Twin Arrowhead Beads

Designed by Michael G. LaFosse

Simply combining two Arrowhead Beads forms a lantern-shaped cage, ideal for pendants or drop earrings. The void provides a niche for a precious bead or miniature origami object. (Be sure to use sturdy papers!)




1. Begin with two Arrowhead Beads folded to step 9 (page 41). Lift up to open both.


2. Valley-fold and unfold the top and bottom triangular flaps of one unit. Valley-fold the top and bottom triangular flaps of the other unit inside the model.


3. (A) Apply paste to the areas indicated in blue on one of the units. (B) Turn the pasted unit to face the open side of the other unit. (C) Insert the pasted triangular flaps into the open pockets.


4. The completed Twin Arrowhead Bead. To add mounting wire for an earring, you will need for each: 1 Head Pin, 2 small round beads, earring finding, a wire cutter and round nose pliers. Use the needle to pierce a small hole in the top of the Twin Arrowhead Bead. Add one round bead to the bottom of the head pin. Pass the headpin through the hole in the Twin Arrowhead Bead from the inside.


5. Add the other round bead to the head pin and cut the protruding wire to length in preparation for forming an eye.


6. Use round nose pliers to form an eye at the protruding end of the wire. Attach earring finding to the eye.


7. The Mounted Twin Arrowhead Bead earring.