The Taino people arrive on the island they call Quisqueya after a centuries-long canoe-borne migration up the Caribbean archipelago from the Orinoco Delta in South America. A peaceful village-based society of fishermen and farmers, they worship gods of nature and the afterlife.
The Genoese explorer sets foot on Quisqueya, which he believes to be near China, and renames it Hispaniola. The discovery heralds the advent of Spanish colonialism as well as the rapid extermination of the Tainos. The city of Santo Domingo is founded in 1498.
The golden age of the Spanish colony ends when the English privateer loots and vandalizes his way through its main town. By now, English, French, and Dutch pirates are a constant threat to Hispaniola and other Spanish colonies (for further details see Drake’s Destruction).
After many years of growing French presence in the west of the island, an agreement divides Hispaniola between French Saint Domingue and Spanish Santo Domingo. The French create a huge prosperous colony, based on slavery and sugar, while the under-populated Spanish side languishes, dominated by large ranches and the Church.
Following 13 years of revolution and civil war, an army of former slaves drives out Napoleon’s troops from Saint Domingue, declaring Haitian independence. The Spanish colony is invaded and reinvaded, but is returned to Spanish rule in 1809. Several Haitian invasions end with the occupation of Spanish Santo Domingo in February 1822.
Led by Juan Pablo Duarte, a group of nationalists stage a revolt against the 22-year-old Haitian occupation, declaring a separate, independent Dominican Republic. The Haitians are driven out after wealthy Dominican landowners recruit a peasant army. Duarte is quickly sidelined as regional caudillos (strongmen) struggle for political control.
The Marines land in Santo Domingo to impose peace and “restore order” in a country wracked by infighting. The US presence brings foreign investment in the sugar industry and throws peasants off their land. The occupation also creates a National Police Force, from which emerges the dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, “the Benefactor”.
Thirty years of brutal dictatorship come to an end when Trujillo is gunned down in Santo Domingo. Trujillo had become enormously rich and all-powerful, imprisoning, exiling, and murdering his opponents. He even had the capital renamed Ciudad Trujillo in his honor. His death signals a gradual move towards democracy.
The first steps in creating a tourism industry take place with the building of hotels on the North Coast. Over the next three decades the country shrugs off its reliance on sugar and becomes a major player in Caribbean tourism.
A sorry record of voting fraud ends with the country’s first free and fair elections. After 30 years of dominating politics, Trujillo’s former puppet president, Joaquín Balaguer, is forced to retire at the age of 89, allowing Leonel Fernández to win.