Unit 14

Adverbs of Place, Time, and Frequency

Adverbs of Place

Certain adverbs answer the question Where? Review the adverbs in the following list:


exercise 14-1

Match each adverb in the left column with its opposite in the right column.


An adverb of place after the verb be tells the location of a person, place, or thing:

We are here.

The girls are inside.

Springfield is nearby.

The books are upstairs.

exercise 14-2

Write the name of a person, a place, or a thing that is in each of the following locations in relation to where you are now.


An adverb of place after a verb of movement indicates where a person or thing goes.

exercise 14-3

Fill in each blank with the adverb described.

1.   I want to go (to that place) ________________________________________.

2.   Please move your car (to where I am) ________________________________________.

3.   Let’s drive (to the other side of town) ________________________________________.

4.   I’m going (to the interior of the house) ________________________________________.

5.   She’s (not far away) ________________________________________.

6.   He climbed (to the top of the ladder) ________________________________________.

7.   He ran (to the floor below) ________________________________________.

8.   She walked (to where the fresh air is) ________________________________________.

Using Prepositional Phrases as Adverbs to Indicate Location

Review the expressions in the following list:


exercise 14-4

Fill in each blank with the most appropriate expression from the previous list.

1.   We don’t live in the city; we live ____________________________.

2.   She visited a farm and rode ____________________________.

3.   A friend of mine drives to work ____________________________.

4.   He lives of that building.

5.   They put the new table ____________________________.

6.   She committed a crime, and now she is ____________________________.

7.   My cousin had an operation and is still ____________________________.

8.   We put the grill and the outdoor furniture ____________________________.

9.   My daughter isn’t at home now; she’s studying ____________________________.

10.   I don’t drive, so I ride to work ____________________________.

Location and Direction


exercise 14-5

Answer the following questions using words from the list of directions. Use complete sentences.

1.   Where do you live?


2.   Where is your home in relation to New York?


3.   Where are you going on your next vacation?


4.   Where is that in relation to where you live?


5.   Where is Mexico?


Adverbs of Time

Certain adverbs answer the question When? Review the adverbs in the following list:


exercise 14-6

Fill in each blank with a word or expression from the previous list.

Assume that today is Sunday, the seventh of August 2005. It is 4:00 p.m.

1.   ______________________ was the sixth of August.

2.   ______________________ is the eighth of August.

3.   September is ____________________________.

4.   July was ____________________________.

5.   The twelfth of August is ____________________________.

6.   February 2006 is ____________________________.

7.   The seventh of August 1995 was ____________________________.

8.   I ate breakfast ____________________________.

9.   I will eat dinner ____________________________.

10.   My birthday is ____________________________.

Using Prepositional Phrases as Adverbs to Indicate Time

Review the expressions in the following list:


exercise 14-7

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate expression from the previous list.

1.   It is 3:00. I am leaving in thirty minutes. I am leaving ____________________________.

2.   She has classes every Monday through Friday. She has classes ____________________________.

3.   I am going on vacation the month after February. I am going on vacation ____________________________.

4.   It is 2005. He is going to finish school five years from now. He is going to finish ____________________________.

5.   We will go to work after we get up tomorrow. We will go to work ____________________________.

Relative Times





My appointment is at 3:00. It is before 4:00.

Tuesday is before Wednesday.

I get off work at 5:00. It is after 4:00.

Thursday is after Wednesday.

Class begins at 6:00 A.M. It is early in the morning.

I get home at 10:00 P.M. It is late in the evening.

Class begins at 9:00. If you come at 8:30, you are early.

If you come at 9:30, you are late.

exercise 14-8

Match the expressions in the left column with those in the right column.


Adverbs of Frequency

Certain adverbs can answer the question How often? Review the adverbs in the following list:


exercise 14-9

Answer the following questions using adverbs from the previous list. Put the adverb before the verb. Use complete sentences.

1.   How often do you ride the metro?


2.   How often does your best friend call you on the telephone?


3.   How often do you sleep eight hours a night?


4.   How often do your neighbors have parties?


Certain other expressions indicate how often an activity is performed. These expressions are placed after the verb:

all the time

every day

every so often

once a week

three times a year

twice a month

exercise 14-10

Answer the following questions using adverbs from the previous list. Use complete sentences.

1.   What do you do every so often?


2.   How often do you sit down to eat?


3.   How often do you go on vacation?


4.   What do you do every day?


5.   What special occasion happens once a year?