the attacks of 9/11, immaculately planned and executed though they were, lacked intentionality because Al-Qaeda could neither control nor even predict their global repercussions. Hence the actions of this jihad, while they are indeed meant to accomplish certain ends, have become more ethical than political in nature, since they have resigned control over their own effects, thus becoming gestures of duty or risk rather than acts of instrumentality properly speaking. This might be why a network such as Al-Qaeda, unlike terrorist or fundamentalist groups of the past, has no coherent vision or plan for the future.
Even if their intentions are instrumental, the argument goes, the uncontrollable effects of their actions at the global level, transform their actions into ethics rather than politics. Devji, Landscapes of the Jihad, 3–4.
1. Biosovereignty and Necroresistance
Assemblages are secondary matrices from within which apparatuses emerge and become stabilized or transformed. Assemblages stand in a dependent but contingent and unpredictable relationship to the grander problematizations. In terms of scale they fall between problematizations and apparatuses and function differently from either one. They are a distinctive type of experimental matrix of heterogeneous elements, techniques, and concepts. They are not yet an experimental system in which controlled variation can be produced, measured, and observed. They are comparatively effervescent, disappearing in years or decades rather than centuries. Consequently, the temporality of assemblages is qualitatively different from that of either problematizations or apparatuses.
Rabinow, Anthropos Today, 56
2. Crisis of Sovereignty
None of the rights and freedoms embodied in the Constitution may be exercised with the aim of violating the indivisible integrity of the State with its territory and nation, of endangering the existence of the Turkish State and Republic, of destroying fundamental rights and freedoms, of placing the government of the State under the control of an individual or a group of people, or establishing the hegemony of one social class over others, or creating discrimination on the basis of language, race, religion or sect, or of establishing by any other means a system of government based on these concepts and ideas.
For the legal critique of the 1982 Constitution, see Tanör’s Türkiye’nin İnsan Hakları Sorunu, 249–61, and his İki Anayasa, 97–114. For a comparative political analysis of Turkey’s constitutions, see Parla, Türkiye’de Anayasalar.
3. The Biosovereign Assemblage and Its Tactics
4. Prisoners in Revolt
5. Marxism, Martyrdom, Memory