Anti-Aging Therapies #1: Detoxification
Pure, clean, well-nourished cells are the secret to longevity. End of story!
Chapter 3 taught that one of the principal causes of aging is the buildup and storage of toxins in the body. Unfortunately, many of us begin life on this planet with toxins in our cells. Some we inherited from our parents and grandparents, and even more toxins entered our cells at birth. In fact, in those days general anesthesia for women in the delivery room was standard practice!
As infants, we received vaccinations, many of which contained mercury. Later, we probably took antibiotics that destroyed the beneficial bacteria we needed for healthy digestion. And as the years passed, we Boomers continued to be assaulted by a “chemical soup” of pollutants—from processed foods in aluminum foil (TV dinners) to household pesticides. I actually remember one summer my brother and I entertained ourselves by taking the mercury from a thermometer, rolling it into a ball, and playing with it—our own version of toxic Play-Doh.
No one knew… .
Toxins from the Inside and Out
Many of the toxins that harm us are exogenous. They are found in the external environment—our food, water, and air. They are in the pots and pans we cook with, the fillings in our teeth, and the cosmetics we put on our faces. Many of us are experiencing symptoms of heavy-metal toxicity that our overstressed organs of elimination are simply not able to handle.
Other toxins are endogenous. They are internal, and can be created by viruses or parasites or too much stress. These, too, have an energy-draining effect on our bodies. By the time we reach our 40s, many of us have already begun to feel the symptoms of a poisoned system, ranging from chronic fatigue to constipation to sore joints. When this toxicity remains unchecked, far more serious health problems occur as we age.
As the focus of this book is on physical health, this chapter will emphasize toxins that affect our bodies, and offer suggestions to eliminate them. However, it is worth mentioning that one can be emotionally and spiritually toxic as well. Holding on to anger and resentment can wreak havoc on the body just as surely as a high-sugar diet or nicotine does. With today’s economic and social pressures, many of us will find ourselves in jobs and relationships that sap our strength. The disconnection we experience between our bodies and the earth, or between our passions and our heavy responsibilities, can express itself in a kind of listlessness and depression from sources we may not even recognize.
Toxins are a virtually inescapable part of life today, and unfortunately, they are not going away anytime soon. The good news is that we have built-in mechanisms for cleansing, and they are as natural and predictable as the changing seasons. Our bodies will joyfully and capably push out toxins if we have the energy to cleanse and are able to do so regularly.
Before some of the various therapeutic options for cleansing are described, it might help to note a few of the common symptoms of toxicity that you may already be recognizing in yourself.
The Signs of a Toxic Body
Toxins exit our bodies along detoxification pathways. If these pathways are blocked—when our bodies have more toxins trapped inside than can come out—certain symptoms of toxicity will emerge. Here are just a few of them:
• Chronic fatigue
• Headaches
• Arthritis/joint issues
• Hormonal imbalances
• Constipation or diarrhea
• Insomnia
• Breathing issues
• Congestion/runny nose
• Teary eyes
• Vomiting
When we remove toxins from our systems, everything begins to work and move around more smoothly.
A good analogy might be when you drain and change the oil in your car. Afterward, your car performs more efficiently and will be less susceptible to breakdowns. This is true of your body as well. With a pure, clean body, all the parts work better. They have greater resiliency and longevity. You manage stress better, you’re much happier, and your quality of life greatly improves.
Detoxification Times and Seasons
There are three “seasons” when the body naturally cleanses—spring, summer, and “Indian summer.” In the spring, we may notice that we feel achy and that our joints are sore. This is a sign that the liver has gone into a cleansing mode. Summer is also an excellent time for our cells to get rid of impurities, as we tend to be more physically active. The hot weather allows us to eliminate toxins through our sweat glands. We also consume more watery foods that naturally help cool and detoxify. Fresh vegetables and fruits, readily available in this season, aid in the cleansing process.
As fall approaches, the weather turns cold and then, more often than not, suddenly turns warm again for a few more delightfully beautiful days. This is Indian summer; and it can frequently trigger a runny nose, a chest cold, or perhaps even a fever. We often mistake this for disease, but it is nature’s way of allowing us one more opportunity to cleanse before we begin to consume fats and salty foods so that we can be warm and comfortable during the colder winter months ahead. Fats, animal proteins, and mineralrich salts are warming.
Although your body can push out toxins at any time, it is usually not a good idea to choose to go on an intense detoxification program in the winter. Winter is a time for rest and stillness—a time to accumulate energy, not to cleanse.
With plenty of accumulated energy and with the coming of another spring, new life begins. Spring is a season for renewal, and you can’t renew without cleansing. So the cycle begins again.
When we remove toxins from our systems, everything begins to work and move around more smoothly. It is one of the most important ways to stay young.
This cycle of the seasons and the chance to purify is an extraordinary arrangement that we haven’t really valued or understood. Honoring nature’s laws of cleansing is vital because cleansing is one of our most important tools for staying young.
The body is always cleansing. But when you do decide to aid it in eliminating some of its toxins with a more aggressive cleansing program, it’s best to start your cleanse on the days when you’re not particularly busy or highly stressed. Many people make Saturday or Sunday their cleansing days, as the weekend tends to be less harried, and there is more time to focus on self-care.
Who Shouldn’t Cleanse
Because energy is necessary before we cleanse, there are certain individuals who should not cleanse, either because they need to conserve their energy or because they don’t have enough of it to make cleansing viable:
• People who are very weak or recovering from an illness
• People whose immune systems have been compromised or who are critically ill
• People with low blood sugar or diabetes
• People over 70, who must restore energy before they can cleanse
• Pregnant or nursing mothers—it’s better to cleanse before conception (lower-bowel enemas are fine if constipated)
Cleansing Therapies
Toxicity and detoxification is the number one health concern on many people’s minds today. But because we are very busy, we often look for quick fixes—reaching for harsh herbal supplements and laxatives, instead of changing our lifestyles and the way we eat. These quick fixes are often stressful and even harmful to the body. For example, many colon-cleansing products contain strong herbs that deplete the body of important minerals and also drain the adrenals. Many livercleansing products have maple syrup, molasses, and honey in them that feed yeast. And the suppositories and chelation therapies (for removing heavy metals) that are available at local health-food stores are a bit like putting the cart before the horse. Most people do not have detoxification pathways that are open enough for these therapies to be effective. These pathways (via organs of elimination) must be strengthened and opened before they will work efficiently.
The Body Ecology program prepares and strengthens the body so that detoxification can occur. The most important way it does this is by promoting foods that create energy and restore digestion. Other therapies help as well.
Foods as Cleansers
By now you have learned quite a lot about the wonderful healing and cleansing properties of food. Below are just a few reminders of why the Baby Boomer Diet is an extremely effective detoxification program.
— High-fiber vegetables and grain-like seeds. Fiber grabs up the toxins and binds them for removal, and it helps reduce constipation. When a stool remains in your colon for too long, the toxins are simply reabsorbed over and over again instead of being eliminated.
Fiber ensures that your food moves through the digestive tract more efficiently, forms a healthier stool, and then leaves your body with ease. It also gives you a feeling of fullness that prevents you from overeating, so it helps with weight loss. In addition, fiber helps regulate your blood sugar by slowing down its absorption rate. When blood sugar is too high or too low, your body becomes acidic (toxic).
Apart from fermented foods, fresh fruits and vegetables are the most cleansing, but fermented foods have the added benefit of assisting with digestion, while raw ones can actually be more difficult to break down (unless pureed, as in a green smoothie). A nice balance of fermented, cooked, and raw vegetables, including sea vegetables, is always best.
— Probiotic foods (fermented foods). Body Ecology has been the leader in promoting fermented foods. Over the years we’ve received wonderful testimonials about the effectiveness of these foods in helping our bodies become cleaner. The microflora are powerful scavengers of toxins, including heavy metals.
The good bacteria also kill and suppress the growth of harmful pathogens that produce inflammation and endogenous toxins in your gut. Both pathogens and beneficial microflora can “translocate,” but with beneficial microflora as watchdogs, your intestines will contain fewer toxins, and that means that every cell in your body will be healthier. Clean cells live longer, and you live longer.
While fermenting young coconut kefir is something new, coconut water has always had a wonderful reputation for helping to cleanse the heart, kidneys, and liver.
Adding a half cup or more of cultured vegetables to your meals gives you another powerful tool for purging toxins. Cultured vegetables, a good fiber source, are usually made with cabbage and may include kale and collards. These veggies are members of the cruciferous family and contain potent, natural antioxidants called indoles and isothiocyanates. These compounds ramp up your immunity and help protect against cancers of the colon, breast, and respiratory system. Indole-3-carbinol, specifically, protects your cells from damage and hunts down and destroys free radicals; while isothiocyanates are sulfur compounds that have been shown to disrupt the growth and division of cancer cells.
The Principles and Cleansing
The Body Ecology Diet is the ultimate cleansing diet because it quickly strengthens your body and creates more energy. One of its 7 Principles is cleansing. But let’s review the other six, as they can be of great help to you as you put this principle into practice.
— The Principle of Uniqueness. The phenomenon of cleansing is embedded in the very essence of your physical being. Just as you have no control over the rising and setting of the sun, you can’t stop your body from pushing out toxins. Some of us are born with a lot more toxins; others have accumulated less. Some of us have more power to cleanse than others. Toxins come out when they want to—the best you can do is to help them out. Don’t suppress them if you want to grow younger.
— The Principle of Balance. Toxins keep us in a constant state of imbalance. Throughout our youth, our bodies make a valiant attempt to stay balanced. At some point they can no longer do so, and those early signs of aging start to show. Actively eliminate toxins and assist your body to achieve balance. Always striving for balance is another phenomenon that was embedded in your body’s very creation, but it is always wise to help your own cause.
— The Principle of Acid/Alkaline. Toxins keep the body in a constant state of acidity. You already know what that means. Toxic bodily fluids are the perfect environment for fungi, viruses, and even cancer cells to thrive. You want to strive for clean cells that are never too acidic.
— The Principle of Food Combining. Undigested food is toxic. Following the food-combining rules creates more efficient digestion and fewer toxins.
— The Principle of Step by Step. Incremental steps are particularly important for detoxification, as cleansing should be slow, steady, and deliberate. Cleansing too rapidly can weaken us or even make us ill. Go slowly, but be persistent, never stopping. Cleansing is a lifelong process. The myth that going on a 10-day (or 30-day) cleanse will rid the body of toxins has been circulating around the natural-health community for decades. The assumption is that doing this occasionally is enough. It’s just not so.
This principle also helps us better understand the cleansing process. You’ll remember from reading Chapter 3 that cleansing is also related to creating more energy, correcting nutritional deficiencies, and conquering infections.
• Creating energy: Because The Diet quickly strengthens your body and creates more energy, the first thing your cells want to do is push out toxins. They must do so to live. As you create more energy, you can expect to have moments of joy and occasional moments of discomfort. These ups and downs are all a part of the process of becoming healthy and strong.
• Correcting nutrient deficiencies: When you correct deficiencies, your cells come alive again as the missing nutrients work their magic. This creates more energy, giving you even more power to cleanse and to create even healthier cells.
• Conquering infections: Viruses, fungi, bacteria, and other parasites cause serious endogenous toxins. As your cells and bodily fluids become cleaner, these pathogens won’t find you a desirable host.
The Two 80/20 Rules
Follow these two simple rules when you eat:
• Rule #1: Do not fill up your stomach completely when you eat a meal. This puts too much food in the digestive tract at one time. Digestion of food is much more efficient when you leave about 20 percent of your stomach empty. When any food takes too long to break down (or does not do so thoroughly), it becomes another toxin.
• Rule #2: At least 80 percent of your meal should be alkaline forming (mostly plant foods), and 20 percent can be acid forming (animal proteins). Too many acidforming foods are, as their name implies, acidic and create a toxic environment in your cells.
Colon Cleansing (Colon Hydrotherapy)
Colon cleansing has been around for centuries, and is mentioned in Egyptian historical documents as early as 1500 B.C. Russians have long included colon-therapy tools in their spas, recognizing the radiant effect these cleansings have on the skin.
A 4-Day Starter Cleanse
Foods to avoid:
• Animal proteins
• Fats and oils
• Dairy products
• Grains and grain-like seeds
Alkalizing foods to include:
• Sour fruits and their juices
• Vegetables—80% raw, 20% cooked*
• Ocean vegetables—rich in minerals
• Cultured vegetables and probiotic liquids— extremely important
• Cleansing herbs—LivAmend helps increase flow of bile from the liver
• Adaptogenic herbs—build more energy during your cleanse
• Water—add minerals, and drink a gallon per day to flush out toxins
• Lemon juice in water—also helps flush out toxins; drink as desired
*Cruciferous vegetables, such as kale and cabbage, should not be eaten raw. Prepare your vegetables in an easy-to-digest format, such as puréed soups and smoothies. These give your detoxification organs a much-needed rest.
In the U.S., colonics were used quite extensively in the 1920s and ’30s, and were considered a common health practice. For the next 70 years or so, their use dramatically declined, along with interest in bowel health in general, and only in recent years has there been a comeback.
Many of the actors and actresses gracing the covers of today’s popular magazines don’t want us to know that coloncleansing sessions are their secret tool for remaining young, well hydrated, and healthy. Yes, from beautiful lingerie models to famous opera singers, people find that regular coloncleansing sessions help with performance and offer wonderful cosmetic benefits. Colon therapy not only keeps our skin glowing and healthy, but it also helps us to maintain an ideal body weight. It is now commonly known that the ability to keep off those excess pounds and inches is directly linked to good colon health.
Finally many doctors “in the know” are recommending colonics before a patient undergoes a colonoscopy, in lieu of the highly potent magnesium treatments that can be traumatic to some people.
Safe, painless, and convenient enough to do at home, colon cleansing definitely helps reverse the signs and symptoms of aging. No, you won’t find many research studies on colon therapy, but isn’t it just common sense? Removing toxic buildup (accumulating inside our intestines for decades) can help revive us and even reverse some of the most serious reasons why we age—inflammation, free radicals, nutrient deficiencies, and cellular debris.
Colon therapy helps correct these issues and also promises improved energy. You will also feel more calm and focused; sleep better; become more creative; and have a happier, more positive outlook on life. While it helps reduce the risk of gastrointestinal problems and colon cancer, another important yet little-appreciated benefit of colon therapy is that it is an excellent way to hydrate every cell in your body. And as you know from reading Chapter 21, we also age very quickly when we become dehydrated.
Because of its ability to hydrate and then draw out toxins and remove them as they accumulate in your stool, colon hydrotherapy, especially in repeated sessions, actually eliminates toxins from cells everywhere in your body, not just your colon.
Fortunately, colon therapy has become a respected health profession and practice that is undeniably essential due to the increasingly toxic world in which we live. Colonics, enemas, and colema boards offer highly therapeutic interventions.
Not Just for Colon Health—Colon Therapy Is Deep-Cell Cleaning
Colon hydrotherapy is a simple procedure that allows purified, temperature-controlled water to flow slowly into the large intestine, where it gently stimulates the colon’s natural peristaltic action to release softened waste. This process is repeated several times in a session and results in better colonic function and elimination. A clean colon is a happier colon.
Clean cells have less inflammation—they live longer, and so will you. Because both disease and health begin in your intestines, you can understand how every cell in every organ and structure in your body—from your brain, lungs, liver, and heart; to your eyes, skin, muscles, and even your bones—benefits derived from removal of toxic waste from your intestines.
One of the first systems to improve with colonics is your lymph system, which defends your body against infections and the spread of tumors. Lymph nodes (an organized collection of lymph tissue) are numerous in the blood vessels of your intestines and can easily become cancerous when toxic.
Hydrotherapy is an excellent way to remove waste from the small intestine as well. Because the colon and small intestine are connected, when the colon eliminates its material, it signals the small intestine to start eliminating, too.
Labeling such an effective anti-aging tool “colon” therapy downplays its value, because this process also has a profound effect on the emotions. Indeed, your abdominal region houses a very sophisticated nervous system, affectionately termed a “gut brain.” This mass of cells in your abdomen is connected to the mass of cells in your skull and to the rest of your central nervous system. It influences the production of neurochemicals, including serotonin and dopamine. When you release toxic material from your gut, toxic emotions (like sadness and anger) leave as well. These emotions are extremely aging, so eliminating them helps you feel more cheerful and serene.
Imagine what will happen if we Baby Boomers choose not to do colon therapy. We’ll soon have a country with 79 million grumpy old men and women who won’t be very effective at fulfilling our greatest mission—to restore peace and harmony to our planet before we leave here.
There are basically two types of colon therapy: colonics performed by a professional therapist; and those you do at home with an enema bucket or a colema board (see below).
Working with a Professional
If you are new to colon cleansing, you may feel more comfortable with a professional—at least at first. There are two methods available today: the open system and the closed system.
The open system delivers a constant, low-pressure stream of water through a small, pencil-sized speculum. You control both the filling and the release of water from your colon with the open system. This method is ideal for those who prefer being left alone in the colonic room, but with a certified therapist nearby to assist as needed. This method offers an ultraviolet filtration system; an odorless vent system; and a sterile, disposable rectal tube. Waste material is flushed away with consistently flowing water but can be seen through a clear view tube.
Boomers on the Cutting Edge
Gently Eliminate with the Luis Rojas Method
While each colon therapist has his or her own unique style, our preferred method at Body Ecology is the Luis Rojas method. Usually, colon therapists are trained to fill the colon with water and then release all the water and the waste that flows out with it. With the Rojas Method, the colon is filled with water not only at the start, but throughout the entire session. Water is slowly and gently infused into the colon until it is well hydrated. When the client feels the need to release, the hydrotherapist turns a knob on the instrument and the softened waste material is eliminated. While releases do flush out plenty of waste material, not all of the water is eliminated from the colon before the therapist initiates another slow fill. At the end of the session, all the water is eliminated in a final release.
In this way, the water remaining inside the colon through the entire session continues to soak and hydrate the older waste material. This gentle method keeps the colon well hydrated and softens material that will be released in the next session.
In a closed system, the speculum nozzle is closer to the size of the actual rectum, and waste material goes directly into the speculum and from there into a viewing tube. In the closedsystem procedure, a certified colon therapist remains in the room with you, controls the instrument, and gives you the colonic. The closed system involves a very thorough release, and the waste material can be viewed and assessed by the therapist.
What should you look for in each session? Thanks to the view tube, you can see some of what you are eliminating. Certainly you’ll release recently eaten food and older waste material, but much of what you are removing cannot be seen. Invisible toxins, including pathogenic bacteria (even those in biofilms), and toxic chemicals (from heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives, and air pollution) are also being removed during each session.
An effective colon-therapy session may involve much more than just the release of waste matter. To help facilitate the process, many therapists offer reflexology, acupressure, massage, and emotional-cleansing techniques that help relax you or prepare you emotionally and physically for the session.
You can find a certified colon therapist in your area on the website of the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy:
How Often Should You Cleanse?
A frequently asked question is: “How many colon cleansing sessions will I need?” Unfortunately, there is no simple answer, as according to the Principle of Uniqueness, each of us is different.
As you begin your cleansing sessions, you will soon be able to judge how many you need. However, cleansing all the cells in your body by working through your colon is not something you do once or twice. Clearing away decades of toxic accumulation is, indeed, a process—one that should continue for as long as you live.
Fortunately, when done properly, colon hydrotherapy is safe, gentle, and effective and will not lead to dependency. In fact, the expansion and contraction of the colon as the water fills and releases will help to tone and strengthen the muscle over time. The hydration is priceless.
When you first begin, you will need to schedule your coloncleansing sessions more closely together. If done correctly, water from each previous session will also be softening the more stubborn material that may not be released until the next visit.
It can take time to soften this material, but it will eventually be released in the future sessions. Most colon therapists, naturopaths, and doctors who now recommend colonics suggest you start by having at least four sessions close together.
In future visits, give your colon a chance to rest—at least one day between each session is best. A professional colonic has more “fills” and “releases” than an enema and can cause your colon to become fatigued if continued for too long on one day. That is why sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes each. With a home enema, you can continue until the water is clear and, if needed, repeat the enema the next day. Questions to ask yourself at the end of the session are: “Did I eliminate well in this session? Should I come back for another right away?”
After Your Colonic
After your colonic, you should go home and take it easy for the rest of the day. Eat a light meal. A liquid or pureed soup is best. Eating or drinking probiotics is also wise.
You will always benefit from a colon-cleansing session either with a professional or at home when you are experiencing signs of toxicity, such as pain, fatigue, depression, bloating, dry skin and lips, or swelling and puffiness anywhere in your body. If you feel flu-like or if you have the flu, cleansing your colon is a must. You will soon learn to recognize your body’s unique way of saying, “I need to eliminate toxins quickly.”
Does Colon Cleansing Wash Away Good Bacteria?
Many physicians (who in all truth have usually never experienced colon therapy) have stated that flushing the colon with water depletes it of healthy microflora. But remember, most microflora are in the stool anyway and would leave naturally with daily eliminations (if these eliminations are even occurring). Trillions do remain and are not disturbed by the colonic water because they have colonized or settled into healthy mucus.
The fact is, most people are so toxic that when they begin The Diet, they don’t have healthy microflora anyway. This is why it’s so important to eat the foods on the Body Ecology Diet, especially probiotics such as young coconut kefir and cultured vegetables, as well as probiotic liquids. Nutritious and geared toward intestinal health, these powerful foods constantly replenish your colon with healthy microflora.
Anyone on a high-fiber, sugar-free, probiotic diet like the Body Ecology Diet will have excellent colonics. Beneficial microflora in the fermented foods act like microscopic Roto-Rooters. They are quite masterful at softening the material that has accumulated for years in both your small and large intestines. Imagine millions of microscopic “Pac-Men” working away inside you, helping you to eliminate years of improper eating. This is why colon therapists tell us that their clients on The Diet have the best eliminations during their sessions. Over time, with continual colonics (as needed), years of accumulation in the small intestine will also be cleansed. Your ability to absorb nutrients will increase tremendously, also helping you rejuvenate and live a longer, happier life.
Cleansing at Home
The Home Enema
Only two generations ago, it was common for homes to always have an enema bag. Doctors were even trained in medical school to prescribe an enema when someone fell ill.
An enema flushes out approximately five to ten inches of the lower portion of the colon with water or a special solution. Afterward the person uses the toilet for elimination.
You can find a great deal of information, instructions, and even videos on how to do an enema on the Internet. Enemas have been an important part of our BEDROK (Body Ecology Diet Recovering Our Kids) program for years. Parents of children recovering from autism have found that enemas are very effective at removing toxins, heavy metals, and pathogens quickly—speeding up recovery time.
Enemas are an excellent healing tool for anyone of any age. They are also safe throughout most of a pregnancy. (Stop once the mucus plug is released, usually a week or two before the birth.) Breast-feeding mothers will find that their milk is less toxic and even more nutritious when they practice proper colon cleansing with nutritive implants. Find a holistic ob-gyn or naturopath who understands their value if you prefer to discuss home enemas with a professional.
One of the benefits of cleansing your colon at home is that you can follow your cleansing enema with a “nutritive implant.” Wonderful medicinal herbs and nutrients are combined in a cup or two of liquid (tea or water) and are retained in your colon. This idea is not a new one, as practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine call these implants bastis. And they are not new to Western medicine either. In fact, Taber’s medical dictionary mentions the use of nutritive implants.
The Colema Board
Cleansing your colon with a colema board is very much like the professional open-system colonic, but can be done at home, where it is private and you can add your own mineral supplements.
To do a colema, you fill a five-gallon bucket with filtered water at body temperature. A strong folding chair is placed facing the toilet. The colema board is placed on the toilet and chair so that you can rest on your back. A pillow and folded towel will make the board comfortable during your colema. The bucket should be placed on a sturdy surface no more than four feet above your colema board. You will then siphon water through the surgical tubing so that it is flowing freely through the rectal tip. Stop the flow of water, lubricate the tip with organic extra-virgin olive oil, and position your body so that you can insert the tip no more than three inches into your rectum. Once it’s inserted, you can open up the flow of water for your colema session.
Setting up and storing of the colema board can be an issue if you live in a small space and only have one bathroom.
As many of us are now committed to recovering the energy of our youth, I foresee that housing for Baby Boomers will need to change dramatically in the near future. To reflect our passion for rejuvenation, we need smaller homes that require less care but will have wellness amenities that include colonic equipment, a soaking tub, a steam shower and/or infrared sauna, and a massage table (for in-home visits). We’ll also seek homes with plenty of sunlight, a great kitchen for preparation of healing meals, a serene bedroom, lots of thoughtful storage, and definitely a home office. Of course, while we’re planning away here, let’s not forget that separate suite for our children and grandchildren, who may often visit for their own spa needs as well!
Boomers on the Cutting Edge
A Professional Unit for Home Use— The Traveler
A portable yet professional-grade home-colonic machine called The Traveler is available from Clearwater Colon Hydrotherapy. A three-day training at their facility in Ocala, Florida, is required in order to qualify for purchase so that you learn to use and care for the equipment correctly. The Traveler is not inexpensive, as it is of the same quality as what your colon therapist would use in his or her office or spa. However, the price also includes three days of instruction. Given that colonics are a lifelong anti-aging tool, and many families have more than one member in need of colonics, the price then appears much more reasonable.
The disposable specula and waste tubes to use for each colonic can also be purchased from Clearwater (
A Note on Colon-Cleansing Herbs and Laxatives
Unfortunately, when people experience constipation or digestive trouble, they often turn to harsh laxatives for relief. Most (senna, aloe, cascara sagrada, and rhubarb) work by irritating the colon wall so that it will eliminate unnaturally. These should be used sparingly, if at all. Over time, these laxatives can become habit forming, and the colon will no longer move without their stimulation. They do weaken the adrenals and will continue to deplete your prenatal jing.
For thousands of years, Chinese herbalists created customized formulas for their patients and used a combination of the gentler herbs to stimulate the colon to eliminate. Ayurvedic medicine, which also takes a much more gentle approach, uses an ancient herb called triphala, which can be taken every day and is not habit forming.
For better elimination, you can also encourage your liver to produce more bile, which in turn stimulates peristaltic movement in both intestines. (Body Ecology offers an herbal formula with Jerusalem artichoke, sarsaparilla, wasabi, and milk thistle, called LivAmend, which is very effective for this.)
Consistent use of digestive enzymes, especially ones with hydrochloric acid (HCl), pepsin, and pancreatin, also helps improve elimination and stubborn constipation. Of course, eating plenty of fiber in your diet and drinking water so that you are maximally hydrated is a must. (The 80/20 Principle, where 80 percent of your meal is from land, ocean, and cultured vegetables, guarantees an abundance of fiber.)
Herbs and herbal products that stimulate bile or even gentle laxatives like triphala are best taken with meals. They then travel down with the food you eat and help it to move along more effectively. Over time this can help retrain a sluggish colon. But again, chose a gentle herbal colon-cleansing formula and use it short term.
Even if it seems strange to you, gently infusing water into your colon to hydrate and cleanse the cells throughout your entire body to purify your lymph system, liver, and small intestine should become one of your most valued anti-aging tools. Whether in the hands of a skilled therapist or at home with enemas or a colema board, you will soon learn to recognize how often to use this wonderful tool to help your body become cleaner and turn back the clock.
The ability to move with strength, confidence, and grace is a wonderful gift—and one we become more appreciative of as we grow older. Many of us already know how great exercise makes us feel, flooding the body with endorphins and raising serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels. But more and more research is showing how exercise combats and even reverses many of the degenerative conditions of aging.
An article in Newsweek magazine noted the many ways exercise improves brain functioning. Scientists have found that vigorous exercise can cause older nerve cells “to form dense, interconnected webs that make the brain run faster and more efficiently.” Aerobic exercise also helps pump more blood to the brain, which means more oxygen to nourish brain cells. Scanning technology reveals that exercise actually causes the frontal lobes to increase in size, challenging the old belief that loss of brain cells as we age is permanent. It has been shown that physically active adults have less inflammation in the brain, so they also have fewer small (and often-unnoticed) strokes that can impair cognition.1
But exercise doesn’t just affect the brain. Vigorous physical activity has been shown to reduce blood pressure, increase healthy HDL cholesterol, and strengthen cardiovascular capacity. It also increases bone density and size, which helps prevent osteoporosis and sarcopenia (loss of lean muscle mass), two common conditions of aging.2 Exercise allows your body to modulate blood-sugar levels because it helps create skeletal muscles. Along with your liver, your skeletal muscles help absorb blood sugar, saving your insulin receptors from overload. Without lean muscle mass, blood sugar that is not used by your body is absorbed as fat, which then sends out inflammatory signals, further disrupting insulin receptors. Regular exercise is also a highly effective mental-health therapy, and has been shown to improve sleep, decrease anxiety, and elevate mood.
Using Exercise to Detoxify
Some kinds of exercise are especially effective at helping you cleanse. For example, it’s important to exercise the lymph system when you are detoxifying. It has no pump like your heart, so you must activate it through movement. Daily bouncing on a mini trampoline is the best way to stimulate and move the lymph system. At Body Ecology, we recommend the Bellicon, an excellent-quality rebounder from Germany (, but any exercise that results in movement followed by ample hydration and healthy elimination through your intestines (through a normal daily bowel movement or colon therapy) can facilitate cleansing of your lymph system.
Getting Started—Exercise Tips
1. Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise (an activity you can do while breathing harder than normal) a day. It doesn’t work to follow the “weekend warrior” method of cramming an entire week’s exercise into Saturday and Sunday. Overzealous weekend exercise often results in injury and undue stress.
2. Choose forms of fitness that make you happy. Many Baby Boomers have mixed feelings about exercise because of how we were introduced to it as children. You may have felt humiliated rather than encouraged, or you might have been alienated by the intense competitiveness of team sports. And the “no pain, no gain” philosophy of many fitness programs makes exercise sound more like an ordeal than a pleasure. If you are coming to exercise later in life and don’t know where to begin, you may feel self-conscious about trying something new. Don’t despair! Everyone can enjoy some kind of exercise, whether it’s walking, biking, Pilates, or ballroom and belly dancing. Experiment and then select those activities that you most enjoy and can excel at.
3. Set step-by-step, small goals and gradually challenge yourself more. It can be elating to achieve a health or fitness goal, whether shedding a few pounds or completing a marathon. Listen to your body and follow your own unique pace.
4. Mix it up. It’s important to give all of your muscles a workout, with a good blend of cardio, strength, and flexibility exercises. This can be accomplished through cross-training. We Boomers who are die-hard runners might find ourselves struggling with tendonitis and knee issues as we get older. If you’re a runner, consider complementing your runs with some core exercises or by taking a Pilates or stretching class for flexibility. If you’re an avid golfer, you might consider rounding out your routine with a more cardiovascular-oriented activity such as swimming or biking. As you get in touch with what your mind and body need, you may find that you choose different types of exercise at different periods of your life. Walking, yoga, and t’ai chi are three types of exercise that are excellent for longevity and can be pursued no matter what your age.
5. Stretch and warm up. As we age, our muscles get sore faster and stay sore longer. Heating cold and stiff muscles with 15 minutes of warm-up exercises or stretching not only prevents soreness, it also protects us from injury, and allows our muscles to repair themselves more quickly.
Other Sweating Therapies
In the earlier chapter on cleansing, I spoke of the body’s natural ability to rid itself of waste. One of the principal ways it does so is through the skin, our largest eliminative organ. According to Mikkel Aaland, who wrote a book on bathing customs, sweating is essential not only for detoxification, but as a way to regulate body temperature and to keep the skin pliant.3
Interestingly, the appeal of the sauna surged in the 19th century after Louis Pasteur’s work encouraged more hygienic conditions during surgery and in hospitals. The country that really took the idea and ran with it was Finland, and the Finns have mastered the art of the therapeutic sauna. Other cultures have used some form of the sauna as well, such as the ceremonial sweat lodge of a number of Native American tribes.
Boomers on the Cutting Edge
Becoming Flexible Inside and Out—Resistance Stretching™
How great would it be if there were one exercise that combined all three fitness objectives—strength, flexibility, and breathwork into one? Well, there is. Renowned fitness guru Bob Cooley has developed stretches for 16 muscle groups that use the principle of resistance for improved flexibility and strength. These stretches have immediate and cumulative physiological benefits, as well as many psychological benefits. Bob has had incredible results with elite athletes as well as regular folks, and he gathered his ideas into a book called The Genius of Flexibility: The Smart Way to Stretch and Strengthen the Body.
To learn more about the Meridian Flexibility System®, go to:
Saunas are a very effective detox therapy. Most environmental toxins are fat soluble, and so they have an affinity for body lipids or fatty tissue. Metabolic organs such as the liver convert fat-soluble substances into water-soluble chemicals to facilitate excretion. Sauna therapy can enhance this process by moving these poisons from storage sites like the liver and putting them “back into circulation,” where they can then leave the body through our perspiration.4 (Colon therapy also helps remove them quickly.)
There are other benefits from saunas! They can restore energy levels, lower blood pressure, improve mental clarity, and enhance liver and immune function.
Nasal Cleansing—the Value of the Neti Pot for Eliminating Airborne Toxins
Once viewed as “one of those weird Eastern things,” neti pots have entered the mainstream now. They are simply little water pitchers, usually metal or ceramic, used to cleanse the nose, nasal passages, and sinus cavities using salted water. For thousands of years, neti pots have been a basic tool in Ayurvedic medicine, used to wash away dust, pollen, and other kinds of airborne pollution. From the yogis of India to the common man, woman, or child, when we all wake up in the morning, there is an excess of mucus in the upper part of our bodies that needs to be cleansed away.
This type of water cleansing is easy to do and involves tipping your head to the left and pouring water directly into the right nostril so that it flows back out of the left, then switching sides. Use one heaping teaspoon of sea salt to two cups (half liter) of purified water.
Performed daily, just like teeth brushing, cleansing with a neti pot will also improve the health of your eyes, ears, throat, and even your immune system. It is a must if you have allergies, chronic respiratory infections, asthma, or sinus headaches. It reduces sinus congestion and helps prevent colds and flu.
To fight a pathogen or even to prevent exposure to one, you can also add a few drops of antimicrobial essential oil (eucalyptus, tea tree, oregano, or thyme) to the salted water. The water should be close to body temperature—lukewarmish. Most health-food stores now carry neti pots that come with instructions for use. Worth owning and using, they’re an inexpensive but valuable longevity tool.
Boomers on the Cutting Edge
Infrared Saunas
Infrared saunas are a little different from conventional saunas. Rather than turning red-hot, they produce an invisible, gently radiating infrared heat through a ceramic heater. In infrared saunas only 20 percent of the energy is used to heat the air; the rest is used to heat the body. The temperature is adjustable and allows a person to sweat more quickly but also to tolerate longer periods of time inside the sauna.
Infrared saunas are excellent at ridding the body of a wide range of toxins, from heavy metals to other fat-soluble chemicals. They can be an effective treatment for many toxicity-related disorders, such as chronic fatigue; and offer many additional health benefits, such as weight loss, improved circulation, pain relief, more vibrant skin, elevation of energy, and reduction of stress.
You can also obtain the benefits of infrared-heat therapy in a mat form. The “Biomat” is an FDA-approved medical device that combines therapeutic infrared light, negative ions, and amethyst quartz as a way to reduce inflammation, eliminate toxins, and improve immune-system function. Learn more about it at:
Emotional Cleansing
Toxic buildup can occur in our hearts and spirits, just as it does in our physical bodies. We Boomers have stockpiled decades of negative memories, traumas, and unresolved conflicts and resentments. The mind and body are not isolated from one another, but are inextricably linked, and we can see the psychological and emotional origins of many illnesses today. Many of us, particularly those who struggle with chronic anxiety and depression, may benefit from traditional talk therapy with a licensed mental-health-care professional. For others, who may have had limited results in therapy or who are looking for something less time-consuming and costly, there are other helpful methodologies for releasing pent-up emotions and tensions. Many are benefiting from therapies such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and The LifeLine Technique developed by Dr. Darren Weissman (see sidebar).
Boomers on the Cutting Edge
The LifeLine Technique ™
The LifeLine Technique is an advanced holistic system developed by Dr. Darren Weissman that T discovers, interprets, and releases the root cause of physical symptoms and stress. It is a compilation of more than 14 natural-healing modalities—ranging from Applied Kinesiology, acupuncture, and the Five Element Theory of traditional Chinese medicine, to Ayurvedic medicine and the chakras, shamanism, chiropractic, homeopathy, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming—into one seamless system.
The LifeLine Technique facilitates your awakening to the root cause of the painful, scary, or stressful experiences that are manifesting as symptoms, such as physical pain, stress, or anxiety. Until the subconscious is made conscious, we are unable to make a choice or take action based on what we are truly experiencing in any given moment. Coupled with the Five Basics of Optimal Health—the proper quantity, quality, and frequency of water, food, rest, exercise, and owning your power—this technique allows you to create the best possible conditions for the body to heal itself.
Find out more about The LifeLine Technique at:
Empowering vs. Toxic Relationships
Have you ever spent an afternoon with a friend or relative and returned home feeling worn-out and depressed? It could be that your “friend” is toxic. A toxic person is someone who isn’t happy until his problems become yours. Are there people in your life who spend a lot of time complaining or blaming others for their troubles? Are you involved with someone who spends all of your time together talking about herself ? What about that co-worker who gossips incessantly every time you meet for lunch?
We’ve all known people who want us to take care of them rather than learn how to take care of themselves. They can sap our energy, and their negativity leaves us feeling helpless and on edge.
We can never entirely avoid toxic people—they are everywhere!—but we can limit the time we spend with them and establish boundaries so that their impact on our emotional lives is slight. Cheryl Richardson, who wrote Take Time for Your Life,5 suggests some questions you might ask yourself about someone you think might be toxic:
1. “Am I able to be myself with this person? Do I feel accepted by them?”
2. “Are they critical or judgmental of me?”
3. “Does the relationship provide an even give-and-take exchange of energy?”
4. “Do I feel upbeat and energized when I’m around this person, or depleted and drained?”
5. “Does this person share my values? My level of integrity?”
6. “Is this person committed to our relationship?”
7. “Can this person celebrate my success?”
8. “Do I feel good about myself when I’m with this person?”
In short, it is important to connect with people who support us, who celebrate our successes, and who want to give to us as much as to receive. Find these people, and hang on to them! (And encourage them to take better care of themselves, too, so they’ll be around for a long time.) They make living joyful and rich.
So the main take-away from this chapter is this: you will cleanse on The Diet, and you must do so to regain the energy of your youth. Wise Boomers will spend the rest of their lives honoring this important principle.
Next, in the second chapter on anti-aging therapies, you will get an in-depth look at ways to restore and increase your energy—methods to bring back your precious prenatal jing.