
This book is for Maire M. Masco, without whom I could NEVER have done this project. I also want to deeply thank Monica Rochester (my editor) and Adam Parfrey (my publisher) for their extensive work and effort and sheer dedication to this book.

I also need to acknowledge my inner circle of folks who taught me so much over the years: Dave Crider, Tom Masco, Joe Masco, Skip and Marie Jensen, Stan Shaw and Colleen Gray, Jamie Sheehan, Sean Tejaratchi, Dennis Flannigan, Amy McBride, Chuck Pennington, Jesse Marinoff Reyes, Todd Hignite, Hank Trotter, Cindy Carlson, Norman Hathaway, Mark Zingarelli, Nathan Gluck, Jacob Covey, Scott McDougall, Jacob McMurray, Larry Reid, Christopher DeGon, Arthur S. Aubry, Wayne Shellabarger, Tom Lynch, Shayde Sarton, Ferko Goldinger, Charles S. Anderson, Jim Blanchard, Julie Lasky, Steven Heller, John Hubbard, and especially all of the hundreds (thousands?) of crazed geeks and maniacal weirdos out there in Facebookland who worked so diligently fact-checking and loudly correcting and challenging my little essays. Without your passion and blind faith in this material this volume could never have happened. Thank you.