Bow Variations

These variations bring complete flexibility to the shoulder joints but require flexible hip and chest muscles. After you have practiced them, stretch back into Child’s Pose to relax.

Start with

Rocking Bow Intermediate
3 Starting from Bow Step 2, with a strong inhalation, strongly contract your neck and your upper back muscles. Lift your head and chest as high as you can. This creates a backward rocking motion, shifting your weight from your abdomen to your thighs.
4 With a strong exhalation, use your arms and shoulders to pull your body forward, moving your weight onto your abdomen and chest. Rock forward and back 3–6 times, then exhale, release your feet, and lower your knees and forehead back to the mat. Relax in Child’s Pose (see p191) for 30 seconds.
One-Handed Bow Advanced
1 Lie on your abdomen, supporting yourself with your bent left arm. Bend your right leg and catch your right foot just below your big toe with your right hand. Keep your left foot stretched behind you.
2 On an inhalation, pull your right foot closer to your shoulder. Straighten your other arm to help push your chest higher into the backward bend.
3 Once your foot is close enough to your shoulder, breathe slowly and lift your right elbow, pulling your foot higher up. Hold for a few breaths, then exhale, release your foot, and lower your knee and forehead back to the mat. Repeat on the opposite side, then relax in Child’s Pose.

Complete Bow is a truly dynamic pose, to be attempted when you can do One-Handed Bow. It gives you a powerful anterior stretch, all the way from your throat to your knees.

Complete Bow Advanced
1 Lying on your abdomen, bend both legs and catch hold of each foot, placing your fingers around your big toes and the tops of your feet. Breathe deeply and slowly.
2 Rotate your shoulders as you bend your elbows and pull your feet as close to your shoulders as possible. Your thighs will come off the ground. Focus on rhythmical breathing.
3 Continue breathing slowly. Once your feet are close enough to your shoulders, lift your elbows forward, in front of your face, pulling your feet even higher. Hold for a few breaths, then exhale, release your feet, and lower your knees and forehead back to the mat. Relax in Child’s Pose.
Feet to Head Advanced
Starting from Complete Bow Step 3, breathe slowly and rhythmically as you continue gently pulling your feet until they touch your forehead. Hold for a few breaths, then exhale, release your feet, and lower your knees and forehead back to the mat. Relax in Child’s Pose.
Feet to Shoulders Advanced
Starting from Feet to Head (see above), with slow breathing, try to pull your feet gently on top of your shoulders. This requires great flexibility of the spine and shoulders. Hold for a few breaths, then exhale, release your feet, and lower your knees and forehead back to the mat. Relax in Child’s Pose.