[1] When I refer to the liver flush, it includes flushing of the gallbladder as well.
[2] On the Internet, search for Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. Then locate Digestive Disease Library, click on Biliary Tract, choose Cholangiocarcinoma, go to bottom of page, and click on Next Section. Repeat more times; then scroll down to the last illustration on that page.
[3] For a complete understanding of what cancer actually is and what causes it, see the author’s book Cancer Is Not a Disease—It’s a Survival Mechanism.
[4] For more details on the treatments of stomach ulcers and their consequences, see the author’s book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[5] Also see “Overeating Protein” in Chapter 3, and the chapter on diabetes in the author’s book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, or in Diabetes—No More! .
[6] Right from a baby’s first breath, the body produces amino acids and proteins from the nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen molecules contained in the air.
[7] Conjugation is a biochemical process to bind a substance to an acid, and thereby deactivating its biological activity, making it water-soluble, and facilitating its excretion.
[8] The only truly safe way to get enough vitamin D is from exposure to sunlight and certain foods. See more details in the chapter “Sunlight—Medicine of Nature” of the author’s book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[9] See details on the vitamin issue in Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[10] See details of this study in Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[11] Prescribed by doctors in Germany as a highly successful alternative to surgery for varicose veins, the herbal remedy horse chestnut seed, or conkers, is very effective in the treatment of “heavy legs,” hemorrhoids, and cramps. In combination with cleansing of the liver, colon, and kidneys, conkers can lead to complete recovery.
[12] Also see “The Kidney Cleanse” in the book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation by the author.
[13] See more details about biological rhythms in the author’s book, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[14] The author’s book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation explains in great detail how overconsumption of protein foods (of any origin) affects the circulatory system, and how reducing proteins in our diet clears the arterial plaque obstructing blood flow to the heart.
[15] According to the latest results (Nov. 2006) of The Nurses' Health Study, which is among the largest prospective investigations into the risk factors for major chronic diseases in women, women double their risk of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer by eating more than 1 1/2 servings a day of beef, lamb or pork. A serving is roughly equivalent to a single hamburger or hot dog. If such a small amount of meat can cause cancer, it can surely cause a lot of other health problems as well, including gallstones.
[16] Note that poultry contains the highest concentration of parasites and parasite eggs among animal products. For example, more than 80 percent of all poultry in the United States is infested with salmonella. Cadavers like meat, poultry, and fish are naturally subject to parasitic infestation.
[17] The author has not eaten any concentrated protein food in any form for over thirty-five years and has never suffered from protein deficiency.
[18] To learn more about vegetarianism and a wholesome vegetarian diet according to body type (Ayurvedic), refer to Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[19] For further details about diets according to body types, also refer to Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[20] For in-depth details, see the author’s book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[21] Such congestion is also seen in women who are told they need to drink milk to keep their bones strong.
[22] For further details about the dangers involved in eating low-fat or “light” foods, as well as milk, see the author’s book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[23] See Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation for details on determining your body type and choosing the corresponding foods.
[24] In his book It’s Time to Come Alive, the author offers profound, effortless methods of relaxation.
[25] To fully understand emotions and their root causes and to free yourself from their limitations, refer to the author’s book Lifting the Veil of Duality—Your Guide to Living Without Judgment.
[26] For a detailed explanation about lunar influences on the body, see Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[27] For more details on enemas, refer to the author’s book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[28] The author recommends Eniva minerals to his clients as a method of prevention of illness and to promote good health. (Note: To order any products from Eniva (www.eniva.com), you require a sponsor name and ID. You may use the name and ID of the author, Andreas Moritz, #13462.)
[29] The Framingham study is the longest, most expensive, and largest sample-size heart disease study in history.
[30] To determine your Ayurvedic body type, refer to Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[31] To learn more about the beneficial effects of sunlight and the harmful effects of sunscreens, see Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[32] For details on composite fillings, see Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation by the author.
[33] To learn more about the four major causes of disease, how disease develops, and the true reasons for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and AIDS, refer to Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[34] For more information on Lipitor and high cholesterol, see Chapter 1.
[35] Colosan is an effective colon cleanser, described in Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[36] Iridology, or the science of eye interpretation, is a medically accepted, diagnostic method in Germany and several other countries. It can quickly reveal the existence and causes of physical ailments through careful study of the iris.
[37] There are many books and videotapes available that can teach you how to apply this simple testing method. Kinesiology muscle testing can tell you immediately whether a food product is suitable for you or not. There is also an exact description of the testing procedure in Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.
[38] To learn more about the astounding scientific research conducted on breakfast cereals, see Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.