In 1965 the French designer (Robert) Massin (b. 1925) designed an amazing book that was released by Grove Press. In it, he took a reading of Eugene Ionesco’s classic of the “theatre of the absurd” called The Bald Soprano. He used hi-contrast images of actors from the original stage presentation and then hammered, twisted and mangled all the dialog into the layout in such a way that it looks and reads like the actors performing it. It is a benchmark in typographic design and was maybe the single item that (when I found it in the library at Fort Steilacoom Community College) cemented the idea in my little head that I was a graphic designer, too. Strictly through the mysterious hidden language of graphic design, for the first time ever, I actually could understand what that play was all about. It blew my mind.
I later learned that every time this book was translated into another language, it had to be entirely redesigned from scratch. The result was that Massin actually had to reconstruct the entire design of The Bald Soprano NINE TIMES!
To promote this book, the literary/arts/political magazine published by Grove Press (The Evergreen Review) commissioned Massin to do a piece for the November 1965 issue. Edith Piaf had died a couple of years earlier, and to commemorate and mourn her passing, Massin worked with her signature song, “La Foule” (translated: “The Crowd”). He took a very long time to do this design, because there was no easy way to pull off his amazing trick.
When Massin decided to do this tribute to Piaf, he wanted to flex the lyrics of the song in such a way that (like those “follow the bouncing ball” cartoons where you sing along) you could LOOK at the type and imitate it with your voice and then sing this song EXACTLY like Edith Piaf would have sung it in her amazing signature style. When you look at this design, try it out.
This was actually four consecutive pages (shown here as two double-page spreads). When the type goes up, make your voice get higher. When it goes down, make it lower. Big? Make it louder. If it pauses, take a breath. If it gets pinched and tiny, make your voice pinched and tiny. When the type starts to crumble and crack, make your voice crumble and crack. It actually works really well, and is quite stunning. You can actually sound just like Edith Piaf!
So how did he pull off this amazing feat decades before the technology we have today was available?
At first, he tried flex lenses. But they just couldn’t do it. Then he decided to letter-press the typography onto rubber material and then stretch it and photostat it to do what he wanted. Then he tried rubber blankets and other assorted materials, but the plastic would split when pinned or stretched too far. After a great deal of experimenting, he tried a condom, but it was a lubricated condom, so the type wouldn’t dry on it and it would smear. So, he tried a powdered condom and guess what? It worked! He could stretch the type printed on the condom and use the new heavier-stick cellophane tape that had just become available to hold it in place so he could use a Photostat camera and make a stat of the type as “line art.”
(Note: this image is an actual surviving paste-up on some of the type. Obviously, time has made the rubber material of the condom decay dramatically. Enough is still there so you can actually see what he did.)
This homage to Piaf was all printed on CONDOMS! “Flexed type,” indeed! Where there is a will, there is a way, eh? Never underestimate the power of the human mind when there is no money to solve anything. The biggest expense was the many condoms he had to buy (he could only work with a single syllable at a time, no less). I’m sure the pharmacist gave him some strange glances every time he came in for more rubbers...