
between pages 208 and 209

1. A late-nineteenth-century homestead in western Transvaal

2. The author and friend beside a traditional Boer open-air bread-oven

3. Koppies in the Great Karoo

4. Lear in Griqualand West

5. Sunday braai in Vosburg

6. Lear in the middle of a dry river-bed in the Klein Karoo

7. Weaver-birds’ nest on telephone pole

8. A corner of Khayelitsha

9. A Khayelitsha track flooded with sewage

10. The author with a Khayelitsha Xhosa friend

11. A Khayelitsha shoemaker

12. A Khayelitsha shack – upmarket

13. A Tswana helper in Kimberley

14. A Boer family graveyard in Western Cape

15. Lear with a young Boer admirer

16. Local enterprise in Khayelitsha

17. Khayelitsha crossroads

18. The end of an era, 16 December 1994: the last Day of the Vow

19. Lear in the Great Karoo

20. Chris in the Transkei

21. Gable-end in Umtata, December 1994

22. A bar attendant in Eastern Transvaal

23. Chris on the battlefield

24. A Zulu kraal between Melmoth and the coast

25. Isandlwana

26. A friend in her family graveyard

27. A church serving the Anglican community in Griqualand East

28. Khayelitsha in midsummer

29. Waiting for a taxi on Christmas Eve