
Abbreviations    ix

Preface    xi

Acknowledgments    xv

Introduction: The Ecological Shadows of Rising Consumption    1

1 An Unbalanced Global Political Economy    3

2 Dying of Consumption    19

I Automobiles    33

3 Accidental Dependency? The Road to an Auto World    35

4 A Better Ride: Selling Safe and Clean    43

5 The Road Tolls    53

6 The Globalization of Accidents and Emissions    61

II Leaded Gasoline    65

7 Leaded Science: Pumping Out Profits and Risks    67

8 Lead Must Go    79

9 Taking the Lead Out of Africa    89

10 The Globalization of Risk    93

III Refrigerators    97

11 Refrigerating the Ozone Layer    99

12 Phasing Out CFC Refrigerators    107

13 Selling the “Superior” Refrigerator    119

14 The Globalization of Plugging In    129

IV Beef    133

15 The Efficient Steer: Fast, Fat, and Cheap    135

16 The Ecology of Big Beef    147

17 Sustainable Beef? Chasing a Stampede of “Regular” Steers    155

18 The Globalization of More Meat    165

V The Harp Seal Hunt    169

19 To the Red Ice: Heroes and Overharvesting    171

20 The Brutes! Killing Markets with Activism    183

21 Hunting Beaters for Globalizing Markets    193

22 The Globalization of Slippery Markets    203

Conclusion: Transforming Global Consumption    207

23 The Illusions of Environmentalism    209

24 A Brighter World Order of Balanced Consumption    219

Notes    233

References    263

Index    289