A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
—Lao Tzu
This book began as a conversation between Dr. Miller and Tucker about the lack of a fundamental guide to mating for men.
We hope this book fills that hole (pun totally intended). And we are very proud of this book. We believe it is truly different than anything else out there and will help tens of thousands of men.
That being said, we also think this is just the beginning of what this book can be.
Mating education is woefully inadequate (for men and women), and though this book has helped to lay the foundation for a solution, it is only a foundation. There is SO MUCH more that men can learn.
In fact, there is so much more we wanted to say, even in this book.
This is not an idle comment either. Our original rough draft of this book was around 400,000 words! We turned in about 230,000 words to our awesome editor at Little, Brown (John Parsley) who helped us get down to what it is now—about 120,000 words.
And those words we cut were, for the most part, additive to what you find here. In essence, we have a whole other book of material that, while similar, is not exactly the same as what you just read. There is so much more we can teach you and tell you and share with you.
We also recognize this book could be better (every author thinks that, of course). We could probably explain things more clearly, make some information more actionable, and focus on things that we may have skipped over accidentally.
Why are we telling you this? In order for this book to improve, we need your help. We see this book as the first step on a lifelong journey, the beginning of what will hopefully become a long-running series. And of course, we know we made mistakes in this version that we can improve in each subsequent edition.
So if you have the time, please head over to www.TheMatingGrounds.com/MateFeedback and give us feedback on the book.
Then, if you want to learn more, we have a popular, long-running podcast (called the Mating Grounds podcast) and an entire site dedicated to going far deeper into mating education than can be covered here.
It’s the next step on the journey.