Lotus Advanced

Lotus gives you a very stable base so you can keep your back aligned without much effort. The various triangular shapes that your body makes in this pose allow a free flow of prana.

1 Sit cross-legged, then lift your left foot on top of your right thigh, taking the foot as close to your right hip as possible. If necessary, you can place a small pillow under your sitting bones. Breathe slowly and meditatively.
2 Lift your right foot on top of your left thigh and rest your hands, palms face upward, on your knees in Chin Mudra position. Hold the pose, breathing slowly and meditatively, for 1 minute, then release first the right foot, then the left. Repeat, placing first your right foot on your left thigh and then your left foot on your right thigh. Hold for 1 minute, then release and relax in Corpse Pose.
Lotus Balance Variation
Starting from Lotus Step 2, lie on your back. Place your arms under your body with your palms under your buttocks. Inhale, contract your abdominal muscles, and raise first your head and chest, then your knees. Hold, breathing deeply, for up to 30 seconds, then bring your knees down and carefully remove your arms and lie back down. Repeat with your legs folded the other way, then release and relax in Corpse Pose.
Lying Fish Variation
Starting from Lotus Step 2, lie on your abdomen. Fold your arms and rest your forehead on them. Hold, breathing very slowly and quietly, for up to 1 minute, then Come out of the pose by pushing on your elbows and swinging your legs forward to return to Lotus Step 2. Unfold your legs, then repeat with your legs folded the other way. Release and relax in Child’s Pose.