

For many blokes, shaving is simply an annoyance that is best dealt with quickly, using an electric shaver. Others, including myself, embrace it – if it has to be done, why not make it into an enjoyable experience, a time to reflect and focus?

There was a time, of course, when shaving was far from pain-free. If you lived in 3000 BC, for example, you might’ve used a shell to scrape off the stubble. No wonder beards were big in those days! (Plus, it kept you warm – a great reason to grow a full beard in the absence of a fleecy-lined hoody or central heating.)

As a teenage boy, the emergence of facial hair seemed yet another mortification, like pimples. However, just like my father and grandfather before me, I learned the gentle art of shaving and grew to enjoy the daily ritual of lathering up and precisely applying the razor. I was hooked and never turned to the faster option of the electric shaver.


  Purchase a quality shaving brush – something you like that will be a pleasure to use regularly.

  Buy yourself a razor – either reusable or disposable.

  Treat yourself to shaving cream or a gel you like and actively want to use.

  If you have a teenage son beginning to sprout, take the opportunity to show him how to shave with a shaving brush and razor.

  Allow yourself a few extra minutes in the morning to make the most of the experience and enjoy the warm water on your face.

  When I can, I treat myself to a truly old-fashioned shave at a barber using a cut-throat razor. It’s an experience I fully recommend.

From observing other men, it became apparent to me that shaving the old-fashioned way gave a closer cut than using an electric shaver.

Rather than a chore, I learned to embrace shaving as part of my skincare regime, just as you put sunscreen on before heading outdoors. Lathering up each morning in front of the bathroom mirror became a great way to focus the mind, and I soon found that on the occasions when I didn’t shave first thing, I simply didn’t feel clean or ready for the day. I also noted studies into ageing that suggested shaving the old-fashioned way helped blokes stay younger looking, the hot water opening up and cleansing the pores.