Unit 18

Contacting Other People: The Technology of Communications

The Telephone

The telephone, or phone, is a device that transmits and receives sound, most commonly the human voice. It allows two people separated by large distances to talk to each other.


corded/landline: a telephone connected by a pair of wires to a telephone network

cordless: a telephone that has a portable handset that communicates by radio with a base station that is connected by wire to the telephone network; it does not function when it is too far from the base station

mobile/cell: a portable telephone that communicates with the telephone network by radio; it usually functions over a wide area, within a country, and sometimes even internationally

smartphone: a mobile phone with an embedded computer that enables you to perform a number of tasks in addition to speaking and listening


Apps that are available on some mobile phones enable the following operations:

text messaging: sending a written message that will appear on the telephone screen of the person you are contacting

using the Internet: finding information on the Internet

using e-mail: sending a written message that will appear on the computer of the person you are contacting

navigating: getting directions to a different location

taking photographs: using a digital camera that is built into the telephone

making a video: using a digital video camera that is built into the telephone

face-to-face talking: using a device that enables you to see the person you are talking to

listening to music: using a device that allows you to download music to your telephone and listen to it through earphones

Telephone Parts

handset: the device that you hold in your hand and place next to your ear and close to your mouth so that you can listen and talk

microphone: a device built into the handset where you direct your voice

earphone: a device that reproduces the voice of the other person

ringer: a device that makes a sound so that you know when a call is coming in

ringtone: the sound or music made by the ringer

vibrate: an option on a cell phone that produces motion so that you know when a call is coming in when you have the ringer turned off

keypad: a grid of numbers, letters, and symbols that enables you to enter the telephone number of the person you want to contact, usually located on the handset; it may be in the form of buttons to push or a touch screen

Many people have decided to use only a cell phone instead of having a landline.

It is dangerous to talk on a cell phone or send a text message while you are driving a car.

The ringer on his cell phone makes a musical sound.

When you’re at the movies, you should turn off the ringer on your cell phone, and put it on vibrate if you’re expecting a call.

exercise 18-1

Choose the most appropriate word or words to complete the following sentences.

1.   Your telephone is equipped with __________________ so that you can hear the person on the line.


2.   Your telephone is equipped with __________________ so that you know when a call is coming in.


3.   A telephone cannot be used for __________________.


4.   You can use a __________________ when you go for a walk in your neighborhood.


Using the Telephone

For a telephone to function, it must be connected to a communication service provided by one of a number of private companies that do business in particular geographic areas. In some countries, this service is provided by the government. Each company has its own set of optional services and payment scales. Customers are usually billed monthly for these services.

telephone call: a communication from one telephone to another

area code: a three-digit number (in the United States—it may be different in other countries) assigned to a limited area, which can include part of a city, an entire city, an area of a state, or, if it has a small population, an entire state

country code: a two-digit number assigned to a country for use in international calls

telephone number: a person’s area code, followed by a seven-digit number (in the United States) assigned by a telephone service to that person; your telephone number identifies you in the telephone system

operator: an employee of a telephone company who helps make connections

pay phone: a public telephone from which you can call someone after inserting coins or a credit card, or entering the number from a calling card

calling card: a small card that you can buy in advance that enables you to make calls from a pay phone or from your personal phone when you enter the number or code printed on the card

Types of Calls

local: a call to or from someone who lives within your area code

long-distance: a call to or from someone who lives outside your area code, but in the same country

international: a call to or from someone in a different country

operator-assisted: a call, usually international, made with the assistance of an operator

direct dial: an international call made by entering on a keypad the digits 011 (calling from the United States), followed by the country code, the area code, and the telephone number of the person you are calling

conference: a call between more than two telephones, allowing a group conversation

Telephone Options

caller ID: the telephone number (identification) of the person who is calling you; if you have this option, this number appears on your telephone before you answer a call

voice mail: a service that answers your telephone when you are unable to and allows the caller to leave a message

speakerphone: a device built into some telephones that allows you to listen and speak from the same room without holding the handset up to your face

call waiting: a service that alerts you during a call to inform you that another person is calling you at that moment and that you can choose to accept that call and ask the current caller to wait for a few moments

Making Calls to a Business

When you make a call to a business, a machine-recorded voice often answers and asks you to choose from a number of menu options by keying in a number on your telephone. The options usually include different departments or individuals at the business. After choosing the department you wish to speak to, you may then be asked to wait on hold until someone is able to speak to you. Sometimes the information you want can be provided by the machine. In other cases, you may have to request the aid of an agent. Very often, you are told that your questions to the business can be answered online (through the Internet).

The Fax Machine

fax machine: a machine that enables you to send a document over a telephone line; the machine copies the document and sends it electronically to its destination

fax: the document you send through a fax machine

fax: a verb that means to send a fax

fax server: a computerized system that receives and stores incoming faxes electronically

She wanted to keep her telephone number a secret but found out that it was on the Internet.

I couldn’t get my call to go through, so I got the operator to place it for me.

If he doesn’t answer the phone, leave a message on his voice mail.

It’s frustrating when you are put on hold and have to wait a long time for someone to answer.

exercise 18-2

What kind of telephone do you have? What apps does it have? Make a list here.




exercise 18-3

Choose the most appropriate word or words to complete each sentence.

1.   If you want to make a telephone call, you need __________________.


2.   A country code is necessary for __________________.


3.   When you make a call to a business, they often put you __________________.


4.   If you need to send a document to someone, you can __________________.


exercise 18-4

Have you ever sent a fax? Explain how you did it.

First, _______________________________________________________________________

Then, _______________________________________________________________________

After that, _______________________________________________________________________

Finally, _______________________________________________________________________

exercise 18-5

Do you prefer to call your friends or to send them text messages? Why?



The Internet for Communicating

The Internet is another way to communicate with other people.

go/be online: to use an Internet service to communicate with another person or people or to search or access sites on the Internet

e-mail: a system that allows you to send personal written messages to other people at their e-mail addresses from your e-mail address using a personal computer that is connected to the Internet; your e-mail address is assigned to you when you subscribe to an Internet service or sign up for e-mail through another company; computers where e-mail may be read or sent are made available to the public in such places as libraries, hotels, and Internet cafés. E-mail is so widely used that traditional mail through the post office is now called “snail mail” because it is so slow by comparison.

user name/user ID: a series of letters and/or numbers that you choose as your online identification; it is the first part of your e-mail address

@: (pronounced “at”) the symbol that follows your user name in your e-mail address

domain: a common network name under which a collection of network devices are organized; the final part of your e-mail address is a period (pronounced “dot”) plus the name of the domain; some examples are .com, .org, .edu (in the United States), and .mx (Mexico), .es (Spain), .uk (England)

instant messaging/IM: a service that allows you to send a message to someone who is online at the same time you are

junk mail: e-mail that you receive from someone unknown to you, often from an individual or business that would like to sell something to you

spam: junk mail that is designed to trick you or damage your computer

virus: a destructive computer program that copies and spreads itself via the Internet, causing damage to your computer

malware: software created with malicious intent that can harm the operation of a computer

antivirus systems: software that can be installed on your computer to block malware

firewall: a device used by an antivirus system that will help protect your computer from spam and malware

video calling: using special software, contacting someone who has the same software, enabling you both to see and talk to each other

networking: using the Internet to contact more than one person at a time

social networks: Internet groups that you can join and invite your friends and acquaintances to join so that you can keep in contact with each other in a semipublic way; there are also networks that enable (usually well-known) people to send instant messages to anyone in the general public who wishes to receive them

blog: a regular commentary made by an individual through a special Internet page

online classes: courses offered by many schools and universities that allow students to complete the required work by accessing the material, communicating with the teacher or professor, and taking exams through the Internet

Many people send casual invitations by e-mail, but more formal ones by snail mail.

We were online at the same time and ended up IM’ing each other all afternoon.

My antivirus software requires continuous updates.

They have a firewall at work that rejects e-mails from unknown sources.

My neighbors are from Spain and use video calling to visit with their families every day.

When she was studying abroad, she wrote a blog describing all her adventures.

exercise 18-6

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word or words.

1.   In order to send an e-mail, you need __________________.


2.   You can get your own personal e-mail address from __________________.


3.   Domains based in the United States include __________________.


4.   When you are online, you can __________________.
