Note: page numbers in italics indicate illustrations

abbreviation craze, 36–38

“Abraham’s Vision,” 72–73

A.B.R.S. See Anti-Bell-Ringing Society

AC, 77

acronym, 12

Adams, John Quincy, 60–61, 65

Ade, George, 19, 135–37

adjectives, 9–10, 15

Adult ego state, 186–88

adverb, 10–11

advertising, in Boston Morning Post, 33–34

aesthetics, of OK

appearance, 76–79

sound, 79


neutral, 13–17

positive, 191

African languages, 92

Alcott, Louisa May, 124, 126–28

Aldrin, Buzz, 102, 168–69

“Alibi Ike” (Lardner), 138

all right OK v., 24

origin of, 39

Americanisms (Schele de Vere), 69

American Mercury, 149

American philosophy, 196–98

American Sign Language, 167

American Society of Marine Engineers, 150

American Speech, 84, 166–67

And the Angels Laughed (Eubanks), 152–53

Anglo-Saxon Theory, 93

Anti-Bell-Ringing Society (A.B.R.S.) background, 32–33

in Boston Morning Post, 28–35, 29

Providence Journal and, 33

AOK, 35, 167–68

apples, 89

Appletons’ Journal, 119

Arizona Territory, 108–9

The Arkansas Traveller’s Songster, 130

Armstrong, Neil, 102, 168–69

army biscuits, 88

art exhibit, 92–94

Astor, Jacob, 74

Atlantic cable, 101

Atlantic Monthly, 101–2

Aux Cayes, 90–91

Aux Quais, 91

Babbitt (Lewis), 141–42

bakery, 115

ballot, OK, 106

Baltimore, 119

Baltimore Republican, 42

barbershops, 113–14

baseball, 167

Beals, William, 34

Beamer, Todd, 2

Beath, Paul, 166–67

beauty salons, 114–15

Belknap, William W., 102–3

Beloved (Morrison), 162

Bennett, James Gordon Harrison and, 64

Jackson and, 62–63, 75

Ole Kurrek perpetrated by, 63–71, 75

Berne, Eric, 20, 185–89, 193, 197

Bible, 21–23

The Big Sleep (Chandler), 159

The Big Town (Lardner), 139

Blake, Lillie Devereux, 131

blanks, OK, 104–6

Blast Off (Stray Cats), 179

blue jeans, 5

bookkeeping, 104

Book of Famous OK Quotations, 2

The Book of Humour, Wit and Wisdom, 131

Boston Atlas, 68

Boston Daily Times, 48, 54

Boston Morning Post abbreviation craze in, 36–38

A.B.R.S. report in, 28–35, 29

advertising, 33–34

founding of, 34

Old Kinderhook and, 48

Providence Journal v., 30, 34–35

Bradbury, Ray, 160–61

Brewer, Joseph, 158

bribery, 102–4

“The Brick Moon” (Hale), 124

British Parliament Theory, 93

Burgess, Gelett, 25

Business Bookkeeping, 104

business of OK Atlantic cable, 101

bookkeeping, 104

bribery, 102–4

Chevrolet, 110–11

on moon, 101–2

OK ballot, 106

OK blanks, 104–6

OK Corral, 108–9

in Oklahoma, 146

Penrod, 109–10

products, 106–8

soda, 112–13

telegraph, 97–101

today, 113–16

usefulness in, 96–97

button, OK (computer), 169–70

Callinan, Brigid, 153

Capote, Truman, 161

Carney, Pat, 197–98

Carpe Diem (Cornwell), 153–54

Carrington, Carroll, 133–34

cars, used, 110–11

“Casey at the Bat” (Thayer), 121

Cash Money Girls, 153

Catch-22 (Heller), 161

Chandler, Raymond, 159–60

Chapple, Joe, 106

Cheetah Girls, 153

Chevrolet, 110–11

Chicago Record-Herald, 88

Chicago Tribune, 88

Chickasaw language, 85–86

Child ego state, 186–88

Choctaw Indians language of, 84–87

in Oklahoma, 144

Civil War, 88, 93, 118

Clay, Henry, 78, 97

Clubs, OK at colleges, 120–22

flourishing of, 117–19

in New York City, 118–19

presidential elections and, 43–44, 64–65

Coca-Cola, 112–13

Coens, Thomas, 70–71

Cohn, Irving, 3

colleges, OK Clubs at, 120–22

Collier’s, 157

colloquial language, 22

The Color Purple (Walker), 162

Comedy of Fashion, 129–30

computers, 169–70

The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, 155

conspicuous coinage, 25–26

contrast, 77

Cornwell, Autumn, 153–54

countersigns, 82–83

Crandall, Ashley, 171–72

Daily Advertiser, 44

Daily Express, 44

Dalzell, Tom, 155

Danish, 91

Darwin, Charles, 41

Delaware: A Guide to the First State, 151

DeRouchey, Bill, 170

Dickens, Charles, 39

Downing, Jack, 68–79

Dreiser, Theodore, 104–6

dry cleaners, 115–16

Duke, Charles, 168–69

Duma Key (King), 163

ego states, 186–88

1840 presidential election Harrison in, 42, 46–47, 49, 58, 64

Jackson and, 42–43

OK Clubs and, 43–44, 64–65

participation in, 40–41

poem about, 48–54

Tammany Society and, 43–45

Tyler in, 42

Van Buren in, 14, 41–43

Ellison, Ralph, 160

Elusiveness of OK, 6

Encyclopedia of New York State, 90

England British Parliament Theory and, 93

Gosford Park in, 177–78

Lifesmanship OK in, 182–84

Oakie Doke in, 180–81

OK! magazine of, 173

rules OK in, 178–80

“Walking in the Zoo” in, 173–77, 174

Erie Canal, 89–90

Eubanks, Barbara, 152–53

Evans, John S., 103

Evening Transcript, 35

everyday OK, 4

evolution of OK, 41

“The Fable of the Regular Customer and the Copper-Lined Entertainer” (Ade), 135

Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), 160–61

Falls, Joe, 152

false origins Choctaw language, 84–87

eighteen theories, 92–94

initials, 87–90

many languages, 90–92

Revolutionary War, 82–83

Wakeman and, 81–82

young Jackson, 83–84

Farewell, My Lovely (Chandler), 159–60

Faulkner, William, 150, 159

Federal Writers’ Project, 151

Fellowes, Julian, 177

Fettered for Life (Blake), 131

50 Years of Sports Writing (Falls), 152

Finnish, 91

Flanders, Ned, 148, 154–55

Fondue (Rice and Callinan), 153

Fort Sill, 103

For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), 160

Franken, Al, 191

French, 90–91

The Galaxy, 81

Games People Play (Berne), 186–89, 193

gangster slang, 157–58

Garland, Hamlin, 134

“Gentlemen, the King!” (Runyon), 157–58

German, 91

Glasgow, 178

Goodman, Ellen, 195

Gosford Park, 177–78

grammar, 9–12

Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), 159

Gray, Deborah, 18

Great Eastern, 101

Greek, 91–92

Greek Theory, 94

Greene, Charles Gordon, 34–37, 48

Green Grow the Rushes (Riggs), 145

Gunn, Tim, 19

Hale, Edward Everett, 101–2, 124

Hall, Rich, 54

Hamilton Literary Monthly, 74–75

Hammerstein, Oscar, 145

Hampden Post, 30–31

Harding, Warren G., 106

Harper’s Weekly, 107–8

Harris, Thomas, 2, 20, 57, 189–93, 197

Harrison, William Henry Bennett and, 64

in 1840 election, 42, 46–47, 49, 58, 64

Harvard, 65, 120–22

Hatfield, Juliana, 12

Hawk, Philip Bovier, 150

Hebrew, 171–72

Heflin, Woodford, 84

Heller, Joseph, 161

Hemingway, Ernest, 160

Hertzfeld, Andy, 169–70

The Historical Dictionary of American Slang, 156

History of Middle Tennessee (Putnam), 83

Hoffman, Elwyn Irving, 133

Hopkinson, Francis Custis, 121

“How the Overalls Won” (Carrington, 133–34

Humphrey, Clark, 152

Hurst, Granville P., 133

Hurston, Zora Neale, 158

I Am Charlotte Simmons (Wolfe), 162–63

Ice Cube, 156

“If It Weren’t for You” game, 187–88

I’m OK, You’re OK (Harris), 2, 20, 57, 189–94, 197

inaugural addresses, 21

In Cold Blood (Capote), 161

Indian Chief Theory, 94

initialisms, 12–13, 25, 38

initial language, 38

initials, as false origin, 87–90

insider knowledge, 39

interjection, 11–12

Internet chat, 37–39

Invisible Man (Ellison), 160

It’s Okay to Be Different (Parr), 194

Ivens, Sarah, 173

Jackson, Andrew Bennett and, 62–63, 75

Choctaw language and, 85

Downing and, 68–79

education of, 58

1840 election and, 42–43

misspellings of, 59–67, 71

Ole Kurrek and, 63–75, 81, 177

origins of, 26, 57–58

orthography of, 57–63, 71

Read on, 58

Van Buren and, 57

young, 83–84

Jamaican English, 92

Jones, Eric, 168

Juno, 195

The Karnival Kid, 78

Keefe, Jack, 137–38

Kendall, Amos, 64, 68–69

Kendall, Orrin, 88

Kent, Oscar, 89

Kernerman, Ari, 172

Kimmel, Otto, 88–89

Kinderhook, 89–90. See also Old Kinderhook

King, Stephen, 163

King-Smith, Dick, 179–80

Kloesel, Christian J. W., 120–21

Kodak, 78

The Ladies’ Repository, 128

ladies’ slang, 128

languages African, 92

American Sign Language, 167

Chickasaw, 85–86

Choctaw, 84–87

Danish, 91

English, 91–93

Finnish, 91

French, 90–91

German, 91

Greek, 91–92

Hebrew, 171–72

Latin, 92

many, false origins from, 90–92

Norwegian, 91

Lapham, E. G., 103

Lardner, Ring, 135, 137–40

Latin, 92

lecturer’s OK, 17–18

Lee, Spike, 156

Levin, Harry, 18

Lewis, Sinclair, 135, 140–42

Lexington Intelligencer, 47

license plates, 145

life positions, 190

Lifesmanship OK, 182–84

light, OK like, 6–7

Lin, Grace, 153

Lincoln, Abraham, 72–73

Lions Comique, 173

Lisa applications team, 169

literature. See also modern literature of Ade, 19, 135–37

of Alcott, 124, 126–28

ladies’ slang and, 128

of Lardner, 135, 137–40

of Lewis, 135, 140–42

OK avoided in, 123–24

rough characters in, 129–32

of Thoreau, 124–26

Wild West in, 132–34

Little Women (Alcott), 126–28

live radio, 166–67

Locofocos, 65

Log, 150

Log Cabin Advocate, 49

log cabins, 42, 57–58, 73

Los Angeles Times, 194

“Lumberjack Song” (Monty Python), 180

Main Street (Lewis), 141

Mandingo, 92

Manual of Telegraphy, Designed for Beginners (Smith), 100–101

March, Amy, 126–28

Marlowe, Philip, 159–60

Marsh, C. P., 103

Martin, Edward S., 121

Mason, Bobbie Ann, 162

McCarthy, Cormac, 164–65

M’Cormick, J. W., 128

Menand, Louis, 7

Mencken, H. L., 149

Mexican War, 73

Mickey Mouse, 78

“The Mighty Rourke,” 104–6

Miller, Henry, 158

Misc. Newsletter, 152

misspellings Bennett and, 62–63

fad for, 37–38

Jackson’s, 59–67, 71

modern literature

of Bradbury, 160–61

of Capote, 161

of Chandler, 159–60

of Ellison, 160

of Faulkner, 150, 159

of Heller, 161

of Hemingway, 160

of Hurston, 158

of King, 163

of Mason, 162

of McCarthy, 164–65

of Miller, 158

of Morrison, 162

OK acceptable in, 157

of Pound, 158–59

of Runyon, 157–58

of Steinbeck, 159

of Updike, 161

of Vonnegut, 161–62

of Walker, 162

of Wolfe, 162–63, 168

Montgomery, John, 109

Monty Python, 180

moon, OK on, 101–2, 168–69

More Fables (Ade), 135

Morrison, Toni, 162

Morse, Samuel F. B., 97

Morse code, 97–98, 102

My Little Airport, 176–77

NASA. See National Aeronautics and Space Agency

Nathan, George Jean, 149

National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), 168

neutral affirmation, 13–17

New England Quarterly, 120–21

New Era, 43–45, 47

New Jersey Eagle, 60

Newstatesmanship, 183

New York American, 59

New York City, 37–38, 118–19

New York Commercial Advertiser, 67, 82

New York Enquirer, 59, 62

New Yorker, 3, 149–50

New York Evening Tattler, 35–38

New York Morning Herald, 64–66

New York Times, 107–8

New-York Tribune, 119

“A Night Ride in Apache Land” (Rowe), 132–33

“The Night-Watch and the Would-be Something Awful” (Ade), 136–37

Norwegian, 91

noun, 10–11

Oak Hall, 125

Oakie Doke, 180–81

Obama, Barack, 23, 155–56

OK. See also business of OK ; Clubs, OK ; false origins ; literature ; okey-dokey ; Ole Kurrek ; psychological OK

in A.B.R.S. report, 28–35, 29f

aesthetics of, 76–79

all right v., 24

ballot, 106

blanks, 104–6

blue jeans and, 5

Boys, 118

button, 169–70

change, 167

Chorale, 16–17

Corral, 108–9

Day, 198

everyday, 4

Greene as father of, 34–36, 48

hoax about origin, 56–75

importance of, 1–3

inconspicuous, 2–3

-ism, 194–95

lecturer’s, 17–18

Lifesmanship, 182–84

like light, 6–7

Lincoln and, 72–73

on moon, 101–2, 168–69

-names, 183–84

as neutral affirmer, 13–17

odd existence of, 24–27, 54–57

okay v., 8–9, 92–95, 147

Oklahoma and, 143–46

Old Kinderhook and, 40–55

origin of, ix–xi, 13, 31–39, 46, 80

parts of speech and, 9–12

philosophy of, 18–20, 196–98

poem, 48–54

practical, 166–70

presidential, 21, 23–24

products, 106–8

professor’s, 74–75

quotations, 2–3, 189

Read and, ix–xi, 13, 32, 67, 80

rules, 178–80

Shakespeare and, 5–6

spellings of, 7–9

as structural marker, 17–18

taboo, 20–22

Tammany, 43–45

in 20th century, 147–48, 166

wordhood of, 12–13

-words, 183

worldwide, 171–81

OK/OKAY art exhibit, 92–94

okay spelling, 7–9, 126

The Okay Book (Parr), 194, 197

Okay! magazine, 172

okeh, 85–87

Okeh collars, 86

OKeh phonograph records, 86–87, 87

okey-doke, the old 155–56

okey-dokey playfulness of, 153

rise of, 148–55

Okie-dokie, Artichokie! (Lin), 153

Oklahoma businesses, 146

Choctaw Indians in, 144

flag, 144

license plates, 145

motto, 144

OK and, 143–46

state song, 145

Oklahoma!, 145

OK! magazine, 173

“The OK Thing to Do on Sunday Afternoon Is to Toddle in the Zoo” (My Little Airport), 176–77

Old English Theory, 93

The Old Guard, 72

Old Kinderhook Boston Morning Post and, 48

OK and, 40–55

origin of, 41–43

the old okey-doke, 155–156

Ole Kurrek Bennett perpetrating, 63–71, 75

Jackson and, 63–75, 81, 177

legend of, 63–75, 81

in politics, 63–75

One-Upmanship (Potter), 183

Orthoepy Klub, 122

orthography, 57–63, 71

Our Mr. Wrenn (Lewis), 141

Overland Monthly, 132–33

OW, 37, 39, 76

Oxford English Dictionary, 178–79

Parent ego state, 186–88

A Parody Outline of History (Stewart), 139–40

Parr, Todd, 194, 197

parts of speech, 9–12

Pearline, 108

Penrod (Tarkington), 109–10

People You Know (Ade), 135–36

personal computers, 169–70

Philadelphia Gazette, 36

Philadelphia Inquirer, 149

philosophy American, 196–98

Lifesmanship, 182–84

of OK, 18–20, 196–98

Pickwick Papers (Dickens), 39

poems “Abraham’s Vision,” 72–73

OK, 48–54

politics. See also presidential election, 1840

Ole Kurrek in, 63–75

role of, 76

Popcorn, Faith, 25

Popik, Barry, 89

positive affirmations, 191

Potter, Stephen, 182–84

Pound, Ezra, 158–59

Powers, John “Shorty,” 168

practicality, 166–70

pragmatism, 18–19, 196, 198

predicate adjective, 10

presidential election, 1840. See also Old Kinderhook

Harrison in, 42, 46–47, 49, 58, 64

Jackson and, 42–43

OK Clubs and, 43–44, 64–65

participation in, 40–41

poem about, 48–54

Tammany Society and, 43–45

Tyler in, 42

Van Buren in, 14, 41–43

presidential OK, 21, 23–24

products, OK, 106–8

professor’s OK, 74–75

Providence Journal A.B.R.S. and, 33

Boston Morning Post v., 30, 34–35

psychological OK Berne and, 20, 185–89, 193, 197

games in, 187–89

I’m OK, You’re OK and, 2, 20, 57, 189–94, 197

self-empowering, 194–95

transactional analysis and, 20, 185, 188–90, 193–94

Putnam, Albigence Waldo, 83

Pyle, James, 107–8

Pylon (Faulkner), 150

quotations, OK, 2–3, 189

Rabbit, Run (Updike), 161

radio, 166–67

railroads, 97–98, 104

Razor Gangs, 178

Read, Allen Walker on abbreviation craze, 36

on Jackson, 58

OK origins discovered by, ix–xi, 13, 32, 67, 80

The Reformed Gambler, 130

Reminiscences in the Life of a Locomotive Engineer, 97–98

revolutionary OK, 82–83

Rice, Lenny, 153

Richmond Times, 120

Riggs, Jean, 145

The Right Stuff (Wolfe), 168

The Road (McCarthy), 164–65

Roaring Twenties, 148

“Rockabilly Rules OK” (Stray Cats), 179

Rodgers, Richard, 145

Roosevelt, Theodore, 121

rough characters, 129–32

Rowe, W. R., 132–33

rules OK, 178–79

Runyon, Damon, 157–58

Sacramento Record-Union, 120

St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 70

St. Paul Daily Globe, 120

St. Petersburg Times, 87

Saturday Night Live, 191

Schele de Vere, Maximilian, 15, 69

Scots English, 91

Scott, Charles P. G., 86

self-empowering OK, 194–95

Shakespeare, William, 5–6

Shepard, Alan, 167–68

Shiloh and Other Stories (Mason), 162

Shipbuilder Theory, 93

Showdown at the Okie-Dokie, 153

Signal Office, 98–100

signing, 100

Silver, Frank, 3

Simpson, Homer, 154

The Simpsons, 148, 154–55

“A Singular Case,” 132

slang gangster, 157–58

ladies’, 128

stigma of, 21

The Slang Dictionary, Etymological, Historical, and Anecdotal, 177

Slaughterhouse-Five (Vonnegut), 161–62

Smalley, Stuart, 191

Smith, J. E., 100–101

sniglets, 54

soap, 107–8

soda, 112–13

Some Notes on Lifesmanship (Potter), 182–84

Song of Myself (Whitman), 124

Song of Solomon (Morrison), 162

sooners, 144

space travel first American flight into, 167–68

moon landing, 101–2, 168–69

speech, parts of, 9–12

spelling, 7–9, 126

Spitzer, Eliot, 89

sport, 166

Steinbeck, John, 159

Stewart, Donald Ogden, 139–40

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 124

Straight-out Harrisonian, 47

Stray Cats, 179

Streamline for Health (Hawk), 150

“The Summer Vacation That Was Too Good to Last” (Ade), 136

Sunday Express, 178–79

Sunday Times, 173

“Sweet Evalina” (Hoffman), 133

Sweny, Hugh Willoughby, 173

tabloids, 173

taboo, 20–22

Tammany Society Locofocos, 65

OK and, 43–45

Tan, David, 17

Tarkington, Booth, 109–10

Taylor, Zachary, 73

telegraph, 97–101

Tesler, Larry, 169

text messaging, 7

Thayer, Ernest L., 121

Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston), 158

The Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship (Potter), 183

Thoreau, Henry David, 124–26

“A Thoughtful Husband,” 131

Thurber, James, 150–51

“Tim Slather’s Ride” (Hurst), 133

Titus Rules OK (King-Smith), 179–80

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 18, 196

tolerance, 19–20, 189, 193, 198

Tombstone, 108–9

The Trail of the Goldseekers (Garland), 134

transactional analysis, 20, 185, 188–90, 193–94

Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy (Berne), 185–86

Trespass, 156

Tropic of Cancer (Miller), 158

20th century, OK in, 147–48, 166

Tyler, John, 42

Ulster English, 91

Unassigned Lands, 144

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 124

United Illuminating Company, 156

United States Telegraph, 59–61

Updike, John, 161

used cars, 110–11

Van Buren, Martin. See also Old Kinderhook

in 1840 election, 14, 41–43

Erie Canal and, 89–90

Jackson and, 57

Vance, Alfred, 173–77, 174

verb, 10–11

very test, 15

Virgil, 144

Vonnegut, Kurt, 161–62

Wahler, Marc-Olivier, 92–94

Wakeman, George, 81–82

Wake Up and Live! (Thurber), 150–51

wakeup call, 4

Walden (Thoreau), 125

Walker, Alice, 162

“Walking in the Zoo” (Vance), 173–77, 174

Wallin, Anne, 197–98

Wall Street Journal, 165

Walser, Richard, 48

Washington Journal, 59

Western Union, 97–98

Whigs, 43–45, 81

Whitman, Walt, 124

“Why Don’t You—Yes But” game, 187–88

Widmer, Edward, 90

Wild West in literature, 132–34

OK Corral in, 108–9

Wilson, Woodrow, 86–87

Winfrey, Oprah, 165

Wolfe, Tom, 162–63, 168

Wolof, 92

Woodbury, Augustus, 118

Woodrow Wilson Leadership Program for Teachers, 197

wordhood, of OK, 12–13

World History Association, 197

World War I, 121

worldwide OK, 171–81

Wright, Allen, 144

Wyman, W. S., 84–86

You Know Me Al (Lardner), 137–38

Zimmer, Ben, 156

ZIP codes, 145

Ziska, John de, 42