Sealing of the Five Senses
Attaining the Immortal Tao
Our senses are like antennae that receive waves of vibration, sound, and light. Whenever our senses perceive such waves, our brains begin to think in order to interpret them. Thinking consumes more energy than any other bodily activity, yet as humans we cannot stop thinking, looking, listening, or fantasizing. This sensory-linked brain function in reaction to the external world is known as the monkey mind.
Because the mind connects with the heart, a disturbed mind will in turn disturb the heart. Alternatively, a healthy mind will benefit the heart and the whole being. The good-minded good heart is the compassionate heart; its good intention connects to the earth and nourishes it (see fig. 5.1 below). When the wood meets the earth, the wood will grow. When the water meets the earth, the water will gather. When the metal meets the earth, the metal will condense. When the fire meets the earth, the fire will tone down.
When the brain reacts so immediately to sensory information, we lose a lot of energy through our senses. In fact, each one is an open gate of energy loss: power flows out from each of the sense organs unless they are esoterically sealed. The formulas of the Sealing of the Five Senses effectively close the senses down, so that they release energy only when specifically called upon to convey information. First we make the senses stronger, then we seal them with external and internal force. This allows us to accumulate profound energy. The practice effects a literal transmutation of the current of chi into energy of the soul and spirit.
Fig. 5.1. Waves of vibration affect the mind and the heart.
Abuse of the senses leads to far more energy loss and degradation than people ordinarily realize. Examples of misuse of the senses are as follows: if you look too much, the seminal fluid is harmed; listen too much, the mind is harmed; cry too much, the blood is harmed; have sexual intercourse too much, the marrow is harmed.
After completing the Kan and Li formulas, the practitioner forms a cauldron in the Crystal Palace. The first step in this process is to strengthen each of the senses. Second, we make the connection to the center, and to the stars and planets through the center. Third, we will seal the senses.
Strengthening the Senses
The first step of strengthening our senses is very important. When the senses are strong we are less affected by the stimuli coming from the outside world as criticism or praise. This strength leads to a connection with our center, where the mind becomes still and the thoughts rest, thereby conserving much of the energy that is usually expended in thinking (fig. 5.2).
Fig. 5.2. Sense energy turned inward; vibration turned inward.
The first formula involves turning the senses inward to the center of the brain and down to the navel, then coupling in the first three cauldrons to help draw in the natural and universal forces. In these practices, the sense organs are connected to the sun, moon, and the five elements as follows (see fig. 5.3):
Fig. 5.3. Connect the senses to the sun, moon, and elements.
Formula One: Crystal Room Cauldron
The aim of this practice is to raise the water and lower the fire; then couple them at the tip of the nose.
Fig. 5.4. Metal and wood transforming to fire in the Crystal Room.
Fig. 5.5. Tiger and dragon breathing: exhale and compress the chi down to the lower abdomen.
6. Create the collection points to contain the water in the mouth.
7. Let the water rise up, and lower the fire down. Turn the awareness inward and feel the three cauldrons coupling at the same time. Then couple fire and water at the tip of the nose (fig. 5.6).
Fig. 5.6. Coupling of fire and water in the Kidney, Heart, and Crystal Room cauldrons
Fig. 5.7. Steam to the Crystal Room.
8. Let it steam to the Crystal Room, while the lower cauldron steams to the organs and the glands (fig. 5.7).
9. Feel the four cauldrons couple at the same time.
10. Feel the normal breath stop and the true breath begin. Let the skin start to breathe first, then the bones in the arms and the legs (fig. 5.8).
Fig. 5.8. Let the skin and bones start to breathe.
11. Suck in the crown and expand to nature and the universe. Suck in the mid-eyebrow, the palms, the soles of the feet, the perineum, the sacrum, and the Door of Life. Eventually the whole body is breathing (fig. 5.9).
Fig. 5.9. Whole-body breathing
Two: Sun and Moon Cauldron
1. Be aware of the left eye as sun power and the right eye as moon power (fig. 5.10). Combine these two forces into the bridge of the nose and let them become the fire force.
Fig. 5.10. The left eye as sun power and the right eye as moon power
2. Be aware of the water energy in the mouth (fig. 5.11). Use the throat center and the lower abdomen to begin tiger-and-dragon breathing. Create the suction and form a chi ball in the mouth.
Fig. 5.11. Fire and water
Fig. 5.12. Coupling at the tip of the nose
3. Raise the water and lower the fire and let them couple at the tip of the nose (fig. 5.12).
4. Feel the four cauldrons couple at the same time (fig. 5.13). Feel the normal breath stop and the true breath begin. Let the skin start to breathe first, then the bones in the arms and the legs.
5. Suck in the crown and expand to nature and the universe. Suck in the mid-eyebrow, the palms, the soles of the feet, the perineum, the sacrum, and the Door of Life. Eventually the whole body is breathing (fig. 5.14).
Fig. 5.14. Eventually the whole body is breathing.
Formula Three: True Kidney/Weaving Maiden Cauldron
In this formula, the left ear connects to the left kidney, known as the true kidney. It is the activator of the stored energy of the kidneys. The right ear connects to the right kidney, which is yin, and is represented by a Weaving Maiden who stores the essence of the sexual energy (sperm and ovum) and attracts the active yang known as the Gate of Life (figs. 5.15 and 5.16).
Fig. 5.15. Stored energy of the kidneys
Fig. 5.16. Weaving Maiden stores the essence of the sexual energy.
1. Be aware of the left kidney as fire force and let it gradually rise up to the left ear. Create a collection point to contain the fire force (fig. 5.17).
Fig. 5.17. Create a collection point at the left ear to contain the fire force.
2. Be aware of the lower cauldron. Feel the fire start to warm the abdomen. The fire and steam power goes down to the sexual organs to transform the sexual energy into chi or aroused sexual energy.
3. Let this energy rise to the right kidney to activate the stored essence of sexual energy, the inner yin. Feel the connection of the right kidney to the right ear and let the essence yin energy rise up the ear. Create a collection point to contain the yin/water energy (see fig. 5.18).
Fig. 5.18. Create a collection point to contain the water energy.
4. Let the energy from the left and right ears—fire and water—couple in the Crystal Room between them.
5. Be aware of the mouth and gather the water force into a chi ball.
6. Let the water and fire couple at the tip of the nose—the earth (fig. 5.19).
Fig. 5.19. Connecting to earth
Formula Four: Building the Aura
This formula cleans the Thrusting Channels and the organs; then it builds the aura.
Clearing the Channels
Fig. 5.20. Activate the sexual energy in the sexual lower tan tien.
4. Turn the wheel as follows (see fig. 5.21):
Fig. 5.21. Turning the wheel
Cleansing the Organs and Building the Aura
1. Breathe red mist into the heart, and breathe out any gray color.
2. From the heart, send out the red mist to create an aura around the body (fig. 5.22).
Fig. 5.22. Breathe red mist into the heart and send it out to create an aura.
3. Breathe yellow mist into the spleen, and breathe out any gray color.
4. From the spleen, send the yellow mist all over the body, then send radiance out around the body.
5. From the mouth, breathe out the yellow mist to create an aura (fig. 5.23).
Fig. 5.23. Breathe yellow mist from the spleen out the mouth to create an aura.
6. Breathe white mist into the lungs. Breathe out any gray color.
7. From the lungs, send the mist to the nose and out the nose and skin.
8. From the nose, breathe out the white mist to create an aura (fig. 5.24).
Fig. 5.24. Breathe white mist into the lungs and out the nose to create an aura.
9. Breathe green mist into the liver. Breathe out any gray color.
10. From the liver, send the mist to the eyes.
11. From the eyes, breathe the green mist out to create an aura (fig. 5.26).
Fig. 5.25. Breathe the blue kidney mist out from the ears to create an aura.
12. Breathe green mist into the liver. Breathe out any gray color.
13. From the liver, send the mist to the eyes.
14. From the eyes, breathe the green mist out to create an aura (fig. 5.26).
Fig. 5.26. Breathe the green liver mist out from the eyes to create an aura.
15. Be aware of the entire aura radiating around you, built from each of the organs (fig. 5.27).
Fig. 5.27. Finish building the aura.
The previous formulas helped to strengthen the senses and the sensory organs. The next task is to form the cauldron at the Crystal Room.
Formula Five: Forming the Fire (Sun) and Water/Sexual Energy
(Moon) Cauldron
1. Bring the sun down to the left eye to be the fire.
2. Bring the moon down to the right eye to be the water (fig. 5.28).
3. Bring the fire from the left eye to the bridge of the nose.
4. Bring the water from the right eye to the mid-eyebrow (fig. 5.29).
Fig. 5.28. Bring the sun and moon down to the eyes.
Fig. 5.29. Bring the fire to the bridge of the nose and the water to the mid-eyebrow.
5. Let the fire and water begin to couple (fig. 5.30). Note that this coupling differs from the practice in formula two, where we just combined the sun and moon to create one fire energy: now we couple two different energies.
Fig. 5.30. Coupling the sun and moon
6. Allow the steam to come out of the third eye.
7. Gather the sexual energy from the sexual organs and bring it to the collection point in the mouth (fig. 5.31).
Fig. 5.31. Gather the sexual energy in the collection point in the mouth.
8. The steam produced from the sun and moon coupling will now become the fire for the coupling at the tip of the nose. Bring the fire energy down to the upper lip (see fig. 5.32).
9. Bring the water energy from the mouth up to the bridge of the nose (see fig. 5.33).
Fig. 5.32. Bringing fire energy down to the upper lip
Fig. 5.33. Bringing water energy up to the bridge of the nose
10. Start the coupling at the tip of the nose. This coupling does not produce steam, yet you will clearly feel the suction (fig. 5.34).
11. Let the fire cool; then bring the energy down to the lower tan tien.
Fig. 5.34. Coupling at the tip of the nose
The rest of the formulas guide the practitioner to connect to the protective energies of the cosmos. These energies then assist in the sealing of the senses.
Formula Six: Four Forces Protection
This formula stops the draining of the essence and harmonizes the four forces. When all the four essences are not draining out, sexual essence/ water, spirit/fire, eternal soul/wood, and the corporeal soul/metal all will gather at the earth—the tip of the nose.
When there is no desire in the heart, fire is not activated, the green dragon in the liver will sound, the red pheasant will close its wings, and the sexual essence stays and gathers. Wood burns to become fire, and thus gives birth to the heart energy. The white tiger (lung) gives energy to the water (kidney), which is the life essence of the body. If we do not drain out the life essence the white tiger will sound, the wind will start to move. The tortoise will stay dormant, the sexual essence will be conserved and stay in. When the sexual essence and the chi stay in us, the metal, wood, water, and fire forces will harmonize together and not leak to the earth. So the sexual essence, spirit, and eternal soul will gather in the good intention (see fig. 5.35 below).
Fig. 5.35. Begin to seal the five senses.
1. Repeat the practice for building the aura found see here.
2. Send out the pearl to connect with the Big Dipper (fig. 5.36).
3. Bring the Big Dipper down and connect it to the left and right temples, the left and right mastoid, the chin, the base of the skull, and the crown.
4. Bring the North Star into the Crystal Room.
5. See the Big Dipper full of violet light; that light is now pouring into your crown.
Fig. 5.36. The pearl connecting to the Big Dipper
6. Draw the sun down to the left eye to collect the fire energy.
7. Draw the moon down to the right eye to collect the water energy.
8. Bring the fire to the bridge of the nose.
9. Bring the water to the mid-eyebrow.
10. Draw the fire and water together and begin the coupling.
11. Simmer slowly and send the steam up to the third eye.
12. Draw the fire energy up from the left kidney to the left ear collection point.
13. Draw the sexual energy up from the sexual organs and the right kidney to the right ear collection point.
14. Draw the fire and water into the Crystal Room and begin the coupling. The steam produced here will become the fire for the next coupling.
15. Bring the sexual energy up to the pineal gland and allow it to drip down to the mouth. Mix it with saliva and fill the mouth with sexual energy.
16. Draw the fire energy down from the Crystal Room to the upper lip.
17. Draw the water energy up from the mouth to the bridge of the nose.
18. Couple at the tip of the nose.
19. Be aware of the ears. Feel the blue energy turning into the tortoise in each ear to seal and protect the ears (fig. 5.37).
Fig. 5.37. Sealing the senses
20. Be aware of the nose. Feel the white energy turning into the white tiger in the nose to seal and protect the nose.
21. Be aware of the eyes. Feel the green energy turning into the green dragon in the eyes to seal and protect the eyes.
22. Be aware of the tongue. Feel the red energy turning into the red pheasant at the tongue and in the mouth to seal and protect them.
23. Draw the green wood energy of the eyes down to the tongue (fire) and combine the two to create one fire energy. Send the fire to the Crystal Room.
24. Draw the white metal energy from the nose over to the ears (water) and combine the two to create one water energy. Send the water to the Crystal Room.
25. Start the coupling in the Crystal Room.
26. Slowly simmer for a long time.
27. Empty your mind into the lower tan tien anytime thoughts arise. Feel the stillness of your senses. Feel how they are sealed.
28. Slowly let the fire cool down; then gather the energy in the lower tan tien.
Formula Seven: Energy Body and Planet Protection
Fig. 5.38. The planets connect to the organs and help to seal the senses.
Formula Eight: Big Dipper Cauldron
1. Do Bellows Breathing; then connect with the lower tan tien.
2. Build the aura:
3. Send out the pearl to connect to your own personal star and to attract the Big Dipper. Look for the light (fig. 5.39).
Fig. 5.39. Connecting to the Big Dipper and North Star
4. Draw in the Big Dipper and connect it to the cranial bones (left and right temples, left and right mastoid, chin, base of the skull, and the crown). Bring the North Star to the Crystal Room.
5. See the Big Dipper pouring violet light down into your crown and through your whole body. Wash your body in the violet light and especially the marrow.
6. Feel your body so full of violet light it starts to overflow and create an aura around your whole body (fig. 5.40).
Fig. 5.40. Violet light and aura
7. Be aware of the coupling at the mid-eyebrow, Crystal Room, and the tip of the nose. Give yourself plenty of time to feel the suction in each place.
8. Now expand your mind outward to the constellations. Feel the connection of the constellations to your organs and to the elements as follows (see fig. 5.41):
Fig. 5.41. Connecting the organs to the constellations
9. Combine the southern constellations (fire) and the eastern constellations (wood) to create one fire energy.
10. Combine the northern constellations (water) and the western constellations (metal) to create one water energy.
11. Couple the two at the Crystal Room.
12. Feel your aura as another layer of your skin. Feel it move in and out with each breath. Take in the refined energies from the constellations.
13. Let the fire cool, then gather the energy at the lower tan tien.
Formula Nine: Four Constellations
1. Clean the Thrusting Channels.
2. Turn the wheel.
3. Create the auras.
4. Send a pearl out to connect with the Big Dipper.
5. Connect with the Big Dipper at the left and right mastoids, left and right temples, base of the skull, chin, and crown. Feel the Dipper pouring violet light into your crown and washing your whole body.
6. Create the three cauldrons in the head (bridge of the nose, Crystal Room, tip of the nose).
7. Feel your aura as an extra layer of skin. Feel it move in and out with each breath. Feel your breath drawing in chi through your skin to your whole body.
8. Be aware of the planets and animals protecting and sealing your senses.
9. Shoot your energy body out through the crown and make yourself very large (see fig. 5.42 below).
10. Connect with the constellations as follows:
Fig. 5.42. Shooting out the energy body
11. Combine the eastern and southern constellations (wood and fire) to create one fire energy.
12. Combine the western and northern constellations (metal and water) to create one water energy.
13. Start the coupling and feel the vast amounts of energy.
14. Beam the energy down to your Crystal Room and to your heart. See the rainbow beams radiating out from your heart to the rest of the body wherever they are needed.
15. Bring your awareness to the lower tan tien and start the coupling there.
16. Bring the energy from above into the lower tan tien and use it to heal any part of the body or mind that is in need.
17. Slowly allow the fire to cool; then gather the energy in the lower tan tien.