Dark Money
Going Rogue
Ground War/Ground Game
Internet Campaigning
Invisible Primary
Money Ball
Negative Campaigning
Poll-Driven Campaign
Silent Majority
Wedge Issue
Campaign Ads/Political Ads
Paid Media
Retail Politics
Sound Bite
Symbolic Racism
Talking Points
Wedge Issue
Big Data
Campaign Ads
Cattle Call
Dark Money
Internet Campaigning
Media Event
Paid Media
Photo Opportunity
Presidential Debates
Retail Politics
Social Media
Talking Points
Tracking Poll
Campaign of 1800
Campaign of 1828
Campaign of 1840
Campaign of 1888
Campaign of 1892
Campaign of 1912
Campaign of 1976
Campaign of 1980
Campaign of 1992
Campaign of 1800
Campaign of 1824
Campaign of 1876
Campaign of 2000
Americans for Prosperity (AFP)
Americans for Tax Reform
Bread-and-Butter Issues
Corporations and Personhood
Dark MoneyEarmark
Economic Inequality Issue
Education Reform Issue
Energy Issue
Environmental Issue
Health Care Issue
Immigration Issue
Independent Advocacy Groups
Keynesian Economics
Pocketbook Issue
Prosperity Issue
Right to Work
Social Security Issue
Tea Party Movement
Trade Issues
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
Butterfly Ballot
Campaign Finance Reform
Civil Rights Reforms
Early Voting
Get-Out-the-Vote (GOTV) Programs
National Voter Registration Act
of 1993
Provisional Ballot
Voting Reform Issue
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Women’s Equality Issue
Campaign of 1876
Campaign of 1888
Campaign of 2000
Campaign of 1800
Campaign of 1824
Campaign of 1876 (involved Supreme Court justices participating in an Electoral Commission)
Campaign of 2000 (Bush v. Gore)
1789: The first presidential election under the recently ratified Constitution.
1800: The first transition of the presidency between rival parties.
1824: The first election in which the popular vote for the presidency was recorded and published at the national level.
1860: The first and only election that precipitated secession and, ultimately, civil war.
1868: Freed slaves participate in their first presidential election.
1876–1877: The end of Reconstruction weakens the brief influence—and in some parts of the country, entirely eliminates the exercise—of the African American vote.
1912: The only election in which a candidate nominated by one of the two major parties received fewer votes than a third-party candidate.
1920: The first election in which women could vote at the national level (in previous elections, women were able to vote at the state level in some states).
1928: Includes the first Roman Catholic to be nominated for the presidency by a major party.
1940: First and only election in which an incumbent president ran for and was elected to a third term (followed by election to a fourth term in 1944).
1960: Includes the first Roman Catholic to be elected president.
1964: Includes the first Roman Catholic to be nominated for the vice presidency.
1968: The first presidential election to be held after the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act helping to reestablish the influence of the African American vote that had been severely diminished throughout much of the Union with the end of Reconstruction in 1877.
1976: The first election in which all adult citizens over the age of eighteen were allowed to vote.
1984: Includes the first woman to be nominated for the vice presidency.
2000: Includes the first Jewish candidate to be nominated for the vice presidency.
2008: Includes the first person of African American descent to be elected president of the United States, the first Catholic to be elected to the vice presidency, and the second woman to be nominated for vice president by a major party.
2012: Includes reelection of the first and only African American president as well as the first Mormon to be nominated for president by a major party.
Bread-and-Butter Issues
Checkers Speech
Culture War
“Daisy Girl” Campaign Ad
Going Rogue
Gun Control Issue
Immigration Issue
Negative Campaigning
Pocketbook Issue
Presidential Coattails
Race Relations Issue
Rally Around the Flag Effect
Red Meat Issue
Silent Majority
Sister Souljah Moment
Sound Bite
Symbolic Racism
Talk Radio
Wedge Issue
Cattle Call
Media Event
Netroots Nation/YearlyKos Convention
Photo Opportunity
Presidential Debates
Super Tuesday
Blue and Red States
Compassionate Conservatism
Goldwater Conservative
Partisan Sorting
Tea Party Movement
Values Voters
Women’s Equality Issue
Civil Rights Reforms
Jim Crow Laws
National Voter Registration Act
Voting Reform Issue
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Women’s Equality Issue
American Exceptionalism
“Daisy Girl” Campaign Ad
Environmental Issue
Goldwater Conservative
Immigration Issue
Manifest Destiny
Nativism Issue
War and Peace Issue
Campaign of 1828 (Andrew Jackson over John Quincy Adams)
Campaign of 1832 (Andrew Jackson over Henry Clay)
Campaign of 1864 (Abraham Lincoln over George B. McClellan)
Campaign of 1872 (Ulysses S. Grant over Horace Greeley)
Campaign of 1904 (Theodore Roosevelt over Alton Parker)
Campaign of 1920 (Warren G. Harding over James Cox)
Campaign of 1924 (Calvin Coolidge over John W. Davis)
Campaign of 1928 (Herbert Hoover over Al Smith)
Campaign of 1932 (Franklin D. Roosevelt over Herbert Hoover)
Campaign of 1936 (Franklin D. Roosevelt over Alfred Landon)
Campaign of 1940 (Franklin D. Roosevelt over Wendell Willkie)
Campaign of 1952 (Dwight D. Eisenhower over Adlai Stevenson)
Campaign of 1956 (Dwight D. Eisenhower over Adlai Stevenson)
Campaign of 1964 (Lyndon Johnson over Barry Goldwater)
Campaign of 1972 (Richard Nixon over George McGovern)
Campaign of 1984 (Ronald Reagan over Walter Mondale)
Cable News Network (CNN)
Exit Polling
Free Media
Horse-Race Campaign Coverage
Larry King Live
Netroots Nation
New Media
Paid Media
Photo Opportunity
Political Cartoons
Poll-Driven Campaign
Presidential Debates
Soft News
Sound Bite
Spin Doctor
Swift Boating
Talk Radio
Tracking Poll
Twenty-Four-Hour News Cycle
Americans for Prosperity (AFP)
Americans for Tax Reform
Buckley v. Valeo (1976)
Campaign Ads
Campaign Finance Reform
Corporations and Personhood
Dark Money
Earned Media
501c Group
527 Group
Independent Advocacy Groups
Internet Campaigning
Paid Media
Political Ads
Social Media
Super PAC
Women’s Equality Issue
Big Data
Poll-Driven Campaign
Poll of Polls
Tracking Poll
Campaigns of 1828 and 1832
Campaigns of 1856 and 1860
Campaign of 1896
Campaigns of 1932 and 1936 (prefigured by 1928)
Campaign of 1980
Abortion Controversy
Affirmative Action
Civil Rights Reform
Civil Service Reform
Compassionate Conservatism
Culture War
Education Reform Issue
Gender Gap
Gun Control Issue
Health Care Issue
Immigration Issue
Jim Crow Laws
LGBTQ Issues
Moral Majority
Nativism Issue
Poverty Issue
Prosperity Issue
Race Relations Issue
Right to Work
Silent Majority
Sister Souljah Moment
Social Security Issue
Symbolic Racism
Tea Party Movement
Values Voters
Wedge Issue
Women’s Equality Issue
Campaign Ads
Checkers Speech
“Daisy Girl” Campaign Ad
Dark Money
Earned Media
501c Group
527 Group
Going Viral
Media Event
Negative Campaigning
Paid Media
Photo Opportunity
Presidential Debates
Social Media
Soft News
Sound Bite
Twenty-Four-Hour News Cycle
Battleground State
Big Data
Campaign Ads
Culture War
Early Voting
Focus Group
Gender Gap
Get-Out-the-Vote (GOTV) Programs
Likely Voter
Marriage Gap
Median Voter Theory
Pocketbook Issue
Presidential Coattails
Sociotropic Voting
Surge and Decline Theory
Tracking Poll
Valence Issue
Values Voters
* All elections are and always have been technically decided by the Electoral College.