The Cannabis Plant
A Brief History of Cannabis
Cannabis has been growing on this planet for thousands, maybe millions of years, since quite some time before human intervention. Cannabis can be grown nearly anywhere, as long as the temperature is not consistently cold and there is enough sunlight and food for the plant to flourish. In Asia, you can travel to various regions around Mongolia and visit the cannabis plant growing naturally on hillsides and across vast plains, sometimes covering entire hill faces and spreading across the valley below. The origins of cannabis are not entirely clear, but biologists and cannabis researchers generally agree that the plant first took root somewhere in the Himalayas. The evidence for this conclusion is found in cannabis’ paleobotanical record.
Cannabis Paleobotany
Support for the theory that cannabis began its life in the Himalayas comes from historical record. Paleobotany is a branch of paleontology that deals with plant fossils and ancient vegetation. Palynology is the scientific study of spores and pollen. Cannabis fossil evidence is accessible in the form of plant fibers, pollen grains, seed remains, trichome remains, and artificial compounds found at locations of archaeological interest. An abundance of primordial pollen grains have been recovered from many European sites. Asia has lots of cannabis plant impressions on ancient pieces of ceramics, along with seed remains. Africa and Europe have some incinerated residue or ash deposits but the instances are rare. Cannabis trichomes remain the best possible paleobotanical evidence for cannabis’ history because they do not decompose quickly. Ancient trichome remnants have been analyzed for cannabinoid content and can be matched with specific cannabis plant populations.

Map of Asia: the square indicates where cannabis is believed to have originated.
Mankind has been using cannabis as far back as we know he existed. The burial shroud of a Celtic chieftain found at Hochdoft (550–500 BC) was made from a cannabis fiber textile. Danish Bronze Age skirt cords made from cannabis fiber have been dated back to 1250 BC. The Gravettians were an industrial culture of the European Upper Paleolithic (the Old Stone Age); considered hunters and gatherers, they also developed human technology such as stone tools. Hunting nets made from cannabis and used by the Gravettians have been dated by researcher H. Pringle from 24,980 to 22,870 BC.
3 Pringle′s findings at the Czech Republic sites also revealed more impressions of cannabis fiber in the clay floors of excavated living quarters.
Ancient cannabis breeding is archaeologically recorded by the botanist N.I. Vavilov, who worked with wild cannabis populations to reproduce the first domesticated cannabis cultivar, thought to be first bred some 6500 years ago in Mongolia
4—although throughout this region and into China pollen was transmitted over long distances by bees to northeast India.
5 Major domestication occurred in northern China and still continues to this day.
6 While the evidence for the Mongolian cultivar origins is good, there is general consensus that the larger center of domestication was probably Pan-p’o, China, around 4500 BC.
The record of pollen evidence for the dispersal of cannabis across Europe and the Middle East shows that it was established in the Balkans during the Greek and Roman Empire, spreading upward and east.
8 Evidence for Roman usage is well documented in their literature, but cultivation was almost nonexistent for environmental reasons. Poland has deposits of pollen evidence in lakebeds that are dated to 3500 BC,
9 with some grains dating back to 5000 BC.
10 Great Britain has provided a wealth of cannabis palynological evidence for early cultivation and usage, dating back to the start of the first century.
The cannabis plant has managed to travel across the globe without the involvement of humans. As we have learned, the seed has been carried by the wind, bees, in bird droppings, and has attached itself to animals that trek over long distances, thus globally dispersing the plant naturally.
Today, human intervention has forced the cannabis plant to be grown under more controlled conditions and in areas where the plant would not have previously existed. That same intervention has also forced indigenous cannabis and foreign cannabis crops to be destroyed.
Landrace Cannabis
Landrace, also known as land race, is an important word when it comes to understanding types of wild cannabis and types of domesticated cannabis. While originally the term was meant to refer to a specific breed of hog, in later times it has been adopted by the scientific community to mean something else—especially in botany. J. R. Harlan defines landrace as having
a certain genetic integrity. They are recognizable morphologically; farmers have names for them and different landraces are understood to differ in adaptation to soil type, time of seed, date of maturity, height, nutritive value, use and other properties. Most important, they are genetically diverse. They are balanced populations—variable, in equilibrium with both environment and pathogens and genetically dynamic.
Italian botanical glossarists suggest that landraces “are crop populations in balance with their environment, and remain relatively stable over a long period of time.”
13 Robin Pistorius records that landraces are “farmer-developed cultivars of crop plants, which are adapted to local environmental conditions.”
14 Friis-Hansen and Sthapit state that landraces are
farmer-developed varieties of crop plants that are heterogeneous, adapted to local environment conditions and have their own local names. In other words, landraces are farmers’ varieties, which have not been improved by formal or private/NGO breeding programs. Modern cultivars can be grown by farmers and over a period of time, especially when self-seed is used and selection is practiced, can ‘evolve’ into a landrace.
Nomenclature of cultigens based on evolutionary process. Here the four categories of nomenclature of Cannabis cultigens would be “wild species”, “Landrace”, “Farmers’ Variety”, and “Improved Cultivar.”
More recently, Sanjeev Saxena and Anurudh K. Singh published an article titled “Revisit to Definitions and Need for Inventorization or Registration of Landrace, Folk, Farmers’ and Traditional Varieties Published by Current Science.” In that article, they produced the following nomenclature of cultigens based on evolutionary process.
The Afghani plant has been used by many modern cannabis plant breeders to create improved cultivars. Kush, Master Kush, and the Hash Plant are well-known landrace strains. Farmers’ varieties can make their way back into the wild species populations. In Afghanistan there are several different landrace cannabis along with several farmers’ varieties. The improved cultivars of these are mostly found to be bred for modern domestic drug cultivation.
Cannabis and Modern Law
Wild and landrace cannabis plants are rarer in countries that have tried to eliminate the plant by burning fields and conditioning woodlands. In certain countries, the cannabis plant has been identified as a dangerous drug and has been eradicated by government and law-enforcement officials. Highly adaptable, however, the cannabis plant has survived these attempts at eradication in secret indoor and outdoor grow spaces around the world.
The High
Cannabis plants produce psychoactive ingredients called cannabinoids. The main ingredient in cannabinoids that gives the high effect is called THC, also known as Tetrahydrocannabinol or δ9-THC, δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol. All strains vary in THC levels and quantities or percentages. There is a difference between THC levels and THC quantities.
THC Levels
THC levels are genetically determined, meaning the grower cannot remarkably influence how potent the strain inherently is. This inbuilt level can only be produced by the grower through the growth of a greater quantity (meaning a bigger yield after harvest). The grower can influence a plant to reach a genetically inherent level of optimal growth to produce the largest quantity of THC the plant is capable of.
THC Quantities
THC quantities are related to bud mass and how much resin can be collected from that bud mass. By way of example: the level of THC found in a single trichome gland when comparing the cannabinoid content of that trichome was 10 percent. That plant produced .5 oz. of resin under average growing conditions. Out of that resin, maybe .05 oz. was THC. This 10 percent level seems to be genetically set in the plant. Under optimal growing conditions, the plant may have the genetic capability of producing .75 oz. of resin. Out of that resin, maybe .075 oz. will be THC. It is the case here that the THC quantity has increased from .05 to .075 oz., but the THC level of 10 percent remained the same.
This is what it is all about. These are the results that every grower eventually hopes to see: colas deep with resinous trichomes.
Elevation view of trichomes. The density and sizes of trichomes can vary quite dramatically between strains. Note bigger and more does not necessarily mean stronger.
THC levels correspond to the ratio of THC to other cannabinoids contained in the trichomes of the pistils of flowering female plant. Although this ratio varies depending on the strain, how it is grown, when it is harvested, and how it is cured, under optimal conditions a stable strain should produce a consistent THC level that is genetically inherited. Once the THC level is genetically set in the seed it cannot be increased past this point during the plant’s life.
16 Likewise, the maximum quantity of bud that the plant can produce is also genetic and cannot increase past this point during the plant’s life. The grower should endeavor to create a growing environment that optimizes both these traits to their full potential. Emphasis should be made here on choosing good genetics. You can’t improve on something that isn’t there in the first place. This cannot be understated.
An optimally potent plant will have both high levels and quantities of delta-9 THC. Cannabis plants also produce a compound called delta-8 THC. This ingredient is found in low levels but does contribute to the high. When we mention THC levels, we are referring to both delta-8 and delta-9 THC. There are also other ingredients that add to the high, such as CBD, CBN, THCV, CBDV, CDC, and CBL. Since these are minor components compared to THC they will not be discussed in this book.
When examining a strain in a seed bank catalogue you can check the THC levels of that plant to understand the potency. Many seed retailers and breeders measure their plants’ THC levels and offer accounts of how much THC their plants have. Of course, breeders may be tempted to embellish the THC levels their plants produce. If you want to know more about the THC level of a specific strain, you should consider consulting the seed bank or breeder for details.
Another interesting fact is that some cannabis plants do not produce any THC at all. These plants have been bred to produce very low levels of THC and are mainly used by farmers in countries that permit the growth of cannabis for textile production.This hemp does not produce a high. (These hemp seeds may be found in birdseed.)
Some female plants produce resin glands that contain lots of resin but are not considerably potent. Other plants may have little resin but be highly potent. Optimal growth gives rise to a plant that has both a considerable amount of resin and is highly potent. Resin glands are produced all over the female flowers and new leaves, and can be seen clearly with the use of a magnifying aid. These resin glands are called trichomes.
Trichomes grow on almost all of the bud mass. Notice the slight variations of trichome shapes, sizes and amounts between leaf (bottom) and pistil (right).
Flowers change their appearance over time. This freshly manicured bud displays orange pistils that were once creamy colored. Growers can gauge harvesting times by this.
Savour the moment. Feel proud of your efforts and takes notes on what you see, smell, taste and feel. This can help with future changes you may want to make or keep.
Resin can be rubbed off the bud using your fingers and then rolled into the palms to create small balls of hand-rubbed hashish. The main concentration of produced cannabinoids and THC exists within these glands. When a plant is in full flowering, some of the resin glands may explode or break, dropping resin onto the leaves below, giving these leaves an extra-shiny, potent look during flowering. Toward the bottom of the plant are the fan leaves. These leaves are generally large, outstretched, and used to collect light for plant growth. Because these leaves are far away from the top of the plant and the furthest away from the light, they produce the least amount of resin glands and collect the least amount of burst resin from the tops. They are not considered to be very potent. It is best to separate the fan leaves from the rest of the plant after harvesting, as these leaves will not provide the best high.
Zero Zero
Cannabis can be cured into various forms. Most popular is hashish, also known simply as hash.
Hashish can also be graded, and one of the most famous grades of hashish is called Zero Zero. Hashish making can improve—but sometimes degrades—the overall potency of marijuana. The grades of hashish are as follows: 00 (Zero Zero), 0, 1, 2, 3. Zero Zero is by far the purest form of hashish and comes from plants that have high levels of THC in conjunction with a good hash-making technique. Sometimes the technique may be good, yet the levels of THC in the plant are low. This may produce a hash grade of 2 or 3. The best way you can be sure of actually acquiring a high grade of hashish is by making it yourself.
Powder power.This is a collection of resin and some plant material that has been screened. This concentrate can be quite potent.
This is the most popular form that hashish comes in. Graded according to quality and quantity of cannabinoids against plant materials.
This Sweet Purple from Paradise Seeds has been bred for traits that really stand out. Photo Paradise Seeds.
A difficult low-yield strain to grow, but very potent, Neville’s Haze is reputedly some of the strongest cannabis around.
The potency of a plant depends on a number of factors. It should be the goal of every grower to produce a potent, high-grade product. Hash-making is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 17.
The Plant
When the word cannabis is uttered, the image of the famous leaf shape is immediately recalled. Leaves are in fact the least potent part of the plant, next to the stem and the roots. The cannabis plant can be divided into six main sections, the bud, stem, branch, nodes, leaves, and main cola.
Next, note that cannabis plants have genders. They can be male, female, or a mixed gender (commonly called the hermaphrodite condition). There is also a condition of the female plant called sinsemilla that growers and breeders alike need to understand.
Male Plant
The male plant contains low levels of THC and does not taste very good, but it can produce a high. Growers only cultivate male plants for pollen so that they can make seeds.
Female Plant
The female plant, when pollinated, produces THC but also produces seeds, which prevents larger quantities of bud from growing.
Hermaphrodite Plant
Hermaphrodite plants contain both male and female organs. If the pollen is viable, the plant will automatically pollinate itself (selfing), resulting in a crop that can never be sinsemilla. Some plants will become hermaphrodites under poor growing conditions or periods of great stress. Certain strains are more likely to become hermaphroditic than others. In general, growers avoid hermaphrodites.
Sinsemilla Plant
A non-pollinated female, or sinsemilla plant will produce more flowering buds and more quantities of THC than the male plant or a seeded female plant of the same strain. The buds produce resin, which contains THC and can drop down or spread onto the leaves. When fully mature, it should produce a very pleasing high, depending on the grow method, strain of plant, and time of harvest.
Males do not have pistils. Males are mostly used to provide pollen for future breeding endeavours to make seeds. Most growers cull them from the garden.
Hermaphrodite flowers, containing both male and female parts, are to be avoided. A stressed plant or unwelcome genetics can produce this undesirable result.
It should be the goal of every cannabis cultivator to grow non-pollinated female plants because these produce the best yield. The goal of a cannabis breeder is to produce quality seeds and plants. How breeders and growers achieve these goals is the subject of this book.
Cannabis Species
One of the mostly hotly contested topics in cannabis is the question of species. For nearly two hundred years, cannabis has been the subject of several serious and often contentious studies, including court trials, to determine its taxonomy. There was a legal necessity to make a viable (and possibly universal) statement on a complete scientific orientation for the cannabis species, along with a need to identify lawful and illicit substances.
17 For this reason, the categorizing of cannabis is of immediate scientific concern. Today, we are able to answer many of these questions because of advancements in genetic research.
The History of the Scientific Classification of Cannabis
Older sources, such as the
Encyclopaedia Brittanica, defines Cannabaceae as
of the hemp family of the nettle order (Urticales), containing two genera and three species of aromatic herbs distributed throughout temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Older authorities included the two genera, Cannabis and Humulus, in the mulberry (fig) family (Moraceae).
The order of Rosales has replaced Urticales, but cannabis (hemp) is still in the same family Cannabaceae along with Hops (Humulus) and Celtis (hackberries). This means that cannabis is only in the same order of Rosales (Urticales) as nettles but is of the different family Cannabaceae and is more distinctly called cannabis to distinguish itself from Hops and Celtis (including the genera Gironniera, Parasponia, Pteroceltis, and Trema). Proceeding from this formal classification is the question over cannabis species.
The term
species is hard to define, but it can be referred to as “a fundamental category of taxonomic classification, ranking below a genus or subgenus and consisting of related organisms capable of interbreeding.”
19 However, biologists agree that taxonomy at the species level is not always clear because it is a manmade description with limitations. A species is a classification of a distinct genus into groups that meets the main criteria of a population; the species reproduces itself by breeding within its own population group to produce fertile offspring. Usually, this definition comes with some standards that need to be upheld. If a population group, a species, can breed outside of its group, with another species population, to produce fertile offspring, then this appears to be in violation of the definition. At least one of the two parents seems to have been incorrectly classified as a different species to the other parent. It seems they should be from the same species and classed as such. However, some species can break these standards. Understanding geographical isolation is important because of the role it plays in species classification. Sometimes two separate populations, although considered separate species, can interbreed and produce viable offspring. They are nicknamed a “ring-species” because of these wider reaching breeding capabilities. Some ring-species produce infertile offspring. A common example is a cross between a donkey and horse to produce an infertile mule.
Normally a pistil or two will show at first. With a magnifying aid you might even see these sooner with less growth.
There should be more than just one pistil. Look around the node areas of the plant. When one shows more will quickly follow.
This type of flowering development should be plentiful around the plant at all of the node regions. By this time a grower would have flipped to the 12/12 photoperiod.
It is important to know that all varieties of cannabis can interbreed, and produce fertile offspring.
The truth is that “species” is just a labelling system. The existence of a species was questioned by Charles Darwin in The Origin of Species (1859). Darwin verified through the mechanism of natural selection that all organisms had gradually evolved from a common ancestor. This effect is much like a tree with branches and every branch being the line from which new organisms are evolving. Because of extinction large segments of this tree vanish from the face of the Earth while other segments remain. Even though a gradual evolution of an organism has taken place, these gradual changes are not always seen living among us (for example, the dinosaurs are extinct); however, had all of the history of biological things been present, we would have great trouble with the term “species” because the diversity would seem much less. In fact, it might be no more than the difference of a pimple between creatures. It certainly does expand the mind to envision such a spectacular zoo. However, Darwin’s point was clear. The concept of species is a human labelling system that gets in the way of seeing biological evolution as a gradual process of biological diversity. If we don’t forget this then we can make some headway.
1753. The genus (genera) for cannabis is contested. The father of modern taxonomy, Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus (May 23, 1707–January 10, 1778) also known as the nobleman Carl von Linné, invented a scheme of nomenclature classification and published it in his
Systema Naturae. After observing what he called “Cannabis (hemp),” he subsumed all the cannabis varieties he studied under the name Cannabis sativa. The genus is called “Cannabis sativa L.”—in the order of Linnaeus.
Since we know that all varieties (strains) of cannabis can interbreed and produce fertile offspring, this means that the species Cannabis sativa L. satisfies an important criterion for a single species orientation.
1785. The French biologist Jean Lamarck immediately challenged this single species orientation by classifying a distinctive second species of cannabis, “C. indica.” Lamarck was very precise about the differences:
This plant, of which Mr. Sonnerat has sent us some samples which he collected in India, appears to us a species very distinct from the preceding. It is smaller, more branched, with a firmer, nearly cylindrical stem, and it particularly is distinguished in that the leaves are all constantly alternate. The leaflets are very narrow, linear-lanceolate, and very acuminate. Male individuals have five or seven leaflets; but those which are female commonly carry only three on each petiole and the upper leaves themselves are quite simple. The calyces of the female flowers are velvety, the long styles are similarly velvety. This plant grows in the East Indies. Its firm stem and thin bark make it incapable of furnishing similar fibres to the preceding species (C. sativa L.) of which so much use is made.
1849. A. R Delile names a species found in China as C. chinensis Delile. Ind. Sem. Hort. Monst. And in 1851, he names another C. gigantea Delile. L.
1924. D. E Janischevsky writes the paper “Forma konopli na sornykh mestakh v yugo-vostochnoi rossii.” Affiliated with the University of Saratov, in the former Soviet Union, he proposed the species C. ruderalis Janisch, or C. sativa L. f. ruderalis (Janisch.), or C. sativa L subsp. spontanea Serebr.
1929. Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov and D. D. Bukinich write the paper “Zemledelcheskii Afghanistan. Trudy po prikladnoi botanike, genetike i selektsii. Prilozhenie” to approve of the use of C. indica while naming a wild variety of cannabis they studied, C. indica var. kafiristanica.
Durban Poison
1974. The botanists Richard E. Schultes and Loran Anderson conducted taxonomic studies of cannabis, concluding that the multiple species model of three species, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica Lam., and Cannabis ruderalis, should be used appropriately. These proposed species are simply described: “C. sativa is tall and laxly branched with relatively narrow leaflets, Cannabis indica is shorter, conical in shape, and has relatively wide leaflets, and Cannabis ruderalis is short, branchless, and grows wild in central Asia.”
1976. Small and Cronquist revise 223 years of taxonomy to conclude that speciation—the creation of a new species by the division of an old one—has not occurred in cannabis. They forward the original proposal by Carolus Linnaeus for a single species model, Cannabis sativa L., with two subspecies, C. sativa L. subsp. sativa and C. sativa L. subsp indica (Lam) and C. sativa L. subsp. indica var. kafiristanica (Vavilov).
2005. K.W. Hillig discovers genetic evidence for speciation in Cannabaceae.
Sample populations of 157 Cannabis accessions of diverse geographic origin were surveyed for allozyme variation at 17 gene loci. The frequencies of 52 alleles were subjected to principal components analysis. A scatter plot revealed two major groups of accessions. The sativa gene pool includes fiber/seed landraces from Europe, Asia Minor, and Central Asia, and ruderal populations from Eastern Europe. The indica gene pool includes fiber/seed landraces from eastern Asia, narrow-leafleted drug strains from southern Asia, Africa, and Latin America, wide-leafleted drug strains from Afghanistan and Pakistan, and feral populations from India and Nepal. A third putative gene pool includes ruderal populations from Central Asia. None of the previous taxonomic concepts that were tested adequately circumscribe the sativa and indica gene pools. A polytypic concept of Cannabis is proposed, which recognizes three species, C. sativa, C. indica and C. ruderalis, and seven putative taxa.
BC | Qunubu, Konaba27,28, qěnēh bośem29, κανναβɩς, kannabis and hemp |
AD | hemp, Indian hemp, cannabis, and marijuana30 |
Early Suggestions for Single Species |
1753 by Carolus Linnaeus | C. sativa L. or Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa |
Early Dispute / Reputed New Species |
1785 by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck | C. indica Lam |
1849 A. R. Delile31 | C. chinensis Delile |
Modern Dispute / Reputed New Species |
1924 by D. E Janischevsky32 | C. ruderalis Janisch. or C. sativa L. f. ruderalis (Janisch.) or C. sativa L subsp. spontanea Serebr |
1929 by Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov33 C. | indica var. kafiristanica (Vavilov) |
Modern Research |
1974 by Richard E. Schultes and Loran Anderson34 C. | C. indica |
C. ruderalis |
sativa |
Modern Dispute / Research Dispute |
1976 by Ernest Small & Cronquist35 | C. indica Lam to Cannabis sativa L. subsp. indica (Lam.) |
C. indica var. kafiristanica (Vav) to C. sativa subsp. indica var. kafiristanica (Small & Cronquist) |
C. chinensis Delile to C. sativa subsp. sativa var. sativa (Small & Cronquist) |
2005 by Karl W. Hillig | Cannabis sativa L. subsp. indica (Lam.) to C. indica |
Hillig understood that there was a need to know whether or not speciation had occurred in cannabis. In a follow-up paper Hillig writes,
Botanists disagree whether Cannabis (Cannabaceae) is a monotypic or polytypic genus. A systematic investigation was undertaken to elucidate underlying evolutionary and taxonomic relationships within the genus. Genetic, morphological, and chemotaxonomic analyses were conducted on 157 Cannabis accessions of known geographic origin. Sample populations of each accession were surveyed for allozyme variation at 17 gene loci. Principal component (PC) analysis of the allozyme allele frequencies revealed that most accessions were derived from two major gene pools corresponding to C. sativa L., and C. indica Lam. A third putative gene pool corresponds to C. ruderalis Janisch. Previous taxonomic treatments were tested for goodness of fit to the pattern of genetic variation. Based on these results, a working hypothesis for a taxonomic circumscription of Cannabis was proposed that is a synthesis of previous polytypic concepts. Putative infraspecific taxa were assigned to “biotypes” pending formal taxonomic revision. Genetic variation was highest in the hemp and feral biotypes and least in the drug biotypes. Morphometric traits were analyzed by PC and canonical variates (CV) analysis. PC analysis failed to differentiate the putative species, but provided objective support for recognition of infraspecific taxa of C. sativa and C. indica. CV analysis resulted in a high degree of discrimination of the putative species and infraspecific taxa. Variation in qualitative and quantitative levels of cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and other cannabinoids was determined, as were frequencies of alleles that control CBD and THC biosynthesis. The patterns of variation support a two-species concept, but not recognition of C. ruderalis as a separate species from C. sativa. PC analysis of terpenoid variation showed that the wide-leaflet drug (WLD) biotype of C. indica produced enhanced mean levels of guaiol and isomers of eudesmol, and is distinct from the other putative taxa. In summary, the results of this investigation show that a taxonomic revision of Cannabis is warranted. However, additional studies of putative wild populations are needed to further substantiate the proposed taxonomic treatment.
Cannabis Taxonomy for Scientists and Researchers
Reputable government scientific bodies such as the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, and the National Genetic Resources Program would concur with the USDA Plants Database as well as the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). They agree with Carolus Linnaeus, Ernest Small, and Cronquist.
Scientific Cannabis Taxonomy
It is important that we also understand the species dispute as it applies to breeder terminology. If a breeder uses the standard set forth by GRIN, the USDA Plants Database and ITIS, then a better standardizing and consensus can be achieved within the scientific community.
Kingdom | Plantae |
Division | Magnoliophyta |
Class | Magnoliopsida |
Order | Rosales |
Family | Cannabaceae |
Genus | Cannabis L. |
Species | Cannabis |
Cannabis sativa L. ssp. indica (Lam.) |
Cannabis sativa L. ssp. Sativa |
Subspecies | C. sativa L subsp. spontanea Serebr. |
Cannabis sativa L. ssp. sativa var. spontanea Vavilov |
This photo of Super Silver Haze from Green House Seed Co. clearly shows the pistils growing from the calyx. Photo Green House Seed Co.
Breeders’ Strain Type Terminology
For the breeding community, working inside the last part of this last model provides several problems in terms of breeding and marketing. Breeders side with models such as Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, D. E Janischevsky, and especially Richard E. Schultes and Loran Anderson.
Kingdom | Plantae |
Division | Magnoliophyta |
Class | Magnoliopsida |
Order | Rosales |
Family | Cannabaceae |
Genus | Cannabis L. |
Species | C. indica |
| C. sativa |
| C. ruderalis |
The next comparison model shows the cross-reference.
Proposed Breeder’s cannabis taxonomy |
Division | Magnoliophyta |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Division | Magnoliophyta |
Class | Magnoliopsida |
Order | Rosales |
Family | Cannabaceae |
Genus | Cannabis L. |
Species | Cannabis sativa L. ssp. indica (Lam.) as |
| C. sativa L. ssp. Indica |
| Cannabis sativa L. ssp. sativa as C. sativa L. |
Subspecies | C. sativa L subsp. spontanea Serebr |
Varieties, Strains, Subspecies, and Hybrids
Adopting the USDA sources for a moment, there are six immediate possible combinations because the offspring can only share two parents.
C. sativa L. ssp. indica. | C. sativa L. ssp. Indica x C. sativa L. ssp. indica. |
C. sativa L subsp. spontanea Serebr. | C. sativa L subsp. spontanea Serebr x C. sativa L subsp. spontanea Serebr. |
C. sativa L. | C. sativa L. x C. sativa L. |
C. sativa L subsp. spontanea Serebr / | C. sativa L subsp. spontanea |
C. sativa L. ssp. indica hybrid. | Serebr x C. sativa L. ssp. indica. |
C. sativa L. ssp. indica / | C. sativa L. ssp. indica x C. sativa L. |
C. sativa L. hybrid. | |
C. sativa L subsp. spontanea | C. sativa L subsp. spontanea |
Serebr / C. sativa L hybrid. | Serebr x C. sativa L. |
The single species orientation still works. Even a C. sativa L. ssp. Indica / C. sativa L subsp. spontanea Serebr / C. sativa L. hybrid can still be classed as the species Cannabis sativa L.
In cannabis breeding terminology the combinations would have been:
C. indica. | C. indica x C. indica. |
C. ruderalis. | C. ruderalis x C. ruderalis |
C. sativa. | C. sativa x C. sativa. |
C. ruderalis / C. indica hybrid. | C. ruderalis x C.indica. |
C. indica / C. sativa hybrid. | C. indica x C. sativa. |
C. ruderalis / C. sativa hybrid. | C. ruderalis x C. sativa. |
The most commonly found phrases in relation to marijuana species and hybrids are “pure indica,” “pure sativa,” “indica/sativa hybrids,” “mostly indica,” and “mostly sativa.” “Mostly” is used to mean greater than 50 percent, usually estimated by the breeder. There are some additional hybrids that are not commonly used and so are excluded from the core material.
36 This says a lot about breeds. For example a “mostly indica/sativa” tells a bigger story. It says that at one stage a C. indica parent was crossed with a C. sativa parent to produce indica/sativa offspring which are then crossed with C. ruderalis to produce indica/sativa/ruderalis hybrids (1:1:1) which could be then crossed back to the indica/sativa to create a strain with less ruderalis properties and more indica/sativa properties, hence the phrase “mostly indica/sativa.”
Let us see how our scientific taxonomy model can applied to this same paragraph, repeated again.
The most commonly found phrases in relation to marijuana species and hybrids are “C. sativa L. ssp. Indica,” “C. sativa L.,” “C. sativa L. ssp. Indica / C. sativa L. hybrids,” “mostly C. sativa L. ssp. Indica,” and “mostly C. sativa L.” “Mostly” is used to mean greater than 50 percent, usually estimated by the breeder. There are some additional hybrids that are not commonly used and so are excluded from the core material. This says a lot about breeds. For example, a “C. sativa L. ssp. Indica / C. sativa L. hybrid” tells a bigger story. It says that at one stage a C. sativa L. ssp. Indica parent was crossed with a C. sativa L. parent to produce C. sativa L. ssp. Indica / C. sativa L. offspring, which are then crossed with C. sativa L subsp. spontanea Serebr to produce C. sativa L. ssp. Indica / C. sativa L subsp. spontanea Serebr/ C. sativa L. hybrids (1:1:1) which could be then crossed back to the C. sativa L. ssp. Indica / C. sativa L. to create a strain with less ruderalis properties and C. sativa L. ssp. Indica / C. sativa L. properties, hence the phrase “mostly C. sativa L. ssp. Indica / C. sativa L. hybrids”
Sativa Bud
Indica Bud
Ruderalis Bud
Breeder taxonomy terminology
Pure Indica | C. sativa L. ssp. Indica |
Pure Sativa | C. sativa L. |
Indica Sativa | C. sativa L. ssp. Indica / C. sativa L. hybrid. |
Mostly Indica | Mostly C. sativa L. ssp. Indica hybrid |
Mostly Sativa | Mostly C. sativa L. hybrid |
“Subspecies” is a very good category for two groups of pure species that come together, when a barrier is removed, to create fertile offspring of a new species group, called a subspecies. It is “a taxonomic subdivision of a species consisting of an interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms.”
38 In our single species model the phrases pure indica and pure sativa indicate species (also sometimes called a pure species in this context), while phrases like indica/sativa hybrids, mostly indica, and mostly sativa indicate a subspecies.
Specific breeds of cannabis species or subspecies are called “strains.” For example, Afghani #1.
Strain list 39
C. sativa L. ssp. indica landrace strains
• Afghani
• Iranian
• North Indian
• Tajikistani
• Arab
• Lebanese
• New Zealand Sativa
• Turkish
• Chinese
• Moroccan (Kif)
• Pakistani
• Uzbekistani
C. sativa L. landrace strains
• African (Durban Poison, Swazi Red, Congolese, Malawi Gold, Angolese, Lesothan, Nigerian)
• Colombian (Columbian Red, Santa Marta Colombian Gold)
• Japanese (Hokkaido)
• Mexican (Acapulco gold, Oaxacan, Zacatecas Purple, Guerrero Gold, Michoacan)
• Swazi (Swazi Gold, Swazi Red “redbeard,” Swazi)
• Vietnamese
• Brazilian (Manga Rosa, Santa Maria)
• Burmese
• Cambodian
• French (reunion island: Zamal)
• Indian
• Laotian
• Nepalese
• Panamanian (Panama Red)
• Paraguayan
• Thai (Juicy Fruit Thai, Chocolate Golden Triangle Thai)
• Pakistani
C. sativa L. ssp. indica hybrid strains
• Afghani #1
• Celtic Stone
• Mango
• Northern Lights #1
• Southern Daze
• Millennium Bud
• Romulan
• Sour Bubble (ahx1)
• Bella ciao
• Celtic Cross
• Kush
• Mazar
• Oasis (Northern Lights #2)
• Mongolian
• Matanuska Tundra (a.k.a. Alaskan Thunderfuck)
• Butterscotch Hawaiian
• Early Girl
• Lightstorm
• Newberry
• Manghani (a very resinous Mango x Afghan)
• Mother of Mercy
• Mad Shad
C. sativa L. ssp. Indica / C. sativa L. hybrid strains
• John Newsom x Skunk
• Blue Velvet
• Consequence Kush
• Fruity Thai (Ceres; Thai Sativa x Dutch Indica)
• Humboldt Select
• Kushage
• Mistletoe
• Northern Lights #2 (Hindu Kush x Northern Lights)
• Sour Romulan
• Pakalolo
• Skunk Red Hair
• White Smurf (Ceres)
• White Widow (Green House; Brazilian x South Indian)
• Terry Parker
• Matanuska Tundra (a.k.a. Alaskan Thunderfuck)
• Bubblegum (from Indiana)
• Full Moon
• Greece Coat
• Juicy Fruit (Golden Triangle Thai x Afghani)
• Northern Lights (Thai x Afghani)
• Northern Lights #5
• NYC Diesel (Soma; Sour Diesel Afghani Hawaiian)
• Skunk Passion
• Silver Pearl (Sensi; Early Pearl x Skunk #1 x Northern Lights)
• Yumboldt (Sagarmatha; Afghan x x Himalaya)
Mostly C. sativa L. ssp. Indica hybrid strains
• Aurora Indica (Nirvana; Afghani x Northern Lights)
• Blueberry (DJ Short; [Oaxacan Gold x Chocolate Thai] x [Highland Thai x Afghani])
• Bubblicious (Nirvana)
• Celtic Stone (Celtic Stone Seeds; Stonehedge x Dixie Crystal)
• Holland’s Hope (Dutch Passion; Big Bud x Skunk #1)
• Lemon Stinky (crazy x seeds; sensi star x chronic)
• Northern Berry (Peak Seeds, Hygro; Northern Lights #5 x Blueberry)
• BC Purple Star (BC Bud; Purple Star [Holland] x BC Purple Indica)
• Shanti Devi (Tikiseedbank)
• Shulam (Tikiseedbank)
• Skunk Kush (Sensi; Hindu Kush x Skunk #1)
• Snow White (Nirvana)
• White Indica (Ceres Seeds; Afghani x Afghani x Skunk #1)
• White Rhino (Greenhouse Seeds; White Widow x Unknown Indica)
• Yarkoum (Tikiseedbank)
Mostly C. sativa L. hybrid strains
• AK-47 a.k.a Special-K (Serious Seeds; Colombian x Mexican x Thai x Afghani)
• California Orange a.k.a. “Cali-O” [Thai x (Afghani x Acapulco Gold)]
• Celtic Cross “CC” Celtic stone x F420
• Choco Diesel “Choco D”(Chocolate Trip x Sour Diesel)
• Cinderella 99 a.k.a. “C99” (Mr. Soul; Princess x Princess 88)
• Citrus Skunk (Skunk #1 x California Orange)
• Early Pearl
• Early Skunk (Sensi; Skunk #1 x Early Pearl)
• Euforia (Dutch Passion; Unknown Skunk x Unknown Skunk)
• FourWay (Head Seeds; [Cinderella 99 x Apollo 11] x [NYC Diesel x G-13])
• Flo (DJ Short; Purple Thai x Afghani)
• Floater (Flo x Jacks Cleaner x Blueberry)
• Green Devil (Tikiseedbank; Bambata x Shulam)
• Hawaiian Skunk (Seedsman; Hawaiian Indica x Skunk #1)
• Hempstar (Dutch Passion; Skunk x Oasis x Haze)
• Jack Herer (Sensi; Skunk #1 x Northern Lights #5 x Haze)
• Lambsbread Skunk (Dutch Passion; Jamaican Lambsbread x Skunk #1)
• Lemon Skunk (Jordan of the Island; Citrus Skunk x Skunk #1)
• Lifesaver (BOG; Jack Cleaner x DJ Short’s Blueberry x BogBubble)
• Life Star (BOG; Lifesaver x Sensi Star)
• L.S.D (BOG; Lifesaver x NYC Diesel)
• Neon Super Skunk (Subcool; Super Skunk x Black Russian)
• Neville’s Haze (Thai x Colombian, with a 1/4 NL#5)
• Orange Crush (AE77 Cali-O x DJ Short’s Blueberry)
• Purple Skunk (Dutch Passion; Purple #1 x Early Skunk)
• Royal Hawaiian (Reeferman; Hawaiian Indica x Hawaiian Sativa)
• SAGE (THSeeds; Big Sour Holy x Afghani)
• Shaman (Dutch Passion; Purple #1 x Skunk)
• Shiva Skunk (Sensi; Skunk #1 x Northern Lights #5)
• Skunk #1 (Dutch Passion; Afghani x Thai x Colombian Gold)
• Skunk #5 (Effettoserra; [Afghani x Acapulco Gold x Colombian Gold] x Dutch Skunk)
• Skunk Berry (Peak Seeds; Skunk x Blueberry)
• Skunk Haze (Seedsman; Skunk #1 x Original Haze)
• Strawberry Cough (Dutch Passion; Strawberry Fields x Haze)
• Super Silver Haze (Mr. Nice; [Northern Lights #5 x N. Haze] x [Skunk #1 x N. Haze])
• Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze (Reservoir; Super Silver Haze x Sour Diesel)
• Super Skunk (Sensi; Skunk #1 x Afghani)
• Turtle Power (Amsterdam Marijuana; Purple Power x Early Girl)
• White Skunk No.1
• Ultra Skunk (Dutch Passion; Swiss Skunk x Skunk)
Cannabis Reproduction
Cannabis reproduction is botanically similar to other plants, and yet unique. All flowering plants, such as cannabis, have a structure designed for reproduction in the form of developing imperfect flowers with the male staminate formed separately from the female pistillate (carpellate), except for instances where perfect hermaphroditism is observed, where staminates form next to or from pistillate with calyx formation.
Dioecious, Monecious, and Hermaphrodites
It is unwise to use the term “mainly” to support one sexual description of cannabis. While we find “dioecious” populations having the male and female reproductive organs borne on loose panicles and racemes “separately” as individuals (having the male and female reproductive organs borne on separate individuals of the same species), we also find populations or members within dioecious populations bearing “both” male and female organs that are “monecious.” Likewise, we can say that we find dioecious members within monecious populations. For monecious members, the respective organs can be found within the same floral cluster: the inflorescences. Sexually, we can describe any cannabis member as:
Hermaphrodite | Only hermaphrodite plants. |
Monecious | Only monecious plants. |
Dioecious | Only dioecious plants. |
Gynodioecious | Both female and hermaphrodite plants present. |
Androdioecious | Both male and hermaphrodite plants present. |
Trioecious / Subdioecious Male, female, and hermaphrodite plants are all in the same population.
Some colas have short twisted sticky buds but the resin and taste produced by these plants is something to behold.
While all dense clusters of female flowers produced by cannabis are loosely referred to as “bud,” all unfertilized female flowers are called “sinsemilla”; however, the nature of members of plant populations that are hermaphrodite, monecious, gynodioecious, andridioecious, or subdioecious will tend to produce pollen that fertilizes the female flowers, producing seeded buds. While in general seeded bud is regarded as low in quality, this is not because of potency factors—as long as the pistils have time to mature to the point of optimal potency—but because it is harder to work with bud that has seeds. Seeds are sought afterwards in breeding programs, but usually only healthy ones from dioecious parents.
Advanced Sinsemilla Facts
Sinsemilla is a term for a type of “marijuana” first used by the American Spanishspeaking cannabis cultivation community and means “without seeds.” It occurs in cultivation where male plants are removed from the population, leaving only the female plants as part of a plan to promote optimal yields and results. However, with this type of technique there is a chance that fertilization can occur because it produces stress-related sexual change where some dioecious females will express gynodioecious sexuality by bearing male organs. For this reason, great care is taken in choosing a mother plant for a perpetual clone sinsemilla system that will push the female’s genetic capacity for pistil gland production to the maximum. This is undertaken while under the supervision of a grower who will manually remove the presence of any and all male reproductive organs where gynodioecious occurs. Sometimes it is better to remove a whole plant rather than let it pollinate the other sinsemilla-conditioned females. If the gynodioecious sex is too profuse, the grower will usually terminate cultivation of that clone population while trying to find a more suitable mother plant that can be tailor-made for a sinsemilla environment. Here we cannot overemphasize the need for good genetics if the sinsemilla grower wishes to generate the results that he needs.
While there can be some sustainable evidence to support a case for more psychoactive “cannabinoids” in sinsemilla produce, there is little evidence to support that the cannabinoid levels in the glands secreted by the pistils are of higher value. Rather, there is an optimal production of the number of glands.
There is a claim that a female in a sinsemilla environment is being stressed to receive pollen by generating more resin. This image, however, is distorted once more by the presence of high calyx and resin gland counts on some low potency strains and the low calyx low resin count of very high potency strains. The main concern for the cultivator here is to watch males in the flowering cycle of a sinsemilla crop.
These leaves are covered in trichomes and can be used to make hash or for cooking.
Federal research shows that the average potency of cannabis in the United States has increased very little. According to the Federal Potency Monitoring Project, in 1985 the average THC content of commercial-grade marijuana was 2.84 percent, and the average for high-grade sinsemilla in 1985 was 7.17 percent. In 1995, the potency of commercial-grade marijuana averaged 3.73 percent, while the potency of sinsemilla in 1995 averaged 7.51 percent. In 2001, commercial-grade marijuana averaged 4.72 percent THC, and the potency of sinsemilla in 2001 averaged 9.03 percent.
Breeding for Desirable Traits
Because of the large-volume, high-yielding, resinous, potent, high calyx-to-leaf ratio, and high trichome production of a dioecious population of female-only plants for sinsemilla there is accordingly an increase in and refinement of the strains available to the cultivator—although tried and tested clones are maybe far more appropriate for those who want to get going immediately. For this reason, most growers are concerned with obtaining gynodioecious-resistant clones that meet the standards the grower wants from the genetic material. The grower will probably not want to be concerned with breeding for cannabis seeds (nuts or achenes) but is interested in C. indica species or subspecies indica/sativa hybrids; they will probably exclude most sativa because it is an expert plant to work with and unsuitable for anything less than a very sizeable growing area with longer flowering times. The cultivator will automatically stay away from hemp or from “auto-flowering” ruderalis in order to have sinsemilla results, although there is consideration for outdoor ruderalis/indica hybrids where the grower can only grow an auto-flowering cannabis strain because of short flowering seasons.

After harvesting growers manicure their bud. This is a tight cut that even ends up revealing some stem.
Working with dioecious populations is the common practice. A high calyx to leaf ratio of female flowers is the telltale sign of useful drug cultivars, if potent. Taste, smell, observable attractive traits, yields, and ease of manicuring are usually secondary appreciations after potency. The existence of the monecious types is for the production of hemp-related products, while dioecious types include both recreational and medical drug uses, and are also used in textile production for fiber. Note that there is a danger of casually associating some de-drugged hemp with normal cannabis hemp. We do not want to deal in detail with monecious individuals or populations.
Understanding Sex Determination Systems
Cannabis has been widely studied with regards to its sexual systems because of observable and repeatable sex reversal conditions.
41 The usual expectancy of an XY sex-determination system was confirmed in 1924 by K. Hirata,
42 but was disputed by J. H. Schaffner in 1925, who found through his own sex reversal studies in hemp that an X:A system was present and highly influenced by environmental conditions.
43 There is doubt over how the XY system occurs in cannabis, with statements that the Y chromosome is slightly larger than the X being difficult to distinguish.
44 What is important to understand is that cannabis may be stressed to express all forms of sex within the same population.
Most strains that you will come across are the result of human intervention. Breeders try to produce strains that are tasty, smell good, and give the user different types of highs. Good strains are widely sought after by growers because you can be guaranteed that the seller of the seeds knows a great deal about the plant and its particular history.
Height—Tall, averaging between 4 and 15 feet
Nodes—Long internodes between branches, 3 to 6 inches
Leaves—Thin, long, and pointy leaves with no markings or patterns
Blades—Usually between 6 and 12 blades per leaf
Height—Small, averaging between 6 inches and 4 feet
Nodes—Short internodes between branches, 3 inches and less
Leaves—Wide, short, and rounded leaves with marble-like patterns
Blades—Usually between 3 and 5 blades per leaf
Height—Small, averaging between 6 inches and 4 feet
Nodes—Very short internodes with much branching
Leaves—Small and thick
Blades—Usually between 4 and 6 blades per leaf
Ruderalis is hardly used today. Sativa and Indica are extremely common and these two species will be the main focus of this book. Indica and Sativa species produce different forms of high. The high of each species can be controlled by the time at which you harvest. In addition, they can be crossed to produce Indica/Sativa hybrids. This may sound confusing, but it is in fact quite simple and will be further explained in Chapter 15.
Mostly Indica
Indica / Sativa
Mostly Sativa
A Word About Male Potency
In general, the male plant is considered inferior. This, however, may not be true in all cases. Male plants from some strains can produce more THC or be more potent than females from weaker strains. Most male plants from good genetics are stronger than the Ruderalis female. Males can also be smoked
45 (not advised) or made into
hash oil.
The Life Cycle of the Marijuana Plant
The marijuana plant grows in three main stages: germination, vegetative growth, and flowering. There are also three additional sub-stages in the marijuana plant’s life cycle. Here we describe the complete life cycle of the cannabis plant in brief.
Germination in the initial stages as the plumule (seedling root) pushes through the seed shell.
The seed shell is still attached to the cotyledon (first seedling leaf). Photo Paradise Seeds.
Germination is the initial stage of growth and occurs when the seed’s embryo breaks through the shell, the testa, and the seedling produces its first initial root, the plumule. This root fixes itself into the germination medium and pushes the newborn seedling up and over the surface. Following surface contact, two embryonic leaves, the cotyledons, open outward to receive sunlight, pushing the empty testa away from the seedling. It takes anywhere between 12 hours and 3 weeks for seeds to germinate.
Sometimes the shell can be removed by hand if it appears to be obstructing the seedling’s growth. In nature the wind helps to shake the seed shell away. Since artificial wind is not initially used in the germination environment, some seedlings find it harder to shed their shell, although most do not have a problem doing so. Care should be taken not to damage the seedling when removing the shell.
After the first pair of embryonic leaves receives light, the plant will begin to produce another small set of new leaves. These leaves are different from the first two and may have some more noticeable marijuana characteristics, such as the threerounded, finger-shaped points. As the seedling grows, more of these leaves are formed and bush upward along with the stem. Some stems are very weak at this sub-stage and need the support of a small, thin wooden stake tied to the seedling with some fine thread. The seedling sub-stage can last between one and three weeks. At the end of the seedling sub-stage, your plant will have between four and eight new leaves while some of the original bottom leaves and cotyledons may have dropped off.
This is a seedling that is approaching vegetative growth. It is around this time that growers may move these plants to the main grow room.
This is a cutting, or clone, that is being prepared for propagation. You can tell the difference because the cutting looks more like a branch than grown from seed.
This is a mother plant that is kept as a clone donor. You can identify mothers by their many branches, created by the grower to provide lots of areas to cut from.
Here we have a range of plants in vegetative growth in the grow room. Notice the healthy upward pointing leaves.
This is a good example of how a high trichome count can undermine the principle that a high calyx to leaf ratio is a desirable trait in marijuana plants. Here the trichomes almost seem to be covering the plant in a balm.
Vegetative Growth
The plant now begins to grow at the rate that its leaves can produce energy. At this stage the plant needs all the light and food it can use. It will continue to grow upward and produce new leaves. It will also develop a thicker stem and thicker branches, as well as its maximum finger (blades) numbers on the leaves; it will eventually start to show its sex, when mature enough to do so. Then it is time for the plant to enter pre-flowering. The vegetative growth stage can last between one and five months.
At this sub-stage, the plant’s upward growth slows. Instead of growing taller,
46 the plant starts to produce more branches and nodes. The plant fills out during this stage and will start to show a calyx where the branches meet the stem (nodes). This calyx is the ultimate indicator that the plant is in the pre-flowering phase of growth and is mature enough to flower. Pre-flowering can last anywhere from one day to two weeks. During this sub-stage, plants start to exhibit signs of their sex and more calyx development takes place at other node points.
Seeds grow within the calyx of the flowers. Usually they are not visible being covered by the calyx but growth bursts eventually produce what you see here. Photo Paradise Seeds.
Here, the plant continues to fill out. The plant’s sex is now clearly evident. The male plant produces tiny, creamy, yellow sphere shapes that are clustered together like grapes. The female plant produces little white pistils that look like oily tentacles coming out of a pod. Each of the plants will continue to fill out and their flowers will continue to grow. It can take between 4 and 6 weeks for the plant to fully develop its flowers, depending on the strain. During this time the male’s pollen sacks would have burst, spreading pollen to the female flowers.
Seed Production
The female plant will produce seeds at this point if she has received viable pollen from a male plant. The seeds grow within the female bud and can take anywhere between 2 and 16 weeks to grow to full maturity. The female pistils may change color before finally bursting the seedpods, sending them to the soil below. Breeders like to collect seeds before the seedpods burst.
Important issues to bear in mind before you decide to grow cannabis:
• What do you hope to achieve—high potency, high yield, one or many plants?
• Which species/strain best meets your needs?
• Are you willing to spend over $100 for 10 seeds?
• Will you grow indoors or outdoors?
• How do the people you live with feel about this?
• Do you have time to take care of your plants?
• Do you have someone you trust to take care of your plants in your absence?
• How secure is your grow area?
• Are people going to walk past your grow site?
• Can you hide the smell when the plants start to flower?
• Do you have the patience to wait a few months before sampling what you produce?
• Are you prepared to spend money on lights and other grow items?
• Are you prepared to pay the costs of a higher electricity bill?
• Are you aware of the risks for the amount you plan to grow?
• Are you sure you really want to do this?
• Can you afford a good attorney if you think there could be legal consequences to your grow?
• Have you any previous convictions which could be used as a legal prejudice against you if you are charged with growing cannabis?
• Do you know what your legal rights are?
• Can gun ownership be used against you if you are caught growing cannabis?
• Can other drug possession in your home be used against you if you are caught growing cannabis?
• Can your children be taken from you and put into social care if you are caught growing cannabis?
• Is your home safe to grow in?
• Are there any pets around which can damage your crop or start a fire?
• Can you deal with a fire?
• Are you a relaxed tight-lipped person?
• Do you really want to be another dull cash-cropper who wastes their lives just selling cannabis, or do you want to be a new wave frontier grower who grows to rid themselves of the connection to the black market in order to enjoy their favorite herb?
• Do you want to grow?
If you are hesitant on any of the points above, I suggest you resolve those issues before growing. Reading on should help you answer most of these questions.
If, during the flowering stage, there are no males present to pollinate the female plants, the buds will grow larger and develop more resin glands. Resin may drop down on to the leaves, making the plant very sticky. The pistils on the buds will begin to thicken and cluster. The reason for the high increase in bud growth is that the female plant is trying her best to attract male pollen. This is the sinsemilla condition. Toward the last days of flowering, the pistils may change color, indicating that the plant is ready for harvest.
Cycle Times
Given different breeds and the various stages of growth, it can take between 10 and 36 weeks for a plant to grow from a seed to full maturity. The most common grow time is three to four months. All this is dependent upon the strain that you have selected. Pure Sativa can run anywhere into the six to nine month bracket.
This is Sensi Star from Paradise Seeds. There are many strains out there with many different flavors, colors, potencies, morphology, smells and flowering times. The varieties of cannabis are immense. Photo Paradise Seeds.
How much of this strain is green? Look again and you can see that there are many other colors at work and green may not be the majority.
Indica can flower in six weeks. As you can image, a Sativa/Indica hybrid plant will fall into the two to four month flowering period.
Let’s Get Growing
You should now have a general idea of what to look for in a plant to produce a good-quality smoke. We are looking for non-pollinated female plants that have flowered, producing lots of buds with resin glands containing high levels and quantities of THC. We are also looking for plants that have been well cured and processed in a way that allows us to sample the full flavor, smell, and potency of the plant. Some people prefer plants that provide a high but do not cause drowsiness. Other people like plants that give a down effect and cause the body to become less responsive to stimuli.
Another thing to note is that street cannabis may contain added drugs. For example, animal tranquilizer is a popular adulterate used to make black market hashish more potent. People who add other drugs to cannabis are not doing the cannabis community a favor. This is a good reason to grow your own pot.