

Title Page


Author’s Note

Preamble: Putting the “X” into X-Events

Part I: Why Normal Isn’t So “Normal” Anymore

Part II: Getting Down to Cases

X-Event 1: Digital Darkness: A Long-Term, Widespread Failure of the Internet

X-Event 2: When Do We Eat?: Breakdown of the Global Food-Supply System

X-Event 3: The Day the Electronics Died: A Continent-Wide Electromagnetic Pulse Destroys All Electronics

X-Event 4: A New World Disorder: The Collapse of Globalization

X-Event 5: Death by Physics: Destruction of the Earth Through the Creation of Exotic Particles

X-Event 6: Blown Away: Destabilization of the Nuclear Landscape

X-Event 7: Running on Empty: Drying Up of World Oil Supplies

X-Event 8: I’m Sick of It: A Global Pandemic

X-Event 9: Dark and Dry: Failure of the Electric Power Grid and Clean Water Supply

X-Event 10: Technology Run Amok: Intelligent Robots Overthrow Humanity

X-Event 11: The Great Unwinding: Global Deflation and the Collapse of World Financial Markets

Part III: X-Events Redux

Notes and References

Searchable Terms

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