Client authentication is a central feature to PostgreSQL. Without it, you would either have to sacrifice remote connectivity, or blindly allow anyone to connect to your database and retrieve, or even modify your data. PostgreSQL has several different types of client authentication at its disposal. As the site administrator, you need to decide which one is best for your system.
As of PostgreSQL 7.1.x, host-based client access is specified in the pg_hba.conf file. The rights and restrictions described in this file should not be confused with a PostgreSQL user’s rights to objects within the database. The pg_hba.conf file allows you to set the type of host-based authentication to be used. This authentication is performed before PostgreSQL establishes a connection to the intended database, where user rights would be relevant.
The pg_hba.conf is located in the PostgreSQL data directory (e.g., /usr/local/pgsql/data), and is installed automatically upon the execution of the initdb command when PostgreSQL is installed.
PostgreSQL’s host-based authentication is flexible, featuring a wide variety of configurable options. You may restrict database access to specific hosts, as well as allow access to a range of IP addresses by using netmasks. Each configured host has its own host record, which is a single line in the pg_hba.conf file.
With these host records, you may specify access either to a particular database or all databases. Furthermore, you may require a user from a specified host to authenticate via the PostgreSQL users table after qualifying for a connection.
Put simply, the pg_hba.conf file allows you to determine who is allowed to connect to which databases from what machines, and to what degree they must prove their authenticity to gain access.
Through remote password-based authentication, passwords may be transmitted in clear text depending on whether or not you are using encrypted sessions. Be sure that you understand how your application is communicating with PostgreSQL before allowing users to remotely connect to a PostgreSQL database.
Passwords allow PostgreSQL users a way to identify themselves and prevent unauthorized
individuals from connecting with a user that is not theirs. As of PostgreSQL 7.1.x, user
passwords are stored in plain text in the pg_shadow
system table. The
structure of this table is illustrated in Table 8-1. Note that while
the passwords are stored as plain text, only PostgreSQL superusers are
allowed to view the pg_shadow
Table 8-1. The pg_shadow table
Column |
Type |
The pg_shadow
table is a system table, and thus is accessible from any
database. It follows, therefore, that users are not assigned to a specific database. If a user
exists in the pg_shadow
table, that user will be able to connect to any
database on the server machine if the client itself is allowed to connect.
typically set passwords in PostgreSQL when the user is created (with the CREATE
command) or after the user has been created (using the ALTER
command). Alternatively, you may manually modify a user’s password by using an
statement. (For a more detailed explanation about defining
passwords for users, see Chapter 10.)
If a password is not set, a user’s password defaults to NULL
. If
password-based authentication is enabled in the pg_hba.conf file,
connection attempts will always fail for such a user. Conversely, if the host that establishes
the connection is a trusted host (such as localhost,
by default), anyone from the trusted host may connect as a user with a
password. In fact, passwords are ignored entirely for trusted
command allows you to restrict or allow a variety of access
types to tables within a database. See Chapter 10 for more
on this topic.
Unless your needs for security are very minimal, you will not want to rely on password-only authentication with your PostgreSQL server. Using a password-only method to authenticate users will allow any verified user access to any database on the system, and authenticating with a password over clear text can result in unauthorized individuals acquiring user passwords. If you are likely to have your database connected to the Internet in some fashion, we strongly suggest that you read the following sections. These cover the use of the pg_hba.conf file and session encryption.
We mentioned earlier in this section that the pg_hba.conf file enables client authentication between the PostgreSQL server and the client application. This file consists of a series of entries, which define a host and its associated permissions (e.g., the database it is allowed to connect to, the authentication method to use, and so on).
When an application requests a connection, the request will specify a PostgreSQL username and database with which it intends to connect to PostgreSQL. Optionally, a password may be provided, depending on the expected configuration for the connecting host.
PostgreSQL has its own user and password tables, which are separate from system accounts. It is not required that your PostgreSQL users match users available to the operating system.
When PostgreSQL receives a connection request it will check the pg_hba.conf file to verify that the machine from which the application is requesting a connection has rights to connect to the specified database. If the machine requesting access has permission to connect, PostgreSQL will check the conditions that the application must meet in order to successfully authenticate. This affects connections that are initiated locally as well as remotely.
PostgreSQL will check the authentication method via the pg_hba.conf for every connection request. This check is performed every time a new connection is requested from the PostgreSQL server, so there is no need to re-start PostgreSQL after you add, modify or remove an entry in the pg_hba.conf file. Example 8-1 is a simple example of the pg_hba.conf file.
Example 8-1. A simple pg_hba.conf file
# PostgreSQL HOST ACCESS CONTROL FILE # # Configured Hosts: local all trust host all trust host booktown ident sales host all ident audit
When a connection is initialized, PostgreSQL will read through the pg_hba.conf one entry at a time, from the top down. As soon a matching record is found, PostgreSQL will stop searching and allow or reject the connection, based on the found entry. If PostgreSQL does not find a matching entry in the pg_hba.conf file, the connection fails completely.
Table-level permissions still apply to a database, even if a user has permissions to
connect to the database. If you can connect, but cannot select data from a table, you may want
to verify that your connected user has permission to use SELECT
on that
table. Using the psql command-line application, you can check the
permissions of the tables within a database by using the \z
slash command.
From any other interface to PostgreSQL, use the query demonstrated in Example 8-2 to see the same information provided by the \z
slash command.
Example 8-2. Checking user permissions
testdb=# SELECT relname as "Relation", relacl as "Access permissions" testdb-# FROM pg_class testdb-# WHERE relkind IN ('r', 'v', 'S') testdb-# AND relname !~ '^pg_' testdb-# ORDER BY relname; Relation | Access permissions ----------+---------------------------------- foo | {"=arwR","jdrake=arwR"} my_list | {"=","jdrake=arwR","jworsley=r"} (2 rows)
The pg_hba.conf file contains sequential entries that define the settings PostgreSQL should use during the client authentication process for a specified host. This file is designed to be easily customizable to your system needs.
Within this file, you may associate a TCP/IP host address (or a range of addresses) with
a particular database (or all databases), and one of several available
authentication methods. You may also specify access for local connections using the term
, or
, rather than using the
system’s external IP address. Several syntax rules apply to the
First, you may only place one host record per line in the file. Subsequently, host records are not allowed to wrap across multiple lines. Second, each host record must contain multiple fields, which must be separated by either tabs or spaces. The number of fields in a host record is directly related to the type of host entry being defined. Example 8-3 shows two host records, the first with the fields separated by spaces, and the second with the file separated by tabs.
Example 8-3. A valid pg_hba.conf entry with spaces and tabs
host all trust host all trust
Commenting is allowed within pg_hba.conf by placing a hash mark
) at the beginning of each line being commented. Example 8-4 demonstrates valid commented lines.
Example 8-4. Valid pg_hba.conf comments
# Book Town host entries # # host all trust
Regarding the actual form of each host record, there are three general types available in the pg_hba.conf (the type keyword is always the first word in the host record).
A host
entry is used to specify remote hosts that are allowed to
connect to the PostgreSQL server. PostgreSQL’s postmaster backend
must be running with the -i option (TCP/IP) in order for a host
entry to work correctly.
A local
entry is semantically the same as a host
entry. However, you do not need to specify a host that is allowed to
connect. The local entry is used for client connections that are initiated from the same
machine that the PostgreSQL server is operating on.
A hostssl
entry is user to specify hosts (remote or local) that
are allowed to connect to the PostgreSQL server using SSL. The use of SSL insures that all
communication between the client and the server is encrypted. In order for this to work,
both the client and the server must support SSL. The postmaster
backend must be running with the -l (SSL) and -i
(TCP/IP) options.
See Chapter 9 for more on how to start the postmaster process with the appropriate run-time options.
Example 8-5 illustrates the general syntax for each type of host record available within the pg_hba.conf file. Notice that the format is essentially identical for each record, with the exception that a local record does not require an IP address or netmask to be specified, as the connection is assumed to be from the same machine on which PostgreSQL is running.
Example 8-5. Host entry syntax
# A "local" record. local database auth_method [ auth_option ] # A "host" record. host database ip_addr netmask auth_method [ auth_option ] # A "hostssl" record. hostssl database ip_addr netmask auth_method [ auth_option ]
Remember that each entry in the pg_hba.conf must be a single line. You cannot word wrap or use line breaks.
The following list is a description of the keywords for the pg_hba.conf entries mentioned previously:
This is the database name that the specified host is allowed to connect to. The database keyword has three possible values:
The all
keyword specifies that the client connecting can
connect to any database the PostgreSQL server is hosting.
The sameuser
keyword specifies that the client can only connect
to a database that matches the clients authenticated user name.
A specific name may be specified, so that the client can only connect to the database as specified by name.
ip_addr, netmask
The ip_addr and netmask fields specify
either a specific IP address, or range of IP addresses, that are allowed to connect to the
PostgreSQL server. Such a range can by specified by describing an IP network with an
associated netmask. Otherwise, for a single IP address, the netmask
field should be set to
If you are unsure of how to specify a netmask, view the online Linux Networking HOWTO, at, or consult your system administrator.
The authentication method specifies the type of authentication the server should use for a user trying to connect to PostgreSQL. The following is a list of options available for auth_method:
The trust
method allows any user from the defined host to
connect to a PostgreSQL database without the use of a password, as any PostgreSQL user.
You are trusting the host-based authentication with the use of
this method, and any user on the specified host. This is a dangerous condition if the
specified host is not a secure machine, or provides access to users unknown to
The reject
method automatically denies access to PostgreSQL for
that host or user. This can be a prudent setting for sites that you know are
never allowed to connect to your database server.
The password
method specifies that a password must exist for a
connecting user. The use of this method will require the connecting user to supply a
password that matches the password found in the global pg_shadow
system table for their username. If you use the password
method, the
password will be sent in clear text.
The crypt
method is similar to the password
method. When using crypt
, the password is not sent in clear text,
but through a simple form of encryption. The use of this method is not very secure, but
is better than using the clear text password
krb4, krb5
The krb4
and krb5
methods are used to
specify Version 4 or 5 of the Kerberos authentication system. The installation and
configuration of Kerberos is beyond the scope of this book, but if you wish to
authenticate via Kerberos, these methods are available.
The ident
method specifies that an ident
map should be used when a host is requesting connections from a valid IP
address listed in the pg_hba.conf file. This method requires one
The required option may be either the special term sameuser
, or
a named map that is defined within the pg_ident.conf file. For
more information on defining an ident map, see the section titled The pg_ident.conf file.
The auth_option
field may or may not be required, based on the
type of authentication method that is used; as of PostgreSQL 7.1.x, only the ident
method requires an option.
We do not suggest the use of either password
or crypt
without the use of an external encryption mechanism. See the section
titled Encrypting Sessions in this chapter for information on installing a
central encryption mechanism for all of your PostgreSQL traffic.
This section contains a series of examples that can be used within
pg_hba.conf. To begin, the host record within Example 8-6 allows a single machine with the IP address to
connect to any database as any user, without the use of a password. This is because it is
configured with the all
and trust
Example 8-7 shows a host record which will reject all users from
host, for any requested database. This is set by the use of the terms all
and reject
as the database target and authentication
method, respectively.
The host record in Example 8-8 will allow
any user with the IP of, and a valid password, to connect to the database
. The password will be encrypted during authentication because
of the use of the term crypt
The host record in Example 8-9 allows a small subnet of computers to access any database, without the need of a password. This subnet describes any IP from to Again, if you are unsure of how to configure your netmask, consult your network administrator, or view the Linux Networking HOWTO at
Expanding on the use of subnets, the host record in Example 8-10 allows any machine on the 192.168.1 block to
connect to the booktown
database, without the use of a password.
Remember, as stated earlier in this section, each host record line is read in succession from the top of the file to the bottom. The first record which matches the host attempting to connect is used. If no matching record is found, connection is completely disallowed.
When specifying the ident
term as a host record’s authentication
method, PostgreSQL uses the pg_ident.conf file to map the
identifying username to a PostgreSQL username. The identifying username
is the name provided by the connecting client’s identd service (RFC
1413), which is required to identify the name of the system account initiating the
connection. This method is similar to the trust
method, but restricts
access based on the identifying username.
As stated in the specification for the ident protocol, “The
Identification Protocol is not intended as an authorization or access control protocol.” This
is only a useful method of identification for secure, controlled machines, and is
not intended as a means for secure control from a wide array of
external machines. This is because an identd daemon merely returns an
arbitrary username describing the current system user. For example, allowing the username
from an entire subnet of IP addresses would create a serious
security hole, because anyone with a machine in that subnet could create a user named
and become “authenticated” as a result.
The pg_ident.conf file should be located in the same path as the
pg_hba.conf file. This should be the path defined by the PGDATA
environment variable (e.g., /usr/local/pgsql/data).
Like the pg_hba.conf, changes to the pg_ident.conf
file do not require PostgreSQL to be re-started.
The content of the pg_ident.conf associates identifying usernames with PostgreSQL usernames via definitions called ident maps. This is useful for users whose system usernames do not match their PostgreSQL usernames. Some rules you should keep in mind when defining and using an ident map are:
Each ident map member is defined on a single line, which associates a map name with an identifying username, and a translated PostgreSQL username.
The pg_ident.conf file can contain multiple map names. Each group of single lines with the same associative map name are considered a single map.
The pg_hba.conf file determines the types of connections that relate to users in this file.
A single line record to define an ident map consists of 3 tokens: the name of the map, the identifying username, and the translated PostgreSQL username. This syntax is entered as follows, where each token is separated by spaces, or tabs:
mapname identname postgresqlname
The map name used in the pg_hba.conf file to refer to the ident map.
The identifying username, which is generally the name of the system user attempting to establish a connection to the database. This is the name provided by the identd daemon, which must be running on the system attempting to connect.
The database username which is allowed for the preceding identifying username. You may specify several lines with the same identname, but with different postgresqlname values, in order to allow a single system user access to several accounts, which do not all need to be on the same database.
As an example, suppose that the Book Town server has a set of system accounts named
, jworsley
, and auditor
, used
for two salespeople and an internal auditor, respectively.
You may wish to create a pair of ident maps for these two groups of users. Suppose that
the sales department’s workstation has an IP address of, and only needs access to
the booktown
database, while the audit department’s workstation has an IP
address of, and requires access to all databases. This scenario might result in a
pga_hba.conf, such as the one displayed in Example 8-11.
Example 8-11. An ident configuration in pg_hba.conf
host booktown ident sales host all ident audit
This host access configuration states that the sales machine may connect to the booktown
database using an ident map named sales, and the
audit workstation may connect to any database using an ident map named
audit. Each of these maps must then be configured within the
pg_ident.conf file. Example 8-12
demonstrates such a configuration.
Example 8-12. A pg_ident.conf configuration
# MAP IDENT POSTGRESQL_USERNAME sales jdrake sales sales jworsley sales audit auditor sales audit auditor postgres
The file shown in Example 8-12 allows either of the
system users jdrake
or jworsley
to connect as the
PostgreSQL sales
user, and allows the system user named auditor
to connect to PostgreSQL as either sales
, or postgres
It is possible for an identifying username to be mapped to multiple PostgreSQL
usernames. This is illustrated in Example 8-12 with the
If you wish only to use ident
as a means of automatically identifying
your remote username, you do not need to use the pg_ident.conf file. You
can instead use the special term
in the pg_hba.conf file, in place of a map
Again, this is similar to the trusted
method, however ident
restricts connections based on the username provided by
identd. Providing a PostgreSQL username to connect with (e.g., with the
-U flag to psql) that is different from the name
sent by identd will result in a failure to connect.
Use of the sameuser
map is demonstrated in Example 8-13.
The host record in Example 8-13 allows any machine on the
192.168.1 network block to connect to the booktown
database, using the
PostgreSQL username that matches the username provided by identd. The
term causes PostgreSQL to implicitly compare the requested
PostgreSQL username against the name provided by identd.
When authentication failure occurs, PostgreSQL will usually do its best to provide a useful error message, rather than blindly fail. The following are common error messages you may encounter, with explanations:
FATAL 1: user "testuser" does not exist
The specified username was not found in the pg_shadow
system table,
meaning the user does not exist. See Chapter 10 for more
on adding users.
FATAL 1: Database "testdb" does not exist in the system
This database cannot be found because it does not exist. Note that if you do not specify a database name to a PostgreSQL connection, it will attempt to connect to the provided username.
No pg_hba.conf entry for host, user testuser, database
You have succeeded in contacting the server, but the server is not accepting your
connection. The server refused the connection because it cannot find an entry for testuser
using testdb
at their IP address ( in
the pg_hba.conf file.
Password authentication failed for user 'testuser'
You have succeeded in contacting the server and it is replying back, but the connection failed password authorization. Check the password you are supplying to the server, and make sure that it is correct. Further, you can check the Kerberos or Ident software programs if you are using them for your password authentication.
You may want to check if
this user has a password. If this user does not have one, and the
pg_hba.conf file is set to check for passwords, it will still check
every user for their password. For all users without a defined password, a NULL
password is assigned to that user. When the user tries to log in and does not
specify a password, it will compare the NULL
password to the NULL
input, and it will return false
On the other hand, if the user tries to supply a password (even a blank one), it will
compare that input value with the NULL
password and still return false
. If you are using password authentication, you must assign a password to all
users. If a password is not assigned to a user in such a scheme, password authentication will
always fail, and the user will not be able to log in.