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Abbasid Dynasty 209

active population 7, 54–9; occupational distribution 60–75

adolescents 54, 56, 127–8

age: distribution (population) 54–7, 123; marriage trends 124–6

agriculture 185–6, 188, 276; and economic trends 198, 200, 203; fixed capital 80–5, 86; grain reserves 8, 9, 42–3, 100–3; and income distribution 7, 8, 9; labor 54, 62–3, 73–5; land resources 91–3; livestock 81–4, 86, 102–3, 105, 110; organization/manors 94; productivity 100–3, 105, 108; sharecropping 7, 54, 94; technology 74, 138–40

Alberghetti, Sigismondo 156, 249

Alburquerque, Alfonso de 212

Alsace, Count Philippe d’ 43

Alvarez, Duke of Alva 265

Ambrogio di Negro 32

Ambrose, Bishop of Milan 117

Amsterdam 253–4

Anglicus, Robertus 151

animism 153, 154

apprenticeships 77–8

Arab Empire 189, 209, 210, 211

armaments see weapons/weaponry

Arte della Lana 195

Arte di Calimala 192, 195

Artevelde, Jacob van 202

artisans 8, 54, 74–7, 79, 84, 86, 95, 202, 230

Ashton, T.S. 272

associationism 79

Atkinson, G. 231

Atlantic Europe (expansion) 212

Bacon, Francis 230

Badoer, Ambassador 238

Baltic trade 250–1, 253, 255

Banco de’ Bardi 200

banco della piazza di Rialto 182

Banco di San Giorgio 38, 214, 216–17

Baner, Johan G. 21

Bank of Amsterdam 234

Bank of Hamburg 21, 234

bankruptcies 199, 200, 234, 240

banks/bankers 21, 38, 181–2, 200, 202, 208, 214, 216–17, 234

Barbarossa, Frederic 121

barns 81

Barrow, John 112

barter, 21, 168–9

Basadonna, Ambassador 242

Baumgartner company 208

Bayazed I, Sultan 211

Bayning, Paul 265

Beche, Abraham De 158

Beche, Hubert De 158

beggars 10, 11, 12–13, 16, 129

Beloch, K.J. 67

Benaglio, M.A. 130

Benzi, Ugo 99, 127

Benzoni, Fra Gerolama 222

Beranger, Raymond, Count of Barcelona 20

Berry, Mary 30

Bessarion, Cardinal Johannes 210, 211

Besta, Fabio 44

Beuil, Count of 20

Bianca of Castilla 127

bills of exchange 163

birth control 126

birth rates 4–5, 54, 126–7, 284

Black Death 46, 123, 130–1, 185

blacksmiths 139

blast-furnace sites 264

Blégny, Nicolas de 224

Blois, Countess of 148

Boinebrooke, Johannes 189, 203

Bologna commune 43, 74–5, 84

Bonardo, Giovan Maria 228–9

Bontekoe, Comelis 224

book-keeping techniques 163–4

Braudel, Fernand 84, 200–1

Bremen, Bishop of 185

Browne, John 105–6, 269

Burkard, Bishop of Worms 36

Byzantine Empire 120, 189, 209, 210

Cantico delle Creature 202

capital 53, 79, 108–9; fixed 80–91 passim, 95; nonreproducible 91–3; working 80, 84, 88–91, 85

capitalism 253

Capitano del Popolo 113

Capua, Lionardo di 224

Carletti, Francesco 219–20

Carolingian Renaissance 189

Carolingian system (coinage) 173–4

Carus-Wilson, Eleanora 140

Cassiodorus 189

cast-iron ordnance 269–70

Castellane, Baron of 148

catastrophic mortality 5, 127, 128–36

Caterina de Medici 39

Catesby, John (expenditure) 29

Catherine II, Empress 276

Catholicism 6, 54, 76, 213

Cedema, A. 276

celibacy 4, 124

census data 3, 13, 64, 65, 71

Central Bank 160, 182

Certaldo, Paolo da 34, 122

Champagne fairs 190–1, 202

charcoal 232–3, 268, 269–70

charity 8, 12, 13, 16–19, 22, 129

Charlemagne 36, 83, 165, 174

Charles I, King of England 265

Charles II, King of England 223–4, 266

Charles VII, King of France 172, 207

Charles VIII, King of France 140, 207

Charles IX, King of France 39

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 21, 208, 242

Chaucer, Geoffrey 225, 278

children: employment of 59, 76–8; foundlings 56–8; infant mortality 126–8, 285

chocolate consumption 222–3, 224

choice, productivity and 97

Chrétien de Troyes 21–2

Christianity 184, 211; see also Church

Christina, Queen of Sweden 275

Church 6, 22, 54, 91, 184, 211, 230; demand of 37, 45–9; ecclesiastical population 66–7, 68; monasteries 46–9, 73; Reformation 18, 46–8, 75, 76

Cieza de Leon, Pedro de 222

cities 189, 247; birth/death rates 4, 284; ecclesiastical population 66–7, 68; population 4, 54, 56, 273–4, 282–3; poverty in 12, 13, 16; rise of 118–22

city walls (construction) 42, 188

Clark, Colin 60

Clark, G.N. 154

Clement II, Pope 48–9

Cleveland, John 271

clocks 145, 150–2, 156, 158, 210

clothing expenditure 24, 25–6, 28–9

coal industry 70–2

cocoa consumption 222–3, 224

coffee consumption 223, 224

coins: currencies and 165–87; hoarding of 33–6

Colbert, Jean Baptiste 92, 158, 233, 254, 256, 257, 270

Coleman, D.C. 259

Columella, Lucius 277

commenda 161–2, 164

commerce-raiding 265

Commercial Revolution 226

Commines, Philippe de 140

communes 38, 79, 92, 112; of Bologna 43, 74–5, 84; of Florence, 42–3, 51, 203; of Geneva 48; of Genoa 17, 51; of Perugia 44; urban revolution 117–22

Comnenus, Isaac, Duke of Antioch 21

Como 244–5, 246

Comollo, Dionigi 156

compagnia 162–3, 248

Conquistadores 213

consumer spending 22–31

consumption function 31; see also incomes and consumption

Conti, E. 49

contralto di commenda 161–2, 164

Corpus Juris 148

Coryat, Thomas 71, 72, 73

Coster, Laurens 156

costs of working capital 89–90

craftsmen 8, 43, 54, 74–5, 76–7, 79, 95, 156–9, 204–5, 230, 275

Cratzer, Nicholas 268

credit 199, 200; and enterprise 160–4

Crescenzi, Pietro 276

Cronaca (Chronicle) 119

Cronica (Pitti) 19

crop rotation 138, 139–40

Crusades/Crusaders 143, 174, 184, 211

cultural receptiveness (England) 267

Cunningham, W. 267

currencies (and coinage) 165–81

Cydone, Demetrius 210

Dallington, Robert 73, 112

Danish peninsula 187

Danse Macabre 202

Dante 99, 145, 196–7, 206, 247

Dark Ages 21, 102, 117, 118, 137, 140, 151, 189

Dati, Goro di Stagio 19

Datini, Francesco di Marco 16

de Berkeley, Thomas (expenditure) 29

de Chobham, Thomas 71

De Geer, Louis 99, 253

de Keyser, Thomas 254

de la Roncière 205

De Morbis Artificium Diatriba 113

de Zeeuw, I.W. 256–7

Deane, Phyllis 272–3

Defoe, Daniel 255

Delcher, R. 223

demand: analysis (type of) 3; of the Church 45–9; effective (needs and wants) 5–7; foreign 49–52; income distribution 7–22; population 3–5; private 22–37; public 37–45; types 22

demographic data 3–4, 123, 130--6

demographic pressures 130–6

“deposits” 181–2

Desiderio, Abbot 99

devaluation 171–3, 262

diet 5–6, 22–5, 27

Dion, Roger 256

discount rate (bonds) 216–17

disinvestment 90–1, 244, 247

domestic service/servants 30, 63–5

Dondi, Govanni De’ 151

dowries 19

Drake, Francis 265

Drang nach Osten 158, 184–5

Dron, Filippo 16–17

drugs/medicine 220–1, 222

Duncan, Dr Daniel 224

Dutch East India Company 96, 220–1, 226, 248, 253

Dyer, Christopher 73, 206

East India Company 164, 220, 223–4, 226, 248

Eastland Company 164

ecclesiastical populations 66–7, 68

economic developments (Europe) 209–10

economic power, changing balance (Europe): decline of Italy 241–9; decline of Spain 237–41; economic trends (1500–1700) 234–7; rise of England 257–73; rise of northern Netherlands 249–59

economic trends: (1300–1500) 198–208; (1500–1700) 234–7

Edict of Nantes 157

education 41–2, 58, 76–8

effective demand 5–7

Eleanor of Castile 270

Elizabeth I 44, 248

energy: crisis 231–3, 269–71; supply 93, 268–9

England: agricultural productivity 100–1, 103; capital, 86, 87–8; economic trends (1300–1500) 202–6; foreign trade 50–1; Hundred Years’ War 109–10, 132–3, 172, 202, 207; income distribution 10–13; naval shipyards 86; population 56–7, 281; rise (as economic power) 259–75

English Lost Villages 203

Enlightenment 229

Ennen, Edith 118

enterprise: and credit 160–4; monetary trends 165–82

entrepreneurial activity 98

epidemics 154; see also plagues

epizootic diseases 83

Eresby, Lord of 64–5

Esplechin armistice 200

Este, Cardinal Ippolito d’ 71

Ethelbert of Kent 165

Europe: AD 156 (map) 14–15; cities 4, 13, 64–8, 280–2; developed/underdeveloped 209–11; economic power (changing balance) 234–75; economic trends (1300–1500) 198–208; economic trends (1500–1700) 234–7; expansion 211–27; Great Expansion (1000–1300) 183–98; origins of Industrial Revolution 276–9; population 3–5, 123–36, 282–3; Scientific Revolution 227–31; technology 137–59; urban revolution 117–22; see also individual countries

Eustachi, Pasino degli 35

Evelyn, John 113

expansionism 211–27

exports 50–2, 260–1; re-exports 272–3; see also economic power, changing balance (Europe); foreign trade

factors of production: capital 79–91; inputs (classes of) 53–4; labor 54–79; natural resources 91–3; organization 94–6

factory system 59, 86–7, 95, 96

fairs 21–2, 71, 190–1, 202

famine 16, 17, 20, 23, 36, 128–30, 132, 198, 222

Fanucci, Giambattista 11

Far East trade 217, 219–21

feasts 25, 40–1

Feinstein, C.H. 98

Feltre, Father Bernardino de 160

Ferdinand I 92

Ferdinand of Aragon 207

Ferrara, Ricobaldo da 197, 206

fertility rates 4–5, 54, 119, 123–4, 125–7, 128, 132, 134

feudalism 79, 119–22

Fiochetto, G.F. 26

Fisher, F.J. 262, 263

fixed capital 80–91 passim, 95

Flamma, Galvano, 197, 206

Flemish textile industry 192–3, 201

Florence 8, 9, 47, 157, 188, 242–3; commune 42–3, 51, 203; economic trends 199–206; education 76–7; expansionism 188, 190–3, 195–6; families with servants 65–6

Fluyt 147, 257–8

Folognino of Verona 28

food 220; diet 5–6, 22–5, 27; reserves 42–3, 89, 90; see also crop rotation; famine; grain reserves

foreign demand 49–52

foreign trade 49–52, 164; European expansion 211–27; see also economic power, changing balance (Europe)

forests 92–3, 112, 232, 233, 268–9

Foscarini, Ambassador 252

foundlings 56–8

France 11–12, 280; agricultural productivity lOO, 101; economic trends, 235–6; Hundred Years’ War 109–10, 132–3, 172, 202, 207

Francis I 21, 38, 165

Frank, J.P. 59

Fromanteel, John 156

Fugger company 164, 208, 261

Fumifugium (pamphlet) 113

furnaces 264

Galen 6, 276, 277

Galileo 227, 230, 231

gambling 19

Garcia d’Orta 221

Gascon, R. 16

Gee, Joshua II, 264

Geneva commune 48

Genoa 244, 245, 246, 248; commune 17, 51

Gentilini (gun founder) 265

George III 272

Germany: agricultural productivity 101; city population 280; economic trends 234–5; expansionism 184–6, 208; Hanseatic League 14–15, 163–4, 186, 188, 203, 234, 250–1, 259

gifts (and charity) 16–19

gilders (health hazards) 113–14

Giodarno, Father (da Pisa) 145

Giotto 99

Glaber, Raoul 36

glass-workers (health hazards) 114

Gloucestershire (occupational

distribution) 64–5

Goddard, John 157

gold 213–14, 218–19, 234, 238–40

Goldthwaite, R.A. 205

Goubert, M. 135

Gould, J.D. 262

government debt (Spain) 240–1

grain reserves 8, 9, 42–3; productivity 100–3

“Grand Tour” 267

Graunt, John 132, 133–4, 228, 275

great expansion (1000–1300) 183–98

Grierson, P. 21

Gross National Product (size) 50

Grosse Ravensburger-handelsgesellschaft

company 208

Grotius, Hugo 99, 254

Grousset 211

Gualdo, Count Priorato 244

Guibert, Abbot of Nogent 121

Guicciardini, Francesco II, 237, 241

Guicciardini, Ludovico 251–2

guilds 77–9, 156, 238, 243, 247, 275

Gutenberg, Johann 106, 148, 150

Halley, Edmund 124, 228

Hals, Frans 254

Hamilton, E.J. 213

Hanseatic League 14–15, 163–4, 186, 188, 203, 234, 250–1, 259

Harrison, William 269

health (occupational) 75–6, 113–14

health expenditure 41

Helvetian Confederation 193–4

Henry III 17

Henry V 44

Henry VII SO

Henry VIII 13, 46, 47, 262, 268

Hernandes, Francisco 220

Hicks, Sir John 80

Hilton 31–2

Hippocrates 276, 277

hoarding activities 33–7, 160

Hoffer, Eric 268

Hohenlohe, Kraft von 21

Hope, Ronald 265

Hopkins, S.V. 206

horseshoes 138–9

household expenditure 29–30

housing (and rent) 24, 26–7

Howes, Edmund 269, 270–1

Hudson, G.F. 212

Hugh Capet, King of France 170

Huguenots 266

Hundred Years’ War 109–10, 132–3, 172, 202, 207

Huygens, Christiaan 99, 156, 227, 254, 256

hygiene 197–8

Imhof family 28, 261

imports 50–2; see also economic power, changing balance (Europe); foreign trade

income: of Church 45–9; distribution 7–22; purchasing power 7, 190, 240, 272; transfers 16–22; see also poverty; wealth

incomes and consumption: great expansion (1000–1300) 183–98; rrends(1300–1500) 198–208 Industrial Revolution: emergence of modern age 209–33; origins/complications 276–9

industry: factory system 59, 86–7, 95, 96; mass production 259; technology in 140–54; see also manufacturing sector; services

infant mortality rate 126–8, 285

“ink money” 181–2

input (factors of production) 53–4, 96, 97

interest (and rents) 7

interest rates 89, 186, 199, 214, 216–17

international trade: European expansion 211–27; foreign demand 49–52; see also economic power, changing balance (Europe)

investment 160–2, 182, 199; and disinvestment 90–1, 244, 247; and private demand 32–7; public 42, 43

iron industry 271–2

Isabella of Castile 207

Israel, J.I. 200, 251

Italy: agricultural productivity 100–3, 105; as economic power (decline) 234, 237, 241–9; economic trends 199–206, 207–8; expansionism 188–98; population 54, 56–8, 248–9, 280; professionals in cities 69; Renaissance (map) 104

James I 44, 222

Jevons, W.S. 277

John II (the Bountiful) 172

Johnson, Samuel 274

joint stock companies 160, 164

Kedar, B.Z. 162

King, Gregory 10, 13, 32, 86, 87, 228

Kohler, H. 18

labor 53, 108–9, 253; active population 7, 54–60, 69; children 59, 76–8; education and training 76–8; guilds 77–8, 79, 156, 238, 243, 247, 275; occupational distribution 60–75; slavery 137, 154, 225–6; skilled 74–5, 156–7; unemployment 13, 16, 241; women 59–60, 61; working conditions 75–6, 113–14; see also artisans; craftsmen; peasants; wages

Lafaurie, Jean 172

land expansionism 183–98

land resources 91–3

Lane, Frederic C. 145

Lane, Ralph 222

lawyers 69–70

Ledesma, Antonio Colmenero de 223

Lee, Edmund 144

Leeuwenhoek, Anton van 99, 227

Leicester, Earl and Countess of 64

Leonardo Da Vinci 152, 225

Letwin, William 228

Levant Company 164

Lilley, Samuel 138

Lisov, Elizabetta Ludmilla de 223

Liutprando of Cremona 209

livestock 81–4, 86, 102–3, 105, 110

living conditions 197–8, 204–5, 206

Lombe, John 154–5

Lombe, Sir Thomas 86

London 273–5, 283

Lost Villages (English) 203

Louis IX 26, 170, 171

Louis XI 87

Low Countries (city population) 281

Ludwig, Emperor (of Bavaria) 200

Lupo, Francesco 26

luxury investments 91

Luzzatto, G. 239

Lyon 8, 9

Machiavelli, Niccolo 276

Maitani, L. 198

maize cultivation 222

Makrizi, Ahmed AI- 210

Malassis, Louis 63

Malthus, Thomas 91

manorial system 94

manufacturing sector 60–3, 73, 84, 86; economic trends and 203–4; organization 95–6; productivity 105–7; technology 140–54

Mare Clausum/Mare Liberum 275

Margherita of Anjou 127

markets 21

Marradon, B. 222

marriage patterns/trends 124–6, 134

Martini, Francesco di Giorgio 152

Masi, Bartolomeo 30

mass production 259

Matthews, R.O.C. 98

Mauro di Carignano, Giovanni 162

Medici family 39, 260

medicine/drugs 220–1, 222

medieval productivity levels 100–7

Mercado, Tomás de 238

merchant navy (England) 274

merchants 53–4, 79, 95, 261–2

Merton College 81

Methuen Treaty 52

Meuse, Jean d’Outre 202

Michael, Tsar of Russia 222

Michael VII, Emperor 21

migration 119, 156–9, 185, 266–7

Milan 44, 57–8, 196–7, 242, 245–6; Duke of 35, 158, 203; Public Health Board 26–7

military sector: expenditure 42–5, 91, 262; livestock use 82–3; see also weapons/weaponry

mills 86–7, 93, 140–3, 257; see also water mills; windmills

miners (health hazards) 113

mining sector 86, 92, 95–6, 270–1

Mocenigo, Alvise 272

modern age (emergence of): energy crisis 231–2; European development 209–11; European expansion 211–27; Scientific Revolution 227–31

Mols, Father 135

Monardes, Nicolas 221

monasteries 46–9, 73, 80–1

monetary trends/money 165–82

money-changers 181, 182

Mongol Empire 211, 223

Montaigne, Michel de 71, 127

Monti di Petà 160

mortality rates 4–5, 26, 54, 119, 284; infant mortality 126–8, 285; plague epidemics 123–4, 126–36; see also catastrophic mortality; normal mortality

Moryson, Fynes72, 124, 125, 248

Müller, Reinhold C. 182

Muscovy Company 164

Muslims 6, 211

Mussis, Giovanni de 206

Myddelton, Sir Thomas 265

Nantes, Edict of 157

Naples (public expenditure) 45

natural resources 53, 91–3

Navagero, Bemardo 42

Navigation Acts 265–6

navigation techniques 144–5, 148, 150 212, 225–6

needs, demand and 5–6

negative production 108–14

Netherlands (rise as economic power) 249–59

Newton, Isaac 227, 275

Nicot, Jean 222

nonreproducible capital 91–3

normal mortality 5, 127–8, 132, 135

northern Netherlands (rise as economic power) 249–59

Northern United Provinces 250, 252–3, 257

notaries 69–70

Nuñtez de Castro, Alfonso 239

Nuovo Teatro di Machine et Edificii (Zonca) 154–5

Oakeshott, Michael 155

occupational diseases 75–6, 113--14

occupational distribution of population 60–75

Odescalchi family 28, 32

Offa, King of Mercia 165

Ogödäi (Mongol chief) 211

Ommayad Dynasty 209

Order of Saint John of Jerusalem 110

Order of the Teutonic Knights 185

Oresme, Nicola 172

organization (factors of production) 94–6

Orleans, Bishop of 36

Orseolo, Pietro II (Doge of Venice) 189

Orta, Garcia da 221

Ortelius, A. 256

Ospedale degli Innocenti 57

Ospedale della Misericordia 57

Ospedale della Pietlà 56, 57

Otto of Frisingen 121

output (factor of production) 53, 97–114

Pacioli, Father Luca 160

Padua, Mayor of 128

Paleologus, Constantine 210

Paolo di Messere Pace da Certaldo 34

Paracelsus 276

Paradiso (Dante) 196–7

Pareto, Vilfredo 10

partnerships 161–4

Pavis (grain reserves) 8–9

Peace of the Pyrenees (1659) 239

peasants 8, 16, 23, 26–7, 202, 234

Peasants’ Revolt 202, 234

Pedro I 46

Pepys, Samuel 35–6, 275

Párigord College 60

Perugia (public expenditure) 44

Peter the Great 276

Petty, Sir William 82, 132, 228, 275

Phelps Brown, E.H. 206

Philip II Augustus, King of France 170

Philip IV, King of France 92, 171

Philip VI, King of France 172

Philip II, King of Spain 220, 240

Philippe d’Alsace, Count of Flanders 43

physicians 69–70

Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni 17

Pietro, Giovan 96

Pirenne, Henri 188, 278

Pitti, Buonaccorso 19

Pius II, Pope 211

Pius V, Pope 73

plagues 25–7, 31, 43, 90; Black Death 46, 123, 130–1, 185; and economic trends 202–5; famine after 17, 128–30, 132, 198; and population trends 123–36, 248–9

Plato 230

plow (development) 138, 139

plunder (and theft) 20–1, 34, 265

pollution 110–13

Polo, Marco 150, 165, 210, 247

Pombal, Marquis of 52

Poor Laws 13

population: active see active population; age distribution 54–7, 123; of cities 4, 54, 56, 273–5, 282–3; and demand 3–5; density 130–1, 133; migration 119, 156–9, 185, 266–7; occupational distribution 60–75; preindustrial characteristics (Sweden) 284; trends 123–36, 248–9; world (estimates) 228–9; see also birth rates; fertility rates; mortality rates

Porisni, G. 49

Portugal 203, 207–8

portus theory 118, 122

positive production 107–8

Postan, M.M. 91

potato cultivation 222

potters (health hazards) 114

poverty 7–8, 10–13, 27, 31, 91, 127; transfer payments 16–22

Price Revolution 214, 247

primary sector 60, 62, 63; see also agriculture; mining sector

print technology 106, 148–9, 150–1

Priuli, Antonio 17

private demand 22–37

privateering 265

production: determinants 97–9; factors see factors of production; factory system 59, 86–7, 95, 96; mass 259; negative 108–14; positive 107–8; and productivity 97–114

production (incomes and consumption): great expansion (1000–1300) 183–98; rrends(1300–1500) 198–208

productivity 7, 58–9; and choice 97; medieval/Renaissance levels 100–7

productivity and production: choice and productivity 97; determinants of production 97–9; medieval/Renaissance levels 100–7; negative production 108–14; positive production 107–8

professionals 69–70

profits 7

prostitution 71–3

Protestants 48, 54, 76, 230

proto-industrialization 247

public debt 38–9

public demand 37–45

purchasing power 7, 190, 240, 272

putting-out system 60

Raleigh, Sir WaIter 222, 254

Ramazzini, Dr Bernardino 30, III, 113–14, 128

Ramsey, Colonel A. 21

ransoms 21

recession 91

Reformation 18, 46–8, 75; 76

refugees (immigrant labor) 266–7

Relazione di Spagna (Guicciardini) 237–8

religions see Church

religious investments 91

Renaissance 230, 278; productivity levels 100–7; urban development 117–22

rent 7, 24, 26–7

Revue numismatique 33–4

Ricardo, David 91, 249

Riccardi family 32

Richelieu, Cardinal Armand, Duc de 129, 236

Ricobaldo da Ferrara 197, 206

Riva, Bonvesin della 196

robbery (and theft) 20–1, 34, 265

Robert of Anjou 200

Roman Catholicism 6, 54, 76, 213

Rome (prostitution) 72, 73

Rondinelli, F. 26

Roumieu, Paul 157

Royal Charles, The (ship) 35

Royal Society of London 230

rurallabor 73–5

Russia 217, 283

St John’s Hospital (Cambridge) 29

Saints (cult of) 153, 154

Salimbene, Father (of Parma) 119

Sanuto, Marino 129

Sapori, A. 163

Savary de Brulons, J. 234–5

savings 31–7, 91, 160–2, 164, 182, 186

Savoy, Duke of 13

Sayous, André 163

Schertlin, Sebastian 20

Schumpeter, Joseph 98

Schwarz, Mattäus 164

Scientific Revolution 152, 227–31

Scuola di San Rocco 18

secondary sector see manufacturing sector

Segni, Abbot 130

Seignelay, Marquis de 233, 270

“seigniorage” 165, 170–1

services: demand for 22–31; domestic service 30, 63–5; tertiary sector 60–3, 73, 84, 95–6

Sforza, Galeazzo Maria 175

sharecropping 7, 54, 94

shareholders 163

shipbuilding 86, 95–6, 145–8, 150, 212, 225, 232, 257–8, 270

Sigfersson, Anders 158

Sigismund, Archduke (of Tyrol) 175

Signes, Guillaume de 20

Signorie (establishment of) 241

silk industry 244, 245, 246

silver 218–20, 234, 238–40; deposits (in Americas) 213, 215–17; outputs 174–5, 176–8

skilled labor 74–5, 156–7

slavery 137, 154, 225–6

social class, marriage and 124–5

Société du Bazacle 160

sociocultural factors 278; and needs 5–7

Sombart, Wemer 253

Spain 10–11, 213, 215; city population 281; as economic power (decline) 234–5, 235–9; wars 39, 239–41, 252

Spanish Armada 265, 268

Spanish Company 164

spectacles 145, 150

spinning wheel 145, 149

Spinola, Porchetto 162

Standish, Arthur 269

statistical approach (origins) 228–9

statistics of employment 78

steam engine 231

stock exchange 160, 253

stocks and inventories 88–91

Stow, John 266, 267

sugar consumption 225

sulphur workers (health hazards) 114

sumptuary laws 262

Sung Dynasty 209

Sweden: land ownership 47–8; population structure 54–7, 283; preindustrial population characteristics 286

Switzerland: city populations 283; Helvetian Conference 193–4

Sydenham, Thomas 113

Tadino, A. 16

Talbot, Sir Gilbert (expenditure) 29

T’ang Dynasty 209

tanners (health hazards) 114

Tartaglia, Niccolò 230

Taula de Barcelona, 182

taxation 16, 20, 22, 39–40, 245, 247; and monetary trends 165, 170–1

tea consumption 223–4

technology 74, 98, 106; developolents (1000–1700) 137–54; Scientific Revolution 152, 227–31; spread/diffusion of 154–9

Téméraire, Charles le 87

tertiary sector see services

Teutonic Knights 185

textiles industry 86, 192–3, 201; silk cloth 244, 245, 246; woollens production 105, 242–4, 246, 260–3, 268

theft 20–1, 34, 265

Theodoric, Bishop of Bitonto 145, 189

Thirty Years’ War 20–1, 110, 133, 236

Tiepolo, Paolo 73

timber crisis 231–2, 233

Titlow, J.Z. 100

tobacco consumption 222

towns (development) 119, 120, 122

Tractaat (Bontekoe) 224

trade 235; enterprise and credit 160–4; fairs and markets 21–2, 71, 190–1, 202; and monetary trends 165–82; see also economic power, changing balance (Europe); foreign trade

training (and education) 76–8

transport (livestock use) 82, 84

Tripps (industrialists) 99

tropical products 272–3

Turkish Empire 211–12, 231

Turko-Persian War 244

Tuscany: Grand Duke of 48, 73;

population 3, 67, 285

Uffid dell’ Abbondanza 42

underdevelopment (Europe) 209–11

unemployment 13, 16, 241

Unger, R.W. 254

University of Leyden 254

University of Modena 113

University of Padua 113

urban revolution (communes) 117–22

urban societies 73–5, 78–9

urbanization 185–6; and epidemics 133, 134–5

Urseau, Nicholas 268

Van Bath, Slicher 100

Van de Velde, William 254

Van Ellemeet, Cornelis de Jonge 30, 32

Van Linschoten, J.H. 219

Van Schoonbeke, Gilbert 96

Vasa, Gustav 47

Vauban, S. La Preste de 9–10, 11

Vendramin, Ambassador 239

Venice 57–8, 242–3, 244, 246; apprenticeships, 77–8

Ventura, Giovannino di 113

Vereinigde Ostindische Compagnie 248

Verona, Father Girolamo da 43

VilIani, Giovanni 16, 76, 195, 200

Villani, Matteo 204–5

Villermé, L.R. 75–6

Violet, T. 267

Visconti, Filippo Maria (Duke of Milan) 35, 158, 203

Visconti, Gian Galeazzo 203

Waddington, C.H. 279

wages 7–8, 30, 54, 79, 203–6, 247, 257

Wahlstatt, Battle of (1241) 211

Walker, P.G. 151–2

Walloons 156, 253, 266

Walter of Henley 139

Wang Hong 211

wants, effective demand and 6–7

war 252, 261–2; catastrophic mortality 128–9, 132–3; debt/costs 199–200; as negative production 108–11; plunder 20–1, 34; Spanish succession 39, 239–41; see also Hundred Years’ War; Thirty Years’ War

water mills 80–1, 137, 138, 140–3, 154–5, 210

Watts, Sir John 265

wealth 7–8, 9–11; consumption by wealthy 27–31; hoarding 33–7; savings 31–7; transfer payments 16–22

weapons/weaponry 87, 145, 148, 150 233, 268, 269–70

weekly markets 21

Welserscompany 259

Weston, Richard 140

wet nurses 5–6, 60

White, Lynn 138, 148, 211

William 1109

Wilson, Charles 13, 253

windmills 80–1, 143–4, 150, 256–7

Witsen, Nicolaes 156, 159, 257

women’s employment 59–60, 61

woollen industry 105, 242–4, 246, 260–2, 268

working capital 80, 84, 88–91, 95

working conditions 75–6, 113–14

workshops 60, 95, 96

world population (estimates) 228–9

Wrigley, E.A. 126

Wüstungen 203

Yüan Dynasty 223

Zinsser, Hans 129

Zonca, Vittorio 154–5