Chapter 20

Pilots Encounter UFOs
off the Irish Coast

Date: November 9, 2018

Location: Ireland

A more recent sighting took place on November 9, 2018, off the Irish coast. The first sighting was made by a British Airways pilot at 06:47, who reported seeing a very bright light traveling at an incredible speed.

The pilot contacted the Shannon Airport air traffic control and inquired whether there were any military exercises happening over the south of Ireland at that time. Once the air traffic control operator confirmed that there were no military exercises happening, it became apparent that the pilot was sharing the sky with something extraordinary. Moments later, the UFO approached the aircraft, flying closely to its left side, right before it accelerated to the north and disappeared.

A second pilot, who was piloting a Virgin Atlantic Airways plane, also encountered the unidentified object in the sky. The pilot informed the air traffic control operators that numerous unidentifiable bright lights were in the sky. At first the pilot assumed that the lights were simply meteorites entering the atmosphere. However, shortly thereafter, the two bright objects approached the aircraft and accelerated at a very high speed, disproving his hypothesis. The pilot estimated the object to be traveling at Mach 1, which means that the UFOs had broken the sound barrier. However, no sonic boom was heard, which means that they must have been traveling through a vacuum, proving that this was an extraterrestrial object that did not abide by the laws of physics.

Communication with Air Traffic Control

The following is the transcript between the pilot on board the British Airways flight (B.A.), the pilot on board the Virgin Atlantic Airways flight (V.A.A.) and the air traffic control operator (A.T.C.). This part of the transcript is at the moment in which the pilots encountered the unidentified object in the sky.79

B.A.: Are there any uh, military exercises taking place right now?

A.T.C.: There is nothing showing on either primary or secondary [radar].

B.A.: Okay, it was moving very fast.

A.T.C.: Was it alongside you?

B.A.: It came up on our left-hand side and then rapidly veered to the north. It was a very bright light and then disappeared at a very high speed and was wondering, it did not seem to be on a collision course and was wondering what that could be.

V.A.A.: A meteorite or another object making some re-entry. There appears to be multiple objects following the same sort of trajectory. They were very bright from where we were

A.T.C.: Do you know the direction they were going in or anything?

V.A.A.: It was in our 11 o’clock position uh, two bright lights over to the right and then climbed away at speed.

A.T.C.: Okay, we’re passing it on now.

An Explanation

After the two sightings, the Irish Aviation Authority released a statement reporting that an official investigation would be underway. Since the sightings occurred only a few years ago, all information remains classified and no official explanation has yet been given.

“Following reports from a small number of aircraft on Friday 9 November of unusual air activity, the IAA has filed a report. This report will be investigated under the normal confidential occurrence investigation process.” 80


Although no official explanation has been provided, it is evident that what was in the sky on November 9 was extraterrestrial. The description, the maneuverability and the fact that the UFOs defied the laws of physics are all indications that they were interplanetary flying objects.


79.VASAviation, “[Real ATC] Several Aircraft Witness a UFO Right Over Ireland!,” YouTube, November 13, 2018, 7:17,

80. Lucia Binding, “UFO Investigated in Ireland After Multiple Aircraft Sightings,” Sky News, November 12, 2018,