A Is for Alibi (Grafton), 50
AbeBooks, 50
Abrams catalog, 85
academic libraries, xviii–xix
adult kits (educational materials), 133–134
adult mass market paperbacks, 19, 50, 169
The Age of Murderous Snailblasters (Salter), x
The Age of Reason (Sartre), x
agriculture, gardening, pets (630)
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 107–108
overview, 37
Amazon Marketplace, 10
American Historical Review, 88
America’s Test Kitchen series, 38
Analyzing Library Collection Use with Excel (Greiner and Cooper), xviii
applied science and technology (600s)
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 142
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 167
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 105–106
Morton Grove (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy”), 86–88
overview, 35–39
sample weeding guidelines, 18
architecture (720), 42
Arizona State Library, 78
art history (709), 42
articles and books, suggested reading list, 185–186
arts and recreation (700s)
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 142
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 168
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 110–111
Morton Grove (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy”), 84–85
overview, 41–44
sample weeding guidelines, 18
astronomy and space (520), 33
audiovisual collection
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 145
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 170
Memorial Hall Library (“Collection Development Manual”), 154–155
sample weeding guidelines, 19
Austin (Texas) Public Library, 11
author name recognition used as criteria to weed fiction, 48–49
award-winning books, 12
AwfulLibraryBooks.net, 14
B-logistics, 10
Baby and Child Care (Spock), 38
Baltimore County Public Schools (“Selection Criteria for School Library Media Center Collections”)
assessment and inventory process, 182–183
inventory procedures, 183–184
overview, 182
weeding library media materials, 183
withdrawing library media materials, 184
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”)
applied sciences and technology (600s), 142
arts and recreation (700s), 142
audio visuals, 145
biographies, 143
disposal of materials, 146–147
fiction, adult, 143
fiction, children’s, 144
frequency of weeding, 145–146
general (000s), 141
history and geography (900s), 143
linguistics and language (400s), 142
literature (800s), 142–143
local document repository, 144–145
non-fiction, children’s, 144
overview, 139–141
periodicals, 144
philosophy and psychology (100s), 141
pure sciences (500s), 142
religion and mythology (200s), 141
scores, 145
social sciences (300s), 141–142
young adult fiction, 144
young adult non-fiction, 144
Best American Short Stories, 46
Better World Books, 11
The Betty Crocker Cookbook, 38
bibliography (010), 22
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 143
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 168
overview, 54–55
sample weeding guidelines, 18
Block, Thomas, xi
board books and picture books, 66, 68
Bookforward, 11
books and articles, suggested reading list, 185–186
Boon, Belinda, 6
botanical sciences (580), 34
building construction and home repair (690), 39
business and management (650), 38
Calvin and Hobbes comics, 43
CDs and DVDs, 59–60, 61, 130–133
checkouts of an item before weeding, number of, 15
Chicago Public Library, xiv, 70
Children’s collections. See youth and young adult collections
Chilton Auto Repair database, 37, 87, 106
Collection Development and Management for 21st Century Library Collections: An Introduction (Gregory), 78
collection development plan. See also sample collection development plans; specific library collection development plans
best practices, 1–2
creating (or updating), 78–79
overview, 77–78
using, 80
“Collection Development Policies, Procedures, and Plan” (Glen Ellyn Public Library). See Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library
Columbia University
overview, 177
preservation policy, 177–178
weeding and discard policy, 178
Comics Buyer’s Guide, 127
commerce, communications, and transportation (380s)
La Grange (IL) Public Library, 99
overview, 29
complete collections of an author’s work, 13
computer science, information & general works. See generalities (000s)
computers (004), 21–22
condition of book used as criteria to weed fiction, 48
Cooper, Bob, xviii
Cooper, James Fenimore, xi–xii
Corner Shelf, xvi
CREW (Continuous Review, Evaluation, and Weeding) Manual, xvii–xviii, 6, 15, 62
crime, education and commerce (360-389), 99–100
“Criteria for Selecting Book Weeding Candidates” (Milwaukee School of Engineering), 73
“Criteria Used in the Creation of the Potential Withdrawal Lists” (Wesleyan University), 7–8
customs, etiquette, and folklore (390s)
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 100–101
overview, 30
Dale, Jim, 59
damaged items, pulling visibly, 5
Darwin, Charles, 32
databases and electronic resources
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 169
overview, 63
sample weeding guidelines, 19
decorative and graphic arts (740-779), 111–112
decorative arts, interior decoration, crafts, antiques (745-749), 43–44
The Deerslayer (Cooper), xii
Dewey, Melvil, xii
digital media collections, 156, 158
Disney guidebooks, 54
display, giving a book one last chance on, 13
disposal of materials, 72, 146–147, 178
drama and poetry (811-812), 46
drawing (740), 43
Dune, 126
Dusty Shelf report, 61
DVDs and CDs, 59–60, 61, 130–133
e-books, 62
e-readers, 135–136
earth science, paleontology, biology, botany, zoology (550-599), 103–104
earth sciences (550), 33
eBay, 10
economics (330), 27
economics, finance, law, and military biographies (330-359), 98–99
education (370)
La Grange (IL) Public Library, 99, 100
overview, 29
educational materials (adult kits), 133–134
electronic resources. See databases and electronic resources
ELL (English language learners) materials, 32
Emmanuel d’Alzon Library, Assumption College (“Collection Development and Retention Policy”)
criteria for evaluating books, 180–181
evaluating the reference collection, 181
overview, 179
review process for evaluating books in the collection, 179–180
Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, xii
encyclopedias (030), 22–23
engineering (620s)
Morton Grove (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy”), 87
overview, 36–37
ENL (English as a New Language), 164, 167
Entertainment Weekly, 123, 125, 130
ESL (English as a Second Language) materials, 32
ethics and morality (170), 24
etiquette. See customs, etiquette, and folklore (390s)
Europe (940), 55
family management. See home and family management (640s)
Farmers’ Almanac, 23
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 143, 144
classics, 49
favorites, 49
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 166
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 122–126
Morton Grove (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy”), 89–91
multiple copies, 49–50
overview, 47–51
sample weeding guidelines, 16
young adult, 66
Fiction Catalog, 49
Five Laws of Library Science, 2
Fodor’s New York City, 2000, 54
folklore. See customs, etiquette, and folklore (390s)
foreign language literature (830-899), 115–116
Foundation Trilogy (Asimov), 126
frequently asked questions, 10–15
Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management (Johnson), 78
Fundamentals of Managing Reference Collections (Singer), 58, 78
games and sports (793), 44
gardening. See agriculture, gardening, pets (630)
Garfield comics, 43
generalities (000s)
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 141
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 166
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 93–94
overview, 21–23
sample weeding guidelines, 17
geography and travel (910-919). See also history and geography (900s)
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 168
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 116–118
overview, 53–54
sample weeding guidelines, 18
gift books, 12
giving away weeded copies, 11
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”)
adult mass market paperbacks, 169
applied science and technology (600s), 167
arts (700s), 168
audiovisual materials and resources, 170
biographies, 168
databases and electronic resources, 169
fiction, 166
generalities (000s), 166
graphic novels, 169
history and biography (900s), 168
language (400s), 167
large print, 168
literature (800s), 168
newspapers and magazines, 169
non-fiction circulating collection, 166–170
philosophy and psychology (100s), 166
Popular Materials Center, 165
reference collection, 165
Reference Library, 165
religion (200s), 166
roles of the collection, 164–165
science (500s), 167
social sciences (300s), 167
travel (910-919), 168
young adult/teens, 169
GNLIB (graphic novel librarians’ listserv), 128
Grafton, Sue, 50
graphic and decorative arts (740-779), 111–112
graphic novels
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 169
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 127–128
overview, 43
Gray’s Anatomy, 36
Great Books, 49
Great Courses Company, 133
green weeding, 11
Gregory, Vicki L., 78
Greiner, Tony, xviii
Guidall, George, 59
guidelines for weeding. See sample weeding guidelines
The Guinness Book of World Records, 23
Hamsun, Knut, xi
health. See medicine and health (610s)
Hesse, Hermann, xiv
Highland Park (MI) High School, 69
history and geography (900s). See also geography and travel (910-919)
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 143
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 168
Morton Grove (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy”), 88–89
overview, 53–54
sample weeding guidelines, 18
home and family management (640s)
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 108–109
Morton Grove (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy”), 87
overview, 37–38
How to Raise Your Mongoloid Child (as example of a book to weed), 75
humor and satire (817), 46
importance of weeding, 1–2
integrated library system (ILS) software, 5
job hunting, starting a small business, and home improvement (650-699), 109–110
Johnson, Peggy, 78
Juffie Kane (Martin), 47
Kadus, Jon, ix
Kindle (Amazon), 135
King County (Washington) Library System, 4
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”)
adult kits (educational materials), 133–134
agriculture, gardening, pets (630), 107–108
art history, landscape art, architecture (700-730), 110–111
audiobooks, 128–130
computer science, information and general works (000s), 93–94
crime, education and commerce (360-389), 99–100
customs, etiquette and folklore (390-399), 100–101
DVDs, 130–131
e-readers, 135–136
earth science, paleontology, biology, botany, zoology (550-599), 103–104
economics, finance, law, and military biographies (330-359), 98–99
fiction, 122–126
foreign language literature (830-899), 115–116
general science, math, astronomy, physics, chemistry (500-549), 102–103
geography and travel (900-919), 116–118
graphic and decorative arts (740-779), 111–112
graphic novels, 127–128
household management (640-649), 108–109
job hunting, starting a small business, and home improvement (650-699), 109–110
language (400), 101–102
large type format, 126–127
literature in English (800-829), 114–115
magazines, 137–138
music, film, television, and sports entertainment (780-799), 112–114
music CDs, 132–133
mystery fiction, 124–125
nonfiction, adult, 93–120
overview, 92–93
philosophy and psychology (100s), 94–95
reference collection, 120–122
religion (200s), 95–96
science fiction, 125–126
social sciences (300-329), 96–97
technology, medicine and health (600-619), 105–106
U.S. history, Latin American history, Pacific Island history (970-999), 119–120
VHS tapes, 131–132
video games, 136–137
wiring, small engines, and vehicles (620-629), 106
world history (920-969), 118–119
landmark books, 12
landscape architecture (712), 42
language (400s)
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 142
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 167
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 101–102
overview, 31–32
sample weeding guidelines, 17
youth collection, 68
large print
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 168
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 126–127
sample weeding guidelines, 19
The Last of the Mohicans (Cooper), xii
law (340), 28
Libraries of Love, 11
library science (020), 22
life sciences (570), 34
literature in English (800-829), 114–115
literature (800s)
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 142–143
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 168
overview, 45–46
sample weeding guidelines, 18
local authors, books by, 12
local document repository, 144–145
logic (160), 24
Lonely Planet series, 54
Lyric Opera of Chicago, 85
magazines and newspapers, 19, 60, 137–138, 144, 169
Making a Collection Count: A Holistic Approach to Library Collection Management (Hibner and Kelly), 78
manufacturing (670), 39
manufacturing and building (660-699), 88
Martin, Beverly S., 47
mass market paperbacks, 19, 50, 169
mathematics (510), 33
Mayday (Block), xi
media collections
Baltimore County Public Schools (“Selection Criteria for School Library Media Center Collections”), 183–184
CDs and DVDs, 59–60, 61, 130–133
format of media and weeding, 58–59
Memorial Hall Library (“Collection Development Manual”), 156, 158
overview, 58–60
medicine and health (610s)
Morton Grove (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy”), 87
overview, 35–36
Memorial Hall Library (“Collection Development Manual”)
audiovisual collections, 154–155
children’s audiovisual collections, 162
children’s print collections, 159–162
collection formats—adult collection, 151–156
collection formats—children’s collection, 159–162
collection formats—young adult collection, 157–158
digital media collections, 156
general weeding policy, 149–151
mixed media collections, 156
overview, 148
print collections, 152–153
replacement copies, policy for, 148–149
young adult audiovisual collection, 158
young adult digital media, 158
young adult print collection, 157–158
Metropolitan Art Museum, 85
Metropolitan Opera, 85
micromanaging staff, 12–13
military science and public administration (350), 28
Milwaukee School of Engineering, 72–73
Mobil guides, 89
Modern Library 100 Best Novels list, 49
The Mongoloid Child: Recognition and Care (as example of a book to weed), 14
morality and ethics (170), 24
Morton Grove (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy”)
applied science and technology (600-699), 86–88
arts and recreation (700-799), 84–85
fiction, 89–91
geography and history (900-999), 88–89
overview, 82
religion (200-299), 82–84
multiple copies of fiction, 49–50
music (780), 44
music, film, television, and sports entertainment (780-799), 112–114
music CDs, 132–133
MUSTIE (misleading, ugly, superseded, trivial, irrelevant, elsewhere) guidelines, 6
mystery fiction, 124–125
mythology. See religion and mythology (200s)
new to job and responsible for weeding, 15
New York Times Book Review, 88
newspapers and magazines, 19, 60, 137–138, 144, 169
Nintendo DS, 136–137
Nintendo Wii, 136–137
nonfiction collection
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 144
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 166–170
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 93–120
sample weeding guidelines, 17
youth collection, 65–66, 67–68
Nook Colors (Barnes & Noble), 135
Nordmeyer, Ricki, ix
numismatics (737), 43
occult, paranormal, dream books (130), 23
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 32
Opera News, 85
Orwell, George, 46
outdated materials, purging, 2
paleontology (560), 34
The Pathfinder (Cooper), xii
attitude toward a book’s condition, 15
communicating with, 71–73
justifying weeding to, 13–14
Peanuts comics, 43
performing arts (790), 44
periodicals, 19, 60, 137–138, 144, 169
Petersen’s Photographic, 85
pets. See agriculture, gardening, pets (630)
philosophy and psychology (100s)
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 141
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 166
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 94–95
overview, 23
sample weeding guidelines, 17
Physician’s Desk Reference, 36
picture books and board books, 66, 68
poetry and drama (811-812), 46
political science (320s)
La Grange (IL) Public Library, 97
overview, 26–27
Poole, William, xii
Powell’s, 10
pre-weeding steps, 5–6
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 46
problems with weeding. See weeding problems
professors, books by, 12
psychology (150), 24
psychology and philosophy. See philosophy and psychology (100s)
public administration and military science (350), 28
Public Library Catalog, 89, 115
Public Library Core Collection: Nonfiction, 12
Public Library Core Collection: Fiction, 12
public perception of weeding, 9–10
Publishers Weekly, 83
pulling visibly damaged items, 5
pure science. See science (500s)
purging outdated materials, 2
Ranganathan, S. R., 2
Reader’s Advisor, 83, 89, 120, 123, 166
reading list, suggested
articles and books, 185–186
websites, 186
real-life examples of weeding horror stories, 74–76
recreation. See arts and recreation (700s)
recycling weeded copies, 11
reference collection
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 165
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 120–122
overview, 57–58
Reiser, Paul, 46
religion and mythology (200s)
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 141
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 166
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 95–96
Morton Grove (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy”), 82–84
overview, 24
sample weeding guidelines, 17
replacement copies, 148–149
responsibility for weeding, 3
retention and weeding, sample guidelines for, 16
Ringworld (Niven), 126
Romantic Times, 123
Rosenblatt, Barbara, 59
Rough Guide series, 54
Roy, Loriene, xii
Rules of the Road manuals, 106
Salter, George, x
sample collection development plans
Baltimore County Public Schools, 182–184
Berkshire Athenaeum, 139–147
Columbia University, 177–178
Emmanuel d’Alzon Library, Assumption College, 179–181
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library, 163–170
La Grange (IL) Public Library, 92–138
Memorial Hall Library, 148–162
Morton Grove (IL) Public Library, 82–91
Seattle Public Library, 171–176
sample weeding guidelines
adult mass market paperbacks, 19
applied science and technology (600s), 18
arts (700s), 18
audiovisual collection, 19
biographies, 18
databases and electronic resources, 19
fiction, 16
generalities (000s), 17
history (900s), 18
language (400s), 17
large print, 19
literature (800s), 18
nonfiction circulating collection, 17
periodicals and newspapers, 19
philosophy and psychology (100s), 17
religion (200s), 17
retention and weeding, 16
science (500s), 18
social sciences (300s), 17
travel (910-919), 18
Sartre, Jean Paul, x
satire and humor (817), 46
schedule for weeding. See sample weeding guidelines
Schirmer Books, 85
Schoeman, Karel, x
science, math, astronomy, physics, chemistry (500-549), 102–103
science experiments (507), 33
science fiction, 125–126
science (500s)
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 142
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 167
overview, 32–34
sample weeding guidelines, 18
youth collection, 68
scores, 145
Seattle Public Library (“Weeding Instructions for Branch Libraries”)
CDs, 61
general weeding instructions for branch libraries, 171–174
overview, 171
reader’s services department, 174–176
reassigns, 174
when to weed, 171–172
withdrawal procedures, 173
Segal, Joseph P., 6
Seinfeld, Jerry, 46
selling weeded copies, 10
“Sending Books to Needy Libraries” (ALA), 11
series, youth fiction, 67
Shakespeare (822.3), 46
shelf read, 5
shelf space, freeing up, 1
Siddhartha (Hesse), xiv
Slotes, Stanley J., xvii
social problems and social services (360s), 28–29, 99
social sciences (300s)
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 141–142
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 167
La Grange (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Plan”), 96–97
overview, 25–30
sample weeding guidelines, 17
youth collection, 68
sociology (300-310), 96–97
Sony Readers, 135
space and astronomy (520), 33
space issues, weeding for, 14–15
Spitteler, Carl, x
Spock, Benjamin, 38
Sports Illustrated, 85
staff members
convincing to weed, 12–13
informing about weeding, 9
stakeholders, identifying, 5
statistics (310s)
La Grange (IL) Public Library, 97
overview, 26
Steel, Danielle, xii
suggested reading list
articles and books, 185–186
websites, 186
Take Leave and Go (Schoeman), x
technology. See applied science and technology (600s)
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) materials, 32
transportation. See commerce, communications, and transportation (380s)
travel. See geography and travel (910-919)
travel guides, 54
Two Little Misogynists (Spitteler), x
ugly books, 15
Universal Class database, 134
Urbana (IL) Free Library, 69
U.S. history, Latin American history, Pacific Island history (970-999), 119–120
VHS tapes, 131–132
video games, 136–137
Vnuk, Rebecca, ix
Watson-Guptill catalog, 85
websites, suggested reading list, 186
weeded copies
giving away, 11
methods of clearing out, 10–11
recycling, 11
selling, 10
weeding. See also sample weeding guidelines
excuses for not, list of, 8–9
frequently asked questions, 10–15
overview, 1–3
pre-weeding steps, 5–6
public perception, 9–10
responsibility for, 3
staff members, informing, 9
what to look for, 6–9
when to weed, 3–5
Weeding Library Collections: Library Weeding Methods (Slotes), xvii
weeding problems
communicating with patrons to avoid, 71–73
overview, 69–71
real-life examples, 74–76
“Weeding the Fiction Collection: Or, Should I Dump Peyton Place?” (2000 ALA Annual Conference program), ix–xii, 47–48
“Weeding Tips” (Booklist Online), xvi, 15, 74
Wesleyan University, 7
WesWeeding blog, 7
when to weed. See sample weeding guidelines
WIDUS (worn out, inappropriate, duplicated, undercirculated, superseded) guidelines, 6
Wilson’s Public Library Catalog, 12
wiring, small engines, and vehicles (620-629), 106
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (as example of a book to weed), 38
The Women at the Pump (Hamsun), xi
“Workbook for Selection Policy Writing” (ALA), 78
world history (920-969), 118–119
WORST (worn out, out of date, rarely used, supplied elsewhere, trivial or faddish) guidelines, 6
Xbox 360, 136–137
youth and young adult collections
Berkshire Athenaeum (“Weeding Policy and Procedures”), 144
board books and picture books, 66, 68
Glen Ellyn (IL) Public Library (“Collection Development Policy, Procedures, and Plan”), 169
language (400), 68
Memorial Hall Library (“Collection Development Manual”), 157–158, 159–162
overview, 65
sample weeding schedule, 67
science (500), 68
series fiction, 67
social sciences (300), 68