
3D thinking 4950

3DsMax 106

12 Cs 9, 111

Acadia 2

accessibility 78, 857, 190

advocacy 180

agility 768, 187, 190

AI see artificial intelligence

Airbnb 121

algorithms 59, 84, 152, 153

Amara’s Law 83

Amazon 1

ambiguity 29, 152

ambiverts 51, 52

analog learning 567, 1489

analytics 177

Anthony, Dan 3, 45, 45; AEC industry 122; career path 1425; coding 312; concentration 28; curiosity 1516; engagement and retention 11617; first users 1823; hiring 96; leadership 1734, 17981; proactivity 89, 182; problem solving 177; specialists 5960; strategic thinking 158; strategic vs. hands-on work 69; user experience 856; on WeWork 1245

apps 114, 140, 187

Araujo, Fernando 7980, 138, 1534

Architecture Machines 1067

artificial intelligence (AI) 8, 824, 152, 188

aspirations 161

Audsley, Paul 5, 17980

AutoCAD 83, 106, 107, 116, 145, 158

Autodesk 1, 2, 78, 109, 120, 125

Autofill 152

automation 29, 78, 7984, 95, 107, 185, 190

Belcher, Dan 75

Bentley 76, 109, 145

Bernstein, Phil 147

Berray, Tom 105

billable time 8, 6870, 165

Billingsley, Jordan 56; billable vs. overhead 69; career path 1079; communication 21; computational thinking 29; data-driven design 153; Design Technology Committee 12930; engagement and retention 1279; entrepreneurialism 3940, 186; goals and metrics 1367; hiring 956, 97; leadership 176; mind map 99; new roles 158; risks 1378, 1412; work-life balance 49


BIM 29, 109, 152, 175, 176; BIM managers 4, 5, 1079, 139, 154, 180; design computation leaders 143; education 128; tool creation 90

Bjarke Ingels Group 88, 105, 184

Blackline Supply 3940, 108, 186

book club 11213

Borum, Craig 21

brain drain 187

Brown, Denise Scott 147

Brugger, Cory: career path 1035; hiring 935; new initiatives 178; question-asking 48; role of the Superuser 668

Burger, Shane 44, 114, 140, 144, 150; AEC industry 1212; agility 778; automation 824; billable vs. overhead 689; career paths 634; coding 301; connections 1820; contextualization 18; conversational skills 389; drive 489; engagement and retention 115, 1201; hiring 978; interpersonal skills 367; learning 412; messaging 1756; problem solving 39; soft skills 35; teaching 523; teams 646

C-Factors 67, 1533; capacitors 267; coders 303; collaborators 226; communicators 202; computational thinking 2930; concentrators 289; connectors 1820; contextualizers 18; continual improvers 278; curiosity 1517

CAD see computer-aided design

Cameron, Ryan 7, 150; accessibility 867; automation 812; career path 1067; coding 323; collaboration 223; communication 201; crowds 33; data-driven design 1523; fear of success 179; hybrid roles 61; leadership 1745; problem solving 39; scripting 345; skill rebuild approach 127; thirst for knowledge 42; thought leadership 434; value 76

CannonDesign 3, 26, 31, 42, 82; collaboration 37; design and technology integration 1545; engagement and retention 11314; hiring 100; leadership 1723; specialists 60; technology marketing 1845

capacitors 267

career paths 910, 10210, 11617, 13350; BIM managers 1079; computationally inclined architects 1067; CTOs 1035; design computation leaders 1425, 1701; designers 16770; generalists vs. specialists 634; lack of qualifications 1368; management 13840; partners 1479; peer respect 37; principals 1457; technology consultants 10910

career risk journey 9, 133, 1402, 186

Carraher, Erin 24

CASE Inc. 22, 110


Catmull, Ed 989

Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montreal (CHUM) 173, 174

CERL see Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

Chaffin, Jack 188

change 56, 178, 187

chief technology officers (CTOs) 1, 100, 1035, 139, 172; see also design technology directors; leadership

CIAs see computationally inclined architects

clients 201, 345, 181

CNC machines 166, 16970, 188, 189

CO Architects 36, 94, 97

coding 303, 678, 1067, 173

collaboration 18, 226, 378, 646, 76, 101

commercialization of tools 91, 187

communication 18, 150, 188; communicators 202; conversational skills 389, 176, 188; 5-tool players 53; messaging 1756

computational designers 7, 158; automation 81; billable time 69; career paths 9, 1334, 137, 142; communication 21, 22; hiring 96; see also design technologists; Superusers

computational thinking 2930, 36, 135

computationally inclined architects (CIAs) 1067

computer-aided design (CAD) 4, 7980, 106, 109, 176

concentrators 289

conferences 128

connectors 1820

Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) 39, 108

consultants 10910

contextualizers 18

continual improvement 278

conversational skills 389, 176, 188

Crawford, Scott 3, 163, 188; career path 16770; generalists 578; hybrid roles 62; project design 1589, 1656

creativity 100

critical thinking 101

crowds 33

curiosity 556, 100, 161

customization 323, 578, 62

data-driven design 1523, 160

Daubmann, Karl 21

design 15, 151, 1525; 5-tool players 53; KieranTimberlake 15962; Stanford 143; third space 183; see also designers

design technologists 14, 7, 445; career paths 9, 1335, 137; career risk journey 9, 133, 1402; as designers 10, 15171; generalists vs. specialists 78, 5562; hiring 92110; leadership 174; learning and growing 11415, 1278; see also computational designers; Superusers

design technology directors 137, 142, 158, 179; see also chief technology officers; leadership

Designalyze 22

designers 10, 15171; career paths 137, 16770; KieranTimberlake 15962; LMN Architects 1589, 1636; as tool builders 31

deskilling 84

digital IQ 91

Disney 1, 116

DLR Group 7, 1067, 127; coding 32; communication 20; hybrid roles 601; knowledge sharing 44; leadership 174; problem solving 39; scripting 34; value 76

Downey, Zach 22

drive 489

Dweck, Carol 27

Dynamo 88, 109, 1823, 190; accessibility 85; communication 20; computational thinking 29; interoperability 19; scripting 34, 81

education 128, 1356; see also training

The Eleventh project 88, 105, 179, 181, 184

emotional intelligence 2, 3, 102

emotions 51

empowerment 1856

engagement and retention 9, 11130

Ennead Shanghai Planetarium 38, 41

entrepreneurialism 3940, 50, 186

Espinal, Hilda 3, 26; career paths 142; collaboration 378; design and technology integration 1545; engagement and retention 11314; hiring 99100; leadership 1723, 178, 1856; messaging 176; specialists 60; teachability 42; technology marketing 1845


Excel 34, 108

existential crisis 11213

extroverts 51, 52

fail fast approach 423

first users 1823

5-tool players 534

fixed mindset 27

Flux 19, 878

force multipliers 501

Frankenstein Inc. 166, 188

Gaudi, Antoni 57

generalist/specialist hybrid roles 602, 190

generalists 3, 78, 558, 68, 122, 190

Gensler 127

Georgia Tech 127

goals 1367, 138, 1612

Google 120

Google Cardboard 27, 86

Google Earth 32

Grasshopper 17, 88, 121; accessibility 85; automation 81; career paths 109, 139, 143; computational thinking 29; education 135; interoperability 19, 75; powerusers 98; scripting 81; specialists 59; teaching 53

Grimshaw 121

grit 278

growth mindset 27

hand, working by 567, 1489, 170

hard skills 2, 111

Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) 2, 109, 127

HCM see Hord Coplan Macht

Heumann, Andrew 367, 115, 144, 184; automation 83; interoperability 87; user interface work 84; Wombat 19

hiring 89, 92110, 187

HKS 48, 667, 1035, 183

Holland, Nate 5, 180

Hord Coplan Macht (HCM) 21, 29, 3940, 95, 1079, 176

hybrid roles 602, 190

Illustrator 83

InDesign 83

innovation 1034, 148, 173

intangibles 7, 4853

interactive technologies 1645

interdisciplinary skills 2

interfaces 84, 856

interoperability 19, 756, 79, 878, 166

interpersonal intelligence 2, 189

interpersonal skills 368, 188

intranets 20

intrinsic rewards 191

introverts 51, 52

IrisVR 245, 38, 401, 456, 86, 10910

iteration 278, 47

Izenour, Steven 147

Katerra 1, 116, 119

Keough, Ian 190

KieranTimberlake: capacity 267; design and technology 15962; digital design platform 28, 157, 160, 161; engagement and retention 11920; ethos of innovation 148; fail fast approach 42; 5-tool players 534; generalists 556, 57; hiring 96; hybrid roles 61; Knowledge Community 2; partners 70; question-asking 47; tool creation 8990

knowledge 16, 174; sharing 434, 177; thirst for 42; tool creation 90

Konstru 20, 40, 87, 139, 165

Krissel, Matthew: capacity 267; career path 1479; commercialization of tools 91; competing with startups 1234; continual improvement 278; design and technology 15962, 163; engagement and retention 11920; fail fast approach 423; 5-tool players 534; force multipliers 501; generalists 557; hiring 96, 989, 1002; hybrid roles 61; question-asking 478; specialists 59, 701; time split 70; tool creation 8990

Kron, Zach 10910

Lanier, Jaron 40

leadership 10, 114, 17286; buy-in during hiring process 96; career paths 1425, 1701; challenges 1745; collaborative 24; design leaders 1656, 1701; empowerment 1856; fear of success 179; keeping up with technology 182; problem solving 177; provenance 17981; thinking about the next thing 178; third space 1823

Lean approach 767

learning 7, 36, 412; continuous 43, 101, 11415, 125; leader’s learning curve 182

listening 47

LMN Architects 3, 75, 188; automation 29; career paths 16770; collaboration 234; engagement and retention 11113, 11719; generalists 578; hiring 98; LMNts 158, 164, 165, 169, 183; modeling 102; storytelling 46; Tech Studio 1636; Voxman’s Theatroacoustic System 189

Logan, Tim 76

Lukanic, Brad 154

Lyrebird 76

machine learning 84, 85, 143

Maimon, Richard 27

management 13840

marketing 1835

Maya 106

McCrone, Colin 2

mentoring 70, 99, 101, 147

messaging 1756

Microsoft Power BI 34

Microsoft Word 83

Miller, Nate 106, 157

mindset 7, 30, 42, 94, 156, 187; computational thinking 29; engagement and retention 111; entrepreneurial 40; fixed vs. growth 27; managing people 139

mistakes 423

models 578, 59, 65, 102, 1523, 155

Morphosis 48, 66, 935

Mullenix, Ryan 1801

music 25

NBBJ 3, 15, 45, 69; career paths 143; coding 32; engagement and retention 11617; hiring 96; leadership 1734, 17981; specialists 59; user experience 85

Negro, Federico 120

Netflix 128

obsolescence 163, 164

overhead 8, 6870, 92, 165

pain points 789, 85, 190

Pasquarelli, Greg 145, 147

Passerelle 173, 174

peer recognition 37

perfectionism 42

persistence 278, 101, 188

personality 21, 512, 94

platforms 20

plug-ins 20, 756, 81, 85, 87, 121

poaching 978

Polzin, David 154

Porter Athletic 39, 108

powerusers 98

Pratt Institute 17

predictive design 152

priorization 49, 101

proactivity 89, 182

problem solving 39, 50, 177, 179, 182

productivity 767, 79, 161, 190

professional development 101, 11314

project architects 5, 137, 141, 158

Project Collaboration 646

project designers 5, 137, 1589, 1656

project managers 5, 137, 138, 141, 154, 158

project work 667, 69, 70, 115

Puyol, Ana Garcia: career path 10910; collaboration 246; continual improvement 27; contribution 401; entrepreneurial attitude 40; Google Cardboard 86; models 155; personality 52; storytelling 456

Python 135

question-asking 478, 556, 188

R&D programs 59, 66, 116

recruitment 89, 92110

reflection 76

relevance 78

research 53, 556, 101, 182

retention 9, 111, 115, 187, 1901

Revit 80, 83; career paths 106, 107, 108, 143; coding 32; The Eleventh project 181; interoperability 19, 756, 88; scripting 34; specialists 59; teams 65

rewards 191

Rhino 17, 80; career paths 106, 107, 145; interoperability 88; specialists 59

Ringley, Brian 4, 367, 589, 115, 1223; career path 13840; communication 212; curiosity 1617; design and technology 154, 1567; interoperability 878; marketing technology 1834; narrow focus 125; personality 51; problem solving 39; user interface work 84; Wombat 19

risk 6, 28, 1378, 152; career risk journey 9, 133, 1402, 186; sharing 190

Rodriguez, Hiram: accessibility 85; automation 801, 84; career path 1335, 1701; communication 22; computational thinking 30; hybrid roles 612; leadership 179; R&D programs 116; teaching 53; technology marketing 185; 3D thinking 4950

rotation 1856

salaries 1901

SCB see Solomon Cordwell Buenz

Schumacher, Jonatan 20, 40, 110, 139

scripting 34, 35, 80, 81

Scrum approach 767

Shanghai Planetarium 38, 41

Shaw, George 75, 76

Shelden, Dennis 109

simulations 56, 57, 149

sketching 170

SketchUp 107, 174

skills 24, 30, 121; Cameron 1067; communication 188; conversational 389, 176, 188; hard 2, 111; hiring 96, 978; interpersonal 368, 188; skill rebuild approach 127; social 53; soft 2, 6, 301, 35, 102, 111

SmartGeometry 2

Smith, Ryan E. 24

social media 21

social skills 53

soft skills 2, 6, 301, 35, 102, 111

software development 77, 8890, 1201, 1701, 187; coding 301; productivity 79; soft skills 35; value creation 75

Solomon Cordwell Buenz (SCB) 79, 138, 153

specialists 78, 55, 5860, 68, 701, 190; career paths 634, 137; generalist/specialist hybrid roles 602; hiring 96; KieranTimberlake 57; T-shaped Superusers 122; technology marketing 185

Speckle 20

Stanford 1423

startups 1, 9, 11625, 165, 187, 1901

Stefanescu, Dimitrie 20

Stevens Institute 2, 127, 139

storytelling 456, 1889

success, fear of 179

SuperSpace 20

Superusers 4, 6, 18792; billable vs. overhead 6870; C-Factors 67, 1533; career paths 910, 10210, 13350; definition of 23; engagement and retention 9, 11130; generalist/specialist hybrid role 602, 190; as generalists 558; hiring 89, 92110; leadership 10, 17286; roles of 78, 5571; as specialists 55, 5860; superpowers 7, 3454; value 8, 7591; see also computational designers; design technologists

Susskind, R. and D. 111

Syp, Marc 5, 180

talent 1, 187

teachability 7, 36, 412, 1889

teaching 523

teams 646, 989, 159, 1834, 190; building your team 345; hybrid roles 61; teaching 53; team leaders 190

technical architects 138

technology 2, 10, 151, 1535, 1567; keeping up with 182; KieranTimberlake 15962; marketing technology capabilities 1835; third space 183

technology consultants 10910

third space 1823

Thornton Tomasetti 40, 49; automation 801; career paths 134; communication 22; computational thinking 30; hybrid roles 61; R&D program 116; teaching 53; TT CORE 110, 116, 134, 165, 183

thought leadership 435, 139, 188

time 267

tool agnosticism 53, 101, 161

tool creation 8890

tool virtuosity 102

training 9, 1258, 137, 165

Twitter 212, 89, 182

UC Riverside Recreation Center 6

uncertainty 289, 100, 152

University of Arizona 163, 167, 168

UNStudio 187

upskilling 1258

user experience 789, 857, 190

value 8, 22, 7591, 181, 190

Van Berkel, Ben 187

Van Dyck, Stephen 756, 188; career paths 140, 1457; collaboration 234; computational thinking 2930; engagement and retention 11113, 11719; hiring 98; storytelling 46; Tech Studio 1636; tool creation 88

Vander Ploeg, Michael 43

Venturi, Robert 147

vertically integrated companies 1, 119, 123, 124

Virgin 128

virtual reality (VR) 245, 401, 46, 82, 86, 185

vision 160, 162, 188

visualization 53, 56, 149, 170; design 153; KieranTimberlake 90; scripting 34; user experience 85

Voxman’s Theatroacoustic System 189

VR see virtual reality

WeWork 1, 4, 17, 40, 51, 58, 138; comparison with AE firm 1245; curiosity 16; narrow focus 125; working for 116, 11718, 119, 120, 121

Wombat 19, 878, 184

Woods Bagot 17, 18, 59, 114, 140, 150; agility 778; automation 824; The Eleventh project 179, 181; engagement and retention 115, 121; leadership 175; soft skills 35; teams 53, 646; technology marketing 184

wordsmithing 1756

work ethic 53

work-life balance 49, 60

Wright, Frank Lloyd 127

Wynyard Walk 19

Yazdani, Mehrdad 154