Answer Key

Part I Nouns

Unit 1 People and Places


1.   grandmothe

2.   grandfather

3.   aunt

4.   uncle

5.   cousin

6.   son-in-law

7.   Answers will vary.

8.   Answers will vary.


1.   f

2.   g

3.   i.

4.   d

5.   h

6.   e

7.   a

8.   c

9.   b


1.   doctor

2.   police officer

3.   neighbor

4.   pharmacist

5.   dentist


1.   cheeks … chin … ears … eyes … face … hair … lips … mouth … nose

2.   arm

3.   knee

4.   wrist

5.   ankle

6.   toes … fingers … thumb

7.   neck … arm

8.   waist


1.   road

2.   library

3.   sun

4.   farm

5.   apartment

6.   moon

7.   post office

8.   highway

1-6   Answers will vary.

1-7   Answers will vary.

1-8   Answers will vary.

1-9   Answers will vary.



2.   bedroom

3.   bedroom

4.   classroom

5.   bedroom

6.   any room

7.   any room

8.   dining room

9.   classroom, office

10.   any room

11.   bathroom, bedroom, hall, kitchen

12.   kitchen

13.   living room

14.   library, office

15.   library, office

16.   kitchen, restaurant, store

17.   dining room, kitchen, restaurant, any room

18.   classroom, office

19.   kitchen, laundry room

20.   dining room, kitchen, restaurant

21.   kitchen, restaurant

22.   bedroom

23.   laundry room

24.   department store

25.   department store

26.   bathroom

27.   office

28.   office

29.   living room

30.   dining room, kitchen, restaurant

31.   kitchen, restaurant

32.   dining room, kitchen, restaurant, any room

33.   dining room, kitchen, restaurant

34.   any room

35.   any room

36.   kitchen, restaurant

37.   dining room, kitchen, restaurant

38.   any room

39.   bedroom

40.   classroom, office, any room

41.   kitchen, restaurant

42.   classroom, office, any room

43.   classroom, office, any room

44.   classroom, office, any room

45.   bedroom, living room

46.   bedroom

47.   kitchen, dining room, restaurant

48.   classroom, library, office

49.   kitchen, restaurant

50.   kitchen, dining room, restaurant

51.   bedroom

52.   bathroom

53.   bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, restaurant

54.   bathroom, kitchen, laundry room

55.   living room

56.   dining room, kitchen, restaurant

57.   hall

58.   kitchen, restaurant

59.   any room

60.   kitchen

61.   any room

62.   kitchen, restaurant

63.   bathroom

64.   bathroom, kitchen

65.   bedroom, living room, any room

66.   laundry room

Unit 2 Singular, Plural, and Noncount Nouns


1.   a

2.   an

3.   an

4.   an

5.   a

6.   a

7.   a

8.   an

9.   a

10.   a

11.   a

12.   an

13.   a

14.   a

15.   an

16.   an

17.   an

18.   a

19.   an

20.   an

21.   a

22.   a

23.   a

24.   an

25.   a

26.   an

27.   an

28.   a

29.   a

30.   a

31.   an

32.   an

33.   an

34.   a

35.   an

36.   a

37.   a

38.   an

39.   an

40.   an


1.   I have a book.

2.   There is an answer key.

3.   There is a t.

4.   There is one e.


1.   a class

2.   a band … an orchestra

3.   a company

4.   a family

5.   a team

6.   a government

7.   a committee

8.   a choir … a chorus


1.   brothers

2.   daughters

3.   wives

4.   babies

5.   children

6.   men

7.   women

8.   teenagers

9.   artists

10.   customers

11.   students

12.   actresses

13.   bosses

14.   nurses

15.   eyes

16.   ears

17.   toes

18.   churches

19.   cities

20.   libraries

21.   bus stops

22.   post offices

23.   windows

24.   glasses

25.   knives

26.   forks

27.   stoves

28.   facecloths


1.   bands

4.   classes

7.   governments

2.   choirs

5.   committees

8.   orchestras

3.   choruses

6.   families

9.   teams

2-6   Answers will vary.

2-7   Answers will vary.

2-8   Answers will vary.


1.   an OR one … a OR one

2.   an OR one … an OR one

3.   some OR a lot of OR a few OR any … some OR a lot of OR a few OR any OR two

4.   a OR one … some OR a few OR a lot of

5.   a OR one

6.   some OR two OR a few

7.   any

8.   some OR a lot of OR a few OR two

9.   some OR a few OR two

10.   a … some OR two

2-10   Answers will vary.

2-11   Answers will vary.

2-12   Answers will vary.

2-13   Answers will vary.


1.   a little, a lot of, some, no, a slice of

2.   three slices of

3.   a little, some, three bowls of, a gallon of, two quarts of

4.   a glass of, three glasses of, some, a little

5.   some, a little, two bags of

6.   a piece of, two pieces of, a little, some

7.   some, a piece of, two pieces of, a lot of

8.   some, a piece of, no

9.   two, a few, some, no

10.   a glass of, two glasses of, some, a lot of

2-15   Answers will vary.


1.   a little

2.   no, some, a little

3.   some, a lot of

4.   some, a little

5.   too much, a lot of

2-17   Answers will vary.


2.   Ø

3.   Ø

4.   Ø … Ø

5.   Ø

6.   a … Ø … a

7.   Ø

8.   Ø

9.   Ø

10.   a … a


1.   a

2.   the

3.   Ø

4.   the

5.   Ø

6.   the

7.   the

8.   the

9.   Ø

10.   the

2-20   Answers will vary.

2-21   Answers will vary.

2-22   Answers will vary.


1.   a

2.   Ø

3.   The

4.   Ø



1.   This

2.   those

3.   that

4.   these

5.   that

6.   those

7.   these

8.   this

Unit 3 Proper Nouns


1.   She’s reading a book called A Guide toGoodManners.

2.   We have to go to the Springfield Library on Monday.

3.   They are from Italy, and they don’t speak Spanish.

4.   David is going to go to Wilson Academy for Boys in September.

3-2   Answers will vary.

Unit 4 Possessive Nouns and Pronouns


1.   my sister’s car

2.   the men’s hats

3.   the children’s party

4.   the doctor’s office

5.   the girls’ apartment

6.   Miss Smith’s class

7.   Ben Lindsay’s school

8.   the ladies’ meeting

4-2   Answers will vary.


1.   her car

2.   their hats

3.   their party

4.   his/her office

5.   their apartment

6.   her class

7.   his school

8.   their meeting

4-4   Answers will vary.

Unit 5 Review of Singular, Plural, and Noncount Nouns


1.   too many

2.   an

3.   the

4.   Those

5.   a little

6.   a lot of

7.   too much

8.   no

9.   John’s

10.   some


1.   one bottle/four bottles

2.   these letters/that information

3.   a few pills/a little medicine

4.   too much sugar/one spoonful/a few spoonfuls

5.   too many chairs/not much furniture/a chair

6.   a necklace/these earrings/a little jewelry

7.   that fruit/those vegetables

8.   There is a nail/There are screws/There is hardware

9.   There is one lamp/There are no lights/There is no water

10.   Here is your letter/There are no letters

Unit 6 Verbs Used as Nouns


1.   waiting

2.   Driving

3.   living

4.   cooking

5.   Studying

6.   staying

6-2   Answers will vary.

Unit 7 More Specific Nouns


1.   boys OR girls OR kids

2.   dude OR guy OR youth

3.   young lady

4.   bum


1.   fiancé

2.   roommate

3.   coworkers OR colleagues

4.   acquaintance


1.   e

2.   c OR g

3.   b OR c OR g

4.   c OR g OR h

5.   d

6.   c OR f OR g

7.   g

8.   b OR c OR g

9.   a

10.   a OR i

7-4   Answers will vary.

7-5   Answers will vary.

7-6   Answers will vary.

7-7   Answers will vary.


1.   d

2.   f

3.   e

4.   b

5.   a

6.   c

7-9   Answers will vary.


1.   g

2.   b

3.   h

4.   f

5.   d

6.   j

7.   e

8.   a

9.   c


1.   e

2.   f

3.   b

4.   h

5.   a

6.   d

7.   g

8.   c

7-12   Answers will vary.

7-13   Answers will vary.

7-14   Answers will vary.

7-15   Answers will vary.

7-16   Answers will vary.


1.   c

2.   d

3.   a

4.   e

5.   f

6.   b


1.   hurricane

2.   gale

3.   sandstorm

4.   tornado

Part II Adjectives

Unit 8 Making Descriptions

8-1   Answers will vary.


1.   handicapped

2.   shy

3.   little

4.   cowardly

5.   ugly

6.   slow

7.   thin

8.   unfriendly

9.   stingy


1.   bad

2.   boring

3.   small

4.   energetic

5.   kind

6.   young

7.   plain

8.   humble

9.   noisy


1.   poor

2.   serious

3.   dumb

4.   easygoing

5.   bitter

6.   short

7.   happy

8.   strong


1.   incapable

2.   incompetent

3.   inconsiderate

4.   inefficient

5.   insecure

6.   insincere

7.   intolerant

8.   immodest

9.   impatient

10.   impolite

11.   improper

12.   irresistible

13.   irreverent

14.   unbalanced

15.   uncivil

16.   uncivilized

17.   undisciplined

18.   unenthusiastic

19.   unfaithful

20.   unfortunate

21.   unhappy

22.   unhealthy

23.   unkind

24.   unnatural

25.   unpleasant

26.   unpopular

27.   unreasonable

28.   unselfish

29.   unsuccessful

30.   untidy

31.   untrustworthy

32.   untruthful


1.   careless

2.   unfaithful

3.   harmless

4.   unsuccessful

5.   tactless

6.   untruthful


1.   intelligent

2.   persistent

3.   independent

4.   insistent

5.   hospitable

6.   likable

7.   responsible

8.   adorable

9.   gullible

10.   flexible

11.   optimistic

12.   pessimistic

13.   athletic

14.   materialistic

15.   idealistic

16.   lovely

17.   lively

18.   cowardly

19.   friendly

20.   lonely

21.   imaginative

22.   manipulative

23.   persuasive

24.   aggressive

25.   appreciative


1.   a

2.   an

3.   an

4.   a

5.   an

8-9   Answers will vary.

8-10   Answers will vary.


1.   hungry

2.   busy

3.   ready

4.   thirsty

5.   upset

6.   cold


1.   anxious/upset/nervous

6.   full

2.   hot

7.   dissatisfied

3.   alive

8.   well

4.   clean

9.   rested

5.   sad/depressed

10.   cool

8-13   Answers will vary.


1.   narrow

2.   big/large

3.   light

4.   tiny

5.   short

8-15   Answers will vary.

8-16   Answers will vary.

8-17   Answers will vary.


1.   h

2.   a

3.   i

4.   b

5.   c

6.   d

7.   g

8.   j

9.   l

10.   e

11.   k

12.   f


1.   empty

2.   new

3.   patched

4.   messy

5.   dirty

6.   broken

7.   fresh

8-20   Answers will vary.


1.   expensive

2.   spacious

3.   empty

4.   dry

5.   safe

6.   light

7.   unfurnished

8.   well-maintained

9.   open

10.   old-fashioned

8-22   Answers will vary.

8-23   Pleasant: breezy, clear, cool, dry, nice, pleasant, sunny, warm

Unpleasant: chilly, cloudy, cold, foggy, freezing, hot, humid, icy, rainy, stormy, unpleasant, windy


1.   freezing (Answers may vary.)

2.   cold OR freezing OR icy OR unpleasant

3.   pleasant (Answers may vary.)

4.   Answers will vary.

5.   hot (Answers may vary.)

6.   foggy OR icy OR rainy OR stormy

7.   rainy

8.   cold OR freezing OR sunny

9.   breezy OR windy

10.   chilly

Unit 9 Comparisons and Superlatives


1.   pretty

2.   not at all

3.   very

4.   very

5.   pretty

9-2   Answers will vary.

9-3   These are possible answers, but all may vary.

1.   I didn’t eat it.

2.   We stayed home.

3.   I got sick.

4.   She got a ticket.

5.   I’m not going to buy them.

9-4   Answers will vary.


1.   brighter

2.   cheaper

3.   cleaner

4.   colder

5.   cooler

6.   damper

7.   darker

8.   faster

9.   fresher

10.   higher

11.   lighter

12.   longer

13.   neater

14.   newer

15.   older

16.   plainer

17.   poorer

18.   richer

19.   shorter

20.   sicker

21.   slower

22.   smaller

23.   smarter

24.   sweeter

25.   taller

26.   younger


1.   cuter

2.   finer

3.   lamer

4.   looser

5.   nicer

6.   paler

7.   ruder

8.   tamer

9.   wider


1.   bigger

2.   fatter

3.   fitter

4.   hotter

5.   madder

6.   redderv

7.   sadder

8.   thinner

9-8   Answers will vary.


1.   angrier

2.   bossier

3.   busier

4.   cloudier

5.   cozier

6.   crazier

7.   dirtier

8.   easier

9.   friendlier

10.   funnier

11.   happier

12.   lazier

13.   lonelier

14.   lovelier

15.   luckier

16.   noisier

17.   prettier

18.   rainier

19.   sillier

20.   sunnier

21.   tastier

22.   uglier


1.   quieter

2.   simpler

3.   narrower

4.   gentler

5.   crueler

6.   littler


1.   more athletic

2.   more boring

3.   more civil

4.   more civilized

5.   cleaner

6.   more comfortable

7.   more considerate

8.   cooler

9.   more delicious

10.   dirtier

11.   fresher

12.   friendlier

13.   gentler

14.   more gullible

15.   healthier

16.   hotter

17.   more open

18.   more patient

19.   more persuasive

20.   more pleasant

21.   more proper

22.   prouder

23.   quieter

24.   ruder

25.   sadder

26.   more serious

27.   sicker

28.   sillier

29.   more sincere

30.   slower

31.   smaller

32.   stingier

33.   more successful

34.   sweeter

35.   tinier

36.   more unfriendly

37.   more upset

38.   more useful

39.   wider

40.   more worried


1.   prettier than

2.   not as comfortable as

3.   not as good as

4.   better than

5.   not as big as


1.   worst

2.   cleanest

3.   coldest

4.   craziest

5.   cutest

6.   friendliest

7.   gentlest

8.   best

9.   hottest

10.   silliest

11.   luckiest

12.   maddest

13.   neatest

14.   nicest

15.   rudest

16.   saddest

9-14   Answers will vary.


1.   most active

2.   worst

3.   coldest

4.   most comfortable

5.   fastest

6.   most flexible

7.   most generous

8.   happiest

9.   largest

10.   littlest

11.   newest

12.   noisiest

13.   most serious

14.   ugliest

15.   most uninteresting

16.   most useless

9-16   Answers will vary.

Unit 10 Verbs and Nouns Used as Adjectives


1.   boring

2.   frustrating

3.   terrifying

4.   gratifying

5.   confusing

6.   daring


1.   written

2.   spoken

3.   stolen

4.   drunk

5.   grown

6.   wounded

7.   Woven

8.   worn

9.   forbidden

10.   withdrawn


1.   fascinating

2.   interested

3.   surprising

4.   confusing

5.   terrified

6.   excited

7.   captivated

8.   satisfied

9.   frustrating

10.   inspired


1.   a necklace made of gold

2.   a hook made of metal

3.   a tray made of plastic

4.   a bracelet made of silver

5.   a floor made of oak

6.   a basket made of wicker

7.   a road made of dirt

8.   a blouse made of silk

9.   a skirt made of wool

10.   a blanket made of cotton


1.   a box for jewelry

2.   a tray for ashes

3.   a can for trash

4.   a frame for a picture

5.   a sack for flour

6.   a ring for keys

7.   a bag for groceries

8.   a compartment for gloves

9.   a box to carry your lunch in

10.   a pail for garbage


1.   for cracking nuts

2.   for opening cans

3.   for extinguishing (putting out) fires

4.   for playing CDs

5.   for breaking up ice

6.   for drying hair

7.   for removing nail polish

8.   for sharpening pencils

9.   for removing spots

10.   for polishing floors

10-7   Answers will vary.


1.   a bicycle lock

2.   a mailbox key

3.   a rose garden

4.   homework

5.   a student desk


1.   hardheaded

2.   sure-footed

3.   single-minded

4.   long-winded

5.   evenhanded

6.   hotheaded


1.   a plan for the next five years

2.   a warranty that lasts three years

3.   a guarantee that lasts as long as you are living

4.   a discussion that lasts ten minutes

5.   a weight (or dumbbell) that weighs three pounds

6.   a vacation that lasts two weeks

7.   a contract for two years

8.   a meeting that lasts all day

9.   a party that lasts all night

10.   something that happens every day

Unit 11 Adjective Order


1.   a long black silk skirt

2.   new Italian leather shoes

3.   beautiful Mexican silver earrings

4.   a rich three-layer birthday cake

5.   a heavy round antique mirror

11-2   Answers will vary.

Part III Verbs

Unit 12 The Verb Be


1.   is

2.   are

3.   is

4.   are

5.   are

6.   am

12-2   Answers will vary.


1.   Is he here now?

2.   Are you happy?

3.   Am I sitting down?

4.   Is he asking directions?

5.   Are they building a new house?

6.   Is she turning left?

7.   Is he taking photographs?

8.   Is she riding a bicycle?


1.   He isn’t here now.

2.   You’re not happy.

3.   I’m not sitting down.

4.   He isn’t asking directions.

5.   They aren’t building a new house.

6.   She isn’t turning left.

7.   He isn’t taking photographs.

8.   She isn’t riding a bicycle.


1.   was

2.   were

3.   was

4.   were

5.   were

6.   was

12-6   Answers will vary but should include these verbs.

1.   I was …

2.   … was with me.

3.   I was … OR We were …

4.   It was …

5.   No, nobody else was there. OR Yes, ____ was there. OR Yes, ____ and ____ were there.

Unit 13 Non–To Be Verbs


1.   h

2.   i

3.   e

4.   j

5.   f

6.   g

7.   a

8.   b

9.   d

10.   c


1.   sounds

2.   appear

3.   feel

4.   smell

5.   seems

6.   resembles


1.   matches

2.   eats

3.   has

4.   drinks

5.   goes

6.   wishes

7.   cleans

8.   dries

9.   does

10.   dances


1.   cleaned

2.   opened

3.   worked

4.   walked

5.   watched


1.   stopped

2.   closed

3.   shopped

4.   exercised

5.   tried



2.   laughed

3.   turned

4.   dreamed

5.   cried

6.   exercised

7.   brushed

8.   smiled

9.   planned

10.   watched

13-7   Answers will vary.

13-8   Answers will vary.

13-9   Answers will vary.


1.   makes

2.   water

3.   clean

4.   vacuum

5.   pays

13-11   Answers will vary.

13-12   Answers will vary.


1.   sweep the floor

2.   do the shopping

3.   iron clothes

4.   make appointments

5.   wash the windows OR clean up the mess

6.   pay bills

7.   make repairs

8.   clean up the yard OR mow the lawn OR take out the trash OR water plants OR weed the garden

9.   do laundry

10.   dust the furniture

13-14   Answers will vary.


1.   answered

2.   asked

3.   corrected

4.   erased

5.   helped

6.   learned

7.   listened

8.   paid

9.   played

10.   solved

11.   spelled

12.   studied

13.   used


1.   taught

2.   wrote

3.   understood

4.   took

5.   made

6.   did

7.   drew

8.   took

9.   read

10.   paid


1.   He doesn’t get up at 6:00.

2.   They don’t eat breakfast together every morning.

3.   She doesn’t dream during the day.

4.   We don’t buy groceries every week.

5.   I don’t laugh a lot.


1.   My mother didn’t teach me to read and write.

2.   He didn’t write her an e-mail last week.

3.   I didn’t understand today’s lesson.

4.   We didn’t take a hard test this morning.

5.   You didn’t make only one mistake.

6.   They didn’t do all of the exercises.

7.   They didn’t draw pictures in class.

8.   My friend and I didn’t take turns with the computer.

9.   She didn’t read us a wonderful story.

10.   I hope you didn’t pay attention.

13-19   Answers will vary.

13-20   Answers will vary.


1.   Do you write e-mail?

2.   Does he search the Internet?

3.   Does she use the computer?

4.   Do you all attend meetings?

5.   Do they answer the telephone?

6.   Do we take coffee breaks?


1.   What goes in that file?

2.   Who answers the telephone?

3.   When do you search the Internet?

4.   Where do we send faxes?

5.   Where do they write the reports?


1.   Did they take a long coffee break?

2.   Did she answer the telephone?

3.   Did Mary write these e-mails?

4.   Did you search the Internet this afternoon?

5.   Did John organize all your files?


1.   Who wrote a letter today?

2.   What did he do yesterday?

3.   When did John call you?

4.   Where did you eat on Monday night?

5.   How did she go home?

13-25   Answers will vary.

13-26   Answers will vary.

13-27   Answers will vary.

13-28   Answers will vary.


1.   Do you return clothes that don’t fit?

2.   Does she always use her credit card?

3.   Does she like her new shoes?

4.   Do you want these shirts?

5.   Does he like to go shopping?


1.   Did she buy a new dress?

2.   Did he forget to give you a receipt?

3.   Did you try on a lot of clothes?

4.   Did she go shopping yesterday?

5.   Did you buy anything?


1.   Who always gets a bargain?

2.   What did you do for thirty minutes?

3.   Where did they spend a lot of money?

4.   Who does he always thank?

5.   When did you write the check?

6.   How much did it cost?


1.   lost my checkbook

2.   drove up to the drive-up window

3.   make a deposit

4.   withdraw cash

5.   buy a CD


1.   They didn’t close their account.

2.   This account doesn’t earn interest.

3.   I didn’t get a new PIN.

4.   He didn’t withdraw cash.

5.   She doesn’t make a deposit every week.


1.   Did you pay an installment last month?

2.   Did you want to open an account?

3.   When did she buy a CD?

4.   What did he do?

5.   Who withdrew cash?

13-35   Answers will vary.


1.   He is cashing a check.

2.   I am withdrawing money.

3.   They are opening an account.

4.   We are applying for a loan.

5.   The investment is earning interest.

6.   She is getting cash from the ATM.

7.   I am saving money.

8.   He is paying an installment on his loan.

13-37   Answers will vary.

13-38   Answers will vary.


1.   Where did you have a picnic?

2.   Who gets off the bus here?

3.   Did he take a lot of photographs?

4.   Did she lie in the sun for an hour?

5.   What does he always buy?


1.   She doesn’t ask directions.

2.   We don’t turn left here.

3.   He doesn’t drive a car.

4.   They don’t get lost.

5.   I don’t go jogging.


1.   We didn’t see an accident.

2.   They didn’t have a picnic.

3.   He didn’t get on the bus.

4.   You didn’t turn right.

5.   She didn’t get out of the car.


1.   was, were

2.   became

3.   built

4.   bought

5.   came

6.   did

7.   drew

8.   drank

9.   drove

10.   ate

11.   felt

12.   found

13.   got

14.   went

15.   grew

16.   had

17.   heard

18.   lay

19.   made

20.   paid

21.   put

22.   left

23.   read

24.   rode

25.   ran

26.   saw

27.   sat

28.   slept

29.   spent

30.   stood

31.   swept

32.   took

33.   taught

34.   thought

35.   understood

36.   woke up

37.   withdrew

38.   wrote


1.   He is getting off the elevator.

2.   We are ordering our meal.

3.   She is paying the waiter.

4.   We are leaving the station.

5.   They are going through the revolving doors.


1.   He isn’t leaving the building.

2.   She isn’t enjoying her meal.

3.   They aren’t riding on the escalator.

4.   I’m not looking at the menu.

5.   He’s not talking on his cell phone.


1.   Is he leaving the building?

2.   Is she enjoying her meal?

3.   Are they riding on the escalator?

4.   Are you looking at the menu?

5.   Is he talking on his cell phone?


1.   She hasn’t asked directions.

2.   We haven’t turned left here.

3.   He hasn’t driven a car.

4.   They haven’t gotten lost.

5.   I haven’t gone jogging.


1.   ate

2.   eaten

3.   understand

4.   understood

5.   write

6.   written

7.   took

8.   taken

9.   be

10.   was, were

11.   teach

12.   taught

13.   came

14.   come


1.   I haven’t eaten dinner.

2.   She hasn’t left the station.

3.   We haven’t looked at the menu.

4.   He hasn’t ordered his lunch.

5.   She has paid the waiter.

6.   We haven’t bought anything from a street vendor.

7.   I have asked for the check.


1.   The game is beginning.

2.   He is swimming.

3.   They are winning.

4.   She is throwing the ball.

5.   We are singing together.

6.   I am going to the movies.


1.   Is the game beginning?

2.   Is he swimming?

3.   Are they winning?

4.   Is she throwing the ball?

5.   Are you singing together?

6.   Are you going to the movies?


1.   He hasn’t hit the ball.

2.   I haven’t seen that movie.

3.   She hasn’t had lunch with him.

4.   We haven’t sung that song.

5.   They haven’t danced together before.


1.   Has he hit the ball?

2.   Have you seen that movie?

3.   Has she had lunch with him?

4.   Have you/we sung that song?

5.   Have they danced together before?

13-53   Answers will vary.

13-54   Answers will vary.


1.   3

2.   2

3.   1

4.   3

5.   2

6.   3

7.   3

8.   1

9.   1

10.   1

11.   2

12.   2


1.   I added tomatoes to the sauce.

2.   She iced and decorated the cakes in the morning.

3.   He whipped the cream.

4.   They cooked for a lot of people.

5.   We grilled the fish outside.


1.   Did you add tomatoes to the sauce?

2.   Did she ice and decorate the cakes in the morning?

3.   Did he whip the cream?

4.   Did they cook for a lot of people?

5.   Did you grill the fish outside?


1.   We have barbecued the chicken.

2.   She has removed the pan from the oven.

3.   He has arranged the salad on the plates.

4.   I have peeled the potatoes.

5.   They have spread butter on the bread.


1.   Slice

2.   Ice

3.   Remove

4.   Spread

5.   Chill

6.   Break

7.   Bake

8.   Boil


1.   I am slicing the tomatoes.

2.   I am icing the cake.

3.   I am removing the pan from the oven.

4.   I am spreading butter on the bread.

5.   I am chilling the champagne.

6.   I am breaking the eggs into the bowl.

7.   I am baking a loaf of bread.

8.   I am boiling water for the tea.

Part IV Adverbs

Unit 14 Adverbs of Place, Time, and Frequency


1.   g

2.   a

3.   e

4.   b

5.   c

6.   d

7.   h

8.   f

14-2   Answers will vary.


1.   there

2.   here

3.   there

4.   inside

5.   nearby

6.   up

7.   downstairs

8.   outside


1.   in the country

2.   on a horse

3.   in a car

4.   on the fourth floor

5.   in the kitchen

6.   in jail

7.   in the hospital

8.   on a balcony OR on a deck OR on a patio

9.   at school OR at the library

10.   on a bicycle OR on a bus OR on a train OR on the metro

14-5   Answers will vary.


1.   Yesterday

2.   Tomorrow

3.   next month

4.   last month

5.   this Friday

6.   next year

7.   ten years ago

8.   this morning

9.   this evening OR tonight

10.   Answers will vary.


1.   at 3:30

2.   on weekdays

3.   in March

4.   in 2010

5.   in the morning


1.   i

2.   d

3.   h

4.   g

5.   c

6.   e

7.   j

8.   k

9.   f

10.   b

11.   a

14-9   Answers will vary.

14-10   Answers will vary.

Unit 15 Adverbs of Manner


1.   actively

2.   aggressively

3.   badly

4.   bitterly

5.   bravely

6.   carefully

7.   cautiously

8.   charmingly

9.   cheaply

10.   cheerfully

11.   civilly

12.   competently

13.   considerately

14.   creatively

15.   efficiently

16.   faithfully

17.   fortunately

18.   generously

19.   gladly

20.   imaginatively

21.   interestingly

22.   kindly

23.   loudly

24.   modestly

25.   naturally

26.   nervously

27.   nicely

28.   patiently

29.   pleasantly

30.   politely

31.   properly

32.   proudly

33.   quietly

34.   reverently

35.   securely

36.   selfishly

37.   seriously

38.   sincerely

39.   skillfully

40.   slowly

41.   softly

42.   successfully

43.   sweetly

44.   tactfully

45.   truthfully

46.   weakly


1.   capably

2.   comfortably

3.   easily

4.   energetically

5.   enthusiastically

6.   fast

7.   well

8.   humbly

9.   happily

10.   noisily

11.   reasonably

12.   responsibly

13.   tragically


1.   bravely

2.   responsibly

3.   easily

4.   Fortunately

5.   cheerfully

6.   carefully

7.   gladly

8.   badly

9.   creatively

10.   patiently

15-4   Answers will vary.


1.   John drives more slowly than Mary.

2.   Susan works more carefully than Janet.

3.   Charles plays more quietly than David.

15-6 Answers will vary.


1.   Mary doesn’t drive as slowly as John.

2.   Janet doesn’t work as carefully as Susan.

3.   David doesn’t play as quietly as Charles.


1.   not as slowly as

2.   faster than

3.   not as quietly as

4.   better than

5.   not as energetically as

6.   earlier than

7.   not as efficiently as

8.   more patiently than

9.   not as hard as

10.   more seriously than

11.   not as late as

12.   more sweetly than

15-9   Answers will vary.

15-10   Answers will vary.

Unit 16 Adverbs That Modify


1.   really

2.   hardly OR scarcely

3.   really

4.   hardly OR scarcely


1.   well enough

2.   well

3.   a little OR well enough

4.   a little OR well enough

5.   well

16-3   Answers will vary.


1.   pretty OR rather OR quite OR very

2.   too OR extremely OR very

3.   extremely OR very

4.   pretty OR rather OR quite

5.   not at all

16-5   Answers will vary.


1.   Sara is much shorter than her brother.

2.   Jackie is much friendlier than Susan.

3.   Joe is much more helpful than Jim.

4.   Mary is much more athletic than her sister.

5.   Patricia’s baby was much smaller than Valerie’s.

16-7   Answers will vary.

16-8   Answers will vary.

Part V English in the Twenty-First Century: Technology

Unit 17 General Vocabulary for Technology


1.   USB flash drive

2.   toner

3.   laptop

4.   hard drive

5.   keyboard

17-2   Answers will vary.


1.   the Web

2.   a modem

3.   worldwide

4.   Wi-Fi


1.   an analog

2.   touch screen

3.   save

4.   downloading

Unit 18 Contacting Other People: The Technology of Communications


1.   an earphone

2.   a ringer

3.   printing a document

4.   cell phone


Answers will vary.


1.   a telephone number

2.   an international call

3.   on hold

4.   fax it


Answers will vary.


Answers will vary.


1.   an e-mail address

2.   an Internet service provider

3.   .edu

4.   all of the above

Unit 19 Getting Information: The Media


1.   HTML

2.   user ID and password

3.   get information

4.   keep it a secret

Unit 20 Entertainment


1.   all of the above

2.   a remote control

3.   you have access to a large number of books


Answers will vary.

Unit 21 Technology in Other Places


Answers will vary.

Part VI Numbers

Unit 22 The Numbers from Zero to 1 million


1.   17

2.   76

3.   343

4.   1002

5.   58,000,000

6.   4

7.   50

8.   61,530


1.   2

2.   2

3.   3

4.   4

5.   8

6.   1

7.   2

8.   5


1.   two

2.   seventy-five

3.   four hundred (and) sixty-three

4.   one thousand nine hundred (and) forty-one OR nineteen forty-one (for a year)

5.   twenty-one thousand, seven hundred (and) seventy-seven

6.   nine hundred (and) ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred (and) ninety-nine

7.   three million, eight hundred (and) sixty-two thousand, eight hundred (and) eighty-six

8.   twenty-eight million (and) one

9.   one hundred (and) ten million, nine hundred (and) sixty-six thousand, three hundred (and) fifteen

Unit 23 Telling the Time and the Date


1.   six-thirty

2.   seven-twenty OR twenty after seven

3.   eleven-fifty OR ten to twelve

4.   nine-forty-five OR a quarter to ten

5.   ten-ten OR ten after ten

6.   four-fifteen OR a quarter after four

7.   eight-thirty-five OR twenty-five to nine

8.   one-o-five OR five after one


1.   noon

2.   midnight

3.   midnight … noon

4.   noon … midnight


Answers will vary.


1.   first

2.   third

3.   tenth

4.   twelfth

5.   thirty-ninth

6.   forty-first

7.   fifty-fourth

8.   sixty-seventh

9.   eighty-eighth

10.   one hundred (and) thirty-second

11.   five hundred (and) ninety-first

12.   three hundred (and) thirty-third


1.   February 2, 1998

2.   July 18, 2000

3.   May 31, 2009

4.   June 6, 2018


1.   1/01/_______ or January 1, ______ (year will vary)

2.   2/14/_______ February 14, ______ (year will vary)

3.   7/4/_______ July 4, ______ (year will vary)

4.   ______/______/______ (date will vary)

Unit 24 Identification Numbers, Telephone Numbers, and Addresses


1.   g

2.   h

3.   a

4.   i

5.   j

6.   c

7.   e

8.   l

9.   k

10.   n

11.   d

12.   m

13.   f

14.   a

15.   b

16.   o


Unit 25 Using Whole Numbers


1.   8

2.   110

3.   55

4.   22

5.   84

6.   577


1.   6

2.   6

3.   18

4.   55

5.   101

6.   457


1.   8

2.   24

3.   90

4.   1000

5.   34

6.   108


1.   6

2.   12

3.   6

4.   10

5.   8

6.   50


1.   sum

2.   difference

3.   product

4.   quotient

Unit 26 Using Partial Numbers


1.   less than

2.   before the slash

3.   all of the parts


1.   1.3

2.   1.2

3.   2.3

4.   5.24

5.   1.7


1.   .1

2.   before

3.   after

4.   six hundredths

5.   8.10 OR .8

6.   seventeen thousandths

7.   one-fourth OR 25.100 OR .25 OR twenty-five hundredths

8.   75% OR seventy-five percent

Unit 27 Measuring


1.   16

2.   2000

3.   4

4.   2

5.   3

6.   8


1.   g

2.   b, d

3.   a, c

4.   h

5.   i

6.   e, f


1.   j, h

2.   f, g

3.   d, e

4.   b, c

5.   a, i


1.   l

2.   j

3.   a, i, f

4.   d, e

5.   f

6.   f

7.   b

8.   d, e

9.   a, g, h, i

10.   g

11.   a, i

12.   k

13.   a, h, i

14.   j, k

15.   a, h, i

Unit 28 Counting Money


1.   d, v

2.   c, m, r

3.   j, p

4.   k, q

5.   w

6.   a, o, t

7.   f, h, u

8.   e, i, n

9.   b

10.   l, s

11.   g