Please Do Break the Crystal
Tell the broken plate you are sorry.
—Mary Robertson
Programming constructs and algorithmic paradigms covered in this puzzle: Break statements, radix representations.
You are tasked with determining the “hardness coefficient” of a set of identical crystal balls. The famous Shanghai Tower, completed in 2015, has 128 floors,1 and you have to figure out from how high you can drop one of these balls so it doesn’t break, but rather bounces off the ground below. We will assume that the surrounding area has been evacuated while you conduct this important experiment.
What you would like to do is report to your boss the highest floor number of Shanghai Tower from which the ball does not break when dropped. This means that if you report floor f, the ball does not break at floor f, but does break at floor f + 1 (or else you would have reported f + 1). Your bonus depends on how high a floor you report, and if you report a floor f from which the ball breaks, you face a stiff fine, which you want to avoid at all costs.
Once a ball breaks, you can’t reuse it, but you can if it survives. Since the ball’s velocity as it hits the ground is the sole factor determining whether it breaks, and this velocity increases2 with each floor number, you can assume that if a ball does not break when dropped from floor x, it will not break from any floor number < x. Similarly, if it breaks when dropped from floor y, it will break when dropped from any floor number > y.
Sadly, you are not allowed to take an elevator because the shiny round objects you are carrying may scare off other passengers. You would therefore like to minimize the number of times you drop a ball, since it is a lot of work to keep climbing up stairs.
Of course, the big question is how many balls you are given. Suppose you are given exactly one ball. You don’t have much freedom to operate. If you drop the ball from floor 43 (for instance) and it breaks, you don’t dare report floor 42, because it might break when dropped from floor 42, floor 41, or floor 1 for that matter. You will have to report floor 1, which means no bonus. With one ball, you will have to start with floor 1—if the ball breaks, report floor 0, and if not you move up to floor 2, all the way till floor 128. If it doesn’t break at floor 128, you happily report 128. If the ball breaks when dropped from floor f, you will have dropped the ball f times. The number of drops could be as large as 128, floors 1 through 128 inclusive.
What if you have two balls? Suppose you drop one ball from floor 128. If it does not break, you report floor 128 and you are done with the experiment, and rich. However, if it breaks, you are down to one ball, and all you know is that the balls you are given definitely break at floor 128. To avoid a fine and to maximize your bonus, you will have start with the second ball at floor 1 and move up as described earlier, possibly all the way up to floor 127. The number of drops in the worst case is 1 drop (from floor 128) plus drops from floors 1 through 127 inclusive, a total of 128. No improvement from the case of one ball.
Intuition says you should guess the midpoint of the interval [1, 128] for the 128-floor building. Suppose you drop a ball at floor 64. There are two cases, as always:
- The ball breaks. This means you can focus on floors 1 through 63—that is, interval [1, 63]—with the remaining ball.
- The ball does not break. This means you can focus on floors 65 through 128—that is, interval [65, 128]—with both balls.
The worst-case number of drops is 64, because in case 1 you will need to start with the lowest floor in the interval and work your way up. Better than 128, but only by a factor of two.
You would like to do better than the worst case of 64 drops when you have two balls. You don’t want to give up any part of your bonus, and a fine is a no-no.
Can you think of a way to maximize your bonus and avoid a fine while using no more than 21 drops in the case of two balls? What if you had more balls, or what if Shanghai Tower suddenly doubled in height (floor count)?
Efficient Search with Two Balls
We should be able to do better than 64 drops. The problem with beginning with floor 64 when we only have two balls is that if the first ball breaks, we have to start with floor 1 and go all the way to floor 63. What if we start at floor 20? If the first ball breaks, we have to search the smaller interval [1, 19] with the second ball one floor at a time. That is 20 drops total in the worst case. If the first ball does not break, we search the large interval [21, 128], but we have two balls. Let’s next go to floor 40 and drop the first ball (second drop of the first ball). If the first ball breaks we search [21, 39] one floor at a time. This is, in the worst case, a total of 2 drops for the first ball (at floors 20 and 40) and 19 drops for the second ball, for a total of 21. On to floor 60, and so on. Trying floors 20, 40, 60, 80, and so on, is going to get us a worst-case solution of fewer than 30 drops for sure.
Our purpose here is not just to solve a specific 128-floor problem. Is there a general algorithm where, given an n-floor building and two balls, we can show a symbolic worst-case bound of func(n) where func is some function? Then we can apply this algorithm to our specific 128-floor problem.
The key is to distribute the floors properly. Suppose we use a strategy where we drop the first ball at floors k, 2k, 3k, …, (n/k − 1)k, (n/k)k. Let’s assume that the first ball does not break till the last drop. In this case, we have n/k drops of the first ball, and we have to search the interval [(n/k − 1)k + 1, (n/k)k − 1], which is k − 1 drops of the second ball in the worst case. That is, a total of n/k + k − 1 drops in the worst case.
Therefore, we want to choose k to minimize n/k + k. The minimum happens when k is (Occasionally, high school calculus comes in handy!) The worst-case number of drops will be For our 128-floor example, we should space the first ball’s drops floors apart. This will get us to 21 drops worst-case. We have rounded the fractional square root down. We could also round up.
Is 21 drops the best we can do? We did make the assumption that the floors we would drop from were evenly distributed: k, 2k, 3k, and so on. It turns out that distributing the floors carefully and unevenly can shrink the number of drops required below 21, and we will explore uneven distribution later. For now, we will turn our focus to the general setting of having d ≥ 1 balls and n floors, and see if we can come up with a strategy similar to what we used for one ball and two balls, but which requires fewer drops as the number of balls increases.
Efficient Search with d Balls
When we have one ball, that is, d = 1, we have no choice but to start at the first floor and work our way upward. When we have two balls, starting at floor (or n½) is the way to go, as we determined. Should we start at floor n1/d when we have d balls? What happens when a ball breaks?
Let’s consider base-r representations of numbers. When r = 2, we have the binary representation, when r = 3, the ternary representation, and so on. Given the number of floors n, and the number of balls d, choose r such that r d > n. So if n = 128, and d = 2, we will choose r = 12 (this corresponds to rounding up the fractional square root). If d = 3, we will choose r = 6, since 53 < 128 and 63 > 128. Let’s assume for the purposes of our next example that d = 4, which means r = 4, when n = 128.
The numbers we consider are d-digit, base-r numbers. For our chosen r = 4, d = 4 example, the smallest number is 00004 (0 in decimal) and the largest number is 33334 (255 in decimal). As a reminder, in a radix-4 representation, a number such as 12334 is equivalent to 1 × 43 + 2 × 42 + 3 × 41 + 3 × 40 = 111 in decimal.
We drop the first ball at floor 10004 (floor 64). If it does not break, we move to floor 20004 (floor 128) and drop the ball from there. If it still does not break, we are done. If it does break, we are down to three balls, but we know now that we only have to search the range [10014, 13334], which is [65, 127] in decimal. We will move to the second phase, using the highest floor in the first phase where the ball did not break.
In our second phase, we work with the second ball and the second digit from the left in our base-r representation. Let’s assume that in the first phase the ball broke at floor 20004, and did not break at floor 10004. In the second phase, our first drop will be from floor 11004 (floor 80, which is inside the range [65, 127]). In the second phase we keep incrementing the second digit in our base-r representation and drop balls from corresponding floors. We will drop from floor 11004, 12004, and 13004, in that order. As before, we move to the third phase with the highest floor from which the ball did not break in the second phase. For the purposes of our example, let’s assume that is floor 12004. We now need to search the interval [12014, 12334], since the ball broke at floor 13004. This corresponds to [97, 111] in decimal.
In phase 3, we drop the third ball from floor 12104—we increment the third digit of our representation from the floor we found in the second phase. Floor 12104 is followed by 12204 and 12304. Let’s assume the ball breaks when dropped from floor 12304. This means we move to the fourth phase with floor 12204. The range we are searching is [12214, 12234], corresponding to [105, 107] in decimal.
In our fourth and last phase, we drop the fourth ball from floors 12214, 12224, and 12234, incrementing the fourth digit in our representation. If the ball does not break, we report floor 12304. If the ball breaks when dropped from any of the floors (e.g., 12234), we report the floor that is one below (e.g., 12224).
What is the maximum number of drops we will make? In each phase, we drop the ball r − 1 times at most. Since there are at most d phases, the total number of drops is at most d × (r − 1). For our example of r = 4, d = 4, we will have at most 12 drops with four balls on n = 128 floors! In fact, we will have at most 12 drops even for n = 255.
We need an interactive program, implementing the algorithm above, that will help us determine exactly the floors from which to drop balls for arbitrary n and d, so we can efficiently determine the hardness coefficient of the given balls. This program will take as input n and d, and tell us from what floor to drop the first ball. Then, depending on the result—break or no break—that we give it, the program will either tell us a new floor to drop a (new) ball from, or tell us what the hardness coefficient is. The program terminates only when the hardness coefficient has been determined, and it should tell us how many drops were needed total.
Here’s the code for our program:
1. def howHardIsTheCrystal(n, d):
2. r = 1
3. while (r**d <= n):
4. r = r + 1
5. print('Radix chosen is', r)
6. numDrops = 0
7. floorNoBreak = [0] * d
8. for i in range(d):
9. for j in range(r-1):
10. floorNoBreak[i] += 1
11. Floor = convertToDecimal(r, d, floorNoBreak)
12. if Floor > n:
13. floorNoBreak[i] -= 1
14. break
15. print ('Drop ball', i+1, 'from Floor', Floor)
16. yes = input('Did the ball break (yes/no)?:')
17. numDrops += 1
18. if yes == 'yes':
19. floorNoBreak[i] -= 1
20. break
21. hardness = convertToDecimal(r, d, floorNoBreak)
22. return hardness, numDrops
Lines 2–5 determine the radix r that we need to use. We will use a list of numbers, each of which will vary from 0 to r-1 as our representation for the floor. Our d-digit list representation floorNoBreak has the most significant digit to the left, that is, index 0, and is initialized to all 0’s on line 7. Line 8 begins the outer for loop corresponding to the d phases, and line 9 begins the inner for loop corresponding to the drops of the chosen ball for the current phase.
We simply increment the appropriate digit in floorNoBreak corresponding to the phase we are in on line 10. Given that r**d can be significantly larger than n, we need to check that we don’t generate drops from floors larger than n—this is done in lines 11–14. If the increment results in a floor higher than n, we are done with this phase and we immediately move to the next phase. That is what the break statement on line 14 does; loop iterations end immediately, and the line immediately after the loop is executed. In this case it is line 8, since we are breaking out of the inner for loop. Note that each break statement breaks out of the innermost loop it is enclosed in; iterations in outer loops will continue. Line 11 invokes a simple function—which we will present later—to convert from radix r to decimal. If we are moving to the next phase, we need floorNoBreak to correspond to the highest floor from which an actual drop has not resulted in a break. This is why we decrement floorNoBreak on line 13 before breaking out of the inner for loop.
We tell the user to drop a particular ball from a particular floor and wait for the result to be input by the user (lines 15–16). If the ball does not break, we merely continue the loop. If the ball breaks, we need to set floorNoBreak to be the highest floor from which a drop has not resulted in a break, which requires a decrement, as described above. We move to the next phase by breaking out of the inner for loop (line 20).
Once we are done with all the phases, we have the hardness coefficient computed in floorNoBreak (line 21).
The function convertToDecimal shown below takes a base-r, d-digit list representation and returns the decimal equivalent.
1. def convertToDecimal(r, d, rep):
2. number = 0
3. for i in range(d-1):
4. number = (number + rep[i]) * r
5. number += rep[d-1]
6. return number
If we run the example we provided earlier:
howHardIsTheCrystal(128, 4)
we get the expected execution for the italicized yes/no user inputs below:
Radix chosen is 4
Drop ball 1 from Floor 64
Did the ball break (yes/no)?:no
Drop ball 1 from Floor 128
Did the ball break (yes/no)?:yes
Drop ball 2 from Floor 80
Did the ball break (yes/no)?:no
Drop ball 2 from Floor 96
Did the ball break (yes/no)?:no
Drop ball 2 from Floor 112
Did the ball break (yes/no)?:yes
Drop ball 3 from Floor 100
Did the ball break (yes/no)?:no
Drop ball 3 from Floor 104
Did the ball break (yes/no)?:no
Drop ball 3 from Floor 108
Did the ball break (yes/no)?:yes
Drop ball 4 from Floor 105
Did the ball break (yes/no)?:no
Drop ball 4 from Floor 106
Did the ball break (yes/no)?:no
Drop ball 4 from Floor 107
Did the ball break (yes/no)?:yes
The program returns a hardness coefficient of 106, and 11 drops.
Reducing the Number of Drops for Two Balls
Our algorithm drops balls from floors that are evenly distributed: k, 2k, 3k, and so on. Let’s look at what was lost because of this assumption. For n = 100, with two balls and a hardness coefficient of 65, our algorithm drops the first ball from floors 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, and 66. If the first ball breaks when dropped from floor 66, the algorithm drops the second ball from floor 56, then 57, all the way to floor 65. When the ball does not break at floor 65, it reports the hardness coefficient as 65. This requires 16 drops in total. If the hardness coefficient was 98, then our algorithm would require 19 drops in total.
The example above shows us that our coded algorithm does not perfectly match the strategy we derived for d = 2. The square root of 100 is 10, so why did the algorithm choose k = 11? If we had chosen the radix r to be 10, then with 2 digits we can only represent floors up to 99, not 100. Therefore, the algorithm chooses the radix to be 11.3
Neither 10 nor 11 correspond to an optimal strategy—the optimal strategy requires uneven distribution of floors from which balls are dropped. Distributing the floors carefully and unevenly can shrink the number of drops required to a maximum of 14 for a 100-floor building. Let’s say we want a maximum of k drops. For our first drop, if we drop the (first) ball from floor k, and it breaks, we require at most k − 1 drops of the second ball to find out from which floor the balls break. If the first ball does not break when dropped from floor k, we next drop this ball from floor k + (k − 1). Why? If the ball breaks, we require k − 2 drops to discover the lowest floor from which the ball breaks. This would be a total of k drops, 2 for the first ball and k − 2 for the second ball.
Going on like this, we can relate k to the number of floors in the building, n.
n ≤ k + (k − 1) + (k − 2) + (k − 3) + … + 2 + 1
This means that n ≤ k(k + 1)/2. For n = 100, k = 14. We should drop the balls from floors 14, 27, 39, 50, 60, 69, 77, 84, 90, 95, 99, and 100. For example, if the first ball breaks from floor 99 on the eleventh drop, we drop the second ball from floor 96, 97, and 98 in the worst case.
Exercise 1: If you run howHardIsTheCrystal(128, 6), you see:
Radix chosen is 3
Drop ball 2 from Floor 81
The first drop uses ball 2. What happened is that 26 < 128, so r = 3 is chosen. But not only is 36 > 128, so is 35 = 243. Our algorithm skips over the first ball, since the first digit in our representation is always 0. Fix the code so it removes unnecessary balls and informs the user about the number of balls it is actually using. Your modified program should always start with dropping ball 1 from some floor.
Exercise 2: Modify the code so it prints the number of balls that were broken.
Exercise 3: Modify the code to print out the interval of floors currently under consideration. Initially, the interval is [0, n]. This interval keeps shrinking as ball drop results are entered into the program. Your code should print the new interval each time the user enters a result. The hardness coefficient corresponds to the final interval with a size of one floor.