The Art of Showing Up wouldn’t exist without Terri Pous, Gyan Yankovich, and Anna Borges, who were my coauthors of the BuzzFeed post “A More Or Less Definitive Guide To Showing Up For Friends,” which inspired this book. Thank you for your insights and your generosity. It also wouldn’t exist without my excellent editor, Batya Rosenblum, who didn’t flinch when I turned in a first draft that was approximately twice as long as the book you just read.
I’d like to thank two of my best friends and best editors, Sally Tamarkin and Alanna Okun. Sally was the first editor of “How to Tell People You’re Going Through a Tough Time,” “Canceling Plans,” and “How to Say No to an Invite when Your Reason Is ‘I Just Don’t Want To,’” which first appeared in my column at SELF, and was generous enough to read my manuscript in progress and give her feedback. Alanna edited the longer version of the Old Navy pajama story that was originally published as part of Vox’s “The Best Money I Ever Spent” series. There are few moments more vulnerable for writers than letting someone else read the first draft of something you’ve written that you care deeply about, and I feel so grateful that these two, along with Batya, were the ones in my Google Docs.
I’m so grateful for my dear friends/colleagues Tom, Mackenzie, Anjali, Kayla, Devin, Julia L., Julia F., Rachel C., Augusta, Lauren, Cara, Jordan, Terri, Gyan, Alanna, and Sally, who have showed up for me in ways big and small over the years, and who cheered me on as I worked on this book. Thank you to my mom, the most generous person I know, and the person who taught me to show up at a very young age. And my whole heart to my girlfriend, my favorite person in the world. I could not have done this without you.