Forward Bend Intermediate and Advanced

Progress in Forward Bend depends on how much you can lengthen the hamstring muscles at the back of your legs, which then allows the pelvis to tilt forward at the hip joint.

Start with

5 Starting from Forward Bend Step 4, if your hands reach your feet, take hold of your big toe in the Classical Foothold (see right).
6 On an exhalation, stretch your spine farther forward. Bend your elbows to help you stretch your spine. Repeat 3–4 times, each time holding the pose for a few breaths more. Either continue with Step 7 or come back up on an inhalation, then practice Inclined Plane, and relax in Corpse Pose.
7 If you are able to stretch forward, come into the full pose. On an exhalation, bend farther forward until your elbows touch the mat and your forehead is resting on your legs. Hold for 1–5 minutes, then come back up on an inhalation. Next, practice Inclined Plane, then relax with slow abdominal breathing for 1–2 minutes in Corpse Pose.