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Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) 5, 75, 152, 392; Conference of 36
Aall, Hans 533
Abd al-Hafid, Sultan of Morocco 692, 699
Abd el-Kader al-Dzejairi 636
Abdülaziz, Ottoman Sultan 237, 673, 674
Abdülhamid II, Ottoman Sultan 237, 439, 474, 674, 675–7, 688–90
Abel, Karl von 183
Aberdeen, Music Hall 528
Ablis 264
Åbo (Turku, Finland) 444
absinthe 512
absolutism: in Austria-Hungary 241, 246, 254, 586; and carbonari 39; in Denmark 199; in Europe 159, 219; in France 593; in Portugal 73; in Spain 37; see also Russia
Abu Simbel 627
Abyssinia 591, 649, 652–3, 655
A.C. Milan (earlier Milan Cricket and Foot-Ball Club) 513
accident insurance 551–2
Ackerman, Convention of 58
Acropolis (Greek newspaper) 462
Acton, Lord (John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton) xvii, 464, 499
Acton, Dr William 413
Acts of Union (Ireland) 184
Adana 689
Adler, Victor 517
administration, local 282
Adowa, Battle of 652
Adrianople (Edirne, Odrin) 675, 695, 696
AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft) 302–3
Aegean Sea 53, 54, 675, 677, 693
Aestheticism 532
Afghanistan 400, 638, 677, 683
Africa: art 534; cotton sales by Britain to 133, 300; as Dark Continent 681; diamond mines 648; Disraeli and 683; empires of xvi, 18, 629–39, 662; exploration of 631; German protectorates in 646–7; Germany and 654–7; imports 283; medical care in 682; nationalist movements 633; Ottoman Empire and 53; and slave trade 635; sub-Saharan 637; trade with 637; weaker states in 19; see also ‘Scramble for Africa’; South-West Africa; West Africa
Agadir Crisis 692
Agnelli, Giovanni 381–2
agricultural machinery 282–3, 337
agriculture: agrarian reforms 50, 95, 96, 107, 108; in Britain 95, 113, 115, 306; crisis of 1870s 339, 348; in Europe 115–17, 122–4, 282–4; fertilizers 116, 284, 301; improvement in 354; in Italy 100, 112; in Russia 87, 89–90,
95, 97–8, 102–4, 284–5; working conditions and hours 337–8, see also crops; famine; farming, farmers; serfdom; sharecroppers
Ahlwardt, Hermann 570
aircraft xix, 387–8; cross-Channel flights 515; mechanized flight 386–8
airships 387
Aisne, river 149
Aksakov, Konstantin Sergeyevich 489
Aksakov family 368
Alaska 641
Albania: in Balkan Wars 693–4, 697; criminality in 345; Great Council 224; independence 695, 697–8; Islam in 474, 678, 693; Kanun Leke 344; and Montenegro 678, 692, 697; and Ottoman Empire 53; and railways 152; Tanzimat and 223–4; taxation in 223; uprising (1843) 224; uprising (1910) 692
Albanians, in Macedonia 688, 693
Albéniz, Isaac: España 528; Iberia 528
Albert, Prince Consort 252, 293, 399, 405, 425, 503
Albert, Marcelin 570–71
Albert the Worker 200
Albertus Magnus 473
Albrecht, Archduke, Duke of Teschen 255
alcohol consumption 511–13, 517, 518; banned in music-halls 518
alcoholism 397, 431, 439, 512, 625
Aleppo 209
Alexander, R. S., Europe’s Uncertain Path xvi
Alexander I, Tsar of Russia: and carbonari 40; character and personality 22; death 43, 45; and Decembrists 47; on German universities 496; and Holy Alliance 22; and immigrant Germans 8; and Kapodistrias 60; Kotzebue and 34; and Metternich 44; and Napoleonic reforms 49; and Ottoman Empire 54, 57; and poor relief 118; and Razumovsky ball 20; religious beliefs 459; as road traveller 149; and Speransky 18–19
Alexander II, Tsar of Russia: and abolition of serfdom 94, 96; assassination 350, 475, 611–12, 614; and Bosnia 674; and Crimean War 236, 237–8; and Jews 615; and Lutherans 461; and Ottoman Empire 674; reforms 237–8, 246, 278, 496, 610, 611, 614, 671; and Serbia 673–4
Alexander III, Tsar of Russia 404, 491, 502, 614–15
Alexander Obrenović, King of Serbia 691
Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia (earlier Princess Charlotte of Prussia) 46–7, 620
Alexandria 627
Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Prince, Domnitor of Romania 679
Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich 620
Alfa Romeo 381
Algeçiras, Treaty of 700
Algeria: army 645; France declares war on 64; French annexation of 635–7; as French colony 350, 664; insurgents deported to 201, 218; Jews in 636
Ali III, Bey of Tunis 645
Ali Pasha, Tepedelenli 53, 55, 474
Alibeaud, Louis 67
Allies (coalition forces against Napoleon) 3, 12, 14
Alma, Battle of the 234
Almanach de Gotha 279
Alpine Club 365
Alps 303, 304, 305, 359, 364, 365, 368; crossed by balloon 386
Alsace-Lorraine 265, 383, 645, 646, 698
Amadeo I, King of Spain 108
Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Machinists, Millwrights and Patternmakers 163, 227
ambulances, horse-drawn 182
America, United Sates of:, see United States of America
Americanization (as term) 623
Amhara 652
amnesties 66, 87, 110, 180, 194, 217, 241, 246, 357, 438
Amour sacré de la patrie 70
Amsterdam 119, 136, 561; Concertgebouw 528
Amundsen, Roald 633–4
Amur (province) 641
Amur, river 377
Anacapri 530
anaesthetics 418–20, 421; addiction to 418
anarchism xx, 108, 175, 176, 266, 561–3, 570, 614
anatomy schools 422
Andalusia 129
Anderegg, Melchior 365
Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett 506, 541
Andrássy, Count Gyula 259
Andrian-Werburg, Viktor Baron von 181
Angell, Norman, The Great Illusion 688
Angiolillo, Michele 563
Anglo-Belgian India Rubber Company 663
Anglo-Burmese War (third) 668
Anglo-Catholicism 457
Anglo-Japanese Alliance 651–2
Anglo-Ottoman Convention (1838) 133
Angra Pequena, south-west Africa 646
animals: bullfighting 362–3; in city streets 309; and cruel sports 442; extinction of 364; wild 355–6, 358–64; see also bears, foxes, horses, hunting, lion-taming, lynx, sheep and cattle
Annales School xiii
Annam 649
anti-Bolshevism 277
anti-feminism 330, 538-9, 541, 543-4
Anti-Slavery Conference (Brussels, 1889) 662
anti-war rallies 714
anticlericalism 422, 458, 464–6, 468–9, 594, 597
antisemitism: among Christians 478; in Austria 479, 501, 585; and conspiracy theory 347, 480, 597–8; Dickens and 480; in France 596–7; in Germany 330, 478–9, 499, 554, 570; ‘Hep-Hep’ movement 10, 46; in Poland 347; priests and 475; racialized 686; riots 10, 46; in Russia 401, 480, 620, 711, see also Jews
Anton, King of Saxony 96
Anzin 164
Apis, Colonel (Dragutin Dimitrijević) 691, 693, 705–6
Appenzell 8
Applegarth, Robert 549
apprenticeships 158–9, 162, 166, 353
Arabian Nights 630
Arabs 628, 633, 636–7, 647, 657, 692
Aragon 107
archaeology 630
architecture 453–4
Arconati-Visconti, Marchioness 320
Ardennes 473
Arenberg and Croy, Engelbert, Duke of 287
Argentina 16, 350, 351; Jews in 475
Argyll, George Campbell, 8th Duke of 408
aristocracy 20, 37, 38, 84, 166, 210; as class 291, 353; decline of 278–82, 567; French 636; in Poland 526; social life of 289–90, see also landowners (seigneurs), nobility
Arlidge, John Thomas 141
Armenians: in Anatolia 689; massacres of 689, 715
arms and warfare methods 548, 625, 653–4, 674, 690; modern 688, 690, 697, 702–3, see also guerrilla warfare
Armstrong-Whitworth 299
army officers 12, 20, 37, 42–3, 50, 52, 83, 179, 221, 278, 319, 320, 340, 480, 556, 569, 690, 691
Arndt, Ernst Moritz 33; What is the German’s Fatherland 195
Arnim, Bettina von, This Book Belongs to the King 166
Arnold, Thomas 492–3
Arnoldi, Bishop Wilhelm 455
Arrow locomotive 155
arson 373
art: in Biedermeier period 444–7, 447, 449–50; in Britain 521; Classical tradition 451; Cubism 533; depiction of nature 356; depiction of time 395; Expressionism 532; Fauvists 532; in France 520–22; Futurism 533; in Germany 527; in Italy 526; landscape painting 526, 532; modernism xx; portraits 523; Realist 520–22, 526, 530; representational xix; Romantic 449–50, 451; in Russia 522, 526
art and antiquities, looting of 626–30
Art Nouveau (Jugendstil) 531
Arthur, George 659
artisans 75, 78, 83, 187, 200, 220, 305, 326, 348
Arts and Crafts movement 533–4
Aschaffenburg, Gustav 439
Ashanti 662
Ashley, Lord see Shaftesbury
Ashton-under-Lyne 154
Asia: British exports to 133; central 641; cholera in 400-1; colonization xv, 352, 649; exploration 634; Islam in 18; medical care in 682; rubber production 663; Russian domination in 22, 352, 528, 624, 640-1, 677, 699; trade in 352
Askja, volcanic eruption 371
Asquith, Herbert Henry 281, 538, 539, 579–80, 582, 708, 713
assassinations 242, 350, 475, 603–4, 611–12, 614, 616, 679, 704–7, 715
Asseiceira, Battle of 73
Assiniboia, Manitoba 658
associations, clubs and societies 319–20, 513; art 534; cycling 383; educational 270; feminist 268-9; men’s 501; reading 516; trade 300
Astrakhan 150
astronomy 388–9
Asturias 350; coalfields 334, 339, 377
Athens 61, 690; Parthenon 629–30; religious riots 462; Temple of Zeus 462
atrocities: against Armenians 689; in Balkan Wars 697; colonial 575, 664, 687
Attila the Hun 651
Auber, Daniel, La muette de Portici 70, 81–2
Aude department, France 510
audio reproduction 443
Auer, Ignaz 556
Auersperg, Prince Adolf von 584
Auerstedt, Battle of 23
Austin, Herbert 382
Austin, Sarah 488
Australasia, medical care in 682
Australia: Aborigines, killings of 658–9; Border Police Force 659; colonization 19; emigration to 351; European population 639; exploration of 630, 634; Irish emigrants to 347; racist references to 683; self-administration 658; sugar plantations 640; transportation of convicts to 435–6, 659; strange taste for Vegemite 301
Austria: and action against revolution 77; agriculture in 100, 101; antisemitism in 479; army 241, 242, 246; art associations 534; attack on Venice 217; Austrian Engineers’ Association 323; in battle of Sadowa 254–7; Bismarck and 261; and carbonari 75; Catholic Church in 213; Christian Social Party 466; Concordat with Pius IX 240, 466; and Congress of Vienna 23; and Crimean War 239, 241, 254; exile in 54, 65; exports from 305; franchise 600; and Galician uprising 187; Garibaldi and 221; and German Confederation 33, 250; and Holstein 253; and Holy Alliance 22–3; horse-railway 151; industrial companies 287; invasion of Budapest 205–6, 207–8; and Italian unification 178, 222, 240–43, 583; judicial power 99; legislature 37, 622; literacy in 481; literature 447; local councils 99; and Lombardy 40; and Macedonia 688; and Napoleon 3, 180; and Netherlands 194; Nicholas I and 51; and Pius IX 216; and Poland 249, 495–6, 572; police 240, 294; and Polish uprising 52; public executions in 432; and Quadruple Alliance 36; railways 240; Reichsrat 240, 583, 585; relations between Church and state 466; Royal and Imperial Steamboat Company 150; and Schleswig-Holstein 199; serfdom in 88, 93–4; Social Democratic Party of Austria 557; socialism in 567; steamships 150; and tariff barriers 145, 240; telegraph system 157; textile production 134, 297; and Treaty of Berlin 677; and Treaty of San Stefano 675; troops 14; universal male suffrage 568, 570; and uprisings in Italy 40–41; urban life 113; vigilante justice 343; in Wars of Italian Unification 27; and women in politics 269; women’s socialist movement 566; women’s suffrage movement in 566, see also Austria-Hungary; Habsburg Empire
Austria-Hungary: absolutism in 241, 246, 254, 586; annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina 692, 693, 705, 709; and Balkan Wars 697, 698; birth rates 408, 409; ‘Black Friday’ 584; and Bosnia 88; Christian Social Party 585; and coal industry 147; curiae 583–4, 585; Czech Realists 585; death rates 404; declaration of war on Serbia 707; decline in population
404; diets 583; as Dual Monarchy 259, 260, 572, 582, 583, 586, 609; emigration from 349–50; fall of empire 715; franchise 582, 584, 585; and franchise 582–5; industry 297; Jews in 475, 476; national minorities 572, 585, 609; nationalism in 582, 584; nationalization of masses 582–8; Old Ruthenes 585; Polish Populists 585; population 409; railways 377; returnees to 348; rural poverty 297; Russia and 233; seeks support from Germany 713; and Serbia 691–2, 713; and Slav nationalism 687; Slovene Clericals 585; Social Democrats 585; socialism in 582, 585; stability of borders after 1870 266; standardization of time 391; and tariff barriers 285; traffic regulation 314; treaty with Romania 681; and Triple Alliance 698; ultimatum to Serbia 706–7, 710; war party 705, see also Austria; Habsburg Empire
Austrian Succession, War of 26, 28
Austro-Hungarian Compromise (Ausgleich) (1867) 260, 459, 582, 586
Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy see Austria-Hungary
Austro-Italian War 558
Austro-Prussian War 254–7, 465, 671
Austro-Russian Treaty (1846) 187
avalanches 369
Avé-Lallemant, Friedrich Christian Benedikt 340–41
Aveling, Thomas 282–3
L’Avenir du Cantal 514
Axelrod, Pavel Borisovich 613–14
Ayrshire 301
Azerbaijan 311
Babeuf, François-Noël 75
Bach, Johann Sebastian, St Matthew Passion 453
Bach Society 454
Bács (Bač, Batsch) 6
bacteriology 422
Bad Ems 261
Baden, Grand Duchy of: abolition of serfdom in 88; Bavarian claim on 36; constitution 190; crop failure 6; declared republic 212; emigration from 8, 212; influence of 605; liberalism in 76; railways 152, 153; serfdom in 97; social protest in 164; and tariff barriers 145; universities 506; urban improvement 316
Baden-Baden 289
badger-baiting 361–2
Baedeker guidebooks 317, 358, 385, 489
Bagehot, Walter, The English Constitution 227
Baghdad, railway to 688
bagnes 437
Bahia, Brazil 267
Baielesti 105
Bain, Alexander 390
Bainbridge’s (department store), Newcastle 328
Baker, Samuel and Florence 631
Baku 311
Bakunin, Mikhail 176–7, 210–11, 219, 225, 272–3, 353, 553, 562, 563, 611, 612, 613
Balaklava, Battle of 234
Balance of Power, principle of 27
Balearic Islands 8
Balfour, Arthur 281, 408, 579, 581
Balfour, Lady Frances 408
Balkan Mountains 365
Balkan Wars 688–98
Balkans 8, 127, 231, 304, 344, 583; blood feuds in 344; Britain and 713; bubonic plague in 8, 127; Christianity in 671, 673, 678, 689; cotton goods exported to 304; divided between Austria and Russia 677–8; ethnic violence in 715; expansion of nation states in 624; famine in 671; Greek Orthodox Church in 462; imperialism in 697; Islam in 474, 689; nationalism in 583, 673–81; Ottoman Empire and 231; stability of borders after 1870 266; see also Albania; Bulgaria; Bosnia; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Croatia; Kosovo; Macedonia; Romania; Serbia
Balla, Giacomo, Abstract Speed and Sound 533
ballet 535–6
Ballets Russes 535
balloons: dirigible 387; gas and hot-air 386–7; military uses 386–7
ballots, secret 184, 227, 281, 568, 576, 598
Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire 363
Baltic Sea 150
Baltic States: agriculture in 100; famine in 128–9; Germans in 631; literati in 275, 276, 610; Moravian Church in 458; nobility and peasantry in 99, 275–8, 288, 353; Russian troops in 212; Russification 278; Union of Welfare and 43
Balzac, Honoré de 186; Les Chouans 522; Colonel Chabert 308; La Condition humaine 522; Les Paysans 167–8; La Peau de chagrin 522
banditry and brigandage 1, 53, 57, 59, 80, 108, 109–11, 356, 358, 439, 440, 649
bankers, banking xx, 31, 230, 241, 284, 287, 296, 298, 304, 318, 319, 320, 327, 353, 675
Bankes, Sir William 628
baracas 520
Barcelona 223, 377, 564; Els Quatre Gats 517; Ramblas 520
Bari 8
Baroja, Pio 411
barricades 51, 65, 67, 70, 82, 188, 189, 192, 193, 195, 201, 205, 206,-7, 210-12, 214, 218, 220, 223, 268, 271-2, 312
Barry, Charles 453
Barry, Dr James 506
Bartók, Béla 534
Basel 370; missionary societies in 469; patrician elite 318
BASF (Baden Anilin and Soda Factory) 301, 302
Bassi, Ugo 216
bastinado 435
Bat’a, Tomáš 297–8
Bathurst, Australia 658
Battenberg, Alexander von 317, 678
Batthyáni, Count Lajos 191–2, 205, 207
Batum 677
Baudelaire, Charles 531
Baudrillart, Henri 376
Bauer, Caroline 72
Bauer, Otto, The Nationality Question and Social Democracy 557–8
Bäumer, Gertrud 543
Bauters family 138–9
Bauwens, Liévin 143
Bavaria: abolition of serfdom 88; court of 223; guilds 160; industrial growth 147; influence of 605; liberalism in 76, 183; Mistwagenstellen 343; National Liberals in 260; Patriot Party government 261; Peasant Leagues
570; poverty in 118–19; railways 151; secularization in 462
Bavarian Palatinate 212
Bayly, Chris, The Birth of the Modern World xvi
Bayreuth 478
Bazalgette, Joseph 310
The Beagle 471
beards and moustaches 501–3, 504
Beardsley, Aubrey 416
bears: bear-baiting 361; in Hungary 355; hunting 359–60; teddy bears 360
Beaumont, Gustave de, On the Penitentiary System in the United States and its Application in France (with Tocqueville) 436
Beaune-la-Rolande, Battle of 264
Bebel, August 478, 554; Woman and Socialism 565
Beccaria, Cesare 434
Bečej (Óbecse) 204
Béchamp, Antoine 301
Bedford, Duke of 282
Beethoven, Ludwig van 448, 450, 501; Diabelli Variations 450; Hammerklavier Sonata 449; Ninth Symphony 450, 529; Opus 111 Sonata 450
Begelly, Pembrokeshire 141
Beijing: Legation Quarter 650; Macartney expedition to 18; siege of 650–51; Summer Palace 640
Beirut 693
Belfort 32
Belgian Congo see Congo Free State
Belgium: canals 152; and Chinese treaty ports 650; coal and iron production 142, 147; and Congo 662–4; Congolese exhibitions 643; Constitution (1831) 569, 681; Constitution (1893) 569; crop failure 123–4, 125; education 466, 569; franchise 569; Geographical Society 633; German ultimatum to 713; independence and National Congress 71; industrial production 132, 301; invasion by Netherlands 72; and Jews 476; languages in 488, 621; legislation on capital punishment 434; literacy in 481; monarchists 108; mortality in 125; nuns and monks in 468; population 569; population growth 123; potato cultivation 123, 124; poverty relief measures 124; railways 151, 152, 156; reforms in 79; relations between Church and State 466; Revolution 70–73, 81, 82; ‘school war’ 466; standardization of time 391; textile production 136–7; traffic regulation 314; universal male suffrage in 621; urban life 113; and west Africa 644
Belinsky, Vissarion 176
The Bell 611
Bell, Alexander Graham 392
Bell, Clive 532
Belleyme, Louis-Marie de 440
Bellini, Vincenzo, Norma 527
Bely, Andrei 531
Belzoni, Giovanni Battista 626–9, 630
Bem, Józef (later Murat Pasha) 209
Benckendorff, Count Alexander von 47–8
Benedek, Ludwig von 254–6
Benedetti, Count Vincent 261
Benevento 563
Bennett, James Gordon Jr. 632
Bennigsen, Rudolf von 603
Bentley, Richard, ‘Railway Library’ 515
Benz, Karl 381
Berbers 636
Berchtold, Count Leopold 517
Beresford, William Beresford, 1st Viscount 42
Bering Strait 641
Berlin: Alexanderplatz 328; Altes Museum 316; average annual income 338; baptisms in 468; building programme 316; central institutions in 603; clergy in 467; Congress of (1878) 677, 678, 683, 688, 692; crime rates 345; demonstrations in 196, 201; food adulteration 333; Free Trade Association 146; funeral of Liebknecht 404; Grand Hôtel de Rome 385; guilds 160, 161; Jews in 477; literacy in 481; missionary societies in 469; ‘mysteries’ of 167; Neue Wache 316; newspapers in 515; population growth 307; Prussian National Monument for the Liberation Wars 316; registered prostitutes 411; Royal Museum (later Altes Museum) 453; S-Bahn 316; Schutzmannschaft 441; Steglitz district 427; street cleaning 309; Technical Institute 146; Tingeltangel 516–17; Treaty of 677, 678, 692; University 33, 175, 176, 177, 325, 424–5, 495, 556; Unter den Linden 603; Wintergarten Theatre 519
Berlin Conference (1884-85) 647, 654
Berliner, Emile 518
Berlioz, Hector 448, 449; The Corsair 449; Harold in Italy 449; Rob Roy 452; Symphonie Fantastique 449; Waverley 452
Bern 335; conferences on railway regulations 379; University 506
Bernadette, St (Bernadette Soubirous) 455
Bernhardi, Friedrich von 686
Bernstein, Eduard 555–6
Berry, Charles Ferdinand, Duc de 31
Bertalia 403
Bessarabia 25, 94, 677; southern 236
Bessemer, Henry 295
Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von 607–8, 609, 686, 700, 706, 708, 711, 711–12
Beuth, Peter 145
Bialystok 135
Bibescu, Gheorghe 203
Bible: as bestseller 423; and creation of world 394; depicted in art 522; and Methodism 457; and modern critical methods 464; and Moravian church 453; and science 443, 472; Slavonic text 459, 466
bicycles 383–4; and female emancipation 384; racing 383
Biedermeier period 444–7, 449–50; furniture 447
Bielefeld 711
Bihar, Hungary 587
biplane 388
Bird, Isabella 631–2
Birkbeck, George 485
Birmingham 241, 312; water supply 317
birth rates xiii, 127, 408, 409, 418, 443, 687; illegitimate births 411
bisexuality 417
Bismarck, Otto von 251–3; alliances orchestrated by 698–9; anarchists and 564; and assassination attempts on Kaiser
603–4; and Austria 677; and Balkan Wars 698; on bureaucracy 36; and capital punishment 434; and colonialism 645, 649, 661; and East Africa Company 647; election campaign (1887) 606; as Federal Chancellor of North German Federation 259; foreign policy 713; and Franco-Prussian War 260–61, 263; and Friedrich III 606; on German army 606; and German unification 401, 499, 682; on guilds 159; Indemnity Bill 257; and Jews 477; and Kulturkampf 465–6, 602, 603; measures taken against Catholic Church 465, 602; moustache of 501; and nationalism 229; on politics and statesmanship 251; posts held 605; proclamation of German Empire 265; as Prussian Minister-President and Foreign Minister 252; and Reichstag 259; and report on food adulteration 333; resignation 607, 608, 698–9; and Schleswig-Holstein 253; and shipbuilding in Hamburg 296; and Social Democratic Party 465; and socialism 554, 644; and tariff barriers 285, 603; and territories overseas 646–7; and Triple Alliance 677; and universal male suffrage 601, 607; and Vatican 465; and Virchow 400; welfare measures 551, 552, see also German Confederation
Bismarck Archipelago 649
bitonality 535
Bizet, Georges, Carmen 336, 526
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne 508
Black Forest 365
‘Black Hand’ group 693, 696, 705, 706
Black Sea 150, 179, 231, 236, 285, 317, 396, 482, 671
Blackburn Olympic football club 513
Blackfeet ‘Indians’ 658
Blanc, Louis 200, 201; The Organization of Labour 173
Blanchard, Sophie 386
‘Blanketeers’, March of the 9
Blanning, Tim xiii, xviii; The Pursuit of Glory: Europe 1648–1815 xix, xx
Blanqui, Jérôme-Adolphe 139, 368
Blatch, Harriet Stanton 538
Der Blaue Reiter (group of artists) 532
Bleichröder, Gerson von 477
Blériot, Louis 388
Bloch, Jan, Modern Weapons and Modern War 702–3
Blohm and Voss shipbuilding yards 296
Blok, Alexander Alexandrovich 531
blood feuds 344–5
blood poisoning 421
Blood River, Battle of (1838) 660
Bloomer, Amelia 503
bloomers (divided skirts) 503
Blücher, Leberecht von 12, 14, 629
Blum, Robert 207
Bochum 333
Bode, Wilhelm 76
Boer Wars 607, 660–61, 683, 700
Bogrov, Dmitry Grigoriyevich 619
Bohemia: agriculture 100, 101, 122–3, 358; Diet 546, 584, 585; feminism in 545; and German unification 204; ignorance of Hungary in 355–6; industry 297; landowners in 282; machine-wrecking in 164; nationalism in 180, 204, 545–6; rural life in 526–7, 528; shoe industry 297–8; textile industry 135, 187; and unification of Germany 250; urban life 113; Women’s Suffrage Committee 545, see also Czechs
Bokhara 641
Bolívar, Simón 13, 16, 59, 169
Bologna 100, 112, 243, 563; University of 493
Bombay 666
bombing xix, 618, 688, 692 697
Bonald, Louis de 81
Bonaparte, Louis-Napoleon: see Napoleon III
Bonapartism 12, 30, 32, 66, 69, 230, 322, 594
Bonar Law, Andrew 581
Bonn: Endenich asylum 428; University 430
books: increase in production 523; new markets for 523; popular 515–16
Booth, Charles 341
Bordeaux 171
border controls 402
Borneo 631
Borodin, Alexander, Prince Igor 528
Borsig railway and engineering works 187
Bosnia: Alexander II and 674; bubonic plague in 8–9, 399; Muslims in 224, 474, 678; national identity 62, 224–5; and Ottoman Empire 53, 675, 677; peasant uprising 673; Serbian claims to 704; serfdom in 8; and Treaty of San Stefano 645
Bosnia-Herzegovina 691–2, 696; annexation by Austria-Hungary 692, 693, 705, 709
Bosphorus 235
Boston Tea Party 189
Bothnia, Gulf of 129
Bottomley, Horatio 708
Boulanger, Georges 595, 596, 598, 621, 703
Bourbonnais 473
Bourdin, Martial 393
bourgeoisie 307, 318–26; attitudes to sexuality 410; as elite 353–4; and feminism 547; in literature 523–4; as readers of fiction 523; and socialism 553, 555, 560, 562; support of war 714; values of 353–4; see also petty bourgeoisie
Bowdler, Henrietta 410
Bowdler, Thomas (ed.), The Family Shakespeare 410
Box Hill tunnel 154
Boy Scouts 683
Boys’ Own Paper 683
Bradford 559
Brahmaputra, river 630
Brahms, Johannes 274, 289, 502; Concerto for Violin 528–9; First Piano Concerto 530; First Symphony 529; A German Requiem 529
Branting, Hjalmar 558
Braque, Georges, Violin and Candlestick 533
Braşov 358
Brass, August, The Mysteries of Berlin 167
Brătianu, Ion 679
Braun, Otto 711
Brazil 16–17, 42, 73, 129, 179, 267, 351, 436; Army 267
Brazza, Pierre de 633
Bremer, Carl Fredrik 444
Bremer, Claes 446
Bremer, Fredrika 444–7, 511; and women’s rights 505; The H— Family 445; Hertha 446–7, 505;
Midnight Sun: A Pilgrimage 446; Morning Watches 469–70; The Neighbours: A Story of Everyday Life 446; The President’s Daughters 445
Bremerhaven 651
Brescia 8
Bresco, Gaetano 563
Breslau (Wrocław) 9
Briand, Aristide 599
bribery 227, 230, 508, 568, 589, 602, see also corruption
bridges 229
brigand wars 109–10
brigandage see banditry and brigandage
Bright, John 156
Brighton 191
Brisbane, Sir Thomas 658
Bristol 524; Bishop’s Palace 79
Britain 225–8; abolition of duties 228; Act of Parliament on Catholic Church 456; Act of Parliament on vehicle speed 382; Adulteration of Food Acts (1860 and 1872) 333; agricultural revolution 95, 115; and Albania 697–8; alcohol consumption in 511, 512, 513; Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners 549; Anatomy Act (1832) 120–21; Anglo-Japanese Alliance 651–2, 699; Anglo-Ottoman Convention (1838) 133; arms firms 299; Army 58, 234, 278, 558, 574, 594, 666; art in 521; Artisans’ Dwelling Act (1875) 574; and Australia 639; and Balkan Wars 713; Bank of England 184; Bar Council 321; beards in 502; and Belgian Revolution 71; birth rates 408, 409; ‘Bloody Code’ 433; Blue Books 184; Board Schools 574; Board of Trade 576; book market in 523; and Brazil 17; bribery in 227, 568; British abroad 489–90; British Association for the Advancement of Science 471–2; British Board of Film Censors 520; British Coal Mines Regulation Acts (1860 and 1872) 550; British Empire 635, 682–4; British Expeditionary Force 702; and Bulgarian revolt 673; and Burma 668; business elite 320; Cabinet 702; canals 150; capital punishment in 415, 433; and Carlist uprisings 108; Catholic Church in 184, 456, 456–7; Catholic Emancipation Act (1829) 476; census (1851) 523; changing attitudes to Germany 687; Charity Organization Society 552; Chartists 225–6; Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops 335; Church schools 483–4; Cinematograph Act (1909) 520; Civil Service 322, 574; class structure 331, 338; clerks 327; Coal Mines Act (1842) 145; coal production 140–43, 144–5, 147, 299, 300, 301, 550; Coercion Act (1875) 576, 577; Colney Hatch asylum 425; colonies 226, 267–8, 637–9, 652, 656–62; Combination Laws 162; Committee of Public Safety 45; Companies Act (1844) 184; and Congress of Vienna 23, 25; Conservative Central Office 574; Conservative Party 575, 577, 578–82, 682, see also Tories; conspiracy in 45–6; constitution 66, 220; Contagious Diseases Acts 541; Corn Laws 115, 125–6, 185, 227, 579; Corrupt and Illegal Practices Act (1883) 575–6; corruption in 227, 575–6; Cotton Mills and Factories Act (1819) 144; cotton production and export 133–4, 136, 300; in Crimean War 27, 234–7, 392, 682; Criminal Law Amendment Act (1885) 414, 415; cruel sports in 361–2; Cruelty to Animals Act (1835) 361; in Dark Ages 681; death rates 404; declares war on Germany (1914) 713; declares war on Russia (1854) 233; decline in crime related to urbanization 345; democracy in 582, 686; department stores 328, 329; domestic service 325; dominance of world trade and shipping 25; Ecclesiastical Commission 456; economic crisis (1840s) 225–6; education 327, 483, 492–3; Education Act (1870) 574; Education Act (1902) 484; and Egypt 646; elections 184, 227, 575, 577, 579, 680–81; electorate in 30, 185; and electrical industry 302; emigration of artisans 143; emigration from 349, 351; emigration to 347; Empire Day 643, 683; enclosure of common land 511; engineering 323; English Folk-Song Society 533; entente cordiale with France 699–700; Eton College 492; export ban 143; exports and imports 115, 294, 300; Fabian Society 558–9, 559; Factory Act (1833) 144; Factory Act (1844) 145; Factory Commissions 138; Factory Inspectorate 144; female domestic servants in 336; feminism in 537–41, 547; fog 374–5; food adulteration 333; Football Association 513; Foreign Office 700, 716; forests, lack of 365–7; franchise 568, 570, 572, 575, 576, 582; and Franco-Prussian War 260; Fulham Tradesmen’s Association 330; gardens 364; Garibaldi in 243, 245; General Board of Health 309; general elections 184, 575, 577, 579, 580–81; General Medical Council 322; gradualist reform 188, 226, 622; grain riots in 9; and Greece 56–7, 59, 223; and Hanover 252; Hanwell (Middlesex County Asylum) 425, 429; Highways Act (1882) 344; and Holy Alliance 22; Home Office 45; and Home Rule for Ireland 576–8, 581, 621–2; honours bestowed on colonial rulers 687; House of Commons 52, 79, 169, 184, 185, 227, 228, 280, 310, 314, 392, 538, 541, 559, 572, 577, 578, 581; House of Lords 79, 182, 228, 278, 280, 314, 476, 541, 577, 578, 580, 581, 600; house-building and town planning 552; housing 576; hygienic revolution 490; ignorance of Hungary 356; Imperial Preference 579; imperialism 624–5, 638, 682–4, 710; and improved communications 379–80; income tax 184; Independent Labour Party 559; and India 15, 18, 400, 637–9, 641, 661, 665–8; Indian Councils Act (1892) 669; industrial production 132, 187, 219, 292–5, 300–301, 305–6, 306; industrial workers 331; industrialization 686; infant mortality 331–2; inheritance tax 576; invasion of Portugal 107; Irish immigrants in 457; Irish Land Act (1870) 576, 577; Irish Party 581; and Irish Question 576–8, 581, 582; iron production 142; and Italian wars of independence 242; Jews in 475, 476, 480; Jews’ Relief Act (1858) 476; Kossuth in 209; labour exchanges 552; Labour Party 559,
579, 566, 582; Lake District 447; landowners in 280–81, 282, 289; Law Society 321; legal profession in 321; legal system 522; legislature 36–7; Liberal Party (formerly Whigs) 228, 541, 542, 552, 558, 559, 574, 575–82, 668; Liberal Unionists 577, 578, 662; liberalism in 183–5, 572–82; life expectancy 331–2, 404; literacy in 481; local councils 328; Local Education Authorities 484; Local Government Board Act (1871) 574; Mansion House Committee 125–6; Marine Society charity school 331; Married Women’s Property Act (1870) 574; Married Women’s Property Act (1882) 505, 574; match factories 335; Matrimonial Causes Act (1857) 507; Mechanics’ Institutes 423, 485–6; medical profession 322; mental institutions in 425, 429, 431; merchant shipping 296; Midlothian campaign 573, 575; military expansion 638; military organization, reforms in 237; Miners’ National Association 549; minimum wage for coalminers 582; monarchy 558; Municipal Corporations Act (1835) 184; music halls 516, 518; music in 528; Napoleon III in exile in 263; and Napoleonic Wars 3; national census (1851) 466; National Insurance 552; National Liberal Federation 574; national minorities 572; National Society for Women’s Suffrage 541; national speed limit 382; National Union of Conservative Associations 574; National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies 541; nations perceived as major enemies of 699, 710; naval power 19, 26, 72, 654, 700–701; and Netherlands 72; and New Zealand 639–40, 682; Newcastle Programme 578, 580; newspaper circulation 514; newspapers 514–15; and Nigeria 647; nobility 278–9, 280; Nonconformity in 457–8; Northcote-Trevelyan Report 322; occupation of Cyprus 677; and Opium Wars 640; and Ottoman Empire 57, 58; parishes 120–21; Parliament 120, 219, 267–8, 335, 456, 559; Parliamentary Reform Bill (1867) 228; pensions 552; People’s Budget 580–81; perceived decline of 623; philhellenism in 56–7; and Poland 249; Poor Laws 119–21, 124, 126, 183–4, 552; popular press 514–15; population 21, 352, 409; and Portuguese succession 73; Prisoners (Temporary Discharge for Ill-Health) Act (1913) 539; prostitution in 414; public executions in 432–3; Public Health Act (1872) 574; Public Health Act (1875) 575; Public Health Association 309; Public Libraries Act (1850) 515; public schools 492; and Quadruple Alliance 36; Radicals 572–3, 576, 577; radicals and reform 79–80; Railway Regulation Act (1844) 156; railway station clocks 391; railways 150–56; Realist fiction in 522, 523, 524; and reform 78–80; Reform Act (1832) 30, 79–80, 583; Reform Act (1867) 228, 483, 568, 682; Reform Act (1884) 571, 576, 577; reform synagogue in 476; relations with Germany 700–702; religion in 456–7; Religious Opinions Relief Act (1846) 476; Rivers Pollution Prevention Act (1876) 310; Royal Automobile Club 382; Royal Commission on the Prevention of the Pollution of Rivers 310; Royal Commissions 184, 237; Royal Institution 498; Royal Navy 267, 278, 294, 389, 580, 624, 635–6, 662, 700–701; and Russo-Japanese War 618; Russophobia in 52; Sandhurst military academy 331; and Schleswig-Holstein 199; School Boards 483; Second Land Act (1881) 576; secret ballot 568, 576; secularization in 466; and Serbian crisis 707–8, 710; shipping 293–4, 395; shops and shopkeepers 327–8; Six Acts (on reform) 78; ‘skimmington’ 343, 344; and slavery 266–8; Social Democratic Federation 558, 559; socialism in 558–9; socialist radicalism in 558; Society of Apothecaries 506; Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 361; Society for Promoting the Employment of Women 541; Society for the Suppression of Vice 456; stability of borders after 1870 266; standardization of time 391, 393; steel production 299; street cleaning 310; strikes 548, 581; supporters of Garibaldi 245; syphilis in 412; and tariff barriers 579; Tariff Reform ‘Whole Hoggers’ 579; taxation 228; tea-drinking in 513; and telegraph system 391; telephone service 392; textile industry in 132–4, 294; tools and machinery 115, 357; Tories 73, 184, 185, 227, 228, see also Conservative Party; ‘Tory Democracy’ 575; trade 293–5, 635; Trade Union (Protection of Funds) Act (1869) 574; trade unions 162–3, 549, 550, 559, 578, 579, 582; Trades Union Congress 549, 559; traffic regulation 314; Treasury 124; typhus in 8; Unionist Free Fooders 579; Unionists 581; United Synagogue 476; universities 305–6, 496, 497–8; urbanization 306, 345; vaccination in 399; view of Germany 488–9; vigilante justice 343; and War of 1812 25; water supply 310; Weights and Measures Act (1824) 376–7; welfare state 552, 582; West Midlands as ‘Black Country’ 374; Whigs 79, 183–4, 185, 226, 227, 228, 456, 499, 572, 573, 574, 576, 577, 578, 660; wife-sales in 509; workhouses 120–21; as world power 698, see also London
British Association for the Advancement of Science 423
British Cremation Society 407
British Guiana 267
British Ladies’ Society for Promoting the Reformation of Female Prisoners 437
British Medical Association 506
British South Africa Company 648
Brockhaus encyclopedia 161, 165
bronchitis 375
Brontë, Charlotte 293, 451; Jane Eyre 450–51
Brontë, Emily 451; Wuthering Heights 450
Bronté, Sicily 111
Broussais, François-Joseph-Victor 422
Brousse, Paul 560
Brown, Isaac Baker 430
Brown, John (arms firm) 299
Die Brücke (group of artists) 532
Bruckner, Anton, 529
Bruges 124
Brunei 661
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 294, 311
Brunner Mond company 301
Brunswick 76
Brussels 70, 152, 218, 241; Bon Marché 328; Master Patissiers 329–30; salons 320
Bryansk metallurgical factory 306
Bryant and May factory 335
Bucharest 54, 203, 631; Treaty of (1913) 696
Bucknill, John 431
Buda 148, 191, 192; Castle 208
Budapest: Academy of Fine Arts 316; Academy of Music 316; Andrássy Avenue 316, 329; Austrian army commander in 586; Austrian invasion 205–6, 207–8; building programme 316; factory hours and conditions 334–5, 335; Heroes’ Square 316; Jews in 475, 477, 479; Millennium Memorial Monument 316; Museum of Fine Arts 316; Opera House 316, 329; Palace of Art 316; Párisi department store 329; Parliament Building 453–4; police 442; ‘Red Thursday’ 548; Simon Holzer Fashion House 328; telephone service 392; Transylvanian Magyars in 202; underground railway 315; uniting of Buda and Pest 307; water supply 310, 311; zoo 361
Buddhism 226
Buddle, John 165
Budweis 151
Bugatti, Ettore 381
Bugeaud, Thomas-Robert 636
Buitoni 304
Bukovina 97, 240, 440; Jews in 475
Bulgaria: army 678, 697; in Balkan Wars 693–6; cholera in 401; Christianity in 462; and Congress of Berlin 677; earthquake 370–71; and Eastern Rumelia 678; Exarchate 462; Haiduks in 110; ID requirements 483; import tariffs 285; and IMRO 679; irredentists in 111; Islam in 474; Jews in 476; literary language in 487; logging 367; and Macedonia 688; National Theatre 495; nationalism 462; and Ottoman Empire 53, 317, 462; as Principality, later Kingdom 316–17; revolt (1876) 673, 681; Romanian emigration to 94; Serbian invasion 678; serfdom in 88; state bankruptcy 690; and Treaty of San Stefano 675; Turkish atrocities in 575; university 495
Bulgarians, in Macedonia 688
bullfighting 362–3
Bülow, Bernhard von 608–9, 624, 700
Bunyan, John, The Pilgrim’s Progress 423
Buonarroti, Filippo 75
Burckhardt, Jacob 155
Burdett, Sir Francis 78
bureaucracy 12, 15, 48, 238, 322
Burke, Edmund 81
Burke, Thomas Henry 577
Burke, William, and Hare, William 120–21
Burns, John 558
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Tarzan of the Apes 632
Burschenschaft movement 33, 34–5, 183
Burton, Sir Richard 630–31, 632; publications 630
bustles (on skirts) 504
Butler, Josephine 414, 541; Personal Reminiscences of a Great Crusade 414
Butlerov, Alexander Mikhaylovich 497
Byron, George Gordon, Lord 6, 56, 81, 226, 449, 451, 500
cabarets 516–17
Cabet, Étienne 174, 188; Voyage to Icaria 172
Cádiz 4
Caen, University of 494
cafés, literary and artistic 517
Cairo, Al Azhar mosque 18
California 350
Cambodia 649
Cambridge 326; Girton College 507; Natural Sciences Tripos 498; opposition to women students 384; Trinity College 513, 558; University of 456, 496, 498, 499, 574, 704
Cambridge Modern History xvii–xviii
Cambronne, Pierre 13
cameras 519
Cameroon 646, 647, 656, 657, 692
Camorra 442
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry 281, 579, 702
Camphausen, Gottfried 196
Canada 15, 25, 226, 347, 349, 350, 351, 657–8; Scottish settlers in 658
canals 10, 136, 140, 144, 145, 147, 149–50, 229, 323, 370; and decline of malaria 396
Canetti, Elias 482
Cannes 326
Canning, George 16
Canning, Stratford 58, 237, 438
canning industries 351
Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio 563
Canton 640
Cape Colony 648, 657, 658, 659–60, 660–61
Cape St Vincent 73
Cape Town 226
capital punishment 197, 203, 210, 215, 229, 415, 431–5; movement for abolition of 434
capitalism 189, 270, 334, 458, 553, 558, 567, 611, 621, 687; mature 644; organized 303
Capuana, Luigi 525
carbonari 39–40, 41, 43, 44, 56, 74, 75, 82, 173, 178, 180, 186, 213, 215, 241, 569
Carcassonne 454
Cardashian, Vahan 439
Cardigan e Lancastre, Adeline, Countess of (née de Horsey) 234
Cardigan, Elizabeth, Countess of 234
Cardigan, James Brudenell, 7th Earl of 234
Cardwell, Edward Cardwell, 1st Viscount 574
Carinthia 6
Carl II, Duke of Brunswick 76
Carlist Wars 107–8, 222, 223, 368
Carlo Alberto, regent (later King) of Sardinia 40, 179, 180, 181, 190, 192, 194, 214
Carlo Felice, King of Sardinia 40, 41
Carlos, Infante of Spain 107–8
Carlsbad Decrees 77
Carlyle, Thomas 155; The French Revolution 537; On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History 501
Carmaux mines, France 334
Carnot, Marie-François Sadi 562, 595
Carol I, King of Romania (earlier Prince Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen) 681–3
Carpathian Mountains 298, 316, 365
Carson, Sir Edward 581
Caruso, Enrico 519
Casement, Roger 664
Caserio, Sante Geronimo 562
Caspian Sea 150
Castellamare 190
Castelldosirus family 280
Castile 119
Castilian (language) 484
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount 22, 36
Çatalca, Battle of 695
Catalonia 107, 484; Captain-General of 42
Catania 345
Catherine II (the Great), Empress of Russia 314
Catholic Church: in Albania 695; in Austria 213; in Britain 184, 456, 456–7; in Brussels 70; Chateaubriand and 81; and colonial atrocities 687; courts 15; and cremation 407; criminalization of offences against 31; in Croatia 204; cults, visions and revelations 455–6; declared heretical by Orthodox synod 462; decline in secular power 454–5; in France 11, 29, 66, 216, 231, 245, 541; in Germany 455–6, 465–6, 602; in Hungary 181; in Ireland 223; in Italy 41, 463–4; land confiscated from 29, 37; and poverty 118, 119, 124; reduction of power of 14–15, 454–5; relations with State 271, 463–6; resurgence 462; schools 463; and setting of world times 393; and state control 39; in Switzerland 182; women and 541, see also Orthodox Church
Catholicism, as state religion in France 11, 29, 66
Cato Street conspiracy 45–6, 184
cattle farming 654–5
‘Caucasians’ 684
Caucasus 22, 43, 51, 352, 474, 671, 675, 689
Cavaignac, Louis-Eugène 200–201, 215
Cavendish, Lord Frederick 577
Cavour, Camillo Benso, Count of 180, 229, 239–40, 241, 242–3, 245, 589, 713
censorship: in Austria 191, 207, 240; in Baltic States 275; in Britain 78; in Europe 229, 411; in France 11, 64, 66, 186; in Germany 77; in Italy 38, 180–81, 215; in Poland 51; of press 31, 35, 515, 591; in Russia 48–9, 225, 238, 610, 620; in Spain 37
Central America 17
Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 16, 25, 226, 363, 631; taxation in 226
Cézanne, Paul 532
Chadwick, Edwin 309–11
Chaillu, Paul du, The Country of the Dwarfs 632
Chalakov, Atanas Mihaylov 462
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century 479, 686
Chamberlain, Joseph 574, 576, 577, 578, 579, 624, 662, 684
Chambers, Robert, Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation 471
Chambord, Henri, Comte de 593–4
Champollion, Jean-François 630
Channel Islands 218
Charcot, Jean-Martin 430
charivari 343
Charlemagne, Emperor 14
Charleroi 142
Charles X, King of France (earlier Comte d’Artois) 31, 63–5, 66, 69, 451, 635
Charlotte, Princess 71–2
Charlottenburg Institute 306
Chartists 184–5, 226, 227, 522, 558; national Convention in London 225; uprising 185; wearing of beards 502
Chateaubriand, François-René de 12, 30, 81
Chatsworth House, Derbyshire 282, 292
Chazal, André 170
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich 514; Muzhiki 373
Chelyabinsk 377
chemical industry 300, 301–2; see also individual companies
Chemnitz 518
Chenery, Thomas 235
Chernyshevsky, Nikolai Gavrilovich, What Is to Be Done? 611, 612, 617
Cheshire 133
Chianti 112
Chicago 624; high-rise buildings 385; international feminist congress 542; World’s Fair (1893) 353, 542, 622
children: communal upbringing of 171, 174; as economic burden 411; illegitimate 543; labour of 132, 138–9, 144–5, 411; prostitution of 414; women’s rights over 507
Chile 16
China: Boxer Rebellion 650–51, 700; Christians in 650; and European expansionism 650–52; focus on internal affairs 18; Great Wall 630; and Korea 650; and Manchuria 377; mandarinate 322; Napoleon and 13; nationalism in 650–51; opium trade 125; prevention of disease in 398; Przevalsky on 634; Qing Empire xvi, 18, 652; Republic declared 652; and Russian expansionism 640–41, 699; Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists (Boxers) 650–51; Taiping Rebellion 649; taxation in 651; tea trade 125, 300, 394; trade with 639, 640; and Trans-Siberian Railway 377; treaty ports 650, 651, see also Beijing
Chincha islands 116
Chios: earthquake 370; Ottoman massacre of 55–6, 370
chloroform 418–19
cholera: in Asia 400, 401; deaths from 401, 697; in Denmark 313; in Germany 332, 401–2; in Hamburg 401–2; in Hungary 181; outbreaks throughout Europe xix, 123, 127, 400–402; in Poland 50; in Portugal 73; in Russia 131; at Scutari 235; symptoms 401; in Venice 217
Chomicki, Włodzimierz 513
choral societies 510–11
Chotek, Countess Sophie 586, 704–5
Christian VIII, King of Denmark 199
Christian IX, King of Denmark 252
Christianity 22, 55, 81, 83; in Anatolia 689; in Balkans 671, 673, 678, 689; in China 650; Christian prisoners in Ottoman Empire 439; conversion of Jews to 477; in Crete 690; and death 406; decline of 408; in education 493; in India 638, 665; and Jews 478; in Ottoman Empire 237; and poverty 118; scientific challenges to 469–72; see also Catholicism; Church of England; missionaries; Orthodox Church; Protestantism, etc.
Christo, Kota 111
Church of England 456–7, 483; disestablishment movement 576; in Ireland 576
Cicero 491
Cincinnati, Ohio 346
cinema xviii, 395, 443, 519–20
Cisleithania 583
Cistercian order 636
citizenship, definition 318; see also suffrage
Civetta (ship) 294
civil service 39, 320, 321–2, 327, 495
civil wars 66–7, 179, 181–2, 209, 346
civilization (as concept) 81
Cixi, Empress Dowager of China 650
Cladel, Léon 167
class, social 331, 338, 525, 554; see also aristocracy; bourgeoisie; petty bourgeoisie; Engels, Friedrich; Marx, Karl; working class
Class, Heinrich 499
Classics, teaching of 491–2, 494, 496
Cleddau, river 141
Clemenceau, Georges 290, 571, 598
Clermont-Ferrand, University of 494
clocks 390–91, 393–6; electric 390; factory 390
Clonlolan, Relief Committee 126–7
Clyde, river 150
co-operative movement 174, 184, 284, 328, 330, 611
coal production 139–47; in Belgium 136, 142; in Britain 140–43, 144–5, 147, 299, 300, 301, 550; in fiction 523; in Germany 295; increase in 368; mining disasters 140–42, 145, 335; piece work in mines 334; private enterprise in 144; in Prussia 145–6; in Spain 334; and strikes 164, 548, 581; and trade unions 163; transportation of coal 149, 151; in Wales 377, see also miners; mining, mines
Cobbett, William 122
cocaine, as anaesthetic 419
Cochin-China 649
Cochrane, Admiral Thomas (later Earl of Dundonald) 16, 17
cocoa production 661
Code Napoléon 15, 29, 34, 38, 73, 362, 504, 542
codes of conduct, professional 324–5
Codrington, Sir Edward 58
Codru-Drăgusanu, Ion 369
Cody, William ‘Buffalo Bill’ 623
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Kubla Khan 449
Cologne 75, 146, 152, 164–5, 177, 207, 270, 515; Klingelpütz prison 437
colonialism, colonies 634–62; in Africa xv, 19, 352; in Asia xv, 352; in Australia 19, 352; in Caribbean 15; colonies as goals for emigration 657–8; colonies of occupation 656; colonies of settlement 656, 657, 661; and education 669; in Latin America 352; limitation of process 670; and reform 668; self-government 658; settlement companies 657; voting rights 658, 660, see also individual countries
Combe, George, The Constitution of Man, Considered in Relation to External Objects 423
Comillas, Antonio López, Marquis of 279
commodities, prices 352
communications xv, xviii, 157–8, 189; improved 352, 380, 510, 570, 571, 630; in India 667; mass 266, see also telegraph, telephone
communism xvii, xx, 175, 715; origin of term 172, 174
Communist Party, in Germany 277
Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits 379
Comte, Auguste: Course of Positive Philosophy 173; A General View of Positivism 498–9; Industry 173; Of the Industrial System 173
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 346, 625, 664; Sir Nigel 452; The White Company 452
concentration camps xix, 655, 656, 661
Concert of Europe 27, 28, 36, 59, 63, 70, 83, 239, 317, 677
concert halls 528
Congo Free State (later Belgian Congo) 643, 647, 662–4; and Chinese treaty ports 650; import duties 662; population decline after atrocities 664
Congress Poland (Grand Duchy of Warsaw; Kingdom of Poland) 14, 22, 25, 49, 97, 135–6, 246, 347, 496, 557; Diet 49, 50–51; guerrilla actions in 247; reform programme of Alexander II 246
Conrad, Joseph: Heart of Darkness 632; The Secret Agent 393, 562
Conrad von Hötzendorf, Franz 705, 708
conspiracy: by Jacobins 45; by secret societies 45, 77; military 231; theories on Jews 347, 597–8
Constable, John 356
Constans, Jean 595
Constant, Benjamin 31
Constantinople (Istanbul): Armenians in 689; banking in 670; and Battle of Çatalca 695; corruption in 53, 62; Ecumenical Patriarchate 461–2; famine in 671; Kossuth in 209; and military reforms 57; Patriarch of 55; Patriarchal Synod 462; Russian army and 59; in Russo-Turkish War 675; Treaty of (1913) 696, see also Istanbul
constitutions, constitutionalism: Austrian 191, 194; British 36–7, 66; in Europe 567; German 33, 196, 210, 211; liberal reforms 82; Polish 43; Sicilian 190; Swiss 26, 60; see also bribery; individual countries
consumption (tuberculosis) 332, 396–8
Contagious Diseases Acts (1864, 1866 and 1869) 413
The Contemporary 611
Continental System 7
contraception 409–10, 416, 543
conversion, of Jews to Christianity 477
convicts, transportation of 435–6, 659 see also exile, Siberia
Cook, Thomas 489
Copenhagen 10, 199, 307, 544; social housing 313; University of 495
Coraïs, Adamantios 488
Cork 127
corporal punishment 434–5, 492, 493, 574, 613, 620, 632
Corris railway 295
corruption: in Britain 79, 227, 575–6; in China 18; in Europe 91, 321; in France 186, 218, 598; in Germany 602; in Hungary 356; in Italy 589, 590; in Ottoman empire 53, 58, 438, 670, 689; in Russia 48, 238, 325, 442
corsets 504
Cosenza 369
cotton industry 9, 132–4, 174, 661, 663; mechanization of 133–6
Courbet, Gustave 520–21; A Burial at Ornans 520; The Stone-Breakers 520
Courland 278; Orthodox Church in 461 see also Latvia
Courrières mine, France 335
courts: Church 15; public 215, 220, 238; seigneurial 15, 90–91
Cousin, Victor 325; Philosophical Fragments 176
cowpox 398
Cracow 10, 186–7; football club 513; Jagiellonian University 495–6, 497; Zielony Balonik 517
Crapper, Thomas 310
cremation 407–8
crime, criminals 339–46, 424; criminal statistics 345; in fiction 345–6, 522; Haeckel on 684; petty 431; professional 341–2; and punishment 431–42; underworld of 354; urban and rural 342
Crimean War: Alexander II, Russia and 94, 246, 610, 618, 641; Britain in 27, 234–7, 392, 682; and cholera 401; costs of 670; deaths in 398; defence of Sevastopol 674; Habsburg Empire and 241; lessons of 702; Muslim refugees from 671; photography of 519; and Treaty of Paris 95, 242; use of anaesthetics 419; veterans of 502
criminology 439–40
crinoline 503
Crippen, Dr Hawley 345
Crispi, Francesco 214, 590–91, 593, 624, 645, 652
Croatia: administration 240; Catholic Church in 204; famine 6–7; language 260; national congress 204; nationalism in 246, 487; serfdom in 88, 204, 240; taxation 260
Croats: in Bosnia-Herzegovina 691; in Hungary 201, 202, 209, 583, 586, 587; literacy among 481; troops 204, 206, 207
crops: damage to 5–6; failure of 6–7, 9, 127, 187, 349, 671, see also famine; new imports 122; rotation of 115, see also sharecroppers
Crow ‘Indians’ 658
Crowe, Sir Eyre 710; memorandum to Foreign Office 700
Crown of St Stephen, lands of 201, 222, see also Croatia; Hungary
Cuffay, William 226
cultural heritage, preservation of 454
Cunard Company 349
Curaçao 268
Curie, Marie 497
Curie, Pierre 497
Custer, George 242
Custine, Astolphe, Marquis de 489
customs duties 15, 181; see also import tariffs
Custoza, Battle of 194, 205, 217, 221, 591
Custoza, Second Battle of 255, 259
Czartoryski, Adam 49
Czechs xvi, 178, 204, 250, 260, 545, 583-4; deputies in Reichsrat 584, 585–6; Franz Ferdinand and 705; militias 205; nationalist 585; Social Democrats 585 see also Bohemia, Cisleithania
da Fonte, Maria 107
Dabrową Górnicza 144
dacoits 668
Daguerre, Louis 519
Dahomey 665
Daily Express 683
Daily Mail 388, 514–15, 538, 625
Daily Mirror 509
Daimler, Gottlieb 382
Dalhousie, James Brown-Ramsay, 1st Marquess of 637–8
Damascus 636
Danish Women’s Association 507–8
D’Annunzio, Gabriele 418; The Child of Pleasure 416
Dante Alighieri 521
d’Antigny, Blanche 413
Danube, river 6, 87, 150, 206, 208, 396; flooding 369, 370
Danubian Principalities 94, 95, 122, 202–3, 236, 237; Organic Statute 202, see also Moldavia; Romania; Wallachia
Darmstädter Bank 303
Darracq motor cars 381
Darwin, Charles 439, 471–2, 555, 684, 685; The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals 500–501; The Origin of Species 471, see also Social Darwinism
Darwin, Erasmus 685
Darwin, John, After Tamerlane xvi
Darwinism, social 684–5
Daucleddau, river 141
Davison, Emily Wilding 539
Daytona Beach, North Carolina 387
De Chirico, Giorgio, Gare Montparnasse (The Melancholy of Departure) 395
De Dion-Bouton motor cars 381
de Quincey, Thomas, Confessions of an English Opium Eater 449
death: attitudes to 408; in rural areas 406–7; as theme for art and literature 406
death penalty see capital punishment
death rates: among prison inmates 438; decline in 408, 442–3; in European conflicts 3–4, 27; in France xiii; from cholera 401; from epidemics and harvest failure 9; from smallpox 8; from syphilis 412; from tuberculosis 397–8; from typhoid 399; in hospitals 420, 421; in industrial towns 332; in Spain 403; in Thirty Years War 26; and water supply 311–12
Debussy, Claude: 530–31; La Mer 530–31; Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune 531
Decadent movement 416–17
Decazes, Élie 30–31
Decazes, Jean, Duc 280
Decembrists 43–4, 45, 46, 47, 49–50, 52, 433, 435, 440, 451
deer parks 360
Defoe, Daniel, Robinson Crusoe 423
deforestation and reforestation 367–9; see also forests
degeneracy, as concept 416, 439, 501, 684, 685, 687
del Valle, José Cecilio 17
Delacroix, Eugène: The Death of Sardanapalus 451; Horse Frightened by a Storm 451; Liberty Leading the People 81, 451; The Massacre at Chios 56, 451
Delattre, Laurent 279
Delaunay-Belleville 383
Delcassé, Théophile 699
Demerara 267
Demidov, Anatoly Nikolayevich 118
democracy 380, 567, 569,582; in Britain 582; growth of 621; mass 669; reversal of march towards 715; and universal adult suffrage 567
demographic transition 408
demonstrations, pro- and anti-war 714
Denmark: army 199, 253; Bismarck and 261; Church in 470–71; cinema in 520; co-operatives 349; Danes in Germany 601; Dissenters in 467; education 485; emigration from 349; exports 349; and German Confederation 178; industry 300; ‘Inner Mission’ in 467; Jews in 476; landholdings in 101; language differences in 482; legislature 570; missionary societies in 469; potato blight in 123; railways 151; and Schleswig-Holstein 199, 252–3; secularization in 470; serfdom in 87–8, 88; traffic regulation 314; universal male suffrage 568, 570; universities in 495; in Wars of German Unification 27; weights and measures 376; women’s socialist movement 566; women’s suffrage movement in 547, 566, see also Scandinavia
dentistry 418
department stores 328–9, 330, 352–3; elevators in 386; escalators in 384
Depretis, Agostino 589–90, 593
Derain, André, Charing Cross Bridge 532
Deraismes, Maria 508
Derby, Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of 228
Deroin, Jeanne 269
dervishes 474
Despans-Cubières, Amédée 186
Devil’s Island, French Guiana, penal colony 218, 242, 436, 596, 597
Devis, Arthur, Death of Nelson 406
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 6th Duke of 292
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 7th Duke of 282, 498, 572
Di Rudio, Carlo 241
Diaghilev, Sergei Pavlovich 535
Dickens, Charles 245, 346, 523; death scenes 406, 500; on public hanging 432–3; Bleak House 346, 374, 522; A Christmas Carol 327; David Copperfield 327, 492; Hard Times 522; Nicholas Nickleby 492; The Old Curiosity Shop 375, 500; Oliver Twist 121, 166, 308, 340, 413, 480, 522; Our Mutual Friend 340, 480, 503; The Pickwick Papers 327, 481–2
dictatorship: Bolshevik 621; Garibaldi and 243; in Germany 622; in Italy 217, 590, 595; Napoleon I and 12; Napoleon III and 230, 249; in Poland 247
Diesel, Rudolf, diesel engine 381
Digby, Jane 240
Dimitrijević, Dragutin see Apis, Colonel
diphtheria 399
disease 8–9, 138–9, 396–402; advances in treatment of 418–23; germ theory 402, 421; industrial 335; prevention 404; sexually transmitted 413–14, 417, 439, see also epidemics, and under individual diseases
Disraeli, Benjamin 44–5, 185, 228, 229, 265, 472, 573, 574, 575, 624; and British Empire 682–3; and Bulgarian revolt 673; and Congress of Berlin 683; as Earl of Beaconsfield 575; and Irish Question 576; legislation under 575, 576; and Queen Victoria 644, 683; and Suez Canal 683; Sybil: Or the Two Nations 166
Dissenters 456–7
Divine Right of monarchs 28, 29, 197, 210, 582, 607
divorce 15, 170, 174, 505, 507, 509
doctors 319, 320, 322–3, 354; unqualified 323, see also medical profession; mental illness; psychiatry
Dodecanese islands 693
domestic appliances, electrical 302
domestic service 335, 336, 337
Domokos 690
Donbass region, Ukraine 288
Donizetti, Gaetano, Lucia di Lammermoor 452
Dorpat 275
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich 523; Crime and Punishment 346, 397, 512; The Devils 372, 612; The Gambler 289; imprisonment 435
Down, John Langdon, Down’s syndrome 424
Draga, Queen of Serbia 691
Drais, Karl 383
drama, Realist 524–5; see also individual dramatists and plays
Drava, river 204
Dreadnought, HMS 701
Dresden 42, 153, 210, 316, 532; English Football Club 513; Frauenkirche 211; May Uprising (1849) 211
dress: mourning 405; rational 384
Dreyfus, Alfred, Dreyfus Affair 596–7
Driant, Émile 703–4
Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von 447
Drovetti, Bernardino 628
Drumont, Édouard 597
Du Maurier, George, Trilby 480
Dubbelt, Leonid Vasilievich 48
Dublin 126; Kilmainham Jail 577; Phoenix Park 577; Theatre Royal 539
Duchamp, Marcel, Nude Descending a Staircase 395
Ducrot, Auguste-Alexandre 263
duelling 290
Dühring, Eugen 554
Dukhobortsy 350
Dumas, Alexandre 183, 245; The Count of Monte Cristo 157, 452; Lady of the Camellias 525; Robin Hood 452; The Three Musketeers 452
Dunlop, John Boyd 383
D’Urban, Sir Benjamin 660
durbars 643
Durham, John Lambton, 1st Earl of 657–8
Durham Report 657–8
Duse, Eleonora 416
Düsseldorf 144, 212, 311, 477; public dances in 518
Dutch East Indies 268
Dvořák, Antonin 529; Slavonic Dances 528
Dyaks 631
Dybbøl (Düppel), Battle of 253
dyestuffs 301, 302, 305, 498, see also chemical industry
Dymiki (hole-worshippers) 459
dysentery 128
Eagle locomotive 155
earthquakes 370–71
East Africa Company 647
East India Company 361, 638, 639, 640, 647, 651
East Prussia 99
Eastern Europe xvii
‘Eastern Question’ 670–81
Eberhardt, Isabelle 631
Eça de Queiros, José Maria, The Sin of Father Amaro 524
École Normale Supérieure 493
economy: collapse of 1873 671; development 229, 318, 353, 554; growth of xviii, 53, 305, 548; recovery 644
Ecuador 16
Edinburgh 120–21; artisanal workshops 329; as ‘Auld Reekie’ 374; University 504–5
Edinburgh Review 410
Edison, Thomas 302, 315, 518, 519
Ediswan 302
education: in Austria 466; of bourgeoisie 325; in Britain 305–6, 325, 682; and Church 463, 465, 492; and colonialism 669, 682; and declining crime rates 345; elementary 483, 574; expansion in 327, 490, 571; in France 271, 325, 464; freedom of 197, 494, 496; in Greece 60; higher 320; in Italy 38, 41, 463, 590; Jesuits and 38, 41; mission schools 633; primary 31, 149, 186, 325, 483–5, 491; reform 19, 186, 229; religious 491, 574; in Russia 47; secondary 19, 186, 202, 484, 491–3, 506, 507, 587, 610; secular 15; spread of 411; textbooks 682, 683; training for peasants 115; universal 78; of women 269, 481, 504, 506–7, see also students; universities
educational associations 270
Edward VII, King (earlier Prince of Wales) 363, 413, 580, 643
Edwards, George 45
eggs, collection of 364
Eguia, Francisco de 37
Egypt: ancient 630, 681; Army 631; autonomy 661; colonization 677; cotton imports from Britain 133; and Debt Commission 646; exploration in 626–9; France and 699; Greek emigrants to 351; invasion of 18; living conditions 402; looting of antiquities 626–9; and Ottoman Empire 53, 57, 254; and Suez Canal 645–6, 647; troops 57
Ehrlich, Paul 412
Eichendorff, Joseph von 155
Eiffel, Gustave 313
Elan valley, north Wales 312
Elba 193
Elbe, river 257, 308, 311, 401
Elberfeld 135, 212; poor relief system 121, 552–3
Eldey 364
elections 35, 184, 227, 249, 575, 577, 579, 580–81, 589, 601, 604, 606, 680–81
electrical industry xxi, 157, 302–3, 304, 315, 387
electromagnetism 497-8
Elena Pavlovna, Grand Duchess of Russia 235
elephants, shooting 363
elevators 384–6; and loss of sense of community 386
11th Hussars 234
Elgar, Edward, Pomp and Circumstance 528
Elgin, Thomas Bruce, Earl of 629-30
Eliot, Edward Granville, Lord 108
Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans) 470; Daniel Deronda 480; Middlemarch 422, 524
Elisabeth, Empress of Austria-Hungary (earlier Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria) 241, 563, 583
Elliotson, John 418
Ellis, Henry Havelock, Sexual Inversion 417
Ellis, William 429
Elmina 637
emancipation: from slavery 537; general human 173; global 353; movements 17; of women xx, 171, 173–4, 268–9, 450, 537, 558, 565, 622, see also feminism; suffrage, women’s
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 446
emigration 127, 212, 242, 346–8, 350–52, 401, 475, 570, 622
emotion, as gendered phenomenon 499–501
Empire line 503
employment: absenteeism 334; casual 334; instability of 334; piece work 334, 338;, see also labour
Ems Telegram 261
Enfantin, Prosper 173, 174, 175
Engels, Friedrich 177, 212, 269, 287, 306–7, 552, 553, 554–5; Anti-Dühring 554; The Condition of the Working Class in England 512; The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State 564
engineering xx, 230, 294, 295, 300, 320, 323, 323–4, 324, 370, 485, 494; electrical 300; mechanized 380
English Channel 388; flights across 515; submarine cables 391
Enlightenment 36, 39, 81, 96, 424, 440, 449, 454, 455, 505; reactions to 452, 458
entailment 286
entertainment, popular 510–20
Epidaurus 54
epidemics 8, 50, 73, 123, 125, 127, 130, 131, 181, 217, 235, 313, 396, 399–402, 403, 404, 442, see also cholera; malaria; plague; typhoid; typhus
epilepsy 194, 219, 418, 425, 432
Epping, Essex 509
Epsom Derby 539
equality, human xvi-xx, 15, 95, 197, 268, 281, 567, 664, 682; female 384, 505, 541, 543-4, 546-7, 564-5; of Jews 476, 480, 586; linguistic 546; religious 181, 586; see also inequality
Erfurt Programme 555
Eritrea 652
Ernest August I, King of Hanover (earlier Duke of Cumberland) 182
escalators 384
Esher, Reginald Brett, 2nd Viscount 704
Espartero, Baldomero 223
Esperanto 490
Esquirol, Jean-Étienne Dominique 424–5
Essen 296
Essen, Pyotr Kirillovich 48
Esslingen, factory 338–9
Estates 30, 35–6, 74, 91, 180, 191, 567–8
Esterhazy, Ferdinand 596
Esterházy family 282
Estonia 88, 122, 129, 275–8, 458, 461
Ethiopia see Abyssinia
Etna, Mount 111
eugenics 684–5
Eugénie, Empress of France 262
Eulenburg, Philip, Prince of 415
Europe, emigration from 127, 143, 212, 242, 346–54
European Union xvii
Evangelical Revival 267, 456, 457, 467
evolution, theory of 439, 555 see also Darwin, Charles
The Executioner of Berlin 515
executions, public 431–3 see also capital punishment
exile: of convicts 435–6; political 12, 15, 263, 346–7, 353, 435, 715, see also Siberia, exile in
exploration 626–34, 647; global 632
Extremadura 4
Eynard-Lullin, Anna 20
Fabian Essays 559
Fabian Tracts 558
factories: accidents 335; clocking-on machines 390; in France 186; in Hungary 181; mechanization of 139, 166; in Saxony 220; and water supply 309; women employed in 336; working conditions 137–8, 169, 335
Faguette, Estelle 455
fairs 511
falconry 362
family: breakdown of 339; as centre of bourgeois life 325–6
famine xix, 6–7, 8, 115, 122, 125–8, 164, 348, 399, 400, 403, 636–7, 656, 667
Fanelli, Giuseppe 563–4
Faraday, Michael 302
farce 525
Farini, Luigi 589
farming, farmers: in Britain 78; co-operatives 570; dairy farming 284; discontent among farmers 78, 84; livestock farms 115, 283–4, 654–5; model farms 115; peasant farming 98–9, 117, 283–4; as petty bourgeois 326; and railway network 380; and road travel 149; in Russia 85, 102–3; in USA 348, see also agricultural machinery; agriculture
Fasci, revolt of 111–12
fashion industry 504
Fashoda 649
The Fauna of the Hamburg Water-Supply 308
Fauré, Gabriel 536
Fauvists 532
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett 541, 546
Featherstonhaugh, George 189
Fejérváry, Géza 587
female genital mutilation 430
feminism: and bicycles 384; in Bohemia 545; bourgeois character of 547; in Britain 537–41, 547; campaigns against registration of prostitutes 414; and clothing 503; clubs, associations and publications 268–9; demonstrations in Paris 542; and equality xx; in Finland 546–7; in France 259–60, 508, 541–2; in Germany 508, 542–3, 545; and global movements 353; in Hungary 545; and Jewish women 545; as middle-class movement 508; and nationalism 545–8; in Norway 546; organized 507–9; origin of term 174; and Revolutions of 1848 268; in Russia 543–4; in Scandinavia 546–7, see also suffrage, women’s; women
Fennoman movement 178
Fenton, Roger 519
Ferdinand I, Emperor of Austria 191–2, 194–5, 205, 206, 219, 259
Ferdinand I, Prince (later King) of Bulgaria 360, 495, 607, 678–9, 692, 695, 697
Ferdinando I, King of the Two Sicilies 39–40, 41
Ferdinando Carlo (Ferdinando II, ‘King Bomba’), King of the Two Sicilies 189–90, 193, 214, 243
Ferguson, Niall, Civilization xvi
Fernando VII, King of Spain 37–8, 41–2, 74, 107
Ferrara 369
Ferri, Enrico 439
Ferro, Marc xv
Ferry, Jules 464, 484, 594–5, 599, 624, 644
fertilizer industry 116, 284, 301, 351
feudalism 38, 42, 76, 84, 96, 97, 98, 100, 107, 111, 180, 224, 278, 281, 291, 362, 477, 653; agrarian 291; post-feudal period 285, 286, 290
Feydeau, Georges 525
Ffestiniog railway 294–5
FIAT (Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino) 381; Model Zero 382
fiction: Realist 522–4; serial 523; social xx, 166–8, 176, 522 see also Dickens, Dostoyevsky et al.
Filippovtsy 461
Filosofova, Anna Pavlovna 544
Finland 25, 43, 152, 247; bears in 359; constitution 547; crop failure and famine in 128; feminism in 546–7; Karelian Revival 458–60; nationalism in 178, 487, 528, 546–7; and Russia 546–7; Russification 547; and Sweden 444; Union of Women’s Societies 546–7, see also Scandinavia
Finlay, George 55
fires 371–4; domestic 374; firefighting 373–4
firing squad, death by 434
First Anglo-Boer War 660
First International see International Working Men’s Association
First World War: anticipation of 703–4; and attitudes to death 408; deaths in 3; and European hegemony xvi; motor vehicles before 382; outbreak of 305, 581; population growth before 307; and tsarist regime 621
Fischer, Eugen 655
fishing 304; rights 25, 90, 98
Fisons 284
Flammarion, Camille, The Atmosphere 388–9
Flanders 123, 125, 127, 131–2, 159, 621
Flaubert, Gustave 188; Madame Bovary 524
Fleming, Sir Sandford 393
Fleschi, Giuseppe 67
Fliedner, Theodor 437
flight, mechanized 386–8
Flinders Island 659
Florence 213, 221, 323; Sisters of Mercy 275
fog 374–5
folk culture 510–11, 528, 533–4
folk high schools 485
Folliot de Crenneville, Count 274–5
Folliot de Crenneville, Hermynia (later Countess von Zur Mühlen) 274–7, 291, 372, 384
Fontane, Theodor: Effi Briest 524; Der Stechlin 291
Fontenoy-sur-Moselle 264
food: adulteration of 333; cost of 333, 345; hygiene 332; loans 131; production 85; theft 345; working-class diet 333
food and drink industries 301, 304, 305; in Britain 301; in Germany 305; in Italy 304; women in 336
football 513
Ford motor company 381-22; Model T motor car 382
forests 297: in Baltic states 288; common 91; destroyed by battle 4; extent throughout Europe 365–8; in Hungary 356; as place of refuge 367; private 10, 85, 91, 102–4, 105; in Prussia 358; in Russia 235; in Scandinavia 348; warfare and 367–8, see also deforestation and reforestation; wood theft
formaldehyde, discovery of 497
Fort Marghera 217
Fourier, Charles 171, 174, 271, 563; The New Industrial and Social World 172
Fourneyron, Benoît 134
foxes 359; fox hunting 289, 362, 571, 600
Fram (ship) 633
France: abolition of slavery 268; absolute monarchy in 30, 32; Academies 521–2, 530; and
action against Serbia 706; and Africa 649; after Napoleon 11–15, 29–33; agriculture in 100, 283, 296, 297, 306; alcohol consumption in 511, 513; Allied occupation of 36, 43; and Alsace-Lorraine 645, 646, 698; anarchists in 561–2; annexation of Algeria 635–6; anti-slavery movement in 267; anticlericalism in 422, 597, 598, 599; antisemitism in 596–7; apparent instability in 588, 593–9; apprenticeships 353; aristocracy 291; arms firms 299; Army 1–2, 3, 11, 13, 231, 323, 597; Army Law (1869) 249; art in 520–22; ban on absinthe 512; Bank of 31; banqueting campaign against Louis-Philippe regime 188; and Belgian Revolution 71, 72; birth rates xiii, 404; Bonapartists 12, 30, 32, 66, 69, 230, 322, 594; Boulangism 595, 596, 598; Bourses du Travail 550; bribery in 230, 598; bureau d’assistance 596; bureaucracy in 598, 603; and Burma 668; business elite 320; cafés chantants 516; canals in 149; capital punishment in 433; Catholic Church in 29, 216, 231, 245, 541; Chamber of Deputies 30, 63–4, 170, 188, 439, 508, 542, 551, 560, 561, 562, 593, 595, 596, 598–9; Chamber of Peers 30, 66; charivari 343; and Chinese treaty ports 650; civil service 322, 598; clash between Church and State 464; clergy 597; clubs and societies 513; coal and iron production 147, 596; colonies 64, 267, 268, 350, 624, 649, 664–5, 699; Combination Law 163; Committee of Public Safety 271; Compagnonnages 161–2, 171; comparative earnings 338; and Congress of Vienna 23; conquest of Portugal 16; Conservative Union 595; Constituent Assembly 200, 269; Constitution 215, 593, 595; contraception 410; corruption in 186, 598; Council of Ministers 260; Council of State 66, 230; in Crimean War 27, 234, 235, 237, 239; criminal classes 340; Criminal Law Code 345; crop failure in 129, 164; cycling in 383; death in 407; death rates xiii, 332, 404; declared republic 200–201; deforestation 368; democracy in 598; dialects 482; Directory 12, 75; disestablishment of Church 464; Dreyfus Affair 596–7, 598; École Nationale des Chartes 494; École Polytechnique 323, 494; École Pratique des Hautes Études 494; economy 18, 305, 570; education in 31, 186, 325, 484, 491–2, 597; 1848 Revolution 188–9; elections 35; elections (1869) 249; electoral law in 66; emigration from 351; emigration to 350; as enemy of Britain 699; engineering 323; entente cordiale with Britain 699–700; Estates General 30; Executive Commission 200–201; Factory Act (1841) 186; feminism in 259–60, 508, 541–2; Feminist Socialist Group 566; fires in 373; First Empire 13; flag of 29; food adulteration 333; Foreign Ministry 188, 200; franchise 593; Free School of Political Sciences (Sciences-Po) 322, 494; French League for Women’s Rights 508; French Workers’ Party 559–60; friendly societies 595; gendarmerie 440; General Confederation of Labour 550; German attitudes to 687; grain riots in 9; and Greece 223; guilds 159; honours scandal 594, 595; hunting rights in 362; Imperial Guard 230; imports 297; and Indochina 639; industrial production 132, 296–7, 300; industrial protest 163–4; industrial workers 331; infant mortality 332, 404; inheritance records 287; International Conference on Time (1912) 393; invasion of Spain 167; iron production 142; and Italian unification 222; Jews in 475, 596–7; July Monarchy 69, 186, 188, 189–90, 201, 230, 322, 594; labour disputes 596; landholdings in 101; law on age of consent 414–15; legal profession in 321; Legion of Honour 29; Legislative Assembly 269; Legitimists 593; Liberal Empire 249; liberalism in 185–6, 249; life expectancy 331–2, 404; literacy in 481; livret 595; Luxemburg Commission 200; lycées 325, 491–2; malaria in 396; marriage rate 127; medical care 595–6; medical profession 322–3; mental institutions in 424, 428; military strength 261, 262; Ministry of Defence 494; Ministry of War 597, 599; minority languages 484; missionary societies in 469; monarchists 464, 593, 598; monarchy 183; and Morocco 649, 692, 699; motor manufacture in 381; motor vehicles in 382; music in 530–31; National Assembly 200–201, 215, 216, 217, 218, 263, 265, 597, 646; National Guard 69, 188, 201, 231, 271; national minorities in 572; nationalism 597; navy 635; newspapers 514; nobility 31, 279; Opportunists 595; Orléanists 66, 69, 217, 230, 594; parliamentary rule 600; passport requirements 483; patriotism in 484; peasants in 117, 570–71, 594, 599, 616; pension scheme 596; phrenology in 423; and Piedmont-Sardinia 239–40; plebiscite 218; poetry in 531; and Poland 249; police force 230–31; population growth 27, 123, 352, 409; Possibilists 560–61; prisons in 438; pro-natalism 409; Progressives 542; prostitution in 412, 414–15; public executions in 433; and Quadruple Alliance 36; and racial theory 685; Radical Party 560, 561, 571, 595, 597–8; railways 152, 153, 154, 156, 186, 230, 599; ralliement 464; reactions to declaration of First World War 714; reforms in 79; religious observance in 468; Republican Government of National Defence 263; Republicans 542, 593–5, 597; Revolution of 1848 200–201; road-building in 148; roads 149, 381; and Romania 681; and Russia 697, 698, 709–10; Salon 521, 530; Salon des Refusés 530; Second Empire 218–19, 241, 279, 322, 513, 593; Second Republic 216, 217, 221; Secret Service 596; Senate 29; serfdom in 88, 100; sergeants de ville 440; smallpox in 398; social reform 595, 598; socialism in 200,
559–63, 597, 598–9, 711; Socialist Workers’ Revolutionary Party 560; Society of Civil Engineers 323; Society for the Improvement of Women’s Lot 508; Solidarism 595; stability of borders after 1870 266; standardization of time 391; strikes 164, 548, 560; superstition in 473; Sûreté 340; tariff barriers 285; telegraph system 157; Terror 13, 46, 82, 185, 201, 221; textile production 134–5, 136, 296; Third Republic 263, 264, 271, 422, 464, 551, 593–9, 605, 644; trade unions 549–50, 561, 566; trading posts 637; transportation of convicts 218, 242, 436, 596, 597; and Tunisia 645; universal male suffrage 568, 600; universities in 493–4; urban life 113; vigilante justice 343; vineyards 296–7; in Wars of Italian Unification 27; weights and measures 376; welfare measures 551–2, 595–6; and west Africa 644; White Terror 10; wine production 116, 296; wolves in 359; women in 268–9; women’s education 507; Women’s Suffrage Society 508; working hours 596; workshops 200, see also Franco-Prussian War; French Revolution; Napoleon I; Napoleon III; Paris, Commune; Paris, July Revolution
La France (airship) 387
Francesco II, King of the Two Sicilies 111, 243
Francesco IV, Duke of Modena 74
Franco-Prussian War 260–65, 271, 398, 421, 494, 495, 593, 685, 698
Franco-Russian alliance 709–10
francs-tireurs 264
Frankfurt am Main: anarchist attack in 564; antisemitic riots in 10; artisan riots in 75; bourgeoisie 319; cemetery 407; as financial centre of Germany 257; German Diet 35; guilds 159; Jews in 477; Parliament (National Assembly) 197, 199, 200, 203, 204, 205, 207, 209–10, 211, 212, 250, 501; Paulskirche 199; self-government 257; under martial law 200; University 495; water-supply system 311
Frankfurt an der Oder 345
Franklin, Benjamin 174
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria 88, 363–4, 583, 585–6, 704–8, 714
Franz I, Emperor of Austria (Holy Roman Emperor) 7, 44, 180
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria 96, 99, 110, 207, 208, 240–41, 259, 582–3, 584–7; accession to throne 207; amnesty of prisoners 110; and army 254; and assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 586, 705; and Battle of Sadowa 257; character and personality 582–3; and civil marriage 466; crowned King of Hungary 110, 260; and Dual Monarchy 259; and emancipation of serfs 99, 240–41; and feudalism 96; foreign policy 240–41; and Hungary 586, 587; and Italian wars of independence 242; and Jagiellonian University 496; marriage 241, 583; meets Nicholas II in Warsaw 208; and Metternich 582; and ministers 585; mutton-chop whiskers 503; New Year’s Eve Patent (1851) 240; and reform in Hungary 181; and Reichsrat 246; and Schwarzenberg 240; and Szemere 357; and Taaffe 584; tragedies in life 583; visit to Szeged 369
Frauen-Zeitung 268
Frederik, Prince of the Netherlands 70
Frederik VII, King of Denmark 199, 252
free association 417
freedom: of education 197, 494, 496; of individual 15; of inheritance 281; of labour 281, 338; of movement 96, 101, 281; of opportunity 15; of press 31, 77, 78, 79, 186, 190, 567, 686; of religion 15, 29, 181, 197, 458, 461, 476–7, 569, 678; of trade and enterprise 601; of women 451; of worship 15
Freemasonry 37, 42, 43, 44, 49, 77, 82, 162, 461, 508, 597; Masonic lodges 17, 32, 38
Freire de Andrade, Gomes 42
French (language) 73, 290, 488; as common European language 483
French Revolution (1789-94): abolition of guilds 159; aftermath and influence xx, 17, 31, 37, 44–5, 56, 59, 62–3, 66, 74, 77, 82–4, 98, 100, 175, 189, 219, 354, 440, 698; and British economy 132; Burke on 81; Church and 455; civilizing mission of 665; and Code Napoléon 15; and compensation to Allies 36; and cult of Napoleon 13; and European superiority 19; Guizot on 32; and increase in wolf numbers 359; and Jacobinism 162; Jacobins and 46, 213; and Jews 476; Metternich and 69–70; peasant revolts and 168, 221; renumbering of years 394; and Saint-Simon 172; and serfdom 88; and sovereignty 28, 29; Thiers on 31; trade and industry following 7; warfare following 3, 26; and weights and measures 376
Fresne-sur-Apance, Haute-Marne 373
Fretterans, Bresse 373
Freycinet, Charles de 599
Fribourg 182
Friedrich, Caspar David, Wanderer above a Sea of Fog 449–50
Friedrich II, King of Prussia 59
Friedrich III, German Emperor (earlier Crown Prince of Prussia) 255, 606
Friedrich Augustus II, King of Saxony 96, 190–91, 210
Friedrich Wilhelm III, King of Prussia 33, 237, 453; and merger of churches in Prussia 458
Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia 145, 166, 177, 182–3, 195–6, 210, 219, 250, 251, 437, 455
friendly societies 160, 161, 162, 184, 595
Fritsch, Theodor 478
frock coats 503
Froeschwiller, Battle of 262
Frost, John 185
Fry, Elizabeth 437
Fry, Roger 532
Fucine Lake 369
Fulbe people 657
Fuller, Margaret 215
fur trade 641
Furiant dance 528
furniture 447
Futurism 533
Gabon 632
Gaelic 482
Gagern, Heinrich von 183, 196, 211
Gaj, Ljudevit 487
Galapagos Islands 471
Galicia (Eastern Europe): Jews in 475; nationalist uprising 186–7, 497;
oil production 298; Poles in 584; and potato cultivation 123; Ruthenian Council in 203; serfdom in 203, 240
Galicia (Spain): emigration from 350; slate roofing in 294
Gall, Franz 423
Galle, Joseph 388
Galliffet, Gaston 561
Gallipoli 695
Gambetta, Léon 263, 594, 595, 597
gambling 289–90
game birds, shooting 363
Ganz Works, Budapest 302
Gapon, Father Georgiy Apollonovich 468, 618
García, Manuel 422
Garden Pit, Pembrokeshire 141
gardens 364
Garibaldi, Anita 216
Garibaldi, Giuseppe 17, 111, 179, 216, 221, 243–4, 249, 255, 292, 590; Bakunin and 272; in Franco-Prussian War 264; popular biographies of 515
Garrigue, Charlotte 546
Gartenlaube, Die 515
gas lighting 314–15
Gaskell, Elizabeth, Mary Barton 522
Gastein Convention (1865) 253
Gateshead 309
Gauguin, Clovis 171
Gauguin, Paul 171, 428, 532; Spirit of the Dead Watching 532
Gaussen, François 459
Gautier, Théophile 489
Gelsenkirchen 144
Genčić, Djordje 691
gendarmerie 440
gender stereotyping 468–9, 499–501
General Electric Company 332
Genoa 25, 38, 41, 56, 179, 214, 243, 303
gentlemen’s clubs 501
Gentz, Friedrich 81
geometry 497
geopolitics xv
George I, King of Greece 690
George III, King of Great Britain 25, 45, 76
George IV, King of Great Britain (earlier Prince Regent) 22, 71, 316, 629
George V, King of Great Britain 502, 537, 580, 581
Georgia 43
Gera 328
Gérard, Étienne 66
Gerhardt, Charles 301
German Confederation 23–4, 33, 35, 72, 75, 159, 182, 195, 251; abolition 259; and Austria 33, 250; Austrian and Prussian domination of 33; Bismarck and 159, 251, 253, 477; Catholic Church in 182; constitution 35, 195, 210, 211; and Denmark 178; Diet 33; elections 35; emigration from 348; Federal Diet 77, 199; foundation of 23–5; Frankfurt National Assembly see Frankfurt; and German unification 250; and Habsburg Empire 178, 222; and invasion of Luxembourg 72; machine-breaking in 164; Metternich and 182; Provisional Central Power 197; and Prussia 25, 28, 33, 250, 251; and Schleswig-Holstein 199
German Customs Union 145–6
German East Africa 646, 648, 656, 657
German Empire see Germany, as German Empire
German (language) 488, 490, 494
German South-West Africa (Namibia) xix, 654–6, 657, 661, 687
Germans, in Hungary 587
Germany: abolition of guilds 159; abortions in 410; administration in 15; and Africa 654–7; after Bismarck 699–702; agricultural machinery in 283; agriculture in 306; alcohol consumption in 513; and Alsace-Lorraine 645, 646, 698; anarchism in 564; Anti-Socialist Law 606, 607; antisemitism in 330, 478–9, 499, 554, 570; apprenticeships 353; army 441, 702; art in 527; Association of Civil Engineers 323; average annual income 338; and Balkan Wars 688; banking 601, 688; Basic Rights of the German People 210; beards and moustaches in 502; Bildungsbürgertum 610; birth rates 408, 409, 687; ‘blank cheque’ meeting on action against Serbia 706, 713; and Boer War 319; bourgeoisie 319; and Boxer Rebellion 700; bribery in 602; Bülow Bloc 608–9; bureaucracy 603; burial of dead 407; business elite 320; and Carlist uprisings 108; Catholic Centre Party 466, 601–2, 604, 606, 608; Catholic Church in 455–6, 465–6, 602; Central Association of German Traders and Businessmen 330; changing attitudes to France 687; changing British attitudes to 687; chemical industry 301–2, 305; and China 651; and Chinese treaty ports 650; Christian Social Party 478; Civil Law Code (1900) 505, 508; co-operatives and banks 284, 570; coal and iron production in 295–6, 297, 303; Colonial Union 609; ‘colonial wares’ 353; colonies xix, 624, 652, 654–7, 662; ‘colportage’ novel 515; Communist Party in 277; Conservative Party 601, 604, 606, 703; considered backward 488–9; Constitution 603; contraception in 409; corporal punishment 435; corruption 602; Criminal Law Code 416, 417, 601; criminal statistics 345; currency 601; Danes in 601; death rates 332, 404; department stores 328; Eberbach asylum 426; economy 603; education 325, 484; elections 601, 604; electoral reform 602; electrical industry 302, 305; emigration from 127, 347–8; emigration to 350; employment of women 336, 337; as enemy of Britain 699; engineering in 688; fall of empire 715; Federal Council 603, 605; as federal state 600; Federation of German Women’s Associations 542, 543; female domestic servants in 336, 337; feminism in 508, 542–3, 545; food adulteration 333; Foreign Office 603, 607, 608; franchise extension 644; freedom of trade and enterprise 601; gas consumption 314; General German Women’s Association 508; General German Workers’ Association 270, 508; German Central Association for Trade and Business 330; German Doctors’ Society 323; as German Empire 265, 352, 476, 479, 505, 568, 583, 601, 609, 682; German National Commercial Employees’ Association 330; German Union for Women’s Suffrage 542; grain exports 285, 644; grain riots in 9; Gymnasium 325, 491; Haberfeldtreiben 343, 344; high-seas fleet 607, 608, 609; homosexuality in 415; Imperial Naval Office 700; import duties
644; industrial workers 331, 348; industrialization 604–5; ‘Inner Mission’ 467; iron production 142; Jews in 475, 476, 477, 545, 622; Kulturkampf 465–6, 603, 604; landholdings in 101; as leading industrial nation 296, 301–3, 305–6; League for the Prevention of Women’s Emancipation 545; legislation 603; Liberals 555; livestock farming 283–4; looting from Pacific islands 630; March Demands 190; May Laws 465; medical profession 323; medical students 323; mental institutions in 425–6, 428; military planning 708–9, 711; monarchy 600, 601, 605; and Morocco 692; music in 528–30; National Debt Administration 603; National Liberals 601, 603, 604, 605, 606, 646, 647; national minorities in 601; nationalism in 180, 199, 201, 222, 499, 621, 622; Nationalverein 249; naval power 700–701; Navy Laws 700–701; Navy League 609, 621; Nazi regime 277; Nuremberg Laws 656; opera in 527; Pan-German League 609; paper industry 303, 304, 305; pocket watch ownership 390; and Poland 52; Poles in 601; police 556–7; poor relief 121; popular press 515; population 409; population growth 123, 352; and pornography 410; post-Napoleonic politics 33–6; proclamation of German Empire 265; professoriate 326; Progressives 601, 604; protectorates 646; public executions in 432; railways 152, 155, 156, 187, 295; Reich ministries 603; Reich Postal Service 380; Reich Supreme Court 603; Reichstag 281, 336, 466, 508, 517, 542, 555, 557, 601, 606–8, 646, 698, 711; relations between Church and state 465–6; relations with Britain 699–702; and Romania 681; Ruhr district 295; sausage consumption in 284; secret ballot 602; secularization in 466; shipping 296, 395; shops and shopkeepers 329; slate exports to 295; social clubs 319; Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) 325, 404, 415, 465, 478, 515, 554–7, 560, 561, 565–6, 601, 604–6, 617, 622, 624, 644, 655, 703, 711, 714 (Women’s Bureau 566); social protest in 164–5; socialism in 554, 565, 567; socialist women’s movement in 565–6; Socialist Workers’ Party of Germany 554; Society for the Eastern Marches 609; stability of borders after 1870 266; standardization of time 391; steel production 143–4, 295, 303, 305; students 187; superstition in 472; and tariff barriers 146, 285, 603, 604, 608; taxation 285, 603; textile production 134; Third Reich 655; Tingeltangel 516–17; trade unions in 549; traffic regulation 314; tramways 305; transportation of convicts 436; and Triple Alliance 698; troops 12; Überbrettl cabaret 517; ultimatum to Belgium 713; unification 27, 33, 178, 197, 204, 209, 210, 249–51, 261, 265–6, 477, 499, 527; universal male suffrage 568, 604, 609; universities 302, 321, 325, 494–5, 496, 496–7, 497; urban life 113; urbanization 305; vigilante justice 343; vocabulary differences in 482; weights and measures 376, 601; welfare measures 551; women studying abroad 506; women working in commerce 330; women’s education 507; women’s rights 566; women’s suffrage movement in 566; see also Franco-Prussian War; German Confederation; Prussia; individual states
Gerona 160
Gerstl, Richard 534
Ghent 143; coal and iron production 142; cotton mills 136–9, 334; grocery stores 329;
Gibbon, Edward, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 254
Gil y Zárate, Antonio 322
Giolitti, Giovanni 591–3
Girard, Philippe de 134
Gislikon, Battle of 182
Giza, pyramids 627
Gladstone, William Ewart: and Armenian massacres 689; and Bulgarian revolt 673; charisma 251, 573; on decline in crime 345; and Disraeli 228, 573, 575; and enfranchisement of women 541; and Fernando Carlo of Sicily 243; financial policies 228; Home Rule Bill (1886) 577; and Irish Question 576–8; legislation under 575–8; and Liberal Party 572, 574; recording of voice 518
Glaisher, James 386
Glarus, Adler Hotel 372
Glasgow 8, 174, 225, 307, 421, 485; cable railway 315; University 498
glassblowers 338
Die Gleichheit 565
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich 502
global history xv–xvi
Glücklich, Vilma 545
Gobineau, Arthur de 685–6; Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races 685
Gobineau Society 686
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 452, 453
Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievich, The Government Inspector 48, 321
Göhre, Paul 518
Golden Horn 675
Goldman, Emma 564
Goncourt, Edmond de 271
Goodyear tyre company 409
Gorchakov, Prince Mikhail Dmitrievich 94
Gordon, Charles George (Gordon of Khartoum) 631, 646
Görgei, Artúr 209
Gorky, Maxim (Alexei Maximovich Peshkov) 326; The Lower Depths 523
Gorove, István 356–7
Görz 65
Göttingen 76, 325; bourgeoisie 319; University 182, 430, 431–2
Gournou tunnels, Luxor 627–8
Goya, Francisco de, The Disasters of War 4
Grahame, Kenneth, The Wind in the Willows 382
Grahovac, Battle of 692
grain: duties 112, 285, 297; export of 123, 130; import of 116–17, 123, 125, 126; prices 132, 282, 284–5; production 284–5; riots 9–10, 64, 107; shortages 122, 123
gramophone 518–19
Granada, conquest of 34
Grand Albert and Petit Albert 473
Grand General Union of Cotton Spinners 163
The Grand Illusion (film by Jean Renoir) 290
Grand National Consolidated Trade Union 163
Grand Tour 489
Grant, Arthur, and Temperley, Harold, Europe in the Nineteenth Century xvi, xvii–xviii
Gravelotte, Battle of 262
Gravesend 248
great auk, extinction of 364
Great Britain (steamship), SS 294
Great Eastern (steamship), SS 391
Great Fear (France, 1789) 9
‘The Great Game’ 641, 677, 699
Great Handel Festival 453
Great Sandy Desert, Australia 630
Great Trek 660
Great Western railway line 154
Great Western (steamship), SS 294
Greco-Turkish War (1897) (Black 97 or Unfortunate War) 690
Greece: in Balkan Wars 693–6; ‘Bavarocracy’ in 223; beards and moustaches in 502; capital punishment in 434; constitution 223, 462; death in 406; educational reform in 60; emigration from 351; independence 52, 53–61, 62, 488; and Jews 476; Kapodistrian University 495; Mani peninsula 344, 345; military coup (1909) 690; monasteries 461–2; Muslims in 474; National Assembly 54, 60; national insolvency 690; nationalism in 54, 61, 82; navy 61; Orthodox Church in 54, 461–2; Othonian University 495; passport requirements 483; railways 152; secularization in 461–2; universal male suffrage 568; universities 495; uprising of 1843 83, 223; War of Independence 167, 201, 223, 451
Greek, Ancient (language) 482, 491, 496
Green, Charles 386
Greenland 633
Greenwich Mean Time 390–91
Greenwich Meridian 393
Greg, William Rathbone 394
Greifswald, University 33
Grévy, Jules 595
Grey, Charles Grey, 2nd Earl 79
Grey, Sir Edward 580, 700, 702, 707–8, 713, 716
Grieg, Edvard, ‘In the Hall of the Mountain King’ 528
Griesinger, Wilhelm 424–5
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm 182, 367
Grochowiska, Battle of 248
Groener, Wilhelm 709
Grossmith, George and Weedon, The Diary of a Nobody 327
ground-nut production 661
Grünanger, Friedrich 317
Grundtvig, Nikolaj Frederi Severin 485
Guadeloupe 267
Guam 652
Guangxu Emperor of China 650
guano 116
Guardamar 370
Guatemala 17
Güell i Bacigalupi, Eusebi 279
Güell López, Juan Antoni 279
guerrilla warfare 37, 61–2, 107, 221, 243, 247–8, 661, 668
Guesde, Jules, Guesdists 559–60, 561
Guinea 652
Guipel 514
Guizot, François 32, 66, 66–7, 185–6, 188, 213, 325, 484
Gulf Stream 403
Guyana 396
Gwato 629
Gypsies (Sinti and Roma) 88–9
Haakon VII, King of Norway 546
Habsburg Empire: Academic Legion 194, 195, 207; agriculture in 100–101; aristocracy 108; army officers 280; bureaucracy 319; civil service 44; constitution 246; constitutional assembly 191, 194; and Czech nationalists 205–6; and Danubian Principalities 203; as Dual Monarchy 259–60; extent of 25; foreign policy 21; Freemasons and 44; and French Revolution 191; Gendarmerie 440; and German Confederation 178, 222, 250; German and Slav provinces 98; and German unification 204, 210; industrial production 132; job-creation schemes 194; legislative assemblies 622; and Lombardy 7, 39; Metternich and 21; Military Frontier 9, 399; military strength 217; National Guard 194, 195, 205, 207; and nationalist movements 180, 191–5, 201, 201–2; and Poland 178; public-works scheme 205; relationship with Hungary 356–7; road-building in 148; and Russia 239; serfdom in 90, 97; Taaffe and 584; taxation in 194, 357, see also Austria; Austria-Hungary; Hungary; Bohemia; Galicia
Haeckel, Ernst, The Riddle of the Universe 684
Hagenbeck, Carl and Willy 359
Hagman, Lucina 546
The Hague: international agreements on cultural possessions (1899, 1907) 454; peace conferences (1899 and 1907) 687
Haiduks 110
Hall, John 419
Hallam, Arthur 406
Hambach Castle, Palatinate, festival 77
Hamburg: average annual income 338; cholera epidemic 401–2, 403; city walls 314; city-state of 605; clergy in 467; crime in 341–2; death rates 312, 332, 403; domestic servants in 337; female domestic servants in 337; feminism in 542; fire of 1842 154–5, 311; fire brigade 373; Goosemarket 371; Great Fire 371, 373; horses stabled in 309; intermarriages 477; Jews in 476; milk supply 332; and National Liberal Party 646; Night Watch 440; pollution 374; population growth 307–8; as port 348, 350; port facilities 296; prostitution in 414; ‘Red Wednesday’ 548; retailers 330; Sewage Law 311; Social Democrats in 714; water supply 308, 311, 312, 401
Hamburg Stock Exchange Journal 341
Handel, George Friedrich 454; Messiah 453
hangings, public 432–3
Hanover 476
Hanover, Kingdom of 25, 76, 88, 96, 182, 211, 252, 257, 436, 602
Hanseatic League 14
Hanslick, Eduard 529
hansom cabs 314
happiness, pursuit of 510
Harcourt, Sir William 345
Harden, Maximilian 415
Hardie, James Keir 559
Harding, Arthur 341
hardwood production 661
Hardy, Thomas, The Mayor of Casterbridge 343, 509
Harmand, Jean, Domination and Colonization 665
Harmsworth, Alfred 625
Harrison, Frederic 394
Harrison, James 332
Harrow School, London 704
Hartington, Spencer Cavendish, Marquess of (later 8th Duke of Devonshire) 572
Harz Mountains 365
Hassell, Arthur Hill 333
Hauge, Hans Nielsen 458
Hauptmann, Gerhart, The Weavers 525
Haussmann, Georges-Eugène 312–13; Mémoires 312
Hausstein rock 370
Haute-Marne 376
Haxthausen, Baron August von 87
Haynau, Julius von 208–9
health, public 396–402
health insurance 551
Heck, Ludwig 360
Hecker, Friedrich 196
Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm 175–6, 453, 555
Heidelberg 10, 191; University 430
height differences: class-related 331; malnutrition and 403
Heilmann, Josué 134
Heine, Heinrich 34, 77, 165, 449, 453
Heligoland 648
Helmholtz, Hermann von 422
Henckel von Donnersmarck, Prince Guido 288
Henikstein, Alfred von 254
Henry, Émile 562
Henry, Hubert-Joseph 597
Henson, William 502
Henty, George Alfred 683
hereditary principle 19–20
heredity, and criminality 439–40
Herero tribe 655–6
hero, cult of 501, 515, 562, 634; Romantic 450; see also Garibaldi, Giuseppe; Napoleon I, Emperor
Hervé, Gustave 561
Herzen, Alexander 48, 218, 272, 489, 611, 616; Who is to Blame? 176
Herzl, Theodor, The Jewish State 478
Hesse-Darmstadt 199
Hetzenhausen, Bavaria 375
Heymann, Lida Gustava 542, 543, 545
Highton, Edward 391
Hill, Octavia 552
Hill, Rowland 380
Himalayas 630
Hinckeldey, Karl von 441
Hintze, Otto 499
Hipp, Matthias 390
Hirsch, Baron Maurice de 475
history, as science 499
Hobart, Tasmania 659
Hobrecht, James 310
Hobsbawm, Eric xv; The Age of Capital xvi; The Age of Empire xvi; The Age of Revolution xvi, xviii
Hodgetts, Brayley 130
Hoe Company 514
Hoffmann, Erich 412
Hohenlohe-Öhringen, Prince Christian Kraft zu, Duke of Ujest 288
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Prince Chlodwig zu 608
Holland see Netherlands
Hollywood 520
Holst, Gustav, Mars, the Bringer of War 536
Holstein, Friedrich von 607
Holy Alliance 22–3, 36, 38, 40, 45, 49, 54, 57, 69, 72, 78, 83, 178, 208, 239, 459
Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation 14, 15, 23, 77
Holyhead 390
homosexuality: criminalization of 415, 416, 417; distinction between male and female 415–16; Otto Weininger and 501
Hong Kong 640
horses: drawing trams 315; Eurasian wild 364; in streets 309; theft of 343
hospitals: changes in role and reputation 420–22; death rates in 420; disinfectants in 420; field 392; foundling 403; specialist 422
Howitt, Mary 511
Howitt, William 511
Hudson, George 153
Hudson’s Bay Company 641
Hughes, John 288
Hughes, Thomas, Tom Brown’s Schooldays 493
Hugo, Victor 81, 218, 272, 386, 387; on Classical education 492; funeral 404; Les Misérables 13–14, 218, 313, 413, 437, 522–3; Notre-Dame de Paris 452
Hülsen-Haeseler, Count Dietrich von 607
human rights, deprivation of 399
Humboldt, Alexander von 17, 116
Humboldt, Wilhelm von 33, 461, 494–5
Hung Hóa 639
Hungary 6, 7, 88, 94, 96, 100, 148, 217, 586–8; 587, education 586; agricultural depression 117; agriculture in 100; aristocratic landowners in 287; army 208; bandits in 356, 358; bourgeoisie 319; constitution 191–2, 586; and Czechs 205; Danube Steamship Company 150; deaths from starvation 7; Diet 181, 191, 192; Diet (1843-4) 202; Diet (1865) 246, 259; education 586, 597; elections 587–8; electric lighting 315; emigration from and return to 348; Farm Servants Act (1907) 101–2; feminism in 545; Feminists’ Association 545; flooding 369; foreign ignorance of 355–6; Franz Ferdinand and 705; and Garibaldi’s Thousand 243; and Habsburg rule 356–7; Hungarian Derby 181; Independence Party 587; industrial companies 287, 300; industrialization 357; industry in 586; invasion by Russia 233; Jews in 319, 477, 545, 586; judicial system 586; landed estates in 282, 586; legislative assembly 622; Liberal Party 586, 587; liberalism in 181, 221; Life-Guards 587; minorities in 201–2, 208; Muslims in 224; national consciousness 178; National Defence Committee 207–8; nationalism in 180, 246, 545, 586, 587–8; Nationalist Coalition 587; and New Year’s Eve Patent 240; nobility 278; Parliament 206; police 442; population growth 307; potato cultivation 122; Protestantism in 459; railways 181, 587; revolution of 1848 207–9, 213, 586; road system 148; royal regalia 357; Russian invasion of 233; serfdom in 88, 94, 96, 240; siege of Budapest 208; and siege of Venice 217; socialism in 587; strikes 548, 587; taxation 586; universities 545; uprisings in 110, 202; Vice-Regal Council 192; vigilante justice 343; and volcanic eruption 6; welfare measures 551; wild animals in 355–6, 358; wine 356, 357, see also Budapest; Magyar (language)
Hunt, William Holman 521
Hunter Valley, Australia 658
hunting 86, 90, 98, 124, 358–9, 362, 363–4; of bears 359–60; of foxes 362; of fur-bearing animals 641; as mark of status 363; rights 362
Huskar Colliery, near Barnsley 145
Huskisson, William 155
Hussein, Dey of Algiers 635–6
Huxley, Thomas 471–2
Huysmans, Joris-Karl, Against Nature 531–2
Hydra 61
hydroelectrical power 303–5
hygiene 332–3, 354, 403, 407, 490; and disease 399–400, 402, 404
hysteria: mass 457; and mesmerism 418; in women 430, 448–9, 509
Ibell, Karl von 34
ibex, Portuguese 364
Ibsen, Henrik 502–3, 524–5; A Doll’s House 524; Ghosts 417; The Master Builder 524–5; Peer Gynt 528
icehouses 332
Iceland 88, 317, 349, 364, 371, 403, 631; death rates, life expectancy and infant mortality 403; population 403
Iliodor (Sergei Mikhailovich Trufanov) 461
illegitimacy 170, 230, 408, 411, 492, 543, 559, 600, 631
Illustrated London News 501
Immaculate Conception, doctrine of 455, 462
Imperator (ocean liner class) 395
Imperial Tobacco Company 300
imperialism: age of 641–54; in Balkans 697; Britain and 624–5, 638, 682–4, 710; European 624; justifications for 682; Liebknecht on 557; as term 635; worldwide empire xv
import tariffs 112, 116, 135, 147, 185, 240, 285, 579, 603, 604, 608
Impressionism, in music 530–31
Impressionists 375, 530–31; beards worn by 502
IMRO see Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization
India: Army 666–7; Britain and 15, 18, 400, 637–9, 641, 661, 665–8; British exports to 133; British Raj 639, 641, 665–8; Civil Service 665–6; colonial administration 658; communications 667; education 666, 667; Edward VII’s hunting trips to 363; France and 15; labour in 667; living conditions 402; malaria in 396; Mughal Empire xvi, 639, 665, 667, 669; ‘Mutiny’ 665, 682; nationalism 669; North-West Frontier 667, 677; police forces 666; princely states 666, 669; Rebellion of 1857 638–9, 666; religions in 665; and Russia 699; sea routes to 25; Taj Mahal 683; taxation 665, 666, 667, 669; as world economy 666
Indian National Congress 669
Indian Ocean 18
Indochina (French) 594, 639, 649, 668, 699
Indus, river 630
industrial hazards and illness 137–8
industrial revolution (as term) 139
industrialization xiii, xix, xx, 18, 132–69, 175, 187, 189, 281, 489, 630; advance of 175; and alcohol 511–12; associated with masculinity 500; coal and iron production 139–47; effects on women 508; and European hegemony 630; in France 18; guilds and trade unions 158–65; in late 1840s 187, 189; misery and oppression of 489; and phrenology 423; process of xiii; and railway expansion 380; and Realist novel 522–3; and social change 281; and spread of disease 399, 400–401; transport 147–58
industry 292–9; investment in 287–8
inequality xix–xx, 171, 268, 540
infant mortality 139, 331–2, 332–3, 403–4
infections 420–21, 442 see also epidemics; disease
Inkerman, Battle of 234
insanity (mental illness) 424–31, 443; alleged causes 427; deviance and 431; and diminished responsibility 434
insurance 327; accident 551–2; shipping 293; and standardization of time 393
internal combustion engine xxi, 387
Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO) 679, 688, 689
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 395
International Council of Women 545
International Date Line 393
International Financial Control Commission 690
International Psychoanalytic Association 417
International Woman’s Suffrage Alliance: Congress (1913, Budapest) 545; Congress (Copenhagen, 1904) 544; official languages 545
International Women’s Day 566
International Women’s Suffrage Alliance 545
International Working Men’s Association (First International) 270–71, 272; General Council 272; Hague Congress (1872) 272 see also Second International
introversion 418
investment, overseas 352
Ioannina 53
Iorga, Nicolae 489
Iraq 53
Ireland: and Act of Union 179, 488; agrarian crimes 571; birth rates 409; Catholicism in 45, 571, 576, 577; emigration from 127, 347, 348, 349, 457, 570; Fenians 577; Home Rule 538, 571, 576–8, 621–2; Home Rule League (later Irish Parliamentary Party) 576; Irish MPs at Westminster 576; Irish National Invincibles 577; Irish, as workers 338; job-creation schemes 144; Kilmainham Treaty 577; Land War 571; landowners in 571, 577; literacy in 481, 571; mental institutions in 428–9; mortality crisis 125–6; nationalism 457, 487–8, 577; overpopulation 123; Parliament 487–8, 581; peasant movement 571; potato cultivation 123, 125; potato famine xvi, 8, 125–8, 399, 429, 571; Protestants in 571, 576, 581; republicans 13
Irk, river 307
Iron Gates (Danube gorge) 370
iron production 140, 142–4, 230, 295, 304, 368, 380
Isabella II, Queen of Spain 74, 107, 108, 223, 260, 279
Isandlwana, Battle of 660
Isère, river 370
Islam: in Africa 656, 657; in Albania 474, 693; in Algeria 636–7; in Balkans 688, 692; Bektashi sect
474; in Bosnia 62, 224, 474, 678; in Bulgaria 474; in central Asia 641; in Crete 690; in Haiti 267; in India 638, 665; in Ottoman Empire 18, 54, 83, 209, 474; in Serbia 678, 697; Shia and Sunni Muslims 474; in Tunisia 645
Isma’il Pasha, Khedive of Egypt 645–6
Istanbul 438; fires 372; underground railway 315; see also Constantinople
Italian (language) 488
Italians: in Austria 583; and Nationalities Law 260; as workers 338
Italy: administration in 15; and Africa 648–9; agriculture in 100, 112, 283, 284, 306; anarchism in 563; apparent instability in 588–93, 599; army 109, 439, 591; art in 526; Austrian forces in 192–3; Bakunin in 272, 563; and Balkan Wars 697; Banca Romana 590; banditry in 110; banking 304, 590–91; birth rates 408; canning industries 351; carabinieri 441; and Carlist uprisings 108; Catholic Church in 41, 463–4; chemical industry 304; and Chinese treaty ports 650; civil service 321; colonies 592, 645; and Congress of Vienna 23, 28; congresses of engineers 323–4; corruption 589, 590; cotton exports 304; Court of Appeal 591; Credito Mobiliare 590; deforestation 368; democracy in 592; dialects 482; earthquake and tsunami 371; education 463, 590; 1848 revolutions 189–90; elections 589; electrical industry 303, 304; emigration from 350–51; engineering 323; English artists in 375; and Ethiopia 591, 652–3, 655; flooding 369; food production 304; franchise 589, 590, 592, 600, 644; grain riots in 9; hunting rights in 362; hydroelectrical power plants 303–4; industrial production 132, 303–4; invasion of Libya xix, 692–3; invasion of Venetia 255; iron and steel production 304; Jews in 38, 475; labourers 113; land reclamation 369; landowners 589; lawyers 321; legal code 590; liberalism in 591; literacy in 481, 590; malaria in 396; medical profession 323; monarchs 600–601; motor manufacture in 303, 381; Municipal Guards 441; and Napoleon 3, 14, 59; national minorities in 572; nationalism in 180, 189–90, 239–46; opera 525–6, 527–8; parliamentary system 591; peasant revolts in 108–10, 221, 570; peasants in 616; pensions 551; Piedmontese Constitution 589; plague in 8; police forces 441–2; population 409; population growth 352; post-Napoleonic politics 38–41; press censorship 591; prisons 437, 438, 590; Public Security Guards 441; railways 151, 303, 377, 590; Realist literature in 525; revolutionaries in 74–5, 82; Risorgimento 292, 526, 590, 591; Riviera 715; road-building 351; secularization in 463; Senate 590; social reforms 591–2; Socialists 592; southern 305; standardization of time 391; strikes 590, 591; sugar-beet refining 351; and tariff barriers 285; taxation 112; textile production 134, 135; traffic regulation 314; trasformismo 592; and Triple Alliance 698; and Tunisia 645; Tuscan dialect 487; unification xvi, 17, 27, 151, 178–9, 193, 222, 240–46, 249, 251, 265, 292, 323, 463, 525, 583; universal male suffrage 568, 602; universities 323, 493; uprising against Spain (17th century) 70; urban life 113; Vatican 246; vendettas 344–5; vigilante justice 343; vineyards 112; wars of independence 242–4, 254; water supply 351; wine production 589; see also Piedmont, Piedmont-Sardinia
Jack the Ripper 414
Jacobi, Carl Wigand Maximilian 425–6
Jacobins 38, 45, 46, 67, 74, 75, 82, 83, 162, 184, 213, 266, 271, 272, 598, 622; post-Jacobins 559
Jal, August 81
Jamaica 226
James, Henry 524; The Portrait of a Lady 623; The Princess Casamassima 562
James II, King of England 263
Jämtland, Sweden 128
Janáček, Leoš, Jenůfa 526
Janissaries 57–8
Japan 103, 272, 300, 379, 607, 618, 649, 650, 651; Anglo-Japanese Alliance 651–2, 699; attack on Russian fleet at Port Arthur 618; Boxer Rebellion and 651; British exports to 300; and Chinese treaty ports 650; and Montenegro 692; Wilhelm II and 607; see also Russo-Japanese War
Jardine Matheson 125
Jarvis, George 57
Java 18
Jekyll, Gertrude 364
Jelačić, Count Josip 204, 206–7, 208, 240
Jena 33; Battle of 22, 175; University 33
Jenner, Edward 398
Jennings, George 310
Jerusalem 477–8; as centre of Earth 393
Jesuits 37, 38, 41, 182, 461, 465, 469
Jesus Christ 455, 459, 470, 521, 559; portrayed as ‘Aryan’ 686
Jews 474–80; in Algeria 636; in Argentina 475; attacks on 10, 105; in Austria 475, 476; as bankers 287, 477; in Belgium 476; in Berlin 477; blamed for peasant revolts 103; blamed for social protest 164; in Britain 475, 476, 480; in Bulgaria 476; and cholera 401; and Christianity 478; conspiracy theories on 347; as converts to Christianity 477; debarred from political office 476; denied civil rights 476; in Denmark 476; Disraeli on 575; as doctors 477; emancipation xvi, 15, 35, 476, 480; emigration to America 401, 475; emigration to Britain 475; as enemies of ‘Aryans’ 686; ennobled 477; exclusion from institutions 480; and feminism 330, 545; as founders of department stores 328; in France 475, 596–7; in Galicia 475; in garment industry 477; in Germany 475, 476, 477, 545, 622; ghettos for 41, 217, 475–6; in Greece 476; in Hamburg 476; in Hungary 181, 319, 477, 545, 586; intermarriage with ‘Aryans’ 656; in Italy 38, 475; as lawyers 477; in Macedonia 688; made to wear identification tags 656; Napoleon and 475, 476; and Nazi genocide
480; in Netherlands 475, 476; Nicholas II on 620; in North German Confederation 476; number in Europe 474; occupations of 477; and Orthodox Church 475; Orthodox and Reform 476; in Pale of Settlement 474–5; and Papal States 41; philanthropy of 475, 477–8; in Portugal 476; riots against 475; in Romania 475, 476, 478, 678; in Rome 476; in Russia 299, 350, 461, 474, 476, 615, 620; in Rustschuk 482; in St Petersburg 474–5; self-hating 501; Sephardi and Ashkenazi 482; in Serbia 476; and socialism 478; in Spain 476; as students 475; in Sweden 476; as traders 483; in USA 476, 623; Wagner and 529; in Württemberg 476; see also antisemitism; pogroms
Joachim, Joseph 528–9
Joanna Grudzinska, Princess (consort of Grand Duke Konstantin) 43, 50
João VI, King of Portugal 16, 42, 73
Johann, Archduke of Austria 197, 199, 211
Jordan, Wilhelm 203
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor 39
judicial system 38, 238, 278, 432, 555, 587; corruption in 442, see also corruption; powers 91, 435; reform 38, 266
Jung, Carl Gustav 417–18
Junker nobility 99, 281, 285, 570 see also Landräte
The Jurist 343–4
Jurkovich, Leopoldina 357
justice, administration in rural areas 343–5, see also courts; punishment; exile
Juvenile Missionary Magazine 681–2
Kajkavian Croatian dialect 487
Kalevala 487
Kalkandelen 224
Kama Sutra 630
Kandinsky, Wassily Wassilyevich 532–3; Squares with Concentric Circles 533
Kanpur 639
Kansas 2
Kapodistrias, Ioannis 59–61, 62
Karadjordje (Djordje Petrović) 61
Karadjordjević, Alexander 62
Karadjordjević family 691
Karakozov, Dmitry Vladimirovich 611–12
Karavelov, Lyuben Stoychev 317
Karl Anton, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen 261
Karl I, Emperor of Austria 715
Karl XIV Johann, King of Sweden (earlier Jean Bernadotte) 447
Karl XV, King of Sweden 225
Karlsruhe 10
Karnak 627
Karstadt, Rudolph 328
Katanga 663
Katharevousa (formal Greek) 488
Katkov, Mikhail Nikiforovich 490
Kay, Joseph 511
Kazan 131; University 496, 497, 611
Keats, John, ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ 397
Keble, John 456
Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron 394, 498
Kemper, Jeronimo de Bosch 552
Kenya 667
Kershaw, Ian, To Hell and Back xix
Kertheny, Károly 417
Keyserling, Alexander von 277
Kharkov 368
Khartoum 646
Khiva 641
Kierkegaard, Søren 470
Kiev 87, 613, 619; Jewish students in 475
Kingsley, Charles, Alton Locke 522
Kingston Lacey, Dorset 628
Kipling, Rudyard: ‘Recessional’ 624–5; ‘The White Man’s Burden’ 669, 682
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig 532
Kireyevsky, Ivan 176
Kitchener, Sir Herbert (later 1st Earl Kitchener) 653, 661
Kladderadatsch 515
Klaus, Karl 497
Klein, Stefan Isidor 277
Klenze, Leo von 316
Klimt, Gustav, Judith and the Head of Holofernes 531
Klipin, Herbert 513
Knights of Liberty 32
Koch, Robert 398, 399, 402, 421
Kodak cameras 519
Kogalniceanu, Mihail 110
Kokand 641
Koller, Karl 419
Königgrätz, Battle of 254–7, 702
Königsberg (Karaliaučius, Królewiec.) 35, 99
Königstein 210
Konstantin Konstantinovich, Grand Duke of Russia 247
Konstantin Pavlovich, Grand Duke of Russia 43, 49–50
Koran 34
Kortrijk 466
Kosovo 693
Kossuth, Ferenc 587
Kossuth, Lajos 181, 191, 191–2, 205, 207, 208, 209, 217, 245, 246, 346, 357, 459
Kotzebue, August von, History of the German Empire 34
Kraepelin, Emil 430–31
Krafft-Ebing, Baron Richard von, Psychopathia Sexualis 417
Krasińsky, Zygmunt 117–18
Kravchinsky, Sergei Mikhailovich (‘Stepniak’) 563
Kremer, Józef, Letters from Cracow 175
Krivoy Rog iron-ore fields 233
Krog, Gina 546
Kropotkin, Pyotr Alexeyevich 91–2
Krüdener, Juliane von 459
Krupp, Alfred 144, 293, 295, 557
Krupp steel firm 143–4, 157, 295–6
Krzyzanowski, Lieutenant-Colonel Seweryn 50
Kulm, Battle of 71
Kulpa Navigation Company 150
Kulturkampf 465
Kumanovo 693
Kupka, František, Amorpha: Fugue in Two Colours 533
La Marmora, Alfonso 255
La Mata 370
La Rochelle 32
Labouchère, Henry 415
labour: child 132, 138–9, 144–5, 411; freedom of 281, 338; indentured 667; unrest 548, 581
labourers, rural 113; see also serfdom
Ladies’ National Association for the Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts (1869) 414
Ladino (language) 482
Lafargue, Paul 559
Lafayette, Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de 31, 65, 66
Laffitte, Jacques 31
Lagos 637
Laibach (Ljubljana), Congress of 40
Lamartine, Alphonse de 200, 215
Lamberg, Franz von 206
Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di, Il Gattopardo (The Leopard) 291–2
Lamprecht, Karl 390
Lamszus, Wilhelm, The Human Slaughterhouse: A Picture of the Coming War 703
Lanarkshire 549
The Lancet 405
land: confiscation of 11, 29, 39, 248, 461; dependence on 113, 119; limits on ownership 108; nationalization of 43; prices and rents 103; reforms 109; seizure of 103, 105; uncultivated 358; see also landowners; serfdom
Landes 376
Landflucht 338
landholdings, morcellization 347–8
landowners (seigneurs): aristocratic 285–93; bourgeois as 221, 285, 353–4; in Britain 280–81; compensation for loss of serfs 96–7, 100; and hunting rights 362; and noble status 282; in Russia 85–6, 89, 115, 285; seigneurial courts 15, 90–91; and serfs 90–91
Landräte 285
landscaping 364
landslides 368–9
Landwehr and Louisenstadt canal 150
languages 480–85, 488, 491; standardization of 487, 571, see also individual languages
Lanson, Gustave 622–3
Lanza, Giovanni 410–11
Laos 649
Lapps 482
Larousse dictionary 313
laryngoscope 422
Lassalle, Ferdinand 270, 290, 468, 554
Lasswitz, Kurt, On Two Planets 389
Lateran Treaty 246
Latin (language), use of 483, 491, 496; in legislation 202
Latin America 32, 37, 108, 133, 347, 353, 635; rubber production 663
Latour, Count Theodor Franz Baillet von 194, 204–6
Lattre de Tassigny, Jean Joseph Marie Gabriel de 279; see also Delattre, Laurent 279
Latvia (Lettland) 88, 129, 461; see also Courland
Lauragais 511
Laval, Gustaf de 284
Lavigerie, Cardinal Charles 469
Lavrov, Pyotr Lavrovich 611, 616
Lawes, Sir John Bennet 284
law: courts 215, 238; profession 321, 327, 495; reform 305
lawyers 319, 320-1, 327, 354, 495; unqualified 321
Le Havre 189
Le Mans, Battle of 264
League of Communists (League of the Just) 269, 270
League of Free Poles 49
League for Peace and Freedom 272
League of the Three Emperors 677, 698
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre 201, 217–18
Légion d’honneur 594
legislative assemblies 35–6, 182, 353, 567, 570; see also parliaments and diets under individual countries
Legitimists 69
Leicester 432
Leiden, Stadsgehoorzaal 528
Leinster, Augustus Fitzgerald, Duke of 125–6
Leipzig 75, 153, 450; Battle of the Nations 21, 205, 629; Gewandhaus 528; University 430, 495
Leithe, river 583
Lemberg 513
Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) 435, 517, 643, 687; What Is to Be Done? 617
Leo XII, Pope 41
Leo XIII, Pope 464, 465; Rerum novarum (encyclical) 464
Léon, Spain 129
Leoncavallo, Ruggero, I Pagliacci 525
Leopold I, Grand Duke of Baden 190, 212
Leopold I, King of the Belgians 71–2, 152, 153, 466
Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany 181, 190, 193, 213, 215, 221
Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor 14
Leopold II, King of the Belgians 407, 607, 632, 647, 650, 662–4; Force Publique (private army) 663, 664
Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen 260–61
Leopoldville, Congo 663
Lermontov, Mikhail Yuryevich 290
Leroux, Pierre 173
Lesseps, Ferdinand de 645–6
Leutwein, Theodor 655
Lever Brothers 300
Lewis, Isle of 125
Libelt, Karol 610
liberal reformism 555–6
liberalism: in Britain 180, 183–5, 219–20; and encouragement of education 484; in France 32, 63, 67, 185–6, 219, 221; in Germany 35, 182, 265; Guizot and 32, 185–6; in Italy 40, 180–81; Latin America as model of 17, 32; middle-class 46, 621; in Portugal 42, 73; and revolutions of 1848 567; in Russia 43; and serfdom 95; in Spain 35, 37, 42, 74, 108; in Switzerland 182; in Tuscany 38–9; see also Revolutions of 1848
Liberia 649
libraries, public 515
La Libre Parole 597
Libya 649; invasion by Italy xix, 692–3; under Ottoman control 645
licenciatura 493
Lichnowsky family 108
Lichnowsky, Felix 199–200
Liebig, Justus von 116, 284, 301
Liebknecht, Karl, Militarism and Anti-Militarism 557
Liebknecht, Wilhelm 404, 554, 557, 623–4
Liegnitz 147
Lieven, Princess Dorothea 47–8
Lieven family 288
life expectancy 331–2, 403, 404
Light Brigade, charge of 234
lighting: electric 304, 315; gas 314–15; street 305, 314–15
Ligny, Battle of 12
Lilienthal, Otto 387–8
Lille 314
Limburg 466
Linati, Claudio 17
Lindley, Robert Searles 311
Lindley, William 311–12
Lindley, William Heerlein 311
Lindsay, William Lauder 427
linen production 132
Linz 151
Lion-taming 360–61
Lister, Anne 416
Lister, Joseph 421
Listow, Hans 453
Liszt, Franz (Ferenc) 183, 448–9, 529
literacy 325, 380, 481, 485, 487; among town and country dwellers 481; increase in 571; rates 189, 238–9, 514, 620
literati 276, 324, 340; as term 275, 610
literature 443; in Biedermeier period 444–7, 447; non-fiction 523; realist 522–5; Romantic 449,
450–51, 452–3; Symbolist 531–2; translated 490, see also fiction, and under individual authors
Lithuania 51, 89, 129, 247, 248, 474
Little Bighorn, Battle of 242
Livadiya 404
Liverpool 312, 348, 353; Royal Liver Building 385
Liverpool, Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of 184
Liverpool and Manchester railway line 150–51, 153, 155
living standards, improvements 345
The Living Voice 610
Livingstone, David 632, 633, 634, 682
Livonia 278; see also Latvia
Livorno 213
Lloyd, Marie 516
Lloyd George, David 281, 580, 700
Lloyd’s of London 293
Lobachevsky, Nicholas Ivanovich 497
locomotives 150, 151, 153, 155, 156, 382
logging 367–8
Loissy, Alfred 464
Lombardy 6-7, 23, 39-40, 135, 192, 194, 214, 284
Lombroso, Cesare 439–40, 685; Criminal Man 439
London: Astley’s Amphitheatre 626; Bakunin in 272; Brick Lane 341; British Museum 273, 627, 630; Canterbury Hall, Lambeth 516; Carlton Club 501; Cheapside 314; church attendance in 467; Conference (1830) 71, 73; constituencies 568; crime in 522; criminal classes 340; Crystal Palace 292–3, 453, 643; demonstrations 225; Downing Street 538; Drury Lane 360; East End 307; emigration to 346; Empire Day parade 683; English Royal Menagerie 360; escalators in 384; Euston Station 390; Fleet Street 314; fog 374–5; gas consumption 314; Gautier on 489; Great Exhibition (1851) 292–3, 310, 353, 643; Hampstead 307, 325, 331; Harrods 329, 384; Holborn Viaduct electricity generating station 302; Holloway prison 537, 539; Holloway Road underground station 384; Houndsditch 563; Houses of Parliament 371-2, 538; Hyde Park 538; Imperial College 306; Inns of Court 321; Jacob’s Island 308; Jago district 341; Jews in 477; Kew Gardens 539; Leadenhall Market 362; Lister in 421; Louis-Napoleon in 215; Mechanics’ Institutes 485; Metropolitan Police 78, 184, 440–41; Metropolitan railway 315; music halls 516; ‘mysteries’ of 167; National Gallery 539; Newgate Prison 437; Obstetrical Society 430; Pall Mall 314; parks 356; Peabody Trust 313; Pentonville prison 436–7; pilferage in small-scale industry 341; professional crime 341; Reform Club 501; Regent Street 316; Regent’s Park 316, 360, 361, 539; revolutionaries in 346, 347; ‘rookeries’ 308; Royal College of Science 306; Royal Geographical Society 630, 632, 634; Royal School of Mines 306; Russell Square 538; Russian embassy 47–8; Schwarzenberg in 240; sewer system 310; Sidney Street siege 563; Smithfield cattle show 374; Smithfield meat market 309, 310; social geography 307; Southwark 331; Spa Fields riots 45; Spitalfields 7, 313; street maps 341; streets 314; suburbs 307; Surgical Hospital 430; and tea-clippers 394; Tory voters in 575; Tower of London 45; Treaty of (1827) 58, 61; Treaty of (1913) 695; Underground (‘tube’) 302, 315, 384; University College 496; University College Hospital 418; Vauxhall Gardens 386; West Ham South constituency 559; Westminster Bridge 314, 530; Whitechapel 414; Willesden Cycling Club 383; Zoological Society 361; see also Britain
London Daily News 673
London Missionary Society 267
London Protocol (1877) 674
‘long nineteenth century’ xvi
Löning, Karl 34
Lönnrot, Elias 487
looms: hand and power 132, 133–4, 135, 136, 137, 139, 162, 300, 304, 335; Jacquard 134
looting 626–30
Lörrach 200
Los von Rom movement 479
Loubet, Alphonse 315
Louis VI (the Fat), King of the Franks 29
Louis VII, King of France 66
Louis XIV, King of France 27, 63, 194
Louis XVI, King of France 11, 14, 66, 183, 196
Louis XVIII, King of France 11, 28, 29–31, 65, 66, 593
Louis-Napoleon see Napoleon III
Louis-Philippe, King of France 63–4, 65–8, 69, 72, 188–9, 197, 200, 219, 230, 594, 636
Louise-Marie, Queen of the Belgians 72
Lourenço Marques (Maputo) 283
Low Countries 8, 9, 14; administration in 15, see also Belgium; Netherlands
Lowe, Robert 483
Lowell, Massachusetts 446
Lower Austria 91, 93, 135, 257
Lozengrad (Kirklareli, Saránda Eklisíe) 695
Lozère 481
Lucan, George, 3rd Earl of 234
Lucas, Charles 437
Lucas-Championnière, Just 421
Ludwig I, King of Bavaria 183, 190, 219, 316
Ludwig II, Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt 183, 190
Ludwig III, Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt 190
Ludwigshafen 301
Lumière, Louis and Auguste 395, 519
Lumpenproletariat 340
‘lunatic asylums’ 172, 424–31; legislation on 424–5
Lusatia 482
Luther, Martin 34
Lutheranism 458, 459, 461, 467, 479
Luxembourg 72
Luxemburg, Rosa 566, 643, 687; The Accumulation of Capital 557
Luxemburg-Lorraine Pig Iron Syndicate 303
Luzzatti, Luigi 284
Lvov, Prince Georgy Yevgenyenich 281
Lwów (Lemberg, Lviv) football club 513
Lydekker, Richard 359
Lyell, Sir Charles, Principles of Geology 471
lynx, Sardinian 364
Lyon 9, 67, 134, 151, 218; Master Joiners’ Circle 329
Macartney, George Macartney, 1st Earl 18
Macaulay, Thomas Babington 499, 666
Macdonald, Alexander 549
Macedonia 53, 462, 675, 678, 679, 688, 693, 697
MacGahan, Januarius 673
machinery: breaking 164, 212; export of 143
McKinley, William 564
MacMahon, Patrice de 262–3, 593
McNeill, William H. xv
Madeira 715
Madrid 110, 223, 377, 467; Almacenes Madrid-Paris department store 329; prostitutes 411; schools in 484; tobacco factory 336
Maffei, Clara 320
magazines and newspapers 31, 35, 48, 177, 245, 271, 275, 380, 387, 507, 514–15, 523, 541, 543, 544, 556, 565, 567, 571, 597, 611, 683
Magenta, Battle of 242
magical practices 472–4
Magyar (language) 587
Magyars 202–4, 587; see also Hungary
Mahdists 653
Mahler, Gustav: Eighth Symphony (Symphony of a Thousand) 529; Third Symphony 529
Mähly, Jacob 502
Mahmud II, Ottoman Sultan 53, 55, 57–8, 61, 62
mail-order retailing 328
Maine-et-Loire 129
Maistre, Joseph de 81
Maji-Maji uprising 656
Majuba Hill, Battle of 660
Makarska 8
Málaga 350
malaria 123, 217, 245, 301, 369, 370, 396
Malatesta, Errico 563
Malayan peninsula 639
Malcontents, War of the 107
Malinovsky, Roman Vatslavovich 617–18
Mallarmé, Stéphane 531
Malling-Hansen, Rasmus 330
Mallon, Mary (‘Typhoid Mary’) 399
Malmö 199
malnutrition xix, 8, 73, 123, 128, 139, 403, 439
Małogoszcz, Battle of 247
Manchester 9, 143, 225; Owens College (later Victoria University) 496; Peterloo Massacre 10; School Board 538
Mani peninsula 60
Mann, Heinrich, Professor Unrat 326
Mann, Thomas, Buddenbrooks 326
Mann, Tom 558
Mannheim 190, 196; social clubs 319
Manning, Henry Edward 457
Mantegazza, Paolo 414
Manteuffel, Otto von 250
Mantua 241
Manuel II, King of Portugal 569
Manzoni, Alessandro, The Betrothed 487
Maoris 639–40
Marc, Franz, Der Blaue Reiter 532
Marconi, Guglielmo 392
Marconi company 392
Maria Anna of Savoy, Empress of Austria 195
Maria Cristina, Queen, Regent of Spain 74
Maria I (the Mad), Queen of Portugal 16
Maria II (Maria de Glória), Queen of Portugal 73–4
Maria Theresa, Queen of the Two Sicilies 243
La Marianne 559
Marie Louise, Empress of France 21
Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France 14, 183, 194, 196
Marlborough, Charles Spencer-Churchill, 9th Duke of 280
Marlborough, Consuelo, Duchess of (earlier Vanderbilt) 280
Marlborough, George Spencer-Churchill, 8th
Duke of 280
Marlborough, Jane, Duchess of (earlier Warren Price) 280
Marmara, Sea of 675
Marmite 301
Marmont, Auguste-Frédéric 64–5
Marne, river 149
Maros, river 369
Marr, Wilhelm, The Way to Victory of Jewdom over Germandom 478
marriage: among Baltic nobility 276–7; among villagers 375; of British nobility 280; civil 15, 210, 456, 463, 465, 466; as ‘conjugal slavery’ 173–4; decline in rate 127; interracial 655–6; mixed-religion 181; morganatic 586, 704; and property 574; Proudhon on 175; and restrictions on women 170, 504–5, 508, 524, 565; as slavery 173; of Spanish nobility 279–80; see also divorce
Mars-la-Tour, Battle of 262
La Marseillaise 66, 188, 201, 218, 276
Marshall Islands 649
Martignac, Jean Baptiste Gay, Vicomte de 32
Martin, Rudolf, Yearbook of German Millionaires 287–8
Martinique 267
Marx, Eleanor 558
Marx, Karl: and Bakunin 272–3, 553, 562; and League of Communists 269–70; death 554; and Engels 177, 554–5; and Guesde 559; as Hegelian 177; in London 269, 270, 346; on Lumpenproletariat 340; on petty bourgeoisie 326; and Polish revolt against Russia 249, 270; in protest at French National Assembly 218; on rural Europeans xxii; and Social Democrats 554; on unity of workers 338; and workers’ groups 270–71; The Civil War in France 271; Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850 270; The Communist Manifesto (with Engels) 269–70; Critique of the Gotha Programme 554; The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte 270; Das Kapital 558; The Poverty of Philosophy 177
Mary, Virgin: cult of 457; visions of 455–6
Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue 546, 585
Mascagni, Pietro, Cavalleria Rusticana 525
masculinity 320; and clothing 503; and facial hair 501–3; and top hats 503
masochism 417
Masonic lodges see Freemasonry
masturbation 416; associated with insanity 427
matches, white-phosphorus 335
Matheson, Sir James 125
Matisse, Henri, Woman with a Hat 532
Matterhorn 365
Mauretania (ocean liner) 395
Mavromichalis, Petrobey 61
Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico 583
Maximilian II, King of Bavaria 190, 212
Maxwell, James Clerk 498
Mayer, Arno, The Persistence of the Ancien Régime xxiii
Mayhew, Henry, London Labour and the London Poor 340, 488–9
Mayor de Montrichet, Jean-François 369
Mayr, Georg von 345
Mayreder, Rosa 384
Mazovia 135
Mazzini, Giuseppe 41, 178–9, 192, 215, 217, 239, 590
Mecca 637
medicine xx, 322-3, 418–23, 442, 495, 524; see also doctors
Mehmed V, Ottoman Sultan 690
Mehmed VI, Ottoman Sultan 715
Meiji, Emperor of Japan 650
Meinecke, Friedrich 499
melancholia 427
Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount 372, 660
Méline tariff 285
The Memoirs of a Singer (pornographic book) 275
menageries, princely 360
Mendeleev tariff 285
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix 453, 454, 529; Scottish Symphony 452
Menelik II, Negus (Emperor) of Ethiopia 652–3
meningitis 399
Merano 274
Mercadante, Saverio, The Horatii and the Curiatii (opera) 527
merchants, mercantilism 319, 324, 353, 635
Mérimée, Prosper 336
Mesmer, Franz Anton, and mesmerism 418
Messenhauer, Wenzel 207
metallurgical industry 86, 298–9, 305, 306
Metaxas, Andreas 223
Methodism 457
metric system 376–7
Metternich, Count (later Prince) Klemens von: as Austrian foreign minister 21, 23; and Belgian Revolution 71; and carbonari 41; and censorship 181, 447, 448; on changes in Europe 80; and Congress of Vienna 21; fall of 191, 192, 194, 195, 197, 229, 266; and Franz Joseph 582; and Freemasons 82; on Freemasons 44; and French Revolution 69–70; and German Confederation 33; Guizot 185; and Hungarian liberals 181; on Italy 487; on Kapodistrias 60; legislation promoted by 77; and Lombardy 39; and Mazzini 179; and nationalist movements 180; reactionary politics of 266; repressive measures 34–5; and revolutionary movements 45, 77, 78, 83, 84, 182; on rioters 46; on Schwarzenberg 240; and Switzerland 78; and Tsar Alexander I 459
Metz 262–3
Michelet, Jules 468–9
Michelin 381
Mickiewicz, Adam 49; Pan Tadeusz 451
microscopes 498
Middle Ages, recreation of 454, 521, 527
Middle East 18
Midi 11
Mierosławski, Ludwik 186, 203, 212, 214, 219
migration: and agricultural cycle 339; from country to town 338; of Muslims to Anatolia 689; see also emigration
Miguel I, King of Portugal 73
Miklós, Jósika, Abafi 452
Mikulicz-Radecki, Johannes von 421
Milan 13, 151, 192, 193, 194, 303, 304, 323; salons 320
military conscription 39, 108, 247, 250
‘The Militia of the Condemned’ (conspiratorial society) 75
militias, citizens’ 70, 76, 82, 193, 204, 205, 212, 219–20, 250, 277, 278, 371, 620
Miljanov Popović, Duke Marko 279
milk, hygiene standards 332–3
Mill, John Stuart 272, 547; The Subjection of Women 540–41, 546
Millais, John Everett, Christ in the House of His Parents 521
Millaud, Moïse Polydore 514
Millerand, Alexandre 560–61
Millet, Jean-François, The Gleaners 521
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolayevich 544
Milyutin, Dmitry Alexeyevich 238
Mindon Min, King of Burma 668
Miners’ Association of Great Britain and Ireland 163
mines, mining, miners: pigeon and greyhound racing 513; strikes 548, 581; theft of coal by workers 341; trade unions 549; and water supply; see also coal production
Minghetti, Marco 589
minorities, national 572; in Austria 572, 585, 609; in Germany 601; in Hungary 201-2, 208
Minsk 367
Minutolo, Antonio, Prince of Canosa 41
miracles 473
Mirdita 695
Mishkenot Sha’ananim almshouses 477–8
missionaries 267, 467, 638, 639, 648, 650, 658, 665; societies of 469, 682
Mistinguett (Jeanne Florentine Bourgeois) 516
Mittermaier, Carl 434
‘model dwelling’ movement 552
Modena 40, 75, 193, 243; Duchy of 38
Mohammed, prophet 636
Mohl, Robert von 166
el-Mokhrani, Mohamed 636
Moldavia 53, 54, 104–5, 167, 202–3, 233, 679; see also Danubian Principalities
Moliterno, Basilicata 43
Moltke, Helmuth von (the Elder) 254–7, 391, 703, 709; in Franco-Prussian War 261–3, 265
Moltke, Helmuth von (the Younger) 703, 709
Moltke, Maria von 254
monarchy: abolition of 558, 567; absolute 30, 32, 36, 37; constitutional 185, 266, 569; and death penalty 434; Divine Right of 28, 29, 197, 210, 582, 607; and hereditary principle 19–20; legitimacy 69, 183; and liberalism 82–3; loss of powers 197; Serbian 569
monasteries 182; dissolution of 15, 461–2, 464
Monastir (Bitola), Battle of 693
Mond, Ludwig 301
Monet, Claude 375, 530; Impression, Sunrise 530
Mongolia 649
Monist League 684
‘Monkey Closets’ 310
monks 636
monopolies 644
Mons 152
monsoon 667
Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Edward 607
Monte Carlo 289
Montefiore, Sir Moses 477–8
Montenegro 53, 207, 279, 344, 677, 678, 692–3; in Balkan Wars 693–4, 696, 698; princesses married to Russian Grand Dukes 710
Monteux, Pierre 535
Montez, Lola 183, 190, 191, 413
Montezuma, Emperor 169
Montpellier, University of 488
Montreal 226
Monza 151
Moore, James 383
Moravian Church 458
Moréas, Jean, ‘Symbolist Manifesto’ 531
Morel, Edmund Dene 664
Morel, Eugène 515–16
Morny, Charles de Morny, Duc de 120
Morozov, Savva Timofeyevich 326
Morozov, Savva Vasilyevich 326
Morrow, William 141–2
Morse, Samuel 157
Mortier, Édouard 67
Moscow: Arts Theatre 326; beggars in 118; burning of 3–4; emigration from 350; Grand Army march to 1; industry 298; Jewish students in 475; Jews expelled from 474, 615; Okhrana (secret police) 615, 618; Orthodox Church in 461; retreat from 3; Senate Square 44; University 610, 611
Moscow Sheet (newspaper) 514
Moselle, river 10
mosquitoes, and malaria 369, 370, 396
Most, Johann (John), Science of Revolutionary Warfare 564
Mostar 224
motion pictures see cinema
motor manufacture 303, 352, 381–3
motor vehicles xviii
mountain areas 364–5
Mountnorris, George Annesley, 2nd Earl of 627
mourning clothes 405
movement, freedom of 96, 101, 281
Mozambique 648
Muhammad Ahmad (Mahdi), Sheikh, ruler of Sudan 646
Muhammad Ali Pasha, Khedive of Egypt 57, 133, 413, 626, 627, 645
Muhammad III, Bey of Tunis 645
Mühlen, Viktor von Zur 274–7, 291
Mukden, Battle of 618
mule, self-acting 134
Mulhouse 134
Mull, Scotland 124
multinational companies xvi, xv
multiple sclerosis 430
Mulvany, William Thomas 144
Munch, Edvard, The Scream 531
Munich: beer cellars 147, 517; beggars in 7; bourgeoisie 319; building programme 316; economic downturn in 75; fog 374; grain riots in 9; Hofbräuhaus 147; Otto of Greece in 223; registered prostitutes 411; University 495
Münster, Ernst, Count of 76
Munthe, Axel 308
Murad V, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire 237, 674
Murat, Joachim 40
Murcia 370
Murray, Sir George 659
Murray’s Handbook for Travellers in Scandinavia 317
museums, colonial 643
music: in Biedermeier period 447–9; classical xix, 528–9; folk 510–11, 534; in France 530–31; in Germany 528–30; Impressionism in 530–31; Modernist 535; Romantic 448–9, 451–2, 453, 529–30, 535
Muslims see Islam
Musolino, Giuseppe 110
Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich, Boris Godunov 527
Muthesius, Hermann 534
mutual benefit societies 270, 323
Myall Creek, New South Wales 659
Nachtigal, Gustav 647
Nagelmackers, Georges 379
Nama tribe 655–6
Naples: Bakunin in 272; carbonari in 39; cholera in 402; Garibaldi in 243–4; hall of justice 321; lawyers in 321; organization of workers in 160; poverty in 190; and railways 151; slums 308; Spanish rule in 70; uprisings in 40, 190, 193, 214; and volcanic eruptions 371
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French: abdication 29; admired by Hegel 175; and Algeria 636; Arndt and 33; Austria and 180; and construction of mountain roads 365; coup of 18 Brumaire 12–13, 218; death 12; death on St Helena 12; defeats of Prussia 22–3; and Drovetti 628; exile in St Helena 12, 15; and feudal Estates 180; Grand Army 1–2, 13, 49, 209, 696–7; guerrilla wars against 107; ‘Hundred Days’ 23, 29; Imperial Guard 2; influence of 19, 29–40, 45, 53, 59, 62–3, 64, 78, 80, 82, 231; invasion of Egypt 18; invasion of Poland 347; invasion of Russia 1–4, 22, 233–4; in Italy 59; and Italy 3, 14; and Jews 475, 476; land reforms 109; legacy of 13–16, 18; legend of 12–13, 231; in literature and art 526; looting of art and antiquities 629; and Metternich 21, 459; and military academy 494; military strategy 254; and Nelson 111; occupation of Spain 37; popularity 11; Portuguese Legion 42; reforms 39, 49; relatives 230; return from Elba 11, 20, 193; road-building programme 147–8; rumours of return (1815) 9; and slavery 19; and standardization 314; and Switzerland 77; title 66; and Tsar Alexander I of Russia 22; views on women 15; volunteers against 34; see also Bonapartism; Code Napoléon
Napoleon II, Emperor of the French 218
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French (earlier Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte): assassination attempt on 242; attempted coups (1835 and 1840) 69, 75, 215; in Baden-Baden 29; and Bismarck 253–4, 257; and bureaucracy 230; and carbonari 75; and Catholic Church 231–2; and constitution 249; and Crimean War 234, 239; and Devil’s Island penal colony 436; elected French president 215–16, 217; as Emperor 218–19; in exile 263; and Franco-Prussian War 260–65; heir of 594; and Indonesia 639; and Italian unification 241–3, 245–6; Liberal Empire 249; in London 215,
225; and nationalism 229; and nobility 279; peasantry’s support of 221; and Pius IX 216; policies 229–32, 265; and Spanish succession 260; and universal male suffrage 228, 593, 601; and urban improvement 312, 316
Napoleon, Prince Imperial 594
Napoleonic Wars: aftermath 3–5, 7, 16–18, 27–8, 83, 143, 354, 440, 635, 698; and British economy 132; and compensation to Allies 36; Decembrists and 44; in Greece 54, 61, 82; and increase in wolf numbers 359; and Luddites 162; profits made during 136; represented in art 526; Tosca and 526; veterans of 12, 31, 48, 51, 64, 65, 93, 186, 192, 193, 202, 206, 208, 209, 216, 219, 422, 638; warfare in Europe preceding 26
narcissism 417
Narváez, Ramón 222
Nash, John 316
Nasir al-Din, Shah 289
Natalia, Republic of 660
nation states xvi, 553, 557, 624, 686, 697; German 210, 222, 250, 257, 259; Italian 246; see also national identity
National Association for the Protection of Labour 163
National Association for the Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts (1869) 414
national identity 62, 77, 224, 487, 528, 610, 669, 670, 683, 689
National Typographical Association 163
nationalism: in Africa 633; in China 650–51; and democracy 624; divisions between groups 222; in the East 463; in Europe 488; and feminism 545–8; in Finland 178, 487, 528, 546–7; in France 200–201; in Germany 199–200; in Greece 54, 61, 82; Habsburg Empire and 180, 203, 222; in Hungary 201–2; ideals and aims of 82, 177–8; increase in power 229, 266; and liberalism 686; linguistic and ethnic 583; literary and cultural 526–8; and Marxism 557; Mazzini and 179; in Moldavia and Wallachia 202–3; in Norway 508, 528, 546; in Poland 13, 49–52, 135, 178, 179, 180, 186–7, 246–9, 270, 346–7, 367, 451, 457, 526, 572, 610, 615; post-1848 622; protests 28, 179; Slav 687; and standardization of language 487; and written language 481
Nationalities Law (Austria-Hungary, 1868) 260
Native Americans 16, 242; in Canada 658
nature: conquest of 364–73; cult of 364; depiction in art 356; truth to 451
Nauru 649
Ndebele people 660
Nechayev, Sergei Gennadiyevich 612–13, 617; Catechism of a Revolutionary 612, 617
Negresti 105
Nelson, Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount 111, 406, 495, 629
Ne˘mcová, Božena 268
neo-Classicism 453
neo-Gothicism 453–4
Nepal 667
Neptune (planet) 388
Nertchinsk, silver mines 435
Netherlands 6, 23, 25, 70–71; agriculture 116; ban on absinthe 512; birth rates 408; and Britain 72; canals 152; Catholics in 466; colonies 15, 136, 267, 268; cycling in 383; Dutch settlers in Africa 660–61; economic downturn 569; emigration from 351; Housing Act (1901) 552; and Indonesia 639; Industrial Injuries Act (1901) 552; industrial production 132; industry 300; invasion of Belgium 72; Jews in 475, 476; legislation on capital punishment 434; life expectancy 404; malaria in 396; mental institutions in 425, 430; mortality crisis 125; national minorities in 572; poor relief 119, 552; population 569; population growth 123; potato blight in 123; Public Health Act (1901) 552; railways 151; serfdom in 88; standardization of time 391; States-General 70, 569; strikes 569; stunted growth in 127; traffic regulation 314; troops 12; under Austria 194; urban life 113; vigilante justice 343; Wilhelm II in exile in 715; windmills 132; women’s socialist movement 566
neuropsychology 423
Neverov, Alexander Sergeyevich 485
New Guinea (Kaiser-Wilhelmsland) 646, 647, 649
‘New Harmony’ commune 174
New Lanark cotton mill, Glasgow 174
‘New Morality’ movement (Germany) 543
New Orleans 632
New Pomerania 649
New Rhenish News: Review of Political Economy 270
New South Wales 658
New York 57, 272, 348, 624; Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations (1853) 353; high-rise buildings 385
New York Herald 632
New York World 625
New Zealand 351, 639–40, 657, 658, 682
Newcastle, Henry Pelham-Clinton, 4th Duke of 79
Newcastle-upon-Tyne 140, 328, 524; Infirmary 421
Newhaven 189
Newport, Monmouthshire 185
news agencies 392
newspapers see magazines and newspapers
Niagara Falls 304
Niboyet, Eugénie 268
Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia: becomes emperor 43–4; and beggars in St Petersburg 118; and Belgian Revolution 72–3; conservatism 46–7; death 236; and Decembrists 44, 47, 49–50; declares war on Ottoman Empire (1829) 58; and Franz Joseph 208; and Great Fire of Hamburg 371; and Habsburg Empire 233; and Hungarians 209; invasion of Danubian Principalities 233; invasion of Hungary 233; Organic Statutes 94; and Orthodox Church 459; on Ottoman Empire 231; and Ottomans 57, 233; and Polish uprising 49–52, 279; public executions in 433; as road traveller 149; on Schwarzenberg 240; and serfdom 87, 94
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia: and assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 706, 710; beard 502; and Black Hundreds 620;
coronation disaster 616; and Finland 547; fleet of cars 383; and freedom of religion 461; on Jews 620; micromanagement by 615–16; murder of 715; October Manifesto 543, 619; and Rasputin 620; and Russo-Japanese War 618; weakness as ruler 585, 620–21; and women’s education 507
Nicolle, Charles 400
Nicolson, Harold 710
Niemcewicz, Julian Ursyn 346–7; The Year 3333, or an Incredible Dream 347
Nietzsche, Friedrich 470, 501, 502, 543
Niger Coast Protectorate 662
Niger, river 628–9
Nigeria 647, 649, 657, 661; Muslims in 662; racist references to 683
Nightingale, Florence 235, 245, 419, 422
Nikola I, King of Montenegro 279, 692, 698
Nikolayev (Mikolaiv), Ukraine 285
Nile, river 626, 627, 634; Battle of 629; search for source 628–9, 630, 633
Nîmes 482
Niš 674
nitrogen 497
nitrous oxide (laughing gas) 418
Nobiling, Karl 603–4
nobility: Baltic 99, 275–6, 353; British 278; clothing of 503; in Europe 278–82, 353; French 29, 43, 278, 279; German 36, 288, 319; Hungarian 117, 278, 287; Polish 97, 246–7, 279, 287; Romanian 95; Russian 43, 99, 278, 610; see also aristocracy
Noja, Italy 8
Nonconformity 457–8
Noon, Patrick 138
Nord, department 511–12
Nordau, Max 392, 501; Degeneration 416
Nordisk company 520
Norman, Conolly 429
North German Confederation 257–8, 260; Bundesrat 259; Criminal Code 434; and Jews 476; Reichstag 257–8
North Pole 633
North Rhine-Westphalia 312
North Sea (German Ocean) 396
North-West Passage 633–4
Norway 26, 446; alcohol consumption in 512; Battle of the Square 225; birth rates 409; bourgeoisie 318; Constitution 546; Dissenter Law 467; drama in 524; emigration from 348–9; feminism in 546; hydroelectric power 304; independence from Sweden 546, 568; industrial production 132, 304; infant mortality 403; Jews in 476; legislature 570; mental institution 427; National Women’s Suffrage Association 546; nationalism in 508, 528, 546, 568; passport requirements 483; Radical Liberal Party 546; railways 152; religion in 458; Storting 546; and Sweden 26, 546, 558; universal male suffrage 568; whaling and fishing fleet 304; White Ribbon Society 508;, see also Scandinavia
Norwegian Folk Museum 533
Norwich 473
Nottinghamshire 142
Nourrit, Adolphe 70
Novara, Battle of 214
novels see fiction
Novi Bazar 677
nuns, in hospitals 421–2
Nuremberg-Fürth railway 155
nursing 422 see also Nightingale, Florence
Nussdorf 195
nutrition: poor 402; rising standards 333–4
Nyetovtsy 459
Obrenović, Michael 62
Obrenović, Miloš 61–2
Obrid 462
Oceania, medical care in 682
O’Donnell, Leopoldo 223
officer corps 83, 249-50, 290, 480
Oise canal 149
‘Old Believers’ 87, 324, 350, 459–61; Dukhobortsy 350; Dymiki 459; Filippovtsy 461; Nyetovtsy 459; Skoptsy 87, 324, 459–61
Old Czechs 585
Old Etonians football club 513
Oldenburg-Januschau, Elard Kurt Maria Fürchtegott von 281
Olivetti (typewriters) 304
Ollivier, Émile 249
Olmütz 206; Punctation of 250; Treaty of 233
Olszewski, Karol 497
Olympic Games 371
Olympic (ocean liner class) 395
Omdurman, Battle of 653
Omer Pasha 224–5
Omsk 435
open-field system 95
opera 70, 78, 81-2, 241, 448, 452, 503, 525–6, 527–8, 534-5, 619; houses 31, 38, 312, 316, 329, 535
ophthalmoscope 422
opium 427, 449; trade 125, 640, 650
Opium Wars 640
opportunity, freedom of 15
Orabi, Ahmed (Arabi Pasha) 646
Orangists 136
Oranienburg canal 150
Orenburg 131
Orient Express 379
Orléans: diocese of 468; house of 594; Second Battle of (1870) 264
Orléans-Paris railway line 165
Orşova 357
Orthodox Church 176, 204; in Balkans 688; in Greece 54, 461–2; Holy Synod 48, 461, 485, 614; and Jews 475; polyphony in services 459; in Russia 48, 62, 278, 324, 350, 457, 459–61, 467, 489, 611, 614; in Serbia 61–2; solidarity of 709
Oscar I, King of Sweden 225, 405
Oslo: Royal Frederick University 495; Royal Palace 453
Osman Nuri Pasha 674–5
Ostend 152
Osterhammel, Jürgen, The Transformation of the World: A Global History of the Nineteenth Century xv–xvi, xviii
Ostrobothnia 128
Ostroleka, Battle of 50
Osuna, Mariano Téllez-Girón, 12th Duke of 286
Otis, Elisha Graves 385
Otto, King of Greece (earlier Prince Otto of Bavaria) 61, 223, 461–2
Ottoman Empire: and Albania 223–4; and Algeria 64, 635–6; and Anglo-Ottoman Convention 133; army 224, 254, 670, 673–4, 688; and Balkan Wars 688–9, 693–6; banditry in 110; banking in 670; and Bosnia 88; and Bulgaria 111,
317, 462, 673; cholera in 402; Christians in 237, 474, 671; civil rights 670; collapse of 713, 715; Committee for Union and Progress (Young Turks) 689–90, 695; conflicts with Russia 27; Constans and 595; Constitution 675, 689; corporal punishment 435; corruption in 53, 438, 670, 689; in Crimean War 234–7; crop failures 671; and Cyprus 677; and Danubian Principalities 202–3; decline of 583, 624, 629, 645; economy 670; and Egypt 133; and Greek independence 53–62, 83; and Greek invasion of Crete 677; and Islam 83, 474, 671; and Jews 478; law codes 670; and Libya 692–3; looting of antiquities from 629–30; and Macedonian uprising 678–9; massacre of Chios 55–6, 370; and Military Frontier 9; Ministry of Finance 670; national identity 670; navy 235; Penal Code 435; and plague epidemic 8; prevention of disease in 398; prisons 438–9; Public Debt Administration 675; railways 670; religion in 670; and Romania 681; and Russia 57–9, 61–2, 231, 584; and Serbia 61–2; and Serbs 344, 673–4; as ‘sick man of Europe’ 231, 237; stability of borders after 1870 266; state debt 670, 675; stock exchange 670; Tanzimat reform programme 223–4, 670; taxation 671–3; threats to power of 18; universities 670; Young Turk Revolution 689–90, see also Russia, and Ottoman Empire; Turkey; Young Turks
Ouchy, Treaty of 693
Oude (Awadh) 682
Oudinot, Charles 216
Ouen, Declaration of 29
Ourcelle 264
Outer Hebrides 472
Owen, Robert 174
ownership, public 567
Oxford, University of 456, 496, 574
Oxford History of Modern Europe xvii
Oxo meat extract 301
oxygen 497
Oyo 18
paddle steamers 150
paedophilia 417
Paganini, Niccolò, Caprices 449
pain, management of 418–20, 442
painting see art
Palatinate 376
Pale of Settlement 474–5, 476, 615
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount 180, 226–7, 228, 236, 240, 357, 575; on Schleswig-Holstein question 252
Pamvotis, Lake 55
Pan-Germanism 479, 499, 609, 622
pan-Islamism 689
Pan-Slavism 671–3, 674, 677, 709
Panhard motor cars 381
Pankhurst, Adele 540
Pankhurst, Christabel 540; The Great Scourge and How to End It 416–17
Pankhurst, Emmeline 537–40
Pankhurst, Richard 538
Pankhurst, Sylvia 540
panopticum 436
Papal infallibility, doctrine of 462, 464
Papal States: administration 180–81; Austria and 39, 40; carbonari and 74–5; Cavour and 242; education in 41; Gregory XVI and 180; incorporation into Kingdom of Italy 463; and Jesuits 41; and Jews 41; Mazzini and 215; and Napoleon’s reforms 38; Pius IX and 180–81, 190, 193, 213; Rossi and 213
Paraguay 16
Parent-Duchâtelet, Alexandre 412
Paris: Arc de Triomphe 404; art in 530; attack on Napoleon III 241; Bakunin in 176, 177, 211; Bois de Boulogne 361, 513; Bon Marché 328; Boulevard du Temple 67; boulevards 312–13; Cabaret des Assassins (later Lapin Agile) 516; Café Terminus 562; Carmen in 526; Le Chat Noir 516; church attendance in 467; Club for the Emancipation of Women 268–9; Commune 271–2, 340, 521, 554, 559, 560, 561, 599, 644; Le Croissant restaurant 711; Edward VII in 413, 580; Eiffel Tower 313, 393, 643; exhibition of African art 534; Exposition (1889) 313, 643; feminist demonstrations in 542; fire brigade 373; Folies Bergère 516; football in 513; funeral of Victor Hugo 404; Gare St-Lazare 415, 562; gas lighting 314; Gautier on 489; ‘Haussmannization’ 312–13, 316; hegemony of 605; hospital 397; Hôtel de Ville 65; Île de la Cité 312; infant mortality 332; Jardin de Tivoli 386; Jardin Zoologique d’Acclimatation 361; July Revolution (1830) 63–8, 70, 172, 185, 186, 593; ‘June Days’ (1848) 188–9, 200–201, 215, 220, 225, 636; looted antiquities removed to 629; Luxembourg Palace 200; Maxim’s 290; medical students 322–3; Métro 315; military uprisings in 32; Montfaucon 309, 313; Montmartre 170, 516, 711; Moulin Rouge 516; municipal council 560; newspaper circulation 514; Notre-Dame, cathedral 454; Observatory 6, 393; occupation of 22, 173; Opéra 31, 312; Palais de Justice 69; Palais du Louvre 65; Palais Royal 64; Panthéon 404; Place de la Concorde 263; Porte de Saint-Cloud 272; prostitution in 412, 415; railway termini 312; Russian Embassy 413; Salpêtrière hospital 430; Samaritaine 329; scientific expedition from 376; Second Treaty of (1815) 20, 23; September Massacres 38; sewers 313; Siege of 264, 361, 386; smallpox in 8; social life in 290; Sorbonne 32, 323, 497, 506, 623; Théâtre des Champs-Élysées 535–6; as time centre 393–4; Town Hall 69; Treaty of (1856) 95, 236, 242, 671; Tuileries 65, 189; under martial law 201; University see Sorbonne; urban improvement 312–13; waste disposal 309; women in 268; World Exhibition (1900) 384; Clara Zetkin in 565
Paris and Lyon Railway 173
Paris-St Germain railway line 155–6
Paris-Rouen railway line 154
Parkinson, James, and Parkinson’s Disease 430
Parma 193, 243, 527; Duchy of 75
Parnell, Charles Stewart 571, 576–7, 577–8
Paskevich, Ivan Fyodorovich 235
Passek, Vadim Vasilevich 368
passport requirements 483
pasteurization 402
Pastukhov, Nicholas 514
Pavel I, Tsar of Russia 22, 89
Paxton, Joseph 292
Peabody, George 313
peace: demonstrations 711, 714; effects of 654; efforts towards 687; see also pacifism
Pearl Harbor, bombing of 618
peasants: in Baltic States 275–8, 288, 353; as farmers 60, 78, 98–9, 100–102, 117, 283–4 (see also serfdom); Greek 60; and introduction of potatoes 60; in Italy 108–10; and land reform 52; as landowners 98; and liberals 95; redemption fees paid by 98–9, 103, 104, 131, 287; revolts by 102–13, 168, 186–7, 221–2, 570–71, 621; in Romania 104–5; in Russia 85–8, 98, 102–4; self-sufficiency of 117; in Sicily 111–12; in Spain 107, 108; see also serfs; sharecroppers
Pease, Sir Alfred 362
Pecchio, Giuseppe 17
Pedro I (Dom Pedro), Emperor of Brazil 16–17, 73–4
Pedro II (Dom Pedro), Emperor of Brazil 73
Peel, Sir Robert 126, 184, 185, 227, 228
Pelew Islands see Palau
Pelloutier, Fernand 550
Pelloux, Luigi 591, 592, 595, 621
penal policy 434–43
‘penny dreadfuls’ 515
‘penny press’ 514
penny-farthing 383
Penrhyn Quarry, Bethesda, Wales 295
pensions 74, 158, 528, 551-2, 596, 648
Pentrich Revolution 9
Penza 131
People’s Reprisal 612
Pérez Galdos, Benito, Mendizabal (novel) 322
The Perfumed Garden (erotic text) 630
Perkin, William 301
Perm 102
Persia 400, 631, 677; Qajar dynasty 22
Peter (Petar) I, King of Serbia 691
Peter (Pyotr) I (the Great), Tsar of Russia 47, 49
Peterloo massacre 537
Peters, Carl 647–8
Le Petit Journal 514
petty bourgeoisie 326–31, 354, 410, 595; Marx on 326
Peugeot 381
pharmaceutical companies 301–2
Philadelphia: Walnut Street prison 436, 437; World’s Fair (1876) 353
philanthropy 552–3; female 505, 509
Philaret, Metropolitan (Vasily Mikhailovich Drozdov) 461
Philhellenism 56–7
Philippe of Orléans, Count of Paris 594, 595
Philippe, Prince, Duke of Orléans 594
Philippe-Égalité (Louis Philippe, Duke of Orléans) 64
Philippines 652
Phönix Ironworks 303
phonograph 518
phosphorus, white, hazards of 335
photography xviii, 443, 519, 520, 530; aerial 386; of deceased 405
phrenology 423–4
Physiocracy 144
Picasso, Pablo xix; Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 534; Glass and Bottle of Suze 533
Piedmont, Piedmont-Sardinia, Kingdom of: in Battle of Custoza 214, 217; in Battle of Novara 214; Carlo Alberto and 180, 181, 192, 194, 213–14; Cavour and 229; Constitution 589; cotton mills in 135; dominance among Italian states 605; insurrection in 40; invasion of Venetia 255; and Italian unification 193, 222; Mazzini and 179; railways in 151; and Swiss Confederation 25; in Wars of Italian Unification 27, 242–3
pilferage 341
piracy 54, 56, 57, 60–61, 635, 639
Pirogov, Nikolai Ivanovich 419
Pissarro, Camille 530
Pittsburgh, Nickelodeon cinema at 519
Pius IX, Pope: and cult of Immaculate Conception 455; Declaration of Papal Infallibility 464; election as Pope 180–81; flight to Naples 213, 215; and Jews in Rome 216–17, 476; Napoleon III and 245–6, 260; and Papal States 190, 193, 463, 465; and powers of Church 240; Providentissimus Deus (encyclical) 464; Syllabus of Errors 463–4
Pius VII, Pope 38
plague xix, 8–9, 667; bubonic 127, 399
Plamínková, Františka 545
plantations: rubber and palm oil 654; sugar 100, 112, 122, 226, 267, 283, 640
Platts (Oldham) 300
plebiscites 12, 218, 230, 245, 249, 292, 463
Plehve, Vyecheslav Konstantinovich 621
Plekhanov, Georgi Valentinovich 613, 617
Plevna, Siege of 674–5
Plunkett, Horace 349
pneumoconiosis 335
Po, river, estuary 369
Pobedonostsev, Konstantin Petrovich 461, 614, 616
poetry: on death 406; in France 531
Poincaré, Raymond 706
Poland: agriculture in 97; antisemitism in 347; army 49, 51, 52, 83; bourgeoisie 319; Catholicism in 457; censorship in 51; Constitution 43; education 248; famine in 129; first zoo 361; football in 513; Hegelianism in 175; invasion by Napoleon 347; Jews in 474, 475; landowners 246; League of Free Poles 49; military conscription 247; Muslims in 224; national consciousness xvi; National Patriotic Society 49–50; nationalism in 13, 49–52, 80, 135, 178, 179, 180, 186–7, 246–9, 270, 346–7, 367, 451, 457, 526, 572, 610, 615; nobility 279; peasants in 221; peasants as landowners 98; Poles in Napoleon’s army 1, 3, 49; Polish Commonwealth 347; potato cultivation 122; and Russia 25, 235, 246; Russification 248, 615; serfdom in 15, 88, 94; szlachta 279;
taxation in 247; textile production 134, 135–6; Tsar Nicholas I and 49; Uniate Church in 461; universities in 495–6, 497; uprising (1795) 347; uprising (1830-1) 50–52, 76, 136, 181, 209, 231, 246, 347, 401, 435, 457; uprising (1863) 247–8, 270, 346, 435, 457, 490, 496, 572; urban life 113; ‘Whites’ and ‘Reds’ 247; wolves in 359; see also Congress Poland; Poles; Warsaw
Polenz, Wilhelm von, The Land of the Future 623
Poles: in Dual Monarchy 583; exiled to Siberia 435; in Galicia 584; in Germany 601; and typhus outbreak 399; in Upper Silesia 488; as workers 338
police forces 440–42, 556–7; military model 441
Polignac, Jules, Prince de 32, 63, 64, 66
poliomyelitis 399
Polish Agricultural Society 246–7
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 49, 451, 474, 488; political economy 121
pollution: atmospheric 374, 399, 442; of rivers 310
polonium, discovery of 497
Polovtsov, Alexander Alexandrovich 130
Polynesia 640
poor laws 118–21, 124, 126, 183–4, 425, 552
Poor Man’s Guardian 80
popular culture, rural 510–11
population: of European countries 21, 116, 351–2; growth xix, 27, 102, 103, 114–15, 122, 306–7, 313–14; of Russia 352, 433; of USA 352; world 352
Port Arthur, Battle of 618
Port Dinorwic 295
Port Essington 630
Porthmadog 295
Portici (Naples) 151
Porto 73
Portugal: army 42; and Carlist uprisings 108; and Chinese treaty ports 650; Civil War 209; colonies 25, 283, 648, 649; emigration from 351; French loss of 18; industry 297; Jews in 476; literary realism in 524; Miguelists 73–4; national minorities in 572; passport requirements 483; as province of Brazil 16–17; revolution (1910) 569; revolutionaries 42; serfdom 105; succession 73–4; superstition in 472; tenant farmers 105–6; traffic regulation 314; under Duke of Saldanha 229
Posadowsky-Wehner, Arthur von 604–5
Posen, Grand Duchy of (later Province of) 25, 203, 465
post offices 330
Post-Impressionism 532
postcards 380
potatoes 139, 283; introduction of 60, 122–4; potato blight 123–4, 187, see also famine
Potemkin, battleship 618
Potsdam 155
Pouget, Émile 550
poverty: and alcoholism 431; among factory workers 139; attics and 385; depicted in art 521; depicted in fiction 522–3; and disease 397, 401–2; and emigration 346, 351; and infant mortality 403; and population growth xix; relief measures 10, 117, 118–19, 124, 126, 552–3, 567; in Russia 43; see also poor laws
power, definitions of xx–xxi
power loom xxi
Poznań (Posen) 361
Prague (Prag, Praha) 10, 164, 204–5, 206, 483; Club of Slavic Women 269; Hradčany Castle 207; Pan-Slav Congress 211; Peace of 257; water supply 311; see also Bohemia
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 521
Predappio 589
pregnancy, unwanted 410
preservationism 454
press: freedom of 31, 77, 78, 79, 186, 190, 567, 686; political 266; popular 514–15
Pressburg (Bratislava, Pozsony) 191
Pretoria 661
priests: and antisemitism 475; Austria and 466; Bismarck and 465; in France 468; Old Believers and 459–61; persons disguised as 213, 563, 590; in Russia 467–8; secular 469; and songbooks 510; in Spain 467; and Third Republic 464; tithes paid to 89; see also anticlericalism; Jesuits
Primitive Methodists 457
primitivism 534
Prince-Smith, John 146
printing presses 353, 514, 523
prisons 424, 436–9, 539; population of 438; see also penal policy
Prodameta 299
professions, professionalization 318–26, 353; codes of conduct 324–5
professors and teachers 319, 320, 325
progress: as concept 394, 489–90; as linear in nature 686
proletariat 331, 555; emergence of 165, 338, 339; women’s struggle 565, see also working class
property 15, 175, 177, 325, 547; distinctions in 342
prostitution: in Britain 415; Josephine Butler and 414; child 414; enforced 565; and feminism 414, 548; in fiction 413; in France 412, 414–15; in Germany 411–12; in high society 413; licensed 414, 508, 542; in London 169; in Madrid 411; male 415; in Paris 415; in St Petersburg 411; and syphilis 412
Protestantism: and antisemitism 478; in Britain 456–7; in Denmark 485; in France 38; in Hungary 181, 459; in Ireland 457, 571; and missionary societies 469; in Netherlands 70; and Parnell 578; Pius IX on 463; in Prussia 457; Swedish 348; in Switzerland 182, 459; Ulster 707; and women 508
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion 480
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 177, 201, 210, 269, 563, 566; What is Property? 175
Proust, Marcel 290
Prus, Bolesław, The Doll 526
Prussia: and action against revolution 77; adult male suffrage 566; agriculture in 100–101; alcohol consumption in 511; army 199, 249–50, 250, 255–7, 280, 290, 386, 480, 526, 605–6; and Austro-Prussian War 254–7, 465, 671; in Battle of the Nations 21; birth rate 127; Bismarck on 252; Calvinism in 458; canals in 149–50; capital punishment in 434; census (1871) 429–30; coal production 145–6, 147; in coalition of armies 3; Committees of Public Safety 212;
Constitution 210, 212, 554; Council of State 196; Criminal Law Code 345; crop failure in 123; cultivation of land 358; defeats by Napoleon 22–3; Department of Trade and Industry 145; Diet 196; dominance among German states 605; draft constitution 196; East-Elbian 98, 100, 101, 286; 1848 revolution 195–6, 250; electorate 605; fire brigade 441; French opinion of 687; General Law Code 458; General Staff 262; and German Confederation 25, 28, 33, 250, 251; and German nation state 222, 233, 600; guilds 146; Gymnasium 491; Hegel on 175; Herrenhaus (Upper Chamber) 280, 600; and Holstein 253; and Holy Alliance 22–3; hunting rights in 362; ignorance of Hungary 356; invasion of Holstein 253; and Italian wars of independence 242; Kultusministerium (Ministry of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs) 458; landowners 115, 285–6; liberalism in 182–3; literacy in 481; Lutheranism in 458; medical profession 323; military conscription 250; military strength 262; militia oath 9; Ministry of the Interior 494; mortality crisis 125; municipal administrative reforms 121; national curriculum 491; Nicholas I and 51; nobility 279; Parliament 210, 257, 281, 567–8; and Poland 178; police 250, 602; and Polish nationalism 180, 186–7, 490, 572; poor-law administration 441; population 430, 433; prisons 437, 441; Progressive Party 249, 250–51; property franchise 543; public executions in 432, 433; and Quadruple Alliance 36; railways 153; Realschulen 491; reforms in 18–19, 88; religion in 458; rise of 499; and Schleswig-Holstein 199; secondary schools in 491; Seehandlung (state holding company) 147; serfdom in 88, 96, 99, 287; Statute of Farm Servants (1810) 101; tariff barriers 135, 146, 240; telegraph system 157; troops 12, 14; typhus in 399–400; United Diet 182–3, 195; Upper Chamber 600; vaccination in 398; in Wars of German Unification 27; water supply 317; women in 508; and women in politics 269; and women’s suffrage 566; wood theft 103, 342–3
Prussian Overseas Trading Corporation 146–7
Pryce-Jones, Pryce 328
Przhevalsky, Nicholas Mikhailovich 634
Psara 61
psychiatry 424, 424–5, 427–8, 430–31, 434
psychoanalysis 417–18
public conveniences 310
Puccini, Giacomo: La Bohème 525; The Girl of the Golden West 525–6; Madam Butterfly 525–6; Tosca 525–6
Puchner, Anton von 202
puerperal fever 420
Puerto Real 4
Puerto Rico 652
Pugin, Augustus 453–4; Examples of Gothic Architecture 453
Pullman, George 379
punishment, capital 197, 201, 433-4, 435, 436, 439-40; corporal 87, 89, 91, 101, 434-5, 440, 492, 493, 620; see also exile
Purlevsky, Savva Dmitriyevich 85–8, 93, 94, 324
Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich 52, 290, 451, 452; Eugene Onegin 148
Puskás, Tivadar 392
‘putting out’ system 132
Pyrenees 359, 364, 365, 368, 481, 510
Qianlong Emperor 18
Quadruple Alliance 36
Quakers 437
quatrain fever 396
quinine 396
Qur’an 474
rabies 402
Rachmaninov, Sergei Vasilievich 536
racial theory xv, 632, 655-6, 684–7
racism: in Britain 683–4; and concepts of identity 681; scientific 686
Radetzky von Radetz, Joseph 108, 192, 193–4, 205, 213, 214, 217
radicalism: and antisemitism 10; in art 532; Asquith and 580; in Austria-Hungary 194, 205, 246, 582, 586; Bakunin and 210-11; in Belgium 466; in Britain 16, 78, 79, 122, 184-5, 576, 580; in Bulgaria 688; throughout Europe 13, 17, 82, 219, 229; and feminism 508, 538, 542-3, 545, 547-8, 566; in France 69, 369, 271, 521, 550, 559-60, 566; in Germany 177, 190, 196, 199-200, 210, 220, 399, 605, 609; Gorky and 326; and Hegelianism 175, 176; in Ireland 577; in Italy 217, 592; and military coups 46; and nationalism 178; in Norway 546; in Poland 50; in Portugal 42; and Protestantism 467; in Prussia 88; radical Democrats 194, 196, 199-200, 210, 554; and revolutionaries 557; in Romania 202; in Russia 611, 620; and slavery 166, 267; and secret societies 32, 34, 48; in Serbia 691; in Sicily 214; in Spain 74; and unions 550
radio-active half-life 498
radioactivity 497
radium, discovery of 497
Radlett, Hertfordshire 277
Raffles, Sir Stamford 361
Raglan, Fitzroy Somerset, 1st Baron 234
Raiffeisen, Friedrich Wilhelm 284
railways: accidents 154, 155–6; in Austria 240; in battle 254, 255; in Belgium 152; boom in 151–8, 223, 230, 295, 297, 300; in Britain 150–56; and car ownership 383; carriages, restaurant and sleeping cars 379; Cavour and 180; and coal imports 303; European network 189, 323; expansion of 379–80; fatalities 154, 155; in France 186, 230; horse-railway 151; in Hungary 181; impact of 524; and improved communications 510; invention of locomotive 150; investment in 145, 152–3; in Italy 151–2; in Kenya 667; major building projects 377–8; military use 391, 688; navvies 154–5; newsstands at stations 328, 514; and passport requirements 483; in Portugal 229; races to Scotland 394; in Russia 130–31, 236, 298; and slate-quarrying in Wales 294–5; in Spain 152; speculation in 153, 184, 305, 475; state influence on 147; steam 150–51; timetables 390–91; underground 302, 315–16; Welsh narrow gauge 294-5; workers’ conditions 550; workers’ strikes 548
Ramesses II, bust of 626–7
Ranjit Singh 638
Ranke, Leopold von xv, 452–3, 499
Rasputin, Grigori Yefimovich 620
Rastatt 212
Rathenau, Emil 303
Rathenau, Walther 303
rationalism: and Enlightenment 81, 424, 449; philosophy of 494; in religion 457
Rattazzi, Urbano 589
Ravachol, François 562
Ravel, Maurice: Miroirs 531; Trois Poèmes de Stéphane Mallarmé 531
Rawlinson, Robert 154
Razumovsky, Prince Andrey Kirillovich 20
reading clubs and societies 516
Realism 520–28; in art 520–22, 526, 530; decline of 531; in drama 524–5; and emotion 524; literary 522–5; in opera 525–6
reform: economic, social and administrative 229; politics of 220, 353
Reformed Church 119
refrigeration 332
Reggio Calabria 371
Rehbein, Franz 337–8
Rehoboth 655–6
Reims 135
relativity, theory of xix, 395–6
religion 454–63; in art 521; in Britain 456–7; challenges to 443; continuity and change in 354; conversion 446, 461; and crime 345; cults, visions and revelations 454–5; and death 406, 407; in France 468; freedom of 15, 29, 181, 197, 458, 461, 476–7, 569, 678; minorities xix; and papacy 455; and power xx; and rationalism 81; relations between Church and State 466, 567; and Romanticism 454; and science 469; toleration of 35, 215, see also Catholic Church; Islam; Orthodox Church; Protestantism, etc.
Rembieliński, Rajmund, Lord Salisbury 135
Remscheid 312
Renan, Ernest 685
Renault 381
Renoir, Jean 290
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste 530
Repin, Ilya Yefimovich, Barge Haulers on the Volga 522
Republicanism 12, 32, 67, 69; democratic 219, 266
respiratory disease 137–8, 375
Ressel, Josef 294
Restoration 13, 37, 46, 63, 76, 81, 229, 481; civil service under 322; and liberals 17, 76; literacy under 481; state structures xviii
‘resurrection men’ 120–21
retailers see shops and shopkeepers
Réunion 632
Reuter, Paul Julius von 392
Reuters 130
revolution, permanent 619
revolutionaries, revolutionary movements 186–99, 612; ‘Black Partition’ 613; in Britain 45–6; conspiratorial 611; in France 188–9, 200; in Germany 190–91, 195–7, 204; in Habsburg Empire 191–2, 194–5, 203; ideals of 63; in Italy 40, 189–90; ‘Land and Liberty’ 613, 616; Latin American 17; ‘The People’s Right’ 616; ‘The People’s Will’ 614, 615; in Poland 186–7; in Russia 43–4; in Spain 38, 41, 74, 82; and SPD left wing 557; Union of Socialist Revolutionaries 616; in Venice 192–4
Revolutions of 1830 63-5, 69, 73, 593; see also Paris, July Revolution (1830); Poland, uprising (1830-1)
Revolutions of 1848 158, 186–219, 231, 346, 441, 508, 567, 568; and abolition of titles of nobility 279; aftermath 219–28, 229, 266–7, 268, 552, 567; and antisemitism in Germany 570; in Austria 205–7; and Berlin police force 441; and franchise 569; Hungarian surrender 357; in Hungary 202, 205–6, 207–8; in Moldavia and Wallachia 202–3; Polish nationalists in 346; and Prussian Parliament 568; in Serbia 203–4; start of 189, 190; and women’s rights 268–9; see also French Revolution; Paris, ‘June Days’ (1848)
Reykjavik 317
Reynolds, George, The Mysteries of London 167
Rheinische Zeitung 177
Rhine Province 342
Rhine, river 6, 10, 14, 80, 146, 149, 152, 396; engineering project 370
Rhine-Hessen 212
Rhineland 4–5, 7, 25, 28, 210, 212, 221, 284, 320, 425, 629
Rhineland-Westphalia 252
Rhône, river 149
Ricasoli, Baron Bettino 589
rice production 668
Richardson, Mary 539
Richelieu, Armand-Emmanuel de Vignerot du Plessis, Duc de 31
Richer, Léon 508
Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich 166, 339, 367
Riezler, Kurt 686
rights: civil and human 268; women’s 15, 171, 268–9, 503, 504, 505–7
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Andreyevich 619
Rinderpest 655
riots 8, 9–10, 45, 46, 49–50, 64, 67, 75, 107, 162, 165, 201, 218, 225, 261, 462, 475, 484, 496
rivers 10, 149, 369–70; and flooding 369–70; pollution of 310; see also canals
roads 10, 145, 147–9, 189, 200, 229, 314, 323; and motoring 381
Roberts, Frederick Roberts, 1st Earl 661
Roberts, Richard 134
Robespierre, Maximilien 74, 75, 221
Robinson, William 364
Rochdale 156; Equitable Pioneers’ Society 184
Rochebrune, François 248
Rocket locomotive 155
Rodin, Auguste: The Age of Bronze 521; The Gates of Hell 521; The Kiss 521; The Man with the Broken Nose 521; The Thinker 521
Roermond 466
Rolls, Charles 382
Rolls-Royce 382
Roman Republic (1849) 215, 216, 217, 241, 243
Romania: abolition of serfdom in 95, 97; in Balkan Wars 696; boyars 279, 290; Constitution 681; and Convention of Ackerman 58; cultivation of land 358; emigration from 94; emigration to 350; Field of Liberty 202; folk song 510; formation of 236; franchise 568; gypsies of 88–9; ID requirements 483; independence 677; Jews in 475, 476, 478, 678; as kingdom 679–81; legal code 504; Mountain Corps 105; and
nationalist movements 202–3, 681; neutrality 681; and Orient
Express 379; Peasant Bank 105; peasant revolts in 104–5, 568, 570; peasants as landowners in 98; Petersburg Hotel, Iaşi 202; railways 152; and Russia 59; and Russo-Turkish War 674; succession 261; tariff barriers 285; treaty with Russia 681; see also Danubian Principalities
Romanians 207, 208, 209, 260; in Hungary 201, 202, 583, 586, 587; literacy among 481
Romanov dynasty 43
Romansch 488
Romanticism: in art 449–50, 451; decline of 520, 522, 528; and emotion 500, 524; in fiction 450, 452; in Germany 623; and Greek uprising 81–2; late 535, 536; in music 448–9, 450, 451–2, 453, 529–30, 535, 536; and opium 449; and Realism 520–21, 525; religion and 454; Romantic hero 450
Rome: beggars in 7–8; as capital of Italy 589; fire hydrants 374; ghettoes in 475–6; Mazzini and Garibaldi in 216; papal territories 260; as part of Kingdom of Italy 476; Quirinal Palace 213; street lighting 152; see also Roman Republic; Vatican City
Romero Alpuente, Juan 38
Röntgen, Wilhelm 497
Roosevelt, Theodore ‘Teddy’ 360
Rorke’s Drift, Battle of 660
Rosebery, Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of 577
Rosetta Stone 629
Ross of Mull 124
Ross, Sir Ronald 396
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 521
Rossi, Count Pellegrino 213
Rossini, Gioacchino 448; Guillaume Tell 78, 241; The Italian Girl in Algiers 527
Rother, Christian von 147
Rothes 368
Rothschild family 477
Rotteck, Karl von 75
rotten boroughs 79
Rotterdam 119
Rotwelsch 341
Rouen 154, 164; Cathedral 530; revolt by registered prostitutes 415
‘rough music’ 343; see also charivari, Haberfeldtreiben
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 444
Roussiers, Paul de 622
‘Rover’ safety bicycle 383
Royal Bavarian Bank 147
Royal Niger Company 647, 661–2
Royce, Henry 382
rubber production and trade 409, 654, 663–4
Rüdesheim, ‘Germania’ statue 564
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria 583
Rugby School, Warwickshire 493
Ruge, Arnold 177
Ruhr industrial district: coal and iron production 144, 147, 293; food in 333; foreign workers in 338; population increase 306; and Prussia 25; Schalke 04 football club 513; smoke and pollution 374; strikes in 548, 549; tuberculosis in 332
Ruhr, river 309
Rumpelmayer, Viktor 317
Russell, Lord John 80
Russell, William Howard 237, 392
Russia: and action against revolution 77; agriculture in 102–3, 129–30, 283, 299; and Alaska 641; alcohol consumption 512; Alexander Nevsky Temperance Society 467; All-Russian Union of Equal Rights for Women 544; antisemitism 401, 711; aristocracy 19, 281, 287; armed forces 235–6, 247; army 706; arson in 103; art in 522, 526; and assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 706, 707; autocracy in 22; and Balkan Wars 696, 698, 706; Baltic fleet 618; bears in 359; and Belgian Revolution 71; birth rates 408, 409; Black Hundreds 620, 622; and Black Sea 671; Bolsheviks 617; bourgeoisie 324–5, 326; and Britain 52; bureaucracy 48; Cadet (Constitutional Democrat) Party 281, 544, 619, 620; canals 150; capital punishment in 433; and Caucasus 671; censorship 48–9, 225, 610, 620; and China 699; cholera in 401; Church schools 485; civil society in 225; coal production 298, 299; Code (1836) 505; and Congress of Vienna 23, 49; Conservatives 620; constitution 43; corporal punishment 435, 620; Corps of Gendarmes 440; corruption in 238, 325, 442; cotton industry in 136, 298; Council of Ministers 619, 710; Council of State 19, 48, 236; crime in 342; in Crimean War 27, 234–9, 254, 671; crop failure in 129–30; cultivation of land 358; and Danubian Principalities 202–3; death in 406; death rates 131, 404; deforestation 368; drunkenness in 511; Duma (Parliament) 281, 544, 619–20, 621; economy 19, 298; and education in Poland 496; educational system 22, 47, 238, 610–11, 620; Emancipation Edict (1861) 97, 102; emigration from 350; emigration to 8, 350; employment of women 336; as enemy of Britain 699; engineering 324; and Ethiopian Army 652; expansionism 583, 640–41, 699; fairs and ceremonies 511; fall of empire 715; famine in xix, 128, 129–31; February Revolution 620; feminism in 543–4; and Finland 546–7; fires in 373; foreign service 34; and France 697, 698, 709–10; franchise 570; and Franco-Prussian War 260; and fur trade 641; future of 489; German Social Democrats and 711–12; grain, export of 123, 130, 284–5, 299; and Habsburg Empire 239; health insurance 620; and Holy Alliance 22–3; ID requirements 483; Imperial Academy of Arts 522; Imperial Army 14, 54, 71, 86; Imperial Chancery 47–8; Imperial Personal Garage 383; Imperial Philanthropic Society 118; improvements in hygiene 400; and India 699; industrialization 298–9; intelligentsia 47, 176, 324, 496, 610–11; intervention in Austria-Hungary (1848) 233; invasion by Napoleon 1–4, 22, 43, 233–4; invasion of Hungary 233; iron production 298; Jews in 299, 350, 474, 476; judicial power in 99, 238; landowners 285; lawyers 324; League for Women’s Equality 544; legal system 47; legislature 610, 611; liberalism in 43, 614; life expectancy 404; literacy in 238–9, 481, 620; literature 167, 610; livestock farming in 115; and Louis-Philippe 69; and Macedonia 688; and Manchuria 649; mass trials 613; medical profession 324; and Mediterranean 624;
melodrama 518; Mensheviks 617; and Middle East 699; military medical academies 324; military planning 709; military service 238–9; Ministry of State Domains 115; mobilization plans 709; monks and nuns in 468; Lola Montez in 413; Narodniki (Populists) 613, 616; nationalism in music in 527–8; naval power 233, 235; newspapers 514; nobility 43, 278, 610; October Manifesto 619, 620; Octobrists 620; oil production 299; opera in 527–8; Orthodox Church in 48, 62, 278, 324, 350, 457, 459–61, 467, 468, 611, 614; and Ottoman Empire 57–9, 61–2, 231, 584; Pale of Settlement 350; and peace conferences 687; Peasant Land Bank 101, 104; peasant revolts 102–4, 168; peasants in 98, 117, 611, 613, 616, 619; pogroms in 480; and Poland 25, 235, 246; police 47, 238, 442, 615, 619; and Polish nationalism 180, 490, 572; political exiles 435 (see also Siberia, exile in); political parties 619–20; poor-relief organizations 118; population 409; population growth 687; population strength 21, 22, 102, 103; post-revolutionary 266; potato revolts 122; and power 18; press 709; prisons 438; professionals 324–5; public executions in 433; and Quadruple Alliance 36; radicalism in 225; railways 151, 153, 236, 298, 377–8; raznochintsy 610; reactions to declaration of First World War 714–15; redemption payments by peasants 97, 100, 101, 103, 104, 131, 287, 619; reform of education in 19; reforms by Alexander II 237–8, 246, 278, 496, 610, 611, 614, 671; religion in 459–61, 467–8; religious observance in 468; Revolution (1905) 278, 433, 461, 468, 544, 546, 570; Revolution (1917) 168, 221, 277; revolutionaries in 42–4, 612–14, 616; Right (party) 619; road travel 148–9; and Romania 681; rural poverty 299; and Schleswig-Holstein 199; secondary schools in 491, 610; secularization in 466, 468; seizure of land 103; and Serbia 696, 697; shipyards 299; Social Democratic Labour Party 617; Social Revolutionary Party 616, 618–19; Society for the Dissemination of Useful Books 515; Society for the Propagation of Religious and Moral Enlightenment in the Spirit of the Orthodox Church 467; Soviet (of workers’ deputies) 619, 620; stability of borders after 1870 266; steel production 299; strikes 548, 618–19, 620; students 610–13, 615; sugar refineries in Tsarist Empire 122, 298; Supreme Committee for Differentiation and Care of Beggars 118; tariff barriers 285, 298; taxation in 324; technological institutes 324; telegraph system 157; terrorism in 616, 617, 621; theatres and outdoor entertainments 517–18; timber, export of 367; trade and industry in 88; trade unions 615; traffic regulation 314; and Treaty of Berlin 677; treaty with Romania 681; tsarist 22, 49, 97, 122, 131, 168, 178, 275, 298, 572, 610–21; Tsaritsyn Arsenal 299; and Ukrainian nationalism 490; and ultimatum to Serbia 707; Union of Unions 544, 618; universities 47, 324, 496, 497, 610–11, 620; urban life 113; vigilante justice (vozhdenie) 343–4; weights and measures in 377; women in 505; women studying abroad 506; wood theft 103; workers’ housing 306; zemstva (assemblies) 131, 238, 324, 485, 616–17, 618, 619, 620; see also revolutionary movements; serfdom, in Russia
Russian (language) 615
Russian-American company 641
Russians, and Chinese treaty ports 650
Russo-Japanese War 103, 377, 618, 621, 699
Russo-Turkish War 62, 400, 674–5, 681
Rustschuk (Ruse), Bulgaria 482–3
Ruthenes, literacy among 481
Ruthenia 203
Rutherford, Ernest 498
Ryazan province 442
Sabbatarianism 458
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, Venus in Furs 417
Sacred Heart, cult of 455
Sade, Donatien, Marquis de 172, 417, 424
sadism 417
Sadowa (Königgrätz), Battle of 254–7, 702
safety razor 502
St-Agrève 117
St Barthélemy 267
St Chamond 299
St Croix, Virgin Islands 267
St Emilion 296
St Gallen 554
St Martin, Antilles 268
St Moritz 365
St Paul, Provence, St-Rémy Asylum 428
St Petersburg: Alexandrovsk factory 136; beggars in 118; central administration in 131, 248; chief of police 413; children’s hospitals 422; drunkenness in 512; epidemics in 400; fires 372; and funeral of Alexander III 404; gas lighting in 315; industry around 298; Jewish students in 475; Jews expelled from 474–5; landowners in 85–7, 93; Peter and Paul Fortress 211, 404, 612; population growth 313; Putilov Armoury 299; railways 151; registered prostitutes 411; religious meetings in 467; schools 485; Siemens branch in 302; Soviet declared in 619; Summer Garden 611; syphilis in 412; trams 315; University 496, 612; water supply 308–9, 311; Winter Palace 614, 618; women’s study courses 506–7; workers in 339
Saint-Saëns, Camille 536
Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de 172–3, 636
Saint-Simonians 172–3, 174, 268, 269, 323
Sakhalin Island 641
Salamanca, University of 493
Saldanha, Don António Manuel de 234
Saldanha, João (later Duke of Saldanha) 42, 229
Salewski, Michael, History of Europe xvii
Salford, living conditions 306–7
salicylic acid 419–20
Salillas, Rafael 439
Salis, Rodolphe 516
Salisbury, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of 281, 577, 578–9, 661, 662, 668
Salm-Salm, Alfred, Prince zu 287
Salonika (Thessaloniki) 55, 58, 675, 679, 695, 696
salons 319–20
Salt, Henry 626–7
Salvarsan 412
Samarkand 641
Sami language 482
San Gimignano 437
San Stefano, Treaty of 675, 677, 681, 688, 695
Sand, George 269
Sand, Karl Ludwig 34
Sandringham, Norfolk 363
Sanga people 663
sanitation 354
sans-culottes 271
Santander 350
Santarosa, Count Santorre di 40–41, 56
Santos-Dumont, Alberto 387, 388
Saône, river 149
Sarajevo 62, 224–5, 704–6; trams 315
Saratov 131
Svarengrad, monastery 6
Sarthe 376
Sassari 109
Satie, Erik 516
Saumoneau, Louise 566
Saumur 32
Sauria, Charles 335
Sava, river 224
Savannah, SS 294
Savov, Mihail 696
Savoy 25, 242, 243; House of 589
sawmills 304
Saxony, Kingdom of: abolition of serfdom 95, 97; agrarian reform in 96; baptisms and funerals in 468; in Battle of the Nations 21; industry in 147; judicial power in 99; militias 76; as powerful state 605; and Prussia 25; public executions in 433; redemption payments in 97; revolution 210, 220; textile production in 7
Sazonov, Sergei Dmitrievich 709, 710
scampanate 343; see also charivari
Scandinavia xix, 26, 482, 631; alcohol consumption in 512; Biedermeier style in 447; drama in 524–5; emigration from 348–9; famine in 128; feminism in 546–7; national minorities in 572; playwriting in 524–5; stability of borders after 1870 266; vigilante justice 343; see also Denmark; Finland; Norway; Sweden
Scandinavian Mountains 364–5
scarlet fever 399
Schaudinn, Fritz 412
Scheldt, river 72
Schiaparelli, Giovanni 388
Schickedanz, Albert 316
Schiller, Friedrich, Wilhelm Tell 78
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich 316, 453
schizophrenia 431
Schlegel, Friedrich 685
Schleswig 253
Schleswig-Holstein 28, 88, 199, 252–3, 337, 485
Schlieffen, Alfred von 709
Schliemann, Heinrich 630
Schmerling, Anton von 199, 246
Schnapps 512
Schneider, Jacques 388
Schneider Trophy 388
Schneider-Creusot 299
Schoelcher, Victor 267
Schoelkopf Power Station, Niagara Falls 304
Schoenberg, Arnold xix, 517, 530, 534, 535; The Book of the Hanging Gardens 534; Pierrot Lunaire 534; Second String Quartet 534
Schoenberg, Mathilde 534
Scholten, Peter von 267
Schönerer, Georg Ritter von 479
schools see education
Schubert, Franz 448; The Conspirators 448; Impromptus 451–2; Die schöne Müllerin 448; Schwanengesang 448; Die Winterreise 448
Schumann, Clara 428
Schumann, Robert 428, 448, 529; Carnaval 448; Cello Concerto 448; Davidsbündlertänze 448; Kinderszenen 448; Lieder 448; Piano Concerto 448
Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt 605
Schwarzenberg, Prince Felix zu 207, 240
Schwimmer, Rosika 545
science: and exploration 630; future of 498–9; and modern weaponry 653; natural 495; and religion 469–71; universities and 302, 305–6, 496–7; and women 497; see also chemistry; physics
scientific materialism 471–2
scientist (as term) 497–8
Scotland: absentee landlords in 125; Evangelical revival in 457; failure of potato crop 123, 124–5; grain riots in 9; grouse-shooting in 289; Highlands 124, 127; land clearances and emigration 127; literacy in 481; Lowlands 147; railways and 394; reforestation in 368; Romantic depiction of 452; typhus in 8
The Scotsman 513
Scott, Percy 701
Scott, Robert Falcon 634
Scott, Sir Walter 444, 452, 522; The Bride of Lammermoor 452; Ivanhoe 452; Kenilworth 453; Rob Roy 452; Waverley 452
‘Scramble for Africa’ 647, 649, 654, 657, 661
scrofula 473
sculpture, monumental 405; see also Rodin, Auguste
Seafield estates, Scotland 368
Second Anglo-Boer War 579, 660–61
‘second industrial revolution’ 300–306
Second International 554, 557, 557–8, 566, 592, 711; Congress (Amsterdam, 1904) 561
Second World War xvi–xv, xvi, 23, 599, 715–16
secret societies 32–5, 38, 39–40, 43–6, 54, 75, 161–2, 246, 266, 559; see also carbonari
secularization 454–5, 461–3, 466–9; in men and women 468–9; and superstition 473
Sedan, Battle of (1870) 263, 264, 526, 702
seigneurial courts 90–91
seigneurs see landowners
Seine, river 173
self-castration 459–61
Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of 658
semaphore 157
Semmelweis, Ignaz 420
Semper, Gottfried 316
septicaemia 421
Septinsular Republic 59
Serao, Matilde 330–31
Serbia: army 673–4, 691, 696–7; and assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 704–10; and Austria-Hungary 691–2, 706–7; in Balkan Wars 693–4, 696; and Battle of Kumanovo 693; Constitution 707; declaration of war on 707; electorate 569; ‘Greater Serbia’ 693, 697, 706; independence 677; irredentism in 692; Jews in 476; May Coup
(1903) 691; military coup (1903) 569; Muslims in 678, 697; ‘National Defence’ 693; nationalism in 673, 704; Orthodox Church in 61–2; and Ottoman Empire 53, 61–2, 344, 673–4; and outbreak of First World War 713; peasant revolt 678; population 696; Radical Party 691; Romanian emigration to 94; and Russia 696, 697, 713; and Slav nationalism 687; state bankruptcy 690; and Treaty of Berlin 677; tree-felling 367; ultimatum to 706–8; ‘Unification or Death’ (Black Hand’) 693, 696, 705, 706; Vojvodina 203; see also Serbs
Serbo-Croat (language) 487
Serbo-Ottoman War 673–4
Serbs 207, 209, 224, 260; blood feuds 344; Bosnian 88, 673, 704; in Hungary 201, 203–4, 583, 587; languages spoken by 487; literacy among 481; in Macedonia 688
serfdom: abolition of xix, xx, 15, 20, 43, 95, 97, 281, 282, 353, 435, 508; in Austria 221, 240; in Bukovina 240; in Croatia 204, 240; and domestic service 91–2; duties of and restrictions on serfs 89–91, 95, 127, 153; emancipation of serfs 88, 93–8, 102, 113; in Europe 88; in France 221; in Galicia 187, 203, 240; in Habsburg Empire 240; in Hungary 192, 240; and hunting rights 362; and merchants 324; punishment of serfs 86–7, 89, 91; in Russia 22, 85–8, 89, 91, 94, 153, 221, 236, 238, 287, 324, 326; serf revolts 93–4; in Silesia 90, 91; and slavery 88–9; in Transylvania 240; see also landowners
Sevastopol 234, 235–6, 674; Malakov redoubt 235
Seven Oaks, Battle of 658
Seven Years’ War 26
Seventh Cavalry (US army regiment) 242
Severing, Carl 711
Seville 41, 108, 160; tobacco factory 335
sewage farms 310
sewing machines 300, 336, 503–4
sewing-thread industry 300
sex manuals 410
sex workers see prostitution
sexuality: among working class 411; and emancipation of women 171; extra-marital 414; and hypocrisy 525; and salons 320; women believed lacking in sexual impulse 410, 413, 416, 417
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of 145, 470
Shakespeare, William 185, 209; bowdlerization of 410; influence on Verdi 525; Henry IV Part II 410
Shanghai 394
sharecroppers xx, 108–9, 112–13, 127
Shark Island 655
Shaw, George Bernard 558–9; Mrs. Warren’s Profession 525; Pygmalion 525; Widowers’ Houses 525
sheep and cattle 115
Sheffield 241
Shelley, Mary, Frankenstein 451
shipbuilding 296
Shipka Pass, Battle of 675
shipping 293–6; and emigration to USA 348; sailing ships 394–5; tea-clippers 394; see also steamships
shooting (as sport) 363–4
shops and shopkeepers 326, 327–9, 353
shtetls 475
Siam (Thailand) 649
Sibelius, Jean 529, 546; Finlandia 528; Fourth Symphony 535; Karelia Suite 528
Siberia: exile in 44, 47, 50, 51, 86, 93, 94, 118, 211, 238, 246, 248, 272, 278, 352, 435, 438, 616; march to 435; Russian conquest of 352
Sicily: 1848 revolution in 190; banditry in 109; beggars in 117–18; blood feuds 344–5; bribery in 589; death in 406; guilds 159–60; and Italian Wars of Independence 243–4; and The Leopard 291–2; Mafia 345, 442, 589; noble lands in 100; Parliament 214; peasant revolts in 46, 111, 214, 570, 591; peasants 525
sickness insurance 551
Sidney, Samuel 374
Siegburg, mental hospital 425
Siemens, Carl von 302
Siemens, Sir William 302
Silesia 90, 93, 123, 145, 146, 147, 165, 282; industry 297; landowners 288; Poles in 465
Silfverstolpe, Malla 320
silicosis 335
Simbirsk 131
Simms, Frederick 382
Simplicissimus 515
Simplon Tunnel 379
Simpson, William, and Jones, Martin, Europe 1783-1914xiv, xvi
Sinclair, Upton 277
Sind 638
Singapore 361
Singer, Isaac 336
Singer, Isabelle-Blanche (later Decazes) 280
Singer, Paul 478
Singer family 280
Sinope, Battle of 233
Sisley, Alfred 530
Six Articles 77
Skibbereen 127
skiing 365
‘skimmington’ 343, 344; see also charivari
skirts, divided 503
Skobelev, Mikhail Dmitrievich 675
Skrzynecki, Jan 50–51
Skutari (Shkodër), Albania 698
Skye 124
slate-quarrying industry 294–5, 339
slavery, slave trade: abolition movements 266–8, 537, 660, 682; in Algeria 635; in America 446, 537; Arab traders 633; compared to factory work 169; decline in 20, 637; depicted in art 451; in Haiti 19, 56–7; in Latin America 17; Napoleon and 19; outlawed 25, 667; in Romania 88–9; uprisings 267–8
Slavophiles 489
sleeping sickness 664
Slovak (language) 203
Slovaks 201, 203, 260, 583, 587
Slovenes 583
smallpox 8, 398–9, 400, 658, 664
Smetana, Bedřich: The Bartered Bride 528; Má vlast 526–7
Smiles, Samuel, Self-Help 227
Smith, Sir Harry 226
Smith, John (missionary) 267
Smith, Sydney 79
Smith, W. H. (stationers) 328
smuggling 611; of arms 208; of intoxicants 439, 640; and looting 626–30; of machinery 143, 357; throughout Europe 440; of troops 699
Smyrna (Izmir) 56
Snelmann, Johan Vilhelm 178
soap production 300
social clubs 319–20
social democracy 557, 687, see also Germany, Social Democratic Party of Germany
social question 165–8
social revolution, pre-First World War 353–4
socialism 553–67; in Austria 567; in Britain 558–9; and colonialism 644; in France 177, 188, 200, 559–63, 597, 598–9, 711; and franchise 570; funerals as demonstrations 404; in Germany 551, 554, 565, 567; and global emancipation 353; institutions 567; international 711; in Italy 592; Jews and 478; origin of term 173, 174; post-1848 Revolutions 269–70; pragmatists 556; revisionists 556; and rise of welfare state 553; and rural labourers 113; in Spain 563–4; split between Marxists and Bakuninists 273; women and 564–6; and working class 621; see also Bakunin, Mikhail; Marx, Karl; Utopian socialism
socialist radicalism 558
‘The Society of the Friends of the People’ (conspiratorial society) 75
Society for German Colonization 647
Society of Rational Religionists 174
Society of the Rights of Man 67
Society of St Vincent de Paul 553
Society of United Slavs 43–4
sociology 173
soda production 301
Sofia 316–17, 370, 675, 679, 696; main railway station 317; National Assembly 317; Vitosha Boulevard 317
Solferino, Battle of 242
solidarity (as term) 173
Solingen 212
Solway purification process 301
Somalis 631
‘Song of the Volga Boatmen’ 150
songbooks 510
Sorbs, Lusatian 482
South Africa xix; Union of 661
South America 16–17, 133, 179, 216, 243, 631, 635; abolition of slavery 268; European expansion into 640; see also Latin America
South Pole 633–4
South Staffordshire 141
South-West Africa (Namibia) see German South-West Africa
Southampton 348
sovereignty 12, 16–17, 23, 28, 63, 74, 82, 178, 192, 547
Sowiński, Józef 51
Spain: agriculture in 100, 117, 129, 297; and Americas 297; anarchism in 563–4; anticlericalism in 466; aristocratic landowners in 286; army 41, 83, 169; Asturian Miners’ Union 549; banditry in 110; Basque language in 482; bullfighting in 362–3; bureaucracy 322; Catalan nationalism 572; census (1914) 520; cinema in 519–20; coal production 334; colonies 15, 25, 135, 222, 268, 624, 649; conspiracies 38; constitution 37–8, 74, 222, 223, 568; Constitution of Cadiz 484; constitutional monarchy 569; Cortes 38; cultivation of land 358; death rate 403; earthquake 370; economic depression 222–3; economy 37; emigration from 350; exports 297; factories 335–6; famine in 129; female domestic servants in 336; French invasion of 167; French troops in 4; General Union of Workers 549; Guardia Civil 440; guilds 160; industrial production 132, 305; iron production 297; Jews in 476; life expectancy 404; literacy in 481; loss of empire 18; Ministry of Commerce, Education and Public Works 229; Ministry of Education 484; minority languages in 484–5; Moyano Law 484; and Naples 70; Napoleonic occupation 37, 42; National Confederation of Labour 549; nobility 279–80, 281; number of cinemas 520; peasant revolts in 107–8; peasants in 616; and Peru 116; population 352; property sales 286; public executions in 432; Railway Law (1855) 377; railways 152, 153, 377; relations between Church and state 484; revolutionaries in 38, 41, 74, 82; royalists 107; smallpox in 403; State Mining Directorate 339; strikes 548; succession disputes 28, 260; tariff barriers 297; taxation in 108; textile industry 135, 338; tobacco factories 335–6; trade unions in 549; traffic regulation 314; tree-felling in 368; troops 16; turnismo 569; universal male suffrage 568; universities in 493; urban life 113; urban revolts 74; Welfare Law 119; Wellington in 629; Workers’ Circles 467
Spanish Empire (in America) 16, 37, 652
Spanish Succession, War of 26, 28
Spanish-American War 591, 623, 649, 652
speed limits 382
Speenhamland System 120
Spence, Thomas 45
Spencean Philanthropists 45–6
Spencer, Herbert 684
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich 19, 47
Sperber, Jonathan: Europe 1850-1914: Progress, Participation and Apprehension xvi; Revolutionary Europe xvi
Spetses 61
Sphacteria 56
Spicheren, Battle of 262
spinning wheels and machinery 132, 134, 135, 136–8, 304
spirits, import and export 283
Spitzweg, Carl, The Poor Poet 385
Spohr, Louis 450
Spurzheim, Johann 423
Stadling, Jonas 130
stags, hunting 363
Stalin, Josef (Djugashvili) 617
Stalybridge 138
Stambolov, Stefan 678–9
stamp duty 523
stamps, postage 380
Stanley, Henry 632
Stanley, Henry Morton 632–3
Stanley, Venetia 580
Starley, James 383
Starley, John Kemp 383
Staropolskie Basin 144
Staszic, Stanisław 144
state: growing power of xviii, 281–2; intervention 220, 298
Staufen 200
Stavropol 368
Stead, William Thomas: The Americanization of the World 623; ‘The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon’ 414
steam power xxi, 136, 139, 143, 150–51; locomotives 150–51
steamships xviii, 150, 189, 293–4, 296, 351, 379, 394–5
steel production 230, 304, 368, 380
Stefan, Archduke, Palatine of Hungary 191–2, 206
Steiff Company 360
Steindl, Imre 454
Steinschneider, Moritz 478
Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle): The Charterhouse of Parma 13; The Red and the Black 13
Stephan, Heinrich von 380
Stephenson, George 150, 152, 153, 155, 379
Stephenson, Robert 150
stereotypes: cultural 490; gender 469; racial 480, 490; see also antisemitism
sterilization of ‘inferior’ 439
Sternickel, August 345–6
stethoscope 422
Stevenson, Robert Louis, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 374–5
Stifter, Adalbert 447
Stiles, William H. 190
stock-breeding 115
Stöcker, Adolf 478
Stoker, Bram, Dracula 358
Stolypin, Pyotr Arkadyevich 104, 290, 619
Stovakian dialect 487
Stowe, Harriet Beecher 537
Stralsund 328
Strasbourg (Strasburg) 32, 69; University 495
Strathspey 368
Straus, Oscar 535
Strauss, David Friedrich 471; The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined 470
Strauss, Johann 518
Strauss, Richard: Elektra 535; Der Rosenkavalier 534–5; Salomé 535
Stravinsky, Igor Fyodorovich: The Firebird 535; Petrushka 518, 535; The Rite of Spring 535–6
streets: animals in 309; congestion in 315; lighting 305, 314–15
strikes 136–7, 138, 162, 163, 164, 227, 270, 374, 523, 548–50, 560, 587, 687
Strindberg, August: The Father 524; Miss Julie 524
The String of Pearls (melodrama about Sweeney Todd) 516
Strousberg, Bethel Henry 153
Struve, Gustav 190, 196, 200, 212
Stuck, Franz von, Sin 531
students 32, 33, 34–5, 64, 103, 187, 191, 194–5, 205; Academic Legion 194; facilities for 498; French 32, 64; German 33, 34–5, 187; Greek 462; increase in numbers 187; Jewish 475; law 321; medical 322–3, 504–5; Norwegian, and skiing 365; riots 496; Russian 610–11; in Vienna 191, 194, 205; see also universities
Sturdza, Mihail, Prince of Moldavia 203
Stuttgart 52, 211–12, 557; Assembly 212
Styria (Steiermark) 297
Sue, Eugène: Mathilde 167; The Mysteries of Paris 167
Suez Canal 294, 394, 618, 645–6, 648, 649, 661, 683
suffrage: adult male 196, 218, 221, 566; extension of 66, 79, 281, 282, 483, 568, 570, 600, 621; universal adult 543, 546, 567, 571; universal male xviii, 12, 78, 194, 223, 228, 257, 265, 548, 568–9, 585, 593, 601, 609, 621; women’s xviii, 505, 508, 537–48, 542–8, 566, 582
suffragettes 416, 538–40, 547, 581; demonstrations by 538–40
Sufism 636
sugar: in European diet 418; plantations 100, 112, 122, 226, 267, 283, 640; refineries 122, 298, 337, 351
Sumatra 631
Sumbawa, Dutch East Indies 5–6
superstition 472–4
Suriname 268
Surrey 594
Suttner, Bertha von, Lay Down Your Arms! 687
Sweden: Academy 445; alcohol consumption in 512; anti-war campaign 558; Association for Married Women’s Property Rights 507; birth rates 408, 409; as constitutional monarchy 225; cremation in 407; death in 407; drama in 524; emigration from 348–9; Estates 567; famine in 128; farm labourers in 101; feminism in 507; industrial production 132, 300, 304; infant mortality 403; iron production 142; Jews in 476; Karl Johan furniture 447; legislature 570; life expectancy 404; missionary societies in 469; nobility 279; and Norway 26; and Norwegian independence 546, 558; Parliament 567, 568; passport requirements 483; Protestant sects in 467; railways 152; riots 225; and Schleswig-Holstein 199; Swedish Social Democratic Party 558; timber exports 304; trade unions in 549; traffic regulation 314; universal male suffrage 568; universities 495; welfare measures 551; wolf-hunting in 358; women’s rights in 505; women’s suffrage in 547; see also Bremer, Fredrika; Scandinavia
Swedish Finland 444
Swiss Reformed Church 459
Switzerland 7, 9, 43, 179, 200, 211, 216, 272, 277, 290, 359, 372, 557, 563; army 182; art associations 534; ban on absinthe 512; bears in 359; carbonari in 43; Civil War 182; Constitution 26, 60, 512; exile in 611, 613, 614; Federal Diet 78; Federal Treaty (1815) 182; flight of insurgents to 211; independence 78; industrial production 132; judicial power in 99; languages 488; Rosa Luxemburg in 557; Mazzini in 179, 216; mental institutions 430; mortality rates 9; Protestantism in 459; railways 151; reform 78, 79, 80; Romanian boyars in 290; serfdom in 88; Sonderbund 182; Swiss Confederation 25, 77–8; textile industry 7, 132; universities 496, 506; watchmaking 305; women at university 506; women’s suffrage movement in 566
Symbolism 531–2; in art 531; in literature 531–2
symphonic poems 529
symphonies 529
synagogues, reform 476
syphilis 412, 470; as cause of insanity 427, 428
Széchenyi, Count István 143, 181, 191–2, 205–6, 357
Szeged-Pest railway 110
Szela, Jakub 187
Szemere, Bertalan 355–8
Taaffe, Count Eduard 584–5
Talleyrand-Périgord, Prince Charles-Maurice de 23, 29, 30, 65, 71
Talyllyn railway 294–5
Tambora volcano 5–6
Tambov 131
Tangiers 699
Tanzania 646
Taranto, Gulf of 369
Tarn, south of France 376
Tashkent 641
Tasmania 226, 658–9; Black Line 659
taxation: in Albania 223; in Algeria 635–6; in American colonies 17; in Belgium 71; in Britain 228; by Napoleon 11, 19; in Ceylon 226; in China 651; in France 11; in Germany 285, 603; in Greece 60, 690; in Habsburg Empire 194, 357; in Hungary 586; in India 665, 666; in Italy 112, 215; and nobility 281–2; in Poland 247; in Russia 131, 324; in Spain 38, 108; in Tunisia 645
Taylor, Harriet 540
Taylorism 623
Tbilisi 617
Tchaikovsky, Nikolai Vasilyevich 613
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich 502, 519; The Year 1812 527–8
tea-drinking 513
teachers: as government employees 325; salaries 327, see also professors and teachers
technology 53, 352, 379, 443, 622, 623, 653–4
teddy bears 360
Tel el-Kebir, Battle of 646
telegraph xviii, 157–8, 229, 254, 302, 353, 379, 391; and news organizations 392; state control of 392
telegraphy, wireless 392–3
telephone xviii, 330, 374, 392
Tell, Wilhelm 77–8
Temes 358
Temesvár (Timisoara) 315; Battle of 208–9
temperance campaign 345, 467, 489, 503, 511–12, 517, 542
Ten Articles 77
Tennant, Margot 579
Tenniel, Sir John, ‘Dropping the Pilot’ 607
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 518; In Memoriam 406
Teplice-Šanov (Teplitz-SchÖnau) 355
Terezín (Theresienstadt) 705
Teste, Jean-Baptiste 186
Tewfik Pasha, Khedive of Egypt 646
textile industry 132–9, 187, 294, 296, 306–7; mechanization 133–6, 300; and railway expansion 380; women working in 335
Thames, river 150, 310, 375, 503
Thebes 626–7
Thérèse of Lisieux, St (Thérèse Martin) 455
Thermopylae (tea-clipper) 394
Thessaly 690
Thibaw Min, King of Burma 668
Thienemann, August 309
Thiers, Adolphe 31, 64, 65, 66, 67, 188–9, 215, 218, 265, 271–2, 594
Thimonnier, Barthélemy 336
Thirty Years’ War 26
Thistlewood, Arthur 45–6
Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist 295, 297
Thomas, Walter Aubrey 385
Thompson, Sir Henry 407
Thomson, Joseph 498
Thorn, Poland 319
Threlkeld, Lancelot 658
Tiber, river 369–70
Tibet 649
Tietz, Leonhard 328
Tietz, Oskar 328
Tigre 652–3
Timbuktu 629
time: measurement of 389–96, 442; as theme in art 395
The Times 235, 237, 245, 339, 392, 708
Tirana 695
Tirpitz, Alfred von 502, 700–701
Tisza, Count István 587
Tisza, Kálmán 586
Titanic (unfortunate ocean liner) 395, 623
Tito, Josip Broz 517
tobacco industry 300; women in 335–6
Tobermory 631
Tocqueville, Alexis de 230, 436; Democracy in America 188
Tolpuddle Martyrs 162
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolayevich 502; Anna Karenina 289, 505, 524; ‘The Death of Ivan Ilyich’ 406; ‘Three Deaths’ 406; War and Peace 526
Tolstoy, Count Pyotr Alexandrovich 48
Tonality in music 530, 534, 536
Tondini de Quarenghi, Abbé Cesare 393
Tongking 649
Tönnies, Ferdinand, Community and Society 500
Tonypandy 581
top hats 503
Torlonia, Alessandro, Prince of Civitella-Cesi 369
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 516
Tour de France 383
tourism 489–90
Toynbee, Arnold xv
Tractarian movement 457
trade: overseas 353, 400; in Russia 87; tea and opium 125; treaties 285; world 26, 53, 654
trade associations 300
trade unions xx, 78, 113, 162–3, 227, 270, 548–50, 559, 561, 566, 582, 615; in Britain 162–3, 227, 270, 549, 550–51, 582; and British Labour Party 559, 582; in France 549–50; in Germany 549; in Manchester 78; and rural labourers 113; in Spain 549; in Sweden 549; throughout Europe 548–50; and women’s work 566; ‘yellow’ 549
traffic regulation 314
trams 302, 305; horse-drawn and electric 315
Trans-Siberian Railway 377
translation 490
Transleithania 583
transnational history xvi–xvii
transportation 145, 147–57; of coal 149, 151; of convicts 435–6
Transylvania 7, 94, 202, 208, 209, 240, 358, 407, 452; German-speakers in 483; Romanian nationalists in 681
Trappists 464
Traugutt, Romuald 247–8
travel, foreign 87, 117, 148–56, 191–2, 308–9, 317, 355–6, 375, 379–90, 483, 489–90, 630
Travnik 225
treadmill 436–7
Treitschke, Heinrich von 499
Trepov, Fyodor Fyodorovich 613
Trevelyan, Sir Charles 124
Trevithick, Richard 150
trial by jury 190, 192, 210, 220, 238, 345, 567, 584, 686
tricolor flag 29, 65, 66, 75, 78, 214, 593
tricornes 503
Trier 177; Bishop of 465; Cathedral 455; procession of the Holy Robe 455
Trinidad 667
Triple Alliance (1882) 677, 698
Triple Entente (between Britain, France and Russia) 707–8
Tripoli (Libya) 649
Tripolitsa 55
Tristan, Flora 169–71, 173, 268, 269, 482, 489; Peregrinations of a Pariah 170
Trollope, Anthony: The Barsetshire Chronicles 524; The Pallisers 524; The Vicar of Bullhampton 322
Troppau (Opava), Congress of 40–41
Trotha, Lothar von 655
Trotsky, Leon (Lev Davidovich Bronstein) 517, 619
trousers 503
Troy, ancient 630
Tsarskoe Seloe 151
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin Eduardovich, The Exploration of Cosmic Space by Means of Reaction Devices 389
tsunami 371
tuberculosis (consumption) 332, 396–8
Tucepi 8
Tulla, Johann Gottfried 370
Tunis 53; Pasteur Institute 400
turbines 134
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich: Fathers and Sons 523, 611; Smoke 289
Turin 209, 303, 381; council of commerce 80
Turkey 304, 357; cholera in 401; in Crimean War 27; ID requirements 483; looting from 630; Russia and 677, see also Ottoman Empire
Turkmenistan 641
Turks 482
Turner, J. M. W.: Rain, Steam and Speed: The Great Western Railway 155; The Slave Ship 451; Snow Storm: Steam-Boat off a Harbour’s Mouth 451
Tuscany, Grand Duchy of: liberalism in 38–9, 181, 213; peasants in 221; Piedmont and 243; prisons 437; republicanism in 214–15; sharecropping in 108, 112
Tuskegee Institute, Alabama 657
Two Sicilies, Kingdom of 38–40, 41, 111, 193, 292, see also Sicily
Tyldesley, spinning factory 137
typewriters 300, 304, 327, 330; see also Olivetti
‘Typhoid Mary’ 399
typhus 8, 57, 125, 131, 217, 399, 402, 697
Ufa (Russian city) 131
Ukraine 43, 94, 100, 103, 117, 203, 247, 285, 288; Jews in 474, 475; metallurgical industry 298–9; nationalism 490; Uniate Church in 461, Ukrainians 583
Ukrainian (language) 203
Ulster 581-2, 708; Protestants 707
Umberto I, King of Italy 563, 591, 600, 601
unconscious, collective 418
unemployment and underemployment xix, 7, 9, 220
Uniate Church 461
Union of Salvation (later Union of Welfare) 43
Unitarians 457
United Alkali 302
United States of America: agricultural machinery 283; anarchism in 564; and China 651; and Chinese treaty ports 650; cholera in 401; cinema industry 520; Civil War 346, 387, 622, 632, 702; coal industry 300; communes in 172, 174; Congress 57, 348; conservatism in 624; Constitution 43, 623; cotton exports 136; democracy in 623; economic growth 715; emigration to 2, 8, 212, 242, 346–8, 350–52, 622; European expansion in 640; farmland in 127; federal system 623; and female emancipation 622; focus on internal affairs 18; gardens 364; German admiration of 623–4; grain exports 284–5; Great Plains 348; Homeland Act (1862) 348; ideologies of 19; as image of future 622–4; industrial production 300, 352, 622; interdependence with Europe 622; Jews in 476; Kossuth in 209; machine tool export 381; and Monroe Doctrine 16; motor manufacture 352, 381–2; Navy 635; oil production 299; Parnell in 576; and Pearl Harbor bombing 618; philhellenism in 57; Polish Central Committee 346; population 352; Revolution 31, 71, 835; slavery 331, 537, 635, 649; socialism in 566; Swedish-Americans 348; technology 622, 623; transportation of convicts to 435; Union Army 387; War of 1812 25; War of Independence 15; weights and measures in 376; women in 622–3; women’s suffrage movement in 566, 622; see also Spanish-American War
Universal Postal Union 380
Universalgeschichte xv
universities 493–9; in Britain 305–6, 496, 497–8; in Bulgaria 495; in Denmark 495; in France 32, 493–4; in Germany 187, 302, 305, 321, 323, 325, 494–5, 496, 496–7; in Greece 495; in Italy 321, 493; in Norway 495; in Poland 495–6, 497; in Russia 19, 47, 238, 324, 496, 497; in Spain 493; in Sweden 495; in Switzerland 496; women in 545
The Unmasker 610
Upper Nile 649
Upper Rhine 212
Upper Saône valley 368
Upper Silesia 125, 341, 399, 488
Uppsala 320
Urals 377
Uranus (planet) 388
urbanization 281, 306–17, 320, 360, 666; and atmospheric pollution 442; in Berlin 316; in Britain 306–7, 309–10, 313, 314, 315, 316; in Budapest 310–16; and decline in crime 345; in Europe 306–17; and growth of crime 342; in Hamburg 307–8, 309, 311; and mental patients 430; in Paris 312–13, 314; in St Petersburg 308–9, 315; in Sofia 316–17; in Vienna 314
Urfa, cathedral 689
Utopian socialism 171–5, 184, 187, 269, 565, 611
Uusikaupunki, Turku province, Finland 128
Uvarov, Count Sergei Semyonovich 47
Vachell, Horace, The Hill 704
Vaillant, Auguste 562–3
Valley of the Kings 628
Valuev, Pyotr Alexandrovich 490
vampires, legends of 407
Van Amburgh, Isaac 360–61
Van Gogh, Vincent 428, 532; The Potato Eaters 521; Starry Night 532
Varenne, Alexandre 561
Varennes 194
Varice 264
Varna 234
Vas, Hungary 481
Vatican City: and ban on Catholics in politics 592; Bismarck and 465; and Italian state 463, 589; and Lateran Treaty 246; Pope Pius IX and 463; Ricasoli and 589
Vaughan Williams, Ralph 533, 534
Velázquez, Diego, The Rokeby Venus 539
velocipede 383
Vendée 11
vendettas 344–5
Venice 59, 217, 379; Austrian blockade 193; British in 489; Constituent Assembly 193; Italian Club 217; as republic 192–3; siege of 217
Venizelos, Eleftherios 502, 690–91
Verdi, Giuseppe: Falstaff 525; Nabucco, Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves 527; Otello 525; La Traviata 525
Verga, Giovanni, Cavalleria Rusticana 525
Verlaine, Paul 531
Verne, Jules: Around the World in Eighty Days 379; The Carpathian Castle 358; Five Weeks in a Balloon 386–7
Versailles 271; Armistice of (1871) 265
Vesuvius 371
Vickers 299
Victoria, German Empress 606
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain: in Baden-Baden 289; and Samuel Baker 631; and Buffalo Bill show 623; and chloroform 418–19; and colliery disaster 145; death 580; Diamond Jubilee 624, 643; at Drury Lane 360; as Empress of India 643, 644; on Ferdinand I of Bulgaria 678; Golden Jubilee 643; at Great Exhibition 292; and homosexuality 416; in mourning for Prince Albert 405; on Nicholas I 49; and outlawing of homosexuality 41; and Salic Law 182, 252
Vidi I, Prince of Albania (Prince Wilhelm of Wied) 695
Vidin, Bulgaria 631
Vidocq, Eugène François 340, 346
Vienna: aristocracy in 274; Austrian Postal Savings Bank Building 385; Ballhausplatz 191; banking crisis in 241; beggars in 7–8; bourgeoisie 319; Café Central 517; Carmen in 526; as centre of Habsburg Empire 39; children’s hospitals 422; Congress of 20–26, 28, 60, 63, 70, 78, 80, 146, 229, 252, 634; cycling in 384; Exposition (1873) 407; fire hydrants 374; General Hospital 420; Jews in 477, 479; Lueger and 585; Ministry of War 206; and Modernist music 535; multinationality 33; music in 518; Ottoman siege of 18, 53; Prater 205; Protestantism in 459; Razumovsky Palace 20; and resignation of Metternich 191; Ringstrasse 314, 583; riots 75, 191, 201; St Stephen’s Square 206; as seat of Dual Monarchy 259; Settlement 25–6, 52, 229, 266; Steinhof mental hospital 427; stock market crash 584; Town Council 585; University 195; uprising (1848) 205–7; World Exhibition (1883) 302
Villafranca, Peace of 243
Villain, Raoul 711
Villèle, Jean-Baptiste, Comte de 31, 32
Villiers (Champigny), Battle of 264
Vilna, University of 49
violence: by IMRO agents 688; in colonies 656, 658, 662; in early 20th century xix; wartime 715, see also atrocities
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène 453
Virchow, Rudolf 399–400
Vítkovice iron works 143
Vittorio Emanuele I, King of Piedmont-Sardinia 38, 40, 242, 255
Vittorio Emanuele II, King of Sardinia (later King of Italy) 214, 245, 589, 600
Vittorio Emanuele III, King of Italy 563, 600–601; as numismatist 600
Vizcaya 377
Vlachs, in Macedonia 688
Vladimir 136
Vladimirescu, Tudor 54
Vladivostok 377
La Voix des Femmes 269
Vojvodina 6
volcanic eruptions 5–6, 371, 403
Volhynia 359
Vollmar, Georg von 556
Voltaire 176
Volterra 437
Volturno, Battle of 245
Voortman textile mill, Ghent 136–7, 138–9
Vorarlberg 135; literacy in 481
Vosges 368
Votes for Women and Chastity for Men 416
Vyatka 48
Vyrnwy, Lake 312
Waghäusel, Battle of 212
Wagner, Cosima 478–9
Wagner, Richard 210, 211, 478, 529–30, 534, 686; The Mastersingers of Nuremberg 527; Parsifal 529; Das Rheingold 383; Tristan and Isolde 530
Waitangi, Treaty of 640
Wakefield, Edward Gibbon 639–40, 657
Waldeck-Rousseau, Pierre 561
Waldeyer-Hartz, Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von 431–2
Wales 8, 140, 143, 147, 490; coal industry 377; crime rates 345; Evangelical revival in 457; miners’ strike 581; slate-quarrying industry 294–5, 339
Walewski, Count Alexandre 120
Walker, James 153
Wallace, Alfred Russel 389, 471
Wallachia 53, 54, 105, 122, 202–3, 233, 679; Proclamation of Islaz 203, see also Danubian Principalities
Wallonia, coalfields 136
Wallsend pit, Newcastle 140, 141
war: diseases spread by 398, 399, 401; limitation of damage from 687; see also arms and warfare methods; guerrilla warfare; Crimean, Russo-Turkish etc.
War of the Early Risers (Second Carlist War) 108
War of the Ragamuffins 179
Warburg, Carl 396
Warburg’s Tincture 396
Ward, Sir Adolphus xvii
Ward Jackson, steamship 248
Wars of Italian Unification 27, 242–6, 583
Warsaw 49, 51, 208, 248, 526; City Delegation 246–7; infantry officers’ school 50; Pawiak Prison 248; University 496; water-supply system 311–12; Wola churchyard 51
Warsaw, Grand Duchy of see Congress Poland
Wartburg castle, Germany 34, 77
Washington, Booker T. 657
Washington, George 172
Washington, DC: conference on world time standardization (1884) 393; White House 25
Wasserpolacken 488
water closets 310
water supplies 308–13; purification of 399, 402
Waterloo, Battle of xvi, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13–14, 20, 22, 23, 63, 78–9, 234, 237
waterways see canals, rivers
Wawrinsky, Richard 407
weavers 133–4, 338; riots by 67, 162, 165, 218
Webb, Beatrice 559
Webb, Sidney 559
Weber, Carl Maria von 448
Weber, Max 469
Wedekind, Frank: Earth Spirit 416; Pandora’s Box 416; Spring Awakening 416
Wednesday Psychological Society 417
weeping, by men 500–501
weights and measures 15, 375–7; imperial system 376–7; standardization 376–7
Weinbrenner, Friedrich 316
Weininger, Otto, Sex and Character 501
Weitling, Wilhelm 75; The Gospel of Poor Sinners 174; Humanity: As it is and as it should be 174
Wekerle, Sándor 587
Welcker, Carl 183
welfare state 118, 548, 551–3, 596
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of 12, 13–14, 29, 58, 79, 127, 150, 169, 184, 476, 629; funeral 404, 405
Wells, Herbert George: The First Men in the Moon 389; The Time Machine 685; The War of the Worlds 389
Welsh 482
Welsh (language) 490
Weltpolitik 700
Werkbund 533–4
Werner, Anton von 527
Wesley, John 457
West Africa 267, 628–9, 630, 644, 652, 662
West African Frontier Force 662
West Prussia 338; literacy in 481
Westende coalmining company 303
Westphalia, Kingdom of 14, 287, 294, 376
Westrobothnia 128
Wetterhorn 365
whaling 304
Whewell, William 497–8
whipping: of animals 359; of convicts 438; as disciplinary measure 119, 434–5, 656, 663; of farm servants 87, 101–2; of prisoners 655; of serfs 86, 91
‘White Fathers’ 469
White Star steamship company 395
Whymper, Edward 365
Wichern, Johann Hinrich 467
Wicklow, County 347
Wielopolski, Count Alexander 246–7, 248
Wiesbaden 376
wife-sales 509
Wilberforce, Samuel 471–2
Wilberforce, William 456
Wilde, Oscar 362, 415, 416, 581; The Picture of Dorian Grey 532
Wilhelm, Duke of Brunswick 76
Wilhelm I, King of Prussia (later German Emperor) 250–51, 254–8, 289, 434, 479, 564, 603; assassination attempts on 603–4; death 606; and Franco-Prussian War 263; side-whiskers 502; and Spanish succession dispute 260–61
Wilhelm I, King of Württemberg 183
Wilhelm II, Elector of Hesse 76
Wilhelm II, German Emperor: accession to Prussian throne 434, 606; and Agadir Crisis 692; and Bismarck 607; and ‘blank cheque’ of support for Austria-Hungary 706; and British 607; and Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show 623; Camarilla 607–8; car horn 383; character and personality 606–7, 609; on China 651; and education 491; in exile in Netherlands 715; fall of 600; and German navy 700–701; and German South-West Africa 655; and Herzl 478; as hunter 363; intervention in world affairs 700; and ministers 608; in Morocco 699–700; moustache 502; and public scandals 415; recording of voice 518; and Silesian landowners 288; and socialism 556; as traveller 606; and ultimatum to Serbia 708; and Vittorio Emanuele III 601; and Werner 527
Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands 72
Willem I, King of the Netherlands 70, 72
Willes, James Shaw 500
William IV, King of the United Kingdom 372
Willkomm, White Slaves 166
Wills, Sir Alfred 365
Wilson, Sir Henry 702
Wilson, Rev. James 416
Winchester College, Hampshire 492
Windischgrätz, Prince Alfred zu 99, 204–5, 206, 206–8
Windthorst, Ludwig 602
Winkworth, Catherine 638
Wirth, Johann Georg 77
Wismar 328
Wissembourg, Battle of 262
witchcraft, alleged 473
Witte, Sergei Yulyevich 131, 298, 299, 324, 617
Woking, Surrey, crematorium 407
women: barred from politics 508; barred from professions 504; barred from universities 504, 505–6; believed lacking in sexual impulse 410, 413, 416, 417; in bourgeois households 325–6; in British Labour Party 566; and Catholic Church 541; and charitable work 325; and children 507; and Code Napoléon 504–5; and conquest of nature 443; and crime 504; diagnosed as ‘nymphomaniac’ 426–7; disparity in wages 338; and divorce 504; as doctors 509, 544; domestic roles 543; in domestic service 335, 336, 337; dress 503–4; education of 269,
481, 504, 506–7, 509, 541; emancipation of xix, xx, 171, 173–4, 268–9, 450, 537, 558, 565, 622; employment of 330, 335–7; in food and drink industries 336; freedom of 451; and gender stereotyping 320, 468–9, 499–500; in Germany 330, 506, 507, 566; as half of European population xxii; hysteria in 430, 448–9, 509; in journalism 507; labour of 132, 134, 138–9, 171, 508; lack of legal protection 504–5; lesbianism 415–16; literacy 481; mass rapes of 651; as match-girls 335; and Mechanics’ Institutes 485–6; Napoleon’s views on 15; in new areas of employment 330, 336; as novel-readers 523; orgasmic dysfunction diagnosed in 430; in Paris 268; and philanthropy 505, 509; in politics 269, 546, 547; professional 509, 547; and property 505, 507, 508, 509, 547; and Protestantism 508; Proudhon on 175; rights of 15, 171, 268–9, 503, 504, 505–7; ‘romantic friendships’ among 416; in rural areas 508; as rural workers 338; and salons 320, 501; as scientists 497; and secularization 468–9; seen as emotional 468, 499–500, 504, 509; sexuality 174, 410, 413–16, 417; and socialism 564–6; as students 384, 506–7, 509; suffrage xviii, 505, 508, 537–48, 542–8, 566, 582; in textile factories 335, 336; as tobacco workers 335–6; treated as minors 504; unemployment and 169; in universities 545; as unmarried mothers 543; in USA 622–3; Weininger on 501; working-class 336, 411, 509, 521, 543, 544, 565; see also divorce; feminism; marriage; prostitution
Women’s Franchise League 538
Women’s Freedom League 540
Women’s Social and Political Union (suffragettes) 538, 539, 541
Women’s Socialist International Congress (Copenhagen, 1910) 566
Women’s Suffrage Journal 538
wood theft 103, 108, 342–3; see also forests
Wordsworth, William 447
Workers’ International, French Section 561
working class 158–65, 331–9; in Austria-Hungary 583; and bourgeois values 354; diet 333; emergence of 583; formation of 187; housing 307, 308, 313–14, 523, 552, 576, 684; living and working conditions 306–7, 350; socialism and 553, 567; use of term 165; voting rights 548; and welfare schemes 552; women 336, 411, 509, 521, 543, 544, 565;v see also labour
Working Men’s Charter 184
Working Men’s International 553–4, 562, 563, 711
workshops: artisanal 132, 146, 329–30; national 200
World Congress of Esperantists 490
‘The World’ (conspiratorial society) 75
World Fairs 353
World Zionist Organization 478
Worsdell, Thomas 153
worship, freedom of 15
Wrangel, Baron Nicholas Alexandrovich von 703
Wright, Orville and Wilbur 387–8
Wróblewskí, Zygmunt 497
Württemberg 1, 2, 6, 8, 21, 26, 88, 97, 183, 190, 212, 605; Jews in 476; potato blight in 123
Würzburg 10
X-rays 497
Xhosa people 659–60
Yablochkov, Pavel Nikolayevich, candle 315
Yassakh 87
yeast extracts 301
Yellow Book 416
Yerkes, Charles 302
Yonne, river 149
Yorktown, Siege of 172
Young, Thomas 396–7
Young Argentina 179
Young Austria 179
Young Bohemia 179
Young Czechs 585
Young Germany 178
Young Ireland 179
Young Italy 178–9
Young Ottomans 674
Young Turks 439, 689–90, 691, 695
Young Tyrol 179
Ypsilantis, Alexander 54
Yuzovka settlement, Ukraine (Stalino, Donetsk) 288–9, 298
Zabern (Saverne) Affair 609
Zambezi, river 633
Zamenhof, Ludwik Lazard, Unua Libro 490
Zamindars 665
Zamoyski estates, Congress Poland 144
Zanardelli, Giuseppe 43
Zaragoza 222
Zeitz district 508
Zeppelin, Count Ferdinand von 387
Zetkin, Ossip 565
Zietz, Luise 565
Zionism 478
Zlín 298
Zminj, Croatia 6–7
Zola, Émile 484; on Huysmans 532; L’Assommoir 523; Au Bonheur des Dames 328; The Debacle 526; Germinal 411, 523, 562; J’accuse 597, 598; Nana 413; ‘Naturalism in the Theatre’ 524; Paris 384; Les Rougon-Macquart 326, 523–4
zoos 360–61; native villages in 643
‘Zouaves of Death’ 248
Zubatov, Sergei Vasilyevich 615
Zucchi, Carlo 75
Zundel, Georg 565
Zürich 78, 565, 612; University 496, 506, 557
Zwanziger family 165
Zweifel, Paul 409
Zwickau 147
Żyrardów 135