I have known Donna Gates for nearly a decade. During this time we have worked together with many families who have children with serious conditions, including autism and autism spectrum disorders. I have watched her tirelessly and selflessly work for these kids and their families, teaching them about the foods and methods of her Body Ecology program.
My background is in gastrointestinal surgery and health, and Donna and I have often consulted together to find the best ways to communicate the principles and advantages of Body Ecology to multiple audiences, particularly to health practitioners who are seeking to understand the medical underpinnings of the program and share it with their patients.
Donna and I have lectured and conducted several seminars together on the principles of Body Ecology for the lay public, physicians, and other health-care professionals, as well as for students planning a career as Body Ecology consultants. At some point, we became aware that this program would be a solid foundation for most anyone dealing with any type of illness, and that it would be particularly beneficial for people who are beginning to experience some of the effects and possibly the health concerns associated with aging … the Baby Boomers.
Body Ecology includes whole, organic foods, either raw or cooked gently so as to maximize the nutrient content. In addition, there is a strong emphasis on fermented foods, while eliminating simple sugars. Such a program will balance and heal the gut lining, optimize gut flora, and minimize intestinal candida, thereby promoting good intestinal health. Today, science has shown that many conditions such as arthritis, allergies, autoimmunity, and neuroinflammatory ailments, as well as several forms of cancer, have significant connections to an unhealthy intestinal tract. Throughout this book, you will see how the Body Ecology program confronts many of the diseases and concerns of aging, from cosmetic issues such as wrinkles to more serious health problems, such as Alzheimer’s.
I was pleased to be asked to serve as the medical consultant on this project, and was eager to share my perspective on the benefits and applications of the Body Ecology program as seen through the eyes of someone intimately involved in health and wellness, and who has witnessed the power of this program firsthand.
— Leonard Smith, M.D.,
medical advisor to Donna Gates & Body Ecology