IN EARLY 2010, AMERICAN ARCHITECT BRYAN BERG COMPLETED what is still the world’s largest house of cards. Using more than four thousand decks, he constructed a towering replica of the Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel in China that stands over ten feet high and is thirty feet wide. Viewing this amazing structure, I immediately saw it as a kind of metaphor for the highly complex, interconnected world we live in today. A mouse scurrying about in the room or a sneeze by a visitor at the wrong moment, and the forty-four days Berg spent building his house of cards could be blown away in a second. So, too, with the ultrafragile infrastructures we depend on for everyday life.
The entire industrialized world relies on a continuing infusion of ever more advanced technology. Moreover, the systems that underwrite our lifestyle are completely intertwined: the Internet depends on the electrical power grid, which in turn relies on energy supply from oil, coal, and nuclear fission, which likewise rests on manufacturing technologies that themselves require electricity. And so it goes, one system piled upon another piled upon yet another, everything connected to everything else. Modern society is just like the cards in “Berg’s casino,” where each new card sits atop those below it. Such a setup is an open invitation to that mouse scurrying across the floor to nudge a low-level card and send the entire structure tumbling down.
Of course, the fragility of the construction is what gives a house of cards its cachet. This is great—for a parlor trick. But do we want to have our entire way of life rest upon a house of cards? Imagine New York or Paris or Moscow without electricity for an uncertain period of time. Or to take a longer-term view, what if we have no new technology for a decade? What happens then to our standard of living?
This is a great question. What does happen to our standard of living when the seductive music of technology stops? Even more interesting, what could stop the music? Like all fundamental questions, this one too has many surface answers. But all these replies rest upon a more foundational reason for why and how technology can stop. In these pages, I argue that the deep reason for how the music stops is that it’s the game changer, the extreme event, that pulls the plug. And these high-surprise, high-impact “X-events” that unravel systems are themselves driven by the ever-increasing complexity of technological and other human-created infrastructures, the very infrastructures that sustain what might euphemistically be termed “normal” life. Part of the story I tell here is to graphically point out that this so-called normalcy has been acquired at the huge cost of high vulnerability to collapse at the hands of an increasingly broad spectrum of X-events. Moreover, every one of these possible game changers has the same root cause: far too little understanding of the wondrous and counterintuitive ways of complex systems.
I’ve spent most of my professional life exploring complexity while working at organizations like the RAND Corporation, Santa Fe Institute, and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). When I got my Ph.D. in mathematics in the 1970s and began investigating complex systems, the world was a very different place. Phones had rotary dials, computers cost millions of dollars, half the world was closed to free trade and travel, and you could actually fix your old Chevy or VW without a degree in electrical engineering. Indeed, you don’t have to be a system theorist to see that our lives and societies have become ever more dependent on ever more opaque technology. A large part of this dependence rests on the increased complexity of the technologies themselves. As each year goes by, the complexity of our devices and infrastructures ranging from automobiles to finance to power grids to food-supply chains grows exponentially. A part of this increase is intended to buy a level of robustness and protection against system failure, but usually just in the face of minor, fairly predictable types of shocks. But most of it doesn’t. Do you really need an espresso machine with a microprocessor? Must we have seventeen varieties of dog food on offer at the supermarket? Is it necessary to make cars requiring an inches-thick owner’s manual to explain how the power seats, the GPS system, and other gadgetry built in to the car function?
These little examples of everyday complexity increase are often packaged as technological success stories. But are they really? There’s a strong case to be made that they are in fact technological failures, not successes at all, when you add up the time spent analyzing the ingredients of the dog food on offer before making a choice that’s more illusory than real or factor in the frustration you experience thumbing through that owner’s manual looking for that key page telling you how to set the clock on your new car. But unwanted/unneeded features in your new car or distinctions without a difference at the food store are just minor, laughable even, annoyances. (Un)luckily, you don’t have to go far to get to cases of complexity overflow that do matter. In fact, the front page of any day’s newspaper is quite far enough. Here you’ll find headlines telling about the latest installment in the ongoing saga of the teetering global financial system, the failure of safety mechanisms in nuclear power plants, and/or the collapse of trade and tariff talks aimed at restarting the process of globalization. These stories would be enough to give anyone the creeps. Even scarier, though, is that what’s been publicly reported is far from an exhaustive list, as the pages of this book will attest.
Complexity science as a recognizable discipline has been with us for at least two decades, so what’s the urgency in bringing this message about complexity and extreme events to the public’s attention now? The reason is very simple. Never before in the history of humankind has our species been so vulnerable to a gigantic, almost unbelievable, “downsizing” in our way of life than it is today. The infrastructures required to maintain a postindustrial lifestyle—power, water, food, communication, transportation, health care, defense, finance—are so tightly intertwined that when one system sneezes, the others can quickly get pneumonia. This book outlines the dimensions of the problem(s) we face today, how they arise, and what we can possibly do to reduce the risk of a total system meltdown, where in this case human civilization itself is “the system.”
AS A FILLER OF TIME BETWEEN BIRTH AND DEATH, LIFE FOR AN INDIVIDUAL, a nation, or even a civilization boils down to a long chain of events. To paraphrase a well-known saying, it’s just one damned event after another. Most of these events are inconsequential. You order a steak at the restaurant instead of lobster; that’s an event for you and for the chef, who has to prepare the meal. The City of Vienna decides that road traffic will be banned on Graben; that’s an event that has long-lasting effects on those of us who live in the First District of Vienna and for tourists, but for almost no one else. The decision of the American government to invade Iraq is an event of major impact on the entire world for decades, maybe longer. Most such events, regardless of the level and magnitude of their impact, are rare in the sense that our expectation of seeing exactly that occurrence—and not something else—prior to its actually taking place, is small, negligible actually. But they are not in any way extreme. If it’s X-events you’re after, then it’s the degree to which the event’s occurrence is surprising within the context in which it takes place, together with its impact on society as a whole, that matters.
Let’s take a moment to deconstruct these two defining aspects of an X-event, starting with the fact that it is by definition an outlier occurrence.
WHEN THE WEATHERMAN SAYS THAT THE CHANCE OF RAIN TOMORROW is 60 percent, he means that the meteorological model he’s using predicts that the projected temperature, wind velocities, and the like for tomorrow have in the past led to rainfall 60 percent of the time. So the weatherman is statistically processing the historical record of meteorological quantities, looking for the fraction of the time that rain ultimately came pouring down.
The idea of statistically processing past historical data underlies not only weather forecasting, but a large number of prediction methods and techniques for other phenomena as well. But—and it is a big “but”—the historical record must be rich enough and broad enough to encompass the event whose likelihood we’re trying to estimate. What if it isn’t? What if the historical record is too short, too thinly populated, or simply does not contain something even remotely similar to our target event? What happens then? How can we get a handle on the chances of our specific case turning up? This is the domain where “rare,” “improbable,” and “unlikely” morphs into “surprising.” And the more surprising, the greater the extremity—and potential “X-ness”—of what actually takes place. Here’s an excellent example of how to address the issue of the surprise value of an event when the database of possibilities is too small to encompass the behavior in question.
EVERY SPORT HAS ITS DEFINING MYTHIC ACHIEVEMENTS, A PERFORMANCE that by common consensus will remain in the record books until they crumble to dust. For American baseball, one such legendary event is the fifty-six-game hitting streak set by Joe DiMaggio during the 1941 season. Folk wisdom has it that this streak of fifty-six consecutive games with at least one hit was essentially impossible. The same goes for its chance of being broken, as it routinely appears on lists of “unbreakable” or “untouchable” records. But the streak did happen. So how likely was it, really? Was it the once in the lifetime of the universe fluke that most baseball aficionados believe? Or on a second Earth on the other side of the galaxy could it have happened many times over the last seventy years?
A while back, Cornell researchers Samuel Arbesman and Stephen Strogatz decided to tackle this question. To do so, they envisioned ten thousand parallel Earths, all with the same players having the same statistical performance records—but subject to different whims of chance in each Earth. In essence, what they did was replay each and every one of the seasons from 1871 to 2005 ten thousand times, looking for the longest hitting streak in each of those seasons. Instead of asking how rare DiMaggio’s particular hitting streak was, the Cornell investigators asked a vastly more general and interesting question: How surprising would it be for anyone in the history of baseball (up to 2005) to have had a hitting streak of at least fifty-six games? Answer: Not very surprising, at all!
In the ten thousand parallel seasons, the longest hitting streaks ran from a modest 39 games to an astonishing (and definitely rare!) 109 games. More than two-thirds of the time the longest hitting streak was between fifty and sixty-four games. In short, there was nothing very extreme about a fifty-six-game streak. In an odd numerical coincidence, DiMaggio ranked only as number fifty-six on the list of the most likely player to hold the record for the longest streak in baseball history. Who’s the most likely? For baseball fans only, the winners in this derby are two old-timers, Hugh Duffy and Wee Willie Keeler, who between them set the record in more than one thousand of the simulated seasons. For more-or-less modern players, the winner was Ty Cobb, who had the longest hitting streak in nearly three hundred of the ten thousand seasons.
What matters for us in this book is that an event that seems so rare as to be accorded the label “mythical” may in fact be quite humdrum—in another universe from ours! The problem is that our “single-Earth” database may be just too small to be able to say how rare something really is. So what is and isn’t an X-event is a relative, not an absolute, property of any particular event, and its rarity depends on the context. Just because you and your golfing buddies think it’s rare doesn’t necessarily make it so.
But even being highly unlikely and surprising isn’t quite enough to catapult an event into the category of X-events. For that we need a second ingredient: impact!
It’s no exaggeration, I think, to say that memorable events, those that matter, are the ones that in some way change a person’s—or a nation’s—destiny. This change may be for better or for worse. But game-changer events are, by definition, those that have an impact. Using our weather example, rain tomorrow has little memorable impact for individuals unless they happened to be planning an outdoor wedding or are a farmer worrying about irrigation of his fields. But if the weather turns out to be a tornado, then your life might well be changed as your house is reduced to matchsticks in a minute. In such a case, the surprising event has serious impact—and not for the better. It’s fair then to call the tornado an X-event, at least for those affected by it. At a broader level, Hurricane Katrina was both surprising and of huge impact over an area much larger than that of a tornado, and thus is an even bigger X-event. It’s not hard to extend this formula of surprise plus impact into the domain of events generated by humans: the 9/11 attacks, the mortgage crisis in 2007–2008, and the 2003 East Coast power failure each may be considered X-events.
WHY IS IT WHEN THE TERM “EXTREME EVENT” IS MENTIONED WE almost always think of it as characterizing something that is threatening or destructive? Insight into this question comes from looking just a bit harder at three descriptive properties of an X-event.
The common features characterizing all events are an unfolding time for the event from its beginning to end, an impact time during which the cost or benefit of the event is experienced by some individual or group, and the total impact measuring the overall magnitude of the event, usually denominated in dollars or lives lost. (For those readers of an analytical turn of mind, I’ve included in the book’s Notes and References section a single formula allowing us to measure the “X-ness” of an event on a scale ranging from 0 [not an X-event at all] to 1 [the most extreme of all possible events]. I’ve tried to confine much of the technical details to the notes, but I encourage the strong of heart to explore them.)
When thinking of the term “event,” we generally conceive of it as an occurrence of something having a rather short unfolding time, say an auto accident or winning the lottery. This is probably because we tend to have fairly short attention spans ourselves—a feature that’s being exacerbated daily as advances in telecommunication and rapid long-distance travel come online. An event occurring quickly (short unfolding time) that generates a big impact having lasting effects (long impact time) is an event that’s surprising, difficult to prepare for, and nasty. The March 2011 Japanese earthquake and its attendant tsunami and nuclear power plant meltdown illustrates this sort of X-event. The second law of thermodynamics, which says that unattended systems tend to a state of maximum disorder, tells us that it’s always a lot easier and quicker to destroy something than it is to build it. So events with a short unfolding time and large impact, at least at the level of nations and societies, are almost always necessarily destructive.
You might wonder whether there could be “nice” X-events? Yes, there definitely can be! But dilettantes and get-rich-quick schemers take note: such benevolent X-events almost always involve a rather long unfolding time. Think of things like the Marshall Plan that helped West Germany rise from the ashes after World War II or on an even longer timescale, the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals that enabled modern civilizations to develop. Likewise, a breakthrough drug or medical procedure might be the product of years of research, and cultural achievements like a revolutionary novel or artwork are similarly the products of long periods of trial and error. These sorts of scenarios take years, decades, or even centuries to unfold and involve the building up or development of infrastructures, such as a business, a nation, or a technological innovation. So if the examples in the pages to follow seem unrelentingly downbeat, the reader should keep in mind that positive X-events can and do occur—just not in this book! Nice surprises are always welcome. But they are seldom threatening. And it’s the threats to our modern way of life we want to focus on here.
Now we have an idea of what constitutes an X-event. Although definitions, even loose ones, are useful, what we really want to know is how such surprises come about and what we can do to either prevent them, or at least prepare for and mitigate their adverse consequences.
IN RECENT YEARS, WE’VE SEEN LONG-STANDING REGIMES IN TUNISIA, Libya, and Egypt sent packing almost overnight, with Bahrain, Yemen, and Syria all now being torched by the very same revolutionary flames as rebels battle entrenched governments in an attempt to overturn decades of oppression. On the surface, these types of civil disturbances give the appearance of arising from public discontent with governments over high unemployment, rising food prices, lack of housing, and other such necessities of everyday life. But such explanations are facile, failing to address the root cause of the societal collapse. A civil disturbance is not a game changer by itself but simply a precursor, or early-warning signal, for the coming X-event of regime change. The real source of the X-event that moves regimes sits much deeper in the social system. It is a widening “complexity gap” between a government and its citizens, with revolution breaking out when that gap can no longer be bridged. Think of a rigid authoritarian government confronted with a populace that has awakened to new freedoms through their contact with the outside world and that is coordinated by diverse social-networking platforms. The gap between the complexity of the control system (here the government) and the increased complexity of the controlled system (the population) has to be bridged. One path is for the government to repress the population—imprison leaders, send soldiers to disperse crowds of protesters, and use other measures to tamp down the situation. Alternatively, the government’s complexity must be increased so as to speed up the holding of freer elections, quickly remove restrictions on an open media, and open possibilities for upward mobility of the population.
This notion that an X-event is human nature’s way of bridging a chasm in complexity between two (or more) systems is the leitmotif running throughout the human-caused X-events I examine in this book. An X-event is the vehicle by which a disparate level of complexity between two (or more) systems in competition or even cooperation is narrowed. In particular, it is the default path when humans themselves fail to voluntarily narrow a widening gap. Let me just give a flavor of how this principle plays out by quickly recalling a couple of recent X-events where this mismatch is especially apparent.
Egypt had a state-controlled economy that was wildly mismanaged for decades. Even the noticeable improvement in the past few years is a case of too little, too late. Moreover, the country was (and still is) monumentally corrupt, as crony capitalism runs rampant throughout the entire social structure. Such a system of corruption relies upon bribes to officials to get contracts, obtain jobs, or to find adequate housing. Amusingly (and tellingly), the impotence drug Viagra was reportedly kept off the market because its manufacturer, Pfizer, failed to pay a large enough bribe to the Egyptian minister of health for its approval.
This type of parasitic mismanagement and corruption worked to freeze in place an already low-complexity government, one that had very few degrees of freedom in either its structure or means to deal with social problems as they arose. But as long as the Egyptian population had even more limited ways to express their dissatisfaction with a lack of proper housing, rising food prices, minimal health care, and the like, the government had no motivation to create the framework(s) necessary to provide these services. Of course, there was a ministry charged with health care, for example. But it served mainly as a sinecure for career bureaucrats and cronies of those in power, and it provided health care only as a kind of spare-time “optional extra.” Who would expect this to ever change as long as the spectrum of actions available to the citizenry was kept at a low level (low complexity) much lower than that of the government itself? But times change. And when modern technologies like instant global communication, widespread higher education, and rapid transportation started making their way into the Arab world, citizens quickly became empowered. At this point, the handwriting was on the wall (more to the point, Facebook walls) for entrenched regimes throughout the region.
Modern communication and social-networking services like Google, Twitter, and Facebook serve to dramatically increase social complexity—but now it’s the complexity of the population at large that’s enhanced, not that of the government. This fact is why such services are routinely restricted or even shut down when governments are under attack, as when the Egyptian government totally closed the Internet for a few days, since these services allow more voices to be heard and more highly connected social networks to be formed. At some point, the gap between the stagnant level of government complexity and the growing level of complexity of the general public becomes too great to be sustained. Result? Regime change in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, along with the likely downfall of the Assad dynasty in Syria and/or the monarchy in Bahrain.
A complex system theorist recognizes immediately that the principle at work here is what’s called the law of requisite complexity. This “law” states that in order to fully regulate/control a system, the complexity of the controller has to be at least as great as the complexity of the system that’s being controlled. To put it in even simpler terms, only complexity can destroy complexity. An obvious corollary is that if the gap is too large, you’re going to have trouble. And in the world of politics, “trouble” is often spelled “r-e-v-o-l-u-t-i-o-n.”
Examples of such mismatches abound. Take the Roman Empire, in which the ruling classes used political and military power to control the lower classes and to conquer neighbors in order to extract tax revenues. Ultimately, the entire resources of the society were being consumed simply to maintain an ever-growing, far-flung empire that had grown too complex to be sustained. The ancient Mayan civilization is another good case in point, as is the former Soviet Union. Some scholars, including historian Paul Kennedy, have argued that the American empire, which spends over $23 billion a year on foreign aid and consumes far more than it exports, is in the process of coming undone for much the same reason.
This type of mismatch is not confined just to complexity gaps in political and governmental domains either, as evidenced by the disruption of everyday life in Japan arising out of the radiation spewing forth from the Fukushima Daiichi reactors damaged by the March 2011 earthquake. The ultimate cause of this social discontent is a “design basis accident,” in which the tsunami created by the earthquake overflowed the retaining walls designed to keep seawater out of the reactor. The overflow damaged backup electrical generators intended to supply emergency power for pumping water to cool the reactors’ nuclear fuel rods. This is a twofold problem: First, the designers planned the height of the walls for a magnitude 8.3 quake, the largest that Japan had previously experienced, not considering that a quake might someday exceed that level. What’s even worse, the generators were located on low ground where any overflow would short them out. And not only this. Some reports claimed that the quake itself actually lowered ground level by two feet, further exacerbating the problem. So everything ultimately hinged on the retaining walls doing their job—which they didn’t! This is a case of too little complexity in the control system (the combination of the height of the wall and the generator location) being overwhelmed by too much complexity in the system to be controlled (the magnitude of the earthquake and its consequent tsunami).
Right about now, a conventional risk analyst at an insurance company or a bank might be asking, What’s new here? If we want to assess the risk of particular event Y taking place, we calculate the probability that Y happens, evaluate the damage done if Y does indeed occur, and multiply these two numbers together. That calculation tells us the expected damage if Y happens. And that is the risk. No muss, no fuss. So what am I suggesting here that differs in any important way from this? For those readers who skipped over the last several pages of this introduction, let me summarize why this question from the conventional risk analyst is the right question to ask—for “normal” events. But it’s far less than the right question, a dangerous one even, to ask and assume the answer is nothing when we start talking about extreme events. Here’s why.
First, the very rarity of an X-event means that we do not have a database of past actions and behaviors sufficiently rich to actually calculate a meaningful probability for the event Y to actually take place. While probability theorists and statisticians have developed an ingenious array of tools ranging from subjective probability theory to Bayesian analysis to extreme-event statistics to try to circumvent this obstacle, the fact remains that nailing down a probability you can believe in for a rare event to occur is just not possible. If it were, we would not have experienced things like the Great Recession of 2007–2008, the 2003 East Coast power failure, and the damage to New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina. And people would not be wondering when the next game-changing shock is going to come jumping out of the closet and kick us in the you-know-where. So when it comes to X-events, we need to invent/discover ways to measure risk that capture what we mean when we say that this shock is more likely to take place here and now than it was previously. My take on this problem is to advance the idea that the magnitude of the complexity mismatch between interacting human infrastructure systems serves as just such a measure.
The second ingredient involved in a conventional risk analysis of normal happenings is the damage the event inflicts on society, should it take place. The only difficulty is that if it’s a shock that’s never happened before, then assessing actual damage will be highly problematic. To make such an evaluation, we generally need to compare a given hypothetical scenario with similar comparable events from the past. But how could this process work if there is no historical record to draw upon? As shown throughout the course of this book, when the real world doesn’t supply the necessary data, we must often build a surrogate world in our computers to obtain that data, much as Arbesman and Strogatz did to study the case of Joe DiMaggio’s “unbreakable” hitting streak in baseball. This, again, is an approach very different from what’s employed to study normal events.
In summary, there are two very different regimes here. There’s the normal regime, consisting of events that have taken place many times in the past and for which there is good data available upon which to base our tools for generating probabilities and possible damages. Then there is the X-events regime for which those tools simply do not work. This book offers a perspective for creating a framework to systematically study the X-events regime, a framework that complements what’s used to calculate risk in the normal regime. I present this line of argument both by precept and by example over the next couple of hundred pages, leaving the technical details for a research program to be carried out in the years to come.
With matters of complexity gaps and their consequent X-events now in hand, let me turn to a very brief overview of the three parts constituting this book.
THE OPENING SENTENCE IN JULIUS CAESAR’S DE BELLO GALLICO states, “All Gaul is divided into three parts.” So too this book. Part I explores the relationship between complexity and X-events, in which the scaffolding I’ve set up in the preceding pages is developed much further. Here I separate those nasty surprises thrown our way by nature from those generated by human inattention, inaction, misunderstanding, stupidity, or just plain malevolent intent.
The main course, Part II, is served in eleven bite-size chunks, each of which tells the story of a possible X-event and its impact on our everyday lives, should it actually take place. I’ve chosen these examples to cover as broad a range of human activity as possible, while trying to avoid retracing territory that’s already been well chronicled in recent years by the X-event du jour, such as the global financial collapse of 2007–2008 or the 2011 Japanese nuclear reactor crisis. So the elements in Part II range from a collapse of the world food-supply system to a full-scale meltdown of the Internet and from there to a global pandemic and even the disappearance of globalization. For the most part, these stories can be read in any order as the reader’s tastes and interests dictate. Taken together, though, they paint a picture of just how varied and serious is the threat of an X-event to the sustainability of our accustomed style of life.
The finale, Part III, brings the theoretical questions and problems of Part I together with the graphic examples of Part II, in order to come to grips with the central question of how to anticipate X-events and even manage them—sometimes. More specifically, I examine the degree to which we can sharpen the focus in both time and space for when a potential game changer of a certain type is entering into the danger zone of actual realization. I also investigate the types of “weak” signals that serve as tip-offs to such an impending shock, along with methods for ferreting out these signals from the avalanche of noise that passes for information on a daily basis. The book concludes with some precautionary advice as to how societies might better prepare for X-events through the creation of more resilient social systems and less fragile infrastructures.