
action,  xix,  xxii,  xxiv,  xxvii,  xl,  xli,  xliv,  17,  24,  33,  55,  57,  81, 9495, 9798, 11718,  125,  127,  128, 13940, 14347,  162,  164;
autonomous,  xxiv;
historical,  xxxviii,  xli,  126;
human,  xxiv,  xxvii,  xxxvii,  xlv,  17,  25,  78,  81,  94, 9799,  124,  126,  140,  146;
philosophy of,  xxvii;
political,  xvi,  xlvi,  125;
social,  115;
theories of,  70.
See also doing;praxis
anthropology,  56,  79,  81, 12021,  159,  163;
anthropological,  xxiv, xxvixxvii,  xxxv, xlxli,  54,  57,  85,  120,  126,  157;
cultural,  xli,  80,  100;
philosophical,  xxvi,  96,  117,  121, 12425,  162,  172;
structural,  xxv,  90
autonomy, xvxlv,  5,  27,  30,  54,  58,  65,  67,  71,  93,  102,  113,  129,  131,  150,  161;
Project of,  xliv,  67,  86,  102,  113, 12023,  132,  173.
See also heteronomy
Axial Age,  60,  67;
Chinese,  67
Indian,  67;
being, xxviixxviii, xxxxxxvi,  xliv,  5, 1112,  16,  23,  28,  31,  37,  41,  52,  61,  67,  79, 8485, 9294, 9798,  101,  104, 11617, 14142, 14446,  152, 16062;
human,  xxiv,  xxvi,  xxx,  xl,  7,  11,  27,  52,  56,  93,  124,  163;
mode of,  xxvii,  10,  40,  92,  94,  130;
social,  xxii;
social-historical,  xxv,  xxvii;
social-imaginary,  87
chaos,  xxxvi,  65,  86,  93,  98,  112, 11618,  128,  130,  158,  160.
See also formless
collective,  xxv,  xxx,  xxxiv,  xxxix,  xliii,  55,  60, 9394,  97,  102,  129, 13133,  139,  143,  157
configuration,  xxxvi,  4,  6, 89,  13, 3034,  38, 5253,  56, 6162, 6465,  84,  97,  99,  119,  128,  151,  165;
consciousness,  37,  80,  88, 12425, 12728,  141,  148,  151,  160;
false,  xlii;
of the mass of individuals,  xliii;
proletarian,  xvi;
social,  xxii
continuity, 612, 1416,  28,  32,  34,  38,  57, 6469,  77,  90, 99102,  111,  115, 11821, 12427, 130131,  162;
historical,  7,  112,  115,  118,  124;
of existence,  xxxv,  7,  32,  65,  92, 1012,  118,  124,  165.
See also discontinuity
creation, xxxvxxxvi,  xlvi, 45, 913,  27, 2930,  32, 4041, 4950,  52,  61,  69,  73, 7778,  82, 8485, 9193,  95, 99102, 11214, 11617,  120,  123,  127,  129, 13032,  140,  142, 14647,  154, 15963,  165,  173;
cum nihilo, 4041,  59,  92;
ex nihilo,  24, 2829, 3536, 4041,  59,  93, 11116,  118,  121;
historical, xxxvxxxvii,  xlvii,  3, 11115, 12021, 13031,  162;
in nihilo, 4041,  59,  92;
of institutions,  7,  86,  111;
ontological,  101,  106;
(-ing),  xxxv, 45,  27,  63,  85.
creativity,  xxiii,  36, 3839,  42,  50, 5960,  65,  81,  95,  111,  114,  116,  124,  129,  148,  153;
social-historical,  xxv,  xxvi,  12,  50,  51
culture,  xxv,  xxviii,  16,  25,  31,  56,  59,  63,  66,  69,  70,  77,  86,  102,  133, 15456;
human,  15,  77,  87
democracy,  113,  163,  173;
ancient Greek,  86, 11213,  120,  122;
modern,  54
determination, 2728,  54,  72,  79,  84,  93,  97,  101,  158,  162
development,  xxv,  xxx,  xlv,  11,  12, 2324,  36,  40,  43,  53,  56,  60,  65,  70,  81,  88, 9495,  104,  117,  129,  131.
See also Entwicklung
discontinuity,  xxxv,  xxxvii, 67,  11, 1415,  30,  32,  57, 6869,  77,  90,  92,  95, 1002, 11113, 11822, 12425,  127, 13031, 16162,  165;
historical,  34, 11819,  124,  130;
of meaning,  xxxv,  124,  165;
of production, 910,  67.
See also continuity
discourse,  xliii,  xliv,  57,  60, 8586,  91, 9596,  117,  128, 14445, 14748,  150, 15152;
hermeneutical,  xxii,  122,  150;
poetic, 14548
doing,  xxiv,  xxvii,  42,  81,  96,  105,  129,  135,  140,  154;
human, xxivxxvii.
See also action;faire;praxis
Fichte, Johann G.,  xxviii,  3,  18, 5254,  79,  84,  89,  103
fiction, 3638,  43,  106,  129, 15152.
figuration, 3233,  62,  114;
historical,  xxxiv;
social,  xlv;
formless,  xxxvi,  xlvii, 56,  32,  38,  97, 11618.
See also chaos
Foucault, Michel,  xxxv, 67,  9,  59,  118, 12526,  165,  172
freedom,  xxiv, 8485,  98,  100,  102, 1056,  141,  146,  159,  162
Freud, Sigmund,  xxi,  xxii,  xl, xliixliii, 1112,  14,  80,  149,  151,  154, 15657,  160
Greece,  xvii, 910,  15,  65,  86,  123,  161;
ancient,  xxx,  xxxvii,  10,  50,  64,  111,  119, 12223;
classical,  33
Greek(s),  xvii,  xxvii,  xxx,  xliv,  4,  6, 89,  15,  40,  50,  60, 6265,  67, 7071,  86, 11213, 11921,  123,  129,  131,  163
Heidegger, Martin,  xxi,  xxvii,  3,  8,  12,  43, 5253,  97,  144,  160, 17172
hermeneutics,  xviii,  xix, xxxxii,  xxviii,  xxxvi,  xlii,  16,  31,  50,  98, 12224,  127,  131,  146;
depth,  xliii
heteronomy,  xvii,  xxi,  xliii,  67,  98,  102
See also autonomy
as project,  112,  123, 12830,  132;
as recounted,  112,  123, 12829,  131,  133;
European,  8,  15,  67;
Greek,  9,  63,  121,  123;
Hebrew,  9;
historical understanding,  150;
human,  xxxvii,  27,  31, 3334,  57,  100,  119;
intellectual,  59;
literary and artistic,  xxxiv;
of science,  xxxiv,  77;
of religions,  56;
of thought,  140;
our own,  8;
singularity of,  14,  34,  121,  123,  129,  131;
social, 15455;
social and political,  xxxiv;
theory of,  xxiii,  xxxiv,  93;
Western Greek,  8;
Western thought,  30,  36,  43
ideology,  xxii,  xxv,  xxxiv, xlixliv,  xlv,  xlvii,  24,  72,  81,  83,  87,  100,  102,  114,  118,  129,  145, 14950,  155
image(s),  xvii,  xxiv,  xxv,  xxvi,  xxx,  30,  37,  40,  56,  62,  65,  80,  86,  96,  117,  129, 14042,  144,  149, 15556
imaginary,  xxvii,  xxx,  xxxiv,  xxxvii, xlixlii,  3,  16, 2529,  51,  55, 5758,  61, 6364, 6869, 7173, 7879,  84,  87,  89, 9295, 9899,  113,  115,  118,  127, 13944,  146,  151, 15366;
creative,  28;
cultural,  81,  86;
instituted,  87,  100,  102;
instituting,  xxxvi,  79,  82,  87,  94,  100;
institution,  55,  61;
meaning,  25;
production of the society,  xxxiv,  3,  51;
radical, 2728,  42,  81,  154,  156;
social and political,  xli.
Imagination,  xxi,  xxiii,  xxx,  xxxiv,  xl,  xli,  xliv, 34,  12,  16,  24,  26, 3031,  34, 3637, 5054,  57,  60, 7273, 7784, 8789, 92102, 11112,  114, 11617,  127, 13946,  153,  156,  163;
creative,  4, 2324, 2631, 3339,  41,  43,  49,  68,  78,  81,  111,  116,  154,  159;
epistemological,  37;
function of,  36,  81,  100;
Kantian,  12;
practical,  16,  146;
productive,  26,  28, 3031, 3437,  41,  43, 5153, 7779, 8183, 8992, 94102,  114,  128,  130,  141,  144;
radical,  29,  79,  86,  92,  106,  117,  139,  163;
religious,  64;
reproductive,  30,  36,  90,  96;
social,  xiii,  37,  139;
Social-historical,  xxxiv;
symbolic,  88;
transcendental,  97,  140
innovation,  xxiii,  xxv,  xxxv,  xxxviii,  6, 1213,  16, 3132,  40,  43,  55, 5762,  64,  67,  99,  101,  114,  142,  162;
semantic,  50,  96,  142,  145.
institution,  xvii,  xix,  xxv,  xxviii,  xli,  xlv,  3,  5,  7, 1113,  28, 3334, 4143, 5458, 6061,  63, 6567, 7778,  82,  84, 8688,  90,  111, 11314,  121, 12324,  133, 15662;
pre-instituted,  13,  31;
Self-institution,  5,  27
interpretation,  xix,  xx,  xxi,  xxii,  xxiii,  xxiv,  xxv,  xxvi,  xxxvi, 910,  31, 5053,  55, 5759, 6162, 6465,  69,  71,  94,  97, 1002,  113,  115, 12123, 12831,  133,  146,  150
Kant, Immanuel,  xviii,  xix,  xxviii,  3,  28,  36, 5154,  79, 9697,  140,  142
knowledge,  xix,  xxv,  xxxviii,  9,  14,  66,  90,  133,  150,  163;
Theory of, 8081,  145
language,  xxi,  xxii,  xxxvii,  xli,  xliii, 46, 89, 1214, 2829,  31, 3334, 3640, 4243,  50,  56, 5861,  66,  73, 9091, 9697, 11112,  116,  127,  142,  145, 14748
Law,  xxxvii,  xli,  xlii,  xliii, 67,  14,  16,  152,  158;
international,  16
logic,  xxiii,  166;
ensidic,  161;
Fregean,  80;
identitarian,  62, 9192
Logos,  xxx;
palaios logos,  15
magma,  14,  28,  41,  43,  86,  158,  161
Marx, Karl,  xxii,  xxiv,  xxxvii,  xxxviii,  xl,  xli,  xlii,  xliii,  xliv,  xlvi,  xlvii,  3, 2425, 5253,  79, 8889,  93, 14950,  154,  157,  159
marxism,  xvi,  xxiii,  xxiv,  xxv,  xxxvii,  xxxviii,  xxxix,  xli,  xlii,  xliv,  xlv,  xlvi,  xlvii,  54, 8889,  150, 15354
meaning,  xix,  xx,  xxi,  xxii,  xxiii,  xxiv,  xxvi,  xxviii,  xxix,  xxx,  xxxv,  xxxvi,  xl,  xlv,  4, 810,  12, 1416, 2527, 4042, 5152, 5558, 6162, 6466, 6872, 7778,  82,  84, 8687, 9193,  95, 98100, 11113, 11516, 11819,  121, 12324, 12630, 13233,  135,  139,  142, 14749, 15759, 16163,  165.
See also sense
memory,  15,  67,  99, 12425,  133,  144;
cultural,  10,  66,  99, 13233;
Human,  10
metaphor,  xx,  xxi,  xxiii,  xxxviii,  4,  25,  31, 3739,  41,  43,  60,  90,  96,  99,  112, 11617,  130, 14548,  152
metaphysics,  43,  52;
Heideggerian critique of,  79;
Kantian critique of,  85,  94
mimesis,  99,  120,  125, 12729,  147, 15152;
mimesis1, 12728;
mimesis2,  128;
mimesis3, 12829
myth(s),  xxx,  xl,  4,  15,  25,  38,  86,  95, 11617,  129,  140
narrative,  xxi,  4,  8,  32,  70,  84,  90, 9697,  99,  115,  128, 15152
ontological,  xxv,  xxvii,  xxviii, 3637,  40,  59,  64,  68,  85, 9293,  98,  100,  102, 11213,  117,  140,  142,  145, 14748
ontology,  xvii,  xxv,  xxvii,  xxviii,  37,  51,  64,  68, 7880,  86,  89, 9294,  98, 1002,  119,  143,  146,  148,  154,  156,  160,  163
phenomenology,  xvi, xviiixix,  xxviii,  xxix;
genetic,  87;
Husserlian,  80;
of creative imagination,  36;
of individual imagination,  81;
of the will, 8485, 9899
philosophy,  xvi,  xvii,  xviii,  xix,  xxi,  xxvi,  xxvii,  xxviii,  xxix,  xxxiii,  xxxiv,  xxxvii,  xli,  xlvi,  4,  50,  53,  65,  68,  78,  80, 8385,  88,  94,  96, 1012,  113, 12022,  131,  139,  141, 14344,  146,  149,  151,  160, 16263;
Christian,  xviii;
continental,  xviii,  43;
Hegelian,  xxxvii,  99;
History of,  xxxiv,  53,  79,  96;
of imagination,  78,  80, 8283, 9596,  140
plot, 45,  97,  99,  115
poetic,  xix,  xxi,  37,  85,  95,  100,  139,  142, 14448,  152
polis,  xliv,  4,  40,  50,  60,  63,  65, 7071, 12021,  123
potential,  xx,  xxxvi,  xliii,  11,  35,  37, 5455, 6162,  67, 8081,  101,  117,  121,  132,  141, 14648
potentiality,  xxviii,  11, 2728,  41,  117,  131,  141
power,  xxii,  xxxix,  xli,  xlii,  12,  30,  36, 3738, 6163,  65,  67, 7072, 7882, 8788,  96,  98, 1012, 11516,  125,  139, 14142, 14546,  151, 16263.
praxis,  xxiv,  xxxvii,  81, 8889,  95,  100,  102,  139,  149,  161
prefiguration,  31,  84,  97,  99,  128,  151;
production,  xxxiv,  xxxv,  xxxvi,  xxxix, 35, 910,  18,  24,  30, 5153,  57,  60,  67, 7778,  84,  86, 8892,  96, 1001, 11112, 11415,  118,  123,  127,  131,  140,  142,  154;
determinism, of,  xlvi
human,  xxxiv,  xxxv,  52;
means of,  xxxix;
of radically new meaning,  xlv;
producing,  4,  52,  97,  133;
productive forces,  xxxix,  xlvi,  88;
relations of,  xxxix
Produzieren,  89;
Fichtean,  3,  84
psyche,  xxviii,  xxx,  xxxi,  40,  60,  64,  117,  142, 15657,  160,  164
rationality,  xxiii,  xliii,  6,  81,  86,  91, 9798,  154, 15859
reality,  xxv,  xxviii,  xl,  xliv,  17,  30, 3638,  43,  80,  87,  92,  118,  129,  142,  147, 14951,  153,  157,  159
reconfiguration,  13,  32, 6165,  115,  128,  153
refiguration,  99,  129, 15152
religion,  xvi,  xvii,  xviii,  xix,  xx,  xxv,  xxvi,  xxx,  xli,  7, 4950, 6466,  68,  119,  123,  125;
sociology of,  56
representation,  xix,  xxx,  6,  29,  55,  96,  98,  141, 14344,  154, 15657,  160
retroaction,  xxxvi,  xliii, 1112,  14,  32,  34,  39,  101,  125, 13233,  165
the foundational,  49
sedimentation,  xxxv,  6,  31,  43,  93,  99,  114
sense,  xxiii,  xxxv,  xxxvii,  xliv,  7,  10,  12, 1617, 2728,  30, 3233,  65,  71, 8586,  88,  92, 11519, 12324,  133, 13940,  147,  165.
See also meaning
Social imaginary,  xxx,  xlv,  12, 2328, 3031, 3334,  40, 4243, 7778, 8183,  87, 9094,  97, 11116, 12831,  139,  143,  145,  149,  156,  158,  162;
significations,  xxx,  40,  81,  87,  91, 11213,  115,  131,  135,  162
Social-historical,  xvii, xxiixxiii, xxvxxvi,  xxxi,  xxxiv,  xliii,  40,  51, 5455,  59,  60,  64,  66, 7273,  77,  79, 9192,  112, 113114, 11921,  139,  146,  154,  157,  162,  164
Society,  xvii, xxiiixxviii, xxxxxxi,  xxxix,  xliv,  xlvii,  5,  7,  8, 2728,  42,  52, 5557, 9294,  112, 12122,  155, 15864;
autonomous,  61;
imaginary production of,  xxxiv,  3,  51;
instituting,  113;
instituted,  56,  113;
practical transformation of,  100;
radical transformation of,  xlv;
self-creation of,  12;
self-institution(-ing),  xvii,  5,  54;
self-projection of,  xvii
structuralism,  xxxvi,  11,  24,  25,  31, 5657,  58,  78, 8990, 14647, 15960, 16566;
Critique of,  84;
French,  56
Structure(s),  xl,  5,  11, 2425, 3738,  42,  56,  59,  70,  90, 9192,  127,  153,  157;
of communication,  127;
creation of,  91;
power,  61,  72;
pre-structure,  5,  31, 9293;
of reality,  43
symbol(s), xixxx,  xl,  25, 5657,  86, 9495,  98,  104,  128, 14042
symbolic, the,  xx,  xxxiv,  xl,  xli,  12, 2425,  29,  33,  50, 5657,  86,  88,  90,  113,  114,  128,  150, 15659;
creative productivity of,  100;
Lacanian schema of,  156;
non-symbolic,  xl;
pre-symbolic,  xl
Symbolism(s),  xx,  xli,  25,  56, 9091,  157,  159;
creative productivity of,  142;
functional, 15758;
institution of,  90;
poetic,  xix;
rational, 15758;
transcultural,  xxii
System(s),  25, 8586, 9091,  160, 16566;
capitalist,  xlvi;
of law,  xli;
oligarchic,  161;
philosophical,  xxi,  xxix;
symbolic,  xli,  159;
theory(-ies),  62,  70
text,  xl,  9,  15,  52,  55,  72,  86,  94,  98,  122,  123,  127,  146,  147,  151,  155;
canonical,  9;
hermeneutic theory of,  xxxvi;
Homeric,  113;
literary, 910;
religious,  xxvi;
sacred,  123
Tradition(s),  xxi,  xxv,  xxvii,  xxix,  xxxi, 1011,  16,  40,  72, 12123, 12533,  143,  148,  149;
Authority of,  100;
Biblical,  xxx;
Cultural,  61;
Democratic, 12223;
Durkheimian,  54,  56;
Greek,  67;
Greco-European,  119;
hermeneutic,  xxxvi,  xl,  xlv,  123;
historical,  120;
Marxist,  xxii,  xxiv,  52;
Marxist-Leninist,  xxiii;
phenomenological,  149,  160;
philosophical,  xix,  xxi,  34,  53,  57, 7881,  90,  96,  101, 12021, 14041;
religious,  xviii,  xxvi,  50,  64,  68;
revolutionary, 12223
transfiguration,  xvii,  33, 3839
Utopia,  xxii,  xxv, xliiixlv,  xlvii,  24,  37,  38,  43, 7273,  83,  87,  102,  118,  129,  133,  145,  149.
Visible, 11920,  141,  144.
See also invisible
World, the,  xvii,  xxvii,  xxviii,  xxx,  xxxix,  8,  31,  37, 5152, 5556,  60, 6465,  72,  86,  91,  97,  99,  114, 11618, 12122,  129,  139,  141, 14546,  152,  154, 15758, 16061.