies, it may be useful to supplement with minerals. The crucial question is whether the minerals sold in nutrition stores or pharmacies are capable of replenishing the mineral supply to the cells of the body. The answer is, “Highly unlikely!”
Minerals are commonly made available in three basic forms: capsules, tablets, and colloidal mineral water. Before the depletion of soils, plant foods were our ideal mineral provider. When a plant grows in a healthy soil environment, it absorbs existing colloidal minerals and changes them into ionic, eater-soluble form. The ionic minerals are an angstrom in size, whereas the colloidal minerals, also known as inorganic, metallic minerals, are about 10,000 times larger (micron-size). Ionic, water-soluble plant minerals are absorbed readily by body cells. In contrast, colloidal particles packed into complex compounds, and delivered in pill form, stand less than a 1 percent chance of absorption. The minerals found in colloidal mineral waters are not absorbed any better. They are not water-soluble, but simply suspended between water molecules.
Common colloidal particles, such as the compounds calcium carbonate and zinc picolinate, tend to get caught in the bloodstream and are subsequently deposited in various parts of the body. In the form of deposits, they can cause major mechanical, structural, and functional damage. Many health problems today, including osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, brain disorders, kidney stones, gallstones, and so on, are the direct result of ingesting such metallic minerals.
Fortunately, there is a very efficient way to obtain minerals in the size of, and with the characteristics of, plant minerals. When vaporized in a vacuum chamber (without oxygen), minerals are prevented from oxidizing and forming into complex states. Once vaporized, the minerals can be combined with purified water and be made readily available to the cells of the body. One company located in Minnesota has managed to create a delivery process capable of converting colloids into 99.9 percent water-soluble, ionic minerals. The company, Eniva, makes these minerals available via distributorship (see Product Information at the end of the book).[28] More companies now offer similar ionic minerals; you can easily locate them on the Internet.
To produce the right amount of bile each day (1–1½ quarts), which the body requires for proper digestion of food, the liver needs plenty of water. In addition, the body uses up a lot of water to maintain normal blood volume, hydrate the cells and connective tissues, cleanse out toxins, and carry out literally thousands of other functions. Since the body cannot store water the way it stores fat, it is dependent on regular, sufficient water intake.
To maintain proper bile production and bile consistency, as well as balanced blood values, you need to drink about six to eight glasses of water each day. The most important time to drink water is right after getting up: First, drink one glass of warm water to make it easier for the kidneys to dilute and excrete urine formed during the night. This is of great importance because urine is highly concentrated in the morning; if it is not diluted properly, urinary waste products may settle in both the kidneys and the urinary bladder. Second, drink another glass of warm water to which you can add the juice of 1 slice up to ½ of a fresh lemon and 1 teaspoon of raw honey. This helps to cleanse the GI tract.
Other important times for drinking a glass of water (not chilled) are about ½ hour before and 2½ hours after meals. These are the times when a well-hydrated body would naturally signal thirst. Having enough water available at those times ensures that the blood, bile, and lymph remain sufficiently fluid to conduct their respective activities in the body. Since hunger and thirst signals use the same hormonal alert system in the body, if you happen to feel “hungry” during those times, it is more likely that you are actually running out of water. Therefore, it is best to drink a glass of room temperature or warm water first and then see whether your hunger has subsided or not.
If you suffer from high blood pressure and use medicinal drugs for this condition, make sure you have your blood pressure monitored regularly. With an increase in your water consumption, your blood pressure may return to normal within a relatively short period of time. This would make the intake of medication obsolete and even harmful. By drinking enough water, you may also start to lose weight if you are overweight, or gain weight if you are underweight.
It is equally important to choose a water treatment system that gives you fresh, healthy water. The H2O water treatment system is, for example, is very efficient and health-promoting, but it is also quite expensive. Its unique technology even removes pesticides and herbicides from the water and leaves your drinking, shower, and pool water as fresh and clean as pure mountain water.
The H2O Concept 2000 uses electrical impulses to break calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate, salts that are the major causes of hard water, into calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate with the by-product being carbon dioxide (CO2). The CO2 is dispelled at the faucet in minuscule amounts. Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate are the soluble forms of these two minerals. In their soluble state, these minerals compounds cannot adhere to the inner surfaces of pipes, water heaters coils, glass surfaces, faucets, and so forth. Thus, mineral buildup and the formation of scale are impossible. The H2O Concept 2000 will also significantly reduce any existing scale over time. This gives all water-using appliances in your home a longer and more efficient life span. Although quite pricey at the beginning, this water treatment system saves you money in the end. It is also virtually maintenance-free. Quite a few similar filters are now available, some cheaper, others even more expensive. I personally use a Puritec whole house water filter, which is similar to the H2O Concept 2000. When you choose a water treatment system, make sure it has the mixed-media KDF/GAC filtration technology.
Quite affordable, yet still very effective, and excellent for people who not only are interested in proper hydration but also want to cleanse the body from toxins, are water ionizers. These are widely available on the Internet.
The most commonly used methods to remove chlorine and numerous other contaminants from your drinking water (and possibly shower water) are filtration and reverse osmosis. Although these systems can also be pricey, they are still an affordable option if you consider the cost of suffering through a bout of cancer. To help replenish some of the minerals lost when using these two types of systems, add a few grains of uncooked basmati rice to the water jug or bottle (avoid plastic containers) and leave the rice in the jar for up to a month at a time. Adding a pinch of or unrefined sea salt to a glass of water also helps to give you the lost minerals back.
Distilled water, which is the closest to natural rainwater, is excellent for hydrating the body cells, but, unlike rainwater, it is lifeless. Adding 3 to four 4 of uncooked basmati rice to 1 gallon of distilled water gives it minerals and vitamins (or else use the sea salt option), and exposing the water to direct sunlight or placing a clear quartz crystal in the water for an hour helps to restore its vitality. The only machine I know of that produces healthy, energized distilled water is the “Crystal Clear electron water/air machine™,” developed by John Ellis ( Its water even eliminates the smell in waste lagoons and septic systems (it kills only harmful bacteria).
Of course, the old-fashioned method of boiling your drinking water for several minutes causes any chlorine to evaporate.
Another inexpensive way to get rid of most chlorine in water is to use vitamin C. One gram of vitamin C will neutralize 1ppm (part per million) of chlorine in 100 gallons of water. This is particularly useful if you want to lie in the bathtub without suffering the irritating effects of chlorine on your skin and in your lungs.
Prill beads are another, far less expensive, form of water treatment. Although they cannot replace a water filter, they still cleanse your drinking water and make it “thinner.” This has a positive effect on the blood, lymph, and basic cellular processes. Prill beads are available on the Internet (see suppliers lists at the end of the book). I can attest to the good taste of the water, its “thinness,” and its excellent hydrating and cleansing effects.
Yet another good water treatment is Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET)—a device that alters the molecular organizational state of water and other liquid substances. MRET Water has many special properties that make it ideal to help the body to increase its quota of structured water. MRET-activated water closely resembles cellular water in the body and hence is bioavailable. MRET Water is produced by means of a nonchemical biosafe process of water activation. During this process, a subtle, low-frequency electromagnetic field is imprinted into the water. It is similar to the earth’s geomagnetic field found in special healing springs. I have tested the basic MRET and found it to be very beneficial, although it requires separate filtering. It is widely available on the Internet. NIKKEN also makes an excellent water treatment system.
Alcohol is liquefied, refined sugar and is highly acid-forming. Therefore, it has a strong mineral-depleting effect in the body. The organ most affected by alcohol is the liver. If a generally healthy person drinks two glasses of wine within one hour, the liver is not able to detoxify all the alcohol. Much of it is converted into fatty deposits and, eventually, gallstones in the liver. If the liver and gallbladder have already accumulated a number of gallstones, alcohol consumption will make these stones grow faster and cause them to become more plentiful.
Like coffee or tea, alcohol has a strongly dehydrating effect. It reduces the water content of the body’s cells, blood, lymph, and bile, thus impairing blood circulation and the elimination of waste products. The effects of a dehydrated central nervous system are delirium, blurred vision, a loss of memory and orientation, and slow reaction time, all of which we generally refer to as a “hangover.” Under the influence of alcohol and the dehydration it causes, the nervous and immune systems go into depression. This leads to a slowing of the digestive, metabolic, and hormonal processes in the body. All of this promotes the development of even more gallstones in the liver and gallbladder.
It is best for those who have had a history of gallstones to avoid alcohol altogether. Many of my clients who stopped drinking any kind of alcohol, including beer and wine, spontaneously recovered from such problems as panic attacks, arrhythmia, respiratory problems, various heart conditions, sleeping disorders, gallbladder attacks, pancreatic infections, prostate enlargement, colitis, and other inflammatory diseases. If you suffer from any disease at all, it is best to stay away from all dehydrating beverages, such as alcohol, coffee, tea, and soda (especially diet drinks). This allows the body to direct all its energy and resources toward healing the affected part or parts of the body.
One of the greatest causes of gallstones is overindulging in food. Eating more than the stomach can process without suffering indigestion or “fullness” causes the liver to secrete excessive amounts of cholesterol into liver bile. This, in turn, leads to the development of gallstones in the bile ducts. Therefore, one of the most effective methods to prevent gallstones is “undereating.”
Eating in moderation and observing an occasional day of “fasting” on just liquids (ideally once per week) both help the digestive system to remain efficient and able to deal with most existing deposits of undigested food. Liquids include vegetable soups, fruit juices, vegetable juices, herbal teas, and water. Leaving the dining table while still a little hungry maintains a healthy desire for good, nutritious foods. Overeating, by contrast, leads to intestinal congestion, the proliferation of destructive bacteria and yeast, and cravings for “energizing,” which really means energy-depleting, foods and beverages, such as sugar, sweets, white flour products, potato chips, chocolate, coffee, tea, and soft drinks. All these foods and beverages lead to gallstone formation.
The body is controlled by numerous circadian rhythms, which regulate the most important functions in the body in accordance with preprogrammed time intervals. Sleep, the secretion of hormones and digestive juices, the elimination of waste, and so on, all follow a specific daily “routine.” If these cyclic activities become disrupted more often than they are adhered to, the body becomes imbalanced and cannot fulfill its essential tasks. All tasks are naturally aligned with and dependent on the schedule dictated by the circadian rhythms.
Having regular mealtimes makes it easy for the body to prepare for the production and secretion of the right amounts of digestive juices for each meal. Irregular eating habits, on the other hand, confuse the body. Furthermore, its digestive power becomes depleted by having to adjust to a different mealtime each time you eat. Skipping meals here and there, eating at different times, or eating between meals especially disrupts the cycles of bile production by the liver cells. The result is the formation of gallstones.
By maintaining a regular eating routine, the body’s 60 to 100 trillion cells are able to receive their daily ratio of nutrients according to schedule, which helps cell metabolism to be smooth and effective. Many metabolic disorders, such as diabetes or obesity, result from irregular eating habits and can be greatly improved by matching one’s eating times with the natural circadian rhythms. It is best to eat the largest meal of the day around midday and only light meals at breakfast (no later than 8:00 a.m.) and dinner (no later than 7:00 p.m.).
10. Eat a Vegetarian/Vegan Diet
Eating a balanced vegetarian/vegan diet is one of the most effective ways to prevent the formation of gallstones, heart disease, and cancer. If you feel you cannot solely live on foods that are of vegetable origin, then at least try to substitute red meat with chicken, rabbit, or turkey for some time. Eventually, you may be able to go fully vegetarian. All forms of animal protein decrease the solubility of bile, which is a major risk factor for gallstones.
You can greatly reduce the risk of developing gallstones by adding more vegetables, salads, fruit, and complex carbohydrates to your diet. Drinking 2 to 3 ounces of fresh carrot juice daily before lunch prevents stones from being formed. Aged cheese, commercial yogurt, and highly processed and refined foods create an imbalanced constitution of bile. Moreover, try to avoid fried and deep-fried foods. Consuming the heated oils (packed with harmful trans fats) used by fast food restaurants are an especially quick way to produce gallstones.
For complete guidelines on how to eat a healthy, life-sustaining diet according to your body type, see Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
11. Avoid “Light” Food Products
Several scientific studies show that eating “light foods” actually encourages appetite and overeating, and does not reduce weight. Before they were introduced into the human food chain, “light foods” were fed to animals that subsequently began to gain weight faster than normal. The same happened in humans when they started eating these unnatural foods on a regular basis.
The Director of the Framingham Study[29] - William Castelli, M.D., published this astonishing quote in the July 1992 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine: “At Framingham, we found that the people who ate the most saturated fat, the most cholesterol and the most calories weighed the least, were more physically active and had the lowest serum cholesterol levels.”
The more enzymatic energy that is contained in food, the faster we feel satisfied and the more efficiently the food is converted into usable energy and bioavailable nutrients. In contrast, eating low-calorie, “light foods” impairs bile secretion, digestion, and excretory functions. Elevated levels of blood fat indicate that bile secretions are low, blood vessel walls are thickening, and fats are not being adequately digested and absorbed. Hence, a person with high blood fats actually suffers from a fat deficiency. In direct response to an increased demand for fats in the cells and tissues of the body, a low-fat diet may actually raise cholesterol production in the liver. The side effects of this survival maneuver by the body include the development of gallstones, weight gain, and/or wasting.
Low-fat and other low-calorie diets are damaging to one’s health and should be prescribed only, if at all, in acute liver and gallbladder disorders where the digestion and absorption of fat are severely disrupted. After all gallstones are removed and liver functions are normalized, it is necessary to gradually increase fat and calorie consumption to meet the high-energy demands of the human body. The presence of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder impair the body’s ability to properly digest fat and other kinds of high-energy food. Even minimal consumption of useless “light foods” interferes with the body’s most basic metabolic and hormonal processes if these “foods” are ingested for a period of several years. The result may be serious repercussions for one’s health. By eating a diet low in protein, as well as cleansing the liver and gallbladder, normal, balanced fat intake will not put you at risk for developing gallbladder or liver problems.
Refined salt has virtually no benefits for the body. On the contrary, it is responsible for causing numerous health problems, including gallstones. The only salt that the body can digest, assimilate, and utilize properly is unrefined, unprocessed sea salt or rock salt. For salt to be useful to the body, it needs to penetrate foods—that is, the moisture of the fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes must be allowed to dissolve the salt. If salt is used in its dry state, it enters the body in a nonionized form and creates thirst (a sign of being poisoned). It causes further harm because it is not being properly assimilated and utilized. (See Chapter 3.)
You may dissolve a pinch of salt in a small amount of water and add that to fruit or other foods that are not usually cooked. This will aid in the digestion of those items while helping to deacidify the body. Adding a pinch of salt to drinking water generates alkaline properties and provides you with important minerals and trace elements.
It may be worth mentioning that food should taste delicious, but not salty, in and of itself. Pitta and Kapha body types require less.[30] (To purchase untreated and unrefined sea salt, see Product Information at the end of the book.)
Important Functions of Real Salt in the Body:
•Stabilizes irregular heartbeat and regulates blood pressure—in conjunction with water
•Extracts excess acidity from the cells in the body, particularly the brain cells
•Balances sugar levels in the blood, which is particularly important for diabetics
•Is essential for the generation of hydroelectric energy in the cells of the body
•Is vital for the absorption of nutrient components through the intestinal tract
•Is needed to clear the lungs of mucus and sticky phlegm, particularly in those suffering from asthma and cystic fibrosis
•Clears up catarrh and congestion in the sinuses
•Is a strong natural antihistamine
•Can prevent muscle cramps
•Helps prevent excess saliva production; saliva that is flowing out of the mouth during sleep may indicate salt deficiency
•Makes bones firm; 27 percent of the body’s salt content is located in the bones; salt deficiency and/or eating refined salt versus real salt are major causes of osteoporosis
•Regulates sleep; acts as a natural hypnotic
•Helps prevent gout and gouty arthritis
•Is vital for maintaining sexuality and libido
•Can prevent varicose veins and spider veins on the legs and thighs
•Supplies the body with over 80 essential mineral elements; refined salt, such as the common table salt, has been stripped of all but two of these elements; In addition, refined, commercial salt contains harmful additives, including aluminum silicate, a primary cause of Alzheimer’s disease.
13. The Importance of Ener-Chi Art
Ener-Chi Art is a unique method of rejuvenation that helps restore a balanced flow of Chi (vital energy) through the organs and systems in the body, within less than one minute. I consider this healing approach to be a profound tool in facilitating a more successful outcome to all other natural healing methods. When Chi flows properly through the cells of the body, the cells can more efficiently remove their metabolic waste products; more readily absorb all the oxygen, water, and nutrients they need; and conduct any necessary repair work more swiftly. The body can restore its health and vitality much more easily when there is constant, unrestricted availability of Chi. Although I consider the liver flush to be one of the most effective tools to help the body return to balanced functioning, by itself it may not be able to restore the body’s overall vital energy, as a result of many years of congestion and deterioration. Test results have shown that Ener-Chi Art may very well fill this gap.
The use of Ener-Chi Ionized Stones is another practical and effective tool to improve one’s health and vitality. (For more information on Ener-Chi Art and Ionized Stones, see Other Books, Products, and Services by the Author at the end of this book.)
Tiredness precedes any type of disease, whether it is cancer, heart disease, or AIDS. Although impaired liver functions, low immunity, and overeating can also cause fatigue, in most cases it results from a lack of quality sleep, that is, the sleep before midnight.
Some of the most vital processes of purification and rejuvenation in the body are initiated and carried out during the two hours of sleep before midnight. Physiologically, there are two entirely different types of sleep, as verified by brain wave measurements. These are before-midnight sleep and after-midnight sleep. Sleep that occurs in the two hours before midnight includes deep sleep and it is often referred to as “beauty sleep.” Deep sleep occurs for about one hour and generally lasts from 11:00 p.m. to midnight. During deep sleep, you are in a dreamless state of consciousness where oxygen consumption in the body drops by about 8 percent. The rest and relaxation that you gain during this hour of dreamless sleep is nearly three times as deep as you would get from the same amount of sleep after midnight (when oxygen consumption in the body rises again).
Deep sleep hardly ever occurs after midnight. You experience deep sleep only if you go to sleep at least two hours before midnight. If you regularly miss out on deep sleep, your body and mind become overtired and your stress responses become unnaturally high. Stress responses include secretions of the stress hormones adrenaline, cortisol, and cholesterol. (A part of the cholesterol secreted during a stress response may end up as gallstones.) To keep these artificially derived energy bursts going, you may feel the urge to use such nerve stimulants as cigarettes, coffee, tea, candy, colas, or alcohol. When the body’s energy reserves are finally exhausted, chronic fatigue results.
When you feel tired, all of your body’'s cells are tired, not just your mind. In fact, your organs, digestive system, nervous system, and the like, will also suffer from a lack of energy and will not be able to function properly. When you are tired, your brain no longer receives adequate amounts of water, glucose, oxygen, and amino acids, which make up its main food supply. This situation can lead to innumerable problems in your mind, body, and behavior.
Doctors at the University of California in San Diego have found that losing a few hours of sleep not only makes you feel tired the next day, but can also affect the immune system, possibly impairing the body’s ability to fight infection. Since immunity diminishes with increasing fatigue, your body is unable to defend itself against bacteria, microbes, and viruses and cannot cope with the buildup of toxic substances in the body. Getting enough sleep, therefore, is the most important prerequisite for restoring health to the body and mind. Try to go to sleep before 10:00 p.m. and to rise between 6:00 and 7:00 a.m., or earlier, depending on your sleep requirements. It is best not to use an alarm clock, to allow for a natural phasing out of your sleeping cycles. Removing all gallstones from the liver and gallbladder and getting enough sleep will reduce any tiredness that you may be experiencing during the day. Should the problem continue, the kidneys may need to be cleansed as well. (To dissolve kidney stones, see The Kidney Cleanse” in Chapter 5.)
Working too hard for too many hours overtaxes the body’s energy system. Overworking particularly stresses the liver. To meet the excessive demand for energy in the brain or in other parts of the body, the liver tries to convert as much complex sugar into simple sugars (glucose) as possible. If a shortfall of energy occurs, or if energy supplies run out altogether, the body must take recourse to an emergency stress response, which makes extra energy available, but at the same time disrupts circulatory and immune functions.
The continuous secretion of adrenaline and other stress hormones that occurs in a person who “never stops working” can eventually turn him or her into a workaholic. This is a condition in which work becomes the major source of excitement in that person’s life. The excitement is provided by the “thrill effect” brought about by the stress hormones.
To avoid exhausting your liver and damaging your immune system, make enough time for yourself. Try to allocate at least one hour each day for meditation, yoga, exercise, listening to music, artistic activities, or being outdoors enjoying nature. The body is not a machine that can run continuously without a break. Overworking the body and mind in any way will eventually demand extra recovery time from an illness. In the long run, overworking as a means to get things done faster, or to earn money more quickly, not only cuts years off one’s life but also cuts life off one’s years, as the old saying goes.
The liver is designed to provide energy for a certain number of years; overextending this “service” damages or destroys the liver prematurely. Living by a code of moderation with regard to eating, sleeping, and working will enable you to maintain an efficient and vital energy system throughout life. Another old saying recommends that we spend one-third of our life sleeping, one-third working, and one-third enjoying recreational pursuits. This wise formula maintains balance on all levels of life: physical, mental, and spiritual. Overworking upsets this much-needed state of equilibrium among our body, mind, and spirit.
Our technological and economic advancement has led to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, which requires additional forms of physical movement to keep our bodies vital and healthy. Regular exercise helps to increase our capacity to digest food, eliminate physical impurities, balance our emotions, promote firmness and suppleness, and strengthen our ability to deal with stressful situations. When performed in moderation, exercise serves as a great immune stimulant and improves neuromuscular integration in all age groups. Boosting self-confidence and self-esteem are important by-products of exercise that stem from an improved oxygen supply to the cells—not to mention the improvement in self-esteem that comes from losing excess fat, seeing muscle definition, feeling stronger, and generally looking great. All this results in greater well-being, both physically and mentally.
The liver, especially, seems to benefit from aerobic exercise. The increased availability of oxygen during and after exercise greatly improves circulation and enhances the flow of venous blood from the liver toward the heart. A sedentary lifestyle slows this process, causing blood flow in the liver to stagnate. This, in turn, leads to the development of gallstones. For that reason, regular, nonstrenuous exercise can prevent new stones from forming.
By contrast, the physical exertion that results from overexercising leads to the secretion of excessive amounts of stress hormones, leaving the body restless and shaky. When the body is depleted of energy, it is unable to do the repair work that arises from a strenuous workout. Thus, the cardiovascular system is left weak and vulnerable to other stress factors as well. Overexertion can also have a detrimental effect on the thymus gland. Specifically, the thymus gland, which activates lymphocytes (immune cells that defend us against disease) and controls energy supplies, may actually shrink in size, causing the body to become agitated and vulnerable to all kinds of health problems. In light of this, it is best to choose a form of exercise that gives you a sense of joy and satisfaction. Whenever you exercise, make certain that you always breathe through your nose and keep your mouth closed, in order to avoid the harmful “adrenaline breathing.” (Rapid mouth breathing usually occurs during a typical fight-or-flight response and can trigger the release of stress hormones, and it can do the same even without a stress response.) Aerobic exercises are effective and beneficial as long as you maintain nasal breathing (versus mouth breathing). If you run out of breath, slow down or stop exercising. You may resume the exercise once your breathing returns to normal. This simple advice can prevent you from potential harm, such as exhaustion or the production of too much lactic acid that can easily occur from overexercising.
Considering how crucial exercise is for a healthy body and mind, try to exercise every day, even if it is only for 10 minutes. It is important, though, not to exceed 50 percent of your capacity for exercise. The main thing is to avoid becoming fatigued. For example, if you can swim for 30 minutes before getting tired, swim for only 15 minutes. In time, your capacity for exercise will increase. Remember, both excessive exercise and a lack of it weaken the immune system, impair liver functions, and flood the blood with harmful substances.
A simple hand exercise/massage is helpful both to prevent problems and to aid in the treatment of the liver and gallbladder. Massage the outer edge of each hand, near the base of the little finger— massaging out any tenderness there. This stimulates a sluggish liver and gallbladder.
17. Get Regular Exposure to Sunlight
Your body is capable of synthesizing vitamin D (which is actually a hormone rather than a vitamin) through a process whereby the sun’s ultraviolet rays interact with a form of cholesterol present in the skin. Regular exposure to sunlight has been shown to regulate cholesterol levels. However, unlike cholesterol-lowering drugs, sunlight does not increase cholesterol in the bile, which is a major cause of gallstones. Sunlight has a holistic effect, which means that all functions in the body benefit at the same time. Ultraviolet light has been proven to lower blood pressure, facilitate cardiac output, increase glycogen (complex sugar) stores in the liver, balance blood sugar, improve the body’s resistance to infections (as shown by an increase in the number of lymphocytes and phagocytes), enhance the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, and increase the production of sex hormones, along with producing many other health benefits.
Sunbathing may be harmful, however, for those who live on a diet rich in acid-forming, highly processed foods and refined fats/oils or the products that contain them. In addition, alcohol, cigarettes, and other mineral- and vitamin-depleting substances, such as prescription medicines and hallucinogenic drugs, can make the skin vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. After you have cleared your liver and gallbladder from all gallstones, moderate sun exposure will cause you no harm; in fact, it is essential for good health.
Over 42 percent of Americans suffer from vitamin D deficiency, and 47 percent of pregnant women are severely deficient in this important hormone. Their children tend to have weak bones that break easily, even during their childhood years. Many chronic illnesses are due to vitamin D deficiency, including osteoporosis, cancer, and depression.
You cannot stop a vitamin D deficiency by taking supplements. Sunlight is the only real remedy. To make sufficient amounts of vitamin D, dark-skinned people need to spend at least two to three times longer in the sun than do Caucasians. Their skin absorbs sun rays less efficiently, hence their need for extended sun exposure. Not being exposed to enough sunlight puts African-American men, for example, at a much higher risk of developing cancer of the prostate than white Americans. The use of sunscreens, including sunglasses, multiplies this risk.
During the summer period, it is best to avoid direct sun exposure between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., whereas during the winter, spring, and fall seasons, this time period may be most beneficial for the body, especially for those who live at higher latitudes.
For maximum benefits, it is best to take a shower before sunbathing. Contrary to common belief, it is important to avoid sunscreens. Sunscreens do not only fail to prevent cancer, but they can actually cause it. Sunscreens “successfully” cancel out the sun’s positive effects.[31]
Start your sunlight treatment by exposing your entire body (if possible) to direct sunlight for a few minutes, and then increase your exposure time by a few more minutes each day until you reach 20 to 30 minutes. Alternatively, walking in the sun for an hour has similar benefits. This will give you enough sunlight to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin D and to keep your body and mind healthy (provided that you incorporate the basic aspects of a balanced diet and lifestyle). The body can store enough vitamin D during the sunny days of the year to last you through the winter months.
A number of herbs can further improve the performance of the liver and keep this crucial organ nourished and vital. They can be made into a concoction and are best taken as a tea for 10 days during each change of season or at times of acute illness. Although many herbs will help liver function and assist in maintaining clean blood, the following are among the most prominent ones:
Dandelion root (1 oz.)
Comfrey root (½ oz.) *1
Licorice root (1 oz.)
Agrimony (1 oz.)
Wild yam root (1 oz.)
Barberry bark (1 oz.)
Bearsfoot (1 oz.)
Tanners oak bark (1 oz.)
Milk thistle herb (1 oz.)
*1. Contrary to the opinion of some natural health practitioners, I have never
seen any evidence of comfrey’s supposed harmful side effects, only
benefits, especially for the liver.
2. For botanical names see Product Information at the end of the book.
For maximum effectiveness, it is best to use all these herbs, in combination, if possible. To do this, mix them together in equal parts (except for comfrey root at half the amount), and add 2 tablespoons of this mixture to 24 ounces of water. Let it sit for 6 hours or overnight; then bring the mixture to a boil, letting it simmer for 5 to 10 minutes before straining. If you forget to prepare this tea the night before, bring the mixture to a boil in the morning, let it simmer as indicated above, and strain it. Drink 2 cups of this “herbal tea” per day on an empty stomach, if possible.
Taken on its own, tea made from the bark of the red lapacho tree, also known as Pau d’Arco, Ipe Roxa, and Taheebo, has powerful effects on the liver and the immune system. The Native American herb called chaparral, although tasting very bitter, is also an excellent liver and blood purifier.
Oil therapy is a simple, yet astoundingly effective, method of cleansing the blood. It is effective for numerous disorders, including blood diseases, lung and liver disorders, tooth and gum diseases, headaches, skin diseases, gastric ulcers, intestinal problems, poor appetite, heart and kidney ailments, encephalitis, nervous conditions, poor memory, female disorders, swollen face, and bags under the eyes. The therapy consists of swishing oil in the mouth.
To apply this therapy you need cold-pressed, unrefined sunflower, sesame, or olive oil. In the morning, preferably after awakening or anytime before breakfast, put 1 tablespoon of oil in your mouth, but do not swallow it. Slowly swish the oil in your mouth, chew it, and draw it through your teeth for 3 to 4 minutes. This thoroughly mixes the oil with saliva and activates the released enzymes. The enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. For this reason, it is important to spit out the oil after no more than 3 to 4 minutes. You do not want any of the released toxins to be reabsorbed. You will find that the oil takes on a milky white or yellowish color as it becomes saturated with toxins and with billions of destructive bacteria.
For best results, repeat this process two more times. Then rinse out your mouth with ½ teaspoon of baking soda, or ½ teaspoon of unrefined sea salt (take either of these dissolved in a small amount of water). This solution will remove all remnants of the oil and toxins. Additionally, you may want to brush your teeth to make sure your mouth is clean. Tongue scraping is also advised.
Some of the visible effects of oil swishing include the elimination of gum bleeding and the whitening of teeth. During times of illness, this procedure can be repeated 3 times per day, but only on an empty stomach. Oil therapy greatly relieves and supports liver functions, as it takes toxins out of the blood that the liver has not been able to remove or detoxify. This benefits the entire organism. If you feel discomfort, only do this once a day.
20. Replace All Metal Tooth Fillings
Metal dentalware is a constant source of poisoning and, possibly, allergic reaction in the body. All metal corrodes in time, especially in the mouth where high concentrations of air and moisture are always present. Mercury amalgam fillings release their extremely toxic compounds and vapor into the body, a reason why German dentists are prohibited by law from giving them to pregnant women. This product has been banned in a number of European countries.
If mercury is considered dangerous for a mother and her baby, it must be considered dangerous for everyone. The liver and kidneys, in particular, which have to deal with noxious substances, such as those released by metal fillings, become gradually poisoned. Cadmium, for example, which is used to make the pink color in dentures, is five times as toxic as lead. It does not take much of it to raise one’s blood pressure to abnormal levels. Thallium, which is also found in mercury amalgam fillings, causes leg pain and paraplegia. It affects the skin and the nervous and cardiovascular systems. All wheelchair patients who have been tested for metal poisoning tested positive for thallium. Many people who were in a wheelchair several years after they received metal fillings, completely recovered after all metal was removed from their mouths. Thallium is lethal at a dose of 0.5 to 1.0 gram.
Other elements contained in metal fillings are known for their cancer-producing (carcinogenic) effects. These include nickel, which is used in gold crowns, braces, and children’s crowns, and chromium. All metals corrode (including gold, silver, and platinum), and the body absorbs them. Women with breast cancer have often accumulated large amounts of dissolved metals in their breasts. Once the mouth is cleared of all metals, they will also leave the breasts. Likewise, most cysts will shrink and disappear by themselves.
The body’s immune system naturally responds to the presence of toxic metals in the body and, eventually, develops allergic reactions. These allergies may show up as a sinus condition, tinnitus, enlarged neck and glands, bloating, enlarged spleen, arthritic conditions, headaches and migraines, eye diseases, and even more serious complications, such as paralysis or heart attacks. An obvious way to improve all these conditions is to replace all metal fillings with composite fillings that contain no metals.[32] If you need major dental work, such as a crown, root canal, bridge, or implant, it is best to seek an alternative dentist who uses the least-harmful dental procedures available. Additionally, cleanse the liver and kidneys, and drink tea made from liver herbs (see above recipe) for 10 days after replacing a filling.
21. Bring Balance to Your Emotional Health
On a deeper level, every physically manifested ailment is an imbalanced emotion. Emotions are signals of comfort or discomfort that our body sends us at every moment of our conscious existence. They contain specific vibrations that serve as a kind of weather report, telling us how we feel about ourselves, about others, and about what is “good” or “bad,” “right” or “wrong,” both in our lives and in our world. Emotions are like reflections from a mirror that reveal to us everything we need to know to go through the trials and tribulations of life. Our body, which can only be felt, is precisely such an emotional mirror or messenger. A dirty mirror reflects only certain parts of us or makes us look distorted. If we are emotionally stuck and unable to understand what is happening to us, it is because we are not open to listen to, understand, and follow the messages that our body is trying to convey to us.
All emotional problems indicate a lack of awareness. If we are not completely aware why these emotions and/or physical challenges are there, we are out of touch with ourselves and, hence, are incapable of making positive changes in our life. Many people are so disconnected from their feelings that they do not even know what they feel. Practicing mindfulness brings our attention back to where we are and who we are. By staying with our emotions for as long as they last, we can unleash the tremendous creative powers that lie dormant within us. Emotions are not there to be judged or suppressed; they are there to be understood and accepted. As we learn to observe them, we will begin to understand their true meaning. Instead of unconsciously reacting to a difficult situation or person, we will be able to act consciously out of our own free will.
Emotions want to be acknowledged because they are the only way our body can tell us how we truly feel about others and ourselves. By accepting and honoring all our feelings and emotions, rather than repressing them, we begin to experience a different reality in life, one that offers us freedom from judgment and freedom from pain. We will begin to see a sense and purpose in everything that is happening to us, regardless of whether it is “right” or “wrong,” “good” or “bad.” This eliminates fear, as well as all the other emotions that arise from fear. Balancing our emotions is one of the most important nonphysical ways we have to attain a sound state of health, happiness, and peacefulness.
The approaches, messages, and artwork contained in my book Lifting the Veil of Duality have been designed to bring balance to your emotional health. (See Other Books, Products, and Services by the Author.) In fact, your entire perception of problems, limitations, disease, pain, and suffering may become profoundly altered after reading that book. In addition, what formerly may have led you to age faster, or perhaps even experience a physical illness, may rapidly become transmuted into powerful opportunities to generate joy, abundance, vitality, and rejuvenation throughout the rest of your life. My healing system, Sacred Santémony, described at the end of the book, is a highly effective method to balance the root causes of emotional imbalances.
In the meantime, you may greatly benefit from following this simple procedure for balancing emotions: Transfer your mind back to a beautiful period in your early childhood, perhaps when you were three years old. Remember how very free and joyful you were. You had no preconceived notions of what was right or wrong, good or bad, beautiful or ugly. See yourself interacting with other people with wonder, total ease, and innocent openness. You are interested in all there is, and you feel safe, nourished, and loved. Now go forward in time to a situation in your life where you no longer felt this way, where you felt a lack of love or were ignored, rebuked, criticized, or abused. Notice the contraction and coldness in your heart. Once again, go back to the innocent spirit of your childlike nature and bring it into that situation that caused you so much pain. Fill yourself with that three-year- old innocence and untainted joy, and radiate it all around you. See it filling everyone with that same joyful radiance. Now move to another event in your life that caused you unhappiness, and repeat this process. Go through every difficulty or negative experience in your life, and heal it with your three-year-old joyful self.
This exercise is so effective because, in reality, there is no linear time. Time is merely a concept we use to separate events that have already happened, are occurring right now, or may unfold sometime in the future. Thus, in truth, past events have just as powerful an effect on us today as they had then. For this reason, there is so much fear, tension, stress, anger, conflict, and violence in our world. Most people cannot let go of their past experiences and, therefore, re-create similar scenarios to deal with them in one way or another. However, by undoing their negative impact through this simple exercise of self-empowerment, you can literally change your past and, thereby, your present and future realities.
It may take one to two weeks (20 to 30 minutes per day) to sift through and heal all your past unbalanced emotions in this way, but it is worthwhile. Whenever you react negatively to something in your life, it is because you have had an unbalanced emotional experience before that. By balancing all the unwanted experiences that have occurred between your early childhood and this moment, you can help remove many of the root causes of any existing emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual problems and can prevent new ones from arising.