Lead the Way … It Is Up to You
O ne person, one decision, one action can make a monumental difference more times than not. You are the one person who can help your business survive. There may be other individuals who can help you. That is great! But that is a bonus. Know that there may be more than one action that will separate you from achieving average and superior results. Take a look at history and remind yourself that you can make a huge difference.
A lot has been written over the years about the “Power of One”! Here is a recap of several events that are often references to make this important point. The margin of one vote cast by Senator Edward A. Hannegan of Indiana made Texas a part of the United States in 1845. As a matter of fact, California, Oregon, and Washington were also admitted to statehood by margins of one vote. And the draft act of World War II passed the House of Representatives in Washington by one vote.
Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams were each elected president by one vote in the Electoral College. Rutherford B. Hayes’ election as president was contested and referred to an electoral commission. This commission confirmed his election by one vote. That vote was cast by a congressman from Indiana who had won his election by one vote. This congressman was a lawyer, and the one vote that elected him was cast by a client of his who was ill but insisted on being taken to the polls to vote for him.
Never underestimate the power of ONE.
Do not get bewildered about the complexity or magnitude of a distressing environment and the related business problems. Everything breaks down into a series of ones . Take one step forward, and you are on your way.
It is always the next ONE that counts.
Pass this along to your management team to get that extra thought and effort that can make the critical difference in the performance of YOUR business. Survive and thrive with one thoughtful action at a time. Take full advantages of all the opportunities you have at hand. Do not get off track. Keep taking one step at a time to work through the crisis you are in. With some effort you can get to a point where your positive attitude and business momentum will begin to carry you forward.
You are the ONE and only ONE who can drive the plans for twelve to fifteen months of change for your business now. Do it “quickly” without hurrying! Take two weeks (twelve thinking and working days) to develop the plans. Monitor and measure as you implement the plans. Change them by gathering solid market information. Keep a focus on your Thrive Strategies and the related benefits of success. These are the benefits for you and your broader “business family”!
A thought to remember! Create your future one action at a time!