Unit 23

Telling the Time and the Date

The Time

To ask the time, say:

What time is it?

When the time is at the exact hour, say:


Continue in this way for each hour.

When the time is between hours, say:



exercise 23-1

What time is it? Write out the words.


exercise 23-2

Complete these sentences.

1.   Twelve o’clock in the middle of the day is called _____________________.

2.   Twelve o’clock in the middle of the night is called ________________________.

3.    a.m. indicates the hours between _____________________ and _____________________.

4.    p.m. indicates the hours between _____________________ and ______________________.

The Time of an Event

To ask the time of an activity or event, say:

What time do you eat breakfast?

What time is the class / party / concert / appointment / etc.?

To answer, use at before the time:

I eat breakfast at eight a.m.

The class is at nine o’clock a.m.

The concert is at 8:30 p.m.

My appointment is at 12:45 p.m.

exercise 23-3

Answer these questions.


The Date

Ordinal numbers are used when telling the date.

Ordinal numbers: numbers used to give the order in time of items in a series



exercise 23-4


exercise 23-5

Write these dates.


exercise 23-6

Write the dates of the following (use the current year).
